Envision Unlimited 2021 Annual Report

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2021 annual report

Reimagining Independence

Adventures and Expeditions

Front Cover: Envision member Noemi enjoys the imaginative Van Gogh Immersive Experience, one of the 2021 Adventures and Expeditions shared by our members.

Board of Directors

Dan Durbin, Chair

Julie Dreixler, Vice-Chair

Mark Jak, Vice-Chair

Brittany Scott Nanry, Treasurer

Chrisonia Butler, Secretary

Heather Nornes, Immediate Past Chair

Jon S. Bilton

Kate Caldwell, PhD

Becky Carroll

Ryan C. Green

L Justin Harris

Mark Jackson

Fernard (Robert) Kenniel

Lawrence Kipperman

Niamh Kristufek

Mary K Krupka

Ashvin Lad

John F. Lemker

Lori Marin

Ed Mullen

Dennis O’Malley

Dorothy O’Malley

Dan Proft

Sarah C. Rassey

Zernul Shackelford, Jr.

Brian Snell

Mohib Yousufani

Mark McHugh

President and CEO

Associate Board

Katherine Bagnowski

Keirstin McCambridge

Sarah Morse

Alyssa Poniatowski

Colleen Raleigh

Simone Schwartz

Lars Skarford

Sylvia Wtorkowski

Kenzie Hunt, Staff Liaison

Executive Team

Mark McHugh

President and CEO

Bishal Maskey

Chief Financial Officer

Betty Jackson

Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer

Marty Kenahan

Chief Development Officer

Paul Selden

Chief Strategy Officer

Colleen Rosa

Senior Vice President, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) Services

Jean Xoubi

Senior Vice President, Mental Health and Business Development

Donna Ennis

Vice President, Community Living, Home-Based and In-Home Respite Services

Susan Gardner

Vice President, Day and Employment Services

Daniel Kennedy

Director of Property Management

Robert Kowalski

Director of Human Resources

Angela Isit

Director of Quality Assurance

Chrisonia Butler

Director of Board Affairs

We Thank Our Heroes

Donna Ennis

Henrietta Okonta

Anthony Bennett

Erika Wright

Gabriela Karteir

Jason Whitmer

Jimmy Sanchez

Monika Neuland-Thomas

David Pufundt

Dasheka Moore

Yolanda Battle, RN

Dan Kennedy



#EnvisionProud. We frequently use this hashtag in reaction to Envision Unlimited’s accomplishments during the pandemic. We are immensely proud that the Board of Directors’ plans and investments, leveraged by an adept and passionate management team and a committed and caring staff, has led to our resilient emergence from a shocking global pandemic and lockdown.

We could not have predicted such an extreme event. We also did not realize that our standard preparedness level and commitment to protect and support the Envision members and staff in our community homes, day centers, and mental health programs would inspire us to be resilient through the worst weeks of the pandemic.

Our management and staff could have spent the remaining months of FY 2021 just maintaining our high level of service. Instead, they actively searched for new challenges to conquer. And they reimagined new ways to serve. Thanks to their passion, we now deliver more flexible, accessible, innovative, and responsive programs for individuals with disabilities than we have in our 73-year history.

We have learned that we can keep the pandemic on our radar without allowing it to change our trajectory. For example, Envision is now delivering training and therapy to children in their familiar home surroundings or conveniently online. We also have implemented the Illinois Department of Human Services’ multidisciplinary Acute Community Treatment/Community Support Team approach that enables individuals with acute mental illness to receive the services they need without isolating them from their communities. We even help them find and maintain employment.

Are we #EnvisionProud? Yes! We are excited that reimagining Envision is giving more people with disabilities the chance to reimagine their lives.

It would not have been possible without your support. On behalf of the Board, I extend our heartfelt thanks.

Warmest regards, Chairman of the Board

Board Chair Dan Durbin joins Envision Media Club members and staff during our month-long InMotion for Envision fitness challenge.

Who doesn’t remember their first time riding a two-wheel bike? You probably were nervous—and the handlebars were wobbly. After all, you had never done this, so someone held onto the rear of the bike to keep you steady while you persevered.

