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Sometimes your career can be like a Hollywood thriller, a romantic comedy or an oscar-winning drama - but as long as you star in it, you will be fine. We are not like any other career guide you will find on campus. We spice up our editorial stories with leading international employers in different industries. At Entrypark we believe that everybody should have the opportunity to find the work and place where they belong. The Entrypark Careerbook helps you explore future employers and get valuable career advice before your first job hunt turns into a horror movie. We all have dreams, want to make a difference and discover the employer that fits us and our ambitions best. That is why the motto of this years Entrypark Careerbook is “Think you!”. How important is it to stay true to your goals when everybody, from your parents, friends and teachers seem to have a better idea about what you want from life? Who are you comparing yourself to?

You should not be comparing yourself to legends, they have a head start. You should not be comparing yourself to your colleagues, they have different experiences and skills. You should not be comparing yourself to your parents (Freud would like to have a word with you). If there is only one thing you could compare yourself to it is... you! Our title story gives you insights in the science of comparison and why staying true to yourself is important on your way to success. We invite you to go online to entrypark.com to get matched with th right career in 3 easy steps.

1. Create your profile 2. Get information about the right employer for your early career 3. Get access to career opportunities worldwide Have fun reading our articles and don’t forget to follow us on Social Media.

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October 2015.

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The expectations you have of yourself are paralyzing you. Get out of your head and start working on your skills. If there is only one thing you could compare yourself to is... you! Try your best for a small step of growth every day. Begin today! by Alexandros Kilmpasanis

What does success look like?

You see it all over the media. The success stories. The “Top 30 under 30” who revolutionize their industries. The teenage pop stars. The people who write New York Times best sellers and have millions of followers all over social media. You might have even picked up their books or checked out their interviews on YouTube. If you have, good for you! You are tuning into what’s going on around you. You are expanding your horizons and getting on top of the latest trends. You are getting inspired by these people’s work ethic and you might be dreaming of leaving your mark in the world as well.


But these cases stick out for a reason. Reality is usually less glamorous. In the EU, the average graduate lands their first job after 6 months and 60 applications*. And that’s without counting the graduates who are underemployed or employed in jobs irrelevant to their fields. After reading the quotes, watching the TED talks and learning everything there is to know about the greats, you know their path was anything but easy either. So where do you even begin if you have little to show?

What would success look like for you? We all have an idea of who or what dictates success for us. It can be our parents, our friends, our friends’ jobs, our salaries or even our relationship with time. The problem with expecting outsiders to recognize our success is that it never ends. Can you ever say that you’ve made it? Every time you meet a goal, the expectations get higher and higher and success looks further away.

What does success feel like? Lena Dunham, has said about bravery: “We often can’t see the ways in which we are being strong. You can’t be aware of what you’re doing that’s tough and brave at the time that you’re doing it, because if you knew that it was brave, you would be scared.” Success feels the same way. You can’t know what success feels like before you begin. What you expect will be irrelevant to the end result. Where start if the end product looks nowhere near your standards? Who will care about your amateur creation? How are you going to find the time to make it perfect? The expectations you have for yourself are paralyzing you. You should not be comparing yourself to legends, they have a head start. You should not be comparing yourself to your colleagues or peers, they have different experience and skills. You should not be comparing yourself to your parents, (Freud would like to have a word with you).

Hell, you shouldn’t be comparing yourself to anyone. Something about comparing apples to oranges. But also, because no one is perfect. No one has it all figured out. The idols you look up to might have gone through the same stuff. But they didn’t talk themselves down.

#BeginToday First step? Get out of your head! Enough with the comparisons, the critique, the expectations. Respect yourself, your work and love the process of crafting. Trust your hands and your heart. That should be enough to make you happier. Now use that motivation to actually start working on your stuff. Commit yourself to finishing your project, but don’t stress about it.

Try your best for a small step of growth every day, starting today. Write the words, the lines of code, draw the sketch, or edit that video or music file that you’ve been thinking about all the time. When it’s done it will feel better, than any instant gratification you get from a GIF. It will not be enough to achieve astronomical success. It will get you going. And that’s how you #BeginToday. 9

When you are on the phone, all you have is your voice to communicate. This makes it harder for you to convey nuance and be understood. For instance, if you make a little joke that you normally convey with a smile it may be hard for the listener to get it and ultimately laugh with you. But do not be scared, if you keep these five tips in mind you will master every phone interview. by Greg Wells

Even though the actual percentage is discussable, research shows that that half of communication is non-verbal, meaning without actual words being spoken. Experienced travelers that found themselves in the position of describing their needs with wild gestures instead of the local language know how nonverbal communication can save your day (and get you a good night sleep if you’ve been on the hunt for a hotel room).

1. Keep calm!

2. Surroundings

The person on the other end of the phone understands that this is not the full you. It is rare to get a job without a meeting in person. The phone interview is a first screen. Plus, they must already be interested, or they wouldn’t have asked for it! Remain calm or even admit your excitement from start. Be human!

Find a quiet place to take the call. Distractions will not help you and excess background noise will make it hard for the interviewer to hear you. Try and test the technology involved first so you are sure you have good connection (if it’s a Skype, WhatsApp or Hangout call) or reception. Make sure you have no roommates, girlor boyfriends, colleagues or animals


disturbing you. No-one can concentrate with barking, talking or screaming in the background.

4. Practice, practice, practice!

3. Use the tools you have

Call your mom, your dad, your aunt, your grandma. Call someone, and ask them to do a fake interview with you. If you do your research you can often find sample questions online, if not for the specific company and role, than maybe just general questions that will help you be more comfortable on the phone.

When you are on the phone you do have control over a few things: intonation of your voice, volume of your voice, and the speed that you talk. Don’t “up-talk” meaning ending every sentence with an upward inflection. This makes it sound like you are asking a question. Do change the intonation in your voice as you speak, to keep them interested. Do vary your volume; try making main points softly, rather than loudly. Do speak slowly, but use speed at times to keep attention.

5. Try to convey your personality The interviewer is interested in getting answers to their questions, but often they just want to see if you are likeable. If you are genuine and thoughtful you are going to be fine!

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you should be confident without being cocky. If you practice and are thoughtful about what to expect, then the interview will be easy and you will be one step further in finding the career that fits you.


crucial soft skills The decision to become a better team member and leader is a personal one. If you often find yourself feeling not ready for a presentation, a job interview, or even a date, have a look at some important life skills below. by Alexandros Kilmpasanis

1. Communication skills

2. Writing skills

Giving a presentation. Talking to clients. Explaining a concept in simple terms. It is all about communication. Looking for improvement in these areas? Watch more videos of great public speakers like Arianna Huffington or Steve Jobs. TED talks are a good place to start. Learn from how the best share their knowledge. Once inspired, practice how you express your own thoughts more clearly in speech and in writing.

