Eperfa - Farigo Limited Edition 2016

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ToysaboutHungar y .I nspi r edbyt hehi l l sandt hel akeBal at on.

Wear et hr eehungar i angi r l s . Wemak et oy saboutt wopl ac esofHungar ywhi c har ef ul l oft al es :t hehi l l sar ound Budapes tandaboutLak eBal at on,t hel ar ges tl ak eofourc ount r y .Wek nowandl ov e t hef aunaandf l or aoft hes et wopl ac es . Wemak et oy saboutt heenor moust r eeswi t hbi r dsi nt hes hadyf or es tt hehous es andt heChi l dr en’ sRai l way .Aboutt hes c entoft hes ummer ,aboutt hef er r i esi n . Lak eBal at on,aboutt hes un,t heheat ,t hes mel l oft hewat er Wemak et oy saboutwhatmeanss t or yi ni t s el ft ous ,ast hes er ec al l ourc hi l dhood memor i esandwer et el l t hem nowt oourownc hi l dr en.

2016 Li mi t ededi t i onwi t hFARI GO

I ti sgoi ngt obe2year ssoonsi nceEper f ahavebeent el l i ngst or i esabout t hemount ai nsar oundLakeBal at on,t hewhi t ehouseshi di ngamongstt hehi l l s, andaboutt heani mal sandt r eesoft hef or est snearBudapest . I ti sgoi ngt obe2year ssoonsi ncewehavehadt heoppor t uni t yt omeet andwor kwi t hsuchpeopl et oget herf r om whom wecanl ear nnotonl yt hei rl ove t owar dst hei rpr of essi onbutal sot hegent l eshadesofr espectt heyshowt owar ds humani t yandnat ur e. Forus,t hesest or i eshavebecomet r ul ycompl et et oget herwi t ht hesepeopl e, asEper f awoul dnothavebeenbor nwi t houtt hem. Fort hi soccasi on,wei nt endt oi nt r oducet hem v i aal i mi t edser i esofcol l ect i on wecr eat edt oget herusi ngt heexi st i ngEper f adesi gn.

Phot o:Ă dĂĄm Ver es

Kál mánI ncze,cr eat orof“ Far i gó”bi r ds. Hei soneoft hosepeopl ef orwhom t heEper f aani mal sandt r eesowet hankst o, whocanspeakt hel anguageofnotonl yt heani mal sbutt het r ees,t oo. Dur i ngt heseasonofchoppi ngt hegr eent wi gsi nSpr i ngandt hi nni ngt hef or est s, hewander st hr ought hewoodst osel ectt hosespeci alandsomet i mes100year ol d t r unksandst i ckst hatar enor mal l ydet er mi nedt obewoodf ort hef i r epl ace; butl ooki ngt hr ought hei rsoul shecanf i ndt hatspeci alval ue t hatmakest hem wor t hf orsavi ng.

Phot o:ร dรกm Ver es

Hedoesnott aket hosesel ect edandst i l lwetwoodhome, buthewoul dshapet hem onal egpower edt ur ni ngl at hesetupi nt hef or est , sot hatt hewoodwoul dber ebor nwher ei twasor i gi nal l ybor nawhi l eago. Li f edoesnotl eavet hewood,onl yi t sf i gur ewoul dchange. Manual l yt ur ned,t r i mmedandpol i shedher ons,pewi t s,t eal s,egr et s ,sni pes andt hei rf r i endscomet ol i f ef r om t hecol l ect edbi t sofwood.

Phot o:Mur i elPaul i nyi

Phot o:ร dรกm Ver es

Theever ydayl i f eoft hewat erbi r dsi sar omant i cst or yf ul lofsecr et s. Weof t enheart hei rcal l i ngvoi cesi nt her eedsbutcanonl yr ar el yobser ve t hei runi quef i gur e,t hesof t nessoft hei rf eat her . Ther ef or et hi scol l ect i oni nt r oduces7beaut i f ulbutl essknownspeci es ofLakeBal at on' sbi r dwor l d. TheHungar i anOr ni t hol ogi cal Associ at i on,knowi ngbi r dsbest , hel pedusagai nchoosi ngt hem.

Phot o:ร dรกm Ver es

Phot o:ร dรกm Ver es

2016 Li mi t ededi t i onwi t hFARI GO

www. dombonat anya. hu/ eper f a

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