Encycleopedia VII

Page 38

towards an

Urban Paradise Having traveled the world in search of solutions to the urban challenge, I have witnessed too much congestion and pollution, repeated by every city, big and small, developed and developing. I have been given hope and given up hope.

Karta Singh Healy of A>>B has spent the last 4 years researching and filming urban transport solutions around the world, the documentary series of six cities will be aired globally.

I decided to reassess my faith in humanity and better designs, by undertaking a study of six cities that inspired hope, and set a good example for other metropolis’. I call my project A>>B (A go to B), to describe the universal need we all share. It is a collective of individuals that contribute their talent and time to better understand this debate, and ultimately promote the most sustainable solutions.

Every day in every city, everywhere, people get up and get stuck. In this age of hypermobility, everyone wants to BE THERE NOW. The real costs of car culture cannot be counted, within the city limits. The human environment suffers far more than the ecosystem we aim to protect. The time, money and stress wasted globally, on a daily basis, should be the catalyst for change... The dreaded commute is the worst way to start the day. The car is not the culprit. The ‘convenience’ of the car is an alluring myth that traps new drivers every year. The options are overlooked and seen as ‘alternatives’. Why has the mighty bicycle been taken for granted? Between the two extremes of cyclists and petrol heads, the debate fails.

The six cities I chose: San Francisco The only American city with a vibrant set of solutions big and small, integrated within their communities. Sydney Still riding the Olympic planning rails. Innovative city with ideal potentials. Shanghai The biggest boom-town of the 21st century, with transport challenges of another human scale. Tokyo Technologically advanced Megalopolis that shows how most cities could end up.


Berlin Strong Green influence in integrated Planning>>Policy>>Products. London Potentially the ultimate model city, with a transport debate raging on the streets.

What they all have in common is: The resourcefulness of the citizens, innovation within industry and motivation from the government to foster solutions to pollution. We have researched, filmed, and interviewed in all of these cities. We witnessed many fine people setting good examples within their communty. People that use and promote sustainable transport in every way. We worked with companies to understand the benefits of their products and wondered how the state’s policies would help or hinder their success. The human element drives this debate forward, every individual could be more aware of their actions, and entertain some lifestyle changes that

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