05. Newsletter - June 2017 - eParticipation

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Nº 5 - JUNE 2017



BB&R, HRYO & Momentum World explore the features of this e-Participation Platform

Airesis is a free software platform to enable citizens to organise themselves according to the principles of direct democracy and participation.


This italian platform allow the users to coordinate participants, build groups, organise events, shared documents, propose opinions, deliberate through an open

space and vote. Moreover, the platform is available in more than 15 languages and in the 5 continents.

institutions, schools or parties. Furthermore, the platform allow the collective intelligence to emerge.

In this regard, Airesis promote the creation, the discussion and voting on proposals in a transparent, democratic, constructive and participative way. Not only in citizens, but also in associations, companies,

Airesis was developed by Tecnologie Democratiche, as an outcome of the fusion of t w o p ro j e c t s : D e m o c ra c y Online and Agorà 2.0.




Discover more in Airesis.



e-Government professionals share their experience with each other

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Estonia. La nación más digital y emprendedora de la Unión Europea

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eParticipation. Discover the methodologies used in the project Page 2

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e-Government professionals share their experience with each other Th e E u ro p ea n Co m m i s s i o n d e s i g n e d a collaborative electronic platform where Public Administrations, Businesses and Citizens can share, find, choose, re-use, develop and implement interoperability solutions in the field of e-Government.


Discover the contents and insight of Joinup.


Estonia. La nación más digital y emprendedora de la Unión Europea Úrsula O'Kuinghttons, para Retina de El País, aborda desde diferentes ángulos el porqué Estonia se ha convertido en la punta de lanza de la Unión

eParticipation. Discover the methodologies used in the project BB&R, HRYO and Momentum World develop and implement the eParticipation project through four methodologies: non-formal learning, exchange of good practices, working with

Europea en materia digital. Realizar un sinfín de gestiones sin salir de casa o “llevar casi 10 años probando proyectos de blockchain” para la seguridad digital, son algunos ejemplos.


Lee el artículo completo en el siguiente enlace.

youngsters, and multiplier events. These methodologies allow the partners to reinforce their capacity, take into account the needs of the youngsters, and share the project with a wider audience.


Find out more about the methodologies on the official webiste of eParticipation.



This project has been funded with support from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission. This newsletter reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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