Edisi 21-10 Agustus 2017 | Bali Travel News

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July 21 - August 10 | Rp 7.500

Business and Leisure

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Vol. XIX No. 14 | http://www.bali-travelnews.com

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July 21 - August 10 , 2017 | Rp 7.500

Bali Travel News

Business and Leisure

Vol. XIX No. 14 | http://www.bali-travelnews.com

Advertizing & Subscribe Call : 0361 249484, E-mail : batrav_98@yahoo.com |

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Bali Travel News

Bukit Kutul Temple, a Sanctum with Strong Magical Aura


nvoke a blessing, sustenance as well as healing through psychic method is commonplace in Bali. Even, the psychic relationship to God has produced many results. Thus, Balinese residents increasingly believe and constantly show off their devotion. At Pucak Sari village, Busungbiu subdistrict, Buleleng, follows a temple having a very high magical aura. Local communities and people from outside the village believe that it is the temple where people can invoke a blessing, sustenance to healing of an illness. It is called the Bukit Kutul Temple. As the name implies, this temple is located on a hilltop at Kutul customary village. Since it was found, the temple is not like the temple in general that has some building shrines of rock stone and wood carvings, as well as comes with a compound wall. However, the shrine construction consists of a pile of stones. Local people refer to as bebaturan shrine. Only a few shrines like the chamber, taksu, piasan, and Ida Ratu Nyoman are made of stone and wood carving. At this temple grows an old banyan tree. Even, the


banyan tree is believed to give a sign related to the economic conditions of the rural residents. If the leaves are green and lush, they are indicating if the coffee crops at the village will be abundant. On the contrary, if the leaves and roots dry up, they are indicating if the crop of farmers will go down. Apart from the shrine construction, another uniqueness owned by this temple is the temple area spreading across one hectare of land is not limited by compound walls. It is said if the deities abiding at the temple did not permit the construction of compound wall. Besides, local residents also believe that compound wall can disrupt the flexibility of the C-306


properties (sacred animals—Ed) of local deities. Headman of Pucak Sari village, I Nyoman Dharma, said the history of the Bukit Kutul Temple was not known for sure and there was no evidence telling about the history of the sacred temple. From the story of predecessors and local leaders, the temple had existed before the establishment of the Pucak Sari village around in 1809. At that time, it was pioneered by dozens of households (families). The residents found the bebaturan shrine in the forest. Another finding was holy bell and a teteken or stick. In line with the passage of time, the temple is not only venerated by local residents, but also by people from outside Buleleng that come on the temple anniversary to worship. It falls on the full moon of the fourth month in Balinese calendar or around October. All the ritual paraphernalia for the temple anniversary will be prepared by local residents amounting to about 800 families. Coinciding with the temple anniversary, devotees will utilize the good chance to pay vows. It is usually carried out by devotees who previously invoked blessings, fortune, or healing, and their petition was then granted. B N (BTN/kmb)


“Gebogan�Parade at Tanah Lot Kreatifood and Art Festival 2017

BTN/ ist


July 21 - August 10, 2017

Business and Leisure



Business and Leisure

Let’s Practice Yoga with Panji Tisna

Bali Tropical Spa

Some time ago, Panji Tisna with hundreds of rural residents did yoga through the Festival ke Uma held at Subak Uma Ole. The activity was done in paddy field area, so the aura is very pronounced. Moreover, the activity was carried out in the morning, when the sun began to rise in eastern horizon, so that positive energy is really felt by participants. “I feel proud as many participants are present. Hopefully, there will be another chance to invite people to live healthy,” he hoped.

As a yoga instructor, Panji Tisna has been teaching yoga in various cities in Indonesia, such as Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Jakarta and others, including overseas. “Hopefully, I can do it to the other regions in Indonesia to teach yoga introduction to the public. Besides, we also provide a special training of stress management and emotion through Sudarshan Kriya yoga from the Art of Living Foundation from His Majesty Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,” he concluded. B N (BTN/015)


elcome to Bali Tropical Spa at Bali Tropic Resort & Spa Bali- a sanctuary that embraces physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Discover the beauty of balance with synergy of indigenous Balinese technique, culture and remedies, we designed and create the whole Spa journey to the tranquility of Spa experience and reconnect you with others all around. Set on the unique traditional Balinese reed, lulled by gentle breezes and sound of water fountain. 10 double treatment rooms and professional skilled Therapists are available to deliver a heav-


enly of sensory experience where the step of the treatment brings a complete relaxed, revived and blissful. From virility to stability, positivity to longevity we’ll help you indentify personal imbalance, and facilitate a return to health and happiness. Feel the relaxing healing touch of our Signature Massage using three kind of Balinese flowers (Frangipani, Ylang ylang and Rose) to ease the body tension and invigorate the sense, yet the sensation of Harmony Massage which done by two Therapist will be pampered you to a deeply feeling of relaxed.

Refresh the skin with natural body polish and body envelopment to rejuvenate and promotes skin’s surface as it soothes, hydrates, nourishes. Spa Tapas and Hand & Feet treatment could be the best accompany to complete and maximize whole your Spa

journey. Reconnect yourself with your loved one with our romantic treatments to balance your emotional devotion and take an advantage of lavish flower bath surrounded by aromatic candle light to restore a feeling of affection and blissful.


All the Spa experiences are supported by nature, spirit, passion and genuine culture with international standard. For further promotion, update and activities please follow us in Instagram: Bali Tropical Spa. B N (BTN/014)

Panji Tisna invited rural people to practice yoga in the event of Festival ke Uma held at Subak Uma Ole, Ole, Marga Dauh Puri, Marga, Tabanan, on Sunday (Jun. 25). eople may think that doing yoga is very difficult. Feet should stand on the head, can be bent and be made flexible, children and fat people are unable to do yoga, so yoga seems to be a sacred activity and difficult to do. Not to mention there is a presumption that people being able to practice yoga will quickly reach heaven. “Yoga is for health, creating better self. When being healthy, the life is also peaceful,” said A.A. Raka Panji Tisna, an international yoga instructor. In yoga, there is movement to


express motion and breath, so the mind sits at this point, not everywhere. Children, teenagers and elderly people can do yoga. “Yoga activities can be held whenever and wherever. For busy people, they can do it at workplace. But, early is better, and can be done until old age,” he explained. Yoga is fun, so that it is carried out with smile and happy atmosphere, not difficult and better done with an instructor, so there are limits that can be done. Yoga can be done while sitting, or standing. “Doing yoga on a regu-

lar basis will be great for health, mind, and the life will become more focused. To relieve stress and get happiness, I invite people to do yoga,” he said. Although having a schedule of teaching yoga every week at the Secretariat of the World Hindu Parishad, Bali Culture Agency on Jalan Juanda 1 Renon Denpasar, this international yoga instructor is still willing to share his skill with people in rural areas. “If people are healthy, then they will also think positively to live this life,” he said.








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Business and Leisure

July 21 - August 10, 2017

Regent of Tabanan Opens Tanah Lot Kreatifood and Art Festival, Commenced with Gebogan Parade typical Balinese customary attires W wearing walked neatly while carrying gebogan (fruit ar-

hat a very appealing attraction it is! Housewives

rangement) on the head. Each step was accompanied by sweet smiles as if they gave a beautiful spirit to the gebogan. Appearance of the Balinese women seemed to be a magnet of the attention to domestic and foreign tourists visiting Tanah Lot. The gebogan parade starting the three-day Tanah Lot Kreatifood and Art Festival 2017 (Jul. 7-9) aimed at featuring the distinctive cuisines of Tabanan as a sustainable tourism companion. At least, there were 400 pieces of gebogan carried by housewives coalesced into PKK group walking around the Tanah Lot tourist attraction area. Interestingly, the gebogan had a uniform height and used uniform fruits as well, namely local fruits. Their style and steps were very harmonious because gebogan of the housewives has been indeed chosen from those having the same height and weight. Each group put on uniform kebaya and clothes. They are from eight customary villages in the subdistrict of Kediri. Each customary village features 50 pieces of gebogan accompanied with bleganjur gamelan orchestra as well as nameplate and lelontekan. Each customary village displayed 100 people so that totally made 800 pieces of gebogan. However, since divided into two groups, then on the first day was pre-

sented 400 gebogan only. “Totally, there are 1,150 pieces of gebogan displayed for three days in the implementation of the Tanah Lot Kreatifood and Art Festival. The gebogan was prepared by PKK members from 23 customary villages throughout Kediri subdistrict. They got different schedule to parade,” said Program Section of the Tanah Lot Kreatifood and Art Festival 2017, Putu Erawan. In the gebogan parade, every customary village is required to use local fruits, such as cottonfruit, pineapple, snakefruit, tomato, orange and Malang apple. In the meantime, the cake used is the Balinese muffin. Gebogan height is limited to a maximum of 30 cm above the tray, with three rows of fruit arrangement and decoration made of local young coconut leaf. This provision must be complied with by the whole customary village to create harmony. “This gebogan parade is contested. The champions are entitled to get coaching fund,” he said. Regent of Tabanan Ni Putu Eka Wiryastuti (2 from left) Operations Manager of Tanah Lot attraction, I Ketut Toya Adnyana, expressed his appreciation parking space of temple property. Here, they gave greeting attraction to to the spirit of PKK housewives in the gebogan VIP guests. After the gebogan parade attraction, they moved across the parade. Though under the showering rain, they temple area of Enjung Galuh, Jero Kandang and representative shrine still looked stunning. The gebogan parade took of Tanah Lot Temple. Ultimately, they headed for the main route to finthe route around the Tanah Lot attraction area, ish point in front of Dewi Sinta Hotel & Restaurant. (BTN/015) with the start from middle route to Tanah Lot BTN/ist

Tanah Lot Kreatifood & Art Festival 2017, Presents Superior Potential of Tabanan anah Lot Kreatifood and Art Festival held by the Tanah Lot Tourism Management Board in cooperation with the government of Tabanan for three days (Jul. 7-9) ran lively and was full of creativity. Local people, domestic and foreign tourists seemed to enjoy every presentation of the festival like culinary adventure, handicrafts and the arts. With the theme Luhuring Segara Rasa Lan Raksa this first festival showcased the unique potential of Tabanan. Thousands of participants appeared in the event, starting from the artists, culinary entrepreneurs, crafters and society as cultural players. Rows of housewives carrying gebogan on the head accompanied with bleganjur gamelan orchestra became a special attraction. Gebogan parade involving 23 customary villages in Kediri subdistrict neatly walked with Balinese customary attires. It is an expression of gratitude to nature for the sea, agriculture and plantations in Tabanan having provided benefits. The Tanah Lot Kreatifood & Art Festival only featured 20 distinctive cuisines. Some of them are nasi sela, lawar klungah, kuwir nyatnyat, es keren and es yeh danu becoming in demand among visitors. Other menus that are not less interesting include sup ares, laklak biu, sup rebung tabah, nasi lawar rebung, jaja batun bedil, mango dumpling rolls, roasted chicken with mango condiment and rangda fried banana. “This festival introduces traditional culinary treasure of Tabanan,” said Operations Manager of Tanah Lot attraction, I Ketut Toya Adnyana. Other than being rich with cuisines, the festival also showcased about 13 SMEs as evidence that Tabanan also has various types of superior handicrafts. All the potentials are promoted in the Tanah Lot Kreatifood & Art Festival. Therefore, the Regent of Tabanan, Ni Putu Eka Wiryastuti, will make this festival as an annual calendar. “We do not want to be known only for the beautiful temple at Tanah Lot. We also have culinary treasures and handicrafts,” said Regent Eka.


The festival also featured Tabanan specialties as well as local artists. It presented classical art, ngelawang barong bangkung, gong kebyar, child rindik, gong kebyar, contemporary dance, legong dance, prembon, classical arja operetta, ramayana, slonding, kecak api, bondres, joged bumbung and Balinese jokes. The no less interesting entertainment was presented by Joni Agung, Taste the Sunset with Gita Bhaskara Ethnic and Gus Teja. Last but not least, the festival was also enlivened by three national artists namely Indra Bruggman, Chand Kelvin and Eddies Adelia. An interesting culinary event was the sudden cook contest presented by Chef Juna followed by the chefs of school teach-


Pura Tanah Lot

Pura Pakendungan

Dewi Sinta Hotel Tanah Lot has 25 guest rooms of two different: Standart and Deluxe with AC, private bathroom with hot and cool water, TV, IDD phone and Mini Bar

ers, hotels and restaurants in Tabanan. The contest of menu creation involving the hotel and restaurant chef and vocational school (SMK) students across Tabanan became a unique spectacle. The participants did not only serve a delicious menu, but also provided decoration, so that the menu looked attractive. The crowds of visitors had an impact on the number of transactions that reached

hundreds of millions of rupiahs. It was contributed by 20 culinary booths that all involved typical traditional cuisines of Tabanan district. The transaction reflected that the potential of Tabanan district such as the traditional cuisines and the SME products are quite in demand in the market, both by domestic consumers and foreign tourists.




Business and Leisure

Tabah Bamboo Shoot Menu by Chef of Dewi Sinta Restaurant hef of Dewi Sinta Restaurant, Tanah Lot, I Gusti Bagus Arya Nata and I Made Yadnya were chosen as the first winner in the Tanah Lot Kreatifood Festival 2017. When they took part in the contest for the category of Creating Creative Menu with the theme ‘Balinese Nusantara,’ the basic ingredients in use include tabah bamboo shoots, gooseweed, steamed rice and Muscovy duck. They could process such traditional ingredients into delicious cuisine and was presented in modern menu. Other than unique presentation, the menu created by these chefs also has a distinctive taste. In the contest, Arya Nata made menu Muscovy duck spring roll with spicy sauce (appetizer), Muscovy duck twisted satay, timbung rice, uyang-aying spice, bamboo shoot vegetable and gooseweed with spicy sauce (main course) and banana roll dumplings (dessert). The chefs were able to mix and serve delicious and nutritious menu that can be enjoyed by local people and foreign tourists. The menu creation of Dewi Sinta chef


menu was admitted to be delicious by Chef Juna who acted as a jury. Arya Nata confessed that bamboo shoot was deliberately selected as a food ingredient to match the vision and mission of the Tanah Lot Kreatifood Festival 2017. The traditional culinary treasure of Tabanan should be able to host in supporting the development of cultural tourism. “We want to feature traditional food of Tabanan. But in the presentation, we mix with the archipelagic foods,” he said. In processing the menu, Chef Arya Nata and Yadnya used traditional spices, such as base genep (basic complete spice) and base wangen (fragrant spice). The Muscovy duck ingredient was processed with uyang-aying condiment, typicality from the mountain area of Pujungan and timbungan rice (rice cooked in bamboo log) used red rice from Jatiluwih. “Tabah bamboo in use is one of the native species to Tabanan district precisely originating from the Pupuan subdistrict,” he explained. Creativity of Chef Arya Nata in the cooking contest at the Tanah Lot Kreatifood Festival 2017 has proved that traditional food such

as tabah bamboo shoot, gondo (gooseweed), Muscovy duck and red rice are not inferior to ingredients from outside the island, even from imported ingredients. “The result is very good, tasty and has a uniqueness that can make Tabanan and Bali worthy of culinary tourism,” he added. Chef Arya Nata and Yadnya then agreed to popularize the local culinary treasure with modern preparation. It is expected to support the tourism as well as have direct relation to the system of life and economy of local communities. “There are still many Balinese dishes that can be further developed to become menus with modern nuances. Now, it depends on our ability to discover,” they said. (BTN/015) BTN/bud

Dewi Sinta Restaurant Tanah Lot offers a wide rings of Balinese, Indonesian, and Chinese food as well as experienced chief. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are available a’la carte or buffet style.

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Website : www.dewisinta.com

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July 21 - August 10, 2017

Business and Leisure

Gender Wayang

Presenting Atmosphere of Peace and Greatness of Ritual

Business and Leisure

Founder: K. Nadha, General Manager: Gde Palgunadi, Chief Editor: Gugiek Savindra, Journalists and Marketing: Nyoman Budarsana, Kadek Hery, Contributors: Ida Bagus Lolec, IGN Widnyana (Wied N.), Wayan Punia, Beratha Yasa, Tomomi Izawa, (Kansai, Japan), Surya Darma (Jembrana), Gde Budana (Karangasem), Agung Darmada (Gianyar), Wiwin (Bulelemg), Address: Gedung Bali Post, 3rd Floor, Jalan Kepundung 67 A, Denpasar 80232, Bali – Indonesia, Phones: 62-361-(249484 – 249485), Facsimile: 62-361-249486, E-mail: batrav@indo.net.id; Home-page: http://www.bali-travelnews.com; License: 596/ SK/Menpen/SIUPP/1998 (dated 14th October 1998): Publisher: Koperasi Karyawan Tarukan Media Dharma; Printer: PT Bali Post (PT. Bali Post does not claim responsibility for the contents of this publication).

long the human lifetime, it will surely do activities related to basic needs of both food and housing. After that, it is followed by development of mindset resulting in the creation of various kinds of culture usually influenced by situation in the community. Manifestation of the culture varies because there is a form of activity or dance movement telling about something. Moreover, sometimes they are in the form of tools that can generate a sound such as gender gamelan ins trument. This gamelan instrument has a characteristic in terms of sound where it is often used to accompany the performance of shadow puppet in Bali. According to I Made Murawan, a puppeteer from Puaya hamlet,

Where To Go . . .

Batuan, Sukawati, Gianyar, when staging puppet shadow featuring the storyline of Mahabharata, the gamelan instrument in use is a set of gender or four instruments only while if accompanying the performance of Ramayana epic, it will certainly use bebatelan gamelan instrument. In addition to four pieces of gender instruments, it will use other instruments such as a pair of drum, kempur and so on. The gamelan composition played when the performance of puppet shadow begins with tabuh petegak like the Sekar Sungsang and selendro scales. After that, the gamelan composition played is Tabuh Pamungkah used when commencing to play the klayon to finish of the klayon. Then, it is resumed with paguneman where the puppet is stabbed accompanied by gamelan composi-


tion entitled Tulang Lindung. After stabbing the puppets, it is continued with gamelan entitled Panyacah Parwa in the form of alas arum. When the puppet is told to walk or move, it will use angkat-angkatan gamelan music. Moreover, when the puppet is crying it uses special mesem gamelan composition for slant-eyed puppets. For the puppet with glowering eyes, it will use rebong gamelan music and during wartime it will use bebatelan. “Thus, in once staging from the beginning to finish, it will use approximately 10 gamelan compositions with an average duration of two minutes except for the Tabuh Petegak whose duration is approximately 15 minutes,” he said. In ngaben or cremation ceremony, though the carrying of bade tower has been accompanied by baleganjur gamelan music, it will also use the puppet gender. He told

Tabanan Regency irst impression when visiting Tabanan area is green and fertile region. Curves of the hills and mountains on the northern boundary with Lake Beratan, Lake Buyan, and Lake Tamblingan are just like describing that Tabanan area always has plentiful water. Cool climate and weather as well as the slightly sloping land of the mountains in the north to the coastal areas on the southern side make Tabanan very superior in terms of irrigated and non-irrigated farmland. Northern Tabanan starting from Bedugul area is producer of assorted fruits and vegetables, while the Central and South Tabanan are producers of superior rice. With an area of ​​893.33 km2 Tabanan is divided into 10 subdistricts. Even though the livelihood opportunities in the tourism sector and other sectors are widely open, most people of Tabanan still persist in their own farmland. Decline in the farmland labor force due to working in the other sectors is responded by the pattern of modern and more efficient farming. On that account, until now Tabanan remains a cornerstone of food supplier to Bali. In accordance with the natural condition, Tabanan promotes eco-tourism and agriculture as the superior potential in tourism. The area of Tanah Lot, Penebel, Jatiluwih, Pupuan, Antosari, and Bedugul is always visited by foreign tourists and domestic tourists longing for the pristine beauty of nature. Puri Agung Kerambitan Tabanan Government Tourism, Art and Cultural Office Address : Jln. Gunung Agung No. 1 Tabanan, Ph./Fax. (0361) 811602

it is meant to provide strains of beauty, peace and comfort for the atman (soul) that will go to heaven. While the baleganjur like Gora functions to improve and raise the spirit of the community when they are obliged to lift the heavy bade. The gamelan played is usually called glagah puun meaning that it heads for fireplace or it can be bebatelan meaning the journey of the atman to the last abode. When asked about the use of gender gamelan instrument accompanying the rituals like metatah (tooth filing), he said that Balinese Hindus believe that by chanting or playing gender in the ritual procession they will get a big influence that is able to avoid someone from

thinking negatively and wishing to disrupt smoothness of a ceremony. Dr. I Nyoman Astita, an artist and lecturer at the ISI Denpasar, also said similar thing. Moreover, the puppet gamelan music played at that time is taken from the appropriate performances. Usually, it is begun with tabuh tegak composition which is then continued with tabuh mesem composition commonly coupled with tabuh rebong. “Then, when devotees walk from the bale pasekeban to bale delod pavilion in the tooth filing ritual, it will be accompanied with tabuh angkat-angkatan that can also result in solemnity and sublime nuances of the ceremony,” as he explained. (BTN/was)

