2 minute read

A Highway with Off Ramps

A Highway with Off Ramps

from www.lovingthequestions.org

We like to think of our approach to holding community as one of a highway with off ramps.

Our main highway consists of our 14 "Core Meetings," which is dedicated to small group direction and discernment.

One off ramp on offer is a Holy Orders and/or Lay Ministry exploration. This consists of an optional four sessions that allow participants to begin to explore ministry possibilities that align with your unique gifts.

Other off ramps are optional offerings in the form of short workshops aimed at supporting participants spiritual journeys. These include such areas as developing a rule of life, life coaching, spiritual direction etc.

Lastly, for those who wish to formally pursue holy orders in the Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts, we have posted the meeting schedule for what is called Communities of Discernment (these five meetings run from March to July after Loving the Questions is concluded.) ♦

Loving the Questions 2023-24 will be held virtually via Zoom and will run from September through March.

Each year brings a new group of participants with their own unique desires, needs and questions. A core guiding spiritual principle is that none of us know exactly where the Spirit is leading, participants or facilitators. Thus, we are on a path of discovery together, and much of how we engage and what we include is up to what the Spirit reveals along the way.

Find out more at www.lovingthequestions.org