Writing is not only important for journalists and marketers. All professionals have to send clear and effective emails every day, whether they are simple instructions for XY, or an idea to their boss.


Like all forms of communication, keeping your target audience in mind is key. Apart from that, the first step to writing better is through reading more quality material. Read more newspaper articles about industry-related topics. Read more fiction and non-fiction in the language you will need to communicate in. You can never read enough.

3. Understanding

4. Self-confidence

Being knowledgeable in your area of expertise is necessary in order to have good ideas and solve problems. Great ideas though, come from a place of acceptance and collaboration. Encourage the sharing of better ideas in your team.

If you put all these skills together, you should make a pretty good leader, right? They undoubtedly help, but real leaders also have to have self-confidence. They have to know what they stand for, so they can learn to give strategic no’s.

Next time you find yourself in a team project, assume you have no ideas of your own. Ask your team members what they think about a certain problem and don’t take anything for granted. Bonus tip: Ask more “why” questions to your family, friends and professors. Don’t interrupt them. Just listen with an open mind. If the situation allows it, confirm your own understanding of their situation by making a small summary of their thoughts.

5. Urge to learn What applies to studying and learning new software applies to soft skills too. You can never stop practising. Like maintaining a healthy lifestyle, there is no finish line. Every small improvement helps. Let your own experiences define your values. Read, listen, watch and think. A lot of business mentors also suggest self-reflection at the end of the day or the week. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Make notes of what you can do better and never lose your courage.

No one said it’s easy. Becoming better at anything requires discipline. But it’s possible!






ecruiters! Hear it from the r pplications a r u o y e v o r p im o t Tips & insights What do you do when a group of recruiters gather together? You ask them questions! We surveyed last year’s Blind Applying employers on what makes for a good application and interview. What can you start practicing right away?

Job Ads: know which jobs to apply for Read the job requirements carefully! Decide yourself whether you are a good fit for a job or not. If you find a job title that you like, refer to similar positions elsewhere and find out more about their requirements Not all requirements are “required”! Focus on the skills labeled “mandatory” or “obligatory”. Other skills can be learned later on. Check out any employee testimonials on the company’s website to get an impression about the company’s culture and values 18

ann by Laura Geitm

Cover letter: Don’t just re-write your CV Align your career objectives with the position and the company Be specific to the position. Refer to the job ad and explain why your skills and experience match with the company’s No more than three short paragraphs

CV: Pass the 6-second test Remember the skills needed for the job? Recruiters can understand at a glance whether a candidate is relevant for the job or not. The first impression comes from the layout of the CV. Make your application easy to read with the relevant information easy to find Use one decent color and font (Verdana, Tahoma, or Georgia) Bold when appropriate and keep your style consistent Title your sections clearly Align your bullets and paragraphs Proof-read your application! Most recruiters look at the employment section first, followed by the education section. Make sure that these two sections are the easiest to find and read through. Write a few lines about your working experience and educational background Include relevant tasks and achievements Avoid listing unnecessary skills (basic language skills, old certificates)

Interviewing: “What do you want the recruiter to remember about you?” Be clear about your skills and goals and show why you are the perfect fit for the job. Be prepared: Do your research Read about the company’s products, culture and latest news. Prepare examples to prove your claims. Review the relevant skills you stated in your application. Prepare good examples to prove your message. Practice common interview questions with a friend! Go for answers with good structure that the value you can offer from day one. Ask questions Show that you did your research! Ask about the position, work environment or the next steps in the application process. Be a good listener and avoid asking questions that were already answered. Be on time!


Follow-up After the interview, write a short email to thank the recruiter for their time and to briefly go over the main points from the interview. If a recruiter does not get back to you in the agreed time, don’t hesitate to send a friendly reminder. No need to be more persistent than that.

Did you get an offer? Congratulations! What if you need to deny it? Do it constructively: Be grateful for the opportunity Provide a good reason for your decision Ask to stay in touch over LinkedIn. Leaving a good impression with the recruiter can help a lot for future opportunities Be polite and professional. Always!

Is that it? We wish! When looking for a job, good preparation is key, but it still doesn’t give you a contract to sign. Rejections for jobs are never (or very rarely) personal and submitting the perfect application is only one factor. If there is someone else who fits an employer's expectations better, there's little you can do about it. What can you do though? Define your goal and get out there! Acquire the skills your dream job needs and look for opportunities to practice them. Talk to people in your desired field and see what they have problems with. Beyoncé would call it “hustling”. We call it “career advice”.

Feeling inspired? Use the tips above and apply on www.blindapplying.com. A new, surprising group of employers and exciting internship opportunities around the world await! Applications open Oct. 26th.



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Some people’s ambitions are bottomless and they can push through any situation to find success, but for most of us, the environment we are in has a big impact on the kind of work we produce and the way we feel about ourselves. But where do you fit in? What company culture fits you best? by Greg Wells

Go big or go home? With a big company you will get a more defined structure and hierarchy. Many large companies have programs that are designed to develop young talent. For recent graduates there are many opportunities to get real world training and put yourself in a position to grow. Some of the world’s biggest companies have an awesome corporate culture. You may find lifelong friends with similar interests. You probably will find that companies tend to be successful if their employees are generally happy. If you are the kind of person that is easily frustrated by a lack of process control then the big company might not be a fit. That doesn’t mean you won’t be heard, but you will also not have much control over your day to day tasks or the general process by which things are done.

Big fish small pond Start-ups offer some advantages. If you like the idea of there being only one office, and often knowing all your

colleagues by first name, maybe the smaller work environment is right for you. With smaller companies, most people wear more than one hat. Your day to day is probably a little less predictable, and often decisions are made on more of a flat hierarchical basis. In the small company you may have a bigger immediate impact, and get to feel more ownership for the successes of the team. If you thrive on structure and if you want to have a predictable schedule, small companies might not make sense for you. Smaller companies are often able to adapt faster and react faster to market trends or changes, but that also means that the direction may shift fast. Be selective when you apply, and understand what your goals are. Remember what it was like when you picked a college? Many of the same questions apply for a career: What size and culture is right for me? What do I want to learn? Where will I have the biggest impact? Where are they located? Where do you fit? 23

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About Industry: Information Services (Financial Services) Headquaters: London

Why work for us? AlphaSights is turning the corporate model on its head and growing fast as a result. Started in 2008, we now have a team of over 300 across 7 global knowledge hubs: San Francisco, New York, London, Dubai, Hong Kong, Seoul and Shanghai. Make an impact You will have full responsibility for project delivery, thereby contributing directly to the bottom line. Develop core business skills AlphaSights helps you develop some of the most sought-after skills for success in the 21st century workplace. Gain broad commercial exposure We work alongside a diverse set of clients and aren’t restricted by industry specialisation. No two projects are ever the same. Play your part in building a world-class professional services firm: We’re looking for outstanding individuals with true leadership potential to contribute to AlphaSights global success story.