Before you knew it, you were coasting down the sidewalk. You turned around to brag about how well you were doing—and no one was there! You had been pedaling in a straight line without training wheels, and you were picking up speed.

For Envision Unlimited, this past year was much the same experience. We had never encountered anything as alarming as a pandemic or its accompanying lockdowns. Yet, there we were, making all the necessary adjustments not only to power through several phases of it, but to reimagine a new normal on

our terms. We designed new programs that made inclusion a more tangible experience for our members, as you’ll see in this report. Some of them were in conjunction with community partners who were eager to engage more deeply with our programs and members.

While we do not invite adversity, we found a silver lining that made us stronger and more resourceful. It brought us together for the common good. And, as we have learned during the past year, it can inspire us to reimagine an even greater Envision Unlimited tomorrow than we created today.

Thank you for joining us on this thrilling ride!


Envision members Jenny O and Phoebe exercise with President and CEO Mark McHugh during our reimagined fitness fundraiser, InMotion for Envision.


Community Day Services,

Around the world, many struggled to adjust to the realities of a global pandemic. But in the Envision Unlimited universe, we saw an opportunity to reimagine, reinvent, and reshape our community day services offerings. The changes we created are not only dramatic; they are engaging and popular. Our new Adventures, Expeditions, and Neighbors programs give our members more choices, more independence, and enables them to be integrated into the community more organically than ever before.

This “new normal” in our Community Day Services reinforces our mission, sharpens our vision, and our staff and members love it!

• Members attend social or cultural outings in addition to those initiated by their day programs.

• Outings can occur in the evenings or during weekends anywhere in the city.

• Outings are planned by members and enable them to meet with friends, like others their age.

• They choose a meeting place—and arrive and depart independently rather than as a group.

• Members visit each other’s communities and discover what makes them unique.

• The program also encourages members to explore their own communities, meet small business owners and workers.

Adventures Unlimited Expedition Model Neighbors Program MORE Choices MORE Independence MORE Inclusion

Autism Therapy, and Mental Health

In 2021, we expanded our autism treatment services to children between the ages of 2-17. We began delivering these vital services directly in their homes through our accredited ABA Therapy telehealth program.

We also elevated our mental health services to another level by adding telepsych (online) services and new programs for those with serious mental illness. The Acute Community Treatment (ACT) and the Community Support Team (CST) hybrid model gives clients access to mental health services close to their homes and surrounds them with 24/7-level support to manage their illness. Many are able to not only avoid hospitalization but also successfully hold jobs.

• Leverages Envision’s 70+ years experience to improve the outcomes for the growing number of children diagnosed with autism.

• Children safely receive therapy in familiar surroundings.

• Treatment and support are offered near clients’ homes.

• A multi-disciplinary team provides psycho-therapy, substance abuse treatment, psychiatry and help with housing and employment.

• Aims to decease the number of crisis episodes and help clients manage their illness, reduce symptoms and avoid hospitalization.

• Also employs a multidisciplinary team approach.

In-Home and Online ACT Program Mental Health Stronger Support CST Program Mental Health More Resilience
ABA Therapy for Children


Mental Health Client Lands a Dream Job and a Home

As a teen, Danny dreamed of being an auto mechanic. He pursued that dream at Truman College and even landed a job in the field. He quickly discovered that he really didn’t enjoy it. After experiencing symptoms of mental illness, he wanted a job that could help him manage his health needs. His employer shifted him to a janitorial role.

That worked. “It was easier and more flexible,” he said. Then Danny spotted a position online that really excited him: a janitorial role at Wrigley Field. He has worked at Wrigley for one year with the aid of Envision’s Community Support Team. He also has moved out of a group home into his own apartment.

“The goal is two-fold: resilience and recovery,” explained Jean Xoubi, Senior Vice President of Mental Health and Business Development. “Once resilient, individuals should be better able to get on and stay on the road to recovery, including holding a job and becoming self-sufficient.”

