Edisi 22 September 2011 | International Bali Post

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Hundreds of KHFWDUV¡ ULFH Ă€HOG facing dryness










Thursday, September 22, 2011




16 Pages Number 195 3st Year Price: Rp 3.000,-

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Kutcher sets sitcom record PAGE 12

AP Photo/str

Saul Solis Solis, right, and Mario Alberto Gordillo, alleged members of Mexico’s Knights Templar drug cartel, are escorted by soldiers upon their presentation to the media in Mexico City, Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2011. Solis Solis, a former police chief and one-time congressional candidate, and Gordillo were captured Monday in the cartel’s home state of Michoacan, Mexico.

Gunmen dump 35 bodies on busy avenue in Mexico Associated Press




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MEXICO CITY — Masked gunmen blocked trafďŹ c on a busy avenue in a Gulf of Mexico coastal city Tuesday and dumped the bodies of 35 slaying victims as horriďŹ ed motorists watched, authorities said. Veracruz state Attorney General Reynaldo Escobar Perez said the bodies were left piled in two trucks and on the ground of an

underpass near a shopping mall in the city of Boca del Rio. Police had identiďŹ ed seven of the victims so far and all had crimi-

nal records for murder, drug dealing, kidnapping and extorsion and were linked to organized crime, Escobar said. He didn’t say to what group the victims belonged to. The Zetas drug cartel has been locked in a bloody war with drug gangs for control of Veracruz, a state along an important route for drugs and Central American migrants heading north.

Motorists first began tweeting Tuesday afternoon that masked gunmen in military uniforms were blocking Manuel Avila Camacho Boulevard in Boca del Rio’s downtown and pointing their guns at civilians. “They don’t seem to be soldiers or police,� a tweet read. Another said, “Don’t go through that area, there is danger.�

the Navy, Water Police, and Benoa harbor administration, has been mobilized to look for the missing passangers. Rescue boat 202 “Sea Rider� was been deployed in the search efforts. The ill-fated boat captained by I Made Longor capsized on Tues-

day (Sept 20) at 00.00 local time while transporting members of a traditional music group to their village in Toya Pakeh from Jungut Batu village in Nusa Penida District. The cause of the boat accident was still being investigated by local authorities.

Continued on page 6

Boat capsizes in Bali (OHYHQ .LOOHG 0LVVLQJ Antara

SEMARAPURA - Eleven person was killed and 14 others went missing when a traditional boat with 33 people on board capsized in Jungut Batu waters, Nusa Penida, Klungkung District, Bali province. “The boat was carrying 33 peo-

ple, including the crew. Ten people were rescued by ďŹ shermen, eleven was found dead, and 14 others are still missing,â€? Kabir, secretary of Toya Pekeh village, Nusa Penida sub district, Klungkung District, said here on Wednesday. A joint search and rescue (SAR) team consisting of personnel from


Thursday, September 22, 2011


Bali News Fly Attack

Time nearly runs out



Semarapura (Bali Post)—

7KH EULGJH OHDGLQJ WR *XQDNVD 9LOODJH FXUUHQWO\ EHFRPLQJ RQH RI WKH FDXVHV RI Ă€RRGing at the village has begun to Tabanan (Bali Post) – ZRUN RQ ,W KDV EHHQ JRLQJ RQ 7KH SHRSOH RI 7DEDQDQ ZHUH QHYHU QRW GLVWXUEHG E\ SHVWV ZLWK QHZHVW RQH Ă€LHV DUH DWWDFNLQJ since last week with a budget 7LPSDJ 9LOODJH .HUDPELWDQ WKH SDVW PRQWK ,W ZDV DVVXPHG WKH Ă€LHV FDPH IURP D FKLFNHQ ZRUWK ,'5 PLOOLRQ IDWWHQLQJ IDUP LQ WKH YLOODJH FDXVHG LW %HVLGHV Ă€LHV D URWWHQ VPHOO DOVR GLVWXUEV DQG KDYH EHHQ Actually, the project touted UHSRUWHG E\ WKH +HDG RI WKH 9LOODJH to be handled by a contractor company owned by a local According to a resident, Gusti legislator should have been $OXV ODVW 7XHVGD\ DV LW LV XQGHUWDNHQ VLQFH $XJXVW worsening the residents can’t sleep +RZHYHU VLQFH WKH ORwell as the flies would go over FDO UHVLGHQWV ZHUH RUJDQL]LQJ anything in the rooms and house a mass cremation, the work QRW RQO\ IRRGV 7KH SHRSOH GLG QRW ZDV ILQDOO\ SRVWSRQHG $V blame the chicken farm yet they FRQVHTXHQFH WKH GXUDWLRQ ZDV KRSHG IRU D VROXWLRQ VRRQ $ VFHQH getting very tight and some of it can be seen at a tipat cantok SDUWLHV GRXEWHG WKH TXDOLW\ RI VWDQG RI 0DGDPH 'RQLÂśV ZKHUH WKH SURMHFW WKRXVDQGV RI Ă€LHV NHHS RQ FRYHULQJ Some workers met at locaD VHUYHG PHDO 'RQL FRXOGQÂśW KHOS WLRQ RQ 7XHVGD\ 6HS DGit anymore and worried if it’s just mitted that the bridge project left like this it will cause any illschedule had retreated so it QHVV 7KH +HDG RI WKH 9LOODJH *XVWL VKRXOG EH DFFHOHUDWHG Âł:H :D\DQ 6XNDZDKDQD VWDWHG KDYH are hustled by time,â€? said gathered the people of his village IBP/ďŹ le D ZRUNHU 1HYHUWKHOHVV WKH HVSHFLDOO\ IURP %DQMDU 'HORG 3HNHQ A woman is trying to get rid off all the ies that come to her workers claimed if they could and the owner of the chicken farm shop. JXDUDQWHH WKH TXDOLW\ RI WKH IRU PHGLDWLRQ ,Q WKH HQG WKH RZQHU project because they had been *XVWL 0DGLD ZDV DVNHG WR PDLQWDLQ smell and to put nets all over so no Ă€LHV DQG URWWHQ VPHOOV DSSHDULQJ the cages hygiene such as to scat- Ă€LHV ZRXOG JR RXW 0DGLD KLPVHOI RI WKH [ PHWHUV FDJH RI ter chalk soil to prevent any rotten admitted have tried to prevent the FKLFNHQV XGL

closely watched, including by WKH SXEOLF A hamlet chief at Gunaksa 9LOODJH 1\RPDQ 6XNDUWD 3DWXV +DPOHW PHQWLRQHG LI WKH bridge construction project was in the stage of concrete H[FDYDWLRQ DQG WKHQ IROORZHG E\ FRQFUHWH FDVWLQJ $V IRU supervision, Sukarta stated the project had been very closely ZDWFKHG E\ WKH SXEOLF ,QGHHG KH VDLG WKH SURMHFW ¿QDQFHG E\ UHJLRQDO EXGJHW GLG QRW pass through a tender process but through direct appointPHQW 7KH FRQWUDFWRU ZDV &9 Sakepat located at Gunaksa 9LOODJH DQG LW ZDV WRXWHG WR be owned by legislator from Dawan electoral district, while the planning consultant was &9 3DNDUWL /DQGV During the process of the bridge construction project, the WUDI¿F ÀRZV RI *XQDNVD UHVLdents was forced to be shifted through Sulang road section WR .OXQJNXQJ GLUHFWLRQ DQG WKURXJK %XD\DQJ DQG 7LKLQJDGL WRZDUGV WKH HDVW NPE

+LW %\ 7UHH 7KUHH &DUV 'DPDJHG Denpasar (Bali Post) –

IBP/Yudi Karnaedi

The ofďŹ cers ar tyring to remove the branch of the tree that fall on top of three cars.

An event seemed to cause Udayana University at 6XGLUPDQ 6WUHHW 'HQSDVDU ODVW 7XHVGD\ D KRUULG situation as a tree fell down in the campus areal on the west side of the Graduate Building hitting one motorF\FOH DQG WZR FDUV SDUNHG /XFNLO\ WKH FDU RZQHUV ZHUH VDIH \HW FDXVLQJ GDPDJH RQ WKH WKUHH YHKLFOHV Based on the information received in location, the incident happened around 3 pm on the time when VWXGHQWV ZHUH JRLQJ KRPH 7KH YHKLFOHV KLW ZHUH VLOYHU 7R\RWD $YDQ]D '. - EODFN +RQGD $FFRUG '. %, DQG PRWRUF\FOH <DPDKD -XSLWHU '. +: 7KH ZRUVW KLW ZDV WKH +RQGD RZQHG E\ $ $ 'XWD VWXGHQW RI 0HGLFLQH )DFXOW\ Âł/XFNLO\ , ZDVQÂśW KXUW \HW LQ VKRFNHG $OWKRXJK WKH EDFN RI WKH FDU LV GDPDJHG ´ KH H[SODLQHG 'XULQJ WKDW WLPH KH ZDV RQ KLV ZD\ KRPH DV WUDIÂżF jam occurred inside the campus areal, he stopped his car and the tree fell causing him stuck inside the car as LWÂśV KDUG WR JHW RXW +H WKHQ GHVWUR\ WKH IURQW ZLQGRZ WR JHW RXW :RUNHUV RI 'HQSDVDU &OHDQOLQHVV DQG *URXQGV IBP/Bali Putra $JHQF\ DOVR 1DWXUH 'LVDVWHU 0DQDJHPHQW %RDUG WKHQ ZHQW WR ORFDWLRQ WR HYDFXDWH ,W LV H[SHFWHG WKH WUHH IHOO The bridge project in Gunaksa Village, Klungkung is accelerated to prevent ood from happening EHFDXVH LW KDV EHHQ IUDFWXULQJ NPE

z Founder : K.Nadha, z General Manager :Palgunadi Chief Editor: Diah Dewi Juniarti z Editors: Gugiek Savindra,Alit Susrini, Alit Sumertha, Daniel Fajry, Mawa, Sri Hartini, Suana, Sueca, Sugiartha, Wirya, Yudi Winanto zDenpasar: Dira Arsana, Giriana Saputra, Subagiadnya, Subrata, Suentra, Sumatika, Asmara Putra. Bangli: Pujawan, Buleleng: Adnyana, Gianyar: Agung Dharmada, Karangasem: Budana, Klungkung: Bali Putra Ariawan. Jakarta: Nikson, Hardianto, Ade Irawan. NTB: Agus Talino, Syamsudin Karim, Izzul Khairi, Raka Akriyani. Surabaya: Bambang Wilianto. z Development: Alit Purnata, Mas Ruscitadewi. z 2IÂżFH: Jalan Kepundung 67 A Denpasar 80232. Telephone (0361)225764, )DFVLPLOH: 227418, P.O.Box: 3010 Denpasar 80001. Bali Post Jakarta, Advertizing: Jl.Palmerah Barat 21F. Telp 021-5357602, Facsimile: 0215357605 Jakarta Pusat. NTB: Jalam Bangau No. 15 Cakranegara Telp. (0370) 639543, )DFVLPLOH: (0370) 628257. Publisher: PT Bali Post

