October 3, 2018

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T h e C a p e F e a r ’ s A lt e r n at i v e V o i c e f o r 3 5 Y e a r s !

VOL. 36/ PUB.10 OCT. 3-9, 2018



#northsidestrong The Foxes Boxes opened their doors and hearts to their community after Hurricane Florence

Randy and Rachel Fox, owners of The Foxes Boxes. Photo by Tom Dorgan


Vol. 36/Pub. 36/Pub. 710 Vol.

October 3-9, 2018 September 12 - September 18, 2018



Friday, May - 11 Saturday, Oct.66, 11a.m. a.m.


HURRICANE FLORENCE BENEFIT FESTIVAL The Calico Room (115 N. 2nd St.) and William Baker present the Hurricane Florence Benefit Festival this Saturday. All proceeds go to relieving victims of Hurricane Florence. There’s a suggested donation of $5 person (or water, canned foods, toiletries, etc.), but all law enforcement, firefigheters, EMS and linemen get in free with ID. There will be games, face painting and more, while artists and bands include Kristie Lynn, Ryan Cain, Tiffany Elaine, Now Or Never, Ashton Ward, Jessie Avila and others.


Rachel and Randy Fox have converted their North Fourth Street restaurant, The Foxes Boxes, into a relief station full of meals and other supplies for their NOFO neighborhood, which took a hard hit from Hurricane Florence. Cover and above photos by Tom Dorgan


LIVE LOCAL>> Gwenyfar reaches out to local conservationist and educator Andy Wood about his and his son Carson’s Coastal Plain Conservation Group and their first Butterfly Ball fundraiser. Photo by Tom Dorgan




PGS. 4-5

Shea Carver // shea@encorepub.com

Assistant Editor:

Shannon Rae Gentry // music@encorepub.com


Art Director/Office Manager:

These hand-crafted earrings (left) from Sarah Westermark’s original jewelry collection are among hundreds of handmade items folks can find at this weekends’s American Craft Week Walk in downtown Wilmington.

PG. 14

Courtesy photo


THEATRE>> Overcoming delays from Hurricane Florence, Thalian Association is bringing one of Broadway’s longest running shows, ‘Pippin,’ to the Wilmington stage for one weekend only from October 5-7. Courtesy photo

Susie Riddle // ads@encorepub.com Chief Contributors: Gwenyfar Rohler, Anghus, Tom Tomorrow, Chuck Shepherd, Mark Basquill, Rosa Bianca, Rob Brezsny, Linda Grattafiori, Bethany Turner, John Wolfe Interns: Nina Caruso, Karen Crawford, Audra Bullard


General Manager:

John Hitt // john@encorepub.com


Glenn Rosenbloom // glenn@encorepub.com John Hitt // john@encorepub.com Shea Carver // shea@encorepub.com

PG. 16

INSIDE THIS WEEK: Live Local, pgs. 4-5 • News of the Weird, pg. 6 Music, pgs. 8-12 • Art, pgs. 14-15 • Theatre, pg. 16 • Film, pg. 19 • Dining, pgs. 20-26 Extra Books, pg. 30 • Crossword, pg. 36 • Calendar, pgs. 32-39 2 encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com

To enter events on encore’s new online calendar, generated by SpinGo, head to www.encorepub. com/welcome/events-2. Events must be entered by every Thursday at noon, for consideration in print and on our new app, encore Go. E-mail shea@ encorepub.com with questions.

Published on Wednesday by HP Media. Opinions of contributing writers are not the opinions of encore.

P.O. Box 12430, Wilmington, N.C. 28405 www.encorepub.com

encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com 3



Coastal Plain Conservation Group will host inaugural Butterfly Ball at the BAC’s Annex AW: October is the time of year when our area is visited upon by migrating monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus). The Butterfly Ball, inspired by a British book of rhymes of the same name, is intended as it sounds: a fun time to celebrate butterflies and the natural world they share with us. In keeping with the concept, dress for the occasion is black tie optional and costumes encouraged. We hope being scheduled close to Halloween may inspire the young and elders alike to don festive, colorful dress [for a little fun].The Butterfly Ball is CPCG’s first gala event. In fact, it is CPCG’s first “live” fundraiser. We conducted a GoFundMe crowd-funding campaign back in 2015 that successfully enabled us to purchase and protect a 10.5-acre tract of longleaf pine habitat in Pender County that was threatened with conversion to horse pasture.


e: Your passion is snails and Carson’s is woodpeckers. So why butterflies?


COLORS APLENTY: The monarch butterflies are migrating to ILM this time of year. Photo by Tom Dorgan

he idea of home is really pressing in a lot of people’s minds right now— mine included. When I was in kindergarten, our science teacher, Mr. Andy Wood, taught us an animal’s home in the wild is called a “habitat” and loss of habitat was a serious danger for animals. Right now loss of habitat feels like a serious danger for people. The events of the last few weeks have reminded me one of the major factors in habitat destruction for both humans and animals alike is climate change—and no one is immune to its impacts. Andy Wood has dedicated much of his adult life to educating others about the impacts of habitat loss and its causes. Though it might seem like an incongruous event right now, his nonprofit, the Coastal Plain Conservation Group (CPCG), is holding an educational fundraising gala, The Butterfly Ball, on October 13 at The Annex at Brooklyn Arts Center. In spite of demand of securing living spaces of myriad creatures the Wood family cares for, and cleaning up from the