Host Family Program Delivers Warm Welcome

Within a span of four months, the two most important people in Terrill’s life were gone. His brother died in January 2021. In April, complications from Covid claimed his mother. At 51, Terrill suddenly needed a home. Envision’s Host Family Program places adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) in compatible homes. But the pandemic made it difficult to make those vital in-person connections.

The shift to virtual meetings, allowed Maggie and Jerome Harris to visit with Terrill online. The couple had fostered four teens and had previously hosted an Envision member. When Host Family Coordinator Latonia Everett told them about Terrill, they were eager to host again.

That first meeting was followed by weekend visits, and the two men quickly bonded over sports.

In late August, Terrill moved into the Harrises’ Southwest Side home. In September, he took time off from work and joined his host family for a nine-day vacation in Las Vegas, where the Harrises have property.

“Terrill is such a warm person. He just touched my heart. We just fell in love with him. I tell everybody he’s my son,” said Maggie Harris, who also has a grown daughter. “He likes helping around the house. He’s perfect in every way.”

By all accounts, this pairing was a match made in heaven—an outcome the Envision Host Family program strives to achieve. They exceeded their placement goals for 2021, despite the pandemic challenges. And they anticipate another successful year—no matter what challenges arise.




Board Director Mark Jackson, son Cole Jackson, Director Ed Mullen, and Envision member Walter G. helped kick off the 2021 InMotion for Envision fitness challenge. The monthlong event was created by 2020 Donor of the Year Tim Smith when the pandemic canceled our Bike the Drive fundraiser.

ABC 7’s Tanja Babich graciously welcomed us into her home where she hosted our first virtual gala. And world-renowned violinist Patricia Treacy chatted with us before her solo performance. Scan the QR code to see why our reimagined gala received such rave reviews.

With the help of staff, volunteers, and community partners, members produced a highly successful virtual fashion show. Scan below to enjoy “Fashion Outside the Box.”



Envision Unlimited’s balance sheet continued to improve this past year, providing the flexibility necessary to enhance programs and services which achieve our overall mission and purpose. Through determination and perseverance, we were able to achieve this despite the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

During fiscal year 2021, net assets totaled $10,609,561—an increase of $220,265 notwithstanding reduction in program fees because of the pandemic. This increase was largely driven by government support through CARES Act funding and “Reinvention” payments.

Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) services continued its strong performance along with Community Living Services and Mental Health Services while Day Program Service revenues suffered due to pandemic-driven low member attendance.

While we begin fiscal year 2022 with similar pandemic-related challenges, we are hopeful that our programs will get back on track for growth and enhanced services as COVID-19 infections diminish and we return to normalcy.

PROGRAM EXPENSES Foster Care Services $1,613,835 Mental Health Services $7,548,018 Community Day Services $7,931,763 Community Living Services $23,133,629 Other Program Services $464,807


Summary of Revenues/Expenses


$300,000 $150,000 2020 2021 TOTAL SUPPORT AND REVENUE $0 $25,000,000 $50,000,000
For the 12 months ending 6/30/2021 In whole dollars 2021 2020 YTD FY Ending 6/30/2021 6/30/2020 Actual Actual Revenues: Operational Revenue 40,439,500 35,626,582 Program fees and other revenues 3,068,257 3,284,312 Contributions 1,315,924 2,373,238 Total Support and Revenue 44,823,681 41,284,132 Expenses: 7,931,763 9,032,463 23,133,629 22,501,821 1,613,835 1,415,750 7,548,018 4,039,197 Community Day Services Community Living Services Foster Care Services Mental Health Services Other Program Services 464,807 452,132 Total Program Expenses 40,692,052 37,441,363 Management and General 3,289,494 3,121,619 Fundraising & Development 621,873 656,324 Total Expenses 44,603,419 41,219,306 Net Surplus (Deficit) 220,263 64,827 FY2021 FY2020 (Unaudited) Assets Cash & Cash Equivalents 15,840,924 6,815,325 Other Current Assets 2,433,543 3,624,884 Total Current Assets 18,274,467 10,440,209 Fixed Assets, net 7,359,077 7,533,038 Other Assets 113,735 107,735 Total Assets $25,747,279 $18,080,982 Liabilities and Net Assets Total Current Liabilities 7,853,007 6,406,867 Total Long-Term Liabilities 7,284,711 1,284,819 Total Liabilities 15,137,718 7,691,686 Total Net Assets 10,609,561 10,389,296 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $25,747,279 $18,080,982 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $30,000,000 $15,000,000 $0 $0

Reimagining with a little help from 266 Friends

Our heartfelt thanks to our 2021 volunteers—individuals and groups who were so generous with their time, attention, and compassion. You breathed life into our dreams. We deeply appreciate you.

