Envisage Hope Booklet 2023

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pregnancy services



About Envisage

Envisage Pregnancy Services is a Christian organization. We serve people of all faith backgrounds and no faith backgrounds, but our beliefs motivate our mission. We are absolutely convinced that there is a God … and that people matter to God. Each person is so precious to Him!

O LORD, you have searched me and known me!

You know when I sit down and when I rise up; You discern my thoughts

You knitted me together in my mother’s womb

You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me.

Psalm 1, 2, 4, 13b, 5 ESV

In Canada almost 50% of all pregnancies are unexpected.1

Unexpected pregnancy can feel overwhelming because of financial challenges and poverty, no suitable housing, concern about caring for other children, food insecurity, conflict with employment or education, concern about the impact on other people, pressure from others, isolation, age or stage of life, lack of supportive relationships and even abuse.

In Canada, 44% of women have experienced some form of intimate partner violence.1 And 3 out of 10 Canadians have experienced at least one incidence of physical or sexual abuse before at 15.2

The Image of God. God created people in His image; He hates injustice. He calls His followers to join Him in caring for the vulnerable. Watch this video by the Bible Project to consider what it means to be made in the Image of God.

Scan to watch the


1. “Your Pregnancy – Unintended Pregnancy”, The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada, April 12th, 2023, https://www.pregnancyinfo.ca/your-pregnancy/special-consideration/unintended-pregnancy/ 2. “Intimate Partner Violence in Canada, 2018.” Statistics Canada, April 26th, 2021, https://canadianwomen.org/the-facts/gender-based-violence/ 3. “Profile of Canadians who experienced victimization during childhood, 2018.” Statistics Canada, December 12, 2022, https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002-x/2022001/article/00016-eng.htm

About the Baby Bottle Campaign

Every year, since opening in 2006, Envisage has raised about 25% of its budget through the Baby Bottle Campaign. The campaign was simple; supporters would pick up baby bottles at church on Mother’s Day, fill them with donations, and return them on Father’s Day.

Things changed in 2020, and we’ve been running the campaign virtually ever since. A virtual campaign is a safer way of raising funds (there is no worry about the security of personal information in 2000+ bottles throughout 35 churches) and it also more efficient (so we can invest more time serving clients).

This year, we are introducing HOPE BOOKLETS to replace bottles as a tangible reminder of the campaign. The booklets feature a page for each week of the campaign, including a weekly ...

• Client story

• Bible verse related to that week’s theme

• “Step into their story” activity

• List of daily prayer requests and a Baby Bottle to “fill” with colour

The booklets will help raise awareness of the struggles that so many people face and also help supporters to pray in an informed way. The booklets can be used by individuals, families and small groups; consider memorizing the verse of the week and discussing what you learned from the story and activity.

As usual, the campaign will start on Mother’s Day (May 14th), and end on Father’s Day (June 18th). The final page of this booklet outlines the ways that you can be part of the important work of Envisage. Please note: All client stories are shared with permission. Stock photos and aliases have been used to protect client’s identity.

Week 1 Abigail’s Story

Recalling the early days when she found out she was pregnant, Abigail acknowledges that as a single mom, she wrestled with the decision of whether to continue the pregnancy, “I was truly very worried I wouldn’t be able to be there for my kids”. She had also just enrolled in a post-secondary program and was about to pursue a new career.

“I was stressed out of my mind. I was very unsure what to do with my life and wondering if this was another thing I couldn’t go through with”.

Abigail reached out to Envisage and met with a support person. Over several visits, she talked out her situation, and took time to consider her choice. Eventually, she made the decision to defer her program, and continue her pregnancy.

Throughout her pregnancy, she felt unwell, and experienced health issues and at times, she was hospitalized and unable to cope. Envisage came alongside Abigail, offering meals and meeting needs. “That made me really emotional, the meals. I couldn’t cook”.

She recalls this period being the biggest personal growth time of her life, “I have always struggled to accept help... you aren’t supposed to go through life without help. I needed to learn that”.

Envisage team members were there to reassure her, providing a support system she did not have. She received prenatal support, life coaching, and birth support services. Her doula helped her advocate for herself during labour and delivery. “I wouldn’t have been able to do that without the support of Envisage.

