01262010 ej

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6A / Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Enquirer-Journal

Teen embarrassments turn into fond memories DEAR ABBY: I had to respond to “Blushing in San Francisco” (Nov. 21), the 11-year-old girl who’s embarrassed because her mother sings and dances in the mall. I was that mother a few years ago. My daughter and I shopped in trendy stores where the music was really loud, and when she saw me bob my head and move to the music, she would shake her head “no.” I’d do it again -- just to torture her. As she tried on clothes, she would pop out and say, “Have you been dancing again? This is a no-dancing zone!” We laugh about it now. When I teach, I tell my students what I did. They tell me unanimously that they would die if I were their mom -- to which I respond that it’s my job to make them miserable. As the Bee Gees sang, “You should be daaaancin’, yeah!”

Dear Abby Columnist

-- STILL DANCING IN GRANITE CITY, ILL. DEAR STILL DANCING: Your letter was among hundreds I received pointing out that “Blushing in San Francisco’s” dilemma is universal. Read on: DEAR ABBY: My husband is a contractor, and his office is in our home. He enjoys playing music while he works, and we often hear him singing happily along. One evening when my daughter was 11, she had some friends over and was

trying her best to ignore the fact that her dad was singing while he worked, and hoping her friends wouldn’t notice. All went well until Shania Twain came on and he started singing along to “Man! I Feel Like a Woman!” We all laughed hysterically, and it’s still one of our favorite memories. My daughter saw that her dad could laugh at himself, and that her friends enjoyed the humor without losing respect for him. Not to take oneself too seriously was the lesson learned. It’s one we all need reminding about occasionally. -- STILL LAUGHING IN SAN JOSE DEAR ABBY: When my daughter was about 8, I was walking her to the door of her school and thought I’d have some fun with her, so I started acting like a cross between the Hunchback of Notre Dame, Dracula and

Horoscopes Jan. 26, 2010

Dennis the Menace take kindly to it at all. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -Be smart, and don’t talk critically about someone in front of others who know and like this person, even if what you say is true. Listeners are likely to resent you. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -When put in charge of a group involvement, creating pointless rules will only make you look foolish in the eyes of others. Let each person volunteer what he or she is capable of doing. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- If you pretend to be knowledgeable about something that you’re not, prepare for a rude awakening. It will not make you look good in the eyes of another; you will be found out and embarrassed. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- If you are enthusiastic about some exciting plans you’ve made, avoid telling a negative friend. Chances are your pal will do nothing but put doubt and misgivings in your mind.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- When doing business with a new and unfamiliar firm, get everything in writing and study it beforehand. Conduct business only after you are completely satisfied. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -Usually, you’re thoughtful about not telling a down-and-out friend about the good things happening in your life. But in your excitement, you might blurt it all out at this time. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Chances are you’ll have little patience for handling small details. If you’re smart, you’ll temporarily put aside any assign-

ment that requires an aptitude for dealing with them. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- You’ll have little patience for details so be extra careful when dealing with business involvements. If you forget important little things, it could mean a big loss. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Don’t put on affectations because it could blemish your image. True friends appreciate you for who you are, so there’s no need to act superior. CANCER (June 21-July 22) -You might withhold something important from another out of spite. Sadly, the one you hurt the most will be yourself. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- If in your mind you are not properly acknowledged for a past action, resentment might cause more bitterness than you bargained for. Others won’t be anxious to be your friend. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Your mobility and independence might be more important than usual. Steer clear of those who can place restrictions on your time, because you won’t


by Dean Young & Mike Gersher

ASTRO-GRAPH By Bernice Bede Osol Improving your knowledge in your chosen field of endeavor will pay large dividends in the year ahead. Many opportunities loom on the horizon, but until you know about them, you won’t be able to take advantage.


Frank and Ernest

Hagar the Horrible


the Mummy. When I asked if I was embarrassing her, she responded: “Why would I be embarrassed? You’re the one acting silly!” I immediately stopped because she was right. What she understood at her tender age was that you can only be responsible for your own actions. -- MOM IN HAMILTON, ONTARIO, CANADA DEAR ABBY: My advice to “Blushing” is to enjoy her mother while she has her. When I was in my teens, my dad mortified me with his dancing whenever we went to the grocery store. While pushing his shopping cart, Dad would bebop up and down the aisles. As an adolescent, it embarrassed me to no end. I look back now and regard my father’s dancing fondly -- mainly because I have two delightful small children who inherited their grandfather’s

by Bob Thaves

by Chris Browne

DEAR ABBY: I was embarrassed every time I went to the mall with my mom because she’d usually burst into show tunes before we got out of the parking lot. I am now 40, and I sing in parking lots, too. I finally understand that the most valuable lesson my mother ever taught me was to let that song in my heart out and not care what anybody else thinks. It’s empowering, and “Blushing” should give it a try. -- SECONDGENERATION SINGER DEAR SINGER: One of these days, try it in a parking structure. The acoustics are as good as any you’ll find in a recording studio. -- LA-LA IN L.A. aka DEAR ABBY

Family Circus

Encourage your children to read the newspaper.

Copyright 2010 Newspaper Enterprise Assn.

by Jim Davis

love of dancing. When I see them “perform,” I know my dad is looking down from heaven and chuckling, too. -PROUD MOM IN GEORGIA


The Born Loser

Andy Capp

The Wizard of Id

by Scott Adams Peanuts

by Johnny Hart

by Art Sansom

by Reggie Smythe

by Bryant Parker & Johnny Hart

by Charles M. Schultz

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