Opinion Paper on the use of vacant space in Montréal: a youth perspective

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Opinion Paper on the use of vacant space in Montréal: a youth perspective

Step 2: Analysis of results and development of recommendation hypotheses In this step, firstly a summary report was created covering the discussions and major issues arising from the event Montréal transitoire. Secondly, the interviews were tabulated and evaluated in order to highlight key ideas. In light of the key ideas raised by the literature review and field research, a series of recommendations were formulated and guidelines for intervention outlined.

A pilot project is indecision that is positive, as it results in action. JÉRÔME GLAD Cofounder of La Pépinière

13. (Our translation) Latour, 2007.


Step 3: Verification of recommendations with experts and development of guidelines for intervention Two discussion sessions were subsequently organized with various experts in order to evaluate and discuss recommendation hypotheses. These sessions were designed to ensure that the recommendations and following guidelines were realistic and responded appropriately to the needs of the municipal administration and other stakeholders. This quote by Bruno Latour, French sociologist, anthropologist and philosopher resumes the mindset of this study: “It is impossible to know everything before acting. One must try to succeed at something first, understand what comes out of it, before trying again, and thus build incrementally. Through this approach, theoretical and practical frameworks mutually enrich one another.”13

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