trauma of Hurricane Florence, Wood took a few minutes to answer encore’s questions about The Butterfly Ball and his conservation work. encore (e): Tell us a little about the conservation group. Andy Wood (AW): As our name implies, [we are] a nonprofit conservation organization working to protect southeastern North Carolina’s rare and imperiled plants and wildlife, and the habitats that support them and us. In a very real sense, CPCG is a family-founded group, [which I direct], with help from my naturalist son, Carson Wood, a Red-cockaded Woodpecker (RCWO) biologist with more than a decade of work experience with this endangered species. At 29, Carson is likely the youngest person to hold necessary permits required to manage and protect RCWO—a non-migratory longleaf pine specialist now critically-imperiled by rampant habitat loss throughout its range. CPCG is a small entity focused on imperative efforts to prevent extinction of lesserknown species that otherwise fall through

4 encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com

“conservation cracks.” As an example, in the words of the US Fish and Wildlife Service, we have all but singlehandedly prevented extinction of the magnificent ramshorn, (Planorbella magnifica), North America’s largest freshwater-lunged snail once found in ponds and slow streams associated with the lower Cape Fear River, including Greenfield Lake. Today, the magnificent ramshorn and its quarter-inch cousin the Greenfield ramshorn (Helisoma eucosmium), are believed gone from the wild (extirpated). The thought is based on exhaustive searches throughout the past 25 years, which last yielded wild P. magnifica in 2004. The last wild H. eucosmium were seen in 2008. By good fortune for both species, CPCG has been maintaining critically rare animals in captive care—a “crusade,” as my son Robin calls it, that has been a family affair since 1992, the year former US Army Corps of Engineers biologist Bill Adams and I rediscovered P. magnifica in a private mill pond connected to the Cape Fear River. e: Why is it time for a fundraising gala?

AW: While I have been leading the charge to prevent extinction of two littleknown Cape Fear River snails, my passion is education, especially public speaking and interpretive writing. Since my first encounter with P. magnifica, one of the rarest animals on Earth, I have included its story in almost all my public presentations. In fact, while serving as a lobbyist for the National Audubon Society in 2009 through 2012, I carried living P. magnifica into the Senate building to show then Senator Dole and current Senator Burr consequences of climate change, including ocean expansion (sea-level rise), [which] are already having impacts on our environment as evidenced by coastal swamps and other habitats being drowned in salty water. My point was to try to put a face on the issue of climate change and its real-world impacts to people, plants and wildlife. While a rare snail and bird may be valuable ambassadors for the environment, they are creatures few people will ever see in the wild. Butterflies, however, may be more compelling, simply because they are visible and cheer-bringing members of our community. For this reason, CPCG has been planting pollinator-friendly gardens, with financial support from grants, and in partnership with Habitats Gardens, LLC—a conservation (sustainable) landscape company. From 2015 to present, CPCG and Habitats Gardens has installed more than

15,000 wildflowers in several acresscale sites in southeast North Carolina. Rather than planting seeds and hoping they will germinate, we contracted commercial growers to cultivate seedlings in 1- to 4-inch containers to give the plants a rooted head start in their new surroundings. While it is a labor-intensive process, we have been assisted with student and community volunteers, eager to learn about creating pollinator gardens at all levels—from planter boxes to habitat-restoration scale. e: Why is habitat protection important right now? AW: “Habitat” is a term that refers to a place where something lives, whether it’s a plant or animal. Southeastern North Carolina is composed of several unique and significant habitats, including but not limited to: riverine swamps, hardwood forests, longleaf pine savannas and sandhills, pocosin (evergreen shrub thickets), freshwater marshes, saltwater marshes, barrier islands, and the open beaches where land meets ocean. Southeastern North Carolina is part of the North American Coastal Plain, and a biodiversity hotspot as designated by Conservation International, a global leader in ecosystem protection. The hotspot designation is not entirely

flattering, however. While our region may boast 1,500 species of native plants, the reason we are a so-called hotspot is because we have lost at least 70 percent of our native habitats. e: What will the gala include? AW: The Butterfly Ball is simply a party in celebration of [our] unique natural heritage—especially the colorful autumn butterflies and flowers that help draw us closer to nature. The ball is an event to connect people with CPCG and our works to protect the ecoregion’s special plants, wildlife, and irreplaceable habitats. When we started planning the event, we knew it was timed within hurricane season, but we had no idea our area would be struck so forcefully by a storm that has turned the community seemingly upside-down. So, the ball now has greater relevance because, in spite of the ravages nature can unleash with a hurricane, the fact remains nature’s flowers, birds and butterflies offer comfort and solace in troubled times. It has long been known one of the best places to find sanctuary is in a garden, especially after a hurricane has ravaged a community’s otherwise compelling landscape. We can’t transform Brooklyn Arts Center’s Annex into a true garden, but we will make every effort to decorate and il-

luminate the space to be enchanting and welcoming as possible. As a fundraiser for CPCG we’ll have raffle items and a silent auction, along with a photo booth featuring a butterfly ambassador to help make the evening memorable. e: What do you hope attendees learn? And what is next for CPCG? AW: Given the recent weather-related trauma our region has endured, the ball has greater significance as an opportunity to remind ourselves of benefits we derive from nature, including the joy of watching butterflies fluttering among flowers, hearing songs of birds in a garden, and knowing these beings are members of the same habitats providing ecosystem services to our benefit. e: What would you like people to start doing at their own homes to make a difference for habitat? AW: While it is helpful for people to contribute funding to organizations like CPCG, conservation begins at home, at work, and where we play. Reducing unneeded plant maintenance is one way to cut landscape expense, and the simplest strategy to accomplish this is selecting the right plant for the right place. This approach to landscape management has the added benefit of reducing air, noise and water pollution.