200+ Lovely Individuals

The Ability Experience

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois

Sheree Bynum

CILA Holiday Party Hosts

Congregation of St. Joseph

Erika Gilchrist

Envision Unlimited Board of Directors

Envision Unlimited Associate Board


Graymont Medical


Chris & Christopher Eb, Liberty Plumbing

Pi Kappa Phi



Team Envision for Bike the Drive

Erika Gilchrist Christ Eb Graymont Medical

2021 Volunteer of the Year Boosted Members’ Self Esteem


beautiful. I’m beautiful. I’ve got it going on!”

The words echoed throughout Frick Center as Envision members embraced the spirit of the lyrical mantra. They were all aglow, almost dancing, after spending a few hours with former model Sheree Bynum, who was prepping them for their upcoming fashion show.

Sheree met Envision the same way so many people do: through a chance encounter with Chief Development Officer Marty Kenahan. When Sheree mentioned that she had been a model, Marty cataloged that information and kept in touch.

Fast forward two years. After discovering that Envision members wanted to stage a fashion show, Marty instantly reached out to Sheree. Just as quickly, Sheree volunteered to coach them on walking the runway.

In no time, she said, members’ enthusiasm inspired her. “They have so much energy and life, and great big smiles! And their willingness to be sassy on the runway. I didn’t have to teach them anything. They taught me!”

To reward that sass, Sheree bought and presented each model with a trophy at the dress rehearsal. Each member’s name was engraved on the trophy, along with the mantra Sheree taught them to repeat to themselves as they strutted the runway.

This memorable member-inspired and member-led fundraiser was made even more joyful because of the effervescent woman who not only believed in the members, but reminded them that they are beautiful.

Members Reimagined and Reconnected

After months of being separated from their friends, Envision members at Westtown Center were inspired to imagine how they could stay connected if they couldn’t be together. Their solution was to publish an electronic newsletter for, by and about Envision members: stories about their activities, home lives, favorite books, movies, TV shows, and even recipes.

With the encouragement and support of Westtown Center Director Hannah Lowe and journalist Ruth Lopez, their dream was realized. The initial issues were created as a Word document and emailed. On April 8, they launched their first eight-page volume online. Since then, members from other centers have contributed stories and they have published nearly 30 bi-weekly issues. The collaboration has broadened members’ circle of friends, improved their writing skills, and given them a tremendous sense of accomplishment.

Sheree (l) coaches Miss Lillie (r)

Reimagination Impacts Satisfaction Rates

Member satisfaction has always been important to us. In previous years, we were only able to sample our program participants for their feedback. This year, we were able to leverage our electronic database and conduct satisfaction surveys with every member in every program. Here are the results:

“I am so excited and proud of the dedication and vigor members put into developing Unlimited Voices,” Hannah reflected. “They’ve taken ownership of this publication and look forward to working on it each week.”

“I like putting my articles into the magazine so someone can read them all because they might like them. It’s an honor for me to write it,” said member Charles A.

“I read the newsletter and I write for it. I’m very excited to see it. It’s so crazy to see me and my friends!”

Jamie P. exclaimed.

Did you miss an issue?

Visit the Unlimited Voices online archive.

Member journalists collaborate on an issue in the Unlimited Voices “newsroom” at Envision’s Westtown Day Center.

Donors Challenged Us to Reimagine in A BIG Way

Parents Karen and Jon Cashen were concerned. The pandemic had closed their daughter Phoebe’s community day center. Without activities, adventure, and social interaction, what would she and the other members at the Center do? After all, who knew how long the pandemic lockdown would last? And what impact would it have on the well-being of Envision members?