July 21 - August 10, 2017

Creative World, Barong Mask from Cardboard and Used Newspapers

alinese artist is never tired of doing creativity. They always have new inspiration and innovation to give birth to quality works of art. Through the touch of creative hands of Balinese artists, the piles of cardboard boxes and used newspapers commonly just put into trash bin can be transformed into aesthetic and amazing works of art. Various barong masks made by I Komang Gede Marjana can become one of the examples. Its appearance is not less exotic compared to similar masks made from wood. “I was first inspired to make these barong masks after looking at the piles of cardboard boxes and used newspaper disposed haphazardly at the motor paint workshop

where I work. It’s a pity if those materials are not used,” said this alumnus of the SMK PGRI 1 Denpasar vocational school regarding his creative process. This teenager born in Denpasar on March 21, 1997, decided to choose barong mask as the trade mark of his creativity. The consideration is simple where since childhood he has been very fond of the art of barong. He considers the barong figure as a source of strength and stores various elements of goodness that always moves his spirit in the creativity. “During elementary school, I really liked to draw barong and observed the ornaments on the barong figure. The passion continued until I was a teenager and motivated

Unique Gender Wayang

Played in Makotekan and Slendro Scale endermusical instrument becomes a compulsory accompaniment for a puppet show in Bali. So, in the staging there are two arts played together namely the art of leather puppet along with all the plays and dialogues as well as the art of gender gamelan composition of the puppet show. Besides, the gender is often used or played in various ritual activities such as in the implementation of tooth filing activities and when the bade tower carrying corpse is brought to cemetery. Thus, gender becomes a distinctive gamelan instrument when compared to other musical instruments. An artist and lecturer at the ISI Denpasar, I Nyoman Astita, said although in terms of the form it is not different from other gamelan instrument, the gender of puppet is indeed the beginning or inspiration of the iron or copper gamelan instrument fastened or tied in such a way by using a rope to float and generate a battier tone when compared to other old gamelan types commonly put on the pedestal. When playing, the gamelan players are using both hands where left hand plays the tone or the main melody while right hand play in makotekan way namely forming series of rhythm tone of the two gamelan instruments. Furthermore, he said that playing the puppet gender must be in pair or two pieces because gamelan play in the right hand of both players will produce a different pattern where if gamelan artist plays nyangsih, the partner will play pepolosan. Thus, playing in pairs will result in a rhythm that integrates the sangsih and papolosan known as makotekan. “The advantages of this puppet gender to me is in terms of technique and playing technique that are fairly sophisticated and complicated because at the same time two hands will play individually or counter point with the tech-

niques and even a different beat can produce a different rhythm as well,” he said. He added that in general, Balinese gamelan instrument using resonator in the form of bamboo underneath as a sound repeater will usually be set so that the pair can result in ngumbang-ngisep or waving tones. So, when the pair is played even though one tone only will produce a vibrating or waving sound. Similar thing is also found in the puppet gender, so in addition to being able to makotekan the use of a pair of puppet gender is also aimed to produce a waving sound. However, the main puppet gender in use in a staging consists of 4 pieces namely a pair of pamade or the gender having bass sound because of lower octave score and a pair of barangan whose octave score is higher but both will produce an interesting and harmonious tone to be heard. He added that puppet gender has slendro-scaled instrument with single scale interval from one tone to another. In the meantime, the other gamelan instrument like gong kebyar and gong gambang using Pelog scale has two tones with higher interval. For example, the interval is usually 1 so that when reaching 2 tones the interval becomes 1.5. If the tone dong-deng-dung-dang-ding where from dong to deng has the interval of 1, from deng to dung will be 1.5 and then from dung to dang has the interval of 1, and from dang to ding has the interval of 1.5. Another artist, I Made Murawan, said that although the characteristics of puppet gender tend to be tender. However, it is tailored to the designation because it also has fierce and violent gamelan composition. “For example, when accompanying puppet performances and entering war session, it surely must use a fast and fierce tempo gamelan composition like the bebatelan,” he explained. (BTN/was)


to immortalize the barong figure into a three-dimensional work or no longer limited in the form of paintings,” said Marjana. According to Marjana, it is not easy to form cardboard and old newspapers into an artistic barong mask. After passing a series of trial and error, he finally found an appropriate technique to catch the character of both used goods that become the main material in the making of barong. “I just managed to realize the masks of cardboard and old newspapers that look like the current appearance after passing through several failures. After the works accomplished, I upload it on the Facebook. In fact, many netizens give positive appreciation,” said this teenager who has been orphaned since the age of five this years. This teenager who is also one of the creative team members at the Penggak Men Mersi Cultural House, from Kesiman, is getting more confident to hoist the “flag” of Kubu Kreatif Komang Marjana he has pioneered. He also received the order of a number of dragon mask to be installed on the head of the janggan traditional kite. “Because it’s just the beginning stage, I do not set high prices. At least, I can do the real thing to reduce the volume of garbage that is now becoming one of the serious problems in Bali,” said Marjana who previously had time to make barong from dried banana leaf and endek cloth. (BTN/kmb)

The Spectacular Jember Fashion Carnaval 2017

he spectacular Jember Fashion Carnaval (JFC) extravaganza will again take center stage this year when it rolls out the carpet in the charming city of Jember in East Java Province, from 9th to 13th August 2017. The Jember Carnival was the first that started the trend in Indonesia, parading unbelievably spectacular modern costumes that are rooted in the multiple traditions and cultures across the Indonesian islands. Entering its 16th edition and celebrating the success of JFC in achieving awards and acknowledgments in various international pageants and fashion events in the past years, this year the Jember Fashion Carnaval presents the theme: “Victory”. Among notable achievements in costumes designed by JFC are: Best National Costume Miss Supranational 2014 in Warsaw, Poland; Best National Costume Miss Universe 2014 in Florida, USA; Best National Costume Miss Supranational 2015 in Warsaw, Poland; Best National Costume Miss Grand International 2016 in Las Vegas USA; and Best National Costume Miss Tourism International 2016 in Malaysia. This year, the carnival will involve participation of more than 1,000 talents ranging from kindergarten students to the general public. These are Jember’s finest boys and girls who will show off this spectacular style across the 3.6 km runway right in the heart of Jember city. As in previous years, the event will also be complemented with a conference and a fashion exhibition.


Business and Leisure

According to Vice President of JFC, Suyanto, JFC has earned its place among world’s international fashion carnivals. Therefore, next year the carnival will collaborate with carnaval drum bands “Eventually, JFC will grow equal to other world carnivals such as the one in Pasadena, USA” said Suyanto. Further adding, that for JFC 2018, the Carnaval will invite international participants from other countries. “Up to now, we have international participants, but they came individually. So, in the future we plan to invite full delegations” said Suyanto. Furthermore, JFC is projected to be part of a more professional annual MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention, and Exhibition) event in Jember. For its outstanding initia-

tive and consistent performance, Minister of Tourism, Arief Yahya designated Jember as Indonesia’s Carnival City. Having successfully and consistently staged JFC for 16th years in a row, JFC has emerged as an outstanding icon for Jember. “I am confident that the city of Jember with its Fashion Carnaval will attract more tourists not only from all over the country but also from the rest of the world.” Said minister Arief Yahya. To get to Jember you can fly to Banyuwangi airport from Jakarta by Nam Air. By August 2017 the Jakarta - Banyuwangi route will also be served by Garuda Indonesia. From Banyuwangi there are taxis or rented cars available to take you to the town of Jember. (www.indonesia.travel)

JAL Expected to Re-fly Japanese Tourists Directly to Bali

his considers that the potential of Japanese tourists to travel to Bali remains very high. However, the effort to bring in Japanese tourists should be consistently promoted by stakeholders and travel agencies. Head of the Bali Tourism Office, Anak Agung Gede Juniarta Putra, admitted to be optimistic that Japanese tourist visit to the Island of the Gods will continue to increase in keeping with the flight of Japan Airlines (JAL) re-opening its service to Bali. “We are optimistic that Japanese tourist to Bali will increase because Japan Airlines states to re-open its flight to Indonesia, particularly Bali,” he said accompanied by Subdivision Head of Culinary Festival and Music, Deputy of Overseas Tourism Marketing Development, Ministry of Tourism, Titik Lestari, amid the welcoming of Japanese tourists at Ngurah Rai Airport on Tuesday night (Jun. 20). According to him, currently Japan Airline flies to Bali in a charter flight. In the future, he hoped that JAL can open its flight service on a regular basis. “We hope JAL to re-open its regular services as ever before. Since 2010, the company closed its flight services to Bali. So, Japanese tourists should use other airlines where sometimes they have to transit in Jakarta,” he said accompanied by President of Rama Tours, Makiko Iskandar,


and President Director of Nusa Dua Convex, Bagus Surya. Furthermore, his agency together with relevant stakeholders is going to re-promote to Japan and approach the Japan Airlines (JAL) as well as Japanese travel agencies that specifically handling Japanese tourists traveling to Bali. Juniarta Putra affirmed that Japan is one of the main markets of foreign tourists to Indonesia with a target of 762,000 people by 2017. The reopening of Japan Airlines direct flights from Narita to Denpasar is good news for the world of tourism in Indonesia, especially Bali. All this time, direct flight service from Japan to Indonesia is served by Garuda Indonesia which flies from Narita and Haneda to Jakarta and Denpasar. Meanwhile, Japan’s national airlines like All Nippon Airways (ANA) and Japan Airlines only serve flight services to Jakarta. Previously, Japan Airlines had opened a direct flight to Japan with 400 tourist passengers per day. However, the flight was discontinued on September 30, 2010 due to internal factors of the company. “Even though it is only a charter flight, this is a good opportunity to bring in Japanese tourists to Indonesia,” said Deputy Assistant of Asia-Pacific Market Development, Ministry of Tourism, Vinsensius Jemadu. (BTN/kmb)

Canggu Fun Run 2017

n accordance with Indonesian Independence Day in August, FRii Bali Echo Beach in collaboration with THE HAVEN Bali Seminyak, THE HAVEN SUITES Bali Berawa and Fontana Hotel Bali, a PHM Collection, under PHM Hospitality will be conducting the “Canggu Fun Run 2017” on Sunday, August 20th, 2017, as the sequel of the first event last year. This 5K fun run will start and finish precisely at Canggu Beach, with more than 250 runners are expected to be joining the event. The runners divided into male and female category. The registration starts from 20 July to 15 August with IDR 100,000 (pre-sale) and IDR 150,000 (normal) from August 16th to August 19th at 6:00 am. All participants will receive an exclusive race pack including t-shirt to be worn on the day. The race itself will begin at 6:30 a.m. The main purpose of this event is for promoting Canggu area where all the runners are expected to rove around this village through the rice fields, beaches, mural

art wall, cafes & restaurants, temples, and local residents in a fun way. Different with the last year theme, this year theme is Heritage, in which the runners will dress-up with their preference styles with heritage/traditional touch. Beside the fun run, the committee also prepares the Zumba dance and a bunch of prizes for runner winners, best Zumba dancer, best Instagram post winner and best costume winner. Another activity prepared is the auction at the end of the event, where all the goods/ stuffs and vouchers will be auctioned at the lower price. All of the fund will be donated to Yayasan Semara Putra, an orphanage in Klungkung area. (BTN/r)



July 21 - August 10, 2017 Business and Leisure

Carol Waller, Newly Appointed GM of Holiday Inn Resort Bali Benoa


Where to Go....

Jimbaran Beach

Extraordinary, Effects of Extraordinary People

oliday Inn Resort Bali Benoa in Indonesia is pleased to announce its new General Manager, Carol Waller. Carol will also be responsible as Area General Manager for Holiday Inn Resorts in Indonesia and Thailand. Carol, originating from Argentina, has joined the InterContinental Hotel Group (IHG) in Asia and Europe in various executivelevel roles, along with her extensive experience in all operational departments. Carol has achieved phenomenal results in recent years in her role as General Manager of Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali and Area General Manager of ​​Holiday Inn Express Bali as well as member of Ten Club (a selective club in gathering hotel leaders that reaches all the 10 IHG Winning ​​ Metrics within a certain period of time) for two times in 2014 and 2016. “I see Holiday Inn Resort Bali Benoa as a dynamic, stylish and inspirational resort where guests will get unique experiences during their stay. My main goal for this resort is to strengthen the hotel’s position in the market and establish a solid team,” said Carol. “We are very excited and well motivated by the joining of Carol in our team. With her background, I am confident that she will bring a new leadership perspective and be able to lead, motivate and develop our team to provide better and personalized services for our guests, take our resort to the next level,” said Ida Bagus Nyoman Sapta, Resort Manager of the Holiday Inn Resort Bali Benoa. (BTN/014)




rrival of people having great influence such as artists, public figures, religious figures and political figures who are also called celebrities have a tremendous impact on tourism. For example, the arrival of King Salman, Obama and Prime Minister of Malaysia to Bali has a huge impact on the image of Bali tourism in particular and Indonesian tourism in general. Although it has a great influence, it cannot directly talk about the increase in the number of tourists. However, the arrival of these figures is confirmed as a branding booster, that Bali is a safe destination, comfortable and worth to be visited. “Then, the news abroad is huge, so this is a very powerful and free endorser,” said Deputy of Overseas tourism Marketing, Ministry of Tourism, I Gde Pitana. Related to the visits of the

world’s figures, said Pitana, Ministry of Tourism with private sector began to introduce tour packages like trekking tourism of these figures. Now, there is a trail of King Salman’s journey. The development can be seen directly, such as flights from Saudi Arabia twice a day, which previously only once a day. This means it does have an effect. In addition, there is also made a tour package of Obama trekking, such as to Jatiluwih, Borobudur and other tourist attractions. “We see a week ahead, how will be the development,” he said. When asked about the potential of tourism in Bali, Pitana asserted that Bali has a complete tourism infrastructure. There are MICE, cruising, diving or shopping that can be found in Bali. Although all the potentials have been well known overseas, Bali of course must remain heavily promoted. Furthermore, Pitana also re-

Business and Leisure

Seafood Culinary Destination, White Sands and Sunset

I Gde Pitana quested the support of the entire community for the airport development plan in North Bali. “The airport development in North Bali is the only way to distribute tourism to the areas of North, East and West Bali,” he said. (BTN/kmb)



ali has many beaches where each has its own characteristics. There are beaches where tourists can surf freely as on Kuta Beach, Dreamland Beach or Suluban Beach. Besides, there are also beaches where a wide range of water sport activities can be enjoyed like on Tanjung Benoa Beach and Sanur Beach. On the other beaches visitors can see sunrise and sunset views. Jimbaran Beach, South

Kuta, Badung, is a famous beach to relax while watching sunset view and enjoying delicious seafood dishes from restaurants around the beach. So in addition to being a beach resort, Jimbaran Beach also becomes one of the culinary tourist destinations in Bali often recommended by people as destination where to eat delicious food, especially for grilled fish, squid and so forth. It is located at Jimbaran village, one of the famous tourism villages in South Kuta subdistrict. Jimbaran Beach is bordered with Muaya Beach at the southern tip and Kedonganan Beach at the north end. Since its location remains in Kuta area, the access to Jimbaran Beach is quite easy and close from Kuta Beach, either from Denpasar or Sanur. To luxuriate in the excellent lunch or dinner, this beach deserves to be the option of visitors, where they have two options of dining area, namely indoor or outdoor. If wishing to have dinner while enjoying the moment of sunset view, choose

Baha Village he population at Baha Village is dominated by workers and the traditional farming community, who own wide rice fields, and by the “Subak” organization that mainly functions to regulate water distribution for irrigation. The uniformity of


Barack Obama at Tirta Empul - Tampaksiring


Pandawa Beach Named a Coral Reef Zone ight side of the Pandawa because unavoidably the sea is cial paths, so it will not be stepped at Kutuh village, one of the attractions offered by on when diving,” he explained. R Beach South Kuta, has now Pandawa Beach whose ecosystem In the meantime, the Head of been established into a zone of coral reef cultivation. Moreover, until now thousands of corals have been successfully cultivated such as the species of Acropora, Euphyllia sp. soft coral and so forth. According to Pandawa Beach administration chief, Wayan Letra, the area is indeed used as coral reef conservation. The arrangement is carried out ​​almost across the area of one hectare. Currently, approximately 30 percent of the total area has been planted with coral reef. Actually the concept of coral transplantation on the Pandawa Beach has been implemented since 2011,” said Wayan Letra, not long ago. Letra acknowledged that previously the existence of corals in the area was still commercialized and showed off to tourists. But this time, it has changed with the concept of marine ecotourism developed by Kutuh customary village. A number of cooperation with coral observers, Udayana University, Pokmaswas and other institutions continue to be well established. At the same time, it also synergizes tourism with the effort of nature conservation

must be maintained. All this time, coral transplantation at Kutuh has been running quite well. It is supported by the good and safe marine condition of Pandawa Beach for these activities. Sea wave conditions do not touch cultivation site because the sea waves break out in the middle of the sea, not on the coast. “We also arrange the location with spe-

first class Fish Quarantine Center and Quality Controller (BKIPM) of Denpasar, Woro Nur Endang Sariati, delivered her preparedness to synergize with Kutuh customary village if there will be a coral to be released. Her agency also expected the coastal area at Kutuh must be really intended for conservation and the sustainability must always be maintained. (BTN/kmb)


The right side of Pandawa Beach, Kutuh village, South Kuta, has now been named a zone of coral reef cultivation.

the typical entrance gates of the family compounds combines with the traditional housing structure present a charming appearance for the village. Baha Village is located about 4 km east of Taman Ayun Temple. The workers and the traditional farmers are the major population in Baha. The uniqueness of this traditional village is the uniformity of the entrance gates of the family compounds combines with the traditional housing structure, which portrays a fascinating appearance for the village.

the outdoor area. H o w e v e r, y o u should first make a reservation to the cafe because it is always full of tourists. For dinner, the dishes will generally be ready once the sun begins to set. Grilled snapper, grilled mussels, squid satay, water spinach with spicy sauce to crispy fried groupers have started to be presented on table. Surely, they are accompanied with a basket of steamed rice and three kinds of condiment as complement. Now, it is time to eat! Then, for the drink visitors can choose the options like mineral water, fruit juice or young coconut. Everything is fresh and appropriate to be served with

existing seafood dishes. At the end of the meal, we are given an extra bonus in the form of fruit plates for dessert. Bon appetite! Regarding the price, it can indeed be said to be intended

for middle to upper class, but it is comparable to the experience obtained at this culinary adventure. Romantic dinner while watching sunset on the beach will surely become so special.

Enjoy Bali by Surfing in Canggu Beach lmost similar with Echo Beach, Canggu Beach that located in Canggu Village, Kerobokan District, Badung or about 200 meters ad-


jacent to Echo Beach presents a big and dazzling waves for surfing. The magnificent sunset also support this beach become more fascinating. Even,

this beach has been the one of famous destination after Kuta that visited by foreign tourists who want surfing. It is also suitable for recreation or relax while enjoying the fresh atmosphere that flows from the Indian ocean. To reach this place the tourists have to enter Batu Bolong street or about 35 km from Ngurah Rai Airport. Besides Surfing, this beach is usually used as Hinduism Ceremony where in front of the beach there are two temples namely Batu Bolong Temple and Luhur Bhujangga Waisnawa Temple. This is the reason this beach has been well known by foreign tourists as the best surfing spot with interesting Hinduism activities.

Badung Government Tourism Office Address : Pusat Pemerintah Pemkab Badung Mangupraja Mandala Sempidi Ph. (0361) 9009271. W. www.badungkab.go.id

Want to Take Selfie at ATM? Visit This Fun Location ssuredly it is not an ATM platform of Melangit River located travelers, the ATM was once made permanently kind. To be sure, it at Antugan hamlet, Jehem village, only by local youths to simply hang b u i l t p l a t A ofhasanynothing to do with au- Tembuku, Bangli, as one of the fa- out together. The materials used to forms. “We tomated teller machines used to withdraw money. It stands for Anjungan Tukad Melangit (ATM) or literally meaning the

vorite places for travelers that like to take selfie. At this ATM, visitors cannot only take pictures with the background of natural beauty of the Melangit River, but also in the swing and some other selfie facilities. Before becoming the target of

make the platform are only sober ones, namely wood and bamboo. However, after visitors took selfie and was uploaded to social media, the platform is getting more crowded with tourist visits. Operations Manager of the ATM, I Wayan Lendra, recently said the ATM has been famous since more than a year ago. Seeing the number of incoming visitors, he continues to make improvements and arrangement. If formerly there used to be only one platform, now there have been three

make them permanent for the convenience of visitors,” he explained. In addition to the platform, the AT M m a n agement also offers several other facilities suitable for taking pictures such as traditional swing and heart-shaped bamboo cane work. At the ATM, visitors can also feel the sensation of camping and picking oranges in person. If previously visitors to the ATM were only charged a voluntary levy, now the management charges admission ticket worth IDR 10,000 for adult and IDR

Bangli Government Tourism Office : Jl. Sriwijaya No. 23 Bangli Ph. (0366) 91537. W. www.banglikab.go.id

5,000 for child of domestic tourists. Meanwhile, foreign tourists are charged IDR 15,000 per person. So far, Lendra admitted that the rate of tourist visits to ATM is now increasing. On typical days, the average visit rate reaches tens of people per day, while on holidays it increases up to 80 percent more.