Our company culture International exposure Fast-paced and challenging work Collaborative and team-orientated environment Meritocratic structure Clear and accelerated career progression (Associate - Manager - VP)


How to apply? People are everything in our business, which is why we take great care in identifying exceptional talent and making sure the fit is right. Our recruitment process is designed to help you learn more about our company and what we do, so that the decision is as informed as possible. alphasights.com/careers

What is great about working for us Dynamic and meritocratic environment: We believe in rewarding those who go the extra mile. How far you go and how fast is down to you. We’re no longer a startup, but we’re growing fast, which means we benefit from more security and stability whilst maintaining the excitement, flexibility and individual career progression that only a high-growth business can offer.

The World’s Knowledge Partner™ Ready to kick-start your international career in business? Get an insight into the knowledge brokerage industry and meet employees from across the business at one of our recruiting events in Europe. 23 October

Vienna Connect

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Rotterdam Connect+

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Industry: Food & Beverages Headquarters: Milan

Who we are? We are the world leader in food & beverage service for travelers with over 4,300 points of sale in 30 different countries. We serve a world on the move. Each year Autogrill provides food&beverage services to 900 million travelers on 4 continents. HMSHost is the company which we work through for customers in North America, North Europe, Asia, Middle East and Oceania. Around 90% of our business is managed under concessions signed with landlords, owners or operators at airports, motorways and railway stations. We manage a portfolio of 250 brands .The wide variety of owned and licensed brands is one of the strengths of our marketing strategy which allows us to satisfy the changing needs of customers and landlords around the world.

Our values We strongly believe that travelling becomes often a state of mind: the dynamism of those planning their own journey,the openmindedness of those ready to engage with others, the passion of those who love life,the effectiveness of those looking for a solution. Being there,being yourself and someone else,everywhere:rising to the challenge of our life at the pace of modern life. Each journey is a unique story waiting to be told‌Autogrill brings together the experience of the past with the vision of the future.We are looking for people driven by the same values as us:Let’s share our values!Be passionate, Be open, Set the pace, Be reliable, Keep it simple.


How to apply? We design our selection process to identify the competencies and skills necessary at the present time,but also to grow within the Group and possibly hold other positions in the future. Our guiding principles area transparency, fair decision-making and equality of opportunity. Find more under : www.autogrill.com/en/people/career%20center

Why work with us We offer students and recent graduates the opportunity to gain experiences in an international and challenging work environment. The relation with universities and master programs is one of our main recruitment channels, allowing us to come in touch with the top students and recent graduates. We believe that the relationship with universities and business schools should provide support in professional orientation, enabling students and graduates to develop the skills which are most useful to find their right place in the job market.


We believe

in the value of people

Selection based on competencies and attitudes to find the right people Appraisal Processes to ensure communication and transparency European Academy program to develop competencies and improve the effectiveness of our people Do you feel good? The annual survey to measure and strengthen our engagement


Discover more on autogrill.com/people Follow us linkedin.com/company/autogrill


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About Industry: Investment banking Headquarters: London

Why work for us? Citi’s success is driven by its exceptional people – their passion, dedication and entrepreneurship – and it will be people just like you who will shape its future. Citi works tirelessly to provide consumers, corporations, governments and institutions with a broad range of financial services and products. We strive to create the best outcomes for our clients and customers with financial ingenuity that leads to solutions that are simple, creative and responsible. ”Every day my work presents me with new challenges and opportunities; the fact that I can continually be learning and improving motivates me greatly.” - Elena, Investment Banking (Associate)


How to apply? All applications must be online through our graduate site: www.oncampus.citi.com. For Full time, Summer and Placement Programmes, we open for applications at the beginning of September and review all applications on a rolling basis. For our 1st year spring programmes (Women in Finance and Work Experience Week) the deadline is 10th January 2016.

What is great about working for us A career with Citi means being part of a global firm that provides the most forward-thinking financial products and solutions to the most enterprising corporations, institutions, governments and individuals around the world. This is an opportunity to join the heart of the global financial services industry at a truly exciting period in its development. It’s an opportunity to work with the brightest minds to drive responsible, positive change across the organisation, the banking industry, and beyond.

WE’VE GIVEN GLOBAL TRADE A MAJOR SHORTCUT. Ready to do more extraordinary things? Join us.

Citi Opportunities


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Contacts telekom.com/careers

Graduate Programs Thesis Work Direct Entry

About Industry: Telecommunications Headquarters: Bonn

Why work for us? Great experiences every day: It’s our goal as one of the world’s leading service companies for telecommunication and information technology to make sure that our customers can share what is important to them.

Our company culture As one of the world’s leading companies in the field of communications and information technology, we stand for making special experiences possible and enabling them to be shared whenever, wherever. Diversity is the current that runs through everything we do and is the enabler of outstanding performance, in an environment that offers the space to develop personally and the best conditions for finding the ideal work-life balance. We are an international network whose goal is to overcome challenges with teamwork and team spirit. And we support all employees in their efforts to put our social responsibility into practice. We firmly believe that changes open the door to new opportunities for development and innovation - and that people who strive to perform at their absolute best can exceed all expectations and create something new.


How to apply? Business or IT? America, Asia, Europe or South Africa? Perfect! Leave your mark in the digital world of tomorrow’s generations. Simply apply for your favourite job position via our global job search telekom.com/jobsearch.

What is great about working for us Everything we do is born in a diverse place within an international network. A place with room for personal development and the right conditions for managing professional and private life. A place where answers to great challenges come from true team spirit. A place where people are encouraged and supported to bring our corporate responsibility towards all stakeholders to life. A place where change means opportunity for progress and innovation and where people with the ambition for peak performance can go beyond what is today and create what is tomorrow.

re than m. o m – p u start ainee progra just a tr w! apply no

The answer to virtually everything. Find the answers to your career questions at: www.telekom.com/graduates Apply now!


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Contacts dpdhl. jobs

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Industry: Logistics/Transport Headquarters: Bonn/Germany

Why work for us? BE PART OF THE WORLD’S LARGEST LOGISTICS COMPANY We’re proud that the work we do makes a global difference. Our solutions are powered by trade, logistics and most importantly, the drive and passion of every employee in every country, across all divisions in Deutsche Post DHL Group. Join us and whatever your role, you’ll play an integral part in creating connections that deliver opportunity and prosperity all over the world.

Our company culture The two ‘Rs’ have helped make us the world’s largest logistics company. RESPECT – we value our people while simultaneously providing them with opportunities to achieve. RESULTS – these are realized in the form of challenging but realistic tasks.


How to apply? So, if you’re up for a real challenge, one that will help you to realise your potential and make a real impact on the world, then learn more and apply at: dpdhl.jobs.