Working with Envision President and CEO Mark McHugh and Vice President of Day and Employment Services Susan Gardner, the brainstorming began.

“We considered a variety of activities that members could engage in away from the centers,” Susan Gardner recalled. One option: As part of its inclusion activities, Envision has always encouraged members to spend more time in the community and exploring the city. Because of the expense, it wasn’t a formal program. Now, it would be.

Donor funding also strengthened Envision’s Art Studio and Van J. Voorhees Horticulture Program activities. There had been a media club, but now they had funding to produce virtual programming for members who were shut in. And they distributed iPads to members who had no technology to access that programming.

There are exercise and sign language classes. Board member Lori Marin hosts an “Arm Chair Adventure” show in which she shares photos from some of her trips to adventurous places. To socialize and meet new friends, there is even a program where members from all the centers can chat with each other over coffee.

And from fashionista Phoebe’s love for blinging purses and gently worn denim jackets was born the idea for the members to produce a runway show with a “Phoebe’s Fashions” segment.

“I think back about how this past year could have been very limiting and really depressing,” Karen Cashen reflected. “But in fact, it has not been. It has been a new way of looking at skills and talents and interests and enthusiasm. And it’s turned out to be just fine, and so I think moving forward, things will be even better!”

Phoebe teaches roommate Barbara how to decorates a jacket.

Donors Made it Possible to Reimagine

$25,000 and Above

Blue Cross Blue Shield

Karen and Jon M. Cashen Foundation for Human Development

Illlinois Council on Developmental Disabilities

Mary Kay Krupka

Teresa and Robert Lewandowski

Mission Sustainability Initiative at Forefront

PwC Charitable Foundation, Inc.


Aileen S. Andrew Foundation


Kristen and Jon Bilton

BMO Harris Bank

Jymme and Steve Chaouki

The Coleman Foundation

Congregation of St. Joseph

Dr. Scholl Foundation

Julie and John Dreixler

Nancy and Daniel Durbin

Great Computer Solutions, Inc

MUFG Union Bank

Darque Syde of D’Lyte Productions

Judy and Tim Smith

TransUnion, LLC


Becky Carroll and Jon Friend

Chicago Temple Fund

Christopher Cartwright

Elliot J. Favus

Illinois Arts Council Agency

Jack Halm and Mark Jak

Edward and Wanda Jordan Family Foundation

JP Morgan Chase & Co.