Bali News


Thursday, September 22, 2011


To get drinking water

Residents of Tegallinggah in queue for hours Sukasada (Bali Post)—

Water crisis continues to spread in Buleleng Regency. At Tegallinggah Hamlet, Tegallinggah Village, Sukasada District, the residents have to queue for hours just to get two jerrycans of water that is only enough to drink. Observation at Tegallinggah Village within the past few days showed that every morning local residents should go out to take water at public tap water supply. They came out by bringing a jerrycan with a capacity of 25 liters. Since there were many people looking for water, they had to be willing to stand in line. Their jerrycans would be placed side by side near the public tap. On entering this dry season, the water discharge at public tap continued to shrink. On that account, every resident was only given to take two jerrycans of water in each queue. Such amount of water was just enough for cooking and drinking needs. Local residents told that the

shortage of clean water at Tegallinggah Hamlet had been going on since eight months ago. It occurred because the water discharge from the source tank was very little indeed. They did not know where to complain in order they could get water in a greater amount. Head of Tegallinggah Village, Gede Swardana, usually helping bridge the interest of residents was now being detained in Singaraja Jail related to corruption case on the sales of the government asphalt aid. “Instead of being stressed, we must be willing to stay up from the dawn to get water at public tap,” said the resident. More pathetically, since the residents were too busy to line

up for the water, they did not have time to carry out other works. Even, a number of private employees and civil servants admitted if they frequently came ODWH WR WKHLU RI¿FH DV WKH\ VKRXOG line up at the public tap to get clean water. They also confessed if the water obtained from the queue for hours was just adequate for cooking and drinking needs. For other purposes, they were forced to look to another village where the water was still abundant. “To bathe, wash and be given to livestock, we went to Tukadmungga Village down there. There lies a IBP/Ole ULYHU ZKRVH ZDWHU ÀRZV DOO WKH year round and we take it there,” The people are queueing to get water in Tegallinggah, Sukasada, Buleleng Regency. said the resident. (kmb15)

Water of Subak Balangan decerased rapidly Regency Government unable to do much Mangupura (Bali Post)—


The dry ricefield due to the decreasing water available in Badung.

Badung Government was unable to do much to resolve the problem of water shortage at the area of Subak Balangan, Kuwum Village, Mengwi Subdistrict. The subak located in the downstream and bordered with other regency became the main obstacle for government. Subak members were only suggested to maximize the function as subak DELDQ RU QRQ LUULJDWHG ¿HOG FXOWLYDtion during the dry season. Head of Badung Agricultural, Forestry and Plantation Agency, IGK Sudaratmaja, admitted on 7XHVGD\ 6HS WKDW KLV SDUW\ was unable to do maximal efforts to achieve the expectations of farmers at Subak Balangan. According to him, since the inauguration as subak abian in Badung, the problem of irrigation was indeed unclear. Subak Balangan only got water by relying on the residual or surplus water in the upstream, in this regard the subak area within the territory of Tabanan Regency. “The authority in Tabanan is only willing to provide the water when the water in the region has outnumbered. In other words, if there is no excessive water, the Subak Balangan is ascertained to get no irrigation water,” he said.

Seeing this condition, Sudaratmaja asked the farmers at Subak Balangan to understand. However, he consistently provided a solution for farmers, namely setting the cropping pattern by maximizing Subak Abian, especially during the dry season. Farmers were allowed to plant rice where the water was available or during the rainy season. He explained that over the past two years farmers at Subak Balangan could accidentally plant rice because the supply of water was high and coincided with the rainy season. Additionally, farmers also got accustomed to planting other crops such as cassava and others. So, according to Sudaratmaja, they should be able to anticipate the existing season. As reported previously, the members of Subak Balangan wanted the problems on the shortage of water LQ WKH ULFH ¿HOGV FRXOG EH UHVROYHG by government soon. Meanwhile, Chief of Balangan Customary Village, I Made Gama, revealed that farmers were still largely dependent on rainfall. As a matter of fact, the subak members wanted the rights for the water distribution could be resolved so the cross-regency subak members could grow their rice properly. (kmb25)



Thursday, September 22, 2011


Police drop bid to reveal Guardian hacking sources Agence France Presse

London’s Metropolitan Police Service has dropped an application to force the Guardian newspaper to disclose the sources for its reports on the News International phone-hacking affair. Scotland Yard announced Friday it had tried to obtain a court order under the Official Secrets Act to identify “evidence of potential offences resulting from unauthorised leaking of information”. However, the service withdrew the application on Tuesday following a meeting with the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). “The MPS has taken further legal advice this afternoon and as a result has decided not to pursue, at this time, the application for production orders,” a police spokesman said. “We have agreed with the CPS that we will work jointly with them in considering the next steps.” The Guardian was at the forefront in uncovering the scale of phone hacking at the now closed News International publication the News of the World, owned by Rupert Murdoch. The Met’s decision to pursue the paper through the courts raised fears of a crackdown on investigative journalism. The Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger called the move “vindictive”, adding: “We shall resist this extraordinary demand to the utmost”. Police thought the secrets act could have been breached in July when the newspaper revealed that the voicemail of a teenage murder victim had been hacked into. The story led to a public outcry and News of the World closed shortly afterwards.

Powerful typhoon headed toward Japan disaster zone AP Photo/Kyodo News

Local residents wade through a flooded street caused by approaching typhoon in Nagoya, central Japan, Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2011.

Associated Press Writer TOKYO — A powerful typhoon was bearing down on Japan’s tsunami-ravaged northeastern coast Wednesday, approaching a nuclear power plant crippled in that disaster and prompting calls for the evacuation of more than a million people. Police and local media reported that five people were dead or missing after being swept away by rivers swollen with rain as Typhoon Roke approached.


A man reads a copy of the Guardian newspaper in London 2009. London’s Metropolitan Police Service has dropped an application to force the Guardian newspaper to disclose the sources for its reports on the News International phone-hacking affair

The storm, packing sustained winds of up to 100 mph (162 kph), made landfall in the afternoon near the central Japanese city of Hamamatsu, about 125 miles (200 kilometers) west of Tokyo. The storm was expected to cut a path northeast through the capital and into the northeastern region of Tohoku, which was devastated by the March 11 tsunami and earthquake. Also in the path of the storm is the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, which started spewing radiation after it was sent into meltdown by the tsunami. Takeo Iwamoto, spokesman for Tokyo Electric Power Co., the utility that

operates the plant, said the cooling system for the reactors, crucial to keeping them under control, will not be endangered by the typhoon. He said some construction work around the plant was canceled and utmost efforts were under way to prevent leaks of radioactive water and other material from the typhoon. Japanese media reports said more than a million people have been ordered or advised to evacuate across the country as their homes may be flooded or buried in mudslides triggered by the typhoon. The numbers varied, as there is no nationwide tally, and the situation

has been flexible. The Mainichi nationwide newspaper reported 1.4 million people were issued evacuation warnings, while the Yomiuri newspaper put the number at 1.2 million. The city of Nagoya temporarily called off an evacuation warning for 880,000 people when swelling in a major river subsided, but officials said the warning could be reissued if conditions warranted. Heavy rains caused floods and road damage in dozens of locations in Nagoya and several other cities, the Aichi prefectural (state) government said. Television footage showed people wading through water up to their knees in Nagoya, 170 miles (270 kilometers) west of Tokyo. In parts of the city near swollen rivers, rescue workers helped residents evacuate in rubber boats. Police in nearby Gifu prefecture said a 9-year-old boy and an 84-year-old man were missing after apparently falling into swollen rivers.

Obama to meet Palestinian leader amid U.N. crisis Reuters

UNITED NATIONS - President Barack Obama will meet Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday to urge him to drop plans to ask the U.N. Security Council to recognize a Palestinian state despite U.S. and Israeli objections. The White House said Obama will meet Abbas at 6 p.m. ET on the sidelines of this week’s U.N. General Assembly session in New York. Obama is also due to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier on Wednesday.

“With both the Israelis and the Palestinians the president will be able to say very directly why we believe action at the United Nations is not the way ... to achieve a (Palestinian) state,” Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes told reporters. Abbas has promised to present U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon with a membership application on Friday, setting the stage for a Security Council vote that the United States, one of five veto-wielding permanent members, says it will block. The Obama administration and Israel both say that only direct peace

talks can lead to peace with the Palestinians, who in turn say almost two decades of fruitless negotiation has left them no choice but to turn to the United Nations. The drama over the Palestinian U.N. bid is playing out as Palestinian, Israeli and U.S. leaders all grapple with the fallout from Arab uprisings that are raising new political tensions across the Middle East. Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki said he thought at least nine of the 15 members of the Security Council would back the Palestinian bid and urged the United States to get out of the way.

REUTERS/Jessica Rinaldi

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas sits at a table as he meets with U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (not pictured) at the U.N. headquarters in New York September 19, 2011.



Kuta Station Hote

Thursday, September 22, 2011


S a

Strategic Location with Multifunctional Lifestyle Facilities IBP

Kuta area develops and has an interest in the economic activities so it requires the provision of hotel accommodation capable of serving them carefully. The market is remarkably competitive and every hotel offers affordable rates and services that are virtually the same. “The difference lies in our commitment of converting promise into reality with the presence of Kuta Station Hotel & Spa. The advantage of our hotel is the strategic location and no other hotels in Kuta offer the more complete lifestyle facilities, both for travelers and business professionals entailing a hotel with multifunctional facilities,” said Ariestra Prasetio, General Manager of the latest 3-star hotel under the Paradiso Group . Concept of the Kuta Station Hotel

& Spa had been specially designed to become a 3-star hotel serving a growing tourism business in the oasis of Kuta tourist resort, including for the circle of the government, private companies and the MICE both for domestic and foreign markets. Located right in the heart of Kuta and Bali’s busiest tourist destination, it is just 50 meters from the amazing white sandy Kuta Beach and very close to Kuta Square shopping center. Of course, it is within easy reach to all major attractions in the area of Kuta. This comfortable hotel has 132 rooms consisting of Superior, Deluxe and Family room with standard amenities including a large swimming pool that stretches throughout the hotel grounds, kids pool, playground, meeting room, pool bar, Railway Bar & Restaurant, restaurant with the open air concept graced with nightly live music entertainment, Jalanidi Spa, Gym, Paradiso Bowling

& Billiard and Dee Jay Club. Ariestra, having a wealth of experience for more than 18 years in the hotel industry in the regions across Indonesia and various international hotel chains and companies, added that Paradiso Hotel Group entered the Indonesian market in 1996 and had become a leading hospitality management company in Bali with the rapid growth of business network. Paradiso Hotel Group currently operates the Kuta Paradiso Hotel, Legian Paradiso Hotel, Seminyak Paradiso Hotel and its parent company also operates a shopping complex named Kuta Center and Kuta Square as well as several other properties. With the existing track of record, it is evident that the Paradiso Hotel Group has a definite future vision --to be recognized as the best hotel management company in Indonesia.