Business and Leisure

FA_Bali Travel News_260x380mm_June(Non Event).pdf



July 21 - August 10, 2017

9:46 PM



Business and Leisure

The Inaugural Sanur Mostly Jazz Festival a Resounding Success 14-16 July 2017 at Griya Santrian a Beach Resort & Spa

Pacu Jawi, West Sumatra


he third and last day of Sanur Mostly Jazz Festival, Sunday (16-14/7) presented a first time ever eve-ofsunrise performance at the beach area of Griya Santrian a Beach Resort & Spa, Sanur, Bali. Musician Indra Lesmana, founder of the festival performed ‘Surya Sewana’ supported by 10 other musicians, with Indra Lesmana (on Piano, Seaboard), Indra Gupta (Bass), collaborating with Sandy Winarta (Drums, Cymbals), Dewa Budjana (Guitar), Subandi (Gamelan 1), Made Soplo (Gamelan 2), Gung Adhi (Gamelan 3), Emon Bandy (Gamelan 4), Ngurah Evo (Gamelan 5), Pacet (Gamelan 6), Chris-

tie (Sequencer) and Tina (Vocal). The jazz performance started at 6AM sharp, starting off with the sound of bells and echoes of Puja Trisandya. When the sunrise chants ceased, Indra continued with pentatonic notes from the grand piano he played, followed by other instruments. The melody in this composition merged with the beach atmosphere in the fresh and sunny morning. This blend produced a spiritual vibration, which was enhanced by four dancer with incense in the hands, dancing to the rhythm. Upon the fourth song, hundreds of spectators who admittedly ‘had to’ wake up early to watch

the concert was presented with a Godly masterpiece of beautiful sunrise set upon the clouds. The breathtaking scene complimented the ‘Surya Sewana’ composition, which consists of 5 songs with a total duration of 55 minutes. Indra admits at times like this, he feels really insignificant compared to God’s creation in the horizon. This daily awareness makes him always thankful and is the spirit for producing creative works in music. Regarding the inaugural festival, Indra says it was truly impressive and meeting the target of their initial estimation. The enthusiastic visitors which were mainly international tourisms were also

Chef of Dewi Sinta Restaurant

First Winner of Creating Menu Contest in Tanah Lot Kreatifood Festival 2017










elicacies prepared by Chef I Gusti Bagus Arya Nata and I Made Yadnya had delivered the Dewi Sinta Restaurant at Tanah Lot to be the first winner in the Tanah Lot Kreatifood Festival 2017. The achievement attained does not only become the pride but also as a place to promote the restaurant located in the area of Tanah Lot tourist attraction. “Dewi Sinta Restaurant has a variety of menus to be selected by tourists. Well, to taste the menus winning the recent contest, guests should make a reservation in advance,” said Operations Manager of Dewi Sinta Hotel & Restaurant, I Ketut Sudiartana. The menu made from Muscovy duck has a chewy meat, so it takes a long time to cook it. However, the taste matter is undoubted. All menus made from Muscovy duck would be nice. This first restaurant at Tanah Lot offers a variety of menus such as Dewi Sinta fried rice with different taste. Many domestic tourists also choose this menu for breakfast or lunch, after enjoying the atmosphere of Tanah Lot object. Dewi Sinta Restaurant opened every day at 07:00 – 21:00 also has a unique menu namely the Balinese Pizza. This menu is combined with raw condiment, such as seafood pizza, veggies pizza, burgers, and hot dogs. There are

achieving the target. “Especially the support from musicians make us more enthusiastic to make this festival an annual agenda,” ujar Indra. General manager and Owner Griya Santrian, Ida Bagus Gde Sidharta Putra (Gusde) as one of the event founder claims he was satisfied with the three day jazz event which is part of Sanur Village Festival (SVF) that will be held in August. Especially on Saturday night when the 460 seat capacity was fully packed. The three day festival was broadcasted on live streaming showing off great performances


by Koko Harsoe Trio, Balawan, Yuri Mahatma feat Nancy Ponto, Dewa Budjana Zentuary and topped by ditutup Idang Rasjidi feat Nesia Ardi on day one. While day two shows from Sandy Winarta Trio, Tohpati, Ito Kurdhi Chemistry, Sandhy Sondoro, Oele Pattiselanno Trio feat Margie Segers. While the Sunday morning performance after ‘Surya Sewana’ presented Mostly Jazz brunch & jam session featuring Nada and Dodot Trio. Nada’s performance was amazing since this 6 year old singer could perform jazz songs usually sung by senior singers. B N (BTN/015)

also roasted chicken and duck with Balinese spices (betutu), fried duck, soup, preferred food, vegetarian food, between the bread, Indonesian selection, Indonesian food, traditional basket, ice cream, tropical fruit juice and various drinks. In addition, there is also a menu of crab, grilled fish and fried fish with unique spices. For those who do not eat meat is also prepared vegetarian menus. B N (BTN/015)


See a rally championship like never before Originally, farmers in various places of Indonesia searched for something to do in their spare time, and then the racing started. Numerous mud cows used to plow the fields compete in one of the most daring and unique time trial races of the country in 'Pacu Jawi', as an intriguing culture of West Sumatra. Blended with cultural performances of the locals such as traditional music and dancing, this race is a must-see for those who seek excitements like no other place has, and you can too. So experience the thrills of our cultural experience, because our world will welcome you with all its wonders. www.indonesia.travel indonesia.travel @indtravel indonesia.travel



My Lovely Bali

Business and Leisure

July 21 - August 10, 2017

July 21 - August 10, 2017

Monkey Forest Central Parking in Ubud Inaugurated, Ready to Hold 1,000 Cars

Gde Palgunadi palgunadigde@yahoo.com ince the beginning, when Bali first time knew tourism around the 1920s, many famous travelers visited this bijou and pristine island. They were from various professions such as officials, artists, humanists, journalists and so forth. They very much enjoyed the nature, culture, community life and then spread it throughout the world. Since then, Bali began to be widely known as one of the world’s most beautiful islands offering a lot of beauty. Furthermore, a number of famous guests came and went. They brought along their stories and experiences. The stories even rolled out until finally Bali becomes like in the current condition. It becomes one of the world famous destinations having a myriad of problems. Undeniably, the arrival of some celebrities becomes a free promotion for this Island of the Gods. Admittedly or not, they consist of celebrities, heads of state and so forth. Surely they have important traces in the history of tourism in Bali having the same importance as their predecessors, that earlier set foot on Bali. Various behaviors were


showed off during their holidays in Bali. Some came and just stayed in the room. The others went out and spent their time by having a promenade or just enjoyed waves and sunshine. A few got involved further in the local ethnic community and then gave birth to the works of art and made collaboration that shook the world and so forth. Whatever they are, they have a stake. Their arrivals definitely have various reasons. The last but not least is the horrendous arrival of the former President of the United States, Barack Obama. Obama is very familiar in the eyes of the world community. If previously the King of Saudi Arabia only spent his time in the neighborhood where he stayed, it is different from Obama. This father of two children is so keen to enjoy the nature of Bali. Uniquely, he enjoyed various activities ranging from visiting museum and shrine or temple, exploring paddy fields, trying rafting adventure and so forth. This news certainly spread to all corners of the world. The former president of the super power country quite enjoyed his holidays in Bali. Surely, this becomes a free promotion resulting in tremendous impact. Undoubtedly, there will be ‘followers’ of Obama who will tread the route of his holiday trip. Jatiluwih will become more famous and so does the rafting in the Ayung River. Tirta Empul Temple will go more globally and so on. Hopefully, this Obama’s effect could be felt right to the bottom. Now, it depends on the government and tourism stakeholders to take advantage of this moment as a snowball that continues to grow bigger and result in wider impact. Hopefully, it will become so. B N



ow, visitors to Ubud will no longer difficult to look for parking space in the Monkey Forest tourist area. The construction of central parking lot of Monkey Forest, Ubud, has been completed and inaugurated through a melaspas and mendem padagingan ceremony in the lobby of the central parking of the Monkey Forest, Padang Tegal customary village, Ubud, on Saturday (Jul. 8). This central parking is ascertained to be ready to accommodate approximately a thousand cars. Chief of Padang Tegal customary village, I Made Gandra, said the melaspas, mendem pedagin-



Business and Leisure

gan and rishi gana ceremony in the lobby of the central parking was attended by the whole residents of Padang Tegal customary village. It was officiated over by Ida Pedanda higher priest from Geriya Peling, Padang Tegal. He explained that construction of central parking is one of the efforts to provide comfort for tourists when visiting Ubud, especially the Monkey Forest. The parking space in the area of three-hectare land is estimated to accommodate around 1,000 cars and 500 motorcycles. “Approximately it can accommodate a thousand cars. We will continue to make improvement to give a

sense of comfort to visitors,” he explained. In addition to the inauguration of the lobby, the management also planted trees. He said that greening efforts in the Monkey Forest area has begun to be encouraged since last year. Until now, the forest area becoming the habitat of some 600 long-tailed monkeys has 140 species of plants. “In the future, we will also develop the southern side of this central parking lot. It will be used as a space for creativity of young people and the elderly. Besides, there is a plan to be made into a water park,” he added. Deputy Governor of Bali, I Ketut Sudikerta, who was present at that time, expressed his appreciation to the construction of central parking in the Monkey Forest tourist attraction. Sudikerta hoped the construction of the 900-square-meter parking lot can become a solution to the problem of traffic crowdedness in the Ubud tourism village. “We appreciate the measures taken by Padang Tegal customary village that participates in overcoming traffic crowdedness in Ubud. After this, all the vehicles of community and visitors are expected to be accommodated here so that traffic crowdedness can be

avoided,” said Sudikerta amid the pacaruan rishi gana, pemelaspasan and mendem padagingan ritual in a series of the inauguration of the lobby on last full moon of Balinese first month. In the meantime, Operations Manager of Monkey Forest attraction, Nyoman Buana, explained that the lobby was built to provide comfort along with the increasing number of visitors to the monkey forest. In a day, the average tourist visit can reach 3,200 people. Of these, 95 percent are foreign tourists while the remaining is local and domestic tourists.

“Previously, guests came in through three doors underneath. But now, the visit to this tourist attraction will be started from the lobby,” explained Buana. This spacious and strategic lobby area will be a means of information to support the tourist attraction. This magnificent lobby will also be equipped with cafeteria, souvenir shop and tourist attraction. In addition, in the central parking area will be established a sport center. “In the future, we will also schedule yoga and meditation activities for the elderly,” he explained. B N (BTN/kmb)

Vintage Night Reloaded With Kiki Moka at The Laguna Resort & Spa Nusa Dua Bali


ravel back in time to the prohibition era of the 1920’s with Indonesia’s first world-class mixologist, Kiki Moka will transform your evening with ground-breaking concoctions to tempt your taste buds. He will take over one of the Nusa Dua’s favourite beach cocktail bars, Kul Kul Bar for one special evening at Vintage Night Reloaded on Saturday, 26 August. With Vintage Night every Saturday, Kul Kul Bar will continue the special “Great Gatsby” momentum along with Jakarta’s well known mixologist, Kiki Moka, presenting a series of enticing coktails and ritual drinks from his wealth of experience. Kiki Moka is Head Mixologist of The Union Group, a renowned restaurant group in Jakarta. He was named the Winner of the Diageo World Class Competition in Indonesia Chapter 2011 and represented Indonesia for the global competition as well as several international experiences as a guest bartender which landed him acknowledgment as the most respected mixologist in the field. Join us on Saturday, 5 August from 7.00pm – 8.00pm for complimentary free flow drinks in the Al Capone-set secret bar where cocktails are served in tea cups and newspaper wrapped glass. Special cocktails include La Vie en Rose named after a famous French song. Dress up in a Gatsby-inspired costume and enjoy extended free flow until 9.00pm. This Vintage Night Reloaded at Kul Kul Bar is enhanced by upbeat techno swing and 20’s classical décor. This event will be in collaboration with Nachtmann and Uber Bar Tools. B N (BTN/r)




July 21 - August 10, 2017

Business and Leisure

Sixth Agrarian Cultural Festival Featuring ”Angajap Lango” The Agrarian Cultural Festival (ACF) took place uniquely and truly educated. Thousands of people from various quarters thronged Tukad Bangkung area at Pelaga village, Petang, Badung, becoming the venue of the festival. The sixth ACF was opened by Regent of Badung, I Nyoman Giri Prasta, on Saturday (Jul. 15) by releasing an arrow then accompanied with inauguration by the Guntur Madu Art Studio.


he applause of the splendor showed by the community was so echoing. “This year, the ACF has been held for the sixth time. Hopefully, this agrarian festival would be able to produce more young entrepreneurs, so that agriculture in North Badung is growing in the future,” said Regent Giri Prasta. A warm welcome came from the invited guests, such as Deputy Regent Ketut Suiasa, Regional

Secretary, Wayan Adi Arnawa, Chairman of the Badung House of Representatives Putu Parwata, a member of Commission X of the House of Representatives of the RI, I Wayan Koster, Chairwoman of the Badung PKK Motivator Team, Mrs. Seniasih Giri Prasta, agency heads and other invitees. Regent Giri Prasta said that especially for South Badung it has been held the Marine Culture Festival as an effort to raise and BTN/ist




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Regent of Badung, I Nyoman Giri Prasta, released arrow as a sign of the opening of the sixth Agrarian Cultural Festival on Bangkung Bridge, Pelaga, Petang, Badung, and Bangkung.

I Nyoman Giri Prasta signed the MoU at the opening of the sixth Agrarian Cultural Festival at Bangkung Bridge area, Pelaga village, Petang, Badung.

July 21 - August 10, 2017

develop maritime sector, then in the Central Badung is held the Culture and Arts Festival to develop culture and the art. As for the North Badung, the government held the Agrarian Cultural Festival as a way to raise and develop Badung in the field of agriculture, including producing more young entrepreneurs. “Our hope, after the implementation of this agrarian festival there will be an evaluation and real results of the agriculture,” he said. To support and make the people of Badung proud of becoming farmers, it has been made several breakthroughs, such as freeing farmland from land and property

tax including providing insurance for farmers experiencing crop failure. “In addition to taxes, we also help farming system ranging from seeding, fertilizers to distribution of the agricultural products,” he said. Head of the Badung Agriculture and Food Agency, IGAK Sudaratmaja, said the current ACF features the theme angajap lango or craving for the art. This theme is in accordance with the Badung district relying on the tourism sector, so the art and culture must be well maintained because they serve as the basic capital of development. “We have collaborated the art and agriculture in this year’s festival,”

he said. Until this year, the ACF has been 6 years old in the effort of promotion and economic empowerment of North Badung remaining relatively young. Agenda of the ACF 2017 includes the agrarian cultural parade, agricultural product exhibition, culinary competition, engineering contest and agricultural extension, fruit carving, weaving a hat of green coconut leaf, flower arrangement, making gebogan and drawing contest. Besides, there are also 3K Fun Run, mini hydroponics competition, art performances, ogoh-ogoh competition, people’s markets and so on. BTN (BTN/015)



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July 21 - August 10, 2017

Where to Go...

Introducing Balinese Script Writing Since Early Age

Balinese scripts, and can preserve it from extinction and erosion of the era in the future. Meanwhile, Mayor Rai Mantra said that such Balinese script writing festival poses the basis for the love of children to their cultural heritage. A parent of participant, Ketut Made Arjana, from Wangaya, whose son participated in the Balinese script writing festival, said that he appreciated to the event of Balinese script writing. This is one of the cultural heritage preservation that must be continuously maintained. BTN

DENPASAR In the City


Where to Go...

Baleganjur and Ngoncang Featured in Bulfest 2017

JEMBRANA Bull-racing Center

Puputan Badung Square


pproximately 9 km to north of Pekutatan Traditional Market, in Manggissari village, Pekutatan sub district, there is a Banyan tree locally known as


aman Puputan Badung (Badung suicide/war square) is so named in remembrance of the “battle” that took place on September 20th, 1906 between the King of Badung with his Balinese court and the Dutch who were invading their land. The Balinese people, dressed in full regalia walked graceful into the line of fire of the Dutch army rather than capitulate to the dominating forces. The date of this event is commemorated every year and Taman Puputan Monument has been erected in the northern part of Taman Puputan Badung. Many local people visit this square every afternoon for recreational purposes and every Sunday special activities are organized for children. BTN


o instill the love for the ancestral heritage and enhance the spirit of loving Balinese scripts, the Dharmaning Yowana customary youth club (ST) of Wangaya Kaja, North Denpasar, in cooperation with the Denpasar municipality, organized the Festival Nyastra (Writing Festival) for the level of elementary school at Wantilan Hall of Agung Lokanatha Temple, Lumintang, on Saturday (Jul. 8). The writing activity was attended and opened by Denpasar Mayor, I.B. Rai Dharmawijaya

Mantra, marked with the certificate signing and beating of kemplung (small gong). As seen, the event was attended by Chairman of Commission I of the Denpasar House of Representatives, Suteja Kumara, and Subdistrict Head of North Denpasar, Nyoman Lodra. A total of 150 participating children in Balinese customary attires were enthusiastic about this Balinese script writing festival. Although the atmosphere was accompanied with drizzles, they were still sitting neatly lined up pursuant to their respective position.

Ngoncang (pounding pestle on mortar) tradition will be staged en masse in the event of the Buleleng Festival 2017.

Chief of Dharmaning Yowana customary youth club, I Putu Gede Arya Arnawan, said the event is held for the first time by the customary youth club of Wangaya Kaja originally inspired by school holiday activities held by the Denpasar municipality. He further explained that participating students in the activities originate from all elementary schools in Denpasar ranging from fourth to sixth grade. Approximately 150 students participated in the event. With such activity, children are expected to love their


The Center of Art


ianyar district now has a new tourist attraction named the Gianyar Botanical Garden (KRG). This tourist attraction is located at Pilan hamlet, Kerta, Payangan, or about 45 km northeast of Denpasar. The opening ceremony was officially conducted by Bambang Subiyanto, Deputy Head of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), on Monday (Jul. 17). At that time, the event was also filled in with the signing of inscription by Regent of Gianyar, A.A. Gde Agung Bharata. Bambang Subiyanto appreciated to the measure of Gianyar regent to build botanical garden as the 32nd botanical garden in Indonesia managed by local government. “It is built for conservation area, reducing degradation rate of rare plant diversity as well as increasing and utilizing potential of the region optimally and sustainably,” he said. Development of this botanical garden is also for in-situ and ex situ conservation for all rare plant species, providing research and education place as well as tropi-

Now, Gianyar Has Botanical Garden cal plant laboratory. “This can also become a nature tourist attraction, develop environmental services and improve socio-economic life of the community around the botanical garden,” he continued. Regent of Gianyar, Agung Bharata, said the KRG is a customary forest being rescued by the surrounding community, so the condition remains very well maintained, located in the state land area of ​​9.7163 hectares managed by Pilan customary village through generations. It has 41 kinds of native vegetation dominated by large trees up to several kinds of orchids, and 36 species of animals such as various kinds of birds, apes and deer. Development of the KRG began with the proposal from headman of Kerta to Gianyar regent in his letter No.33/Pemb/I/2015 dated on January 14, 2015 regarding the Proposal of Forest Management at Pilan Customary Village. Then, it was followed up by a request of review to the Head of Center for Plant Conservation, Botanical Garden - LIPI, and result of the review Number: B-1158 / IPH.3 / KS / IV / 2016 dated on April 18, 2016 states that the forest of Pilan customary village deserves to be KRG. The Regent of Gianyar, Agung Bharata, also appreciated to the goodwill of Pilan customary village to preserve customary forest by handing over customary forest management to KRG. Pilan customary villagers has contributed to donate their land without asking for compensation, where the road widening and opening of new road to KRG has a total area of ​​some 15 hectares or approximately worth IDR 34,5 billion.