Our yards can be urban oases for wildlife, including butterflies, songbirds, frogs, and turtles. Practicing conservation landscaping to reduce resource consumption has the added benefit of saving money that can otherwise be used to enhance and renovate property spaces to increase curbside appeal, while also creating a welcoming sanctuary where people can connect with nature right outside their doors.


The Butterfly Ball

Sat., October 13, 6 p.m., featuring a “Caterpillar Cotillion” for children from 6-7 p.m. The Annex at Brooklyn Arts Center 516 N. 4th St. Tickets: $40 (includes 2 drink and 2 raffle tickets) coastalplaincg.org

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encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com 5


Laurence Mitchell, 53, gets this week’s Most Helpful Dad award for graciously driving his 15-year-old son and the son’s girlfriend, also 15, to a Port St. Lucie, Florida, park on Sept. 6 so they could “do their thang,” as Mitchell described it. The Smoking Gun reported that when Port St. Lucie police officer Clayton Baldwin approached Mitchell’s car around 11:30 p.m., after the park had closed, Mitchell told him the kids “aren’t out there stealing, they are just having sex. They could be out there doing worse.” When the teenagers returned from the nearby soccer field, Mitchell’s son told the officer they were “just smokin’ and f---in’.” Mitchell was charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor, a misdemeanor.


While shopping at a Peoria, Illinois, Walmart on Sept. 20, an unnamed 30-yearold woman filled her cart but also added a few items to her backpack: leggings, pencils, a quart of oil and a “Jesus Calling” Bible. After she paid for only the items in her cart, a loss prevention officer stopped her before she left the store. Peoria police were summoned, reported the Peoria Journal Star, and the woman explained to them she was hoping the Bible could help her spiritually: “(She) told me that it sounds strange, but she was trying to be more Christian,” an officer reported. She was charged with misdemeanor theft. After trying repeatedly on Sept. 12 to pull over a Toyota Prius driving with expired tags on I-5 near Marysville, Washington, a Wash-

ington State Patrol officer finally caught up to the car at an intersection and verbally instructed the unnamed 42-year-old woman driver to pull over, reported the Everett Daily Herald. “I will not. I drive a Prius,” was the woman’s reply. The officer then asked her to step out of the vehicle, which she also refused to do, so he forced her out. “I will own your bank account,” she told him. “I will own your house.” When he asked her name, she responded, “None of your business.” Finally, she was arrested for failing to obey instructions, failing to identify herself and obstruction.


Tammie Hedges of Goldsboro, North Carolina, founded the nonprofit Crazy’s Claws N Paws in 2013 to help low-income families with vet bills and pet supplies, so it was natural for her to take in 27 animals displaced by Hurricane Florence in September. Hedges treated many of the animals, found in the streets or surrendered by fleeing residents, with antibiotics and painkillers for fleas, cuts and other ailments. For that, The Washington Post reported, she was arrested on Sept. 21 for practicing veterinary medicine without a license, after an official from Wayne County Animal Services visited the warehouse where the animals were housed. Kathie Davidson, a volunteer with Claws N Paws, said: “If she hadn’t done what she did, then they’ll be charging her with animal neglect and cruelty. What was she supposed to do?” Hedges was released on bond, and the charges were later dropped.


Ironman triathlete Jaroslav Bobrowski, 30, of Landshut, Bavaria, was banned Sept. 14 from Running Sushi, an all-you-can-eat restaurant, for eating too much sushi. The Local Germany reported Bobrowski, a former bodybuilder, ate close to 100 plates of sushi, which sent the restaurant into a panic and caused the owner and chef to tell him he was banished “because I’m eating too much.” “He eats for five people,” the owner complained. “That is not normal.”

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An unnamed 26-year-old British woman appeared at Nuestra Senora de la Cande-

is noit! y k s The r the lim onge

laria Hospital emergency room in Mojon de Arona, Tenerife, in the Canary Islands on Sept. 15 with extreme pain in her groin area. El Pais reported the doctor who examined her was surprised to find a dead, immature Chinese pond turtle lodged in her vagina. The woman told police she had attended a beach party the night before but could not remember what happened. (Given that the freshwater species is sold in pet shops, it’s not likely that it got there by accident.) Police suspect she may have been the victim of a sexual assault, but she chose not to file a complaint.


In what the Porter County (Indiana) coroner later called “a blatant disregard for human life,” two men posted a video of themselves “horseplaying” with a third man, 21-year-old Kyle Kearby, who was slumped over, suffering from an apparent drug overdose, on Sept. 9. The video shows one man tying cords to Kearby’s hands and manipulating his arms like a puppet, and the other pumping Kearby’s chest and moving his mouth while singing “You’ve Got a Friend in Me.” Kearby’s father told The Times his son returned home about 5:30 a.m. and went to bed, but later discovered him not breathing and covered with vomit. He died at a hospital. Porter County Sheriff Dave Reynolds said he does not suspect foul play.