Temple Ceremony Calendar Event for August 31 through October 5, 2011 31 Aug Buda Umanis Tambir Sari Bankar Titih Temple Kapal 12 Sep Purnama Ketiga Gunung Sari Temple Lombok Pauman Bhujangga Tonja Denpasar Kawitan Arya Gajah Para Tianyar Karangasem Pedarman Arya Telabah Besakih Bukit Mentik Temple Gunung Lebah Batur Kintamani 14 Sep Buda Keliwon Matal Village Temple Sukawati Merajan Agung Batuyang - batubulan Pasek Gelgel Bebetin Temple Sawan - buleleng Maspahit Temple Sesetan - Denpasar Selatan Pasek Bendesa Manik Mas Dukuh Kendran - Tegalalang Panti Pasek Gaduh Temple Sesetan Merajan Pasek Kubayan Wangaya Gede Pedarman Arya Kanuruhan Besakih 24 Sep Tumpek Kandang Puseh Temple Gianyar Luhur Dalem Sagening Kediri - Tabanan Merajan Pasek Gelgel Tegal Gede Badung 27 Sep Tilem Ketiga Ulun Kulkul Temple Ulun Kulkul Besakih 28 Sep Buda Wage Menail Tarukan Temple Cemenggaon Sukawati Mr. Pasek Dangke Bambang - Bangli Penataran Dalem Ketut Pejeng Kaja - Gianyar Puseh Menakaji Temple Peninjoan - Bangli Merajan Agung Temple Blangsinga - Blahbatuh Kawitan Gusti Agung Blangsinga Blahbatuh Gianyar Kawitan Gusti Celuk Kapal Mengwi

4 Ock Anggar Kasih Perangbakat Bukit Buluh Temple Gunaksa - Klungkung Tirta Sudamala Temple Bebalang - Bangli Paibon Pasek Bendesa Sangsit - sawan - Buleleng Pasek Gelgel Temple Pangi Dawan - Klungkung Gunung Tengsong Lombok Dalem Benawah Temple Benawah - Gianyar Dalem Temple Bitra - Gianyar Dalem Temple Banyuning Timur - Buleleng Dalem Pauman Batan Getas Pauman Batan Getas Titih Denpasar Tengah Padang Tegalalang Merajan Pasek Gelgel Desa Sande - Pupuan Tabanan Kawitan Tangkas Kori Agung Desa Adat Pagan Denpasar Hyangaluh/Jenggala Besakih Merajan Pasek Lurah Tutuan Gunaksa Mr. Pasek Gelgel Selulung Merajan Pasek Subrata Medahan Merajan Pasek Munggu Munggu Tengkulak Temple Tulikup - Gianyar Penataran Badung Ogang Sidemen 5 Ock Buda Umanis Perangbakat Puri Agung Dalem Tarukan Pejeng Tampak Siring Rambut Siwi Temple Jembrana Batu Bolong Temple Canggu - Kuta Pasek Marga Klaci Temple Tabanan Agung Pasek Temple Dauh Waru Jembrana Ratu Pasek Temple Sangsit Sawan - Buleleng Pasek Tangkas Darma R. Tabanan Village Temple Banyuning Buleleng Srijon Temple Tabanan Mr. Pasek Gelgel Lebah Pangkung Merajan Pasek Gelgel Patemon Tirta Anom Padang Sigi Sading - Tampak Siring Dadi Agung Pasek Bendesa Dukuh Manuaba Tegalalang Pedarmaan Batursari Ngilis Jegu Penebel Tabanan Puncak Mundi Nusa Penida

Balinese Temple Ceremony EVERY Temple and Shrine has a special date for it annual Ceremony, or “ Odalan “, every 210 days according to Balinese calendar, including the smaller ancestral shrine which each family possesses. Because of this practically every few days a ceremony of festival of some kind takes place in some Village in Bali. There are also times when the entire island celebrated the same Holiday, such as at Galungan, Kuningan, Nyepi day, Saraswati day, Tumpek Landep day, Pagerwesi day, Tumpek Wayang day etc. The dedication or inauguration day of a Temple is considered its birth day and celebration always takes place on the same day if the wuku or 210 day calendar is used. When new moon is used then the celebration always happens on new moon or full moon. The day of course can differ the religious celebration of a temple lasts at least one full day with some temple celebrating for three days while the celebration of Besakih temple, the Mother Temple, is never less than 7 days and most of the time it lasts for 11 days, depending on the importance of the occasion. The celebration is very colorful. The shrine are dressed with pieces of cloths and sometimes with brocade, sailings, decorations of carved wood and sometimes painted with gold and Chinese coins, very beautifully arranged, are hung in the four corners of the shrine. In front of shrine are placed red, white or black umbrellas depending which Gods are worshipped in the shrines. In front of important shrine one sees, besides these umbrellas soars, tridents and other weapons, the “umbulumbul”, long flags, all these are prerogatives or attributes of Holiness. In front of the Temple gate put up “Penjor”, long bamboo poles, decorated beautifully ornaments of young coconut leaves, rice and other products of the land. Most beautiful to see are the girls in their colorful attire, carrying offerings, arrangements of all kinds fruits and colored cakes, to the Temple. Every visitor admires the grace with which the carry their load on their heads.


Thursday, September 22, 2011


Rival Koreas met, but no progress on nuclear talks Associated Press Writer

B I IN — Representatives of North and South orea met Wednesday, but showed no sign of bridging their differences to resume negotiations on ending yongyang s nuclear program after it walked out two years ago. Seoul s main nuclear negotiator Wi Sung-lac and his counterpart Ri ong Ho both described their rare meeting as constructive after emerging from the private Chang An Club in central Beijing. But although Wi said the contacts would continue, neither side gave any details and Ri appeared to say North Korea would not make any concessions to get the talks going again. North Korea wants the talks to resume immediately without any preconditions. However, South Korea wants North .RUHD WR ÂżUVW GHPRQVWUDWH it is sincere about disarmament and take responsibility for two deadly attacks on its territory last year. Through this meeting “we ... put forward efforts to return to the six-party talks without preconditions,â€? Ri told reporters, repeating his country’s stand. Wi expressed the hope that his three-hours talks with Ri would “create conditions for the resumption of the six-party talks. We would like to have more of such discussions.â€? Before the talks started, 6RXWK .RUHDQ RIÂżFLDOV KDG said they wanted them to focus on what kind of preliminary measures the North must take before the sixparty talks can resume. The meetings were the latest in a series of small steps taken in recent months — Wi and Ri met two months ago in Bali, Indonesia, — to revive the on-again, offagain six-nation disarmament talks, which include China, the United States, Japan and Russia, besides the two Koreas. Despite the lack of appar-

AP Photo/Ng Han Guan

North Korea’s nuclear envoy Ri Yong Ho, second from left, arrives for talks with South Korea at private Chang An Club in Beijing, China, Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2011. ent breakthrough, South Korean analyst Yang Moo-jin said the talks did leave open the possibility of future progress. Yang, a professor at the University of North Korean Studies in Seoul, said the talks meant the two Koreas would keep trying to ease tensions on the peninsula. China is the host for the talks and has been trying to put them back on track. Separately, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced Wednesday that North Korean Premier Choe Yong Rim will visit Beijing next week. Wi will also meet with Chinese nuclear envoy, Wu Dawei, on Thursday, said a South Korean Foreign 0LQLVWU\ RI¿FLDO ZKR VSRNH on condition of anonymity in keeping with government rules. North Korea walked out

of the sputtering nuclear negotiations after the United Nations condemned it for launching a long-range rocket in April 2 . The North claimed it had only launched a satellite, but didn’t convince many. Pyongyang then demonstrated its anger by exploding a nuclear device in May. The nuclear test bolstered critics in South Korea who said their government shouldn’t give North Korea a long leash when its strategy seems to be to raise tensions to gain more aid and other concessions to shore up a tricky political succession at home. But in recent months, North Korea facing food shortages and a listless economy has repeatedly expressed its willingness to rejoin the talks.