What is great about working for us PERSONAL BENEFITS At Deutsche Post DHL Group there are always opportunities for development and growth. Our interns regularly choose to stay on and develop their careers with us. CONTRIBUTION TO SOCIETY Our people thrive on the positive implications of their roles. For example, we help communities to develop their own businesses by getting their goods to market quickly and cost-effectively. REWARDING No matter how satisfying a job might be, it’s good to know your efforts will be appreciated and rewarded at a competitive rate. Whatever your role, we never forget that it’s our people who make us what we are.


COUNTLESS OPPORTUNITIES. ONE FUTURE MARKET. DO YOU KNOW A GREAT DEAL AND WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE? WE GIVE TRAILBLAZERS ROOM TO GROW. Deutsche Post DHL Group is the leading mail and logistics service provider for the world. As one of the planet’s largest employers, operating in over 220 countries and territories, we see the world differently. Join our team and discover how an international network that’s focused on service, quality and sustainability is able to connect people and improve lives through the power of global trade. And not just for our Customers, but for every member of our team too. Interested in getting to know the Group? Find out more at dpdhl.jobs CONNECTING PEOPLE. IMPROVING LIVES.


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Contacts About Industry: Electricity, Natural Gas & Energy Services Headquarters: Paris

Why work for us? Working at ENGIE means, over the course of an exciting career, putting utility at the heart of one’s professional life and being the architect of major changes.

Our company culture Our 155 000 employees gather around 4 key values: Drive / Guaranteeing our performance over the long term for all our stakeholders, continually seeking efficiency and innovation on behalf of our clients and in the public service Commitment / Advancing the Group’s development with respect for the planet while providing essential services for people Daring / Living in the present with optimism and building for the future with creativity Cohesion / Mobilizing all our strengths with a shared spirit of teamwork to make energy and the environment sustainable sources of progress and development If you’re in that mode, we seek above all committed people, bold, with a strong desire to undertake and innovate. Join us!


How to apply? Discover and apply directly online for our jobs, internships, apprenticeships and VIE (French International Internship Program) section: www.engie.com/careers. By choosing the job offers that correspond to your level of experience and by clicking on “apply”, you will be invited to create your job application (CV/covering letter). If no online job offer corresponds to your requirements, we advise you to submit your profile online on our site. Your application will then be accessible to the recruiters from our various entities. We also recommend that you regularly visit the site or create an alert so you can receive email notifications of job opportunities that match your career interests.

What is great about working for us Meeting energy needs, ensuring the security of energy supply, maximizing the use of energy resources, fighting against climate change, etc. These are the challenges that stimulate our employees day after day.

You have energy to spare… we’re looking for new resources.

ENGIE : SA AU CAPITAL DE 2 435 285 011 € - RCS NANTERRE 542 107 651

ENGIE IS RECRUITING NEW TALENT: 15,000 YOUNG OR EXPERIENCED PROFESSIONALS To meet the challenges of the energy transition, the Group needs new sources of energy: technicians, engineers, sales... With more than 250 business lines in over 70 countries, ENGIE has a place for you in this great human adventure.

engie.com/careers Energy is our future, let’s preserve it!


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Contacts ericsson.careers@ericsson.com

About Industry: Telecommunications/ Information and Communication Technology Headquarters: Stockholm

Why work for us? YOU + Ericsson means having the freedom to take your career in many different directions. It also means developing within the supportive structure of a big organization, with clear development plans, training opportunities and career paths.

Our company culture Whatever you want to achieve, we have a culture that respects and supports your ambitions. You can have a global career. You can maintain a healthy work-life balance. Above all, you can always have a positive effect on the people closest to you and the wider world around you. What do you want out of life, out of your career? At Ericsson, we give you the opportunity, the support and the empowerment you need to fulfill your potential and achieve your goals.


How to apply? Ultimately, every applicant needs to apply to a role online during the recruitment phase. We encourage all applicants to create a candidate profile which can be done by joining our talent community. Once a member of our talent community, you will receive job alerts that match your interest. Complete this step today and begin discovering what makes YOU + Ericsson, a powerful combination, your future starts here: Ericsson.com/careers. For more about the application process, visit www.ericsson.com/careers/recruitment.

What is great about working for us We advocate and support proactive career planning for all of our people. Our objective is to empower you to achieve more in every role or project you undertake, giving you the understanding, tools and guidance you need to take control of your career and progress in a direction – and at a pace – that suits you. It can involve classroom learning, on-the-job training, mentoring and ad hoc Learning & Development initiatives. We call it ‘Career Agility’, because it helps to ensure that every one of our people can adapt to deliver truly agile software solutions that modern businesses require.


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About Industry: Automotive/ Retail/ Travel/ Tourism Headquarters (EU): Egham, United Kingdom

Why work for us? For more than 55 years, we have built a thriving business based on offering exceptional service to our customers and a dynamic and rewarding work environment to our employees. We firmly believe in empowering our people to make the decisions that will affect their work and their career.

Our company culture Our values are the very cornerstones of what makes Enterprise successful, and you’ll find them being brought to life by our people, day in, day out. If they strike a chord with you, then there’s every chance you’ll fit in perfectly with us. Our brand is the most valuable thing we own Personal honesty and integrity are the foundation of our success Customer service is our way of life Great things happen when we listen...To our customers and to each other Enterprise is a fun and friendly place, where teamwork rules We work hard...And we reward hard work We strengthen our communities, one neighbourhood at a time Our doors are open


How to apply? For those interested in our internationally recognized Management Training programme or intern opportunities, please visit our website www.enterprisealive.de, www.enterprisealive.fr or www.enterprisealive.co.uk to apply online. Alternatively, email matthew.pethers@erac.com if you have any questions

What is great about working for us Just imagine the possibilities that come with joining a huge, internationally successful company with a personal, entrepreneurial approach which allows individuals to stand out. Our secret lies in the fact that we’re divided up into thousands of smaller, local businesses. So when you take one of our graduate trainee or Intern jobs, you’ll be learning how to run the business yourself. And how many organisations with a $15 billion turnover can say that?



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Find out more about our management trainee and internship opportunities at www.enterprisealive.com/entrypark


ROSE TAYLOR Business Management Joint Honours with Human Resources

Management Assistant - I started on the management trainee placement programme Q1. What was the interview process like? Exciting, challenging and motivating. There are four stages; application, telephone interview, branch visit and assessment centre. Each stage brought a new obstacle but the friendly atmosphere made it easier. Going through this was great as it gave me the opportunity to see what a graduate recruitment process is really like. Q2. How much responsibility were you given? I was given the responsibility of managing customer service at the branch as well as organising and monitoring all damage claims for the vehicles. These roles are integral to the successful running of our business, something I couldn’t imagine possible as an intern, for both my personal and career development. Q3. What advice would you give to someone applying for your role? The only advice I would give for someone who is thinking of applying to Enterprise is do it. After a year’s placement, I now have a job offer on the graduate training programme. Enterprise is a fun and friendly place that rewards all the hard work you put in. Q4. What has been your biggest challenge? My biggest challenge has been to be adaptable in all situations. Working in a customer service environment has made me realise that every situation and customer is different so adapting my communication style has been challenging. You need to be able to adapt to peers and customers alike.