Larry Kipperman

John Lemker

Mark and Leesa McHugh

Mutual of America

Brittany and John Nanry

REI Co-op


Lorrie and William Schneider

Staub Anderson LLC


Patricia L. Arnold

Carol Barnes

Barr Charitable Trust

Beverly Bank & Trust

Paul Behrman

Kate Caldwell

Janet Caldwell

Thomas and Melanie Canale


Rita and Tony Gupta

Illinois Select Risk, LLC

Betty J. Jackson

Jewel Osco Foundation

Marty and Mike Kenahan

Niamh and Christopher Kristufek

James Moyna

Dennis O’Malley

Dorothy and Michael O’Malley

Michael A. Pizzuto

Leanne and Salvatore Oliveri

Sarah and Lou Rassey

Carolyn and Robert Redd

Paul Selden and Karen Singer

Signature Bank

UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago


Maureen Kennedy Barney

Deborah and Dennis Conway

Doubletake Promotional Marketing

Christ and Christopher Eb

Donna Ennis

Zvia and William Feigenbaum

Meg and Karl Frey

Mary and Michael Green

Ryan Green

Haven Home Staging and Redesign

Mark Jackson

Zina and Milan Jak

Barbara Johnson

Connie Knapp

Halina and Robert Kowalski

Judith and James Kranjc

Kim Kraska

Gail and Don Kraska

Mark Lewandowski

Jason Laky and Isabel Londono

Cindy Lusignan and Nancy Miller

Kristin and Roderick MacRAE

Lori and Lee Marin

Jackie and Tim Martin

Julie McGill

Ed Mullen

Heather and Randy Nornes

Paulist Fathers Old St. Mary’s Church

Marc Realty

Paul Rink

Colleen and Rafael Rosa

Nalini and Ravi Saligram

Marcia Sauzek

Jennifer and Brian Snell

Charlene and Carl Sterzel

Christa and Rox Voorhees

Whole Foods


The Adreani Foundation

Katie and Gerald Bagnowski

Emily Barr and Scott Kane

Bonnie and Brad Bates

Bess Charitable Fund

Cheryl Broadhurst

Jean Butzen

Chicago Community Trust

Jenna Countryman and Craig Roehl

Elizabeth and Rimmer Covington

Lisa and Joe Curci

Colleen Donohoe

Mary and Bradley Lee Fitzpatrick

Susan Gardner

Anastasia and John George

Pam and Richard Goldsmith

William Hackney

Sophia Hamilton

Michelle and Justin Harris

Theodore Krakowski

Philip and Kathleen Lannon

Jorie and Dan Maring

MM Impact Alpha Fund

Kristiana Moynihan

Kristina B. Norton

Rosemarie and Rosito Penera

Melissa and Mark Pignotti

Howard Schnitzer

John Schumacher

Stantec Consulting Services Inc.

Karen Pierce and Carey Weiss

Karl Stark and Kristin Wolf

Karen and Bob Strizak Giving Fund

Pat Verhoestra

Jean Xoubi

Pattie Zinski


In-Kind Donations

Atrium Landscaping

Tanja Babich

Mike Broscio

Sheree Bynum

Chicago Creative Re-use Exchange (CCRX)

Classic Kids Chicago

Congregation of St. Joseph

Daou Vineyards

Darque Syde of D’Lyte Productions


Firehouse Restaurant

Friendship Chinese Restaurant

Gigi’s Closette

Erika Gilchrist


Graymont Medical

JLK Architects

Jacob Kofi

Liberty Plumbing

McKinley Park Target Store HR Team

Northwestern Mutual

Old St. Patrick’s Church

On the Route Bikes

Peterson Picture

Paul Pleister

Philip Schwartz Group

RPR Wine

Simple Kindness



The Weaving Mill

Atrium Landscaping helped residents of our Whipple CILA create a butterfly garden. This is one of the many projects members are involved with through the Van J. Voorhees Horticulture Program.

Thank You, EnVisionaries

Envision relies on a group of dedicated supporters we fondly call EnVisionaries to contribute $2,500 or more in a calendar year to support our mission and help us realize our vision for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and mental illness. This year, their donations helped us reimagine an Envision that is even more responsive to unforeseen circumstances that impact those in our care.

Patricia L. Arnold

Bianca Barr

Kevin Bastuga

Paul Behrman

Kristen and Jon Bilton

Andy Bizub

Kate Caldwell

Melanie and Thomas Canale

Becky Carroll and Jon Friend

Karen and Jon M. Cashen

Jymme and Steve Chaouki

Dianne and Doug Cook

Julie and John Dreixler

Nancy and Daniel Durbin

Bill Elliot

Elliot J. Favus

Diane and Ron Gorski

Tony Gupta

Jack Halm and Mark Jak

Betty J. Jackson

Mark Jackson

Marty and Mike Kenahan

Larry Kipperman

Mary Kay Krupka

John Lemker

Teresa & Robert Lewandowski

Leesa and Mark McHugh

James Moyna

Brittany and John Nanry

Dorothy & Michael O’Malley

Tim Ozinga

Michael A. Pizzuto

Richard Porter

Sarah and Lou Rassey

Carolyn and Robert Redd

Michael Romano

David Scalzo

Lorrie and William Schneider

Paul Selden and Karen Singer

Judy and Tim Smith

Tom Sodeika

Gary Tepas

Patty and Brian Timpone

EnVisionaries (left to right) John and Julie Dreixler with Sarah and Lou Rassey at a Board gathering.
Thank you for helping us reimagine! 8 South Michigan Avenue Suite 1700 Chicago, Illinois 60603-3353

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