Gunmen... From page 1 Escobar said police were reviewing surveillance video recorded in the area. Local media said that 12 of the victims were women and that some of the dead men had been among prisoners who escaped from three Veracruz prisons on Monday, but Escobar said he couldn’t FRQ¿UP WKDW At least 32 inmates got away from the three Veracruz prisons. Police recaptured 14 of them. Earlier Tuesday, the Mexican army announced it had FDSWXUHG D NH\ ¿JXUH LQ WKH cult-like Knights Templar drug cartel that is sowing violence in western Mexico. Saul Solis Solis, 4 , a former police chief and one-time congressional candidate, was captured without incident Monday in the cartel’s home state of Michoacan, Brig. Gen. Edgar Luis Villegas said during a presentation of Solis to the media. Solis is considered one of the principal lieutenants in the Knights Templar, which split late last year from La Familia, a pseudo-religious drug gang known as a major trafficker of methamphetamine. He is accused in various attacks on the military and federal police, including one in May 2 7 that killed DQ RI¿FHU DQG IRXU VROGLHUV Villegas said. Solis also is suspected of planting and harvesting drugs, managing clandestine labs manufacturing synthetic drugs and ordering attacks on police facilities in cities around the entire state. Mexico’s attorney general had offered a 1.1 million reward for information leading to his capture. Solis is a cousin of one of the Knights Templar’s main alleged leaders, Enrique Plancarte Solis. Saul Solis served as director of public safety in the Michoacan town of Turicato in 2 3- 5 and ran for the federal congress in 2 as a Green Party FDQGLGDWH ¿QLVKLQJ IRXUWK LQ his district with about 11, votes. Authorities said a judge had issued an arrest warrant for Solis on charges of orgaQL]HG FULPH DQG GUXJ WUDI¿FNing at the time of the vote. President Felipe Calderon launched an offensive against organized crime in 2 6 in his home state of Michoacan, where much of the violence had been attrib-

uted to La Familia. Knights Templar became a splinter group after the leader of La Familia, Nazario Moreno Gonzalez, was killed in a shootout with federal police last December. A second La Familia leader, Jose de Jesus Mendez Vargas, was arrested in June, leading Calderon’s government to say it had all but dismantled the gang. But violence continues in Michoacan and other parts of western Mexico where Knights Templar is trying to control territory. Both groups claim to be devoted to God and to be ¿JKWLQJ SRYHUW\ DQG LQMXVtice under a strict code of conduct. Late Monday, four gunmen died in a clash between drug cartels in the Michoacan towns of Caracuaro and Tiquicheo, the army said in a statement. It said residents told authorities several vehicles packed with gunmen had been seen in the area earlier Monday. Drug violence has claimed more than 35, lives across Mexico since 2 6, accordLQJ WR JRYHUQPHQW ¿JXUHV Others put the number at more than 4 , . In northern Mexico, the army announced the detention of two more suspects in a caVLQR ¿UH WKDW NLOOHG SHRSOH last month in the northern city of Monterrey. The two men captured at a bar in Monterrey late Monday confessed to being members of the Zetas drug cartel and participating in the attack, federal prosecutors said. Six others, including a NueYR /HRQ VWDWH SROLFH RI¿FHU previously were arrested in the case and 16 more suspects remain at large. Last week, the parents and D EURWKHU RI D SROLFH RI¿FHU involved in the casino investigation were shot to death at their Monterrey home. Authorities said the attack could have been revenge because the RI¿FHU KHOSHG LGHQWLI\ VRPH RI the alleged attackers. Separately in Nuevo Leon, Mexican marines captured 1 alleged members of the Zetas drug cartel at a ranch that was being used as a training camp in the town of Colombia, the military announced. A navy statement said that seven minors were among those detained and that marines seized four rifles, a pistol, and several military uniforms and boots.


Indonesia Today

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Indonesia scraps construction of monorail Associated Press

JAKARTA — Indonesia has decided to scrap a multimillion-dollar monorail project that was supposed to solve chronic traffic jams in the capital, Jakarta. Municipal spokesman Cucu Achmad Kurnia said Tuesday that officials had failed to find investors for the $630

million venture. Construction of the monorail began in 2004, with huge concrete pillars dotting the city, and was

supposed to be completed by 2007. But no work has been done on it for years. Jakarta, a sprawling smogfilled city of 11 million people, has some of Asia’s worst traffic. The monorail project, which was to have two lines totaling nearly 17 miles (27 kilometers), had long been touted as the best solution.

Indonesia’s 2012 fuel oil imports may reach 537,000 barrels/day Antara

JAKARTA - The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry estimated that Indonesia`s 2012 fuel oil imports may reach 537,000 barrels per day. Director of the Upstream Oil and Gas regulator (BP MIGAS) of the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry Edy Hermantoro explaining Oil/ Gas Director General Evita Legowo`s expose in a conference and oil/gas exhibition in Jakarta Tuesday said that Indonesia`s total need of fuel oil in 2012 had been predicted to reach 1.242 million barrels a day. In the meantime, the capacity of the oil refineries of state oil and gas company PT Pertamina, PT Tri Wahana Utama, and PT Muba, is only 705,000 barrels per day.

“Thus Indonesia will be facing a fuel oil deficit of 537,000 barrels per day, or 43 pct of the total need for 1.242 million barrels per day,” he said. Edy said Indonesia needs at least two new refineries each with a capacity of 300,000 barrels per day, or a total of 600,000 barrels per day to cover up the shortage. Of the total fuel oil need of 1.242 million barrels, 689,000 barrels per day or the equivalent of 40 million kiloliters, are subsidized, while the remaining 553,000 barrels per day are not subsidized. The government and the House of Representatives had agreed that the volume of subsidized fuel oil of 2012 will amount to 40 million kiloliters. The quota was estimated with the assumption that the regulations

and policy on subsidized fuel oil are changed. Without changing the regulations and policy, fuel oil consumption would exceed the quota. Pertamina estimated that subsidized fuel oil consumption in 2012 may reach 43.882 million kiloliters on the condition of the absence of a policy on subsidized fuel oil regulations. The growth of premium consumption used by Pertamina has been assumed to reach eight percent and kerosene six percent. According to Pertamina, the consumption of subsidized fuel oil of 43.882 million kiloliters consisted of 26.912 million kiloliters of premium, 15.27 million kiloliters of kerosene, and 1.7 million kiloliters of petroleum.


Indonesian students hold up pro-Palestinian placards during a rally outside the US consulate in Surabaya, Indonesia’s second biggest city on September 20, 2011. Palestine’s bid for UN membership has strong support among people worldwide but many remain unsure whether their governments should back an upcoming resolution, a BBC poll showed September 19, 2011. Indonesia fully backs Palestinian independence and at the same time criticises US veto plan for Palestine.


MOUNT TAMBORA — Bold farmers in Indonesia routinely ignore orders to evacuate the slopes of live volcanoes, but those living on Tambora took no chances when history’s deadliest mountain rumbled ominously this month. Villagers like Hasanuddin Sanusi have heard since they were young how the mountain they call home once blew apart in the largest eruption ever recorded — an 1815 event widely forgotten outside their region — killing 90,000 people and blackening skies on the other side of the globe. So, the 45-year-old farmer didn’t wait to hear what experts had to say when Mount Tambora started being rocked by a steady stream of quakes. He grabbed his wife and four young children, packed his belongings and raced down its quivering slopes. “It was like a horror story, growing up,” said Hasanuddin, who joined hundreds of others in refusing to return to their mountainside

villages for several days despite assurances they were safe. “A dragon sleeping inside the crater, that’s what we thought. If we made him angry — were disrespectful to nature, say — he’d wake up spitting flames, destroying all of mankind.” The April 1815 eruption of Tambora left a crater 7 miles (11 kilometers) wide and half a mile (1 kilometer) deep, spewing an estimated 400 million tons of sulfuric gases into the atmosphere and leading to “the year without summer” in the U.S. and Europe. It was several times more powerful than Indonesia’s much betterknown Krakatoa blast of 1883 — history’s second deadliest. But it doesn’t share the same international renown, because the only way news spread across the oceans at the time was by slowboat, said Tambora researcher Indyo Pratomo. In contrast, Krakatoa’s eruption occurred just as the telegraph became popular, turning it into the first truly global news event. The reluctance of Hasanuddin and others to return to villages less

than 6 miles (10 kilometers) from Tambora’s crater sounds like simple good sense. But it runs contrary to common practice in the sprawling nation of 240 million — home to more volcanoes than any other in the world. Even as Merapi, Kelut and other famously active mountains shoot out towering pillars of hot ash, farmers cling to their fertile slopes, leaving only when soldiers load them into trucks at gunpoint. They return before it’s safe to check on their livestock and crops. People here are jittery because of the mountain’s history — and they’re not used to feeling the earth move so violently beneath their feet. Aside from a few minor bursts in steam in the 1960s, the mountain has been quiet for much of the last 200 years. Gede Suantika of the government’s Center for Volcanology said activity first picked up in April, with the volcanic quakes jumping from less than five a month to more than 200. “It also started spewing ash and

smoke into the air, sometimes as high as 1,400 meters (4,600 feet),” he said. “That’s something I’ve never seen it do before.” Authorities raised the alert to the second-highest level two weeks ago, but said only villagers within 2 miles (3 kilometers) from the crater needed to evacuate. That didn’t stop hundreds of men, women and children living well outside the danger zone from packing their clothes, jewelry and important documents and heading to the homes of family and friends elsewhere on Sumbawa island. “We’ve urged them to go back to harvest their crops, get their kids back in school, but we’re having a hard time,” said Syaifullah, a community chief in Pekat, at the foot of the 8,900 foot (2,700 meter) mountain. “The new alert awakened fears about 1815.” Most people finally trickled back to their homes by Monday. Little was known about Tambora’s global impact until the 1980s, when Greenland ice core

samples — which can be read much like tree rings — revealed an astonishing concentration of sulfur at the layer dating back to 1816, said geologist Jelle de Boer, co-author of “Volcanoes in Human History: The Far-Reaching Effects of Major Eruption.” Gases had combined with water vapor to form fine droplets of acid that remained for years in the atmosphere, circling the earth and reflecting some of the solar radiation back into space. Temperatures worldwide plummeted, causing crops to fail and leading to massive starvation. Farmers on the northeastern coast of the U.S. reported snow well into July. In France, grape harvests were decimated. Daniel Lawton of the wine brokerage Tastet-Lawton said a note in his company’s files remarks that 1816 was a “detestable year” and yielded only a quarter of the crop planted. Soon after the ice core findings, scientists started studying Tambora in earnest.



Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bali Today Bali`s exports to United States US$50.8 million Antara

D N ASAR - Bali s e ports of small 35 industrial, handicraft, agricultural and plantation products in the anuary - une 2011 period totaled US 50. million, a trade official said. +HDG RI WKH ([SRUWV 6HFWLRQ RI %DOLCV 7UDGH DQG ,QGXVWU\ 2IÂżFH Putu Bagiada said here on Tuesday that the export value increased 6. Denpost/Wawan percent compared with those in the same period in 2 1 which stood Construction of the World Peace Gong Monument (MGPD) at Shanti Buana Park, Kertalangu at US 47.3 million. Cultural Village, East Denpasar, reaped a protest. He said that although the United States economic growth was slow and was estimated at only 2. percent in 2 1 , yet the super power was still the biggest importer of Bali s exports. The US importers commonly bought non-knitted garments, woodbased handicraft products, various crafts of patchwork and processed PHDW DQG ÂżVK

Monument development reaps protest Parliament instructs to dismantle

%DOL *HDULQJ Up for Obama Visit Denpasar - 7KH :KLWH +RXVH KDV FRQ¿UPHG WKDW SODQV DUH PRYing ahead to welcome U.S. President Barack Obama to Bali in mid-November. Obama will travel from Washington, D.C. to his home state of +DZDLL ZKHUH KH ZLOO KRVW WKH $VLD 3DFL¿F (FRQRPLF &RRSHUDWLRQ Summit. From Hawaii he will visit Australia on November 16-17, EHIRUH À\LQJ WR %DOL WR SDUWLFLSDWH LQ WKH (DVW $VLD VXPPLW The head of the Kodam I Udayana military command headTXDUWHUHG LQ %DOL KDV FRQ¿UPHG KLV UHDGLQHVV WR FRRSHUDWH ZLWK WKH presidential security detail to ensure a safe visit. He was accompanied E\ .RO $UP :LQDUWR DQ LQWHOOLJHQFH RI¿FHU ZKR VDLG ³.RGDP LV prepared to protect VVIPs at the conference which will be attended by many nations. We have already coordinated with the Armed Forces Headquarters.� In anticipation of the November visit, the Udayana Military Command will undertake joint exercises to be at the highest level of preparedness for the prestigious visit. Coordination is also underway with the United States Secret Service. The ultimate responsibility for matters related to the safety of the visiting heads of state rests with the National Command of the Indonesian Armed Forces and the Indonesian Presidential Security Detail. Handoko said that the threat of terrorism is included on the list RI VHFXULW\ FRQFHUQV EXW DI¿UPHG WKDW %DOL UHPDLQV VDIH IURP DOO forms of terrorism.