Bunut (L. Ficus) that is considered especially scared by the locals and is surrounding in myth. The tree has a very large hole in its trunk through which a street passes. Vehicles can pass through this hole which looks like a unique gate. The location is named after the condition of the tree: “Bunut Bolong” menaing tree with a hole. From this location we can enjoy the romantic view of the deep blue color of the Indonesia Ocean to the south, clove plantations along the way and the beautiful hills in the north, as well as the sound of wild life such as the chirping birds. BTN

Candikusuma Beach


Denpasar Government Tourism Office : Address; Jl. Surapati No. 7 Denpasar, Ph. (0361) 234569, 223602, 231422 Fax. (0361) 223602 http://pariwisata.denpasarkota.go.id

Bunut Bolong

he art performances through the Buleleng Festival (Bulfest) this year is organized again by the government of Buleleng. This fifth Bulfest will take place on August 2-6. The committee agreed to carry the theme ‘The Power of Buleleng.’ It showcases a mass art parade every year. The opening of Bulfest this time will be graced with mass baleganjur parade. Unmitigatedly, this parade involves about 500 gamelan artists and dancers from dozens of dance studios in Buleleng. This mass baleganjur will parade along Jalan Ngurah Rai under the main stage of Bulfest. Besides, ngoncang or pounding pestle on mortar tradition will also be displayed in the Bulfest this time. It is chosen because some villages in Buleleng up to now still believe in the tradition as an agrarian heritage. They have confidence that ngoncang can reject catastrophe so that it is adopted as one of a Hindu ritual series. Other than these two arts, the committee will also stage the Ramayana fragmentary show on the main stage of Bulfest, dedicated by Listibiya of Buleleng. Meanwhile, to entertain young people of Buleleng, the committee will feature top national bands such as Kotak and Endank Soekamti. Kotak is going to perform on the main stage of Bulfest on August 5, 2017, while Endank Soekamti gets the turn on the next day (Aug. 6). Some local bands of Bali also enliven such as Lolot, Nanoe Biroe and Bintang. A dance studio from Jakarta, namely Daya Presta dance studio is also reported to enliven the art schedule in the Sasana Budaya, Singaraja. Division Head of the Art, the Buleleng Culture Agency, Wayan Sujana, said on Wednesday (Jul. 12) that some schedules have been confirmed, but the schedules of staging by some dance studios cannot be ascertained so far. Nevertheless, all processes are running until August 2, 2017. According to the man known as a bondres artist, the theme of this year’s Bulfest would like to deliver a message to general public that Buleleng has strength in the arts as well as the direction of development of other fields. This theme also denotes a continuation of the previous Bulfest themes. BTN

andikusuma Beach that is located at Melaya Sub district is one of the beaches in Jembrana Regency. Since a long time ago, it is used as a recreational place especially for the local. This sphere is usually also used as the place of daily activities of the fisherman. Everyday, there are a lot of Jukung (the fisherman’s traditional boats) here, dropping the fresh fishes which have been caught from the sea. And, this place is also functional as a centre of traditional fish market. In the north part of the beach, there is a sub village called Dusun Moding. This sub village is famous by its plantation which has been able to produce many kind of agricultural commodity such as fruits cocoa, coconuts, vanilla etc. the sub village and its plantations have a great potenc to be developed as the area of agro tourism. More over, in this sub village, there is also the traditional art which has become the trademark of jembrana, that is the art of Jegog. BTN

Buleleng Government Office: Pahlawan Street 1st Singaraja, Bali - Indonesia Ph. (0362) 21146, Email: humasbuleleng@yahoo.com, Website : www.bulelengkab.go.id

Jembrana Government Office: Surapati Street No. 1 Jembrana Telp. (0365) 41210 Fax: (0365) 41010 Email: jembranatourism@yahoo.com, Website : jembranakab.go.id


Fruit Carving and Fishing Contest End TLF 2017 fter held for four days, the Twin Lakes Festival (TLF) 2017 was ultimately closed on Sunday (Jul. 9). The fruit carving and fishing contest of zebra fish closed the event. As recorded, a total of 19 participants from representatives of the respective regional agency in the government of Buleleng participated in this contest. In addition, the zebra fish fishing contest also enlivened the TLF followed by 120 participants of the general public category. In the contest taking place for two hours, the first winner was achieved by Gede Mustika who could get a total of 89 heads of fish catch. In the fruit carving contest, all the participants looked so serious to carve the yellow pumpkin fruitbased material. With skillful hands, the participants could produce various kinds of carvings on the fruit. As seen, Deputy Regent of Buleleng, Nyoman Sudjidra, also monitored the contest. In addition, the closing day of the TFL was also enlivened by dog contest, ​​ restocking and Buyan trail running as well as bull races. Fruit carving jury team, Ketut Sintana, said that beauty and cleanliness are the main criteria in the scoring of the fruit carving. Pumpkin fruit is chosen as a medium to determine the level of hardness of material through the techniques used by the participants.


Regent of Gianyar, A.A. Gde Agung Bharata, accompanied by Deputy Head of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Bambang Subiyanto, officially opened the Gianyar Botanical Garden at Pilan hamlet, Kerta, Payangan. In the meantime, the Head of the Gianyar Environment Agency, Wayan Kujus Pawitra, said that to realize the KRG, the regional budget (APBD) 2016 approved the budget allocation for the preparation of Detailed Engineering Design (DED) of the KRG at approximately IDR 150 million, then continued to region al budget 2017 for improvement of Kerta road section to the KRG along the 4,314 km with the width of 5.5 meters approximately worth IDR 12.7 billion, construction of KRG gates (IDR 2.9 billion),

construction of water connection to KRG (IDR 686 million) and the grant aid of LIPI for thematic garden development (IDR 500 million). KRG has also been proposed to ask for aid to state budget (APBN) from the ministry of public works and housing in 2018 approximately worth IDR 14 billion in accordance with the development stages in Detailed Engineering Design of the KRG. The Gianyar Botanical Garden is built in cooperation of the Gianyar government, Pilan customary village and the Indonesian Institute of

Sciences. Structurally, it is managed by the Gianyar Botanical Garden unit under the Gianyar environment agency, and the operations management is planned to be made in collaboration with Pilan customary village. Approval or recommendation of the cooperation between the government of Gianyar and Pilan customary village on the KRG development and management is in the process of discussion in the Gianyar House of Representatives. BTN

Gianyar Government Tourism Office Address : Jl. Ngurah Rai No. 9 Gianyar Ph. (0361) 943401 Fax. (0361) 943554 website: www.diparda.gianyarkab.go.id, www.gianyartourism.com, email: admingianyar@gianyarkab.go.id, info@gianyartourism.com


“Cleanliness and tidiness are the main criteria in the contest assessment this time. Besides, the participants can know the hardness level of the pumpkin fruit,” he said. Regent Putu Agus Suradnyana hoped that both lakes previously drawing less attention, but through the TLF activities, they can be increasingly in demand as a natural tourist destination. No less important, the TLF also promotes the Nature Park (TWA) and attract people’s awareness to care about the existence of Lake Buyan. “Through the implementation of the TLF 2017, we can promote the existing nature park in Lake Buyan and Lake Tamblingan and attract people to maintain both lakes,” he said. Furthermore, the regent added that in the future the implementation of TLF can both serve as promotional event and an effort to voice how to preserve the natural tourism areas of Lake Buyan and Lake Tamblingan. “It is not only to promote the beauty of the twin lakes in South Buleleng, but also to invite the community to preserve both lakes that we have,” he affirmed. BTN (BTN/kmb)



July 21 - August 10, 2017

Business and Leisure

A Strategic Dining Place Offering Delicious Menus A

tabella Restaurant just to taste the menu. We also prepare other menus, so there is an option,” said General Manager (GM) of Fontana Hotel Bali, a PHM Collection, I Wayan Karta. Mixed rice and crispy duck are often booked by visitors. Most uniquely, the menus like mixed rice served with shredded chicken, assorted vegetables with local ingredients, tempeh, tofu and peanuts are favored by tourists. During the Eid al-Fitr holidays, this menu was very much in demand. Understandably, domestic tourists are dominantly staying at Fontana Hotel Bali reaching 30 percent. After that, the guests are from China, Korea, India and Europe. “This restaurant can accommodate approximately 200

people for breakfast. It offers international menus, so that can be enjoyed by guests from various countries,” he added. A p a r t from food, this restaurant also offers a variety of beers, wine, vodka, juice as well as cocktails and moctails. Other than in-house guests at Fontana Hotel Bali, many walk-in guests are also eat at this restaurant. At night, guests often choose Portabella Restaurant after taking tours to Tanah Lot, Bedulu, Ubud or other destinations. “Lately, many Indian guests choose to


Business and Leisure

anagement and the Islamic Association ISDUIS Has Joint Iftar with M Brotherhood (ISDUIS) of Grand Inna Bali Beach and Inna Bali Beach Al-Fallah Children Garden & Inna Bali Beach Resort held an iftar gathering and dona-

Portabella Restaurant

re you difficult to find out a place to pamper your appetite? Try to stop at Portabella Restaurant, a restaurant located at Fontana Hotel Bali, exactly at Jalan Dewi Sri No. 68 Kuta. Although identical to Italian food menu, this classic dining place also offers a variety of menus that can be felt by the tongue of all countries. At least, there are 30 types of menu consisting of Italian Food, Western Food and Indonesian Food. Portabella Restaurant has been famous for Italian Food since this hotel was established in 2012. Understandably, this restaurant was pioneered by Italian chef, so the knowledge is still affixed until now. “Many guests loving Italian Food deliberately come to Por-



eat at this hotel as well,” said Karta. T h e dining room is spacious with a capacity of 150 seats, so that it is often selected as a venue of meeting or just chatting with friends, family or business partners. While having meals here, guests can enjoy music, and special on Tuesdays and Saturdays guests will be entertained by live singer. If there is a special order and done in the pool, guest will be entertained with Balinese dance performance.

“In terms of menu type, they may be the same as elsewhere, but we prefer to accentuate services, so that guests will not only enjoy the delights of the menus, but also a sense of comfort,” he said. Besides, the location is very strategic, close to the highway so guests will no need to walk long to reach the restaurant. It’s near the beach and shopping mall. So, it is reasonable, Fontana Hotel Bali and Portabella Restaurant are often selected by the officials as well as artists as a place to stay or a place to eat. B N


Swiss Belresort WatuJimbar

Awarded Certificate of Excellence 2017 from TripAdvisor


GHE Launches Hospitality Education and Development Program Hospitality Expert (GHE) organized HEAD Talk—a G lobal launch of the Hospitality Edu-

cation and Development consisting of the Industry Credentials, Qualification Certificate, Academic Plus and Essential Workshop at H Sovereign Bali, Tuban, on Monday (Jul. 17). GHE is a division of Professional Hospitality Education and Development of the International Bali Institute of Tourism (STPBI) having been the Official Global Academic Partner of the American Hotel & Lodging Education Institute (AHLEI) since 2014. President Director of the GHE, Agus Yoga Iswara, said the entire GHE programs are designed and intended as quality legitimacy of professionalism with international standard (industry credential), preparation for a career path from employee level up to general manager (qualification certificate), acceleration of academic and vocational learning of student level, instructor to educator (academic plus). “As Official Global Academic Partner, the GHE holds license for the implementation of professional education and certification,” he said. These programs, explained Yoga Iswara, are meant to improve the quality of world’s class hotel human resources. Having made a research, quality human resources becomes a critical point in building a nation. “As an industry player and tourism educator, we come to provide international quality education, training and certification, delivered by local citizen who master the world’s recognized academic expertise and vocational skills as well as certifications. So, the development of Indonesian tourism can run on the right track to the right place as well,” he explained.

As principal commissioner of the Global Hospitality Expert, I Gede Wiwin Suyasa explained that Indonesian tourism now reaches a healthy growth point and the existence is recognized by the world. Other than formation of new destinations and new tourism businesses, it also has something to do with the increased competitiveness of quality products and human resources. On the other hand, our neighboring countries also boost their tourism development in such a way that triggers a very tight competition. The GHE was launched in warm atmosphere, and the vivacity of industrial players and tourism education providers was clear to adopt the HEAD program. On the occasion, it was also signed a GHE cooperation draft with tourism schools such as the Nusa Dua Bali Tourism Institute (STPNB), Polytechnic International Bali (PIB), Elizabeth International and Mediterranean Bali. On the same occasion, it was also launched three tourism books respectively written by Nyoman Astama (Chairman of the IHGMA Bali) entitled ‘Success; YOU!”; Dede Ari Gunawan (President Director of Bali Citra International entitled ‘The Courage of Living”; and K. Swabawa (Director of Swaha Hospitality Management) entitled ‘Hotel General Manager Handbook.’ The event was also attended by the Head of the Badung Tourism Office and tourism association such as the IHRA, IHGMA, SKKBA, ICA, BVA, BHA, HFLA, IHKA, IFBEC, Bascomm, HFIA, HRA, BSWA, UHA, UHSA as well as hotel general managers tourism and school leaders and hospitality. The whole programs were ended with dinner and got-together. B N (BTN/015)


awarded the Certificate S was of Excellence from TripAd-

wiss BelresortWatuJimbar

visor for the third time in 2017. The award is given in honor of our resort receiving consistent good reviews on TripAdvisor from our guests. The TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence is an award that displays on hotel TripAdvisor pro-

files. Travelers trust resorts that have this award because it proves that the hotel/resorthas a large number of positive reviews. TripAdvisor awards top-rated hospitality businesses the Certificate of Excellence annually. The TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence is one of three prestigious awards that give bragging rights to hotels, restaurants, and

attractions. The Certificate of Excellence accounts for the quality, quantity and recency of reviews submitted by travelers on TripAdvisor over a 12-month period. To qualify, a business must maintain an overall TripAdvisor bubble rating of at least four out of five, have a minimum number of reviews and must have been listed on TripAdvisor for at least 12 months. “Receiving the Certificate of Excellence from TripAdvisor is the pride of the entire team at Swiss-BelresortWatuJimbar and we would like to thank all our team for their hard work and the guests who have given good reviews on TripAdvisor,” said Bapak IB Cendra Setiawan, Executive Assistant Manager of Swiss-BelresortWatuJimbar, Sanur. “With the receipt of the Certificate of Excellence based on customer reviewswe give confidence for our business and our commitment to continue our maximum service” he added. We hope these awards not only help to improve our hospitality standards, but also help us to become a better resort in the future. B N (BTN/014)

Temu Wirasa ”a Balinese Meet Up” by Pramana Experience


What is the benefits W other? and how doest it impact on

hy should we meet each


tion on June 20, 2017 to orphans of the Al-Fallah Musholla located in Agung Room Canopy of the Grand Inna Bali Beach. The gathering was commenced with a sermon led by Ustadz Khoiron. After that, it was resumed with the children tambourine performance of the Al-Ikhlas Mosque, Sanur, and the delivery of a gift in the form of cash to the orphan given directly by IGK Ayu Ariani (General Manager of Grand Inna Bali Beach) and ING Ardhana (General Manager of Inna Bali Beach Garden). This event was ended with a prayer and having iftar together. B N (BTN/r)

our live on this modern world? Considering this dynamic and fast growing world, where the people are busy with their own business, they don’t have time to meet each other. Yes, social media become

the alternative to meet and greet virtually day to day and time to time. At the beginning the people are happy with this communication way, to chat, to share their pictures and moment. Even they can send their feeling with motion. But, those heart feel lonely in the crowed, and live with no

Did you know ?

Barong lion-like A acreature that barong


appears as a character in Balinese mythology and is identified as a good spirit known as Banas Pati Raja. According to Balinese beliefs every child is born with 4 guardian spirits or “siblings’ who will watch over them throughout their life. Ba­nas Pati Raja is the fourth of these siblings and is also the spirit that animates barong. This protector spirit is often represented as a lion like creature who is accompanied by two monkeys. In Bali, this mythological creature known as barong is nearly always portrayed as a lion with a red head and thick white fur and wears guilded ornaments and small mirrors. Life sized barong ‘puppets’ used in ceremonies are considered sacred. The origins of the barong are lost to the mists of time but certainly go back a very long time. Some say that barong originated in animistic practices of worship before Hinduism came to Bali, when villagers still believed in the supernatural protective power of animals. Variations on the barong are found throughout Indonesia and South-East Asia. B N

Denpasar + Sanur Area Humas Kota Denpasar, Diparda Kota Denpasar, Diparda Bali, BTB & Stake Holder, HPI Divisi Mandarin , Cianjur Restaurant, ISI Denpasar, Bali Yuai Mansion, Stipar Triatmajaya Dalung, SMK Paiwisata Dalung, SMK PGRI 3 Dalung, Green School, Mentari Hotel, Inna Grand Bali Beach, Asia Link Travel, Pacific World Nusantara, Inna Sindhu, Villa Mahapala, Kejora Suites, Star Buck Cafe, Legawa Hotel, Tamukami Hotel, Besakih Hotel, Respati Hotel, Oasis Sanur, Maya Sanur, Prama Sanur Beach, Swiss Bell Watu Jimbar, Mahagiri Villas, Sudamala Hotel, Taksu Bali Hotel, All 4 Diving, Griya Santrian, Puri Sading Hotel, Batujimbar Restaurant, Mercure Sanur , Smorgas Café, Costarica Restaurant, The Wicked Parrot, GRP Rudana, Kopi Bali House, White Sand Café, Shangkara Resto, Jimmys Bar, Kejora Villas, Gecko Coffee, TJ Bar, J & N Kebab, Goana Bar, Ramayana Café, Nulazer Bar, Ganesa Book Store, Grocer & Grind.

Nusa Dua and By Pass Area sense, its like live as a zombie. Something missed on their live, a part that they should enjoy the live in community We saw this paradigm and initiate A Meet Up program called “Temu Wirasa“. A Balinese phrase means desire to meet and talk, for our valued guest among resorts Managed by Pramana Experience. Inspired by A Balinese tradition once a part of family lives in distance and we don’t see each other for long time, even though they have regularly do communication through phone or video call. This “Temu Wirasa” Meet Up program has been launched in all resort managed d by Pramana Experience effectively by June 2017 with purpose to reunite the face and unite the heart in warm togetherness. We invite our guest to meet each other and with entirely management while having drinks and canapés. All profit of this program is dedicated to a human charity as part of the company social responsibility. B N (BTN/014)

Rama Tour, Rumah Makan Sederhana, New Kuta Green Park, STPN Bali, Novotel Benoa Bali, Bali Tropic, Melia Benoa Bali, The Laguna Bali, Melia Bali Villas, BTDC Nusa Dua, Shita Hotel. DTW Uluwatu, DTW Pandawa Beach,.

Badung & Kuta Area Periplus Domestik Koridor I dan II, Periplus Bandara International Air Side, WH Smith Terminal Domestik 1 dan 2, WHSmith Terminal international 1 – 5 , Airport Domestic Arrival ( PT wisnu Selaras ) H Sovereign, Balawista Post I Kuta Beach, Aston Tuban, ,Bale Udang Mang Engking, Avilla Hospitality, Harris Tuban, Ramadha Bintang Bali, Waterbom Bali, Info Center Depan Bali Dinasty, Adhijaya, Adhijaya Sunset, Kuta Paradiso Hotel,Kuta Beach Club, Grand Inna Kuta, Hard Rock Hotel,Info Centre Depan Mc D Pantai Kuta, Kuta Seaview, Alamkulkul, Legian Beach, Legian Paradiso, Maxi Hotel, Rama Garden, All Season , Bali Niksoma, Neo Kuta Jelantik, Club Bali Villas,

Grand Kuta, Villa Kubu, Villa kayu Raja, Maca Villas, ITC ( Indonesia Tourist info centre ), The Sunset, Rama Garden, Legian Village Hotel, Puri Saron, Harris River View, C 151 Luxury Villas, Duuran Gemilang. DTW Sangeh, Kuta Central Park Hotel, Fontana Hotel, Shanti Toya Ashram.

Ubud Area Furama Villas, Bali Spirit, The Ubud Village, Tepi Sawah Villas & Rest, Amandari, Mara River Taman Safari, Puri Wulandari, Ibah, Gaya Fushion, Nandini Bali, The Mansion, The Sungu, The Hidden, Uma Ubud, Wapa Diume Resort, Ubud Henging Garden, The Payogan, Pitamaha, Natura Villas, Pertiwi Resort, Maya Ubud, Komaneka Hotel, Kamandalu Hotel, Kayumanis Villas, Barong Resort & Spa, Four Season Ubud, Tjampuhan Hotel, Anahata Villas, Alila Ubud, Arma Resort, Kupu – Kupu Barong, The Chedi Club. Monkey Forest Ubud, Info Centre Ubud Depan Puri, Perama Info Center, Goa Gajah, Tampak Siring, Relief Yeh Pulu.

