The Living Lab Guidebook for cities fighting against air pollution

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Tips • Strengthening the relationship with city stakeholders. Whether the relationship is just being formed or whether it’s already solid, it’s important to put a lot of effort into the relationship with city stakeholders. Explaining why involving them and their citizens in a Living Lab is important. Listening to their worries and concerns – building a trusting relationship and not over-promising what can be delivered. Showing what’s in it for them and giving them something back in return for their support and involvement is key, as well as. keeping them informed on a regular basis (e.g. once a month to inform them about any progress, however small it is, just to keep them engaged and in the loop). • Looking out for opportunities to collaborate with local initiatives, organisations and communities. Living Labs require collaboration across disciplines and institutional boundaries. They also require skills and experience in bringing a great diversity of stakeholders together to work towards a common goal. The results, however, are well worth the investment in time and resources. • The most important outcome of the Living Lab activities might not be the innovative solution, but the increased awareness of the city stakeholders. This refers to learning about their needs, considerations, constraints, concerns, language, and ideas that they have with respect to the challenge. • Not over-planning the Living Lab. Being flexible in the design of the Living Lab and its individual events. The more flexible the activities are the more people can participate. • Ensuring the outreach and involvement of all those citizens that are already passionate about the topic of the Living Lab activity. Making sure different ways to nurture their passions are considered (e.g. those less civically engaged or who rarely participate in public affairs). • Making it replicable. Where possible the Living Lab intervention should be replicable across cities to allow for maximum impact. For example, the ‘Wandering Trees’ are a concept that is already tried and tested in another German city, so it is known what works and what can be improved.



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