Housing Agency (DTRP). By involving civilian security guards D N ASAR - Construction 7UDQWLE DQG SXEOLF RUGHU RIÂżFHUV of the World Peace Gong Monu- (Satpol PP) of Denpasar, the joint ment (MGPD) at Shanti Buana team under command of DTRP Park, Kertalangu Cultural Village, chief, Kusuma Diputra, and chief East Denpasar, reaped a protest. of civilian security guard, Nick Aside from landowners, the build- Natha Wibawa, asked the manager ing located on the area of ,6 to discontinue all activities in the square meters was also protested monument area. by parliament and public order of“It is a green belt area. Even ÂżFHUV 6DWSRO 33 RI 'HQSDVDU &LW\ if the mayoral decree included because the building with diameter the physical development, it may of 5 meters was considered to have only be carried out 1 percent of not had a license and infringed the the total land area of Kertalangu EDVLF EXLOGLQJ FRHIÂżFLHQW .'% RI Cultural Village reaching hectzero percent. ares, and it is only intended for Chairman of Commission B, semi-permanent buildings,â€? said Denpasar House, Eko Supriyadi, Kusuma Diputra. asserted that his party actually apAccording to Kusuma Diputra, preciated the construction of peace his party had sent a letter of repmonument as long as it complied rimand in August 2 11 to remind with the location allotment. “I have the ban against permanent building instructed to execute because it in the area and called on the party gives a poor example. It is creat- responsible for the construction ing a peace monument, but did to submit their licensing process. not make people peaceful. They Additionally, the management had are uneasy about the buildings also signed a letter of agreement to constructed in the green belt like temporarily suspend the project. that,â€? said Eko Supriyadi and his “They had time to stop the members, Tuesday (Sep 2 ). construction. But, in reality the The owner claiming the build- building has now been completed ing to have complied with the and already ritually inaugurated. Mayoral Decree No.25 2 con- Of course, it has reneged on the cerning with determination of deal,â€? said Nick Natha Wibawa, Kertalangu as Cultural Village when met at location of the monualso provoked strong reactions ment. from the Denpasar Spatial and Meanwhile, the construction Bali Post

that was not socialized to Kertalangu villagers also drawn protest from local residents. The village representative agency (BPD) of Kertalangu, Nengah Lunga Antara, admitted that on behalf of the Kertalangu residents he never received any notice, not even approved the construction of the monument. “We’ve been summoned to *RYHUQRUÂśV 2IÂżFH IRU VHYHUDO WLPHV related to this matter. Even, it is the Deputy Governor who requested to discontinue the project,â€? said Antara in front of a number of media crews. Antara asserted that his residents never supported and approved the construction of the peace gong monument because the village apparatus and the management could not reach an agreement. In the meantime, Operations Manager of PT Bali Multi Wisata, Ketut Madia, claimed to have complied with all provisions stipulated in the Mayoral Decree. He explained that MGPD was one of the supporting facilities of Kertalangu Cultural Village. When asked about the rejection of residents against the development, Madia refused it. As evidence, Madia showed off a series of agreement letter from apparatus of the Subak Padanggalak, Pesedahan Yeh Lauh, East Denpasar, and a list of public approval. (par)


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Balinese Culture Crispy Fried Tempe

+XQGUHGV RI KHFWDUV· ULFH ‫ۋ‬HOG IDFLQJ GU\QHVV dryness. “This extent is not yet all, because DENPASAR - Hundreds of the Bali agricultural agency was KHFWDUHV RI ULFH ¿HOGV LQ %DOL DUH VWLOO FRQGXFWLQJ D ¿HOG YHUL¿FDWLRQ This may increase in the absence of facing dryness, and even KHFWDUHV RI ULFH ¿HOGV FDQQRW EH rain, causing water crisis, especially water for irrigation that had been harvested due to drought. Head of the Bali agricultural declining drastically,” he said. He added, the dry season has agency Made Putra Suryawan said been predicted to last long, unhere Tuesday that up till now KD RI ULFH ¿HOGV LQ %DNX PD\ IDFH abling the farmers to harvest their Antara

ULFH ¿HOGV He said of the ha, the most serious threat is facing Jembrana regency with 7 ha, and the rest covers all of Bali. “The biggest threat is faced by Tabanan which is still the rice barn of Bali because the water resources DUH LUULJDWLQJ WKH ULFH ¿HOG LQ 7Dbanan, although the water supply had dropped,” he said.

(Keripik Tempe) Ingredients * 600 gram tempe (fermented soybean cake) - not tofu * 200 ml water * ½ tsp. slaked lime water * 100 gr. rice flour mixed with 25 gram cornstarch * vegetable oil * Spice Paste Ingredients: * 4 candlenuts * 1 clove garlic * 1 tsp. coriander seeds * salt to taste * 1 cm fresh kencur Directions Slice the tempe in thin 3½ x 5 cm squares. Set aside. Mix the spice-paste together with the water and slaked lime water. Add the rice flour and cornstarch and blend till smooth. Heat the oil in a wok, dip the tempe in the batter and deep-fry until it is golden brown and crisp. Note: Make sure that the oil is not to hot, otherwise the batter and the tempe will not be done at the same time.

Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice) Ingredients

FOTO ANTARA/Dedhez Anggara

Hundreds of hectares of rice fields in Bali are facing dryness, and even 900 hectares of rice fields cannot be harvested due to drought.

* 4 c Long-grain rice * 8 Shallots or 1 small onion * 4 Red chillis or 2 tsp chilli -powder and 2 tsp paprika * 4 tb Vegetable oil * Salt * 2 ts Sweet soya sauce * 2 ts Tomato ketchup Directions The name Nasi Goreng means simply ‘fried rice’, and it is really a collective description of an indefinite number of slightly differing dishes. You can vary the trimmings and garnishes to suit your taste; but even the most elaborate Nasi Goreng is quick to make. It is a particularly good luncheon dish. Boil the rice a good long time before you intend to fry it; you can fry freshly boiled rice, but the Nasi Goreng will be better if the boiled rice is allowed to cool. Two hours is a satisfactory interval. Leaving the rice to cool overnight, however, gives less good resultsthe rice has time to go dry and stale. An important point to note here is that rice for Nasi Goreng must be cooked with the least possible quantity of water; this prevents it from becoming too soft. For 1 cup of rice, use 1 cup of water. Assuming you have now got your cool, boiled rice, proceed like this: slice the shallots or onion, seed and slice the chilli (or pound the shallots and chilli together in a mortar). Heat the oil in a wok; it makes no difference, by the way, whether you use oil, fat, or butter. Saute the shallots and chilli for a minute or so, and season with salt, soya sauce, and tomato ketchup. Put in all the rice, and stir it continuously until it is well heated: this will take 5 to 8 minutes. Serve in a good large dish, generously garnished with sliced cucumber, tomatoes, fried onions, and Krupuk.



Thursday, September 22, 2011



Ubud Monkey Forest IBP

Ubud Monkey Forest is a small rain forest dwelt by some group of monkeys and other tropical animals. It is strategically located in the hearth of Ubud Village, precisely located in the region of Padang Tegal Village, Ubud Sub district and Gianyar Regency. Monkey Forests in Balinese language called Wanara Wana are spread out in the island and Ubud Monkey Forest itself own very important function of the continuity the monkey habitat in Bali. Meanwhile the local community own important role to keep this forest naturally in order to all wild animals able to live smoothly. Ubud Monkey Forest is dwelt by 200 monkeys, pertained to long tail inclusive macaques or macaca fascicularis group which owns the wide disseminating area. Among the amount monkeys living in this forest, there are 23 adult male, 79 adult female and 98 still babies. All the monkeys in this forest consisted of three groups, dwell certain area and use the certain place and certain time. However, it also happened that entire group can use the forest and whenever two groups exist at same place and time, they will ďŹ ght each other. These monkeys are believed as Gods Guard of Dalem Agung Temple, The Hindu Temple exist in the middle of forest. There are three Holy Temples in this monkey forest and those are existing surround the forest and it is estimated built in the middle of 14 century, in the early governance of Gelgel dynasty. Dalem Agung Temple is located in northwest from the forest represent the existence of most important temples. Beside of two others, that are Permandian Temple, in Westside from this forest and Prajapati Temple which is located in south-east side where the place of Dewa Siwa (Siwa God), one of the Khayangan Temple in Padang Tegal Village.