Romance novelist Nancy Crampton Brophy, 68, was arrested on Sept. 5 on charges of murdering her husband, Daniel Brophy, 63, in Portland, Oregon, after apparently following her own advice, written in a 2011 essay titled “How to Murder Your Husband.” In the essay, Crampton Brophy suggests that hiring a hit man is “never a good idea” and poison is traceable. Instead, reported The Oregonian, she allegedly shot her husband on June 2 at the Oregon Culinary Institute where Daniel was a beloved chef. Police did not release a motive, and a neighbor said Crampton Brophy “never showed any signs of being upset or sad.” On Sept. 17, she pleaded not guilty in Multnomah County Circuit Court, and her trial is set for Oct. 26.


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Taylor Lee showcases world-class acts on solo album, holds release party at Bourgie Nights would say some of my greatest influences are Hans Zimmer, Jaco Pastorius, Michael D’Angelo. . . . My compositional skills have been honed in my years on the road and I really feel they are showcased greatly in my music on this CD.”



have been very fortunate and blessed by God to play with a lot of my musical heroes,” bassist and composer Taylor Lee says. He’s played with the likes of Jeff Sipe Trio, Nico and Vinz, and banjoist Béla Fleck.

Lee’s wife, Sara, has taken lead on some vocals. She and Lee wrote “Prayer” together, which encompasses their spirituality and faith in God.

“One thing I notice with all of the world-class cats is they are fully immersed into their craft,” he notes, “and [they are] humble.”

“[‘Prayer’] really is our representation of how amazing God has been and the wonderful things He has done for our family,” Lee explains. “[Sara] has truly been amazing in the process of the album, giving me musical advice and supporting me all the long nights I was getting this together. Her singing on that tune is one of the climatic moments of the album to me.”

Lee’s years of touring with the instrumental titans has provided a wealth of experience and helped him sharpen his own compositional skills. While on tour with Nico and Vinz as their bass player, he performed on “David Letterman,” “The Today Show” and the 2015 Pro Bowl halftime show. “We also got the opportunity to play events like The Jingle Ball and Essence Festival alongside Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande,” Lee adds. “Getting to play on live television shows was good for my confidence as a player.” Taylor Lee is now preparing to release his first solo record, “Lightning Man,” which embodies his years of eclectic endeavors—as well as a few guest players he’s come to know. Lee will celebrate “Lightning Man” at his release party at Bourgie Nights on Friday. The name “Lighting Man” originally appeared as a superhero Lee created when he drew comics as a young artist at 9 or 10 years old. “He was this cool character with blue pants and a yellow cape,” he remem-

ALL ABOUT THAT BASS: Bassist and composer Taylor Lee is releasing his solo album ‘Lightning Man’ this Friday. Courtesy photo

bers. “He had the ability to channel lightning, kind of like Thor, I guess. This album is his title track, his theme song I guess you could say.” It’s only appropriate the album features some of Lee’s heroes and mentors. He invited several folks to lend talent, such as Otto Gross and Lennar Razzor on keyboards, Joshua Mayfield on drums and Steven J. Collins on talkbox. “Oteil Burbridge, the bassist with Dead and Company alongside John Mayer, is also featured on the album,” Lee divulges.


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8 encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com

The theme of family also runs strong on the record with “Song for Noah.” It serves as an interlude and is dedicated to Lee’s “He is a huge influence on me musically 1-year-old son. “He is the best thing that’s and spiritually! He actually gave me a bass ever happened to me and this music showof his when I was 16, after hearing me play. cases that love,” Lee notes. “He even There isn’t a nicer guy in the world.” makes a special appearance!” Burbridge wasn’t the only influential menHard copies of “Lightning Man” will be tor invited to play on the record. Longtime available at the release party on October 5. instructor Steve Bailey and Fleck make ap- They’re also at CD Baby and streaming on pearances, too. iTunes. Meanwhile, Taylor has assembled “Béla is featured on ‘Banana Pudding,’” a “tour de force” for his live rhythm section, Lee confirms. “I had the opportunity to which features several special guests like play with him several years ago at the drummer Michael D’Angelo and Nashville Warren Haynes Christmas Jam and we guitarist Mike Seal (Jerry Douglas, Jeff have stayed in contact. He is such a hum- Sipe Band, Jeff Coffin). ble guy and really has his own language, “All I’m gonna say is you gotta hear [Mike musically. I played with him last month at Seal] to believe how good he is,” Lee tells. his banjo camp and it was amazing. We “He tours with Jerry Douglas and really is were playing jazz standards for a huge lis- someone you don’t want to miss. . . . [Seal tening audience! and Michael D’Angelo] know my music “Steve [Bailey] has been my mentor well, and they see the horizon line when it since I was in my early teens,” Lee contin- comes to music. They both are amazing at ues. “I’ve studied with him for many years making the music breathe. I never had to and strive to be as accomplished as he has tell them much of anything.” been. Both guys played some amazing stuff on the album.” If nothing else, remaining true to himself was the number-one lesson Lee took away from the experience. He applied it to his songwriting. The record as a whole is a culmination of Lee’s musical influences molded into something new. Some tunes were co-written and arranged, but most songs originated as a bass line.


