Construction Engineering Australia V2.06 - Dec 2016

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Cover Feature: City of Gold Coast

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CIRCULATION 15105 Registered by Australia Post Publication No. 100001889

ISSN 2204-7247

DECEMBER 2016 Volume 2 Number 6

Coatings Project Brief


20 OH&S Focus 24 Formwork Feature 30 Product Focus: Aussie Pumps


32 ACA Corrosion Feature 34 IPWEA NSW News 37 Concrete Institute News 46 National Precast Feature


About the Cover With the Gold Coast’s population expected to double by 2050, and a growing number of tourists visiting every year, the City of Gold Coast has identified transport infrastructure upgrades as a priority to develop the thriving destination. Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate is delivering $90 million worth of road and transport upgrades this financial year to connect the city via light rail, better roads, more cycle ways and seamless public transport. Turn to Page 8 for the full story.


Tagged and Trashed...

How much are we going to spend before we clamp down on vandalism? Dear Readers, Considering the amount of time and resources that have been invested in graffiti prevention programs over recent years, I must admit to being more than just a little disappointed that graffiti vandalism is still so rampant throughout Australia. Before I continue, I would like to clarify that I do understand the difference between graffiti vandalism and ‘street art’. Indeed, many inner-city laneways (in Melbourne in particular) are adorned with ‘legally applied’ street art which is quite magnificent. When I refer to ‘graffiti vandalism’, I am referring to is illegally applied graffiti, particularly the mindless application of tags to practically any and/or every available surface – a crass and destructive act of vandalism by any measure. One only has to look to any newly completed major infrastructure project (for those of you who are familiar with Melbourne, the newly upgraded Metropolitan Ring Road provides the ideal example) to see the speed and extent to which almost every available surface is covered with tags or randomly vandalised in some other manner. Despite this, there are still some ‘cultural and social experts’ that will publicly espouse the value of self-expression gained through graffiti or (my personal favourite) the ‘valuable cultural capital’ that our cities could gain when graffiti gangs post photos of illegal graffiti activities and results on underground Internet sites. Regardless of the fact that I couldn’t disagree more with 2

Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016

these types of comments, I believe that the biggest issue is that any type of positive public commentary about graffiti vandalism can appear as ‘tacit approval’ for vandalism in all its forms. Graffiti continues to be one of the most expensive and time-consuming public maintenance issues facing councils, householders, government authorities and private sector companies today. To suggest that we should somehow turn a ‘blind eye’ to graffiti vandalism is, I believe, both totally misguided and highly irresponsible. Even though a number of Australian councils have had significant success in reducing the incidence of graffiti (generally through costly, on-going programs of rapid removal and repair), it’s a sad fact that even for these councils, removing graffiti and repairing graffitirelated damage continues to be a day-today battle. Unfortunately, while we may have come a long way in some areas of graffiti management, I believe that one of the main reasons that we continue to suffer at the hands of graffiti vandals is that we, as a society, have failed to address some of the core issues surrounding graffiti. In addition to problems caused by easy access to spray paints, large format permanent markers, and other graffiti ‘tools of choice’, we are yet to attach any real penalties to graffiti vandalism. As such, I believe that graffiti vandalism continues to be viewed by many of the perpetrators as a simple case of ‘No Consequence - No Regrets’.

Furthermore, the sort of ‘mixed messages’ that are still being sent about graffiti - both in relation to the cost and seriousness of the problem, and in terms of trying to attach artistic and/or cultural ‘value’ to graffiti - only serve to confuse the issue. If you’ll excuse the pun, painting graffiti in a favourable light - for whatever reason - only runs a risk of encouraging more graffiti. This doesn’t mean that we should throw our hands up in despair believing nothing can be done or, worse still, take an apologist view and start making excuses for graffiti - quite the contrary. I believe that the best way to address the problem is to remove that prestige. Rather than allowing graffiti vandals to view their individual ‘tags’ as something to be proud of, a ‘zero tolerance’ approach will see their tags become nothing more than a handy method of identifying and prosecuting repeat offenders. Granted, widespread media campaigns and major policing operations carry a significant cost; however, when one considers the time, cost and resources currently allocated to removing graffiti and repairing the associated damage, the cost benefits of a ‘zero tolerance’ approach are easy to envisage.

Anthony T Schmidt Managing Editor

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DEVONPORT LIVING CITY PROJECT UNDERWAY The Devonport Living City Project is an extremely exciting concept that will drive jobs, growth and confidence in North-West Tasmania. The Tasmanian State Government recently welcomed the first milestone concrete pour which will pave the way for more than $250 million worth of construction work, create more than 600 jobs in the construction phase and support more than 830 ongoing direct jobs once the project is complete. Recent development announcements are clearly demonstrating a renewed confidence in Devonport and the region which will only add to the momentum generated by this bold vision of the Devonport City Council. The project has been facilitated by the Government’s Office of the CoordinatorGeneral and the funding package includes the purchase of strata title for $11 million in

Artist's impression courtesy Devonport City Council

the new facility for the LINC and Service Tasmania along with land, and marks a very significant opportunity for the revitalisation of the greater Devonport region. The land transfer is of the existing LINC site on Oldaker Street, valued at $1 million, which will make way for the planned retail development. Designs for the new LINC and Service Tasmania will provide for fresh new contemporary facilities for the community to enjoy and engage with both learning and Government services. They will be housed on the first and second floors of the new multipurpose building which will also include

the council, a conference centre and community space. "Through the Office of the CoordinatorGeneral we are continuing to work closely with Council to fulfil our election commitment to progress the transfer of the two Government-owned sites, the Magistrates Court and LINC, to consolidate land for retail development in the CBD," Deputy Premier, Jeremy Rockliff, said. "Our long-term plan for Tasmania is focused on pursuing investment opportunities and creating jobs, and our contribution to the Living City Master Plan is a demonstration of this commitment and part of our $60 million Northern Cities Project.

BLUEPRINT FOR PARRAMATTA ROAD The NSW Government has released the blueprint for transforming Parramatta Road into a vibrant urban corridor, along with $198 million to kick-start the corridor rejuvenation. Parramatta Road will become Sydney’s new boom corridor under an urban transformation strategy featuring 27,000 additional homes, impressive community facilities and green spaces. The Parramatta Road Corridor Urban Transformation Strategy is the final plan to breathe new life in the corridor from Granville to Camperdown. Devised by UrbanGrowth NSW in collaboration with state agencies and councils along the corridor, the 30-year transformation strategy: • enables another 56,000 people to live in 27,000 new homes. The homes will come in a range of housing types, sizes and prices to cater for families, students and older people. • unlocks $31 billion worth of development in the eight precincts along the 20km corridor. The corridor precincts will be supported by new open space, linear


Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016

parks and links along watercourses and infrastructure corridors. • proposes 33 km of new and upgraded walking and cycling links • makes provisions for new education, health and community facilities to support the corridor’s growth • includes design guidelines to ensure that new development will protect and be sensitive to the local character and heritage of established neighbourhoods. To help implement the strategy and ensure change and growth occurs in a staged and coordinated manner, a supporting Implementation Plan identifies the priority areas for rezoning and identifies the infrastructure required to support land use change. The Implementation Plan includes: • the provision for at least two dedicated public transport lanes on Parramatta Road • a commitment to investigate a rapid bus service or an alternative public transport solution. Planning Minister Rob Stokes said the completion of WestConnex, removing up to 50,000 vehicles a day including 10,000

trucks from Parramatta Road, offered an extraordinary opportunity to give the corridor to Sydney's west a facelift. “The strategy is a joint vision for revitalisating one of our city’s most interesting urban corridors, which has been overwhelmed by heavy traffic, excessive noise and declining commercial spaces for years,” Mr Stokes said. “The $198m package for local amenity improvement will stimulate transformation and make an early and tangible difference to the physical appearance of the corridor,” Mr Stokes said. View the Parramatta Road Corridor Urban Transformation Strategy at: parramatta-road

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FESTIVAL PLAZA REDEVELOPMENT APPROVED A $500 million private commercial and retail development at Adelaide’s Festival Plaza has been approved in another milestone for the redevelopment of the precinct. Walker Corporation has received approval from the Development Assessment Commission for the 27-storey office tower which also includes up to three levels of retail development and five levels of carpark. The approval brings the more than $900 million redevelopment of the Adelaide Festival Plaza precinct a step closer. The DAC concluded that the development would bring a range of uses including retail and commercial which would highly activate the space during the daytime and the evening and would help to revitalise and rejuvenate the plaza as a desirable place to visit. The office development will involve the demolition of the existing plaza and the car park.

Background The Adelaide Festival Plaza development includes a new square, northern promenade and Art Space Plaza, as well as a re-imagined Station Road and a new entry to the Adelaide Railway Station. It also includes a $90 million upgrade to the Adelaide Festival Centre and the proposed SKYCITY Casino expansion. Together the projects are expected to support about 2500 jobs during

construction and at least 400 ongoing jobs when complete. The revitalisation of the Festival Plaza precinct will link Adelaide’s premier Riverbank attractions such as the Adelaide Oval, Adelaide Festival Centre and Adelaide Casino. The State Government is contributing $180 million towards the Festival Plaza and Adelaide Festival Centre redevelopment with a $40 million contribution from Walker Corporation. The approval does not include the public realm, which is subject to a separate application by DPTI approved under the crown development application process. Speaking about the project, SA Housing and Urban Development Minister Stephen Mullighan, said: "The Adelaide Festival Plaza is being redeveloped to turn one of the city’s premier locations from a long-neglected space to a revitalised focal point for our city." "The Walker Corporation’s development will be a key feature of the transformation, which also includes a $90m refurbishment of the Adelaide Festival Centre, a new entry to Adelaide Railway Station, a new plaza and

northern promenade. The development will be a key feature of the North terrace skyline, helping to transform what is now a dull and unappealing site into a place all South Australians will be able to enjoy," he said. "Once it is complete, the Festival Plaza will be a space for all South Australians to meet for festivals and events, before and after sporting events at Adelaide Oval, or even just a place to recreate," the Minister said. Walker Corporation Chairman, Lang Walker said that "...the concept is based on our successful and proven mixed-use approach which will revitalise the city centre. On the cusp of growth, this development will become a major drawcard for Adelaide and attract major national and international businesses." "We congratulate the government on its progressive thinking in replacing and expanding the derelict car park and spaces in the entertainment precinct with a modern facility that meets the latest codes and regulations, as well as linking the city to the river and Adelaide Oval," Mr Walker added. More information on the Festival Plaza redevelopment project is available at: www.

NEW APPOINT FOR VICTORIAN BICC The Victorian State Government has appointed respected industrial relations expert, Peter Parkinson, to the Chair of the Building Industry Consultative Council (BICC). The BICC is made up of employer, union and government representatives and deals with broad industrial issues affecting the Victorian building and construction industry. Mr Parkinson is an experienced industrial relations and human resources practitioner who has held senior positions with employers, unions and peak bodies.


Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016

A well-respected advocate in both federal and state tribunals in Australia, Mr Parkinson has outstanding knowledge and understanding of relevant industrial and employment legislation and practices. Mr Parkinson was a trade union official and advocate for 23 years, worked with Transfield Pty Ltd in senior executive positions for 16 years and was also employed as an independent Public Transport Industrial Conciliator. He was appointed as Chair of the Victorian Building Industry Disputes Panel last

December. The panel deals with industrial issues affecting the Victorian building and construction industry and plays a central role in dispute resolution. Victorian Minister for Industrial Relations, Natalie Hutchins, commented: “I am delighted to announce the latest appointment of Peter Parkinson to the very important role of Chair of the BICC.” “He brings years of diverse experience, enormous talent and understanding to what is one of the most strategically important industries in Victoria,” the Minister added.


Adelaide Convention Centre, Stage 2 Convention Centre, Adelaide Stage 2® KF70 KingFlor Adelaide Convention Centre, ® KF70 KingFlor Stage 2 Lend Lease

PROFILE: PROJECT : PROFILE: BUILDER: ® KF70 BUILDER: Lend Lease PROFILE: KingFlor INSTALLER: Mitcon Formwork INSTALLER: Lend Mitcon Formwork BUILDER: Lease INSTALLER: Mitcon Formwork

Reshaping Reshaping Steel Steel Building Building Design Design Reshaping Steel Building Design

THE PROJECT THE PROJECT The $350 million redevelopment of the Adelaide Convention The $350 millionAustralia redevelopment the Adelaide Convention Centre in South is set to of boost the state’s economy by THE PROJECT Centre in South is set to boost the state’s economy more than $1.92Australia billion over 25 years, elevating Adelaide as a by The $350 million redevelopment of the Adelaide Convention more than $1.92onbillion over 25 years, elevating Adelaide as a true competitor the global conferencing and exhibition stage. Centre in South Australia is set to boost the state’s economy by true competitor on the global conferencing and exhibition stage. moreStage than $1.92 billion over 25 years, Adelaide as a With 1 completed in 2014, stageelevating 2 of the centre’s Withcompetitor Stage 1 completed inin 2014, stagewhich 2 ofand the centre’s true the global conferencing exhibition redevelopment isoncurrently progress replaces thestage. redevelopment is currently in progress whichWhen replaces the original Plenary Building constructed in 1987. complete With Stage 1 completed in 2014, stage 2 of the centre’s original Building constructed in 1987. When complete in 2017,Plenary the facility will boast a capacity increase of 3,500 redevelopment is currently in progress which replaces the in 2017, the facility will boast a capacityconvention increase ofand 3,500 seats with state-of-the-art, world-class original Plenary Building constructed in 1987. When complete seats withspace. state-of-the-art, world-class convention and exhibition in 2017, the facility will boast a capacity increase of 3,500 exhibition space. seats with state-of-the-art, convention and Fielders were contracted byworld-class Lend Lease and Mitcon to Fielders were contracted by LendKF70 Lease andflooring Mitcon to exhibition space. supply over 6,000m2 of KingFlor steel supply overthe 6,000m2 of KingFlor KF70 steel flooring throughout development. Fielders were contracted by Lend Lease and Mitcon to throughout the development. supply over 6,000m2 of KingFlor KF70 steel flooring throughout the development.