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Thursday, September 22, 2011


BUSINESS Europe to face G20 heat on euro crisis response Reuters

WASHIN TON - urope will come under heavy pressure this week to stem its deepening GHEW FULVLV EXW WDONV DPRQJ WKH VHOI SURFODLPHG JXDUGLDQV RI JOREDO ÂżQDQFH DUH XQOLNHO\ WR \LHOG bold action. Spreading fears about a Greek debt default and contagion to larger economies in the euro zone have raised alarm in the United States and among emerging market heavyweights about the risk of a potentially major shock to an ailing global economy. At talks among the Group of 2O major economies and at the International Monetary Fund in Washington, the United States and big emerging economies such as China, Brazil and India are likely to join the IMF and call on Europe to be more decisive. But with U.S. political leaders GLYLGHG RQ KRZ WR Âż[ WKHLU RZQ economic problems and no sign of consensus among the so-called BRICS emerging economies on how to help, the chances of a new approach to righting the global economy look slim. “The G2 , all it can do is to provide some peer pressure on the Europeans, to sensitize the Europeans to the huge scope for spillover that the euro crisis is already having,â€? said Domenico Lombardi, a IRUPHU ,0) RIÂżFLDO DQG D VHQLRU fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington. “We should not expect any type of international response along the lines we saw at the height of the ÂżQDQFLDO FULVLV ´ The meeting is the third gathering of finance chiefs in three weeks, after G7 and EU ministers made little headway in tackling the crisis during each of the last two weekends. Underscoring the gravity of the situation, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner attended both. He ZDV UHFHLYHG FRROO\ E\ (8 RIÂżFLDOV meeting in Poland, when, according to participants, he urged wealthier states -- in particular Germany -- to do more to support growth and suggested leveraging euro-zone bailout funds to give them more clout. European ministers continue to say that belt-tightening remains WKHLU SULRULW\ *HUPDQ RIÂżFLDOV RQ Tuesday said they will stress the QHHG WR FXW GHÂżFLWV DW WKLV ZHHNÂśV

talks. The EU intends to shift the spotlight elsewhere. It will call on China to boost domestic demand and the United States and Japan to tackle WKHLU SXEOLF GHÂżFLWV DFFRUGLQJ WR D document obtained by Reuters. This would help rebalance global growth, the EU said -- a key agenda item for the G2 since it emerged as the premier economic policy IRUXP GXULQJ WKH ÂżQDQcial crisis. Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty on Tuesday expressed frustration at Europe’s slow pace in dealing with the crisis and called on RIÂżFLDOV WR HQVXUH (XURSHDQ EDQNV are adequately capitalized. “There’s risk and there’s increased risk the longer this matter is delayed. We’ve been talking about Greece since January 2 1 and the euro zone has not yet brought the matter to a conclusion,â€? Flaherty told reporters in Ottawa. +H VDLG &DQDGD KDG ÂżVFDO URRP to maneuver, but would open its coffers for new stimulus only if hit by an external shock. Ministers will have little time at the G2 meeting to make their points as the agenda is largely devoted to development issues, with just a dinner on Thursday earmarked for discussion of threats to the global economy. The only G2 statement is expected to come on Friday after a meeting on climate change, sustainable agriculture and infraVWUXFWXUH ÂżQDQFLQJ LQ GHYHORSLQJ economies. “It would be unjust to say that the G2 did not reach agreement on the euro zone crisis at this meeting, because that is not the point,â€? said a source from G2 host France. Talks about the euro crisis are expected to spill over into the weekend’s meetings of the IMF and the World Bank. With Italy slapped with a debt downgrade on Monday and the IMF warning that Europe and the United States could slip back into recession, concerns over the immediate outlook for the global economy

are likely to take precedence over longer-term goals on reducing trade imbalances. The IMF on Tuesday warned Europe it needed to move fast. “There is a wide perception that policymakers are one step behind markets,â€? IMF chief economist Olivier Blanchard told reporters. “Europe must get its act together,â€? he added. Some investors are anxious to see signs of fresh action by policymakers. “I think it’s going to necessitate some sort of action by the G2 this weekend,â€? said Kathy Lien, director of currency research at GFT, shortly after Italy’s downgrade. The talks in Washington offer a forum to emerging markets to weigh in on the debate. The so called BRICS group -- Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa -- will meet separately on Thursday to discuss possible options to limit fallout from the euro-zone crisis. The United States has long urged China and other emerging nations to boost domestic demand and let their currencies rise to take up some of the slack in the global economy. Brazil is expected to propose that it and other developing economies make new funds available to the ,0) DV D ZD\ WR LPSURYH LWV ÂżUHpower to ease the euro zone crisis. But analysts expect little agreePHQW RQ VSHFLÂżFV DPRQJ WKH HPHUJing heavyweights. “The BRICS in particular are likely to make a strong statement about how Europe needs to resolve its crisis soon because they fear the negative effects of more troubles from Europe,â€? said Eswar Prasad, a IRUPHU ,0) RIÂżFLDO ZKR LV D SURIHVsor at Cornell University. “I suspect they are unwilling to put up any serious money for this,â€? he said. The Washington talks come about three weeks ahead of another G2 ministerial meeting in Paris. It ZLOO DLP WR ÂżQDOL]H GHWDLOV RQ D GHDO WR UHGXFH JOREDO WUDGH DQG ÂżQDQFLDO imbalances ahead of a G2O leaders summit in November.

Fed looks set to ease policy pronounced slowdown globally,â€? TD Securities WASHINGTON - The economist Eric Green said. Federal Reserve on Wednes- “In this environment the day looks set to launch a Fed will remain in crisis fresh effort to invigorate management mode.â€? The International Monthe faltering U.S. recovery, embarking on what could etary Fund warned on Tuesbe the first in a series of day that the United States incremental steps to foster could fall back into recession if the government stronger growth. The central bank appears tightened its budget too likely to try to push long- quickly. As part of its policy preterm borrowing costs lowscription, it recommended er by rebalancing its 2. trillion portfolio of bond the Fed consider a further holdings to weight it more easing of monetary policy as heavily to longer-term se- long as there was no sign an LQĂ€DWLRQDU\ SV\FKRORJ\ ZDV curities. Such a move that would taking root. The Fed has already emĂ€\ LQ WKH IDFH RI 5HSXEOLFDQ objections to Fed activism. barked far down one of the Top GOP congressional most aggressive monetary leaders wrote to Fed Chair- easing paths on record. It man Ben Bernanke this cut overnight interest rates week urging the central to near zero in December and then moved to bank to desist from further 2 economic interventions, more than triple its balance echoing criticism voiced sheet to 2. trillion through by Republican presidential a series of bond purchases. After its last meeting on candidates in recent weeks. Fed officials, however, August , the Fed said it believe that by shifting their expected to hold rates at bond holdings they could rock-bottom levels at least encourage mortgage refi- through the middle of 2 13, nancing and push investors a decision that drew three into riskier assets, such as dissenting votes. Critics claim the eascorporate bonds and stocks, without stoking a run-up in ing campaign has failed to produce results and warn it consumer prices. Members of the Fed’s FRXOG EDFNÂżUH DQG DFWXDOO\ policy-setting committee cause damage. “We have serious conare expected to announce their decision at about 2 15 cerns that further intervenp.m. at the conclusion of a tion by the Federal Reserve could exacerbate current two-day meeting. Faced with a lofty .1 problems or further harm percent unemployment the U.S. economy,â€? Repubrate, consumer and busi- lican congressional leaders ness confidence sapped wrote in the letter to Berby a troubling U.S. credit nanke, which they released downgrade, and an escalat- on Tuesday. The central bank’s poliing sovereign debt crisis in (XURSH )HG RIÂżFLDOV KDYH cies have become a topic on signaled they would seek the presidential campaign to prevent already sluggish trail, as well. Texas Governor Rick U.S. growth from weakenPerry, a leading Republican ing further. The economy grew at candidate, said any further less than a 1 percent annual Fed money printing would rate over the first half of be “almost treacherous, the year and analysts have treasonous,â€? and his prinwarned of a heightened risk cipal GOP rival, former Massachusetts Governor of recession. “The U.S. recovery has Mitt Romney, said he would now demonstrated a re- replace Bernanke, a Renewed loss of momentum, SXEOLFDQ ÂżUVW DSSRLQWHG E\ one now joined by a more President George W. Bush. Reuters


Thursday, September 22, 2011



Kutcher sets sitcom record Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK — Both Ashton Kutcher and Charlie Sheen have something to brag about during their big nights on television. Kutcher’s debut as Sheen’s replacement in the CBS sitcom “Two and a Half Men” was seen by 28.7 million people on Monday. The Nielsen Co. said Tuesday that was more than any other episode in the show’s first eight seasons, when Sheen was the star. The sitcom’s previous best came in May 2005 following the final episode of “Everybody Loves Raymond.” Meanwhile, Sheen appeared Monday as the “victim” of a Comedy Central roast that reached 6.4 million people. That is the second most-watched telecast in the cable network’s history, behind only Jeff Dunham’s holiday special in 2008. The season-opening episode of “Two and a Half Men,” television’s most popular comedy, was much anticipated. Producers kept it a secret how they would kill off Sheen’s character and introduce Kutcher’s. Sheen had been fired from the show last season for drug use and erratic behavior. He launched a weekslong tirade against his bosses, including show creator Chuck Lorre, and Lorre got revenge in Monday’s episode. Sheen’s Charlie Harper character was killed when he was hit by a subway train in Paris. Meanwhile, Kutcher appeared as an Internet billionaire unsuccessful in a suicide attempt over a crumbled relationship. He fell right into the show’s randy ways, picking up two women during a bar visit that same night. The success of “Two and a Half Men” gave a boost to the premiere of CBS’ new comedy “2 Broke Girls” that followed it. That show had an audience of 19.4 million, the largest audience for a fall sitcom premiere since “Inside Schwartz” a decade ago. The veteran CBS comedy “How I Met Your Mother” had its best season premiere numbers. By contrast, the season premiere of “Hawaii Five-0” had a relatively modest audience of 12 million.

AP Photo/CBS, Danny Feld

In this image released by CBS, Jon Cryer portrays Alan Harper, left, and Ashton Kutcher portrays Walden Schmidt in Kutcher’s debut on the CBS comedy “Two and a Half Men,” which aired Monday, Sept. 19, 2011.

Jagger unsure if the Stones &HQW VLJQV RQ WR $ODVND VHULDO PXUGHUHU ‫ۋ‬OP of an anniversary tour Associated Press Writer

Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK — Rumors of a Rolling Stones 50th anniversary tour have been floating around for months. But if they’re true, Mick Jagger isn’t saying. “I have no idea if there is going to be a tour,” the Stones frontman said during an interview on Monday. “We haven’t really discussed it. We are talking about if next year is the 50th anniversary, sort of. It depends where you are counting from.” Jagger joked that this may not be the golden anniversary for the band, since drummer Charlie Watts was with another group when the Stones first formed. “I say to Charlie, ‘I looked up the 50th anniversary of the Rolling Stones and you were not playing the drums ... That is so sad that you can’t be in the 50th anniversary, Charlie, because you were not there on the date which was July or whenever it was,’” AP Photo/Carlo Allegri, file FILE - In this Feb. 27, 2011 file photo, Mick Jagger said, laughing. Jagger of the Rolling Stones, arrives at The Stones finished the Vanity Fair Oscar Party at the Sunset their last tour in 2007. Tower in Los Angeles.