Taylor Lee “Lightning Man” Album Release Show

Friday, Oct. 5 Doors 8:30 p.m. Show 9 p.m. Bourgie Nights 127 Princess St. “My writing style is very eclectic,” he says Tickets: $7 adv., $10 at door

of the mostly improvised compositions. “I

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DRIVING IT HOME: The SteelDrivers will play the Brooklyn Arts Center this Sunday, October 7. Doors at 7 p.m. and show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $27.50 in advance and $30 day of show . Mickey Dobo




—Tidal Creek Co-op, 5329 Oleander Dr.

—Dead Crow Comedy Room, 265 N. Front St.

—Beau Rivage Golf Club, 649 Rivage Promenade; 910-612-8757

Trivia Night w/Party Gras Ent. (7pm; Free)

Open Mic (6pm; Free)

Open Mic Comedy (7pm; $0-$3)

Improv Comedy (7pm; $3)

FireDrums & Tarot Thursdays (8pm; Free)

Karaoke Wednesdays with the Rhythm Connection (7pm; Free)

Trivia (7:30pm; Free)

—Terra Sol Sanctuary, 507 Castle St.;

A Class Act (7pm; $3)

The Lynn Grissett Quartet (6:30pm; $10-$20; Jazz) —Cameron Art Museum, 3201 S. 17th St; 910395-5999

—Ted’s Fun on the River, 2 Castle St.; 910-231-3379

—Dead Crow Comedy Room, 265 N. Front St.;

—Lazy Pirate, 1801 Canal Dr.

—Ted’s Fun on the River, 2 Castle St.; 910-231-3379

Robert Lighthouse (7pm; Cover TBD; Blues) —Rusty Nail, 1310 S. 5th Ave.

Broken Root (9pm; Free)

—Juggling Gypsy, 1612 Castle St.; 910-763-2223

—Juggling Gypsy, 1612 Castle St.; 910-763-2223 —Hell’s Kitchen, 118 Princess St.; 910-763-4133

Soul Tribe Kirtan (7:30pm; $20-$60)

‘Loosewheel’ Bluegrass Jam (7pm; $3) Andrew Kasab (8pm; Free; Singer-Songwriter)

Coastal Blend (7pm; $3; Hip Hop)

—Juggling Gypsy, 1612 Castle St.; 910-763-2223

Slick Mahoneys (10pm; Free; Rock)

—The Calico Room, 107 S. Front St.; 910 762-2091

—Ted’s Fun on the River, 2 Castle St.; 910-231-3379 —The Whiskey, 1 S. Front St.

Dr. Bacon with Tan and Sober Gentlemen (8pm; Cover TBD) Taylor Lee ‘Lightning Man’ Album Release

HOW TO SUBMIT A LISTING: All Soundboard listings must be entered onto our online calendar, powered by SpinGo, each Wednesday, by 5 p.m., for consideration in the following week’s entertainment calendar. All online listings generate the print listings, as well as encore’s new app, encore Go. Venues are responsible for notifying encore of any changes, removals or additions to their weekly schedules. 10 encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com


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$3 Fat Tire & Voo Doo $5 Jameson • $2 Tacos Pub Trivia on Tuesday Live music from Rebekah Todd

$3 Miller Lite $4 Deep Eddy Lemon Drop shots $5 Deep Eddy Grapefruit and Soda All floors open

$2.75 Miller Lite • $4 Wells, 1/2 price bottles of wine $2 off a dozen oysters Live music from Jeremy Norris

$3 Corona/ Corona lt • $4 Mimosa $4 Bloody Mary Live music from L-Shape Lot duo 3pm and Clay Crotts 8pm



$3.75 Hay Bale Ale

$3.75 Red Oak Draft $4 Wells 65 Wings, 4-7pm

$3.50 Pint of the Day $4 Fire Ball

$3.75 Sweetwaters $4.50 Absolute Lemonade

$5 Mimosas $5 Car Bombs

$3.75 Sweet Josie $4 Margaritas

$5 Bloody Mary’s & Mimosas *Drink Specials run all day

ROAD HOUNDS: Folks can catch the Honey Hounds this Saturday night at The Whiskey in downtown Wilmington at 10 p.m. Courtesy photo.

Show (8:30pm; $7-$10, Bassist)

Sunday School Underground (8pm; Free)


The SteelDrivers (8pm; $27.50-$45; Americana)

—Bourgie Nights, 127 Princess St.

DareDevil Improv Comedy Classes (11am; $100)

—Hannah Block Community Center, 120 S. 2nd St.

Mantra Music Making (11am; $30)

—Terra Sol Sanctuary, 507 Castle St.

Hurricane Florence Benefit Festival (11am; $5) —The Calico Room, 115 N 2nd St.

Irish Traditional Session (2pm; Free)

—The Dubliner Irish Pub, 1756 Carolina Beach Rd.

—Juggling Gypsy, 1612 Castle St.; 910-763-2223 —Brooklyn Arts Center, 516 N. 4th St.; 910-538-2939

In The Whale (8pm; Cover TBD; Rock ‘n’ Roll) —The Calico Room, 107 S. Front St.


DareDevil Improv Comedy Classes (7pm; $100)

—Hannah Block Community Center, 120 S. 2nd St.