THE SOLUTION THE SOLUTION KingFlor KF70 was chosen for this project due to its longer KingFlor KF70 wasas chosen for this due decks to its longer spanning capability compared to project other steel on the THE SOLUTION spanning capability as compared othercoverage steel decks the market. KF70’s unique design withtowider willon not only KingFlor KF70 was chosen for this project due to its longer market. KF70’s unique design wider that coverage will not only save on preparatory costs, but with also mean the laying of the spanning capability as compared to other steel decks on the savewill on preparatory costs, but also mean that the laying of the floor overall be executed faster. market. KF70’s unique design with wider coverage will not only floor will overall be executed faster. savePROCESS on preparatory costs, but also mean that the laying of the THE floor will overall be executed faster. THE PROCESS The supply of KF70 at the Adelaide Convention Centre The supply ofinKF70 at the Adelaide Convention Centre commenced September 2015 with an estimated supply THE PROCESS commenced in September 2015The withentire an estimated supply completion date of March 2016. development is due The supply of KF70 at the Adelaide Convention Centre completion date and of March The entire development is due to be completed open 2016. for business in June 2017. commenced in September 2015 with an estimated supply to be completed and open for business in June 2017. completionSPECIFICS date of March 2016. The entire development is due PROJECT to be completed and open for business in June 2017. PROJECT SPECIFICS • Total of 6,000 m2 of KingFlor KF70 •1.00mm Total of 6,000 m2 of KingFlor KF70 SPECIFICS •PROJECT steel formwork 1.00mm steelm2 formwork •• Total of 6,000 of KingFlor KF70 • 1.00mm steel formwork

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Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016




City of Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate, launching G:link, the Gold Coast Light Rail system. In the two years since it was launched, the system has exceeded patronage expectations along the 13km route. The $420 million stage two is on track to be completed in time for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games™ and the City has already begun planning stage three.


ith the Gold Coast’s population expected to double by 2050, and a growing number of tourists visiting every year, the City of Gold Coast (City) has identified transport infrastructure upgrades as a priority to develop the thriving destination. Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate is delivering $90 million worth of road and transport upgrades this financial year to connect the city via light rail, better roads, more cycle ways and seamless public transport. Sustainable travel options and strategic infrastructure upgrades play a crucial part of the solution to the city’s economic and environmental challenges and help to forge the Gold Coast as one of the most liveable destinations in Australia. The number of Gold Coast residents choosing sustainable transport options is growing rapidly thanks to a number of programs offered by the City. From free bus travel for seniors to the safe and active travel program which encourages primary school

children to safely walk, cycle, catch public transport or car pool to school. Mayor Tom Tate said the Gold Coast may be famous for its lifestyle, but it’s the everyday convenience and cost of living that really counts towards making the most of what the city has to offer. The City has some of the best walking and cycling infrastructure in Australia, with more than 1,200 kilometres of paths across the city and another 100 kilometres being delivered by 2018. “For those living and working in the city, the daily commute is a whole lot easier than the capital cities and it is often pretty scenic too, and we plan to keep it that way.” The City’s transport strategy aims to have 80% of the population within a 10 minute walk of frequent, all-day public transport, doubling the number of kilometres serviced by 2031. Queensland’s first ever light rail system has been operating on the Gold Coast for more than two years, exceeding patronage expectations and connecting 16 stations

The safe and active travel program which encourages primary school children to safely walk, cycle, catch public transport or car pool to school.

along a 13km route. The $420 million stage two is on track to be completed in time for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games™ and the City has already begun planning stage three. The Gold Coast is no longer a small, regional city. It is a mature, world-class city and the City of Gold Coast is building a truly integrated transport network. For more information visit: www.

Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016







Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016




he City of Gold Coast (City) has been at the forefront of coastal management since the 1960s. Since then, the technology and techniques pioneered on the Gold Coast have helped other coastal communities around the world. The City’s coastal management program is a vital part of the Ocean Beaches Strategy that ensures the city’s beaches and coastline are protected from storm damage and erosion. Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate is delivering a number of major coastal engineering projects to boost the defences against storm damage including the design and construction of an artificial reef at Palm

Beach and a major sand nourishment project that will protect the city’s most vulnerable beaches. “These coastal protection projects, combined with our ongoing public sea wall program that acts as the last line of defence against storm damage, will mean our coastline has the best possible protection,” said Cr Tate. “We are committed to ensuring our world-renowned beaches have the best possible protection as they support a significant component of our economy and make it the best place to live. It is important that we take the time to understand as much as we can about our beaches through wave studies, hydrographic surveys, physical modelling, numerical modelling and beach width analysis so that we can get the designs of our projects right.” The City’s coastal management program involves a number of data collection activities including the deployment of wave buoys and measuring instrumentation that is designed to determine how the waves are impacting the shoreline. The City owns a customised Sand Activity Monitoring Jet Ski designed to capture data that might be missed by coastal imagery. The Jet Ski features the latest GPS and sonar technology allowing the collection of hydrographic survey data through the wave zone. This method has allowed us to capture 70 per cent more data compared to previous methods, creating a more accurate record of sand movement along the coast. The beach nourishment project will be delivered in 2017 and the physical modelling of the artificial reef is well underway at the Queensland Government Hydraulics Laboratory. For more information visit: oceanbeachesstrategy

Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016



Not only for the kids! AUSSIE OUTDOOR DESIGN'S FULLY-INTEGRATED OUTDOOR FACILITIES COMBINE FUN AND FITNESS FOR ALL With Australia in the grips of what experts are referring to as an ‘obesity epidemic’, it’s little surprise that health care professionals and governments are frantically looking for ways to increase the level of physical activity being undertaken by young and old alike. Notwithstanding the issues surrounding many people’s poor dietary choices, another major contributing factor in Australia’s burgeoning weight problem is our increasingly sedentary lifestyle... and it’s not a problem that is limited to one particular age group, demographic or socioeconomic group. From young children and teenagers (many of whom spend the majority of their waking hours staring at a screen) through to adults of all ages - a large percentage of whom, be it for work or entertainment, also spend a significant amount of their day looking at a screen - as a nation, our lack of physical activity is taking a major toll on our health. Now, thanks to Sydney-based company Aussie Outdoor Design, an ever-increasing number of councils, schools, community organisations and developers are looking to 12

Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016

tackle the obesity epidemic 'one playground at a time' - and the benefits are not only for the kids! Combining the latest in multi-sport courts, outdoor surfacing technology and state-of-theart outdoor gym equipment, Aussie Outdoor Design's fully-integrated outdoor facilities are proving to be a massive hit with councils, developers and residents alike. Jason Day, Business Manager with Aussie Outdoor Design, explained: "Now we have a number of these facilities installed and operational, councils and developers are able to come and see how they look and function in a 'real world' environment." "Most importantly, they're also getting to see just how popular these facilities are with the public. From young children and school kids, through to families and seniors, these new facilities are attracting people of all ages and abilities," Jason added. "They really have become a centre of activity for the community." With an ever-increasing emphasis being placed on participation in healthy outdoor activities, many councils and developers

are looking for recreation solutions that combine fun and exercise in a safe, inclusive environment. Hardly surprisingly then, that these new outdoor facilities are proving to be so popular - although it's fair to say the response has been bigger than expected! "To be honest, we're staggered by the response to these new facilities," Jason Day said.


"While we felt certain that we were 'on a winner' in terms of having a world-class outdoor recreation and fitness solution that could meet the needs of councils, property developers and schools, the response to the new facilities has surpassed even our highest expectations."

"This year we already completed a number of installations in NSW and the ACT, and we're currently working with a number of councils on developing specific plans and designs to meet their needs," he added. Not surprisingly, the company's 'bespoke' approach to design and delivery is also proving

extremely popular. Rather than trying to deliver a 'one size fits all solution' the Aussie Outdoor Design team design and develop specific facilities to meet their clients' needs. "By designing each installation on a caseby-case basis, our clients are able to select individual components - including equipment, shade structures, sports court design, flooring solutions and landscaping - to suit the location. This not only enables them to take into account the geographic constraints of the site, but also to design for demographics, cultural considerations, other nearby facilities and expected levels of patronage," Jason Day concluded. For further information on the full range of Aussie Outdoor Design's products and services, please call: 1300 887 025 or visit:

EVERYTHING FROM THE GROUND UP! When it comes to outdoor recreation areas, there's only one name you need to remember... Aussie Outdoor Design. From the initial concept, planning and design, through to equipment supply, installation and landscaping, Aussie Outdoor Design can take care of it all... everything from the ground up! • • • • •

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Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016



IPWEA NSW LAUNCHES CIVENEX 2017 IPWEA NSW has officially launched CIVENEX 2017. Scheduled for May 17 & 18, CIVENEX will be back at Hawkesbury Showground for 2017. Highlighting the latest in equipment and materials technology and innovation for construction, infrastructure and civil works, CIVENEX 2017 provides an ideal opportunity for councils and contractors alike to see the latest equipment first hand and get all the information they need from the many experts that will be on-site to assist. From road construction and maintenance equipment, street furniture, roadside assets, lighting, signage, pavement materials and road safety solutions, through to compact construction equipment, parks & gardens equipment and maintenance solutions, street cleansing equipment, stormwater solutions, construction materials; surface coatings, asset management and maintenance systems, design tools and BIM systems, CIVENEX 2017 will feature an extensive array of products and services to meet a wide range of interests.


Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016

Located adjacent to one of Sydney's (and Australia's) largest urban growth corridors, Hawkesbury Showground is easy to get to by both rail and road, with convenient easy train access and free on-site parking. CIVENEX 2017 will also feature a series of on-site seminars, many of which will focus on safety and innovation in both the road infrastructure and construction sectors. From road safety through road design and ancillary systems, in addition to worksite safety and OH&S, the CIVENEX 2017 seminar series will feature informative presentations by local and international industry experts. Another major feature of CIVENEX 2017 is the live demonstration area, where visitors will not only be able to see an array of equipment put through its paces under actual working conditions, but will also be able to speak to the many experts on hand about their own individual equipment requirements. For more information about exhibiting at CIVENEX 2017 or for details on how to get there or where to stay, please contact Scott Leighton, email: or visit:


TALGA GRAPHENE IN BREAKTHROUGH COATING RESULTS Advanced materials development company, Talga Resources Ltd (Talga) has made a key breakthrough in the global $120 billion a year coatings industry with a peer review study evaluating and supporting the use of Talga’s graphene in a steel coating to withstand or minimise corrosion. The peer study, “Functionalised Graphene as a Barrier Against Corrosion”, is published in the scientific journal FlatChem and available by open access via the publisher, Elsevier¹. In the study, researchers used Talga’s graphene nanoplatelets produced at the Company’s pilot test facility in Rudolstadt, Germany to manufacture a base reference coating for testing corrosion resistance on mild steel (Fig 1). The test was underpinned by emerging evidence that graphene’s high impermeability, high electrical conductivity and ultra-thin shape may prove a new and effective additive to improve coatings of many types, particularly anti-corrosion coatings.

Figure 1. Cross-section of Talga graphene coating on mild steel. Image republished with permission of Elsevier

Figure 2 Water absorption over time by coatings with different concentrations of Talga graphene.

Figure 3 Salt immersion tests showing corrosion performance of coating over time.


Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016

Mobile Media Blasting - Soda & Garnet

Results from the peer reviewed tests demonstrated dramatic improvements in corrosion resistance from the addition of just 0.1% Talga graphene, confirming its ability to inhibit contributors of corrosion, even at very low concentrations. Water absorption, a key contributor to corrosion, was significantly reduced by 74% using a concentration of 5% Talga graphene (see Fig 2). Furthermore, this coating formula sharply decreased the speed and severity of corrosion on steel in salt exposure tests (see Fig 3). These results support Talga’s aim of targeting its Talphene™ brand graphene products into the global coatings industry, reported to be worth more than $120 billion per annum and which consumes over 40 million tonnes per annum of materials². The latest study also supports and extends work by the researchers on graphene in anti-corrosion coatings as an ecofriendly alternative to toxic chromium based coatings³,⁴. Talga, with its unique and innovative bulk graphene producing method, is aiming to provide the required low cost, high quality graphene in large volumes to cater to the enormous coating industry’s demands. A video interview with Talga Resources Managing Director Mark Thompson discussing the findings can be viewed at the website:

BACKGROUND Corrosion is reported to cost $2.2 trillion annually in economic impacts through the maintenance and replacement costs of infrastructure and equipment, particularly transport and shelter infrastructure, which has high impact costs of failure³. According to the World Steel Association, the vast majority of global steel products are coating pre-treated and the market share for chrome-free coatings is expanding rapidly. Global leading suppliers of steel pre-treatment products include Chemetall Group, Henkel AG, PPG Industries, Nippon Paint Ltd and Beckers Group who compete to pre-treat world production of steel and aluminium amounting to many million tonnes per month². For further information, visit:

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REFERENCES 1 Functionalised Graphene as a barrier against corrosion, K.S. Aneja et al, Flatchem, Elsevier, September 2016 http://www.sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S2452262716300058. 2 Study 3135 Coatings, Freedonia Industry Report, March 2014. 3 Graphene against corrosion. Nature Nanotechnology, October 2014. 4 Graphene based anticorrosive coatings for Cr (VI) replacement, Nanoscale, September 2015. Note: All images republished with permission of Elsevier.

ABOUT TALGA Talga Resources Ltd (“Talga”) (ASX: TLG) is an advanced material minerals company developing graphene and micrographite products for the coatings, energy storage, construction products and composites markets. Talga products have significant potential advantages in performance, value and application owing to unique ore and patent pending process technology. Talga sources graphite ore from its 100% owned deposits in Sweden, with pilot test processing at the Company’s pilot test facility in Germany. Collaborative testing is underway with a range of corporations including industrial conglomerate Tata, Jena Batteries and UK listed Haydale.

Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016







SKYLIGHT STRUCTURAL T/E/S/S atelier ENGINEERS d’ingénierie, Paris & CIA de Projetos, San Paulo


CARBONDALE PARIS completes Iguatemi Plaza renovation in São Paulo The new 3.000 square metre Iguatemi Plaza with atrium skylight and garden is the latest project in São Paulo by the Architect Eric Carlson, founder of CARBONDALE. Shopping centres in Sao Paulo are unique places globally where visitors often spend the entire day with places to shop, dine, exercise and see movies in security and out of the heat. The Iguatemi Shopping Centre is not only considered the most luxurious shopping environment in Brazil but it has become an urban icon dear to the “Paulistas” for the last 50 years. The owners of Iguatemi, the Jereissati family, chose CARBONDALE to renovate and expand the public spaces because of Eric Carlson’s expertise in Luxury Design (developed over more than 20 years) and their ability to transform projects into remarkable urban landmarks. Some of their exceptional projects include The 360° Watch Museum in Switzerland, the BMW Brand Houses in Paris, London and NY and the Maison Louis Vuitton in Champs Elysees, one of the most visited sites in Paris.

THE SKYLIGHT The new sculptural skylight crowns the Main plaza volume has the rare combination of structural innovation and striking beauty. The new skylight design creates a majestic open Main Plaza volume by removing the large existing intermediate columns for free span of 31-meters by 35-metres. The avant-garde structure, possible only in the digital age, was developed by CARBONDALE in collaboration with the internationally acclaimed engineers T/E/S/S atelier d’ingénierie in Paris and CIA de Projetos in Sao Paulo. 18

Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016

The skylight is composed of a horizontal glass roof held up by thin vertical compression struts that are then supported by a curved structural steel grid or mesh. The structural mesh, inspired by Iguatemi’s traditional diamond grid pattern, separates from the glass roof by curving downward at the centre to create a sumptuous inverted catenary dome that appropriately define the spatial proportions of the Main Plaza volume. The suspended steel structure, finely clad in matt white aluminium panels and trimmed in polished brass, also acts as a large light baffle reflecting sunlight into the space and animating the surrounding travertine walls with diagonal shadows that change throughout day and seasons. One invisible but significant accomplishment in the design of the Main Plaza and skylight is the creation of an environmentally sensitive space that maintains a comfortable atmosphere with natural climatic ventilation. With the increase of natural light comes heat, but by working with advanced computer thermal models the design balances the filtered sunlight, insulates with double thermal glazing, and ventilates with natural airflows. No need for air conditioning in a tropical climate country is a huge environmental achievement.

THE GARDEN In collaboration with the Parisian and Brazilian Landscape Architects Thomas Eschapasse & Alex Hanazaki, the creation of a pixelated central garden is composed of 170 stepping square planters lined in cumaru wood. The cascade of vegetal pixels follows visitors along the


Franck Franjou, Paris & Mingrone Iluminação San Paulo


Setec, Paris


Thalweg Paysage, Paris & Hanazaki, San Paulo

circulation ramps to join the two main shopping levels. The garden design is conceived to be seen both from the surroundings and experienced from within. The unique modular planters integrate a flexibility allowing the garden pixels to be raised or lower to adapt to the various events that occur throughout the year. “In CARBONDALE our unique expertise comes from our ability to define a design strategy based on identifying and understanding a multitude of issues such as socio-cultural, climatic, urban constraints, shopping traditions, neighbourhood dynamics, transportation methods in combination with an in-depth understanding of the of the brand itself," Architect Eric Carlson said. "For the Iguatemi project we have pushed the technical limits to create a covered outdoor plaza with a sophisticated free span tensile skylight structure which maximizes day-lighting, and naturally ventilated within a majestically sculpted structure emblematic for Iguatemi and the city," he added.


MIRVAC POWERS AHEAD WITH CALIBRE EASTERN CREEK Construction of Mirvac’s state-of-the-art industrial business park, Calibre at Sydney’s Eastern Creek is forging ahead having reached a number of significant milestones. Civil works on the site are now complete, with 18 of its 22 hectares now serviced and benched. ‘Building 1’, the first of five buildings, will be delivered imminently. Calibre is a next generation industrial estate offering over 120,000 square metres of flexible, premium grade warehousing and office space in a highly sought after location at the junction of the M4/M7 motorways. ‘Building 1’ will deliver 18,020 square metres of high clearance warehouse space and 950 square metres of modern office and amenities with separate dock office and rest areas, as well as 73 car park spaces. The site’s direct access to Sydney’s transport network makes it the ideal location from which to efficiently operate distribution networks servicing the eastern seaboard and beyond. Future tenants stand to benefit from the new major infrastructure of Western Sydney, as well as local workforce pools. Calibre has the potential to create over 700 full time jobs once fully operational. With its pioneering design, Calibre responds to the latest trends impacting the industrial market, which include an increase in cubic capacity to accommodate the advances in material handling equipment technology. For example, Building 1’s specifications include a nine tonne racking post load internal slab with armoured joints

and a 20 metre cantilevered awning across the length of the loading face. Stuart Penklis, Group Executive, Industrial at Mirvac said the site offered a highly attractive proposition for tenants. “There is a very limited amount of land now available in this prime location and this coupled with Calibre’s design innovations has sparked strong interest from a range of manufacturing and logistics companies looking for the flexibility to grow or consolidate operations, while up-grading to a state-of-theart, custom-designed facility,” he said. “Many of these prospective tenants are looking for alternative locations to the Sydney’s traditional industrial hubs of Alexandria, Mascot and Rosebery where they are constrained by older buildings and operational constraints. In contrast, Calibre offers space in abundance, along with premium specifications that support increased efficiencies. It’s delivering the whole package and that holds strong appeal for businesses in today’s ever changing competitive market,” he added. Gavin Bishop, National Director, Industrial at Colliers says the robust industrial market is also contributing to high demand for assets like Calibre. “Over the past three years, industrial assets in New South Wales have risen to outperform office and retail assets, with industrial precincts such as Mirvac’s Calibre yielding an annual return of over 14 per cent while office assets came in at 12.9 per cent

and retail assets at 11.3 per cent. Industrial is currently the outperforming investment class and is contributing to an increase job growth and infrastructure investment across New South Wales, specifically in Sydney’s west,” he said. In line with Mirvac’s commitment to sustainability, Calibre will have energy efficient lighting, rainwater harvesting, photovoltaic solar, cyclist and end-of-trip facilities creating savings for the tenants. The site is one of Mirvac’s flagship assets and bolsters the extensive industrial portfolio, which includes 15 assets across Australia including: Nexus Industry Park and the Hoxton Distribution Park.

ABOUT MIRVAC Mirvac is a leading Australian property group. Mirvac’s investment portfolio has interests in office, retail and industrial assets, while its development business has exposure to both residential and commercial projects. With over 40 years of experience, Mirvac has an unmatched reputation for delivering quality products and services across all of the sectors in which it operates. For more information, please visit:

Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016



DANGERS OF DIESEL FUMES AT WORK Cancer Council Australia is calling for greater cancer awareness in the workplace, following new estimates that about 130 Australian workers are diagnosed each year with lung cancer as a result of work-based exposure to diesel fumes. Terry Slevin, Chair of Cancer Council Australia’s Occupational and Environmental Cancer Committee, said an estimated 3.6 million Australians were exposed to cancer-causing agents at work, with around 5,000 cancer cases diagnosed each year as a result. “Awareness of the risks of exposures like asbestos and UV radiation is increasing, and is reflected in gradual improvements in work safety practices,” Mr Slevin said. “By contrast, awareness of the hazards of exposure to diesel fumes is low, especially in relation to the potential harm. Diesel fumes are Australia’s second-most prevalent work-based cancer-causing agent. “It’s estimated that around 1.2 million Australians are exposed to diesel engine exhaust at work each year and that 130 workers are diagnosed with lung cancer as a result of their exposure on the job. “The World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer has upgraded its classification of diesel exhaust to a ‘Group 1’ carcinogen, confirming it is an established cause of cancer in humans. “IARC estimates that people regularly exposed to diesel exhaust fumes at work can be up to 40 per cent more likely to develop lung cancer. “While the general population might only be exposed to diesel occasionally, those who work with diesel-fuelled heavy machinery are at high risk. This takes in people who work with diesel motor vehicles including buses, tractors, trains and forklifts, especially in enclosed spaces like garages and workshops. “There are also risks for people who work with diesel operated generators, compressors or power plants.” Mr Slevin said workers and employers had to take steps to reduce their cancer risk at work. “Taking simple steps, such as winding up the window and turning on the air conditioning if you are driving a diesel vehicle, can reduce your cancer risk.” As a part of National Safe Work Month in October, Cancer Council Australia released a series of free resources outlining workplace cancer risks for employers and employees. As well as diesel engine exhaust, the new fact sheets cover UV radiation (outdoor workers), asbestos (builders and renovators), welding fumes and second-hand tobacco smoke. The resources aim to provide information about workplace cancer risks, how to reduce carcinogen exposure at work, and legal obligations for organisations.


Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016

“N-BOMB” INCREASING THREAT TO AUSTRALIAN WORKPLACES Deadly new designer drugs which can cause severe hallucinations and erratic behaviour among users are making their way into the Australian workplace. Australia’s largest workplace drug testing company, Safework Laboratories, says the first positive results for the psychoactive compound NBOMe, also known as N-Bomb, have been detected on Australian worksites in Western Australia and Queensland. Safework’s National Marketing Director and forensic toxicologist Mr Andrew Leibie, said the positive tests were a frightening development for worker safety. “NBOMe compounds are extremely potent with as little as a few thousandths of a gram enough to cause major effects on those who consume it - including violent or frightening hallucinations, major cardiac symptoms, nausea and vomiting,” he said. “NBOMe compounds are also associated with bizarre behaviours such as running into buildings head first or running into moving traffic. “The impact a worker affected by these drugs could have while operating heavy machinery or in a safety-sensitive workplace is terrifying to consider.” Mr Leibie said NBOMe compounds could not be detected by normal workplace drug tests and the recent positives had only been discovered in more advanced testing requested by the particular workplace. “At the moment, we believe NBOMe is still relatively rare in Australia, but the incidence is increasing,” he said. “As it makes its way through society, it may become more important to broaden the range of compounds tested for at safety sensitive workplaces. “The arrival of NBOMe in larger quantities would be a very dangerous development.” Mr Leibie said key signs that someone may be affected by NBOMe included: • Hallucinations, which could be violent or frightening • Facial flushing/blushing • Nausea and vomiting • Confusion • Inability to communicate • High or irregular heartbeat • Seizures • Muscle spasms • High body temperatures “NBOMe by itself can be deadly, but in combination with other commonly used drugs such as speed, ice or ecstasy, it can create a lethal cocktail,” he said. Mr Leibie said traces of NBOMe could be detected in users up to 48 hours after consumption. For further information, please visit:

OH&S FOCUS ArmaFloor 300ECO Epoxy and ArmaFloor 500 Polyaspartic on the floor of Hangar 0611 RAAF Williamstown.