Tabanan Area DTW Tanah Lot, Dewi Sinta Hotel, DTW Alas Kedaton. DTW Ulun Danu Beratan, Royal Tulip Saranam Resort,

DTW Badung DTW Pandawa beach, DTW Taman Ayun, DTW Uluwatu, DTW Sangeh, Balawista Pantai Kuta

Another Area Garuda Indonesia Inflight, Kementrian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, Bali Post Biro Jakarta,Papua Adventure Tour and Travel.. Pemda Seluruh Bali ; Humas Buleleng, Disbudpar Buleleng, Disdikporbudpar Jembrana, Humas Tabanan, Humas Kodya, Disparda Kodya, ITC Kodya, Disparda Badung, Humas Badung, Disparda Gianyar, Humas Bangli, Humas Karangasem, Disparda Karangasem



July 21 - August 10, 2017

Business and Leisure

A Strategic Dining Place Offering Delicious Menus A

tabella Restaurant just to taste the menu. We also prepare other menus, so there is an option,” said General Manager (GM) of Fontana Hotel Bali, a PHM Collection, I Wayan Karta. Mixed rice and crispy duck are often booked by visitors. Most uniquely, the menus like mixed rice served with shredded chicken, assorted vegetables with local ingredients, tempeh, tofu and peanuts are favored by tourists. During the Eid al-Fitr holidays, this menu was very much in demand. Understandably, domestic tourists are dominantly staying at Fontana Hotel Bali reaching 30 percent. After that, the guests are from China, Korea, India and Europe. “This restaurant can accommodate approximately 200

people for breakfast. It offers international menus, so that can be enjoyed by guests from various countries,” he added. A p a r t from food, this restaurant also offers a variety of beers, wine, vodka, juice as well as cocktails and moctails. Other than in-house guests at Fontana Hotel Bali, many walk-in guests are also eat at this restaurant. At night, guests often choose Portabella Restaurant after taking tours to Tanah Lot, Bedulu, Ubud or other destinations. “Lately, many Indian guests choose to


Business and Leisure

anagement and the Islamic Association ISDUIS Has Joint Iftar with M Brotherhood (ISDUIS) of Grand Inna Bali Beach and Inna Bali Beach Al-Fallah Children Garden & Inna Bali Beach Resort held an iftar gathering and dona-

Portabella Restaurant

re you difficult to find out a place to pamper your appetite? Try to stop at Portabella Restaurant, a restaurant located at Fontana Hotel Bali, exactly at Jalan Dewi Sri No. 68 Kuta. Although identical to Italian food menu, this classic dining place also offers a variety of menus that can be felt by the tongue of all countries. At least, there are 30 types of menu consisting of Italian Food, Western Food and Indonesian Food. Portabella Restaurant has been famous for Italian Food since this hotel was established in 2012. Understandably, this restaurant was pioneered by Italian chef, so the knowledge is still affixed until now. “Many guests loving Italian Food deliberately come to Por-



eat at this hotel as well,” said Karta. T h e dining room is spacious with a capacity of 150 seats, so that it is often selected as a venue of meeting or just chatting with friends, family or business partners. While having meals here, guests can enjoy music, and special on Tuesdays and Saturdays guests will be entertained by live singer. If there is a special order and done in the pool, guest will be entertained with Balinese dance performance.

“In terms of menu type, they may be the same as elsewhere, but we prefer to accentuate services, so that guests will not only enjoy the delights of the menus, but also a sense of comfort,” he said. Besides, the location is very strategic, close to the highway so guests will no need to walk long to reach the restaurant. It’s near the beach and shopping mall. So, it is reasonable, Fontana Hotel Bali and Portabella Restaurant are often selected by the officials as well as artists as a place to stay or a place to eat. B N


Swiss Belresort WatuJimbar

Awarded Certificate of Excellence 2017 from TripAdvisor


GHE Launches Hospitality Education and Development Program Hospitality Expert (GHE) organized HEAD Talk—a G lobal launch of the Hospitality Edu-

cation and Development consisting of the Industry Credentials, Qualification Certificate, Academic Plus and Essential Workshop at H Sovereign Bali, Tuban, on Monday (Jul. 17). GHE is a division of Professional Hospitality Education and Development of the International Bali Institute of Tourism (STPBI) having been the Official Global Academic Partner of the American Hotel & Lodging Education Institute (AHLEI) since 2014. President Director of the GHE, Agus Yoga Iswara, said the entire GHE programs are designed and intended as quality legitimacy of professionalism with international standard (industry credential), preparation for a career path from employee level up to general manager (qualification certificate), acceleration of academic and vocational learning of student level, instructor to educator (academic plus). “As Official Global Academic Partner, the GHE holds license for the implementation of professional education and certification,” he said. These programs, explained Yoga Iswara, are meant to improve the quality of world’s class hotel human resources. Having made a research, quality human resources becomes a critical point in building a nation. “As an industry player and tourism educator, we come to provide international quality education, training and certification, delivered by local citizen who master the world’s recognized academic expertise and vocational skills as well as certifications. So, the development of Indonesian tourism can run on the right track to the right place as well,” he explained.

As principal commissioner of the Global Hospitality Expert, I Gede Wiwin Suyasa explained that Indonesian tourism now reaches a healthy growth point and the existence is recognized by the world. Other than formation of new destinations and new tourism businesses, it also has something to do with the increased competitiveness of quality products and human resources. On the other hand, our neighboring countries also boost their tourism development in such a way that triggers a very tight competition. The GHE was launched in warm atmosphere, and the vivacity of industrial players and tourism education providers was clear to adopt the HEAD program. On the occasion, it was also signed a GHE cooperation draft with tourism schools such as the Nusa Dua Bali Tourism Institute (STPNB), Polytechnic International Bali (PIB), Elizabeth International and Mediterranean Bali. On the same occasion, it was also launched three tourism books respectively written by Nyoman Astama (Chairman of the IHGMA Bali) entitled ‘Success; YOU!”; Dede Ari Gunawan (President Director of Bali Citra International entitled ‘The Courage of Living”; and K. Swabawa (Director of Swaha Hospitality Management) entitled ‘Hotel General Manager Handbook.’ The event was also attended by the Head of the Badung Tourism Office and tourism association such as the IHRA, IHGMA, SKKBA, ICA, BVA, BHA, HFLA, IHKA, IFBEC, Bascomm, HFIA, HRA, BSWA, UHA, UHSA as well as hotel general managers tourism and school leaders and hospitality. The whole programs were ended with dinner and got-together. B N (BTN/015)


awarded the Certificate S was of Excellence from TripAd-

wiss BelresortWatuJimbar

visor for the third time in 2017. The award is given in honor of our resort receiving consistent good reviews on TripAdvisor from our guests. The TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence is an award that displays on hotel TripAdvisor pro-

files. Travelers trust resorts that have this award because it proves that the hotel/resorthas a large number of positive reviews. TripAdvisor awards top-rated hospitality businesses the Certificate of Excellence annually. The TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence is one of three prestigious awards that give bragging rights to hotels, restaurants, and

attractions. The Certificate of Excellence accounts for the quality, quantity and recency of reviews submitted by travelers on TripAdvisor over a 12-month period. To qualify, a business must maintain an overall TripAdvisor bubble rating of at least four out of five, have a minimum number of reviews and must have been listed on TripAdvisor for at least 12 months. “Receiving the Certificate of Excellence from TripAdvisor is the pride of the entire team at Swiss-BelresortWatuJimbar and we would like to thank all our team for their hard work and the guests who have given good reviews on TripAdvisor,” said Bapak IB Cendra Setiawan, Executive Assistant Manager of Swiss-BelresortWatuJimbar, Sanur. “With the receipt of the Certificate of Excellence based on customer reviewswe give confidence for our business and our commitment to continue our maximum service” he added. We hope these awards not only help to improve our hospitality standards, but also help us to become a better resort in the future. B N (BTN/014)

Temu Wirasa ”a Balinese Meet Up” by Pramana Experience


What is the benefits W other? and how doest it impact on

hy should we meet each


tion on June 20, 2017 to orphans of the Al-Fallah Musholla located in Agung Room Canopy of the Grand Inna Bali Beach. The gathering was commenced with a sermon led by Ustadz Khoiron. After that, it was resumed with the children tambourine performance of the Al-Ikhlas Mosque, Sanur, and the delivery of a gift in the form of cash to the orphan given directly by IGK Ayu Ariani (General Manager of Grand Inna Bali Beach) and ING Ardhana (General Manager of Inna Bali Beach Garden). This event was ended with a prayer and having iftar together. B N (BTN/r)

our live on this modern world? Considering this dynamic and fast growing world, where the people are busy with their own business, they don’t have time to meet each other. Yes, social media become

the alternative to meet and greet virtually day to day and time to time. At the beginning the people are happy with this communication way, to chat, to share their pictures and moment. Even they can send their feeling with motion. But, those heart feel lonely in the crowed, and live with no

Did you know ?

Barong lion-like A acreature that barong


appears as a character in Balinese mythology and is identified as a good spirit known as Banas Pati Raja. According to Balinese beliefs every child is born with 4 guardian spirits or “siblings’ who will watch over them throughout their life. Ba­nas Pati Raja is the fourth of these siblings and is also the spirit that animates barong. This protector spirit is often represented as a lion like creature who is accompanied by two monkeys. In Bali, this mythological creature known as barong is nearly always portrayed as a lion with a red head and thick white fur and wears guilded ornaments and small mirrors. Life sized barong ‘puppets’ used in ceremonies are considered sacred. The origins of the barong are lost to the mists of time but certainly go back a very long time. Some say that barong originated in animistic practices of worship before Hinduism came to Bali, when villagers still believed in the supernatural protective power of animals. Variations on the barong are found throughout Indonesia and South-East Asia. B N

Denpasar + Sanur Area Humas Kota Denpasar, Diparda Kota Denpasar, Diparda Bali, BTB & Stake Holder, HPI Divisi Mandarin , Cianjur Restaurant, ISI Denpasar, Bali Yuai Mansion, Stipar Triatmajaya Dalung, SMK Paiwisata Dalung, SMK PGRI 3 Dalung, Green School, Mentari Hotel, Inna Grand Bali Beach, Asia Link Travel, Pacific World Nusantara, Inna Sindhu, Villa Mahapala, Kejora Suites, Star Buck Cafe, Legawa Hotel, Tamukami Hotel, Besakih Hotel, Respati Hotel, Oasis Sanur, Maya Sanur, Prama Sanur Beach, Swiss Bell Watu Jimbar, Mahagiri Villas, Sudamala Hotel, Taksu Bali Hotel, All 4 Diving, Griya Santrian, Puri Sading Hotel, Batujimbar Restaurant, Mercure Sanur , Smorgas Café, Costarica Restaurant, The Wicked Parrot, GRP Rudana, Kopi Bali House, White Sand Café, Shangkara Resto, Jimmys Bar, Kejora Villas, Gecko Coffee, TJ Bar, J & N Kebab, Goana Bar, Ramayana Café, Nulazer Bar, Ganesa Book Store, Grocer & Grind.

Nusa Dua and By Pass Area sense, its like live as a zombie. Something missed on their live, a part that they should enjoy the live in community We saw this paradigm and initiate A Meet Up program called “Temu Wirasa“. A Balinese phrase means desire to meet and talk, for our valued guest among resorts Managed by Pramana Experience. Inspired by A Balinese tradition once a part of family lives in distance and we don’t see each other for long time, even though they have regularly do communication through phone or video call. This “Temu Wirasa” Meet Up program has been launched in all resort managed d by Pramana Experience effectively by June 2017 with purpose to reunite the face and unite the heart in warm togetherness. We invite our guest to meet each other and with entirely management while having drinks and canapés. All profit of this program is dedicated to a human charity as part of the company social responsibility. B N (BTN/014)

Rama Tour, Rumah Makan Sederhana, New Kuta Green Park, STPN Bali, Novotel Benoa Bali, Bali Tropic, Melia Benoa Bali, The Laguna Bali, Melia Bali Villas, BTDC Nusa Dua, Shita Hotel. DTW Uluwatu, DTW Pandawa Beach,.

Badung & Kuta Area Periplus Domestik Koridor I dan II, Periplus Bandara International Air Side, WH Smith Terminal Domestik 1 dan 2, WHSmith Terminal international 1 – 5 , Airport Domestic Arrival ( PT wisnu Selaras ) H Sovereign, Balawista Post I Kuta Beach, Aston Tuban, ,Bale Udang Mang Engking, Avilla Hospitality, Harris Tuban, Ramadha Bintang Bali, Waterbom Bali, Info Center Depan Bali Dinasty, Adhijaya, Adhijaya Sunset, Kuta Paradiso Hotel,Kuta Beach Club, Grand Inna Kuta, Hard Rock Hotel,Info Centre Depan Mc D Pantai Kuta, Kuta Seaview, Alamkulkul, Legian Beach, Legian Paradiso, Maxi Hotel, Rama Garden, All Season , Bali Niksoma, Neo Kuta Jelantik, Club Bali Villas,

Grand Kuta, Villa Kubu, Villa kayu Raja, Maca Villas, ITC ( Indonesia Tourist info centre ), The Sunset, Rama Garden, Legian Village Hotel, Puri Saron, Harris River View, C 151 Luxury Villas, Duuran Gemilang. DTW Sangeh, Kuta Central Park Hotel, Fontana Hotel, Shanti Toya Ashram.

Ubud Area Furama Villas, Bali Spirit, The Ubud Village, Tepi Sawah Villas & Rest, Amandari, Mara River Taman Safari, Puri Wulandari, Ibah, Gaya Fushion, Nandini Bali, The Mansion, The Sungu, The Hidden, Uma Ubud, Wapa Diume Resort, Ubud Henging Garden, The Payogan, Pitamaha, Natura Villas, Pertiwi Resort, Maya Ubud, Komaneka Hotel, Kamandalu Hotel, Kayumanis Villas, Barong Resort & Spa, Four Season Ubud, Tjampuhan Hotel, Anahata Villas, Alila Ubud, Arma Resort, Kupu – Kupu Barong, The Chedi Club. Monkey Forest Ubud, Info Centre Ubud Depan Puri, Perama Info Center, Goa Gajah, Tampak Siring, Relief Yeh Pulu.

Tabanan Area DTW Tanah Lot, Dewi Sinta Hotel, DTW Alas Kedaton. DTW Ulun Danu Beratan, Royal Tulip Saranam Resort,

DTW Badung DTW Pandawa beach, DTW Taman Ayun, DTW Uluwatu, DTW Sangeh, Balawista Pantai Kuta

Another Area Garuda Indonesia Inflight, Kementrian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, Bali Post Biro Jakarta,Papua Adventure Tour and Travel.. Pemda Seluruh Bali ; Humas Buleleng, Disbudpar Buleleng, Disdikporbudpar Jembrana, Humas Tabanan, Humas Kodya, Disparda Kodya, ITC Kodya, Disparda Badung, Humas Badung, Disparda Gianyar, Humas Bangli, Humas Karangasem, Disparda Karangasem


July 21 - August 10, 2017

Where to Go...

Introducing Balinese Script Writing Since Early Age

Balinese scripts, and can preserve it from extinction and erosion of the era in the future. Meanwhile, Mayor Rai Mantra said that such Balinese script writing festival poses the basis for the love of children to their cultural heritage. A parent of participant, Ketut Made Arjana, from Wangaya, whose son participated in the Balinese script writing festival, said that he appreciated to the event of Balinese script writing. This is one of the cultural heritage preservation that must be continuously maintained. BTN

DENPASAR In the City


Where to Go...

Baleganjur and Ngoncang Featured in Bulfest 2017

JEMBRANA Bull-racing Center

Puputan Badung Square


pproximately 9 km to north of Pekutatan Traditional Market, in Manggissari village, Pekutatan sub district, there is a Banyan tree locally known as


aman Puputan Badung (Badung suicide/war square) is so named in remembrance of the “battle” that took place on September 20th, 1906 between the King of Badung with his Balinese court and the Dutch who were invading their land. The Balinese people, dressed in full regalia walked graceful into the line of fire of the Dutch army rather than capitulate to the dominating forces. The date of this event is commemorated every year and Taman Puputan Monument has been erected in the northern part of Taman Puputan Badung. Many local people visit this square every afternoon for recreational purposes and every Sunday special activities are organized for children. BTN


o instill the love for the ancestral heritage and enhance the spirit of loving Balinese scripts, the Dharmaning Yowana customary youth club (ST) of Wangaya Kaja, North Denpasar, in cooperation with the Denpasar municipality, organized the Festival Nyastra (Writing Festival) for the level of elementary school at Wantilan Hall of Agung Lokanatha Temple, Lumintang, on Saturday (Jul. 8). The writing activity was attended and opened by Denpasar Mayor, I.B. Rai Dharmawijaya

Mantra, marked with the certificate signing and beating of kemplung (small gong). As seen, the event was attended by Chairman of Commission I of the Denpasar House of Representatives, Suteja Kumara, and Subdistrict Head of North Denpasar, Nyoman Lodra. A total of 150 participating children in Balinese customary attires were enthusiastic about this Balinese script writing festival. Although the atmosphere was accompanied with drizzles, they were still sitting neatly lined up pursuant to their respective position.

Ngoncang (pounding pestle on mortar) tradition will be staged en masse in the event of the Buleleng Festival 2017.

Chief of Dharmaning Yowana customary youth club, I Putu Gede Arya Arnawan, said the event is held for the first time by the customary youth club of Wangaya Kaja originally inspired by school holiday activities held by the Denpasar municipality. He further explained that participating students in the activities originate from all elementary schools in Denpasar ranging from fourth to sixth grade. Approximately 150 students participated in the event. With such activity, children are expected to love their


The Center of Art


ianyar district now has a new tourist attraction named the Gianyar Botanical Garden (KRG). This tourist attraction is located at Pilan hamlet, Kerta, Payangan, or about 45 km northeast of Denpasar. The opening ceremony was officially conducted by Bambang Subiyanto, Deputy Head of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), on Monday (Jul. 17). At that time, the event was also filled in with the signing of inscription by Regent of Gianyar, A.A. Gde Agung Bharata. Bambang Subiyanto appreciated to the measure of Gianyar regent to build botanical garden as the 32nd botanical garden in Indonesia managed by local government. “It is built for conservation area, reducing degradation rate of rare plant diversity as well as increasing and utilizing potential of the region optimally and sustainably,” he said. Development of this botanical garden is also for in-situ and ex situ conservation for all rare plant species, providing research and education place as well as tropi-

Now, Gianyar Has Botanical Garden cal plant laboratory. “This can also become a nature tourist attraction, develop environmental services and improve socio-economic life of the community around the botanical garden,” he continued. Regent of Gianyar, Agung Bharata, said the KRG is a customary forest being rescued by the surrounding community, so the condition remains very well maintained, located in the state land area of ​​9.7163 hectares managed by Pilan customary village through generations. It has 41 kinds of native vegetation dominated by large trees up to several kinds of orchids, and 36 species of animals such as various kinds of birds, apes and deer. Development of the KRG began with the proposal from headman of Kerta to Gianyar regent in his letter No.33/Pemb/I/2015 dated on January 14, 2015 regarding the Proposal of Forest Management at Pilan Customary Village. Then, it was followed up by a request of review to the Head of Center for Plant Conservation, Botanical Garden - LIPI, and result of the review Number: B-1158 / IPH.3 / KS / IV / 2016 dated on April 18, 2016 states that the forest of Pilan customary village deserves to be KRG. The Regent of Gianyar, Agung Bharata, also appreciated to the goodwill of Pilan customary village to preserve customary forest by handing over customary forest management to KRG. Pilan customary villagers has contributed to donate their land without asking for compensation, where the road widening and opening of new road to KRG has a total area of ​​some 15 hectares or approximately worth IDR 34,5 billion.