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Rap star 50 Cent has signed on to play a pimp in a movie detailing Alaska’s infamous serial killer, Robert Hansen. The Anchorage Daily News reports (http://bit.ly/pLfb7T) Curtis Jackson, the performer’s real name, has been

cast for “Frozen Ground.” Academy Award-winning actor Nicolas Cage will star in the movie detailing the police investigation of Hansen, who preyed on prostitutes and strippers in the 1970s and early ‘80s in Anchorage. Hansen confessed to killing 17 women; some he let loose in the Alaska wilderness and

Paris Hilton ‫ۋ‬QLVKHV SUREDWLRQ in Vegas drug case Associated Press Writer

LAS VEGAS — Paris Hilton is wrapping up a year of probation stemming from a 2010 drug arrest on the Las Vegas Strip. Officials say Hilton’s attorneys appeared in court Tuesday on the 30-year-old celebrity socialite’s behalf to show Hilton had completed her obligations to the court. She had to pay a $2,000 fine and serve 200 hours of community service in addition to probation. Hilton pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges of drug possession and obstructing an officer after police pulled over her and her then-boyfriend on Aug. 26, 2010. Police say they detected a “vapor trail” of marijuana smoke wafting from the couple’s vehicle. Hilton was arrested when a bag containing 0.8 of a gram of cocaine fell from her purse as she reached for lip balm in front of an officer.

hunted. Cage will play an Alaska State Trooper who investigated the murders. John Cusack will play Hansen, and Vanessa Hudgens, of “High School Musical” fame, will play a victim who escaped. Filming is scheduled to start in Anchorage in October.





A man cycles past a damaged house following an earthquake at Bhaktapur, some 12 kilometres southeast of Kathmandu.

With rescue work still under way in Nepal after the deadly earthquake in the Himalayas, scientists have warned that the capital Kathmandu is a high-risk city unprepared for the next “Big One”. Experts say Kathmandu is one of the most vulnerable cities in the world with an overdue earthquake predicted to kill tens of thousands of people and leave survivors cut off from international aid. British geologist Dave Petley described the latest tremor, which killed eight people in Nepal, as a “wake-up call” for the overcrowded capital, home to two million people and connected to the outside world by just three roads and one airport runway. “The main area of concern is in central and west Nepal, where there has not been a large earthquake for a long period,” Petley told AFP after Sunday’s 6.9-magnitude quake damaged hundreds of homes in the east of the country. “This is an earthquake-prone area, so this suggests that there is a large amount of energy stored,” he said. Nepal is a highly seismic re-

gion, lying above the collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates that created the Himalayas, and major earthquakes have hit the Kathmandu Valley every 75 years on average over recent centuries. One quake destroyed a quarter of homes in Kathmandu 77 years ago, and geologists believe the area is at immediate risk of an 8.0-magnitude tremor -- ten times the size of last year’s Haiti quake which killed more than 225,000 people. Downtown Kathmandu is a maze of narrow, winding roads where rickshaws and cars jostle with cows to squeeze past dilapidated clay, brick and timber houses. “The


Spooky theory, leukemia drugs top Nobel tips: Thomson Reuters

Nepal capital tops quake risk list

Agence France Presse

Thursday, September 22, 2011

building stock is not seismically strengthened, suggesting that in a big earthquake there will be large numbers of building collapses,” said Petley, of the Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience at Britain’s Durham University. GeoHazards International, a USbased research group, has measured the likely death toll from a quake of 6.0 magnitude or higher hitting cities in Asia and the Americas. Kathmandu topped the list of 21 cities with 69,000 potential deaths, ahead of Istanbul and New Delhi. The Kathmandu Valley has experienced rapid, uncontrolled urbanisation in the past few years and the lack of infrastructure and deeprooted poverty leave it desperately underprepared for an earthquake, experts say. Building codes are rarely enforced, few emergency drills are carried out, and the fact that Kathmandu lies on the site of a prehistoric lake filled with soft sediment also exacerbates the risk.

LONDON - Researchers who developed ground-breaking leukemia drugs, discovered dendrimers and delved into the intricacies of what Einstein dubbed “spooky action” are among Thomson Reuters 2011 top tips to win Nobel prizes for science. Nobel prediction expert David Pendlebury’s annual forecast is made using the company’s “Web of Knowledge” data on how often a scientist’s published papers are used and cited as a basis for further investigation by other researchers. “In the scientific community, citations ... can serve as another form of peer review,” said Pendlebury, a citation analyst at Thomson Reuters research services. “The more cited a scientist is, the more well-respected the author tends to be amongst his or her peers, which can be a predictor of awards like the Nobel prize.” Winners of the 2011 Nobels are due to be announced in early October and at least one of the picks from Pendlebury’s prediction list has won every year. He makes predictions for the four science prizes, not for Peace and Literature. Among Thomson Reuters fa-

vorites for the Medicine prize are three scientists from the United States -- Brian Druker, Nicholas Lydon and Charles Sawyers -who discovered and developed ground-breaking new drugs called imatinib and dasatinib for the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). So-called tyrosine kinase inhibitor drugs such as imatinib, marketed by Swiss drugmaker Novartis as Glivec or Gleevec, and dasatinib, sold by Bristol-Myers Squibb as Sprycel, have transformed treatment of CML and are credited with turning it from a fatal cancer into a manageable condition. “This was a fundamental discovery in medicine ... with a fantastic result which is often referred to in terms like ‘magic bullet’,” said Pendlebury. “It has really given a new paradigm for the treatment of cancer.” He noted that Druker, Lydon and Sawyers won the 2009 Lasker award, widely considered a good predictor of Nobel winners, for their work. “It seems to me that all things are in alignment for a Nobel prize for this discovery.”

REUTERS/Bob Strong

A general view of the Nobel award ceremony in the Concert Hall of Stockholm December 10, 2008.

Company hires adults with autism to test software Associated Press Writer

AP Photo/M. Spencer Green

In this photo taken Thursday, Sept. 8, 2011, Aspiritech co-founder Moshe Weitzberg works with employees at the nonprofit enterprise that specializes in finding software bugs, as they test a new program in Highland Park, Ill.

HIGHLAND PARK, Ill. — The software testers at Aspiritech are a collection of characters. Katie Levin talks nonstop. Brian Tozzo hates driving. Jamie Specht is bothered by bright lights, vacuum cleaners and the feel of carpeting against her skin. Rider Hallenstein draws cartoons of himself as a DeLorean sports car. Rick Alexander finds it unnerving to sit near other people. This is the unusual workforce of a U.S. startup that specializes in find-

ing software bugs by harnessing the talents of young adults with autism. Traits that make great software testers — intense focus, comfort with repetition, memory for detail — also happen to be characteristics of autism. People with Asperger’s syndrome, a mild form of autism, have normal to high intelligence and often are highly skilled with computers. Aspiritech, a nonprofit in Highland Park, Ill., nurtures these skills while forgiving the quirks that can make adults with autism unemploy-

able: social awkwardness, poor eye contact, being easily overwhelmed. The company’s name plays on the words “Asperger’s,” ‘’spirit” and “technology.” Clients, nine companies in Aspiritech’s first two years, have been pleased. “They exceeded my expectations,” said Dan Tedesco of Shelton, Conn.-based HandHold Adaptive, which took a chance on Aspiritech to test an iPhone application. “There is a pride in their product you don’t usually see in this type of work.”


Thursday, September 22, 2011



,QWHU ‍ۋ‏UH FRDFK Gasperini after ‍ۋ‏YH JDPHV Reuters

AP Photo/Jon Super

Manchester United’s Michael Owen, left, celebrates after scoring against Leeds during their English League Cup third round soccer match at Elland Road Stadium, Leeds, England, Tuesday Sept. 20, 2011.

MILAN - ,QWHU 0LODQ ÂżUHG FRDFK *LDQ 3LHUR *DVSHULQL RQ Wednesday after he managed only one draw and four defeats LQ KLV ÂżUVW ÂżYH FRPSHWLWLYH JDPHV LQ FKDUJH 7KH ÂżQDO VWUDZ was Tuesday night’s dismal performance in a 3-1 defeat at promoted Novara, who themselves had failed to win in their ÂżUVW WZR 6HULH $ RXWLQJV RI WKH VHDVRQ “The club thanks Gian Piero Gasperini for his effort he showed in developing the role, and expresses regret at the interruption of the working relationship,â€? said Inter in a statement on their website (www.inter.it). Inter added that Daniele Bernazzani and Giuseppe Baresi had taken charge of training on Wednesday morning. Gasperini, 53, is the third coach to leave Inter since the departure RI -RVH 0RXULQKR IROORZLQJ WKH WUHEOH ZLQQLQJ VHDson, the club having also parted company with Rafael Benitez and Leonardo. Ansa news agency listed Claudio Ranieri as favourite to replace him followed by Luis Figo, Delio Rossi and Walter Zenga. Gasperini had previously spent just over four seasons with Genoa, leading them out of Serie B and turning them into RQH RI WKH PRVW FRPSHWLWLYH VLGHV LQ WKH WRS Ă€LJKW However, when he was appointed at Inter critics were quick to question the fact that he had never coached any of the top clubs.

United, Arsenal advance to League Cup 4th round Associated Press Writer

LONDON — Manchester United transferred its free-scoring form to the League Cup by cruising past Leeds 3-0 in the third round on Tuesday night, while Arsenal had to come from a goal down to overwhelm fourth-tier Shrewsbury 3-1 and avoid another defeat. Former England striker Michael Owen scored twice and veteran winger Ryan Giggs added the third as a makeshift United team swept past second-tier Championship side Leeds at Elland Road. Arsenal also played its reserves and had to work much harder to make the fourth round after slipping behind to James Collins’ shock 16th-minute goal for visiting Shrewsbury. Defeat to a team three divisions lower would have piled more pressure on Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger after his team’s dreadful start. However, left back Kieran Gibbs equalized with a far-post

header before halftime and second-half goals by the impressive Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Israel captain Yossi Benayoun eased the gloom around Emirates Stadium. “It was a bit nervy because we played against a good side,â€? Wenger said. “But in the second half, we took over and it was all us.â€? On a night devoid of any real upsets, Stoke defeated Tottenham 7-6 on penalties after the PDWFK ÂżQLVKHG IROORZLQJ extra time while Bolton beat $VWRQ 9LOOD DZD\ LQ DQRWKer all-Premier League match. American midfielder Stuart Holden played the entire game

IRU %ROWRQ KLV ÂżUVW DSSHDUDQFH since a knee injury in March sustained during a challenge by Man United defender Jonny Evans. “Considering Stuart has been out for so long after an horrendous injury, for him to play with such intensity and at the level he did tonight was great,â€? Bolton manager Owen Coyle said. Newcastle, fourth in the Premier League, needed extra time before seeing off second-tier Nottingham Forest 4-3. American forward Robbie Findley scored his third goal of the competition and fourth overall this season for Forest.

