Hotelier & Hospitality Design - December 2019

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c bieblue



Imagine a Hotel Room... Imagine you enter a hotel room after a long day of meetings or perhaps a family outing, touring Paris with three kids, grandma and your spouse. Your Apple Watch says you walked twenty thousand steps, you are exhausted and all you want to do is lie down on the bed, plug in your cell, catch up with the news or post the pictures from your day of touring. This scenario plays out at thousands of hotels around the world everyday. You need power - power to charge your phone, and all of your family member’s phones. Where do you plug in all of these devices? Hopefully, your hotel accommodations have considered the guest’s overwhelming need to charge up. Hotel stakeholders - property owners, brands and management companies have begun to realize the importance of accessible power for everyone. Along with internet access, convenient charging is THE primary concern of hotel guests. They expect rooms to be fully provisioned with accessible outlets at the nightstand to easily charge their devices.

Now... Imagine you enter a hotel room and there are a few wall sockets, but because you are traveling internationally, your device is incompatible with the available outlets and even worse, you have forgotten your adapter. You may call the front desk only to be frustrated because they don’t have any extra adapters.

CubieBlue® incorporates Bluetooth® speakers and allows guests to stream their personal music, delivering a pleasing and crisp audio experience. Featuring simple one touch pairing and personal control via guest’s own mobile device, CubieBlue® delivers a truly enhanced guest room listening experience.

Hotels guests travel to and from different parts of the globe. Some guest’s devices require either a UK (Type G) or EU (Schuko) socket. To solve this problem, Brandstand developed the innovative CubieBlueXB, based on the popular CubieBlue® Bluetooth® Alarm Clock. CubieBlueXB offers one of each type of socket - one UK and one EU. This clever solution satisfies guest’s power needs because odds are, European travelers will have one or the other plug type.

In order for hotels to ensure the best customer experience in terms of guest facing power and charging, Brandstand offers a line of alarm clocks for the UK, European and Middle East hospitality markets with a variety of power options including: surge protected, tamper resistant 220V, EU or UK outlets, USB-A ports and Qi wireless charging. Each product makes it easy to charge up multiple devices and offers additional power and charging at the nightstand

The success of CubieBlue® is based on a clear user interface and an alarm clock that does not feel like an afterthought. The unique one knob design of CubieBlue’s alarm clock is well thought out, simple to use and a device that hotel guest’s will actually use! Guests no longer ask the question: “How do I set the alarm?” Nor do they worry that the alarm will not wake them on time.

About Brandstand: Brandstand offers innovatively designed, user-friendly power and connectivity products for the hospitality industry. 972.388.1450

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