Q5. Where has your experience exceeded your expectations? On my first day, I never thought that I would walk in and be approached by such friendly, helpful colleagues. I have been able to develop my personal skills, confidence and communication in a way that I believe I could go and achieve anything I wish to. Q6. What do you most enjoy about your role? It’s been the responsibility and the variety of the job – you’re kept on your toes everyday whilst making decisions you feel suit best to the situation. I’ve also had the opportunity to mentor and train new starters, which has been the most enjoyable and satisfying part of working here.


Entry options


Internships Graduate Programs Thesis Work Direct Entry

Contacts About Industry: Renewable Energy & Natural Resources Headquarters: Genoa, Italy

Why work for us? ERG has been operating successfully in the energy sector for almost 80 years. Through ERG Renew it is the leading wind energy operator in Italy and is one of the primary operators in Europe. Listed on the Milan Stock Exchanged, ERG also operates in the production and marketing of thermoelectric and steam power. Experience, dynamism and sustainable development are the hallmarks of our way of doing business. We rise up to challenges and we count on the talent of our employees and the value of our partners to achieve increasingly better results.

Our company culture ERG in a living system in which individual and collective talents develop to generate innovation and value. Our approach is characterised by a sense of responsibility, credibility and efficiency.


How to apply? Visit www.erg.it and find out more about our opportunities.

What is great about working for us We are an energy maker‌ We are broadening our frontiers and enlarging our field of action with resourcefulness and courage to turn our ideas of the future into reality. With us you can discover and develop your talents, have training in the field, hands-on experience and dynamic environment which promotes growth.

Your Future as an Energy Maker

www.erg.it 43

Entry options




Graduate Programs


Thesis Work


Direct Entry


About Industry: EU Institutions Headquarters: Brussels

Why work for us? Your commitment. Our 28 countries.

Our company culture Your individuality. Our diversity. An EU career offers a unique opportunity to work in any of the ten EU institutions and agencies, including the European Parliament, Commission, Council, European External Action Service, Court of Justice or Court of Auditors. Working for the EU means working in a very stimulating multicultural and multilingual environment, with highly qualified, talented and motivated colleagues coming from different countries, all devoted to the European project. To work with us you need to be an EU citizen and speak two official EU languages, having either English, French or German as a second language. Most of the EU institutions are located in Brussels or Luxembourg. With many other international companies and organisations nearby, you can expect to meet people from all over the world.


How to apply? Your plans. Our possibilities For final-year students and graduates, the main graduate cycle normally opens in the spring. ​Several institutions offer paid traineeships for three to five months throughout the year. Trainees can be students, university graduates or linguists. For professionals with experience, there are positions in various specialist fields, ranging from administrative assistants to economists, lawyers, translators, IT experts and other specialists. Find out more on jobs.eu-careers.eu for our latest job opportunities.

What is great about working for us Your career. Our context. Working for the EU Institutions and agencies means being part of the most impressive, yet ever challenging, integration project of our time. Areas of activities range from economic cooperation, single market, agriculture, development aid, migration, environmental policy, regional development, fighting organised crime to promoting research and innovation and much more. Given the exceptional scope and remit of European policy and legislation, an EU career offers variety, mobility and the opportunity to continue to grow professionally, intellectually and personally throughout your professional life in an international working environment.

YOUR INTERNATIONAL OUTLOOK. OUR VISION FOR EUROPE. “What I really love about my job is that I’m working right at the heart of international politics and at the top of the news agenda. One day I might be live tweeting from a European Council summit or the G7, and the next working on the Council’s long-term social media strategy or advising upcoming Council presidencies on their social media activities. I get to travel a lot, speak different languages, and meet new people from all over the world. But what I really appreciate is how the EU institutions invest in their staff, and the opportunities to build my career through new skills and experiences.” Alexandra coordinates social media for the Council of the European Union.


eu-careers.eu 45

Entry options




Graduate Programs


Thesis Work Direct Entry

About Industry: Energy

Why work for us? E.ON offers a wide range of opportunities for people with wide range of skills and backgrounds. We welcome committed people who are looking for an exciting challenge in the global energy market and people who want to benefit from the structure of an internationally successful company. Discover E.ON for yourself: www.eon-careers.com

Our company culture The work environment at E.ON is an expression of our culture and our values. It forms the common foundation on which E.ON employees all over the world shape the future: Internationality Team-orientation Challenge Attractive workplace location


How to apply? If you are interested in working with us, please check our current vacancies under: www.eon-careers.com and apply online.

What is great about working for us Join one of the market leading companies for the reason that developing innovative solutions for the future of energy is one of the most challenging and exciting tasks of our time. Whatever is developed by E.ON can have an effect on millions of household and future generations. We are looking for people who wish to take on challenges and always give their best in everything they do. Therefore, we can provide a clear path for advancement in a particularly exciting future market.

We apply for

students and graduates with good

prospects. Find out all about your future career at: www.eon-careers.com

Your energy shapes the future.


Entry options

Contacts www.goldmansachs.com/careers

Internships Graduate Programs Thesis Work Direct Entry

About Industry: Investment Banking Headquarters: London

Why work for us? Goldman Sachs is a leading global investment banking, securities and investment management firm that provides a wide range of financial services to a substantial and diversified client base, including corporations, financial institutions, governments and high-net-worth individuals. At Goldman Sachs, you will have many opportunities to make an impact. The unique perspectives that our people bring to the firm and their shared passion for working on projects of great global, economic and social significance, help drive progress and create results.

Our company culture The people of Goldman Sachs share a passion for achieving results and recognise that success comes with integrity. Their unique backgrounds, individual perspectives and diverse skills are put to the test as they help our clients achieve their business goals across our divisions, including: Finance, Global Compliance, Global Investment Research, Human Capital Management, Internal Audit, Investment Banking, Investment Management, Legal, Merchant Banking, Operations, Securities, Services and Technology.


How to apply? Our recruiting process enables us to attract accomplished people to the firm. Academic achievement is important, but is only one indication of a person’s potential. At Goldman Sachs, we recognise that a diverse workforce encourages increased creativity and innovation. Diversity is crucial to performance and continued business success. To that end, we are committed to an environment that promotes inclusion, values different perspectives and maximizes the potential of all of our people. Please visit www.goldmansachs.com/careers to find out more and to apply to any of our programmes. Application Deadlines: New Analyst: 1 November 2015* | Summer Analyst: 6 December 2015* | Spring Programme: 3 January 2016 | Work Placement: 3 January 2016* | Off Cycle Internship: Applications accepted year round *We encourage early applications as we may interview ahead of the deadline.