Her baby girl arrived, healthy and well. For Abigail, her daughter, whose name means, “Spared by Jehovah,” is God giving a second chancereminding her that she has been blessed to be a mom, and that she is loved. “She grounds me and makes me calm. She makes me a better person”. With the support of Envisage “I was able to return to school and follow my dreams”.

Learn to do good. Work for justice. Help the down-and-out. Stand up for the homeless. Go to bat for the defenseless.

Isaiah 1:17 MSG

Step into Their Story

Sometimes life feels like a juggling act; it can be difficult to meet the responsibilities of work, school, family life, relationships and finances (especially if one or more of these areas has added challenges). Try juggling rolled up socks, imagining that each one is a responsibility you have. How many can you juggle at once? How would it feel if you had to constantly juggle more than you realistically could? How can you help others who are struggling with too many challenges?

Please Pray

Day 1: That Envisage would be known as a place where people are supported and cared for... and that God’s love would shine through everything we do.

Day 2: That people facing difficult pregnancy situations would easily find Envisage and have the courage to contact us.

Day 3: For the team at Envisage - that God would give them wisdom about the best ways to care for each person they serve.

Day 4: That God would continue to grow the team at Envisage in His good timing - that He would bring volunteers, staff and board members to serve in various different roles.

Day 5: That God would use the baby bottle campaign to remind people about each person’s value and also the very real challenges that some people face.

Day 6: For those who are wrestling with whether to continue their pregnancies - that Envisage’s care would make them feel cared for and supported, and give them hope.

Day 7: For Pregnancy Care Canada as they equip centres nationally to serve with excellence.


As you pray for each day’s request, colour in the section of the bottle for that day. At the end of the week, the bottle will be full!

Day 7

Day 6

Day 5

Day 4

Day 3

Day 2

Day 1

Week 2

Elizabeth & Paul’s Story

Elizabeth was suffering from severe postpartum depression when she bravely contacted Envisage. Her baby boy was two weeks old, and she was isolated in a basement apartment during COVID lockdown. Her husband, Paul, had lost his job so they had moved in with family.

“On my first contact with Envisage, my support worker provided me with several postpartum resources. I don’t really know where I would be today if she hadn’t kept checking in with me every few days. They would deliver food to us, go for walks with me and coached me through my postpartum”.

When her baby was 10 months old, Elizabeth found out she was pregnant again. Paul told Elizabeth he did not know if he was ready or if he even wanted another child. She became mentally foggy, and their relationship became more and more unhealthy. Elizabeth continued to visit Envisage and within a short time Paul softened to having another child and even attended childbirth classes with her. These classes became a lifeline for Elizabeth; she soaked in all she could and was grateful for the relationships she built.

During this time their living situation changed and had become difficult because of alcohol use in the home and space was tight with other tenants. They had little food and no income.

After their second baby was born, Elizabeth’s struggle with postpartum depression was shorter. Paul found a secure job and Envisage helped them connect with the housing retention program, which equipped them to move into their own place. They became more stable and were able to face challenges as a family.

Elizabeth attended our Strengthening Families Program and was given tools to build a healthy family. She opened her own business with a friend. Elizabeth knows Envisage gave her HOPE for her future and is grateful for their help during a difficult, unknown time in her life.

Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?

Step into Their Story

Many people are struggling with financial difficulties these days. Some don’t have enough income to pay for safe, suitable housing and food. The cost of baby items can stretch already tight budgets. Prepare a meal for under $2 per person in your family. What can you make? How it would feel to eat this way every day, especially if you were around others who were eating food you love but can’t afford? Consider donating the money you saved on this meal.

Please Pray

Day 1: For clients who do not have reliable housing situations. Pray that God would provide safe and affordable places for them to live.

Day 2: For families who face unemployment, that God would lead them to a job that is perfect for them.

Day 3: For clients who are alone or in unhealthy relationships - that they would see their value and have the courage to reach out for help.

Day 4: For clients who struggle with health issues (themselves, their families or children), that God would give them energy they need and direct them to helpful care and support.

Day 5: For clients who are living in poverty, struggling to afford housing, food and other basic needs - that God would provide for their needs.

Day 6: For clients who are considering adoptionthat God would give them courage, wisdom and direction.

Day 7: For Envisage clients who are overwhelmed facing pregnancy because of their difficult situations - that God would provide for their needs in miraculous ways and give them hope.

