Enfants d'Azur Magazine, Issue 6

Page 17

My firm belief is that stories feed children. Imaginative exploration through reading and writing is proven to help them learn to process emotional responses, to make connections leading to less loneliness and improve academic motivation. Stories open up new worlds for children that can show different viewpoints and foster curiosity, wonder and adventure. Seas are traversed, skills are practised, and people of all persuasions are introduced. But English can feel like a hostile world for some children. So how do we bring it back to life? Building their relationship with words increases their confidence generally, and then they can start reading with their feelings and writing with their souls. Unlock reluctant readers with a little paired

Finally: constructive editing lightly of their

reading and encourage them to create their

story, and plenty of praise. When one

own stories - however grubby or imperfect

focuses on enjoyment and fun playing

they may look: lovely! This is what I do:

creatively with words, the delicate qualities

reaching out to wobbly writers and anxious

of building self-esteem and mindfulness

readers as well as those gifted children who

can follow, truly.

need time to shine.

IMAGINATION IS FREE, in all senses of the

The key is to remember that their writing is

word, so over the summer holidays let’s

THEIR writing.

leave some paper out, some coloured

Emphasising creative agency; writing a short

pens in a hidey hole, in the garden under a

story from observation and experience can empower children. Give them time and space to express themselves and go their own way. First step: get them using English. Enthuse them to trust themselves to give it a go.

parasol. And when we look up at the sky, out to sea or in our own bedrooms (Where the Wild Things Are), every story starts with a wee spark, so let’s ignite their imaginations this summer. Dr.Hannah Snow Baud is a private tutor of English

Skills can be polished after the ground

for children aged between 4 and 18 in the Nice

spring of imaginative ideas bubble forth.

area. Please see English Tutoring for Children on

Secondly: nurture the enjoyment of putting words down with energy, passion, and no anxiety, whether copying or experimenting.

the Riviera on Facebook. She also works at the Hive Academy. A native English speaker from Oxford, she is also a mum of five children and enjoys rugby, cricket, music and dancing.

Next: get them sharing their stories! ENFANTS D’AZUR MAGAZINE

June / July / August 2021


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