What is great about working for us Our people come from a variety of academic and professional backgrounds including finance, engineering, science, technology and the humanities. It’s how we provide the best solutions to our clients. Across backgrounds, we evaluate candidates on six core measures – achievement, leadership, commercial focus, analytical thinking, teamwork and the ability to make an impact. We seek commitment, drive and enthusiasm for the unparalleled exposure and early responsibility offered at Goldman Sachs.



CONTRIBUTE, COLLABORATE AND SUCCEED WITH A CAREER AT GOLDMAN SACHS If you’re the kind of person who can’t wait to make a difference, consider a career at Goldman Sachs. We believe that good ideas and innovations can come from anyone, at any level. We offer meaningful opportunities, best-in-class training and a wide variety of career paths for talented people from all academic backgrounds. Plus, with access to important clients and projects, you’ll have the chance to make an impact with global significance.


Please note we encourage early applications and may interview ahead of deadlines.


to learn more about how you can make an impact.

goldmansachs.com/careers @ GSCareers

© 2015 The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Goldman Sachs is an equal employment/affirmative action employer Female/Minority/Disability/Vet.


Entry options




Graduate Programs


Thesis Work Direct Entry

About Industry: Big Data & Business Analytics Headquarters: Brussels

Why work for us? We welcome highly entrepreneurial graduates who are not afraid to take responsibility early on and run with it! Real Impact Analytics (RIA) transforms telecom data into action by embedding big data apps in the day-to-day work of our clients’ teams – mainly telecom operators in emerging markets.

Our company culture Although we’ve grown exponentially, we still kept our cool, up-beat start-up culture. RIA is a place where ideas take shape quickly, where you’ll be able to see the impact of your work daily, not just in static reports. We understand that everyone is different, so we focus on outcome and results rather than time spent at work. However, we do enjoy hanging out at the office, taking kicker breaks or just organizing get-togethers for the team.


How to apply? We are welcoming applications throughout the year, but if you’d like to beat the crowd, we strongly advise you to apply before the 15th of February 2016. Our application process is simple and straight forward: you will be able to find all info on our website, in the “Join our team” section. You can also find more info on the interview process, dos & don’ts and how to impress us with your wit and personality. See you soon!

What is great about working for us Working at RIA is a continuous, thrilling adventure! You’ll meet extraordinary smart and fun people, wise mentors and energizing leaders. As a young company, we truly believe the best way to learn is to do: you’ll quickly gain responsibility and become accountable for your actions and decisions. You’ll have the chance to travel the world and understand a set of very different business cultures. The latest big data technologies will become your toolbox and you will shape the future of analytics. You will be able to build knowledge and learn through formal trainings as well as from our experts.



Entry options




Graduate Programs


Thesis Work Direct Entry

About Industry: Pharma/Healthcare Biotechnology/Chemicals Headquarters: Bagsvae rd

Why work for us? Novo Nordisk is a global company offering worldwide opportunities to employees. From research and development, through to manufacturing, marketing and sales, the skills and backgrounds that our employees bring to work are diverse. Our comprehensive value chain offers the potential for you to experience areas of the business outside your initial skill set, so developing your career through in-house as well as external training.

Our company culture Our company framework, The Novo Nordisk Way, supports our culture of innovation and responsibility. It ensures the long-term growth and welfare of our company and helps us find the right balance between compassion and competitiveness. The passion for helping people is at the heart of everything we do. We continuously develop our expertise and products to stay ahead – both as a company and as individuals.


How to apply? We offer career opportunities and programmes tailored for students and newly graduated. We are looking for more than 70 graduates to kick-start their career in September 2016. Apply for the Graduate Programme from 1 December 2015 to 10 January 2016. To apply you must upload a CV, cover letter and a short video. Read more at www.novonordisk.com/graduate. We offer 17 different Graduate Programmes, which are open for application for all talents with a recent master’s degree (finalising in 2015 or 2016). If you are more experienced please note that we offer a total of 5,000 jobs a year. Sign up at www.novonordisk.com/jobagent Internships for spring 2016 will be published in the beginning of October at www.novonordisk.com/internships. Application deadline for all internships is 5 November 2015.

What is great about working for us Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with more than 90 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. This heritage has given us experience and capabilities that also enable us to help people defeat other serious chronic conditions: haemophilia, growth disorders and obesity. Headquartered in Denmark, Novo Nordisk employs approximately 39,700 people in 75 countries and markets its products in more than 180 countries.

More than 70 graduates needed BRUNO CALO (Brazil) MOUNA BENSIRADJ (Algeria) LUISA VICTORIA EUSE (Colombia) YOGESVARAN GOPALAKRISHNAN (Malaysia) International Operations Business Graduates


Kick-start your global career with the Novo Nordisk Graduate Programme Start your career in September 2016 Do you have a recent master’s degree and an international mind-set? Join one of the Novo Nordisk Graduate Programmes and kick-start a lifechanging career. The Graduate Programmes provide a great springboard for launching a life-changing career in one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies. We are currently looking for more than 70 talented graduates to start in September 2016.

A rotational development programme Each Graduate Programme for newly graduated master’s students is a 2-year expedition. During 3-4 job rotations you will explore the company, gather international experience and be exposed to various projects. You will start building a strong network of professional and dedicated colleagues.

With the Graduate Programmes you personally and professionally develop from being a student to an employee at 100 miles an hour while still feeling safe Maja Rolst, Graduate

More ways to join Novo Nordisk In addition to the Graduate Programme, Novo Nordisk offers more than 5,000 other life-changing careers. See all available jobs at novonordisk.com/career and connect with us at novonordisk.com/LinkedIn.

Am I a qualified candidate? To join the Novo Nordisk Graduate Programmes you must: • Hold a recent master’s degree in Business Management, Finance, IT, Supply Chain, Science or a related field • Have no more than 1 year of work experience since finishing your studies • Be a team player with an international mind-set (through internship or exchange semester abroad) • Be ambitious and able to adapt to change

Apply before

10 January 2016 at novonordisk.com/graduates

We offer opportunities within: • Research & Development • Procurement & Supply Chain • Engineering and Manufacturing • Finance & Business IT • Business, HR & Marketing


Entry options




Graduate Programs


Thesis Work Direct Entry

About Industry: Manufactoring Headquarters: Riyadh

Why work for us? Could you create the next breakthrough material? Help aeroplanes fly further with less fuel? Bring clean drinking water to more people? These are just some of the things that SABIC people have helped achieve. If you’re excited by the possibilities of science, SABIC is the place where you can turn them into reality. We’re looking for people with vision, drive and ingenuity. People who can be part of SABIC’s journey to become the world’s preferred leader in chemicals. We aim to be a partner in your professional and personal development, giving you every chance to build a challenging and satisfying career that maximizes your existing strengths while unlocking others that you never knew you had.