As you pray for each day’s request, draw hearts in the section of the bottle for that day. At the end of the week, the bottle will be full!

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 FILL THE BOTTLE

Week 3

Viola & John’s Story

Viola and John and their young daughter were so excited to arrive in Canada and to build a new life for their family. Then COVID hit. Viola and John both lost their jobs and had to move to a smaller town where they knew no one; they didn’t feel they fit in, and Viola found out she was pregnant.

In their home country, Viola’s first pregnancy was full of excitement. She had her “village” women surrounding her, and she didn’t worry about anything. Now in Canada, she was scared, lost, and totally unprepared to give birth in a new country. Where do you go? Who do you talk to? Does the doctor come to your home for delivery? What’s needed for a baby in this cold climate?

A couple months into her pregnancy, Viola became very sick and went to a nearby hospital. After treating her, the doctor referred her to Envisage. As soon as Viola called Envisage and unpacked her fears to a support worker, she felt a sense of security, trust, and relief. She began to enjoy her pregnancy after each appointment with the center.

Viola and John enrolled in the Childbirth Education classes where they formed a birthing plan, were helped with the items needed for birthing a baby in Canada, and then with confidence Viola delivered, their beautiful baby boy into the world.

Viola couldn’t believe the support she had from Envisage after birth. She was assisted with breast feeding and was given answers to the many baby care questions she had. In the following months, Viola joined Envisage’s Strengthening Families Program, she returned to school to complete her college degree, John was employed again and now they are on their way to being self-sufficient.

Viola and John look back and realized that Envisage became their “village” of women who encouraged them and gave them the tools needed to thrive in their new life in Canada.

The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your nativeborn. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.

Leviticus 19:34 NIV

Step into Their Story

Think about what it would be like to move far away from family and everything familiar. Imagine having to learn the customs and expectations of this new place you live. Would you feel lonely? How can you help a newcomer to Canada feel more welcome here? Learn how to say “hello” in 3 different languages.

Please Pray

Day 1: That God would equip our Envisage team as we learn how to best support to those who are newcomers to Canada.

Day 2: For international students feeling fearful and overwhelmed about pregnancy – that they would have the courage to reach out for support.

Day 3: For refugees who might be isolated and struggling financially as they adjust to life in a new country, while also preparing to become parents.

Day 4: For newcomers who do not have medical coverage – that God would provide healthy, safe pregnancies and deliveries, and direct for how financial needs can be met.

Day 5: That God would give strength and wisdom and meet the practical needs of newcomers who are having their babies, even though they face many challenges.

Day 6: That we would help newcomers prepare for their parenting journey through Envisage’s childbirth classes and parenting program.

Day 7: That our Envisage team could help newcomers connect with and build healthy community – and that churches would be one of the places that care for newcomers in this way.


As you pray for each day’s request, draw stars in the section of the bottle for that day. At the end of the week, the bottle will be full!




Day 1 Day 2 Day
Day 5 Day 6 Day


4 Meredith’s Story

When Meredith found out she was pregnant she felt numb and overwhelmed. She was struggling with her mental health, she and her partner were not doing well, and she had just moved back into her parent’s house. She didn’t want to think about being pregnant, it didn’t feel real. She bravely reached out to Envisage.

“It was so nice to have someone to talk to and support me”

When Meredith had to stop working at her physically demanding job, she felt really bad about herself; “I’m weak, I can’t do my job, how am I supposed to financially support a baby?” Talking with her support worker helped her see that she was making a healthy, wise choice for herself and her baby.

Meredith said the childbirth classes and practical items that Envisage provided, such as clothing and diapers, helped her feel more prepared and excited for the arrival of her baby.

After Meredith’s baby arrived, she participated in “Strengthening Families Program” (SFP). She learned about “Child’s Game” where a parent spends 15 minutes per day with their child, focusing solely on the child. In a culture distracted by cell-phone scrolling, this intentional time is important. Meredith said she felt more connected and bonded with her baby and her baby was happier. She explains …

“Actually spending the time to get to know her made a huge difference; it’s not just “this is my baby”, it’s like, “this is my baby whom I love, and who I know, and who I can take care of, because I spent the time to learn about her”, so that was really helpful … I think it helps me cue into what she wants and what she needs”.