Open Mic hosted by James Jones (8pm; Free)

—Juggling Gypsy, 1612 Castle St.; 910-763-2223

Soul-R Fusion (3pm; Free)


Almost Kings (7pm; $5; Rock)

—The Sour Barn, 7211 Market St.

—Wrightsville Beach Brewery, 6201 Oleander Dr. —Reel Cafe, 100 S. Front St.; 910-251-1832

Tuesday Night Trivia (6:30pm; Free)

Sound Medicine Journey (7pm; $30-$35)

George Thorogood and the Destroyers (7:30pm; $35-$88)

Catesby Jones (7pm; $3; Singer-Songwriter)

Tuesday Night Contra Dance (7:30pm; $5)

Rusty Rompers Burlesque Spook Show (9pm; $10-$15)


Honey Hounds (10pm; $5; Blues, Funk, RockNRoll)

—Greenfield Lake Amphitheatre, 1941 Amphitheater Dr.

—Terra Sol Sanctuary, 507 Castle St.

—Ted’s Fun on the River, 2 Castle St.; 910-231-3379

—Juggling Gypsy, 1612 Castle St.; 910-763-2223 —The Whiskey, 1 S. Front St.

1423 S. 3rd St. DOWNTOWN WILMINGTON (910) 763-1607

—Wilson Center, 703 N. 3rd St.

—5th Avenue United Methodist Church, 409 S. 5th Ave.

Iration (5pm; $30-$35; Reggae)

Tuesday __________________________________________ • 16 NC brews on tap • 8 big screen TV’s • Sports packages


• Bar games • Free popcorn machine

Ch eers!

Trivia Night & FREE Wings Every Tuesday @ 9pm Sip & Spell Adult Spelling Bee Every Wednesday @ 9pm Free Hot Dog Station and Pot Luck Every Sunday 106 N 2nd Street

w/DJ Damo, 9PM


$ 50

Thursday ________________________________________



Friday & Saturday __________________________


$ 00

(Located next to 2nd Street parking deck) Hours of operation: Mon. - Fri. 2:00pm-2:00am Sat. & Sun. noon-2:00 am

Sunday ___________________________________________

BREAKFAST BUFFET 9:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. • $4 MIMOSA’S


Charles Kernan (6pm; Free)

(as little as $29 a week!)

World of Dance Live! (4pm; $35-$55)

Improv Comedy (7pm; $3)

Concerts on College: Rock Bottom Deal (5pm; Free)

Karaoke Wednesdays With the Rhythm Connection (7pm; Free)

Call 791-0688


—Wilson Center, 703 N. 3rd St.

—Wesley Memorial United Methodist, 1401 S. College Rd.

Robert Lighthouse (7pm; $3; Singer-Songwriter) —Ted’s Fun on the River, 2 Castle St.; 910-231-3379

—Waterline Brewing Company, 721 Surry Lane —Dead Crow Comedy Room, 265 N. Front St.

—Lazy Pirate, 1801 Canal Dr.;

The Jillettes (7pm; $3)

—Ted’s Fun on the River, 2 Castle St.; 910-231-3379

Deadline every Thurs., noon!

The O’Jays (7:30pm; $49-$105; R&B) —Wilson Center, 703 N. 3rd St.

encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com 11



16 S. Front St. • 910.772.9151 Downtown Wilmington

ANNIVERSARY TOUR: It’s been 20 years since the Goo Goo Dolls release ‘Dizzy Up the Girl’ and they’re taking their anniversary tour to CLT’s The Fillmore. Photo by Bob Mussel NEIGHBORHOOD THEATRE N DAVIDSON ST., CHARLOTTE, NC (704) 358-9298 10/3: 100 Mad, Deniro Farrar and more 10/4: Pink Talking Fish and Little Bird 10/5: Moon Hooch, Downtown Abby & The Echoes 10/6: Watsky and Feed The Biirds, Chukwudi Hodge 10/7: Big Bad Voodoo Daddy 10/9: Phil Cook and Andy Jenkins 10/10: Hackensaw Boys 10/11: Bryan Safi and Erin Gibson

sushI SPECIALs Voted Best Sushi

Two specialty rolls for $19.95

Three regular rolls for $12.95

Specials valid only at the downtown location

THE FILLMORE 820 HAMILTON ST., CHARLOTTE, NC (704) 916-8970 10/4: Lil Baby 10/5: Appetite for Destruction 10/6: Kali Uchis 10/7: Tamia 10/10: Goo Goo Dolls 10/11: Umphrey’s McGee 10/12: Beartooth THE FILLMORE UNDERGROUND 820 HAMILTON ST., CHARLOTTE, NC (704) 916-8970 10/3: John Mark McMillan 10/5: Young Nudy 10/6: Cardi B vs Nicki Minaj 10/7: In Real Life 10/8: Nothing But Thieves 10/11: Doom Flamingo 10/12: Denzel Curry KOKA BOOTH AMPHITHEATRE 8003 REGENCY PKWY., CARY, NC (919) 462-2052 10/3: Gerrett Newton Band 10/11: Chris Tucker with D.L. Hughley 10/13: Cary Diwali