How to apply? We are always looking for talent in manufacturing, technology, supply chain management, ICT, finance, marketing and sales, and other business functions. Check our website for vacancies and to submit your resume and application: sabic.com/careers

What is great about working for us SABIC is a company you encounter every day. From packaging for your food and drink, to the clothes you wear, the car you drive and even the screen you are looking at now, SABIC products will have been used to make them. That’s hardly surprising, because we are the second-largest diversified chemical company in the world, helping to our customers to develop over 150 new products each year. Growth with stability. We are already a Fortune Top 100 company and our plan for continuing stable growth means by 2025 we intend to be the world leader in chemicals. We have operations in over 40 countries, customers in over 100, and we employ around 40,000 people.

FROM PACKAGING TO PATIENTS, COuLd yOu MAKE THEM BETTER? Not all our products have lives depending on them. But we treat them as if they have. From tough, lightweight packaging to our uLTEM™ resin used in a sterilization tray for the healthcare industry. At SABIC, we need people who take innovation seriously. We’re looking for people who can.

FOR PEOPLE WHO CAN sabic.com/careers

© 2014 Copyright by SABIC. All rights reserved.


Entry options Internships

Contacts thyssenkrupp.com/career/jobs

Graduate Programs Thesis Work Direct Entry

About Industry: Manufacturing Headquarters: Essen, Germany

Why work for us? A company is only as dynamic as its people. We support you in taking your next steps in a challenging technological environment influenced by international customers and projects. Responsibility and reliability have been among our core values for over 200 years. And you can count on us to be a good, fair and responsible employer.

Our mission We are ThyssenKrupp – The Technology & Materials Company. We hold ourselves to the highest standards. We engage as entrepreneurs, with confidence, a passion to perform, and courage, aiming to be best in class. This is based on the dedication and performance of every team member. Employee development is especially important. Employee health and workplace safety have top priority. We share common values. We serve the interests of the Group. Our interactions are based on transparency and mutual respect. Integrity, credibility, reliability and consistency define everything we do. Compliance is a must. We are a responsible corporate citizen.


How to apply? You’ve found a career opportunity with us and would like to apply? The simplest and quickest way to submit your application is to use our online form at www.thyssenkrupp.com/career/jobs. The entire application process - starting with the first contact up to the hopefully positive reponse for you - takes around 4 to 6 weeks.

What is great about working for us Our Collegial Work Environment: which is characterized by a culture of mutual respect and collaboration. And so we share our knowledge, our responsibility, and our success with each other. Our Technology Level: To us, technology and innovation are relevant when it makes something better. And we know that the future is not just in 20 years’ time, but tomorrow. Engineering to us is solutions driven, being ingenious, hence we are fully absorbed by competitive, technological solutions. Internationality: We work together, with vision, and with a passion for engineering and innovation. We know that we can only come up with useful innovations if we understand our customers in different markets and industries.

Want to turn theory into practice – and profit? Become one of us. Like Sebastian Vogel, junior manager in Controlling at ThyssenKrupp Elevator AG – our people moving specialists. As one of us, he analyzes and optimizes business processes and turns theory into profit. If you’re ready to take the next step and put your knowledge into practice, become one of us. www.thyssenkrupp.com/career

Developing the future.


Entry options




Graduate Programs

+49 511 566 1812

Thesis Work Direct Entry

About Industry: Travel Headquarters: Hannover

Why work for us? Working in the travel industry is exciting, dynamic – and working at TUI Group promises a level of both national and international opportunities you won’t find anywhere else.

Our company culture By nature, the TUI Group workforce is incredibly diverse. After all, we’re a large, global organization. And this is our strength. Only with the contribution of a truly varied, inspirational team can we continue to deliver, to serve our customers – and to innovate. What TUI Group people share is a strong commitment to our journey of our customers and our business, as well as our vision for Spreading Smiles. Naturally, most of the people who are drawn to the leisure travel industry share a passion for travel both personally and professionally, which means they are passionate about their work and believe in the products and services we offer. Our offices are buzzing with driven people who genuinely love what they do. Whether they work directly with our customers or behind the scenes in the ‘engine rooms’ of our businesses, everyone shares the common goal to ”make travel experiences special.”


How to apply? For our TUI Group International Graduate Leadership Programme, we have two annual entry dates in September and March/ April. You can apply for the Programme 6-9 months before the start on our website www.tuiinternationalgraduates.com. This is where you find any further information on the programme and the application process. We take several steps to find the most suitable International Graduates: we have a look at your CV, we include online tests, telephone interviews and finally an Assessment Center.

What is great about working for us Why work for TUI? The exciting career opportunities and possibilities for progression are a good start. But the real attraction lies in our work – spreading smiles and making customers happy. For us, there’s no better feeling than that. We employ around 77,000 people based in all corners of the world. It’s this global reach that means we can offer such exciting career opportunities, for example the TUI Group International Graduate Leadership Programme. In 18 months you discover various departments in our international business locations, you gain leadership experience and get in direct contact with our customers. You won’t just be growing your own career, you’ll be an important part of the most exciting few weeks in anyone’s calendar, helping to spread smiles around the globe. Join the world’s leading integrated leisure tourism business and start your career in the travel industry with TUI.

SHE’S SMILING BECAUSE SHE HAS OPPORTUNITIES AS GLOBAL AS OUR BUSINESS MORE THAN A CAREER IN TRAVEL AND TOURISM TUI GROUP, the world’s leading travel company, is seeking outstanding graduates to become their future commercial leaders. We’re passionate about making travel experiences special for our 30 million customers offering a diverse range of holidays from skiing in the Alps, cruising in the Caribbean or relaxing on the Canaries. No surprise that TUI can offer you an extraordinary career – one that will really take you places. What to expect as a Graduate? Becoming a leader of tomorrow doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a real journey –one that includes amazing exposure with 18 months of international assignments in different business sectors. It also takes world-class training, an exceptional support network, and access to senior leaders. Find out more on www.tuiinternationalgraduates.com Begin your journey today and spread smiles with us!


Entry options




Graduate Programs


Thesis Work


Direct Entry

About :

Industry: Real Estate & Management Headquarters: Dusseldorf

Why work for us? Joining Unibail-Rodamco means joining a team of highly committed people who are driven by excellence. You will immediately be entrusted with exciting responsibilities and gain access to fulfilling career opportunities in a range of countries and functions.

Our company culture Unibail-Rodamco aims to offer a working environment that promotes equal opportunities values, talent diversity, and provides its employees with the skills and opportunities they require to build exciting and rewarding careers. Everything Unibail-Rodamco does is focused on value creation. The Group constantly strives to enhance its assets by deploying tailored five-year development plans that enables it to create and develop welcoming environments and stay one step ahead of the ever rising expectations of customers, while creating ongoing high returns for its teams and shareholders. To achieve its vision, the Group focuses on its core values: Customer satisfaction Proactivity Accountability Excellence


How to apply? Young high school graduates can discover the diversity of Unibail-Rodamco business through the European Graduate Programme. This one year programme is structured as follows: 2 or 3 assignments of 4 to 6 months in different Unibail-Rodamco entities At least one engagement in a foreign country One mission in a shopping center Send your application (CV plus Motivation Letter) to graduate-programme@unibail-rodamco.com and we will come back to you. You can apply the whole year long without deadlines.