It is a joy to see Meredith interact with her baby, confidently responding to her needs and enjoying their time together!

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families.

Psalm 68:5&6a NIV

Step into Their Story

One goal of Envisage’s new parenting group “Strengthening Families Program”, is to increase healthy parent/child attachment through positive time spent together with an activity called “child’s game”; parents spend 15 minutes each day playing with their child (children choose the activity and parents notice and compliment specific positive things their children do, without correction). Families: Play “child’s game” together. Did you enjoy this time? If you are not currently parenting: Think about some of the strengths, values and traditions you learned in your family of origin.

Please Pray

Day 1: For teens, women and men who are overwhelmed as they face unexpected pregnancies, that God would use the Envisage team to give them hope.

Day 2: For clients who are taking our childbirth education classes - that the classes would prepare and equip them for the arrival of their babies.

Day 3: That the families we are supporting would be kept healthy - especially for those who will be having babies soon or with newborns.

Day 4: For pregnant clients who are anxious about the birth of their babiesthat God would give them peace and also safe, uncomplicated deliveries.

Day 5: For new parents supported by Envisage - that God would give them energy, rest and healthy bodies and minds.

Day 6: For families participating in our SFP group, that they would have healthy attachment with their babies, and also learn skills they need for parenting.

Day 7: That God would fill our Envisage team with wisdom, health and unity so that we can be unhindered in caring well for those we serve.

Day 6

Day 5

Day 4

Day 3

Day 7 FILL

As you pray for each day’s request, draw smiley faces in the section of the bottle for that day. At the end of the week, the bottle will be full!

Day 2

Day 1


Week 5 Dahlia’s Story

Dahlia was in a challenging time in her life. She had gone through many struggles in the past few years that had impacted her mental health. She had only been married for one month when she found out she was pregnant. She was not ready to have a child. She felt shocked and very overwhelmed.

“My mind was going like a roller coaster”

As the pregnancy progressed, Dahlia continued to struggle. Her family was not in Canada with her. She didn’t know what to expect with the pregnancy or parenting, and found it difficult to focus on some of the online classes she had learned about. She and her husband were facing financial challenges too. She felt very alone.

Dahlia had a short stay in the hospital, where she was referred to Envisage for support. She wondered how Envisage could help her, but found courage to reach out and connect with our team.

Dahlia started meeting with a support worker and sharing about her situation and feelings. She found it so helpful to talk and be listened to. Dahlia also participated in our childbirth classes to prepare for birth and parenting. Dahlia talks about the difference Envisage’s support made …

“The support I got from here, it literally felt like having a mother … I always felt like “I have a family”

There was a time that Dahlia couldn’t imagine what people meant when they talked about a baby being a “bundle of joy”. But the support of Envisage helped her to prepare.

When her baby was born, the first time that Dahlia held her baby, she felt so much love and a new purpose for her life. It is beautiful to see Dahlia’s hope and strength as she cares for her precious “bundle of joy”.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Step into Their Story

Sometimes when life is challenging, we can feel like a torn-up mess. But when we trust God with our struggles, He can take what is difficult in our lives and turn it around for good. And the lessons we learn from our difficult times can help us be more compassionate as we help others write a more hope-filled story for their life! Use ripped up paper to make a collage that spells “HOPE”.

Please Pray

Day 1: That pregnancy centres across Canada would be used to give hope to people facing difficult pregnancy situations

Day 2: That God would use the team at Envisage to plant seeds of hope in the lives of those we serve ... that they would have hope for themselves and for their families and babies.

Day 3: That God would provide the right amount of funding for the work He wants Envisage to do.

Day 4: That those connecting with Envisage would know their true value and experience God’s love for them through our support.

Day 5: That Envisage would be effective in our promotional efforts to share about our services to those who need our support

Day 6: That as the Baby Bottle Campaign wraps up this weekend, God would stir in people’s hearts to support Envisage in the way that He is leading them.

Day 7: That, above all else, Envisage would be known as a place that shines God’s love through everything we do!

Day 7

Day 6

Day 5

Day 4

Day 3


As you pray for each day’s request, place stickers in the section of the bottle for that day. At the end of the week, the bottle will be full!