AP Photo/Luca Bruno

In this picture taken Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2011, Inter Milan coach Gian Piero Gasperini reacts during a Serie A soccer match between Novara and Inter Milan at the Piola stadium in Novara, Italy.



Thursday, September 22, 2011



N W OR — $W ÂżUVW $QWRQLR 0DUJDULWR MXVW WKRXJKW LW ZDV D JRRG VKRW E\ 0DQQ\ 3DFTXLDR DQG KLV H\H ZDV PHUHO\ VZHOOLQJ 7KHQ KH OHDUQHG DIWHU WKH GHIHDW in November he had a fractured RUELWDO ERQH Âł, QHYHU WKRXJKW LW ZDV going to be a career-threatening injury until I was told in the hospital , KDG WR KDYH VXUJHU\ ´ WKH 7LMXDQD 7RUQDGR VDLG WKURXJK D WUDQVODWRU Âł7KDWÂśV ZKHQ LW DOO VWDUWHG VLQNLQJ in that my career might come to DQ HQG ´ ,W GLGQÂśW DQG 0DUJDULWR UHWXUQV WR WKH ULQJ 'HF LQ D UHPDWFK DJDLQVW 0LJXHO &RWWR IRU WKH 3XHUWR 5LFDQ VWDUÂśV :%$ VXSHU ZHOWHUZHLJKW WLWOH DW 0DGLVRQ 6TXDUH *DUGHQ 7KH \HDU ROG IRUPHU ZHOterweight champion considered retirement after the surgery to repair the fracture and another proFHGXUH DERXW ò PRQWKV DJR WR Âż[ D FDWDUDFW FDXVHG E\ WKH EORZ %XW he was assured by doctors he could VWLOO ÂżJKW +H VWLOO FDQÂśW VKDNH WDON about what happened in January

ZKHQ 0DUJDULWR ZDV IRXQG WR have a plaster-like substance in his hand wraps before a loss to Shane 0RVOH\ $W D QHZV FRQIHUHQFH LQ 0DQKDWWDQ RQ 7XHVGD\ WR SURPRWH WKHLU bout, Cotto showed reporters a SKRWR RQ KLV SKRQH RI 0DUJDULWRÂśV KDQGV DIWHU WKHLU ÂżJKW WKDW KH VXJJHVWHG UHYHDOHG DQ LPSURSHU ZUDS 0DUJDULWR LQVLVWHG \HW DJDLQ WKDW Âł,ÂśYH DOZD\V IRXJKW FOHDQ ´ Âł$IWHU I beat him, everybody’s going to VHH WKDW ´ 0DUJDULWR VDLG 0DUJDULWR VWRSSHG &RWWR LQ WKH WK URXQG LQ D URXVLQJ ÂżJKW LQ -XO\ WR ZLQ WKH :%$ ZHOWHUZHLJKW WLWOH 6LQFH WKHQ ERWK KDYH EHHQ EDWWHUHG E\ 3DFTXLDR DQG 0DUJDULWR PLVVHG PRUH WKDQ D year because of the hand-wrapping VFDQGDO 3URPRWHU %RE $UXP RIIHUHG XS a complicated plan to ensure both ER[HUVÂś ZUDSV ZHUH OHJDO EHIRUH WKH 'HFHPEHU ERXW 1HZ <RUN State Athletic Commission chairZRPDQ 0HOYLQD /DWKDQ VDLG VKH ZDV FRQÂżGHQW KHU LQVSHFWRUV FRXOG AP Photo/ Marko Drobnjakovic VHFXUH D FOHDQ ÂżJKW ZLWKRXW H[WUD Juan Martin Del Potro of Argentina reacts after winning the ďŹ rst set during his World Group SUHFDXWLRQV Davis Cup semiďŹ nals tennis match against Novak Djokovic of Serbia in Belgrade, Serbia, Sunday, Sept. 18, 2011.

'HO 3RWUR FRQ‍ۋ‏GHQW of Spanish Davis Cup upset Agence France Presse

-XDQ 0DUWLQ GHO 3RWUR H[SUHVVHG KLV FRQÂżGHQFH RQ 7XHVGD\ WKDW $UJHQWLQD FRXOG ÂłVWULNH D EORZ´ DJDLQVW WKH 5DIDHO 1DGDO LQVSLUHG 6SDQLVK ZKHQ WKH WZR VLGHV PHHW LQ WKH 'DYLV &XS ÂżQDOV LQ 'HFHPEHU 'HO 3RWUR UDQNHG WK ZRQ ERWK KLV VLQJOHV UXEEHUV WR KHOS $UJHQWLQD WR D Spain have won all three of their previous meetings with Argentina including the last time the two nations met in the ÂżQDO LQ 0DU GHO 3ODWD LQ “Now we’re heading to brick GXVW ´ VDLG GHO 3RWUR RI WKH WLH RQ FOD\ Âł1DGDO LV WKH NLQJ there and it’s going to be very FRPSOLFDWHG AP Photo/Ricardo Arduengo Âł%XW ÂżQDOV DUH DOZD\V GLIIHUReigning WBA Super Welterweight Champion, Miguel Cotto, ent and special, hopefully we’ll left, of Puerto Rico and boxer Antonio Margarito, from Mexico, all arrive in top form and will pose for pictures during a press conference in San Juan, have four players of a high level Puerto Rico, Monday, Sept. 19, 2011. WR IDFH 6SDLQ Âł7KH\ 6SDLQ DUH

the favourites, but if we go in ZLWK D ORZ SURÂżOH DQG D JRRG attitude this time we’ll get a JRRG UHVXOW :H ZHQW WR 6HUELD as well to cause an upset and ZH VWUXFN KDUG +RSHIXOO\ ZH FDQ UHSHDW WKLV ´ 'HO 3RWUR VFRUHG WKH ZLQQLQJ point on Sunday when world number one Novak Djokovic retired injured while trailing WKH 6RXWK $PHULFDQ David Nalbandian and Del 3otro won the opening day’s

rubbers although doubles duo Juan Ignacio Chela and Juan 0RQDFR ORVW WKHLU WLH 6HUE -DQNR 7LSVDUHYLF ZRQ WKH ÂżQDO GHDG UXEEHU ZKHQ 0RQDFR UHWLUHG 'HO 3RWUR DGGHG Âł7KH GRXEOHV is the point that we’re going to KDYH WR ZRUN PRVW RQ ´ ,W ZLOO EH WKH IRXUWK ÂżQDO for Argentina who have never OLIWHG WKH WLWOH 6SDLQ KDYH dominated over the last deFDGH ZLQQLQJ LQ DQG DQG KDYH QRW ORVW DW KRPH VLQFH




Thursday, September 22, 2011

McLaren not downbeat about 2011 season McLaren has not been subdued by its struggles to compete with Red Bull and Sebastian Vettel this season and aims to continue the fight over the next six races. Jenson Button and Lewis Hamilton lie 117 and 126 points respectively off Vettel in the drivers’ championship, while McLaren trails Red Bull by 126 points in the constructors’. Both drivers have taken two wins apiece, but have suffered their share of mistakes and misfortune, handing Vettel the chance to take his second consecutive world championship crown as early as Singapore this weekend. Managing director Jonathan Neale says that while the team is dissatisfied with that situation, it is far too early to stop development of the 2011 car and says the next six

races present six more ‘opportunities to win.’ “We sit here having amassed a number of race wins, having put up at times a very creditable fight and we continue to do that until the end of the season,” Neale explained during a Vodafone phone-in. “Of course we would very much like to be where Vettel finds himself at the moment, and we look to ourselves to do a better job, because we are not satisfied which coming runners-up. “We are not in any way disheartened, downbeat or anything other than determined to win races before now and next year, however. “We’re looking at it as six more races though, and six more opportunities to win. Winning is why we are here, races as well

as championships, and its too early for us to bail out completely.” With Ferrari saying its 2011 struggles meant resources were almost exclusively being switched to 2012, Neale said McLaren would also switch some resources, but would continue to work on the 2011 challenger in the belief it would also prove beneficial for next year. “We’re determined to start next year with a car that’s quick and reliable from the outset,” he said. “Of course the emphasis in the team is starting to move out of necessity: with a long race season that goes until the end of November it is just not possible to put 100% of your resource onto the programme for this year without doing something for next year.

AP Photo/Antonio Calanni

British driver Jenson Button steers his McLaren Mercedes during the Italian Formula One Grand Prix at the Monza racetrack, in Monza, Italy, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2011. Button finished in second place.

Stoner promises to keep o n pushing Casey Stoner says he will keep pushing to win grands prix until the end of the MotoGP season despite his massive points lead. With a 44point cushion over title rival Jorge Lorenzo with only four rounds to go, a third place in each of the remaining races would be sufficient to secure Stoner’s second world crown and the first for a Honda rider since Nicky Hayden in 2006. But Stoner insisted there was no room for complacency and said he was focused on adding to his tally of eight wins this year. “It’s a really healthy situation at this moment, but anything can happen,” he said. “Jorge’s there week in, week out. If we make any mistake he’s going to pounce on that. “But like this weekend [at Aragon], we’ll be going out there to try and win. We’re not going to just settle for positions

to try and get points. We want a little bit more than that. It can change around very quickly.” Stoner cannot clinch the title until his home grand prix at Phillip Island on 16 October at the earliest - but he could move a big step closer by winning Honda’s home race at Motegi in a fortnight. The Japanese manufacturer has not won in MotoGP on its home turf since 2004, but Stoner triumphed there for

Ducati in 2010 after a long battle with Honda’s Andrea Dovizioso. “We had a fantastic race there last year, probably one of my best, in my opinion,” said Stoner. “It was a hard race to win.” Last year Dani Pedrosa was sidelined by a shoulder injury sustained in a practice crash and Lorenzo was already protecting a large championship lead by Japan, so Stoner expects tougher competition at Motegi this time. “I think this year with the Honda we should be more competitive, but Dani’s going to be there this year, Jorge’s not defending a championship [lead] at all,” he said. “They’re both going to be attacking for sure.”

AP Photo/Paul White

MotoGP Honda rider Casey Stoner of Australia does a wheelie as he crosses the finish line to win the MotoGP race at the Aragon Grand Prix at the Motorland racetrack in Alcaniz, Spain Sunday Sept. 18, 2011.

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