Bunut (L. Ficus) that is considered especially scared by the locals and is surrounding in myth. The tree has a very large hole in its trunk through which a street passes. Vehicles can pass through this hole which looks like a unique gate. The location is named after the condition of the tree: “Bunut Bolong” menaing tree with a hole. From this location we can enjoy the romantic view of the deep blue color of the Indonesia Ocean to the south, clove plantations along the way and the beautiful hills in the north, as well as the sound of wild life such as the chirping birds. BTN

Candikusuma Beach


Denpasar Government Tourism Office : Address; Jl. Surapati No. 7 Denpasar, Ph. (0361) 234569, 223602, 231422 Fax. (0361) 223602 http://pariwisata.denpasarkota.go.id

Bunut Bolong

he art performances through the Buleleng Festival (Bulfest) this year is organized again by the government of Buleleng. This fifth Bulfest will take place on August 2-6. The committee agreed to carry the theme ‘The Power of Buleleng.’ It showcases a mass art parade every year. The opening of Bulfest this time will be graced with mass baleganjur parade. Unmitigatedly, this parade involves about 500 gamelan artists and dancers from dozens of dance studios in Buleleng. This mass baleganjur will parade along Jalan Ngurah Rai under the main stage of Bulfest. Besides, ngoncang or pounding pestle on mortar tradition will also be displayed in the Bulfest this time. It is chosen because some villages in Buleleng up to now still believe in the tradition as an agrarian heritage. They have confidence that ngoncang can reject catastrophe so that it is adopted as one of a Hindu ritual series. Other than these two arts, the committee will also stage the Ramayana fragmentary show on the main stage of Bulfest, dedicated by Listibiya of Buleleng. Meanwhile, to entertain young people of Buleleng, the committee will feature top national bands such as Kotak and Endank Soekamti. Kotak is going to perform on the main stage of Bulfest on August 5, 2017, while Endank Soekamti gets the turn on the next day (Aug. 6). Some local bands of Bali also enliven such as Lolot, Nanoe Biroe and Bintang. A dance studio from Jakarta, namely Daya Presta dance studio is also reported to enliven the art schedule in the Sasana Budaya, Singaraja. Division Head of the Art, the Buleleng Culture Agency, Wayan Sujana, said on Wednesday (Jul. 12) that some schedules have been confirmed, but the schedules of staging by some dance studios cannot be ascertained so far. Nevertheless, all processes are running until August 2, 2017. According to the man known as a bondres artist, the theme of this year’s Bulfest would like to deliver a message to general public that Buleleng has strength in the arts as well as the direction of development of other fields. This theme also denotes a continuation of the previous Bulfest themes. BTN

andikusuma Beach that is located at Melaya Sub district is one of the beaches in Jembrana Regency. Since a long time ago, it is used as a recreational place especially for the local. This sphere is usually also used as the place of daily activities of the fisherman. Everyday, there are a lot of Jukung (the fisherman’s traditional boats) here, dropping the fresh fishes which have been caught from the sea. And, this place is also functional as a centre of traditional fish market. In the north part of the beach, there is a sub village called Dusun Moding. This sub village is famous by its plantation which has been able to produce many kind of agricultural commodity such as fruits cocoa, coconuts, vanilla etc. the sub village and its plantations have a great potenc to be developed as the area of agro tourism. More over, in this sub village, there is also the traditional art which has become the trademark of jembrana, that is the art of Jegog. BTN

Buleleng Government Office: Pahlawan Street 1st Singaraja, Bali - Indonesia Ph. (0362) 21146, Email: humasbuleleng@yahoo.com, Website : www.bulelengkab.go.id

Jembrana Government Office: Surapati Street No. 1 Jembrana Telp. (0365) 41210 Fax: (0365) 41010 Email: jembranatourism@yahoo.com, Website : jembranakab.go.id


Fruit Carving and Fishing Contest End TLF 2017 fter held for four days, the Twin Lakes Festival (TLF) 2017 was ultimately closed on Sunday (Jul. 9). The fruit carving and fishing contest of zebra fish closed the event. As recorded, a total of 19 participants from representatives of the respective regional agency in the government of Buleleng participated in this contest. In addition, the zebra fish fishing contest also enlivened the TLF followed by 120 participants of the general public category. In the contest taking place for two hours, the first winner was achieved by Gede Mustika who could get a total of 89 heads of fish catch. In the fruit carving contest, all the participants looked so serious to carve the yellow pumpkin fruitbased material. With skillful hands, the participants could produce various kinds of carvings on the fruit. As seen, Deputy Regent of Buleleng, Nyoman Sudjidra, also monitored the contest. In addition, the closing day of the TFL was also enlivened by dog contest, ​​ restocking and Buyan trail running as well as bull races. Fruit carving jury team, Ketut Sintana, said that beauty and cleanliness are the main criteria in the scoring of the fruit carving. Pumpkin fruit is chosen as a medium to determine the level of hardness of material through the techniques used by the participants.


Regent of Gianyar, A.A. Gde Agung Bharata, accompanied by Deputy Head of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Bambang Subiyanto, officially opened the Gianyar Botanical Garden at Pilan hamlet, Kerta, Payangan. In the meantime, the Head of the Gianyar Environment Agency, Wayan Kujus Pawitra, said that to realize the KRG, the regional budget (APBD) 2016 approved the budget allocation for the preparation of Detailed Engineering Design (DED) of the KRG at approximately IDR 150 million, then continued to region al budget 2017 for improvement of Kerta road section to the KRG along the 4,314 km with the width of 5.5 meters approximately worth IDR 12.7 billion, construction of KRG gates (IDR 2.9 billion),

construction of water connection to KRG (IDR 686 million) and the grant aid of LIPI for thematic garden development (IDR 500 million). KRG has also been proposed to ask for aid to state budget (APBN) from the ministry of public works and housing in 2018 approximately worth IDR 14 billion in accordance with the development stages in Detailed Engineering Design of the KRG. The Gianyar Botanical Garden is built in cooperation of the Gianyar government, Pilan customary village and the Indonesian Institute of

Sciences. Structurally, it is managed by the Gianyar Botanical Garden unit under the Gianyar environment agency, and the operations management is planned to be made in collaboration with Pilan customary village. Approval or recommendation of the cooperation between the government of Gianyar and Pilan customary village on the KRG development and management is in the process of discussion in the Gianyar House of Representatives. BTN

Gianyar Government Tourism Office Address : Jl. Ngurah Rai No. 9 Gianyar Ph. (0361) 943401 Fax. (0361) 943554 website: www.diparda.gianyarkab.go.id, www.gianyartourism.com, email: admingianyar@gianyarkab.go.id, info@gianyartourism.com


“Cleanliness and tidiness are the main criteria in the contest assessment this time. Besides, the participants can know the hardness level of the pumpkin fruit,” he said. Regent Putu Agus Suradnyana hoped that both lakes previously drawing less attention, but through the TLF activities, they can be increasingly in demand as a natural tourist destination. No less important, the TLF also promotes the Nature Park (TWA) and attract people’s awareness to care about the existence of Lake Buyan. “Through the implementation of the TLF 2017, we can promote the existing nature park in Lake Buyan and Lake Tamblingan and attract people to maintain both lakes,” he said. Furthermore, the regent added that in the future the implementation of TLF can both serve as promotional event and an effort to voice how to preserve the natural tourism areas of Lake Buyan and Lake Tamblingan. “It is not only to promote the beauty of the twin lakes in South Buleleng, but also to invite the community to preserve both lakes that we have,” he affirmed. BTN (BTN/kmb)


July 21 - August 10, 2017

Business and Leisure

Sixth Agrarian Cultural Festival Featuring ”Angajap Lango” The Agrarian Cultural Festival (ACF) took place uniquely and truly educated. Thousands of people from various quarters thronged Tukad Bangkung area at Pelaga village, Petang, Badung, becoming the venue of the festival. The sixth ACF was opened by Regent of Badung, I Nyoman Giri Prasta, on Saturday (Jul. 15) by releasing an arrow then accompanied with inauguration by the Guntur Madu Art Studio.


he applause of the splendor showed by the community was so echoing. “This year, the ACF has been held for the sixth time. Hopefully, this agrarian festival would be able to produce more young entrepreneurs, so that agriculture in North Badung is growing in the future,” said Regent Giri Prasta. A warm welcome came from the invited guests, such as Deputy Regent Ketut Suiasa, Regional

Secretary, Wayan Adi Arnawa, Chairman of the Badung House of Representatives Putu Parwata, a member of Commission X of the House of Representatives of the RI, I Wayan Koster, Chairwoman of the Badung PKK Motivator Team, Mrs. Seniasih Giri Prasta, agency heads and other invitees. Regent Giri Prasta said that especially for South Badung it has been held the Marine Culture Festival as an effort to raise and BTN/ist




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Regent of Badung, I Nyoman Giri Prasta, released arrow as a sign of the opening of the sixth Agrarian Cultural Festival on Bangkung Bridge, Pelaga, Petang, Badung, and Bangkung.

I Nyoman Giri Prasta signed the MoU at the opening of the sixth Agrarian Cultural Festival at Bangkung Bridge area, Pelaga village, Petang, Badung.

July 21 - August 10, 2017

develop maritime sector, then in the Central Badung is held the Culture and Arts Festival to develop culture and the art. As for the North Badung, the government held the Agrarian Cultural Festival as a way to raise and develop Badung in the field of agriculture, including producing more young entrepreneurs. “Our hope, after the implementation of this agrarian festival there will be an evaluation and real results of the agriculture,” he said. To support and make the people of Badung proud of becoming farmers, it has been made several breakthroughs, such as freeing farmland from land and property

tax including providing insurance for farmers experiencing crop failure. “In addition to taxes, we also help farming system ranging from seeding, fertilizers to distribution of the agricultural products,” he said. Head of the Badung Agriculture and Food Agency, IGAK Sudaratmaja, said the current ACF features the theme angajap lango or craving for the art. This theme is in accordance with the Badung district relying on the tourism sector, so the art and culture must be well maintained because they serve as the basic capital of development. “We have collaborated the art and agriculture in this year’s festival,”

he said. Until this year, the ACF has been 6 years old in the effort of promotion and economic empowerment of North Badung remaining relatively young. Agenda of the ACF 2017 includes the agrarian cultural parade, agricultural product exhibition, culinary competition, engineering contest and agricultural extension, fruit carving, weaving a hat of green coconut leaf, flower arrangement, making gebogan and drawing contest. Besides, there are also 3K Fun Run, mini hydroponics competition, art performances, ogoh-ogoh competition, people’s markets and so on. BTN (BTN/015)



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My Lovely Bali

Business and Leisure

July 21 - August 10, 2017

July 21 - August 10, 2017

Monkey Forest Central Parking in Ubud Inaugurated, Ready to Hold 1,000 Cars

Gde Palgunadi palgunadigde@yahoo.com ince the beginning, when Bali first time knew tourism around the 1920s, many famous travelers visited this bijou and pristine island. They were from various professions such as officials, artists, humanists, journalists and so forth. They very much enjoyed the nature, culture, community life and then spread it throughout the world. Since then, Bali began to be widely known as one of the world’s most beautiful islands offering a lot of beauty. Furthermore, a number of famous guests came and went. They brought along their stories and experiences. The stories even rolled out until finally Bali becomes like in the current condition. It becomes one of the world famous destinations having a myriad of problems. Undeniably, the arrival of some celebrities becomes a free promotion for this Island of the Gods. Admittedly or not, they consist of celebrities, heads of state and so forth. Surely they have important traces in the history of tourism in Bali having the same importance as their predecessors, that earlier set foot on Bali. Various behaviors were


showed off during their holidays in Bali. Some came and just stayed in the room. The others went out and spent their time by having a promenade or just enjoyed waves and sunshine. A few got involved further in the local ethnic community and then gave birth to the works of art and made collaboration that shook the world and so forth. Whatever they are, they have a stake. Their arrivals definitely have various reasons. The last but not least is the horrendous arrival of the former President of the United States, Barack Obama. Obama is very familiar in the eyes of the world community. If previously the King of Saudi Arabia only spent his time in the neighborhood where he stayed, it is different from Obama. This father of two children is so keen to enjoy the nature of Bali. Uniquely, he enjoyed various activities ranging from visiting museum and shrine or temple, exploring paddy fields, trying rafting adventure and so forth. This news certainly spread to all corners of the world. The former president of the super power country quite enjoyed his holidays in Bali. Surely, this becomes a free promotion resulting in tremendous impact. Undoubtedly, there will be ‘followers’ of Obama who will tread the route of his holiday trip. Jatiluwih will become more famous and so does the rafting in the Ayung River. Tirta Empul Temple will go more globally and so on. Hopefully, this Obama’s effect could be felt right to the bottom. Now, it depends on the government and tourism stakeholders to take advantage of this moment as a snowball that continues to grow bigger and result in wider impact. Hopefully, it will become so. B N



ow, visitors to Ubud will no longer difficult to look for parking space in the Monkey Forest tourist area. The construction of central parking lot of Monkey Forest, Ubud, has been completed and inaugurated through a melaspas and mendem padagingan ceremony in the lobby of the central parking of the Monkey Forest, Padang Tegal customary village, Ubud, on Saturday (Jul. 8). This central parking is ascertained to be ready to accommodate approximately a thousand cars. Chief of Padang Tegal customary village, I Made Gandra, said the melaspas, mendem pedagin-



Business and Leisure

gan and rishi gana ceremony in the lobby of the central parking was attended by the whole residents of Padang Tegal customary village. It was officiated over by Ida Pedanda higher priest from Geriya Peling, Padang Tegal. He explained that construction of central parking is one of the efforts to provide comfort for tourists when visiting Ubud, especially the Monkey Forest. The parking space in the area of three-hectare land is estimated to accommodate around 1,000 cars and 500 motorcycles. “Approximately it can accommodate a thousand cars. We will continue to make improvement to give a

sense of comfort to visitors,” he explained. In addition to the inauguration of the lobby, the management also planted trees. He said that greening efforts in the Monkey Forest area has begun to be encouraged since last year. Until now, the forest area becoming the habitat of some 600 long-tailed monkeys has 140 species of plants. “In the future, we will also develop the southern side of this central parking lot. It will be used as a space for creativity of young people and the elderly. Besides, there is a plan to be made into a water park,” he added. Deputy Governor of Bali, I Ketut Sudikerta, who was present at that time, expressed his appreciation to the construction of central parking in the Monkey Forest tourist attraction. Sudikerta hoped the construction of the 900-square-meter parking lot can become a solution to the problem of traffic crowdedness in the Ubud tourism village. “We appreciate the measures taken by Padang Tegal customary village that participates in overcoming traffic crowdedness in Ubud. After this, all the vehicles of community and visitors are expected to be accommodated here so that traffic crowdedness can be

avoided,” said Sudikerta amid the pacaruan rishi gana, pemelaspasan and mendem padagingan ritual in a series of the inauguration of the lobby on last full moon of Balinese first month. In the meantime, Operations Manager of Monkey Forest attraction, Nyoman Buana, explained that the lobby was built to provide comfort along with the increasing number of visitors to the monkey forest. In a day, the average tourist visit can reach 3,200 people. Of these, 95 percent are foreign tourists while the remaining is local and domestic tourists.

“Previously, guests came in through three doors underneath. But now, the visit to this tourist attraction will be started from the lobby,” explained Buana. This spacious and strategic lobby area will be a means of information to support the tourist attraction. This magnificent lobby will also be equipped with cafeteria, souvenir shop and tourist attraction. In addition, in the central parking area will be established a sport center. “In the future, we will also schedule yoga and meditation activities for the elderly,” he explained. B N (BTN/kmb)

Vintage Night Reloaded With Kiki Moka at The Laguna Resort & Spa Nusa Dua Bali


ravel back in time to the prohibition era of the 1920’s with Indonesia’s first world-class mixologist, Kiki Moka will transform your evening with ground-breaking concoctions to tempt your taste buds. He will take over one of the Nusa Dua’s favourite beach cocktail bars, Kul Kul Bar for one special evening at Vintage Night Reloaded on Saturday, 26 August. With Vintage Night every Saturday, Kul Kul Bar will continue the special “Great Gatsby” momentum along with Jakarta’s well known mixologist, Kiki Moka, presenting a series of enticing coktails and ritual drinks from his wealth of experience. Kiki Moka is Head Mixologist of The Union Group, a renowned restaurant group in Jakarta. He was named the Winner of the Diageo World Class Competition in Indonesia Chapter 2011 and represented Indonesia for the global competition as well as several international experiences as a guest bartender which landed him acknowledgment as the most respected mixologist in the field. Join us on Saturday, 5 August from 7.00pm – 8.00pm for complimentary free flow drinks in the Al Capone-set secret bar where cocktails are served in tea cups and newspaper wrapped glass. Special cocktails include La Vie en Rose named after a famous French song. Dress up in a Gatsby-inspired costume and enjoy extended free flow until 9.00pm. This Vintage Night Reloaded at Kul Kul Bar is enhanced by upbeat techno swing and 20’s classical décor. This event will be in collaboration with Nachtmann and Uber Bar Tools. B N (BTN/r)




Business and Leisure

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July 21 - August 10, 2017

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Business and Leisure

The Inaugural Sanur Mostly Jazz Festival a Resounding Success 14-16 July 2017 at Griya Santrian a Beach Resort & Spa

Pacu Jawi, West Sumatra


he third and last day of Sanur Mostly Jazz Festival, Sunday (16-14/7) presented a first time ever eve-ofsunrise performance at the beach area of Griya Santrian a Beach Resort & Spa, Sanur, Bali. Musician Indra Lesmana, founder of the festival performed ‘Surya Sewana’ supported by 10 other musicians, with Indra Lesmana (on Piano, Seaboard), Indra Gupta (Bass), collaborating with Sandy Winarta (Drums, Cymbals), Dewa Budjana (Guitar), Subandi (Gamelan 1), Made Soplo (Gamelan 2), Gung Adhi (Gamelan 3), Emon Bandy (Gamelan 4), Ngurah Evo (Gamelan 5), Pacet (Gamelan 6), Chris-

tie (Sequencer) and Tina (Vocal). The jazz performance started at 6AM sharp, starting off with the sound of bells and echoes of Puja Trisandya. When the sunrise chants ceased, Indra continued with pentatonic notes from the grand piano he played, followed by other instruments. The melody in this composition merged with the beach atmosphere in the fresh and sunny morning. This blend produced a spiritual vibration, which was enhanced by four dancer with incense in the hands, dancing to the rhythm. Upon the fourth song, hundreds of spectators who admittedly ‘had to’ wake up early to watch

the concert was presented with a Godly masterpiece of beautiful sunrise set upon the clouds. The breathtaking scene complimented the ‘Surya Sewana’ composition, which consists of 5 songs with a total duration of 55 minutes. Indra admits at times like this, he feels really insignificant compared to God’s creation in the horizon. This daily awareness makes him always thankful and is the spirit for producing creative works in music. Regarding the inaugural festival, Indra says it was truly impressive and meeting the target of their initial estimation. The enthusiastic visitors which were mainly international tourisms were also

Chef of Dewi Sinta Restaurant

First Winner of Creating Menu Contest in Tanah Lot Kreatifood Festival 2017










elicacies prepared by Chef I Gusti Bagus Arya Nata and I Made Yadnya had delivered the Dewi Sinta Restaurant at Tanah Lot to be the first winner in the Tanah Lot Kreatifood Festival 2017. The achievement attained does not only become the pride but also as a place to promote the restaurant located in the area of Tanah Lot tourist attraction. “Dewi Sinta Restaurant has a variety of menus to be selected by tourists. Well, to taste the menus winning the recent contest, guests should make a reservation in advance,” said Operations Manager of Dewi Sinta Hotel & Restaurant, I Ketut Sudiartana. The menu made from Muscovy duck has a chewy meat, so it takes a long time to cook it. However, the taste matter is undoubted. All menus made from Muscovy duck would be nice. This first restaurant at Tanah Lot offers a variety of menus such as Dewi Sinta fried rice with different taste. Many domestic tourists also choose this menu for breakfast or lunch, after enjoying the atmosphere of Tanah Lot object. Dewi Sinta Restaurant opened every day at 07:00 – 21:00 also has a unique menu namely the Balinese Pizza. This menu is combined with raw condiment, such as seafood pizza, veggies pizza, burgers, and hot dogs. There are

achieving the target. “Especially the support from musicians make us more enthusiastic to make this festival an annual agenda,” ujar Indra. General manager and Owner Griya Santrian, Ida Bagus Gde Sidharta Putra (Gusde) as one of the event founder claims he was satisfied with the three day jazz event which is part of Sanur Village Festival (SVF) that will be held in August. Especially on Saturday night when the 460 seat capacity was fully packed. The three day festival was broadcasted on live streaming showing off great performances


by Koko Harsoe Trio, Balawan, Yuri Mahatma feat Nancy Ponto, Dewa Budjana Zentuary and topped by ditutup Idang Rasjidi feat Nesia Ardi on day one. While day two shows from Sandy Winarta Trio, Tohpati, Ito Kurdhi Chemistry, Sandhy Sondoro, Oele Pattiselanno Trio feat Margie Segers. While the Sunday morning performance after ‘Surya Sewana’ presented Mostly Jazz brunch & jam session featuring Nada and Dodot Trio. Nada’s performance was amazing since this 6 year old singer could perform jazz songs usually sung by senior singers. B N (BTN/015)

also roasted chicken and duck with Balinese spices (betutu), fried duck, soup, preferred food, vegetarian food, between the bread, Indonesian selection, Indonesian food, traditional basket, ice cream, tropical fruit juice and various drinks. In addition, there is also a menu of crab, grilled fish and fried fish with unique spices. For those who do not eat meat is also prepared vegetarian menus. B N (BTN/015)


See a rally championship like never before Originally, farmers in various places of Indonesia searched for something to do in their spare time, and then the racing started. Numerous mud cows used to plow the fields compete in one of the most daring and unique time trial races of the country in 'Pacu Jawi', as an intriguing culture of West Sumatra. Blended with cultural performances of the locals such as traditional music and dancing, this race is a must-see for those who seek excitements like no other place has, and you can too. So experience the thrills of our cultural experience, because our world will welcome you with all its wonders. www.indonesia.travel indonesia.travel @indtravel indonesia.travel




July 21 - August 10, 2017 Business and Leisure

Carol Waller, Newly Appointed GM of Holiday Inn Resort Bali Benoa


Where to Go....