Day 2

Day 1

Director’s Message

Story One

I’ve been thinking a lot about two stories in the Bible. In both stories, Jesus responds to someone in need of help. But the stories are very different. In one story, found in John 5 Jesus comes across a man who has been an invalid for 38 years, laying by the pool called Bethesda. The belief of the day was that when the waters of the pool were stirred, the first person to enter the water would be healed.

Jesus asked the man “Do you want to be healed?” The man’s response is heartbreaking: “Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up, and while I am going another steps down before me”.

I think this story stands out to me because the same words could be said by so many of the women who come to Envisage ... “I have no one”...”I am all alone”. Facing an unexpected pregnancy can be difficult for so many reasons ...

• Financial stress and poverty

• Wondering how to take care of other children

The list goes on ...

• Challenges with pregnancy impacting employment

• Lack of suitable housing

But one of the heartbreaking circumstances that impacts so many of those we serve at Envisage is isolation and a lack of support. Some of the women we journey with at Envisage have grown up with trauma and in broken family situations. They truly have no one to help them carry their burdens. They are like this man at the pool of Bethesda ...  “I have no one”. They are all alone.

Story Two

The other story of need stands in stark contrast to the first. The second story, recorded in Mark 2 tells of a man who was paralyzed. Unlike the man by the pool however, the second man was not all alone.

He was carried to Jesus by four of his friends. These friends not only carried the man to Jesus for healing, but when the crowd was too large to pass through, they persisted in their plan to care for their friend, and carried him up to a roof where they made an opening ... and then lowered their friend down through the roof to Jesus!

Both men were healed by Jesus. But the second man had the benefit of supportive community - friends who carried him to Jesus. And his friends got to be part of his story!

The contrast of these stories makes me think about the opportunity we have at Envisage, to be part of people’s story. When they are at a low point, a time of struggle, we can surround and support them - and help carry their burden. Each person who supports Envisage through prayer, volunteering and donations is part of a supportive community, so that no one needs to face unexpected pregnancy alone.

This summer, as Envisage transitions to new leadership, I know that each of you will continue to care for those facing challenging pregnancy situations through your support of Envisage and the new director, the way you always have.

Thank you helping make Envisage a place of love, community and hope!


STAY INFORMED: Sign up for Envisage’s Newsletter! info@envisagepregnancy.ca


Sign up for Envisage’s Prayer E-News info@envisagepregnancy.ca


Inquire about opportunities to serve by contacting info@envisagepregnancy.ca


Be part of Envisage by donating in any of the following ways


E-Transfers can be sent to finance@envisagepregnancy.ca. Please include your mailing address in the message section for receipting purposes.

E-Transfers are direct deposited into our account (no password is needed).


Please make cheques for the both the Barrie and the South Georgian Bay location payable to Envisage Pregnancy Services and mail or deliver them to Envisage Pregnancy Services, 5 Sophia St. East, Barrie, ON L4M 1Y1


Call Envisage at 705-739-7280 to donate by VISA or Mastercard

or visit www.envisagepregnancy.ca/baby-bottle-campaign

Thank You For Your Support!
Scan to Donate


We provide support to anyone facing unexpected pregnancy or pregnancy related challenges


We Value People - We treat each person with dignity and respect

We Listen - More than we talk, we know it helps to feel understood

We Empathize - We respond with compassion, always assuming the best about people

We Don’t Judge - We are a safe place where nobody has to pretend

We Hope - Some people might see problems, we see possibilities


Pregnancy Tests

A Safe Place to Explore Pregnancy Options

Ongoing Support Information About Community Resources


People Valued – Families Thriving –God’s Love Shining

We Empower - We celebrate people’s strengths and provide a place for each person to find their voice

We Equip - We teach skills to help people do their best

We are Trauma Informed - Trauma has an impact; we serve in a way that is aware

We Are Holistic - We long for people to thrive in their body, mind, emotions, spirit and relationships

We Love Jesus - God’s love is the reason for everything we do

Adoption Information & Support

Emotional Support After Abortion

Preparing for Baby Program

Parenting Program and Support

South Georgian Bay 112 Hurontario St., Collingwood 705-293-5000 Barrie & Area 5 Sophia St. East, Barrie 705-739-7280 OUR LOCATIONS info@envisagepregnancy.ca Mailing Address: 5 Sophia Street East Barrie, ON L4M 1Y1 www.envisagepregnancy.ca
pregnancy services
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