COMMERCIAL FLOOR COATINGS MAKE HEALTHIER WORKPLACES As industrial facilities get larger and production processes get faster to cope with increasing global demand, plant designers still have to make sure that they adhere to regulations and guidelines set down by standards agencies, accreditation bodies and health and safety organisations. There are challenging conditions and demands on modern business. One very important one is ensuring that the workplace is safe and comfortable for staff and visitors. The floor covering of any workplace is a key component that is increasingly being seen as a vital part of meeting certification requirements. Some industrial workplaces, such as research laboratories, food processing plants or hospitals, place a range of additional stresses on any flooring used. Flooring may be exposed to corrosive substances such as fats, hot oils, blood, sugar solutions and food acids. In addition, there may be multiple sources of thermal shock, such as blasts of -25°C air from an open cold storage unit or steam cleaning at 120°C. Rigorous cleaning processes using caustic solutions also place a lot of stress on any floor covering. Preparing a floor and applying a coating requires a special range of skills and understanding of the physical nature of the material being handled. 22

Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016

“It is essential that time is spent at the planning stage to ensure that the customer's expectations are matched,” said Peter Morgan, General Manager of Rhino Linings Australasia (RLA). For the majority of its flooring projects, RLA produces a range of 100 per cent solids epoxy coatings. “The term '100 per cent solids' means that whatever is put on the floor is what stays there, nothing is lost as solvent,” Morgan said. The structure of the polymer used for industrial flooring has to be resistant to abrasion and chemical attack. The good mechanical, chemical and heat resistant properties of an epoxy coating are obtained by reacting the linear epoxy resin molecules with suitable curatives to form three-dimensional cross-linked thermoset structures in a process commonly referred to as curing. In principle, curing can be achieved using any molecule containing a reactive hydrogen that can react with the epoxide groups in the resin. Epoxy can either react with itself (homopolymerisation) or by forming a copolymer with polyfunctional curatives or hardeners. Common classes of hardeners for epoxy resins include amines, acids, acid anhydrides, phenols, alcohols and thiols, all of which have varying relative reactivity.

Peter Morgan, General Manager of Rhino Linings Australasia (RLA)

Some epoxy resin/hardener combinations will cure at ambient temperature but many need to be heated for the most effective curing. Insufficient heat during the curing process will result in a network with incomplete polymerisation, and thus reduced mechanical, chemical and heat resistance. There are many constraints that have to be considered for a successful floor coating project. It is essential that the floor is clean, dry and free from contaminants. Prior to applying any coating, a floor must be properly prepared which usually means


The floor of a refurbished abattoir protected by Rhino Linings' ArmaFloor 200 SC.

that it should be 'scarified' or 'shot blasted' to give it the correct profile to ensure optimum adhesion. While the ideal situation would be to apply a floor coating to the clear, open expanse of a new warehouse, the majority of projects are remedial, where the coating has to be applied around, under or through existing equipment or furniture. “Our applicators are highly skilled and experienced,” Morgan added. “As long as these guys are able to access it, they are able to coat it.” Being able to be applied in one application to any thickness, along with the rapid curing properties of the products, dramatically reduces down time normally associated with multi-coat flooring systems. A RLA flooring system will not need "re-painting" in the short term and will provide many years of service which also saves money by reducing maintenance expenditure and minimising interruptions to operations. “All our customers want a quick return to service, with no smell and a rapid cure time,” said Morgan. “This is even more important where food is handled.” “Some floor coating materials have a high solvent content,” said Morgan. “This is usually because they are less expensive and easier to spread on the substrate.” Methylmethacrylate is one high solvent coating that is still used by some applicators. For many years there has been extensive research carried out on water-based coatings. The earliest ones did not have the same strength or durability, but technology and materials have greatly improved the quality and usability of water-based versions. It is also possible to adapt epoxy floor coatings to also provide a non-slip surface for safety, but this usually involves

a compromise because bacteria and other contaminants can be caught in the textured surface of the flooring. Non-slip properties are achieved by incorporating sand/filler to bulk out the epoxy mixture and give it a 'porridge' consistency which can be troweled and brushed onto the substrate. The appearance of the flooring can be made an integral part of the health and safety régime of a workplace. Bright colours can differentiate between various zones and can be used to highlight hazardous areas while glossy tones can make the working environment more pleasant for the staff. For the food and beverage industry, flooring materials must be able to withstand the sector’s fast pace while effectively minimising contamination risks. Seamless, impervious finishes, such as epoxies, stop contaminants hiding within hard to clean gaps where they can multiply. Durability goes hand-in-hand with this, as the floor will be subjected to many causes of damage that could turn into an unsightly, unsafe and unsanitary surface. RLA’s range of coating products meet these requirements. The company's rsange of spray and brush-applied industrial surface coatings will not crack, peel or warp. The coatings are highly resistant to impact and abrasion, in additional to being almost impervious to oils, fuels and a wide range of chemical solvents. When changing the flooring of an industrial site, another consideration is the cleaning protocols required. The cleansing agents and application methods are very different for traditional tiles and a non-slip, epoxy-based floor coating. For detailed recommendations, customers should contact the RLA Technical Department. “We have experienced technical staff

who have extensive knowledge of our products,” stated Denis Baker, Special Projects Engineer at RLA. Based on the Gold Coast, RLA is the only manufacturer of spray applied coatings in Australia. The company sources all its materials from Australian suppliers except for some very specialised chemicals which are imported from the parent company in America. Being a local manufacturer allows the company to be more responsive to customer requests. “We are not dependent on delivery schedules from an overseas supplier,” Baker said. “Our applicators and customers can 'tool up rapidly' for large projects and not have to wait months for supply of material.” All coatings developed by Rhino Linings are regularly tested to ensure they comply with the latest standards. “The staff here really understand the chemistry of the product,” Baker said. “They have a great depth of knowledge and experience about which products can be used and in what situations.” For further information, please visit the website:

ABOUT RHINO LININGS AUSTRALASIA (RLA) RLA has been formulating and manufacturing superior pure polyurea, modified polyurea, polyurethane and polyaspartic protective coatings for commercial and large industrial applications for more than 20 years. Spray applied linings provide superior solutions to industrial abrasion, impact, containment, corrosion and chemical attack problems. Australasian customers are solidly supported by a manufacturing and distribution facility in the Gold Coast Queensland, Australia and through Distributors in New Zealand, Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines, Korea, New Caledonia, Oman, UAE and Sri Lanka. Rhino Linings provides premium spray applied protective coatings and linings for corrosion resistance, impact, chemical and abrasion resistance, waterproofing solutions, tank linings and pipe linings in addition to polyaspartic and epoxy floor coatings.

Rhino ArmaFloor 500 Polyaspartic and RhinoChem 2170 used in the Pelayagoda Central Fish Market, Colombo, Sri Lanka.


HIGH PERFORMANCE MODULAR PLASTIC FORMWORK TO BE LAUNCHED IN AUSTRALIA Building on its outstanding success in Europe, the USA and a number of other major international markets, the revolutionary GEOPLAST Modular Plastic Formwork System for concrete is set to be launched in Australia. The system, which has been specifically designed to meet the needs of small to medium formwork jobs, will be distributed exclusively throughout Australia by Allcon. Manufactured from Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), GEOPLAST panels deliver the ideal combination of robust mechanical strength, shock resistance, thermal stability in temperatures ranging from -30° to +70°C, and lightweight handling. Indeed, with no components weighing more than 11kg, all GEOPLAST components can be easily handled by one person, without any need for cranes or lifting devices. Designed with a focus on versatility and ease of use, the GEOPLAST panels can be reused up to 100 times - delivering a high quality off-form finish with no need for form release agents or oils.

GEOPLAST will be available in Australia in a choice of four systems to suit specific needs, including: • GEOPANEL STAR and GEOTUB PANEL: adjustable formwork systems for square and rectangular columns • GEOPANEL WALL: - advanced formwork system for forming concrete walls, plinths, pits and other structural elements • GEOTUB ROUND:- specialist formwork system for simple forming of round and oval elements Importantly, components from each of the four individual systems have been designed to work together, thereby delivering an outstanding level of versatility and flexibility in formwork setup and component use, while also helping to minimise the total number of components that need to be held in inventory to complete a wide range of jobs. Not surprisingly, the key to the success of the GEOPLAST lies within its simplicity. Once positioned, the individual components are simply locked together with a specially designed fibre-reinforced handle which - despite

the fact that it only weighs 100grams - can resist up to 1400kg of force. Turning the handle at 90 degrees locks it firmly into place, with no tools required. A simple, strong and versatile system that requires no tools, GEOPLAST looks set to change the face of concrete formwork for small to medium jobs in Australia too. For further information, please contact the exclusive Australian distributor, Allcon, T: 03 9839 7055, E: or visit:

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Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016

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REACHING NEW HEIGHTS IN A 4-DAY CYCLE WITH DOKA The twin skyscrapers Petronas Towers are among the most famous highrise buildings in Kuala Lumpur. At the end of 2018, the Signature Tower will be a new architectural highlight gracing the skyline of Malaysia's capital city. The building will be one of the tallest in Asia and it will rank among the world's top 15. Doka's formwork expertise is very much in demand on this mega-project – another important milestone in highrise construction for the company. When finished in late 2018, Malaysia's Signature Tower will soar 439 metres into the sky. The build is under construction in the city's new Tun Razak Exchange district, which when finished will occupy some 13,877m² in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. The district is planned to become Malaysia's new international finance and banking centre. The design of the Signature Tower was drafted by Mulia Group Architects. The building tapers continuously as it rises. It is topped by a 48-metre high illuminated crown made of special glass. In the dusk and at night-time the skyscraper will stand out as a unique light effect in Malaysia's capital. Project owner of the new highrise building is Indonesia's Mulia Group, which has planned the structure with 92 floors primarily as office space. The individual floors average 3,100m² in size. There are no interior columns. Lead contractor on this build is China State Construction Engineering Corporation. Doka was selected as formwork technology partner based on its many years’ experience in highrise construction and innovative approaches. Construction work started in spring 2016. 26

Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016

DECOUPLING THE FORMING AND THE REINFORCING OPERATIONS The core of the Signature Tower is made of reinforced concrete and the floor slabs are of steel-composite design. Working closely with the highrise specialists at headquarters in Amstetten, Doka Malaysia developed a practical formwork and safety concept adapted to the tight construction schedule and the customer's high safety requirements. “Mulia’s Signature Tower project is a fasttrack super high-rise building, and as such we felt it was important to have a reliable partner on board with both international and local expertise. Doka's climbing formwork system for the core along with on-site instruction for formwork assembly and operator training allow us to confidently cycle floor to floor at a rate of 4 days with the greatest efficiency and assurance of high quality”, emphasizes Corey Suckling, Project Engineer from Mulia Property Development. On this project the building core is exceptionally large and is being built with Automatic climbing formwork SKE plus. SKE100 plus and SKE50 plus climbing units are in use. The combination makes the implementation of the project solution fast as well as efficient. With a lifting capacity of 10 metric tons per climbing unit, the SKE100 plus system is eminently suitable for the structure of the building core and the high ratio of reinforcing material. The automatic climbing systems are combined with large-area formwork Top 50 to give the concrete its shape. The Top 50 formwork is suspended on rollers, so forming times are fast


Signature Tower


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Office building


Mulia Group Architects


Mulia Group


China State Construction Engineering Corporation


Spring 2016


Late 2018




Products: Automatic climbing formwork SKE100 plus, Automatic climbing formwork SKE50 plus, Large-area formwork Top 50, Xlife form-ply, Protection screen Xclimb 60


Formwork instructors from Malaysia and Headquarters in Amstetten


Doka Malaysia, Global Expertise Center Highrise Doka Headquarters

and stripping paths large. Changing form-facings is a complex job, so for this build, the formwork was faced with Xlife sheets and fitted with steel corners, permitting high numbers of re-use cycles. The Automatic climbing formwork SKE100 plus has rising working platforms. In other words, the formwork and the reinforcing operations are decoupled, so work proceeds on a number of different levels at once. All the forming work is done on the main working platform. Other working platforms are integrated above and below. They are used for installing the reinforcement, pouring the concrete, operating the climbing system, finishing the concrete and installing connectors for the steel composite floor slabs. All these jobs proceed in parallel, so progress on the build is faster and construction time is shorter. What's more, the SKE100 plus system has plenty of storage space for reinforcing materials, so the site crew has everything ready to hand.