Jimbaran Beach

Extraordinary, Effects of Extraordinary People

oliday Inn Resort Bali Benoa in Indonesia is pleased to announce its new General Manager, Carol Waller. Carol will also be responsible as Area General Manager for Holiday Inn Resorts in Indonesia and Thailand. Carol, originating from Argentina, has joined the InterContinental Hotel Group (IHG) in Asia and Europe in various executivelevel roles, along with her extensive experience in all operational departments. Carol has achieved phenomenal results in recent years in her role as General Manager of Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali and Area General Manager of ​​Holiday Inn Express Bali as well as member of Ten Club (a selective club in gathering hotel leaders that reaches all the 10 IHG Winning ​​ Metrics within a certain period of time) for two times in 2014 and 2016. “I see Holiday Inn Resort Bali Benoa as a dynamic, stylish and inspirational resort where guests will get unique experiences during their stay. My main goal for this resort is to strengthen the hotel’s position in the market and establish a solid team,” said Carol. “We are very excited and well motivated by the joining of Carol in our team. With her background, I am confident that she will bring a new leadership perspective and be able to lead, motivate and develop our team to provide better and personalized services for our guests, take our resort to the next level,” said Ida Bagus Nyoman Sapta, Resort Manager of the Holiday Inn Resort Bali Benoa. (BTN/014)




rrival of people having great influence such as artists, public figures, religious figures and political figures who are also called celebrities have a tremendous impact on tourism. For example, the arrival of King Salman, Obama and Prime Minister of Malaysia to Bali has a huge impact on the image of Bali tourism in particular and Indonesian tourism in general. Although it has a great influence, it cannot directly talk about the increase in the number of tourists. However, the arrival of these figures is confirmed as a branding booster, that Bali is a safe destination, comfortable and worth to be visited. “Then, the news abroad is huge, so this is a very powerful and free endorser,” said Deputy of Overseas tourism Marketing, Ministry of Tourism, I Gde Pitana. Related to the visits of the

world’s figures, said Pitana, Ministry of Tourism with private sector began to introduce tour packages like trekking tourism of these figures. Now, there is a trail of King Salman’s journey. The development can be seen directly, such as flights from Saudi Arabia twice a day, which previously only once a day. This means it does have an effect. In addition, there is also made a tour package of Obama trekking, such as to Jatiluwih, Borobudur and other tourist attractions. “We see a week ahead, how will be the development,” he said. When asked about the potential of tourism in Bali, Pitana asserted that Bali has a complete tourism infrastructure. There are MICE, cruising, diving or shopping that can be found in Bali. Although all the potentials have been well known overseas, Bali of course must remain heavily promoted. Furthermore, Pitana also re-

Business and Leisure

Seafood Culinary Destination, White Sands and Sunset

I Gde Pitana quested the support of the entire community for the airport development plan in North Bali. “The airport development in North Bali is the only way to distribute tourism to the areas of North, East and West Bali,” he said. (BTN/kmb)



ali has many beaches where each has its own characteristics. There are beaches where tourists can surf freely as on Kuta Beach, Dreamland Beach or Suluban Beach. Besides, there are also beaches where a wide range of water sport activities can be enjoyed like on Tanjung Benoa Beach and Sanur Beach. On the other beaches visitors can see sunrise and sunset views. Jimbaran Beach, South

Kuta, Badung, is a famous beach to relax while watching sunset view and enjoying delicious seafood dishes from restaurants around the beach. So in addition to being a beach resort, Jimbaran Beach also becomes one of the culinary tourist destinations in Bali often recommended by people as destination where to eat delicious food, especially for grilled fish, squid and so forth. It is located at Jimbaran village, one of the famous tourism villages in South Kuta subdistrict. Jimbaran Beach is bordered with Muaya Beach at the southern tip and Kedonganan Beach at the north end. Since its location remains in Kuta area, the access to Jimbaran Beach is quite easy and close from Kuta Beach, either from Denpasar or Sanur. To luxuriate in the excellent lunch or dinner, this beach deserves to be the option of visitors, where they have two options of dining area, namely indoor or outdoor. If wishing to have dinner while enjoying the moment of sunset view, choose

Baha Village he population at Baha Village is dominated by workers and the traditional farming community, who own wide rice fields, and by the “Subak” organization that mainly functions to regulate water distribution for irrigation. The uniformity of


Barack Obama at Tirta Empul - Tampaksiring


Pandawa Beach Named a Coral Reef Zone ight side of the Pandawa because unavoidably the sea is cial paths, so it will not be stepped at Kutuh village, one of the attractions offered by on when diving,” he explained. R Beach South Kuta, has now Pandawa Beach whose ecosystem In the meantime, the Head of been established into a zone of coral reef cultivation. Moreover, until now thousands of corals have been successfully cultivated such as the species of Acropora, Euphyllia sp. soft coral and so forth. According to Pandawa Beach administration chief, Wayan Letra, the area is indeed used as coral reef conservation. The arrangement is carried out ​​almost across the area of one hectare. Currently, approximately 30 percent of the total area has been planted with coral reef. Actually the concept of coral transplantation on the Pandawa Beach has been implemented since 2011,” said Wayan Letra, not long ago. Letra acknowledged that previously the existence of corals in the area was still commercialized and showed off to tourists. But this time, it has changed with the concept of marine ecotourism developed by Kutuh customary village. A number of cooperation with coral observers, Udayana University, Pokmaswas and other institutions continue to be well established. At the same time, it also synergizes tourism with the effort of nature conservation

must be maintained. All this time, coral transplantation at Kutuh has been running quite well. It is supported by the good and safe marine condition of Pandawa Beach for these activities. Sea wave conditions do not touch cultivation site because the sea waves break out in the middle of the sea, not on the coast. “We also arrange the location with spe-

first class Fish Quarantine Center and Quality Controller (BKIPM) of Denpasar, Woro Nur Endang Sariati, delivered her preparedness to synergize with Kutuh customary village if there will be a coral to be released. Her agency also expected the coastal area at Kutuh must be really intended for conservation and the sustainability must always be maintained. (BTN/kmb)


The right side of Pandawa Beach, Kutuh village, South Kuta, has now been named a zone of coral reef cultivation.

the typical entrance gates of the family compounds combines with the traditional housing structure present a charming appearance for the village. Baha Village is located about 4 km east of Taman Ayun Temple. The workers and the traditional farmers are the major population in Baha. The uniqueness of this traditional village is the uniformity of the entrance gates of the family compounds combines with the traditional housing structure, which portrays a fascinating appearance for the village.

the outdoor area. H o w e v e r, y o u should first make a reservation to the cafe because it is always full of tourists. For dinner, the dishes will generally be ready once the sun begins to set. Grilled snapper, grilled mussels, squid satay, water spinach with spicy sauce to crispy fried groupers have started to be presented on table. Surely, they are accompanied with a basket of steamed rice and three kinds of condiment as complement. Now, it is time to eat! Then, for the drink visitors can choose the options like mineral water, fruit juice or young coconut. Everything is fresh and appropriate to be served with

existing seafood dishes. At the end of the meal, we are given an extra bonus in the form of fruit plates for dessert. Bon appetite! Regarding the price, it can indeed be said to be intended

for middle to upper class, but it is comparable to the experience obtained at this culinary adventure. Romantic dinner while watching sunset on the beach will surely become so special.

Enjoy Bali by Surfing in Canggu Beach lmost similar with Echo Beach, Canggu Beach that located in Canggu Village, Kerobokan District, Badung or about 200 meters ad-


jacent to Echo Beach presents a big and dazzling waves for surfing. The magnificent sunset also support this beach become more fascinating. Even,

this beach has been the one of famous destination after Kuta that visited by foreign tourists who want surfing. It is also suitable for recreation or relax while enjoying the fresh atmosphere that flows from the Indian ocean. To reach this place the tourists have to enter Batu Bolong street or about 35 km from Ngurah Rai Airport. Besides Surfing, this beach is usually used as Hinduism Ceremony where in front of the beach there are two temples namely Batu Bolong Temple and Luhur Bhujangga Waisnawa Temple. This is the reason this beach has been well known by foreign tourists as the best surfing spot with interesting Hinduism activities.

Badung Government Tourism Office Address : Pusat Pemerintah Pemkab Badung Mangupraja Mandala Sempidi Ph. (0361) 9009271. W. www.badungkab.go.id

Want to Take Selfie at ATM? Visit This Fun Location ssuredly it is not an ATM platform of Melangit River located travelers, the ATM was once made permanently kind. To be sure, it at Antugan hamlet, Jehem village, only by local youths to simply hang b u i l t p l a t A ofhasanynothing to do with au- Tembuku, Bangli, as one of the fa- out together. The materials used to forms. “We tomated teller machines used to withdraw money. It stands for Anjungan Tukad Melangit (ATM) or literally meaning the

vorite places for travelers that like to take selfie. At this ATM, visitors cannot only take pictures with the background of natural beauty of the Melangit River, but also in the swing and some other selfie facilities. Before becoming the target of

make the platform are only sober ones, namely wood and bamboo. However, after visitors took selfie and was uploaded to social media, the platform is getting more crowded with tourist visits. Operations Manager of the ATM, I Wayan Lendra, recently said the ATM has been famous since more than a year ago. Seeing the number of incoming visitors, he continues to make improvements and arrangement. If formerly there used to be only one platform, now there have been three

make them permanent for the convenience of visitors,” he explained. In addition to the platform, the AT M m a n agement also offers several other facilities suitable for taking pictures such as traditional swing and heart-shaped bamboo cane work. At the ATM, visitors can also feel the sensation of camping and picking oranges in person. If previously visitors to the ATM were only charged a voluntary levy, now the management charges admission ticket worth IDR 10,000 for adult and IDR

Bangli Government Tourism Office : Jl. Sriwijaya No. 23 Bangli Ph. (0366) 91537. W. www.banglikab.go.id

5,000 for child of domestic tourists. Meanwhile, foreign tourists are charged IDR 15,000 per person. So far, Lendra admitted that the rate of tourist visits to ATM is now increasing. On typical days, the average visit rate reaches tens of people per day, while on holidays it increases up to 80 percent more.


July 21 - August 10, 2017

Business and Leisure

Gender Wayang

Presenting Atmosphere of Peace and Greatness of Ritual

Business and Leisure

Founder: K. Nadha, General Manager: Gde Palgunadi, Chief Editor: Gugiek Savindra, Journalists and Marketing: Nyoman Budarsana, Kadek Hery, Contributors: Ida Bagus Lolec, IGN Widnyana (Wied N.), Wayan Punia, Beratha Yasa, Tomomi Izawa, (Kansai, Japan), Surya Darma (Jembrana), Gde Budana (Karangasem), Agung Darmada (Gianyar), Wiwin (Bulelemg), Address: Gedung Bali Post, 3rd Floor, Jalan Kepundung 67 A, Denpasar 80232, Bali – Indonesia, Phones: 62-361-(249484 – 249485), Facsimile: 62-361-249486, E-mail: batrav@indo.net.id; Home-page: http://www.bali-travelnews.com; License: 596/ SK/Menpen/SIUPP/1998 (dated 14th October 1998): Publisher: Koperasi Karyawan Tarukan Media Dharma; Printer: PT Bali Post (PT. Bali Post does not claim responsibility for the contents of this publication).

long the human lifetime, it will surely do activities related to basic needs of both food and housing. After that, it is followed by development of mindset resulting in the creation of various kinds of culture usually influenced by situation in the community. Manifestation of the culture varies because there is a form of activity or dance movement telling about something. Moreover, sometimes they are in the form of tools that can generate a sound such as gender gamelan ins trument. This gamelan instrument has a characteristic in terms of sound where it is often used to accompany the performance of shadow puppet in Bali. According to I Made Murawan, a puppeteer from Puaya hamlet,

Where To Go . . .

Batuan, Sukawati, Gianyar, when staging puppet shadow featuring the storyline of Mahabharata, the gamelan instrument in use is a set of gender or four instruments only while if accompanying the performance of Ramayana epic, it will certainly use bebatelan gamelan instrument. In addition to four pieces of gender instruments, it will use other instruments such as a pair of drum, kempur and so on. The gamelan composition played when the performance of puppet shadow begins with tabuh petegak like the Sekar Sungsang and selendro scales. After that, the gamelan composition played is Tabuh Pamungkah used when commencing to play the klayon to finish of the klayon. Then, it is resumed with paguneman where the puppet is stabbed accompanied by gamelan composi-


tion entitled Tulang Lindung. After stabbing the puppets, it is continued with gamelan entitled Panyacah Parwa in the form of alas arum. When the puppet is told to walk or move, it will use angkat-angkatan gamelan music. Moreover, when the puppet is crying it uses special mesem gamelan composition for slant-eyed puppets. For the puppet with glowering eyes, it will use rebong gamelan music and during wartime it will use bebatelan. “Thus, in once staging from the beginning to finish, it will use approximately 10 gamelan compositions with an average duration of two minutes except for the Tabuh Petegak whose duration is approximately 15 minutes,” he said. In ngaben or cremation ceremony, though the carrying of bade tower has been accompanied by baleganjur gamelan music, it will also use the puppet gender. He told

Tabanan Regency irst impression when visiting Tabanan area is green and fertile region. Curves of the hills and mountains on the northern boundary with Lake Beratan, Lake Buyan, and Lake Tamblingan are just like describing that Tabanan area always has plentiful water. Cool climate and weather as well as the slightly sloping land of the mountains in the north to the coastal areas on the southern side make Tabanan very superior in terms of irrigated and non-irrigated farmland. Northern Tabanan starting from Bedugul area is producer of assorted fruits and vegetables, while the Central and South Tabanan are producers of superior rice. With an area of ​​893.33 km2 Tabanan is divided into 10 subdistricts. Even though the livelihood opportunities in the tourism sector and other sectors are widely open, most people of Tabanan still persist in their own farmland. Decline in the farmland labor force due to working in the other sectors is responded by the pattern of modern and more efficient farming. On that account, until now Tabanan remains a cornerstone of food supplier to Bali. In accordance with the natural condition, Tabanan promotes eco-tourism and agriculture as the superior potential in tourism. The area of Tanah Lot, Penebel, Jatiluwih, Pupuan, Antosari, and Bedugul is always visited by foreign tourists and domestic tourists longing for the pristine beauty of nature. Puri Agung Kerambitan Tabanan Government Tourism, Art and Cultural Office Address : Jln. Gunung Agung No. 1 Tabanan, Ph./Fax. (0361) 811602

it is meant to provide strains of beauty, peace and comfort for the atman (soul) that will go to heaven. While the baleganjur like Gora functions to improve and raise the spirit of the community when they are obliged to lift the heavy bade. The gamelan played is usually called glagah puun meaning that it heads for fireplace or it can be bebatelan meaning the journey of the atman to the last abode. When asked about the use of gender gamelan instrument accompanying the rituals like metatah (tooth filing), he said that Balinese Hindus believe that by chanting or playing gender in the ritual procession they will get a big influence that is able to avoid someone from

thinking negatively and wishing to disrupt smoothness of a ceremony. Dr. I Nyoman Astita, an artist and lecturer at the ISI Denpasar, also said similar thing. Moreover, the puppet gamelan music played at that time is taken from the appropriate performances. Usually, it is begun with tabuh tegak composition which is then continued with tabuh mesem composition commonly coupled with tabuh rebong. “Then, when devotees walk from the bale pasekeban to bale delod pavilion in the tooth filing ritual, it will be accompanied with tabuh angkat-angkatan that can also result in solemnity and sublime nuances of the ceremony,” as he explained. (BTN/was)

July 21 - August 10, 2017

Creative World, Barong Mask from Cardboard and Used Newspapers

alinese artist is never tired of doing creativity. They always have new inspiration and innovation to give birth to quality works of art. Through the touch of creative hands of Balinese artists, the piles of cardboard boxes and used newspapers commonly just put into trash bin can be transformed into aesthetic and amazing works of art. Various barong masks made by I Komang Gede Marjana can become one of the examples. Its appearance is not less exotic compared to similar masks made from wood. “I was first inspired to make these barong masks after looking at the piles of cardboard boxes and used newspaper disposed haphazardly at the motor paint workshop

where I work. It’s a pity if those materials are not used,” said this alumnus of the SMK PGRI 1 Denpasar vocational school regarding his creative process. This teenager born in Denpasar on March 21, 1997, decided to choose barong mask as the trade mark of his creativity. The consideration is simple where since childhood he has been very fond of the art of barong. He considers the barong figure as a source of strength and stores various elements of goodness that always moves his spirit in the creativity. “During elementary school, I really liked to draw barong and observed the ornaments on the barong figure. The passion continued until I was a teenager and motivated

Unique Gender Wayang

Played in Makotekan and Slendro Scale endermusical instrument becomes a compulsory accompaniment for a puppet show in Bali. So, in the staging there are two arts played together namely the art of leather puppet along with all the plays and dialogues as well as the art of gender gamelan composition of the puppet show. Besides, the gender is often used or played in various ritual activities such as in the implementation of tooth filing activities and when the bade tower carrying corpse is brought to cemetery. Thus, gender becomes a distinctive gamelan instrument when compared to other musical instruments. An artist and lecturer at the ISI Denpasar, I Nyoman Astita, said although in terms of the form it is not different from other gamelan instrument, the gender of puppet is indeed the beginning or inspiration of the iron or copper gamelan instrument fastened or tied in such a way by using a rope to float and generate a battier tone when compared to other old gamelan types commonly put on the pedestal. When playing, the gamelan players are using both hands where left hand plays the tone or the main melody while right hand play in makotekan way namely forming series of rhythm tone of the two gamelan instruments. Furthermore, he said that playing the puppet gender must be in pair or two pieces because gamelan play in the right hand of both players will produce a different pattern where if gamelan artist plays nyangsih, the partner will play pepolosan. Thus, playing in pairs will result in a rhythm that integrates the sangsih and papolosan known as makotekan. “The advantages of this puppet gender to me is in terms of technique and playing technique that are fairly sophisticated and complicated because at the same time two hands will play individually or counter point with the tech-

niques and even a different beat can produce a different rhythm as well,” he said. He added that in general, Balinese gamelan instrument using resonator in the form of bamboo underneath as a sound repeater will usually be set so that the pair can result in ngumbang-ngisep or waving tones. So, when the pair is played even though one tone only will produce a vibrating or waving sound. Similar thing is also found in the puppet gender, so in addition to being able to makotekan the use of a pair of puppet gender is also aimed to produce a waving sound. However, the main puppet gender in use in a staging consists of 4 pieces namely a pair of pamade or the gender having bass sound because of lower octave score and a pair of barangan whose octave score is higher but both will produce an interesting and harmonious tone to be heard. He added that puppet gender has slendro-scaled instrument with single scale interval from one tone to another. In the meantime, the other gamelan instrument like gong kebyar and gong gambang using Pelog scale has two tones with higher interval. For example, the interval is usually 1 so that when reaching 2 tones the interval becomes 1.5. If the tone dong-deng-dung-dang-ding where from dong to deng has the interval of 1, from deng to dung will be 1.5 and then from dung to dang has the interval of 1, and from dang to ding has the interval of 1.5. Another artist, I Made Murawan, said that although the characteristics of puppet gender tend to be tender. However, it is tailored to the designation because it also has fierce and violent gamelan composition. “For example, when accompanying puppet performances and entering war session, it surely must use a fast and fierce tempo gamelan composition like the bebatelan,” he explained. (BTN/was)


to immortalize the barong figure into a three-dimensional work or no longer limited in the form of paintings,” said Marjana. According to Marjana, it is not easy to form cardboard and old newspapers into an artistic barong mask. After passing a series of trial and error, he finally found an appropriate technique to catch the character of both used goods that become the main material in the making of barong. “I just managed to realize the masks of cardboard and old newspapers that look like the current appearance after passing through several failures. After the works accomplished, I upload it on the Facebook. In fact, many netizens give positive appreciation,” said this teenager who has been orphaned since the age of five this years. This teenager who is also one of the creative team members at the Penggak Men Mersi Cultural House, from Kesiman, is getting more confident to hoist the “flag” of Kubu Kreatif Komang Marjana he has pioneered. He also received the order of a number of dragon mask to be installed on the head of the janggan traditional kite. “Because it’s just the beginning stage, I do not set high prices. At least, I can do the real thing to reduce the volume of garbage that is now becoming one of the serious problems in Bali,” said Marjana who previously had time to make barong from dried banana leaf and endek cloth. (BTN/kmb)

The Spectacular Jember Fashion Carnaval 2017

he spectacular Jember Fashion Carnaval (JFC) extravaganza will again take center stage this year when it rolls out the carpet in the charming city of Jember in East Java Province, from 9th to 13th August 2017. The Jember Carnival was the first that started the trend in Indonesia, parading unbelievably spectacular modern costumes that are rooted in the multiple traditions and cultures across the Indonesian islands. Entering its 16th edition and celebrating the success of JFC in achieving awards and acknowledgments in various international pageants and fashion events in the past years, this year the Jember Fashion Carnaval presents the theme: “Victory”. Among notable achievements in costumes designed by JFC are: Best National Costume Miss Supranational 2014 in Warsaw, Poland; Best National Costume Miss Universe 2014 in Florida, USA; Best National Costume Miss Supranational 2015 in Warsaw, Poland; Best National Costume Miss Grand International 2016 in Las Vegas USA; and Best National Costume Miss Tourism International 2016 in Malaysia. This year, the carnival will involve participation of more than 1,000 talents ranging from kindergarten students to the general public. These are Jember’s finest boys and girls who will show off this spectacular style across the 3.6 km runway right in the heart of Jember city. As in previous years, the event will also be complemented with a conference and a fashion exhibition.