What is great about working for us Every day, Unibail-Rodamco’s teams work to make the most of the Group’s assets and deliver a superior customer experience to its visitors. They work with some of the world’s best architects, designers, constructors, retailers and financial companies to create attractive spaces that play a central role in people’s lives. At Unibail-Rodamco, you can help to shape the future of cities while building an exciting and rewarding career with a company that promotes excellence and diversity. In return for your commitment, leadership and creativity, Unibail-Rodamco is dedicated to supporting you and helping you become one of tomorrow’s leaders.


Unibail-Rodamco is Europe’s undisputed leading listed real estate company. Listed on the Paris stock exchange since 1972, the Group owns an exceptional portfolio of prime shopping centres, office buildings and major convention and exhibition venues valued at €35 billion. They are located in the largest and wealthiest cities across Continental Europe. The Group seeks to continually improve the customer experience, by combining excellent operational skills with innovation, therefore setting the bar for tomorrow’s retail landscape. Unibail-Rodamco aims to offer a working environment that promotes equal opportunities values, talent diversity, and provides its employees with the skills and opportunities they require to build exciting and rewarding careers. The programme Through this one year programme, the young graduates can discover the diversity of Unibail-Rodamco business and approach to commercial real estate operations, acquire the fundamentals of its business, build a broad international network and prepare their future career • 2 or 3 missions in different core functions (development, investment, operation management, Leasing, marketing, shopping centre management) • At least one engagement in a foreign country • One mission in a shopping centre • You will be followed and coached and you will build a broad international network You have • Strong academic background from a top-ranked business or engineering school • Strong entrepreneurial personality and willing to bring own ideas • You know how to handle pressure and like to work in an international and motivating environment • You have strong interest for the world of retail industry • Excellent analytical and organizational skills • Business fluent command of English and German • Very good MS-Office user We are looking forward to getting to know you. Apply on www.unibail-rodamco.de/karriere

Unibail-Rodamco Germany /// Klaus-Bungert-Str. 1 /// 40468 Düsseldorf www.unibail-rodamco.de/careers


Entry options Internships


Graduate Programs


Thesis Work


Direct Entry


Why work for us? The future belongs to those who are empowered by a great idea and have the ability to carry it out. At Volvo Car Group, our vision is clear: ”To be the world’s most progressive and desired premium car brand” by simplifying people’s lives. We have bold targets when it comes to innovation, sales and customer satisfaction and to make this happen, we need talented people onboard. People with passion, energy, business sense and the drive to innovate. People that want to create the next generation Volvo cars in a global, dynamic and respectful environment. We will support you to reach your full potential. Join us on this exciting journey into the future.

Our company culture Our Volvo Cars Culture unites us in the most unique way and it starts with our commitment to making a difference in people’s lives. We define our culture by three values: PASSION FOR CUSTOMERS AND CARS: Being curious and customer oriented in everything we do. MOVE FAST AND AIM HIGH: Seeing and seizing opportunities. REAL CHALLENGE AND RESPECT: Taking initiative and acting on your experience. Our values are authentic, and they will not change. The challenge for each and every one of our employees is to find personal meaning in our values, and act as role-models each and every day. We are people that create cars for people. Our success lies in being truly passionate for our customers and cars, while moving fast and aiming higher than ever before. We dare to challenge and accept challenges, yet never compromise the respect we have for one another. This is the essence of Our Volvo Cars Culture.



About Industry: Automotive

How to apply? Apply for the 2016 Volvo Car Group Graduate Programme and join us in creating the next generation of smart, sustainable premium cars from Volvo. Apply in November 2015. Programme starts in August 2016. Find out more information about our Graduate Programme at volvocars.com/career

What is great about working for us? At Volvo Cars, you have approximately 30,000 colleagues around the world. Whether youíre an engineer, a talented designer or passionate about marketing, there are career opportunities for you within the company. We have built a reputation as one of the world’s most attractive employers. And we base our success on three elements - we’re a global brand with a dynamic and respectful environment; we make innovative and attractive cars; and we help employees develop and further their careers. With a company as dynamic as Volvo Cars, there is a huge range of business areas offering a variety of job opportunities. So whatever your career path, we provide the arena. We offer a great working environment and the chance for you to realize your dreams whilst helping us to reach our ambitious goals.



Entry options Undergraduate Degree

Contacts www.unisg.it/en/

Graduate Degree Master Program

About Campus: Pollenzo, Italy

Why study at UNISG? Because UNISG is a unique international university with an original educational formula that brings together study and practice, books and life stories, science and rural artisanal knowledge, enriched by study trips that encourage exchanges with food producers across the globe. This methodological and pedagogical approach provides students with a holistic vision of food production systems both past and present and teaches them how to develop scenarios for the future of food in the world.

Where do students go afterwards? UNISG graduates work in a wide range of businesses, spanning large-scale agrifood production to small-scale and artisanal enterprises, such as wineries, local retailers, and specialty shops. Gastronomes are also active in the tourism sector, training, and NGOs. They hold positions in communications, marketing, and management, as well as in journalism, sales, and food production and transformation. A small number of alumni work for family businesses, while a growing percentatge take up entrepreneurship, often based on a project developed during their time at university. Whether employee or owner, or start-upper, UNISG gastronomes all share the desire to move towards a delicious and sustainable future for food.


How to apply? Students from all countries are eligible to apply. The main requirements for all programs are: proficiency in written and spoken English, keen interest in food studies, possession of an undergraduate or first-level degree for Master programs or of a high school diploma for the Three-year undergraduate degree (Bachelor degree). Please contact the Registrar Office segreteria@unisg.it to receive full details on the application processes and on deadlines.

What is great about unisg? Imagine programs where you learn about Food Biodiversity Science, History of Cuisine and Wine, Sensory Analysis, Gastronomy Ecodesign, Philosophy and Semiotics of Food, together with Ecological Horticulture, Wine Tasting, Food and Film just to name few of our courses. And you also learn through study trips with destinations in Italy and around the world, to discover specific food production sector like coffee, pasta, fish, oil, or spirits, and different regional gastronomic and cultural features. Imagine you become a gastronome, with knowledge and skills relating to the agricultural and food sector, working in the food production, distribution, and consumption in a direction that will create a sustainable future for the planet. That’s UNISG!

What do

NISG U students do?

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With us you shape the future. Every single day. Find out all about your future career at: www.eon-careers.com

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