BUILDING CORE CLIMBS IN TWO SECTIONS Another particularity of this build is that the building core is divided into two sections with multiple shafts. Thid sllos the climbing scaffold on the outside of a core section to climb quickly and safely in a single repositioning operation. No apertures occur during climbing, so no construction materials or equipment can fall


from the platforms. Alternate repositioning of the sections of the building core significantly speeds construction. "We have to stick to a 4-day cycle, so everything has to be coordinated. All the influencing factors have to interact seamlessly: fast repositioning of the climbing system, ample storage space for the reinforcement and different jobs going ahead all at the same time. The crew splits into parallel teams for working the formwork, placing the reinforcement, pouring the concrete and doing the various finishing jobs. The timing is all-important", stresses Andhi Irawan, Senior Sales Manager, Doka Malaysia. While working out the details of the formwork solution, Doka was planning for optimum usage of the cranes on the inside and outside of the building core. The cranes integrate seamlessly into the formwork concept. The concrete placing boom system is also repositioned with the Automatic climbing formwork SKE100 plus.

SAFETY FIRST The Signature Tower will have a steel skeleton façade. The Doka Protection

screen Xclimb 60 with trapezoidal metal sheeting provides all-round protection during construction. A special feature of the variable enclosure is that it has integrated safety nets on the outside. All the work connected with the reinforcement, the formwork and the pouring of the concrete carries on inside the protection screen. The steelwork and the welding work proceed above the protection screen. The nets catch tools and small items if they are dropped. This solution was designed specifically for the high safety requirements on the Signature Tower build. The nets are due to be installed in January 2017. This will be the first time they have been used on a build anywhere in the world. The working platforms on the Automatic climbing formwork SKE100 plus also have all-round trapezoidal metal sheeting enclosures to protect the crew from falling and from adverse weather conditions. Builtin stairs, instead of ladders, in the main pathways interconnect the working levels in the building core and further boost the standard of safety on the site. One formwork

instructor from Doka Malaysia and another from headquarters in Amstetten support smooth and efficient progress in formworking directly on the construction site. They assist in matters relating to assembly of the formwork systems and explain to the site crew how to operate the automatic climbers effectively and safely.

ABOUT DOKA Doka is a world leader in developing, manufacturing and distributing formwork technology for use in all fields of the construction sector. With more than 160 sales and logistics facilities in over 70 countries, the Doka Group has a highly efficient distribution network which ensures that equipment and technical support are provided swiftly and professionally. An enterprise forming part of the Umdasch Group, the Doka Group employs a worldwide workforce of more than 6,000.

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Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016


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AUSTRALIAN DEWATERING SYSTEMS SOLVES FOUNDATION CHALLENGE The whole country is watching Sydney’s ‘vertical sprawl’ as high rise apartment blocks go up seemingly like mushrooms. Icon Constructions’ new Avantra twin towers development on Gardeners Road Mascot, is a classic example. Mainland Civil, the primary contractor, was faced with major challenges went it came to the foundations of the 12 and 13 storey buildings. Sydney’s Botany basin, the area around the airport through to Botany Bay, is well known to construction engineers for its high water table. Any project in this area means significant dewatering of potentially contaminated water. The company charged with the responsibility for controlling the water table for this important project is Australian Dewatering Systems. “We use Tsurumi submersible pumps exclusively for our dewatering jobs as they are the only pump we’ve found that can handle the difficult conditions,” said Australian Dewatering Systems’ Steve Newland. On the site at Mascot, the company has set up nine Tsurumi 3” KTZ35.5 submersible pumps supplied by Australian Pump Industries. The pumps are installed in deep in ‘spears’, to bring down the water table. Being close to Botany Bay, the extracted water is corrosive so the pumps have been seawater protected.

Aussie Pumps Neil Bennett together with Steve Newland for Australian Dewatering Systems check out the installation of Tsurumi KTZ submersibles at Icon Constructions’ Avantra development in Mascot.


Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016

Tsurumi KTZ pumps are designed to withstand the most demanding conditions found in building, civil engineering, mining sites and even batch plants.

“With regular maintenance we expect these pumps to run continuously for the next two years during the construction of the units on this site,” said Newland. “These pumps not only handle the salinity but cope well with the sand in the water too,” he said. Tsurumi KTZ pumps are designed to withstand the most demanding conditions found in building, civil engineering, mining sites and even batch plants. The impeller is hi chrome for maximum abrasion resistance. The pump and motor casing are cast iron making these pumps extremely heavy duty. The KTZ 35.5 chosen for this application use 5.5kW three phase two pole motors. The pumps deliver flows up to 1,100 lpm and maximum heads of up to 32 metres. The motors feature inbuilt thermal motor protection that cuts power on over current or extended dry run conditions. The self-reset activates once the motor has cooled allowing the pump to automatically restart. Like all Tsurumi submersible pumps, the KTZ series includes exclusive features that extend the life and enhance reliability of the pump. They include an anti-wicking cable entry that prevents water from entering the motor if the power lead is damaged or nicked. Twin double silicon carbide seals are standard on all models. All seal surfaces are submerged in an oil chamber, away from the pumped liquid. This ensures lubrication and protects ingress of foreign materials. The mechanical seal design features a patented Tsurumi Oil Lifter that increases seal longevity. The lifter ensures both the upper and lower seals are lubricated and cooled, even if the oil level in the chamber is low. “These features virtually knock out the biggest failure points on any submersible pump,” said Newland. “These pumps suit our tough applications and we get good technical support from Australian Pump,” he said. Tsurumi have developed a ‘seawater’ kit that fits the KTZ pumps to make them suitable for use in salt water. The kit includes a bronze impeller and sacrificial anode that is easily bolted to the cast iron casing using standard tools. Further information on the complete range of Tsurumi dewatering pumps is available on the Australian Pump website: and from Aussie Pump Master Tsurumi Distributors throughout Australia.

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the retiring President of the ACA, John Duncan, emphasised that there is a direct cost to the economy of at least two percent of GDP per year due to materials degradation, and somewhere between 25 and 40 percent

C&P2016 revealed the latest technical advances and research on corrosion mitigation.

of the cost is avoidable using already-known technology. A common view expressed by delegates was that because corrosion crosses a range of disciplines, a good mix of people attend the annual conference and trade exhibition including engineers and experts in addition to asset owners and managers. In the continuing efforts to minimise the impact of corrosion, new materials are being


C&P2016 revealed the latest technical

developed to build structures and procedures implemented that have been designed to protect both new and existing facilities. The corrosion effects of these new materials have to be researched and analysed. The keynote address at each C&P Conference is the PF Thomson Memorial Lecture, which has been delivered every year

(C&P2016) conference and trade exhibition

advances and research on corrosion mitigation.

since 1951. Percival Faraday Thompson (1885-

in Auckland were greeted with a traditional

Plenary speakers included Professor Digby

1951) is recognised as Australasia’s pioneer

Maori haka, along with other traditional

Macdonald from University of California, whose

in the science and technology of metallic

dances, at the start of the event that was

current research involves studying Simulating

corrosion and its mitigation. The Lecture is

staged at the SkyCity Convention Centre on

Coolant and Corrosion Processes in Water-

the Association’s premier dedicated lecture

Auckland's scenic harbour in November.

Cooled Nuclear Reactors and the Development

which strives to emulate the academic and

of Deterministic Corrosion Damage Models.

technical qualities for which Thompson

The conference brought together a panel of industry experts to discuss the challenges

Plenary lectures were also delivered by

brought by new technologies and materials

Howard Combs, General Manager Global Sales,

in addition to the importance of maintaining

Carboline USA, a specialist in elastomeric

2016 P F Thompson Memorial Lecture. Shaw

vital infrastructure. The convention and trade

coating technology; David Williams, Professor

is the Better Buildings Research Team Leader

exhibition provided a forum for all corrosion

in Electrochemistry at the University in

at BRANZ and leads a team of material

stakeholders to meet and discuss a wide

Auckland and Nick Laycock, Senior Materials &

scientists, fire engineers and structural

range of topics. Attendees were able to

Corrosion Engineer at Shell Qatar.

engineers researching improved techniques

became known. Dr Patricia Shaw was selected to give the

participate in seminars and hear technical

Speakers and delegates continue to raise

papers covering best practice in corrosion

the profile of corrosion and its mitigation, as

She obtained a PhD in Chemistry from the

management, environmental protection

well as working to place corrosion control on

University of Auckland and has more than 20

techniques, public safety and economics.

the national agenda. In his opening speech

years’ experience as a Materials Scientist.

Corrosion has a major economic impact on industry and the wider community: it is estimated that governments and organisations spend billions of dollars every year mitigating and repairing corrosion damage. The design, construction and operation of facilities and infrastructure represent major investments by companies, organisations and governments. Corrosion will affect all structures at varying rates over time, depending on the material used, the types of corrosive agents in the environment and the physical processes and mechanisms involved. How to manage this degradation is a challenge for designers and engineers, as well as asset owners, managers and operators.


Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016

Delegates at C&P2016 were greeted with a traditional Maori haka and other traditional dances.

and materials for use in the building industry.


In her presentation, Shaw defined corrosion as the deterioration of materials by interaction with their environment. While the term 'corrosion' is generally used in reference to metals, it also applies to the degradation of polymers, concrete and wood. Shaw's

The convention and trade exhibition provided a forum for all corrosion stakeholders to meet and discuss a wide range of topics.

presentation explored the causes and effects of corrosion on polymeric materials and provided

research. Ways to mitigate corrosion include

corrosion event in the Asia Pacific region and

an overview of the environmental factors which

restricting the design load on the material and

will feature a program of keynote speakers and

may affect polymeric materials, and the impact

to include UV stabilisers in the polymer mix.

technical presentations.

The ACA works with industry and academia

of those effects on their performance. She also discussed the challenges of measuring

to research all aspects of corrosion in order

and understanding polymer degradation and

to provide an extensive knowledge base

presented some practical examples to illustrate

that supports best practice in corrosion

the importance of this field of corrosion

management, thereby ensuring all impacts

ABOUT THE AUSTRALASIAN CORROSION ASSOCIATION The Australasian Corrosion Association Incorporated (ACA) is a not-for-profit, membership Association which provides training, seminars, conferences, publications and other activities to disseminate information about corrosion and its prevention or control. The industry association was formed in 1955 and represents companies, organisations and individuals involved in the fight against corrosion and promotes cooperation between academic, industrial, commercial and governmental organisations. For further information, please visit the web site:

of corrosion are responsibly managed, the environment is protected, public safety enhanced and economies improved. The work of Dr Shaw and her team adds to the accumulated knowledge available to industry and other academics. In 2017, the ACA will being saying “G'day, mate” to delegates attending next year's Dr Patricia Shaw was selected to give the 2016 P F Thompson Memorial Lecture.

Corrosion & Prevention event when the conference returns once more to Sydney. As always, the conference will be the premier

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The NSW Police Force was part of the IPWEA NSW State Conference again this year. The Drug Testing and Crash Investigation Unit presented two papers and brought along the Roadside Drug Testing Bus for delegates to hop into and have a look around. The NSW Police Force was announced winner of Category 7, Local Government Excellence in Road Safety Engineering in the Engineering Excellence Awards 2016 for their ground-breaking and extremely effective Roadside Drug Program through which they tested 85,000 people across the State during 2015/2016. The NSW Police Force are keen to work closer with local government and IPWEA NSW’s members to prevent accidents and dangerous driving behaviour on NSW roads. Detective Sergeant Anthony (Tony) Fokes presented at the Roads & Maritime Services Southern Region Annual Forum in Wollongong on Thursday 17th November, delivering a very enlightening presentation which had the audience's full attention. IPWEA NSW CEO John Roydhouse will be meeting with Inspector Robert Toynton during December to talk about the NSW Police Force’s further engagement with IPWEA NSW in 2017 and going forward on various events, training courses and other issues of mutual interest.


Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016

IPWEA NSW 2016 – A YEAR OF INFLUENCE IPWEA NSW has led positive changes in a wide range of fields, delivering against its primary mission to enhance the quality of lives of NSW communities through excellence in public works. This has included strong leadership and advocacy under-pinned by building genuine relationships at a political and agency level. IPWEA NSW outwardly demonstrates a solutions-based approach to strategic infrastructure management issues, recognising the need to align its goals and form partnerships which influence and assist Government policy and strategic direction to drive strong economic growth, positive employment and enhanced community well-being and social equity. This commitment will continue in 2017, with many exciting events and opportunities happening across the year. IPWEA NSW Division's key focus areas during 2016 included Local Government reform, laying the foundations for new forward looking infrastructure funding models, capacity building and encouraging improved diversity through the

Young IPWEA members get on board with the Pocket Sally campaign

Young IPWEA and other programs.

POCKET SALLY CAMPAIGN The launch of the Pocket Sally campaign has been an exciting, fun and successful campaign aimed at improving diversity. You can follow Sally’s exploits on Twitter at @sally_ipwea or go to her web-site Pocket Sally has been introduced to many

Pocket Sally being introduced to NSW Premier Mike Baird)


important people including members of Parliament, Ministers, Premier Mike Baird and Federal Deputy Liberal Leader Julie Bishop MP.

