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Parish Administrators Connect

Parish Administrators Connect

Karen Warren, Administrative Assistant to the Canon to the Ordinary

Since late 2020, a small group of our parish administrators has been meeting together approximately every six to eight weeks. The communications platform Zoom has made this possible. I recall that several years ago the diocese gathered our parish secretaries together occasionally for a more formal meeting. This included lunch and was hosted by a parish. These meetings gathered a larger group together, but also took up much of the day. Perhaps in the future we could do this again occasionally. Our current Zoom meetings offer a less formal environment and afford more opportunities for discussion with each other. The admins are encouraged to connect with each other in-between gatherings.

These Zoom get-togethers are open to all parish administrators. The group consists of admins who are brand new in their position, as well as others with many years experience. This range of experience levels is helpful as they share their collective knowledge and varied skills. Supporting one another is encouraged. When polled, Mondays or Tuesdays seemed to work best as a time to gather but individual workloads determine whether they can join at any given time.

Our “agenda” is loosely structured and includes brief devotions, introductions, and checking in, followed by informal discussion on topics of their choosing, or one of my favorite topics—that of wellness amidst the chaos! As this group was begun during the height of COVID-19, our topics have included managing stress, working in isolation, coping strategies, losses during the pandemic, what works and what doesn’t, and the “new normal” for these times.

More recent topics have included asking for assistance when overloaded (i.e. volunteers); organizational skills; programs other than Microsoft Word for creating bulletins; letters of transfer; parochial reports; digital programs replacing parish registers; transitions within the parish and within life; defining the role of a new admin; flexibility; effective communication; and maintaining healthy boundaries—for yourself and for others.

If you are interested in joining our next gathering please email me at kwarren@diocesewma.org.