We went to Home Depot. I picked out my favorite color which is light blue And then we picked out some other colors Then we picked out some paintbrushes, you know, the right tool for the job. And then on each table, I helped
different volunteers. Then it got finished. We stayed open for Martin Luther King Day Everybody enjoyed themselves. My favorite part was staying out of the house, and it was a lot more quieter that day
Reflections and Stories from the Members of Envision UnlimitedENVISION UNLIMITED
I did the sign. It was pretty good. I came up here to paint. It was pretty nice We had Chipotle and it was real nice The people nice A lot of people I know They were volunteers They were helping painting They wanted to. Martin Luther King, he was a famous Black guy. He was younger than my daddy. He was an American man. He was civil rights, Civil War. The volunteers were here because of Martin Luther King's birthday He was a Black man like my father And his wife was named Rosa Park King She was a
Black American lady My mom was a young Black lady like she was before she got sick I paint them letter over there "Envision Westtown " It's going outside It's going to be on the gate It was terrific I'm glad I got out to be doing something!
The dophin in the water Dolphin jumped up in the air The seal put the fish in its mouth. I enjoyed it. See the tail. Alligator. Big fish. Big, real big. Whiskers. The fish in the water. Snake in the water Eel Walking Grilled cheese, fries, and diet.
By Jamie P.A woman seat down at the sky by swing at the moon she looking up stare at the stars she thinking . something her mind she close her eyes slowly by the moon at the swing back and forth take her breath away .
By Lucy P.It was real nice at Olive Garden. That was my birthday. It was good. I got a salad, gave me a little lasagna, I had a little drink, I had brownies, I had coffee. We talked a little. We had cream cheese cake Plus, I had cream cheese cake Sunday Plus I had cheese cake at Olive Garden I had cream cheese cake, strawberries I had a thing of coffee Girl be taking me to Golden Corral at my house. I should have her drop me off at my house so I don't have to take the bus! I went in the office, told Caroline we wanted to plan Olive Garden. We sat in the office, planned it. Like next Monday, we
gonna plan to go to Hibachi And she said we might plan it for March March or April I told her real soon I might have to go on a diet All that cream cheese cake I had a good birthday I'm 66 It was nice celebrating my birthday Sunday I had a nice time at the comedy show
By Ruth M.It was nice. I saw the whales. Otter. I took this picture. Dolphin. Penguin. The white whale. This is jelly fish. This is sea horse. The starfish. Turtle. Alligator. The turtle. Eel. I saw a shark. I saw a sting ray.
By Sophia F.The aquarium was nice I saw the little fishes, and I like it And I saw the big fish The big fishes The big fishes were my favorite because they swim in the water I hang out with Nikki She's cool
By Columbo (Charles A.)I like the cast. I like Stalag 13, their home base. I like the episode, "I Look Better in Basic Black" where they wear dresses because it's funny. I like Kinchloe because he does the radio. I like Newkirk. He's in Family Feud. I like LeBeau He's married He's a doctor I like Bob, my favorite pilot. I like Schultz. John Banner is Schultz. He eats cake. It's called struedel. I like his beard. He was married to Renee Christine Gemenne Muhr. Klink plays
the violin. I like his outfit. I like his medals. Klink wrote a book, Peter and the Wolf. I like his monocle. I like Hilda. She's a secretary for Klink. I like the dogs in there. I like General Bulkhalter. I like Bulkhalter's outfit. It's different, it's nice. I like his jackets. I like all his medals He has a sister, Gertrude I like Gertrude's clothes I like the cast I like the theme music. I like the dogs. They're cute. They train them dogs to protect them at camp from escaping from Stalag 13. They bark. I like Bob Krane. He has a flight group. I want to say "Happy Holidays" to the cast I like the camp I like Colornel Crittendon. I like his scarf. He was in the Monsters movie. I want to send this article to the cast for the holidays. I like the cars.
By Columbo (Charles A.)I like the cast. I like the scenery. I like He-Man. I like the Sorceress. I like the horse. I like the Castle Grayskull. I love the family, king and queen. I like Battle Cat. They call him Cringer. I like the family. I like Skeletor and Hordak. I like the castles. I like the family reunion. I like the costumes. I like the cast. I like the scenery. I like the mother in there. I like Bow. He's the one with the arrow I like the birds I like the cast I like the family I like the horse, Swift Wind I like when he finds She-Ra I like all the castles in there I like the mother I like the video. I like the sword when he does this, holds up to it. I
like when he finds He-Man in the cage. I like when she calls He-Man to the Castle Grayskull. I like Battle Cat I love the Sorceress I like Oracle, the magician I like the music video to it I like the ending to it I love the ending to the movie Happy New Year to the show
I saw it last night. It was good. I like the cast. Courtney Cox is in there I like Skeletor I like his staff, his stick He has a big army They use laser guns in there I like the Sorceress I like the car I like Oracle He's magic I like the castle I like the city I like the theme music to it I like the sword I like the costume I like the weapons I like the producer of the show. He-Man's parents are the King and Queen. I like Battle Cat. I like all of them. I like the school. I like his uncle. I like the food in there, from the restaurants in the movie. They eat chicken, and there's a cow in the movie! I like Evil-Lyn. She's pregnant in the movie. Happy Holidays to the cast.
By Mona T.These people are living on the street with nobody to take care of them or give everyone else love center their is a lot down under a lot of bridges sleeping in tents on beds during the winter season. The storm on a cold storm night, kids shivering all through everyday It break my heart to see they don't have a place to go or a pot to piss in. I find people without any legs or walking. I really try to go off the streets and into a homelses shelter for them to live in. Others are in wheelchairs and are suffering without any food or water. Now I see it as beacon of hope for one day to let every homeless shelter there