IPWEA NSW EXCELLENCE AWARDS The Annual IPWEA NSW Excellence Awards were presented at the Awards Gala Dinner in the Hunter Valley on 27th October 2016 with a record number of nominations, 101, received. This year also marked the introduction of the three sub categories for Category 1: Design and Construction of a Local Government / Public Works Project and this initiative gave an opportunity for a broader range of submissions to be recognised based upon a project value. The night included ten award categories and three individual prizes including the new Special award, The Minister for Local Government’s Award for Innovation in Local Government Engineering. Visit for full details of all the winners and highly commended entries.


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The IPWEA NSW Regional Forums are entering their eighth year. These informative seminars and networking events have struck a chord with the audience and have been extremely well attended. The Regional Forum is a state-wide program delivered to public works practitioners and is supported through a dynamic and high profile program covering topics like road repairs, water solutions, smart lighting, bridges, procurement, pavement and asphalt, with a focus on key current issues and technical information. The Regional Forums are a full and comprehensive program including informative presentations and local projects with plenty of informal discussion, concluding with a relaxed dinner creating the opportunity to share knowledge with peers and sponsors. The Forums are open to IPWEA NSW Members, Non-Members and any others interested in Local Government issues. Registrations for the 2017 IPWEA NSW Regional Forums will open soon at:

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CONCRETE 2017 CONFERENCE The 28th Biennial Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia, “Advances in Concrete Materials and Structures” is now less than 12 months away. With abstract submissions now officially closed, Concrete 2017 promises to deliver an exceptional range of keynote speakers, including Louise Adams, Professor Des Bull, Professor Doug Hooton, Professor Tim Ibell, Professor Karen Scrivener and Mr Peter McBean.


Peter McBean Peter has over 30 years’ experience as a consulting structural engineer and is Joint Managing Director of Wallbridge & Gilbert. Peters’ professional interests are in structural dynamics and earthquake engineering.

Professor Karen Scrivener Prof Scrivener obtained her PhD at Imperial College, in 1984, prior to becoming a lecturer. Karen joined Lafarge, France in 1995, and in 2001 was appointed Professor and Head of the Laboratory of Construction Materials and EPFL, Switzerland.

Louise Adams Louise is a chartered civil engineer with over 15 years’ experience in multidisciplinary projects, including land development and technical advisory for project planning, and is currently Regional Director for Aurecon in Victoria.

Professor Des Bull Prof Des Bull is currently Technical Director of Holmes Consulting Group LP, Civil and Structural Engineers and the Holcim Adjunct Professor in Concrete Design in the Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

Professor Doug Hooton Prof Hooton is currently NSERC/Cement Association of Canada, Senior Industrial Research Chair in Concrete Durability and Sustainability in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Toronto.

Professor Tim Ibell Tim is Professor of Structural Engineering at the University of Bath, UK. He was also the 2015 President of the Institution of Structural Engineers, and currently a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering.

Collectively, the six keynote speakers for Concrete 2017 will deliver fascinating presentations covering a wide range of topics, and are featured in the December issue of Concrete in Australia. There are also plenty of opportunities to be involved in Concrete 2017, providing an excellent platform for engineers, scientists, concrete practitioners, researchers, designers, academics and suppliers to network and showcase products, research trends, innovative and emerging technology to a range of industry personnel. The multidisciplinary nature of Concrete 2017 allows for ample opportunity for delegates to immerse themselves in the industry, as there will be a trade exhibition running concurrently with Concrete 2017. The journey towards Concrete 2017 features several milestones and important dates to keep in mind: • Call for Abstracts are now closed • Abstract Author Notification: 19 December 2016 • Early Bird Registration Opens: 10 February 2017 • Full Paper Submissions Close: 10 February 2017 • Full Paper Author Notification: 2 May 2017 • Author Registration Deadline: 26 May 2017 • Conference Dates: 22-25 October 2017

Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016





2016 has been a busy year for the Concrete Institute of Australia. In an effort to continually bring up to date and relevant information to members in the pursuit of excellence in concrete, the Institute has run several events throughout the country, as well as introducing new educational publications and online learning tools. Here’s a snapshot of 2016.

STATE BRANCH ACTIVITIES The Queensland Branch of The Institute hosted a hugely successful seminar in June, covering all aspects of Concrete Bridges. This was a great seminar, with upwards of 140 delegates attending to hear Hossein Shamsai discuss innovation in precast girder technology, Peter Burnton cover emerging trends in bridge engineering and along with highlights on the future of bridges in Queensland.

Precast beam competition, Swinburne University

The Victorian Branch showcase event of 2016 was exceptional, delivering technical presentations, a trade show and a student beam competition all in one evening. This event was well received by over 110 delegates who attended to hear about the future of engineering, with presentations covering Building Information Modelling (BIM), 3D printing and robotics. The Institute values the input of today’s young engineers and it was incredibly valuable to engage with Swinburne’s Engineering masterminds through the student beam competition.

Queensland branch event on bridges

Towards the end of 2016, the Queensland Branch focused on Basement and Waterproofing, delivering best-practice applications, risk and typical defects in basement construction and waterproofing. The variety of speakers allowed for a range of experience and case studies presented to over 100 delegates. The New South Wales Branch hit the ground running in 2016, with their opening seminar, “Upgrading Existing Structures”. Featuring presentations by Associate Professor Muhummad Hadi (UoW), Dr Hamid Valipour (UNSW), Christopher Carroll and Nicholas Sheldrake (Arcadis), delegates were presented with a unique mix of academic insights and practical case studies. The 2016 Breakfast event hosted by the New South Wales Branch featured highly regarded speakers within the industry, Dr Jane Inglis from Transport for New South Wales, and Laing O’Rourke duo Nicole Waterman and Raquel Rubalcaba. Together, delegates were presented with an insight into current Sydney Rail Projects, the use of low carbon concrete solutions and a snapshot into the nature of digital engineering capabilities used to achieve desired outcomes. Next year, the Breakfast event will be paired with the New South Wales 2017 Awards for Excellence presentation. 38

Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016

Major Victorian Infrastructure Projects Seminar

The Victorian Branch finished 2016 on an excellent note, with a successful final seminar, “Major Victorian Infrastructure Projects”. Industry experts from VicRoads collectively discussed planned and commencing key projects, essential to the growth and development of Melbourne. Specific projects were discussed in more detail, including the Shepherd Bridge, West Gate Distributor and the EJ Whitten Bridge. The year began in South Australia with an excellent introductory seminar featuring a concurrent trade show for delegates. “What’s New in Concrete 2016” provided over 120 attendees with important changes in concrete practice. Technical presentations covered newly released concrete anchor guidelines, and South Australian alternatives to flyash for durable concrete. The South Australian Branch will be hosting this event again in February, 2017.


The South Australian Branch also hosted a number of site tours including one of the University of South Australia’s Health Innovation Building that is currently under construction. As Wallbridge & Gilbert have provided structural and civil consulting services, the knowledgeable team were happy to explain the benefits of the concrete framed construction. The Western Australia Branch held their Annual Gala Dinner in October, an evening event designed to connect the industry with fun-filled networking. The Gala Dinner was attended by over 150 delegates, which included an evening performance to keep things entertaining. The Branch kept the fun rolling, delivering their successful Corporate Golf Day in November. This event was a sell-out, with over 70 golfers attending the daytime networking activity. Unfortunately no one took home the Hole in One Prize - a brand new Jeep, however Perth delivered optimum weather for the golf course. The Institute’s Tasmanian Branch delivered a technical seminar, “Shotcrete Design for Civil Construction” earlier this year. Featuring presentations from BASF Australia and Hickory Building Systems, this seminar was a success in both Invermay and Sandy Bay. The Tasmanian Branch delivered a range of industry relevant seminars, such as best-practice for curing, design considerations for galvanic cathodic protection and project case studies throughout the state this year.

South Australian Site Visits

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Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016




Networking in Albury


This year the Institute took a number of events to more regional parts of Australia to connect with members in these areas. In September local Institute Gold Member, Xypex generously sponsored and hosted The Institute’s debut event in Albury. Local technical expert, Dr Farhad Nabavi, presented alongside Institute National President, Michael van Koeverden to deliver a quality seminar to local engineers and contractors. Together, Michael and Farhad provided a comprehensive overview of theory and practice of cracking in concrete, and working with sustainable concrete.

Technical seminar in Darwin

The South Australian Committee ventured north and collaborated with Engineer’s Australia Northern Division to co-host a technical seminar. South Australian Committee Member, David Cockburn covered Hot Weather Concrete and Joint Sealants, whilst Institute CEO David Millar discussed new recommended practices in concrete durability. This seminar was well received by local Members and delegates who attended, providing a forum to share local knowledge. This seminar served a dual purpose, to establish a local Darwin Sub-Branch headed by former WA Branch Committee Member, Brian Loughlin. The Institute’s North Queensland Sub-Branch has successfully held its second annual concrete engineering and technology seminar in partnership with James Cook University. This seminar included a combination of industry professionals and academics, such as Life Member and Durability Committee Member, Daksh Baweja. We are fortunate to have an active local sub-branch to continue deliver events to this area into 2017. ACT-Sub Branch President, Dan Rowley has been extremely active in delivering quality technical seminars to Canberra and surrounding regions. The Seismic Design seminar held in collaboration with SRIA received positive feedback, similarly to the national seminar series, ‘Why Does Concrete Do The Things It Does’. The Institute’s very own National President, Michael van Koeverden presented a successful ‘Why Concrete Cracks’ seminar in August, which was well received by over 60 delegates. We look forward to delivering more quality seminars to the Canberra concrete market! 40

Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016

Authored by the Concrete Institute of Australia representative on Standards Committee BD-043 (Formwork), co-authored by Doug Crawford, the chair of BD-043, the new Z36 Recommended Practice Formwork Handbook is now available. The Formwork Handbook will assist in providing the industry with design and construction guidelines for formwork and falsework. For more information on how to obtain the handbook, contact education@

NATIONAL SEMINARS In 2016 we delivered a range of high quality full day education programs around the country. High Performance Concrete Floors and Pavements was presented during March 2016, to over 220 delegates nationally. The series featured two of Australia’s pre-eminent pavement and floor design experts and international expert from the USA, Robert Rodden, who presented on ACI Design Methods for Floor and Pavements. For our June/July 2016 Series the Institute brought internationally renowned speaker Professor Ken Hover to Australia to present on ‘Why Does Concrete Do The Things It Does?’ across the country, including the first time the National Roadshow was presented in Canberra. The seminar was attended by over 340 delegates nationally, and supported by Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia, and sponsored by Boral, Cement Australia, Adelaide Brighton and Cockburn Cement. The October 2016 series and the final full day seminar for the year featured world renowned expert Professor Harry Poulos presenting on Pile Foundations – Analysis and Design. Professor Poulos shared his 40 years of research on the topic of Pile Foundations, and his experiences from having designed or reviewed designs of foundations for some of the tallest and exclusive buildings in the world, including the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, Burj al Arab in Dubai, Emirates twin towers in Dubai, the Nakheel tower in Dubai, Dubai Towers in Qatar, the Entisar Tower in Dubai, the Diamond Tower in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, the Incheon 151 Tower in South Korea, the Taipei 101 tower in Taiwan, and the International Finance Centre in Hong Kong.. The series also featured presentations on case studies in Australia from Wagstaff Piling and Pile Test who were also major sponsors of the series. Nationally, the series was attended by over 250 delegates. The Concrete Institute of Australia also ran joint seminars with two associations in 2016. The first of these in April/May 2016 with the Steel Reinforcement Institute of Australia (SRIA). The series was titled ‘Seismic Design and Detailing for Reinforced Concrete Buildings’ and was presented in capital cities around the country. Over 260 attending delegates received hard copies of the newly published Guide to Seismic Design and Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Buildings in Australia handbook which can also be downloaded in softcopy from the SRIA website. Our second joint seminar was with the National Precast Association of Australia and was titled Changes to AS 3850 – Prefabricated Concrete Elements. The seminar featured two presenters who were also Committee Members on Standards Australia BD-066, responsible for the new AS 3850 standard. The seminar was attended by over 250 delegates nationally and was sponsored by ramsetreid and Ultrafloor.


SOCIAL MEDIA SUCCESS The Institute has been extremely active on social media this year. Through the use of LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and now Instagram, the Institute is able to stay connected with Members and the wider industry. The Institute has also broadened the range of accounts and showcase pages to include a dedicated 2017 Awards for Excellence page and Twitter account. These social channels are great for keeping the industry informed about Institute events, the upcoming Concrete 2017 Conference, Awards for Excellence, publications, new resources and industry news. The Institute also likes to keep it fun and engaging for followers by including a ‘Throwback Thursday’ weekly, capturing the humble beginnings of iconic projects. This is often followed by ‘Friday Fact’, where a fun, interesting, emerging trend or crafty concrete project is posted to finish off the week. A memorable Friday Fact post detailed concrete pipes that had been

converted into sustainable housing, which was viewed by over 50,000 people. The Institute now has a growing following of over 2,100 on LinkedIn, over 220 followers on Facebook, almost 400 on Twitter and over 160 on Instagram, with its own hashtag ‘#inthemix’. Going forward, the Institute will look to expand its communication channels to include a blogging forum, including posts by industry leaders, providing a medium to connect young individuals within the industry.

Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016



2017 AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE IN CONCRETE PROGRAM CALL FOR ENTRIES ARE OFFICIALLY OPEN The Concrete Institute of Australia is very pleased to welcome entries for the upcoming 2017 Awards for Excellence in Concrete program. The Institute’s Awards program has been recognising and publicising significant contributions to excellence in concrete design, construction and materials in Australia for the past 45 years. The Institute’s Awards for Excellence in Concrete program has been designed to cater for both small and larger scale projects and organisations, with a fair judging system and criteria. Projects and the use of innovative technology in concrete applications are eligible to receive an Award for Excellence, with entries to be judged separately in clear categories.

SIX AWARD CATEGORIES TO CHOOSE FROM: • Residential buildings o Single dwellings or multi-storey dwellings used for residential purposes only (up to 11 storeys). • Commercial buildings o Offices, industrial buildings, institutional buildings, large residential complexes or combinations of these. • Infrastructure projects o Buildings such as schools, hospitals etc., engineering infrastructure projects such as bridges, roads, wharves, water resources etc. • Repairs & rehabilitation o For both buildings and infrastructure. • Sustainability & environment o A specific category recognising advances in the environmentally sustainable use of concrete. These may include buildings and infrastructure, technology and innovation. Entries submitted under other categories may also be entered under this category. • Technology & innovation o This category includes significant contributions to the understanding or use of concrete as evidenced by research, technical publications, patent applications, new products or pieces 42

Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016

of equipment, new techniques, design innovations or educational activity.

AWARDS WILL BE PRESENTED AT STATE LEVEL AND NATIONALLY: • State o All project entries are judged under the state in which they are completed, and winners will be presented with an Award for Excellence in Concrete. o More than one award may be granted in each distinct category. These awards will be presented at Institute Branch Awards functions, scheduled for July and August 2017. • National o Winners of state-based Awards for Excellence will be judged in their respective categories for an overall, national winner. The winner will receive a Medallion for Excellence in Concrete. o It is important to note that Technology & Innovation entries will only be judged and awarded at National level. o From those entries receiving a Medallion for Excellence in Concrete, one will be judged to receive the Kevin Cavanagh Trophy for Excellence in Concrete. o National Awards will be presented at the Institute’s 2017 Conference Dinner on 22 October 2017. We look forward to receiving project entries that continue to develop and innovate concrete in structural applications, such as two previous winners highlighted here. Ichthys LNG Project


Ichthys LNG Project – 2015 Awards for Excellence in Concrete – Engineering Projects Winner The Ichthys LNG Project is a large scale natural gas project, and consists of several engineering masterpieces. The Cryogenic Tanks package includes a combination of LNG and LPG tanks to be utilised for storage of liquefied gases. These enormous tanks were constructed by Kawasaki-Laing O’Rourke consortium, with the structural and geotechnical expertise of BG&E and Golders Associates. This combination of engineering masterminds allowed subcontractors to realise the non-traditional, atypical tank construction methodology, with minimal change during the planning and execution phases, post contract award. The concrete structure was purposefully assembled to protect the inner tank from environmental conditions during normal operations, whereas the outer concrete tanks were purposefully designed to provide protection for abnormal and accidental loading conditions. Concrete was the obvious choice of material for this project, due to the economic viability and durability that was superior to alternative construction materials.

1 Bligh Street, Sydney

1 Bligh Street, Sydney – 2013 Awards for Excellence in Concrete – Sustainability Medal and Building Projects Winner This structure is magnificent, sustainable and boasts innovation and excellence in concrete, worthy of the multiple awards this project has received. The overall objective was to create a consistent, transparent glass tube structure, maximising views of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Circular Quay. Architectus + Ingenhoven Architects visualised light and transparency when

designing this structure, creating an iconic project that emerges amongst a city of buildings with dark, tinted glass. The primary structural elements marry seamlessly into the buildings architecture, sustainability, and buildability - the subject of considerable design effort amongst the consulting and project team. Concrete forms the basis of the structure, from the significant areas of exposed off form concrete use in public and tenant spaces, through to the efficient, complex structural elements such as the slender eccentric concrete cores which provide the lateral capacity for the building.

WAGNERS EFC HONOURED AT ACI CONVENTION SUCCESS Institute Members, Wagners EFC, were recently honoured at the ACI Convention Awards for Excellence Gala Dinner for their contribution towards the Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport and innovative use of geopolymer. This particular project was nominated by the Institute and was placed in the Flatwork Category, resulting in an Award for Excellence. This is well deserved for a project that has received much praise prior to this prestigious honour. Our congratulations go to the Wagners EFC team for this wonderful achievement.

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25 years from its inception, leaders of the Australian precast concrete industry joined together to commemorate the silver anniversary of its national industry body, National Precast Concrete Association. At a black tie dinner held at Sydney’s Opera House on Thursday 10th November, the precast industry celebrated the achievements of the industry, some of the projects it has supplied and the people who have contributed along the way. Joining the celebrations were members of Precast New Zealand and other industry dignitaries. And supporting the event was Event Partner ramsetreid. From walling and flooring to beams, columns, lift shafts and stairs in the building's space, to civil elements like bridge beams, pipes, culverts, road safety barriers and noise walls, precast has long

making precast easy

been recognised as a long-lasting, durable and sustainable solution. Offering the construction industry high quality offsite manufactured products that are used in the construction of both buildings and civil projects, it is manufactured in purpose-built factories. Using precast in a project improves site safety, minimises both labour and waste and speeds construction to deliver enormous time savings. With National Precast members undergoing thorough checks before being allowed to join, they lead the field in supplying high quality products to the industry. When it comes to quality of product, manufacturing facilities, quality and safety systems, financial status and compliance with codes and standards, they excel at what they do… and that means less risk for their clients.



Top: The Sydney Opera House - a precast building was a befitting venue for National Precast's 25 year celebrations. Above: John Woodside, Brian Mallon and Peter Webb are acknowledged for their input to the industry. Left: Guests mingle with the stunning backdrop of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

The recent celebrations acknowledged founding members, past presidents and key industry contributors, all of whom were awarded Certificates of Meritorious Service. Special recognition was also given to two founding Board members who are still on the Board today, Matt Perrella and Ian Coulter. The Past Presidents who were awarded included John Burke, Godfrey Smith, Carol Beresford , Ian Coulter, Matt Perrella, Claude Pincin, Gavin Stollery, Alan Morrison, Peter Healy, Leo Valente, Brent Hardy, Richard Carr and current president Craig Zinn. The other industry contributors who were also awarded 46

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included Brian Mallon, Peter Webb and John Woodside. Barry Crisp and Brian Stevens were also both acknowledged for their contributions to the industry however were not present on the evening. Ivor Jones and Bob Attwater, who have sadly passed, were also recognised for their past efforts. To view more photographs from the night, visit National Precast’s website: and its Facebook page: Clockwise from top: Founding and past presidents are acknowledged at the 25 year celebrations; Entertainer Darryl Lovegrove captures the audience; Hanson Precast staff and their guests line up for a photo opportunity before celebrations begin.

Stresscrete has been leading the way in the manufacture and supply of precast and prestressed concrete products for over 20 years. At Stresscrete, we pride ourselves on the delivery of a quality product on time. With our expertise and experience, we can offer a selection of innovative precast and prestressed concrete solutions for your project, whether at tender stage or project delivery.


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Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016



Precast concrete structures like Trinity Hill in Tasmania absorb carbon dioxide over their life.

much as 43 percent of emissions associated with cement production over the past 70 years. And that figure doesn’t include the emissions associated with fossil fuel used during the production process.


CO² can be absorbed by concrete in its various forms, whether they be buildings, bridges, walling and pipes. Precast concrete is used in all these and more. The bonus is that concrete doesn’t actually need to be directly exposed to the atmosphere for carbonisation to take place. Precast concrete products, such as piping or tunnels that might be underground also absorb carbon dioxide from air in the soil. Precast structures such as bridges or pylons that are under water can absorb the dissolved carbon dioxide that is found in groundwater, freshwater and seawater.


PRECAST CONCRETE… ABSORBING CO² Across the world there's a drive to reduce our carbon footprint. Our carbon footprint is the net total sum of greenhouse gas emissions. One of those greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide, or CO², which the OECD defines as a colourless, ordourless and non-poisonous gas that’s formed by the combustion of carbon in the respirations of living organisms. In the case of evaluating the carbon footprint of structures, it’s not just about the CO² that is emitted when the structure is manufactured and built; it’s also about the carbon emissions throughout the structure’s life. In fact, it is these life cycle emissions which make up the lion’s share of a structure’s CO² emissions. 48

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THE ROLE OF CONCRETE IN EMISSIONS: A NEW STUDY About five percent of human-generated carbon dioxide emissions globally comes from the production process of concrete. That may be so, but new research has found that concrete plays an important role in reabsorbing carbon emissions. A study by the China Emission Accounts and Datasets Group, which has involved a team of experts from around the world, found the natural carbonation (absorption and storage of CO²) process of cement materials like concrete acts as a large and growing “sink” for carbon dioxide. The researchers concluded this “sink” is substantial and currently not considered in emissions inventories. According to the study, the carbonisation process of cement has offset as

As part of its findings, the study also highlights the importance of looking at the entire life cycle of materials such as precast concrete. As well as actually absorbing carbon dioxide, precast concrete has other inherent properties and processes that contribute to sustainability in terms of construction. It is important to also factor in the other CO² emission-offsetting benefits offered by precast structures, like the lower energy need to heat and cool buildings because of concrete’s high thermal mass, which means it can be used to absorb, store and radiate heat. Added to that is the use of recycled materials like fly ash and slag that would otherwise go in to landfill, and the lower amounts of waste produced during manufacture. It is locally manufactured using local products and utilises some of the industry’s most ecological and economical practices. As well, because precast is built under quality-controlled conditions, it can be designed to incorporate less steel and cement… thereby again reducing the carbon footprint of the end product. And at the end of the precast structure’s long, low maintenance life, it can be recycled. And if one wants to be particularly environmentally conscious, there are now photocatalytic coatings available which can be applied in the factory and which further purify the air by decomposing pollutants.

PRECAST AS PART OF GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY National Precast is proud to be playing a role in building a sustainable Australia. Its members offer a diverse range of sustainable civil and building solutions. For more information or to find a precaster for your next project, visit:


Delta Corporation is proud to have been selected to supply the Architectural Precast Faรงade Panels to the new Perth Stadium. Featuring a high quality architectural off-form finish in combination with exposed aggregate bands and the incorporation of unique artwork, Delta worked closely with Multiplex & the design team to turn the architects vision into stunning reality.


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WORLD CLASS STADIUM IN PERTH PRECASTER: Delta Corporation GRAPHIC CONCRETE™: ramsetreid BUILDER: Brookfield Multiplex Construction ARCHITECT: Hassell HKS Cox ENGINEER: Arup CLIENT: State Government of Western Australia The start of the 2018 AFL season will herald a new era for sport in Perth. A multi-purpose stadium to host not just AFL, but rugby, soccer, cricket and entertainment events will open, offering 60,000 fans an exciting new venue. Construction of Perth Stadium began in December 2014 with an innovative design committed to a ‘fans first’ approach. The design aims to acknowledge Western Australia’s sporting, cultural and Aboriginal heritage.

PRECAST CONCRETE ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES The exterior of the Perth Stadium is shaping up to make a distinctive first impression. Part 50

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of the exterior is finished with striking precast concrete architectural wall panels, manufactured and erected by National Precast member, Perth-based Delta Corporation. The company is producing more than 4000m² of panels for this exciting project. “The client chose precast for its architectural finishes and the overall effect is imposing and stunning. It’s virtually the first thing you see, and it looks amazing” said Delta Executive Director Matt Perrella. We’ve already erected a large number of these panels and they’re absolutely spectacular,” said Mr Perrella. Although specified as a Class 2 finish, the finishes to the panels are Class 1 off-form, in earthy tones with a saw tooth profile. Special custom moulds were fabricated specifically for the project. Different depths of sand blasting to selected segments give the panels unique and contrasting architectural finishes, with some smooth and others with exposed stone. According to Mr Perrella, his team have found the project interesting and challenging. “We use varying degrees of sandblasting all the time, but the graphic art on this project was something really spectacular. Our team enjoyed being part of a project that’s somewhat different to our usual production and is pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved with architectural precast.”



The graphic art component of the panels was based on artwork from the client and acknowledges the site’s rich Aboriginal history, while embracing Aboriginal heritage and culture in the Stadium and landscape design. To bring this objective to life, Delta worked closely with National Precast Industry

Striking panels manufactured by Delta Corporation incorporate graphic concreteTM

Powering a Sustainable Future “Our team enjoyed being part of a project that’s somewhat different to our usual production and is pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved with architectural precast.” Partner, ramsetreid, which specialises in graphic concrete™. Using graphic concrete™, the precaster provided a spectacular surface relief to showcase the Nyoongar Aboriginal language and stories. The artwork will encourage Perth Stadium visitors to reflect and appreciate the Aboriginal history of the area. The architectural wall panels and their graphic artwork are an example of the versatility of precast concrete.