12 encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com

DURHAM PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 123 VIVIAN ST. DURHAM, NC (919) 688-3722 10/11: Lord of the Dance RED HAT AMPHITHEATER 500 SOUTH MCDOWELL ST., RALEIGH, NC (919) 996-8800 10/8: A Symphonic Celebration of Prince 10/12: Umphrey’s McGee and Zach Deputy LINCOLN THEATRE 126 E. CABARRUS ST., RALEIGH, NC (919) 821-4111 10/4: Turnpike Troubadours and Charley Crockett 10/5: The Devon Allman Project and Duane Betts 10/6: Little Ozzy, Billion Dollar Babies & Neon Knights 10/12: Doom Flamingo and Cha Wa 10/13: Help On The Way Festival 10/14: Afton Music Showcase CAT’S CRADLE 300 E. MAIN ST., CARRBORO, NC (919) 967-9053 10/3: Emily Kinney and Paul McDonald (Back) 10/4: Skizzy Mars, Goody Grace, Kid Quill 10/4: Sam Baker (Back) 10/5: Stop Light Observations, Local Flora (Back) 10/5: Cosmic Charlie 10/6: Electric Six, Jeremy & The Harlequins (Back) 10/6: Blitzen Trapper Furr and Okey Dokey 10/9: The Struts, White Reaper and Spirit Animal 10/9: Particle (Back) 10/10: Minus The Bear and Caspian 10/11: Knocked Loose 10/11: The Artisanals and The High Divers (Back) 10/12: Neil Diamond Allstars and more 10/12: The Vegabonds and more (Back) 10/13: Diali Cissokho & Kaira Ba, Shana Tucker 10/13: Seabreeze Diner and more (Back) 10/14: Gaelic Storm

encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com 13



Rescheduled American Craft Week Walk celebrates art community and downtown businesses



very year when big seasonal festivals come to downtown ILM, they’re met with trepidation and excitement. They help bring a lot of foot traffic and money into our economy; however, some downtown businesses often complain they aren’t as “downtown friendly” and in fact deter from the business’ bottom line. Joan and Mike Loch know the scenario well, as former owners of downtown art gallery Crescent Moon. In 2014 the Lochs had the opportunity to take over downtown’s famed Art Walk! and jumped at the occasion, after having also sold Crescent Moon for new ventures. “Our intent was to make it a goal to promote handmade goods, showcase our great downtown, and bring ‘feet to the street’ for downtown businesses,” Joan tells. They rebranded it after the American Craft Week, which takes place October 5-14, 2018. The American Craft Week Walk

will be held Saturday, October 6. Eighty-four artists will situate their craft goods in 20 x 10 booths along six blocks downtown: Front Street from Dock Street in the south end of downtown up to Walnut. They’re spaced out appropriately to welcome people into downtown shops and eateries throughout their stroll. “We don’t block off the businesses visually and we alternate booths east and west in each block,” Loch tells. As well the ACWW is juried, so artists are accepted based on quality of work. “[The work] must have at least one hand-made component that was made by the artist,” Loch assures. Artisans will sell high-end paintings, fiber art, glass work, woodwork, and the like. Local ceramist Lauren Rogers participates in upward of 30 festivals a year. The ECU grad—who initially wanted to be a photographer before falling in love with clay—run Lauren Rogers Ceramics and will be selling

Fresh. Local. Awardwinning! RELAX ... ENJOY! Monkey Junction 5226 S. College Rd., Ste. 5 Wilmington, NC 28412 910-799-7077

After a fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis, Crawford began experimenting with candlemaking six years ago, and first tested them for herself and family and friends. “Kara Rider started helping me three years ago because of her fascination with essential oils and all-natural products,” Crawford says. “She quit her waitressing job to come on full time.”

Porters Neck 140 Hays Ln., #140 Wilmington, NC 28411 910-681-1140

Waterford 143 Poole Rd. Belville, NC 28451 910-399-6739


14 encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com

BOWL OF ART: Local ceramist Lauren Rogers will have a booth at the American Craft Week Walk downtown this weekend. Courtesy photo

functional pottery, like mugs, bowls, serving dishes, platters, and vases. “I draw a lot of my inspiration from the ocean,” she tells, “so my pots tend to have a little visual movement in them. I work with asymmetrical forms and fluid glazes.” Trinket dishes and shot glasses ring in around $10, with larger platters and vases going for up to $200. “My most popular item tends to be mugs-they go for $2,” she says. Wilmington jewelry-maker Sara Westermark will be selling her traditional silver, gemstone and colorful enamel jewelry, which range from $12 for earrings to $400 for larger pieces. Westermark always has been a creator, from childhood when she would make her own reeds for her oboe. It wasn’t until her husband signed her up for bead making that her love for metal began. Self-taught, Westermark did attend Pocosin Arts to learn more in enameling and toolmaking. “This past year I’ve been making my own banking dies and design stamps,” she adds. “It adds a touch of individuality [when I] make [my] own tools.” Bitsy Crawford’s Crystal Soy Candles will make an appearance at the walk, too. Crawford also attends 30 or more festivals and markets a year, out of town and locally. Her candles are handmade in upcycled containers (beer bottles, vintage tea cups, local pottery) and run anywhere from $18 to $55. “We also have a selection of organic body products, like healing salves, body butter, sugar scrubs and all-natural tooth polish,” she tells, ranging from $3 to $25.