Business and Leisure

According to Vice President of JFC, Suyanto, JFC has earned its place among world’s international fashion carnivals. Therefore, next year the carnival will collaborate with carnaval drum bands “Eventually, JFC will grow equal to other world carnivals such as the one in Pasadena, USA” said Suyanto. Further adding, that for JFC 2018, the Carnaval will invite international participants from other countries. “Up to now, we have international participants, but they came individually. So, in the future we plan to invite full delegations” said Suyanto. Furthermore, JFC is projected to be part of a more professional annual MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention, and Exhibition) event in Jember. For its outstanding initia-

tive and consistent performance, Minister of Tourism, Arief Yahya designated Jember as Indonesia’s Carnival City. Having successfully and consistently staged JFC for 16th years in a row, JFC has emerged as an outstanding icon for Jember. “I am confident that the city of Jember with its Fashion Carnaval will attract more tourists not only from all over the country but also from the rest of the world.” Said minister Arief Yahya. To get to Jember you can fly to Banyuwangi airport from Jakarta by Nam Air. By August 2017 the Jakarta - Banyuwangi route will also be served by Garuda Indonesia. From Banyuwangi there are taxis or rented cars available to take you to the town of Jember. (www.indonesia.travel)

JAL Expected to Re-fly Japanese Tourists Directly to Bali

his considers that the potential of Japanese tourists to travel to Bali remains very high. However, the effort to bring in Japanese tourists should be consistently promoted by stakeholders and travel agencies. Head of the Bali Tourism Office, Anak Agung Gede Juniarta Putra, admitted to be optimistic that Japanese tourist visit to the Island of the Gods will continue to increase in keeping with the flight of Japan Airlines (JAL) re-opening its service to Bali. “We are optimistic that Japanese tourist to Bali will increase because Japan Airlines states to re-open its flight to Indonesia, particularly Bali,” he said accompanied by Subdivision Head of Culinary Festival and Music, Deputy of Overseas Tourism Marketing Development, Ministry of Tourism, Titik Lestari, amid the welcoming of Japanese tourists at Ngurah Rai Airport on Tuesday night (Jun. 20). According to him, currently Japan Airline flies to Bali in a charter flight. In the future, he hoped that JAL can open its flight service on a regular basis. “We hope JAL to re-open its regular services as ever before. Since 2010, the company closed its flight services to Bali. So, Japanese tourists should use other airlines where sometimes they have to transit in Jakarta,” he said accompanied by President of Rama Tours, Makiko Iskandar,


and President Director of Nusa Dua Convex, Bagus Surya. Furthermore, his agency together with relevant stakeholders is going to re-promote to Japan and approach the Japan Airlines (JAL) as well as Japanese travel agencies that specifically handling Japanese tourists traveling to Bali. Juniarta Putra affirmed that Japan is one of the main markets of foreign tourists to Indonesia with a target of 762,000 people by 2017. The reopening of Japan Airlines direct flights from Narita to Denpasar is good news for the world of tourism in Indonesia, especially Bali. All this time, direct flight service from Japan to Indonesia is served by Garuda Indonesia which flies from Narita and Haneda to Jakarta and Denpasar. Meanwhile, Japan’s national airlines like All Nippon Airways (ANA) and Japan Airlines only serve flight services to Jakarta. Previously, Japan Airlines had opened a direct flight to Japan with 400 tourist passengers per day. However, the flight was discontinued on September 30, 2010 due to internal factors of the company. “Even though it is only a charter flight, this is a good opportunity to bring in Japanese tourists to Indonesia,” said Deputy Assistant of Asia-Pacific Market Development, Ministry of Tourism, Vinsensius Jemadu. (BTN/kmb)

Canggu Fun Run 2017

n accordance with Indonesian Independence Day in August, FRii Bali Echo Beach in collaboration with THE HAVEN Bali Seminyak, THE HAVEN SUITES Bali Berawa and Fontana Hotel Bali, a PHM Collection, under PHM Hospitality will be conducting the “Canggu Fun Run 2017” on Sunday, August 20th, 2017, as the sequel of the first event last year. This 5K fun run will start and finish precisely at Canggu Beach, with more than 250 runners are expected to be joining the event. The runners divided into male and female category. The registration starts from 20 July to 15 August with IDR 100,000 (pre-sale) and IDR 150,000 (normal) from August 16th to August 19th at 6:00 am. All participants will receive an exclusive race pack including t-shirt to be worn on the day. The race itself will begin at 6:30 a.m. The main purpose of this event is for promoting Canggu area where all the runners are expected to rove around this village through the rice fields, beaches, mural

art wall, cafes & restaurants, temples, and local residents in a fun way. Different with the last year theme, this year theme is Heritage, in which the runners will dress-up with their preference styles with heritage/traditional touch. Beside the fun run, the committee also prepares the Zumba dance and a bunch of prizes for runner winners, best Zumba dancer, best Instagram post winner and best costume winner. Another activity prepared is the auction at the end of the event, where all the goods/ stuffs and vouchers will be auctioned at the lower price. All of the fund will be donated to Yayasan Semara Putra, an orphanage in Klungkung area. (BTN/r)


Business and Leisure

July 21 - August 10, 2017

Regent of Tabanan Opens Tanah Lot Kreatifood and Art Festival, Commenced with Gebogan Parade typical Balinese customary attires W wearing walked neatly while carrying gebogan (fruit ar-

hat a very appealing attraction it is! Housewives

rangement) on the head. Each step was accompanied by sweet smiles as if they gave a beautiful spirit to the gebogan. Appearance of the Balinese women seemed to be a magnet of the attention to domestic and foreign tourists visiting Tanah Lot. The gebogan parade starting the three-day Tanah Lot Kreatifood and Art Festival 2017 (Jul. 7-9) aimed at featuring the distinctive cuisines of Tabanan as a sustainable tourism companion. At least, there were 400 pieces of gebogan carried by housewives coalesced into PKK group walking around the Tanah Lot tourist attraction area. Interestingly, the gebogan had a uniform height and used uniform fruits as well, namely local fruits. Their style and steps were very harmonious because gebogan of the housewives has been indeed chosen from those having the same height and weight. Each group put on uniform kebaya and clothes. They are from eight customary villages in the subdistrict of Kediri. Each customary village features 50 pieces of gebogan accompanied with bleganjur gamelan orchestra as well as nameplate and lelontekan. Each customary village displayed 100 people so that totally made 800 pieces of gebogan. However, since divided into two groups, then on the first day was pre-

sented 400 gebogan only. “Totally, there are 1,150 pieces of gebogan displayed for three days in the implementation of the Tanah Lot Kreatifood and Art Festival. The gebogan was prepared by PKK members from 23 customary villages throughout Kediri subdistrict. They got different schedule to parade,” said Program Section of the Tanah Lot Kreatifood and Art Festival 2017, Putu Erawan. In the gebogan parade, every customary village is required to use local fruits, such as cottonfruit, pineapple, snakefruit, tomato, orange and Malang apple. In the meantime, the cake used is the Balinese muffin. Gebogan height is limited to a maximum of 30 cm above the tray, with three rows of fruit arrangement and decoration made of local young coconut leaf. This provision must be complied with by the whole customary village to create harmony. “This gebogan parade is contested. The champions are entitled to get coaching fund,” he said. Regent of Tabanan Ni Putu Eka Wiryastuti (2 from left) Operations Manager of Tanah Lot attraction, I Ketut Toya Adnyana, expressed his appreciation parking space of temple property. Here, they gave greeting attraction to to the spirit of PKK housewives in the gebogan VIP guests. After the gebogan parade attraction, they moved across the parade. Though under the showering rain, they temple area of Enjung Galuh, Jero Kandang and representative shrine still looked stunning. The gebogan parade took of Tanah Lot Temple. Ultimately, they headed for the main route to finthe route around the Tanah Lot attraction area, ish point in front of Dewi Sinta Hotel & Restaurant. (BTN/015) with the start from middle route to Tanah Lot BTN/ist

Tanah Lot Kreatifood & Art Festival 2017, Presents Superior Potential of Tabanan anah Lot Kreatifood and Art Festival held by the Tanah Lot Tourism Management Board in cooperation with the government of Tabanan for three days (Jul. 7-9) ran lively and was full of creativity. Local people, domestic and foreign tourists seemed to enjoy every presentation of the festival like culinary adventure, handicrafts and the arts. With the theme Luhuring Segara Rasa Lan Raksa this first festival showcased the unique potential of Tabanan. Thousands of participants appeared in the event, starting from the artists, culinary entrepreneurs, crafters and society as cultural players. Rows of housewives carrying gebogan on the head accompanied with bleganjur gamelan orchestra became a special attraction. Gebogan parade involving 23 customary villages in Kediri subdistrict neatly walked with Balinese customary attires. It is an expression of gratitude to nature for the sea, agriculture and plantations in Tabanan having provided benefits. The Tanah Lot Kreatifood & Art Festival only featured 20 distinctive cuisines. Some of them are nasi sela, lawar klungah, kuwir nyatnyat, es keren and es yeh danu becoming in demand among visitors. Other menus that are not less interesting include sup ares, laklak biu, sup rebung tabah, nasi lawar rebung, jaja batun bedil, mango dumpling rolls, roasted chicken with mango condiment and rangda fried banana. “This festival introduces traditional culinary treasure of Tabanan,” said Operations Manager of Tanah Lot attraction, I Ketut Toya Adnyana. Other than being rich with cuisines, the festival also showcased about 13 SMEs as evidence that Tabanan also has various types of superior handicrafts. All the potentials are promoted in the Tanah Lot Kreatifood & Art Festival. Therefore, the Regent of Tabanan, Ni Putu Eka Wiryastuti, will make this festival as an annual calendar. “We do not want to be known only for the beautiful temple at Tanah Lot. We also have culinary treasures and handicrafts,” said Regent Eka.


The festival also featured Tabanan specialties as well as local artists. It presented classical art, ngelawang barong bangkung, gong kebyar, child rindik, gong kebyar, contemporary dance, legong dance, prembon, classical arja operetta, ramayana, slonding, kecak api, bondres, joged bumbung and Balinese jokes. The no less interesting entertainment was presented by Joni Agung, Taste the Sunset with Gita Bhaskara Ethnic and Gus Teja. Last but not least, the festival was also enlivened by three national artists namely Indra Bruggman, Chand Kelvin and Eddies Adelia. An interesting culinary event was the sudden cook contest presented by Chef Juna followed by the chefs of school teach-


Pura Tanah Lot

Pura Pakendungan

Dewi Sinta Hotel Tanah Lot has 25 guest rooms of two different: Standart and Deluxe with AC, private bathroom with hot and cool water, TV, IDD phone and Mini Bar

ers, hotels and restaurants in Tabanan. The contest of menu creation involving the hotel and restaurant chef and vocational school (SMK) students across Tabanan became a unique spectacle. The participants did not only serve a delicious menu, but also provided decoration, so that the menu looked attractive. The crowds of visitors had an impact on the number of transactions that reached

hundreds of millions of rupiahs. It was contributed by 20 culinary booths that all involved typical traditional cuisines of Tabanan district. The transaction reflected that the potential of Tabanan district such as the traditional cuisines and the SME products are quite in demand in the market, both by domestic consumers and foreign tourists.




Business and Leisure

Tabah Bamboo Shoot Menu by Chef of Dewi Sinta Restaurant hef of Dewi Sinta Restaurant, Tanah Lot, I Gusti Bagus Arya Nata and I Made Yadnya were chosen as the first winner in the Tanah Lot Kreatifood Festival 2017. When they took part in the contest for the category of Creating Creative Menu with the theme ‘Balinese Nusantara,’ the basic ingredients in use include tabah bamboo shoots, gooseweed, steamed rice and Muscovy duck. They could process such traditional ingredients into delicious cuisine and was presented in modern menu. Other than unique presentation, the menu created by these chefs also has a distinctive taste. In the contest, Arya Nata made menu Muscovy duck spring roll with spicy sauce (appetizer), Muscovy duck twisted satay, timbung rice, uyang-aying spice, bamboo shoot vegetable and gooseweed with spicy sauce (main course) and banana roll dumplings (dessert). The chefs were able to mix and serve delicious and nutritious menu that can be enjoyed by local people and foreign tourists. The menu creation of Dewi Sinta chef


menu was admitted to be delicious by Chef Juna who acted as a jury. Arya Nata confessed that bamboo shoot was deliberately selected as a food ingredient to match the vision and mission of the Tanah Lot Kreatifood Festival 2017. The traditional culinary treasure of Tabanan should be able to host in supporting the development of cultural tourism. “We want to feature traditional food of Tabanan. But in the presentation, we mix with the archipelagic foods,” he said. In processing the menu, Chef Arya Nata and Yadnya used traditional spices, such as base genep (basic complete spice) and base wangen (fragrant spice). The Muscovy duck ingredient was processed with uyang-aying condiment, typicality from the mountain area of Pujungan and timbungan rice (rice cooked in bamboo log) used red rice from Jatiluwih. “Tabah bamboo in use is one of the native species to Tabanan district precisely originating from the Pupuan subdistrict,” he explained. Creativity of Chef Arya Nata in the cooking contest at the Tanah Lot Kreatifood Festival 2017 has proved that traditional food such

as tabah bamboo shoot, gondo (gooseweed), Muscovy duck and red rice are not inferior to ingredients from outside the island, even from imported ingredients. “The result is very good, tasty and has a uniqueness that can make Tabanan and Bali worthy of culinary tourism,” he added. Chef Arya Nata and Yadnya then agreed to popularize the local culinary treasure with modern preparation. It is expected to support the tourism as well as have direct relation to the system of life and economy of local communities. “There are still many Balinese dishes that can be further developed to become menus with modern nuances. Now, it depends on our ability to discover,” they said. (BTN/015) BTN/bud

Dewi Sinta Restaurant Tanah Lot offers a wide rings of Balinese, Indonesian, and Chinese food as well as experienced chief. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are available a’la carte or buffet style.

Special Balinese Pizza

“Kecak Dance” Everyday After Sunset Phone : +62 361 812933 Fax : +62 361 813956

Website : www.dewisinta.com

E-mail : reservation@dewisinta.com C12-15 BTN/ist



July 21 - August 10, 2017

Business and Leisure



Business and Leisure

Let’s Practice Yoga with Panji Tisna

Bali Tropical Spa

Some time ago, Panji Tisna with hundreds of rural residents did yoga through the Festival ke Uma held at Subak Uma Ole. The activity was done in paddy field area, so the aura is very pronounced. Moreover, the activity was carried out in the morning, when the sun began to rise in eastern horizon, so that positive energy is really felt by participants. “I feel proud as many participants are present. Hopefully, there will be another chance to invite people to live healthy,” he hoped.

As a yoga instructor, Panji Tisna has been teaching yoga in various cities in Indonesia, such as Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Jakarta and others, including overseas. “Hopefully, I can do it to the other regions in Indonesia to teach yoga introduction to the public. Besides, we also provide a special training of stress management and emotion through Sudarshan Kriya yoga from the Art of Living Foundation from His Majesty Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,” he concluded. B N (BTN/015)


elcome to Bali Tropical Spa at Bali Tropic Resort & Spa Bali- a sanctuary that embraces physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Discover the beauty of balance with synergy of indigenous Balinese technique, culture and remedies, we designed and create the whole Spa journey to the tranquility of Spa experience and reconnect you with others all around. Set on the unique traditional Balinese reed, lulled by gentle breezes and sound of water fountain. 10 double treatment rooms and professional skilled Therapists are available to deliver a heav-


enly of sensory experience where the step of the treatment brings a complete relaxed, revived and blissful. From virility to stability, positivity to longevity we’ll help you indentify personal imbalance, and facilitate a return to health and happiness. Feel the relaxing healing touch of our Signature Massage using three kind of Balinese flowers (Frangipani, Ylang ylang and Rose) to ease the body tension and invigorate the sense, yet the sensation of Harmony Massage which done by two Therapist will be pampered you to a deeply feeling of relaxed.

Refresh the skin with natural body polish and body envelopment to rejuvenate and promotes skin’s surface as it soothes, hydrates, nourishes. Spa Tapas and Hand & Feet treatment could be the best accompany to complete and maximize whole your Spa

journey. Reconnect yourself with your loved one with our romantic treatments to balance your emotional devotion and take an advantage of lavish flower bath surrounded by aromatic candle light to restore a feeling of affection and blissful.


All the Spa experiences are supported by nature, spirit, passion and genuine culture with international standard. For further promotion, update and activities please follow us in Instagram: Bali Tropical Spa. B N (BTN/014)

Panji Tisna invited rural people to practice yoga in the event of Festival ke Uma held at Subak Uma Ole, Ole, Marga Dauh Puri, Marga, Tabanan, on Sunday (Jun. 25). eople may think that doing yoga is very difficult. Feet should stand on the head, can be bent and be made flexible, children and fat people are unable to do yoga, so yoga seems to be a sacred activity and difficult to do. Not to mention there is a presumption that people being able to practice yoga will quickly reach heaven. “Yoga is for health, creating better self. When being healthy, the life is also peaceful,” said A.A. Raka Panji Tisna, an international yoga instructor. In yoga, there is movement to


express motion and breath, so the mind sits at this point, not everywhere. Children, teenagers and elderly people can do yoga. “Yoga activities can be held whenever and wherever. For busy people, they can do it at workplace. But, early is better, and can be done until old age,” he explained. Yoga is fun, so that it is carried out with smile and happy atmosphere, not difficult and better done with an instructor, so there are limits that can be done. Yoga can be done while sitting, or standing. “Doing yoga on a regu-

lar basis will be great for health, mind, and the life will become more focused. To relieve stress and get happiness, I invite people to do yoga,” he said. Although having a schedule of teaching yoga every week at the Secretariat of the World Hindu Parishad, Bali Culture Agency on Jalan Juanda 1 Renon Denpasar, this international yoga instructor is still willing to share his skill with people in rural areas. “If people are healthy, then they will also think positively to live this life,” he said.








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July 21 - August 10 | Rp 7.500

Business and Leisure

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Vol. XIX No. 14 | http://www.bali-travelnews.com

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July 21 - August 10 , 2017 | Rp 7.500

Bali Travel News

Business and Leisure

Vol. XIX No. 14 | http://www.bali-travelnews.com

Advertizing & Subscribe Call : 0361 249484, E-mail : batrav_98@yahoo.com |

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Bali Travel News

Bukit Kutul Temple, a Sanctum with Strong Magical Aura


nvoke a blessing, sustenance as well as healing through psychic method is commonplace in Bali. Even, the psychic relationship to God has produced many results. Thus, Balinese residents increasingly believe and constantly show off their devotion. At Pucak Sari village, Busungbiu subdistrict, Buleleng, follows a temple having a very high magical aura. Local communities and people from outside the village believe that it is the temple where people can invoke a blessing, sustenance to healing of an illness. It is called the Bukit Kutul Temple. As the name implies, this temple is located on a hilltop at Kutul customary village. Since it was found, the temple is not like the temple in general that has some building shrines of rock stone and wood carvings, as well as comes with a compound wall. However, the shrine construction consists of a pile of stones. Local people refer to as bebaturan shrine. Only a few shrines like the chamber, taksu, piasan, and Ida Ratu Nyoman are made of stone and wood carving. At this temple grows an old banyan tree. Even, the


banyan tree is believed to give a sign related to the economic conditions of the rural residents. If the leaves are green and lush, they are indicating if the coffee crops at the village will be abundant. On the contrary, if the leaves and roots dry up, they are indicating if the crop of farmers will go down. Apart from the shrine construction, another uniqueness owned by this temple is the temple area spreading across one hectare of land is not limited by compound walls. It is said if the deities abiding at the temple did not permit the construction of compound wall. Besides, local residents also believe that compound wall can disrupt the flexibility of the C-306


properties (sacred animals—Ed) of local deities. Headman of Pucak Sari village, I Nyoman Dharma, said the history of the Bukit Kutul Temple was not known for sure and there was no evidence telling about the history of the sacred temple. From the story of predecessors and local leaders, the temple had existed before the establishment of the Pucak Sari village around in 1809. At that time, it was pioneered by dozens of households (families). The residents found the bebaturan shrine in the forest. Another finding was holy bell and a teteken or stick. In line with the passage of time, the temple is not only venerated by local residents, but also by people from outside Buleleng that come on the temple anniversary to worship. It falls on the full moon of the fourth month in Balinese calendar or around October. All the ritual paraphernalia for the temple anniversary will be prepared by local residents amounting to about 800 families. Coinciding with the temple anniversary, devotees will utilize the good chance to pay vows. It is usually carried out by devotees who previously invoked blessings, fortune, or healing, and their petition was then granted. B N (BTN/kmb)


“Gebogan�Parade at Tanah Lot Kreatifood and Art Festival 2017

BTN/ ist

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