TAKING SHAPE FOR 2018 AFL SEASON The manufacture and erection of the wall panels continues as this impressive stadium takes shape. Mr Perrella says the stadium construction is working to a tight timeline to be ready for the 2018 AFL season, and those deadlines have been met without any issues by his company. When it’s complete, the Perth Stadium will be a world-class venue with state of the art facilities with local companies, including Delta being able to take some credit for this exceptional arena.

GRAPHIC CONCRETE™ TAKING AUSTRALIA BY STORM All of a sudden, the world of architectural precast just got more exciting. A new technology being offered by National Precast Industry Partner ramsetreid allows patterns and images to be set in concrete, in almost any application. The technology, known as graphic concrete™, opens new opportunities for architects and designers, where patterns, text, or even photos can be ‘etched’ onto precast concrete surfaces. The technology works by applying the specified pattern or artwork to the face of concrete element at the panel fabrication stage in a precast factory. A special retarder membrane is placed within the casting mould and the result is a permanent pattern which is ‘etched’ onto the face of the panel by utilising the contrast between the exposed fine aggregate finish and the smooth textures. Whilst the technology works well with conventional grey concrete mixes, the impact and effect of the pattern or image can be further enhanced by specifying cement pigments or oxides, as well as by nominating the colour and size of the aggregate. The specification of fine aggregates enhances the level of contrast achieved by saturating the exposed areas of the pattern with fines. Designers and architects can select a pattern or image from an existing range of patterns or they can design their own. The membrane has a maximum printable area of 3200mm wide and can be supplied at any length. The membrane can therefore be both efficiently and effectively used in the production of precast panels to a maximum width of 3200mm. It is also possible to cast wider precast concrete panels by joining membranes together. To find out more about graphic concrete™, visit au/finishes/.

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Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016



Precast concrete bridge deck units like these being installed for the Eleanor Schonell Bridge in Queensland offer a sustainable and durable long-life solution.

EXPLORING MATERIAL SELECTION TRENDS: THE TIMBER BRIDGE EXPERIENCE At first glance, it feels like a simple out-with-theold and in-with-the-new. As part of Queensland's first State Infrastructure Plan, $300 million is being invested in critical road and rail upgrades. But the plan involves more than just replacing old with new; it’s one that includes the replacement of some of the state’s old, maintenance-intensive timber bridges with more sustainable solutions durable concrete bridges. When concrete has been proven to be a longlasting and low maintenance structurally-suitable material for both civil and building construction applications, one wonders why timber was used in the first instance. Did the original design team understand the inherent faults with timber? Probably the likely answer has more to do with location, available resources and of course, cost.

WHY TIMBER AND NOT CONCRETE? Surely if design teams had the option in earlier times, they would have chosen concrete with its proven performance over hundreds, and even thousands, of years. Take the Colosseum as an example. Or the Pantheon. Or any of the ancient Roman theatres. Renato Perucchio from the University of Rochester in New York explains that while Roman concrete is approximately ten times weaker than 52

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modern concrete, the fact that the buildings in Rome are still standing is a testament to its “phenomenal resistance over time”. We have to assume that the teams involved with those earlier projects chose the best materials they could at the time of construction, and while they weren’t building iconic buildings, they must have known that these bridges would likely have a short life span and need replacing.

MORE BENEFITS WITH CONCRETE It’s an interesting exercise to research and understand the reason why the timber bridges are being replaced with concrete ones. What benefits are these new projects giving to the community and why are we not replacing timber with timber? A quick snapshot of some brief research follows: Queensland Rail: “As part of this project, ageing timber bridges will be replaced with steel and concrete structures to improve reliability, operational safety and efficiency of services on the rail corridor.” Department of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland: “Four existing timber bridges at Fiery Creek, Lonely Creek, Boundary Creek and Cut Creek will be replaced with new concrete structures as part of the Peak Downs Highway timber bridges replacement project. The new

bridges will improve the safety, capacity and reliability of the Peak Downs Highway particularly for the heavy vehicle and freight industries. Replacing the old timber bridges is the most cost effective long term solution considering ongoing maintenance costs for the timber bridges and the benefits provided by the new concrete structures.” Queensland Government, Dept. of State Development: “Due to the current load limit on the bridges, school buses now travel a further distance to their destination.” Australian Federal Government: “By upgrading these bridges from, for example, by replacing one-lane timber bridges with two-lane concrete bridges, residents will enjoy better and more reliable road access. Freight from farms and local factories will be able to pass safely along quicker routes with greatly improved productivity.” “We’ll see significant reductions in road closures due to flooding when this project is complete. This means improved year-round freight access to inland communities and the Townsville Port, as well as safer and better driving conditions for locals.” VEC Civil Engineering: “…allowed a crew of just 7 workers using 2 excavators to remove


the old timber rail bridge and replace it with the new bridge or culvert in just 48 hours.”

TAKE-AWAYS AND QUESTIONS There are some key themes to take away from the above statements. Firstly, future generations of Australians, as well as visitors, will be able to use the infrastructure for a significantly longer period of time. The low maintenance, 100-year plus lifespans of the new bridges give precast concrete a big tick for sustainability. Secondly, the local communities will enjoy a more reliable infrastructure system, with less delays leading to increased productivity (another tick for sustainability) and in some cases, during the wet season, an evacuation route during a flood. It is safe to assume that anyone would agree that the use of concrete over timber can be justified as a step in the right direction. Reminiscent perhaps of the story of ‘The three little pigs’… isn’t the moral of that story to use the strongest material possible to build houses?

MORE THAN WITHSTANDING HUFF AND PUFF It goes without saying that the standards of today demand more than for a structure to simply not blow over. When we plan, design, construct and commission a structure, we want to ensure both workers and users are safe. As well, we demand that… • in the case of a fire, we won’t be exposed to any harmful chemicals and that the fire rating of the build is as high as possible; • as payers of rates, strata fees and taxes, we don’t want our authorities purchasing high maintenance structures - structures that not only cost an exponential amount as they get older, but those that are decommissioned after a short period of time, or eaten by termites on the off chance a maintenance inspection wasn’t carried out correctly; • structures will withstand our unpredictable environment. We want our structures to withstand floods, as recently seen in Brisbane. Would a timber building have survived? • our buildings are as thermally and therefore energy efficient, as possible; • they perform well acoustically; and that • their manufacture and construction supports local economies. Surely, the Queensland bridge experience can teach us something. Will we learn from it when making material selections in the future?

WESTMEAD HOSPITAL: Children’s Medical Research Institute PRECASTER: Hanson Precast CLIENT: Westmead Hospital BUILDER: AW Edwards ARCHITECT: Conrad Gargett Ancher Mortlock Woolley ENGINEER: ARUP Photo by Brett Boardman Courtesy Conrad Gargett Ancher Mortlock Woolley

The Children’s Medical Research Institute at Sydney’s Westmead Hospital was the country’s first paediatric medical research facility, opening in 1958. Over the years, its research has helped save the lives of thousands of children. An expansion of facilities has resulted in advances in the prevention and cure of childhood disease. Stage one involved the highly specialised delivery of a nine-storey research facility.

ATTENTION TO DETAIL AND COLLABORATION Sydney-based precast manufacturer and National Precast member, Hanson Precast, played an important role in the redevelopment of this innovative facility, working in partnership with the project architect and builder. The company manufactured precast concrete architectural panels for the façade, which was a combination of the precast concrete panels and glass. The panels have a light-coloured etched finish in quartz aggregate. “We worked with the architect to get a faceted look to finish the panel, while ensuring it still appears solid,” said Hanson’s Estimating and Sales Manager Richard Lorenzin. Precast was ideal for this particular project because of the complicated shapes required by the architect. To create those shapes and the detailed finish, Hanson used custom-made moulds. Mr Lorenzin says tailor-making products is a core ability of the business and producing them is rewarding for the precast team. “This project was no exception. It’s interesting and satisfying for the entire team to produce such a unique finished product that looks so good”.

EARLY INVOLVEMENT OF PRECASTER REAPS REWARDS The precaster was involved in the project right from the start, something which benefits the project as a whole. The partnership with the architect extended to simplify the requirements for the building. Mr Lorenzin says collaboration resulted in minimising the number of types and sizes of panels needed, which in turn reduced the amount of moulds that were required. As challenges arose, the company focused on solutions to ensure the construction timetable and process ran smoothly. “For example, there was an issue on site with the weight of the panels, so we created a recess in the back face to make them lighter,” Mr Lorenzin said. Not only are the panels lighter, they are also striking in appearance.

SMOOTH INSTALLATION As well as manufacturing the panels, Hanson installed them on the small construction site. “Some of the panels were quite large and had to be transported using specialised transportation equipment,” commented Mr Lorenzin. “There was a challenge in installation, particularly with the ground floor panels. We had to install them after the structure was built. That meant more complex connection details and a meticulous process because of the risk of damaging panels as we got them into position, but it all went off without a hitch”. The result is a high quality and successful construction project to fulfil the critical purpose of medical research.

Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016



Photo courtesy Cox Richardson Garry Owens Raygun Photography

A NEW ERA FOR JUSTICE PRECASTER (GRC): Asurco Contracting BUILDER: John Holland CLIENT: NSW Department of Justice ARCHITECT: Cox Richardson Architects

FUNCTIONALITY AND AESTHETICS The Newcastle Court House was designed to be sympathetic to the surrounding urban environment, while offering a point of difference to the other buildings in the commercial precinct. The stunning redevelopment showcases the versatility of precast that is reinforced using glass fibres – or Glass Reinforced Concrete (GRC). Adelaide-based GRC specialist and National Precast member Asurco Contracting manufactured the 70 distinctive and eye catching façade panels which set this building apart.

THE GRC PROCESS Each GRC project is unique and demonstrates the scope of the product for custom-made intricate patterns like this one. Once the design was supplied by the architect, over the next two months Asurco’s experienced team set about 54

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Photo courtesy Cox Richardson Garry Owens Raygun Photography

Photo courtesy Cox Richardson Garry Owens Raygun Photography

What is GRC? Glass Reinforced Concrete, otherwise known as GRC, is factory-made precast concrete which uses glass fibres as reinforcement, instead of steel reinforcement that is used in conventional precast. Why use GRC? GRC is known for its light weight, strength, durability, fire safety, sustainability fast erection times and excellent acoustic properties. It is an incredibly versatile product that can be moulded into any shape, with any pattern or colour. Where is GRC used? GRC has been around in Australia for 40 years and has been used in a wide range of applications such as building facades, arches, tunnels, pits, monuments, sound barriers, planters and furniture.

For more information on GRC or to discuss your next GRC project, please contact: Asurco Contracting T: 08 8240 0999 E: or visit:


effort worthwhile. “For this project, both sides of the panels had to be particularly high quality as each side of the panels is visible from the both the inside and outside of the building,” said Mr Pawelski. The panels, which were each 3.75 metres high and two metres wide, were loaded onto trucks, transported more than 1500 kilometres to Newcastle and erected into position. The GRC panels not only add spectacular street appeal, they have a practical purpose too, allowing natural light to filter into the building.

The form liner used for the Newcastle Court House.

creating a detailed master mould from which the panels would be cast. A master mould was fabricated from plywood and a rubber mould was then made, into which GRC was sprayed. Manufacture of 70 panels were made in two halves at the rate of one panel a day. According to Mr Pawelski, while the process is labour intensive, the end result makes the


Construction Engineering Australia • December 2016

FINAL RESULT The new Newcastle Court House has been recognised for its design and was shortlisted in the prestigious 2016 NSW Architecture Awards. Mr Pawelski says such a landmark building needed to look fantastic and, in his view, that outcome has been achieved. “The team feels like they’ve done a satisfying job when it turns out so well, which it has. Hopefully it should get more architects thinking about GRC as a viable option when they want to achieve complex shapes”.

JOHN HOLLAND WINS LOCAL & NATIONAL MBA AWARDS Congratulations to John Holland for winning not only the Newcastle Master Builders Association (MBA) - Commercial / Public Buildings Over $12M category in their 2016 awards, but also winning the National Commercial/Industrial Construction Award $50 million to $100 million category. “The Newcastle Courthouse Development was designed to provide the Newcastle justice system with the largest, and most technologically advanced court complex outside of the Sydney area. This high security building hosts sittings of the supreme, district and local courts. The building has been designed with environmental features in an attempt to reduce the carbon footprint of the building. As this was a major construction project within an active and busy city precinct, John Holland is to be commended for the high level of finishes throughout and the management of numerous construction difficulties and technical requirements." Congratulations also to Asurco Contracting for the stunning precast GRC façade panels which were manufactured for the project.

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