09. Newsletter - November 2017 - eParticipation

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Nº 9 - NOVEMBER 2017

Photo: Community Planit

Knowing Community PlanIt

BB&R, HRYO & Momentum World explore the features of this e-Participation Platform

Community Planit is an online platform that seeks to increase participation and involvement in communities. In order to achieve this, the platform allow users to participate through a series of games and rewards, competing with one another and influence local projects.


Community Planit is free, and very user friendly with many

DemocracyOS se hace presente en Salamanca

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video tour guides on how to sign up and use the platform to its highest potential. In this regard, the platform is noted with its exceptional ability to propose ideas and policies through highly interactive games.

users” out, and the nonpresence of social networks.

However, the platform suffers from a low level of security, its impossibility to keep “bad

The Engagement Lab at Emerson College is the entity behind Community Planit.


eParticipation arriva a Palermo

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This ePlatform is considered to be very attractive towards young people in today’s world, specially to the fact that uses an interactive game based system.


Keep the UK in the TÍTULO Erasmus Plus Programme Page 2

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DemocracyOS se hace presente en Salamanca BB&R celebró en Salamanca una sesión para promover las competencias cívicas y la participación política a través de plataformas electrónicos en jóvenes de nivel secundario.


Los jóvenes exploraron las características de la plataforma DemocracyOS. Después, propusieron diversas medidas para contrarrestar el desempleo juvenil. Debatieron sus propias propuestas, las m e j o r a r o n y, fi n a l m e n t e , votaron por la que más les convencía. Además, los jóvenes evaluaron tanto la plataforma como su propia experiencia usándola.


La evaluación y las propuestas de los jóvenes quedarán reflejadas en el Manual de eParticipation del proyecto.


Keep the UK in the Erasmus Plus Programme

eParticipation arriva a Palermo La sessione di eParticipation che ha avuto luogo HRYO in Italia ha coinvolto giovani che hanno lavorato con la piattaforma DemocracyOS. Attraverso questa piattaforma i ragazzi hanno avuto la possibilità di dialogare e vedere altre proposte condivise all’interno della piattaforma, di discutere e creare le proprie proposte per contrastare la disoccupazione giovanile in Italia.


Momentum World develop a youth session to address the necessity to keep the UK in the Erasmus+ Programme. As they point out, the chance to travel outside the UK it is one of the biggest opportunities to tackle youth unemployment.


A questo proposito, l’obiettivo principale di questa attività è che i giovani esplorino la piattaforma, per sapere se la trovano attraente e se è possibile utilizzarla nella loro vita quotidiana.

Through DemocracyOS, the British youngsters discussed the aspects of the Erasmus+ that have worked best in the past, proposed alternatives to Erasmus+ in the scenario of Britain entirely outside of the programme, and how young people who have been benefiting from Erasmus+ can help shaping the future relationship between the UK and the EU.

I risultati si rifletteranno nel manuale di eParticipation.

The results will be reflected in the eParticipation Handbook.





This project has been funded with support from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission. This newsletter reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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