Aside from the bevy of artists on hand (many of whom accept cash and credit), ACWW highlights five local nonprofits of Wilmington, which are allowed to set up booths, free of charge, in order to spread their mission to the masses and raise funds. Featured will be Kids Making It, which will sell handmade wood products made by its students (all of whom get 100 percent of profits). Wilmington Area Woodworking Association will be on hand to do outreach on their classes and products. Freedom Fidos also will be set up to explain their mission of helping veterans and the disabled with service dogs. Since taking over the event, the Lochs more than doubled participants at ACWW. In five years, they hope to expand without losing the grassroots feeling of the event, and include more dance, theatre and music demonstrations. The end goal is to become a “must visit” art event around the region. But for 2018, they’re just happy to be able to host it, as it originally was scheduled in September but was pushed from the hurricane. “The last few weeks since Florence have been difficult for a lot of our neighbors and surrounding communities,” Loch says. “It is not cliché to say, art heals—plus bringing people together for a day of celebration in a wonderful environment, we hope, will offer a little diversion and brightness to their life.” The ACWW info booth (Front and Market streets) will have a selection of art being raffled and all proceeds will go to a local nonprofit aiding in the recovery. They also welcome non-perishable items.


American Craft Week Walk

Sat., Oct. 6, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Dock to Front to Walnut streets Downtown Wilmington americancraftwalkwilmington.com




22527 Highway 17N Hampstead, NC (910) 803-0302 (910) 330-4077 Tues. - Sat. 10am - 5pm (or by appt.) www.artexposure50.com

One-man show “Escape into Plein Air” features Robert Rigsby. The show will highlight oil paintings from Rob’s 6 month trip visiting all fifty national parks. Rob also wrote a book about his journey and it is available under the same name on Amazon.


210 Princess St. Tues. - Sat. 10am - 6pm (or by appt., Sun. and Mon.) (484) 885-3037 www.aibgallery.com

Art in Bloom Gallery is in a renovated 19th-century horse stable and presents an eclectic mix of original art by emerging and established artists. View our featured exhibit “Last Song of Summer: Ceramics by Traudi Thornton and Paintings by Pam Toll” extended through October 27. Visit our tent at Front and Princess Streets during the American Craft Walk Wilmington on Saturday, October 6th, 10 am - 5 pm.


Wiegmann” continues at The District Kitchen and Cocktails,1001 N. 4th Street


311 Judges Rd., Unit 6-E cjart@bizec.rr.com (910) 794-3060 Mon. – Fri. 10am - 12:30 pm 1:30 pm - 4 pm Open other hours and weekends by appointment www.cjafricanart.com African art: Museum quality African Art from West and Central Africa. Traditional African art for the discerning collector. Current Exhibition: Yoruba beadwork and Northern Nigerian sculpture. Appraisal services, curatorial services and educational exhibitions also available. Over 30 years experience in Tribal Arts. Our clients include many major museums.

Country gourmet at its best

Supporting artisans with disabilities 119 S. Water St. (inside Old Wilmington City Market) www.madein-nc.com | Open: Monday-Sunday 10am-6pm


271 N. Front St. (919) 343-8997 Tues. - Sat.: 11am - 6pm (or by appt.) www.newelementsgallery.com

Now exhibiting “Neo+stalgia” featuring the work of local artist Marlowe. Figurative images from pulp fiction are put into beautiful multilayered compositions that spark the imagination.


200 Hanover St. In addition to our gallery at 210 Prin- (bottom level, parking deck) cess Street, Art in Bloom Gallery partners Mon.-Fri., noon-5pm with local businesses to exhibit original http://cfcc.edu/danielsgallery www.aibgallery.com

art in other locations. Current exhibits include: “Small Collage Art by Elizabeth Darrow” through October 7 at Waterline Brewing Company, 721 Surry Street. “Waking from Dreams: Paintings by Mark Gansor” continues at Platypus & Gnome Restaurant, 9 South Front Street ,until October 15. “Archival Ink Transfer Prints by Bob Bryden” and “Photography by (Joe) P.

Now featuring the work of Mike Brining. Brining’s exhibit will use paintings and sculptures to demonstrate the transitional states that a visual image or icon may occupy in our perception—from the beginning state of a black and white conception through to the finalization of the image presented in full color. Brining will hold an artist at the gallery on Wednesday, September 5 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m.

Wanna be listed in our gallery guide? Email shea@encorepub.com.

encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com 15


THE SHOW MUST GO ON! ‘Pippin’ highlights the extraordinary in ordinary



n September 2016, Thalian Association’s award-winning “Rock of Ages” had to go on hiatus for one performance thanks to Hurricane Matthew. Fast forward two years to September 2018, and Thalian Association and Wilmington has taken another hit from weather. The theatre company has to shorten the run of their season opener, “Pippin” to one weekend. No matter the 110-mile-per-hour winds or four-day torrential downpours, the show must go on and so it shall: this weekend only, October 5-7. “We weren’t sure if the show was going to happen at all,” tells Chandler Davis, TA executive director and director of “Pippin.” “We weren’t sure what condition Thalian Hall would be in or if our cast would be able to get back in town.” Add to it long delays in power restoration and destruction to homes, Davis wondered how the folks behind the scenes possibly could get all the costumes sewn and the set designed and built. However, the theatre

extraordinary life. Along the way, he discovers what life is really about. And I think he learns things don’t always come easily and the best things in life are worth working for.”

gods were on her side. Thalian Hall survived with minimal damage (brow wipe) and more, so her colleagues came out OK. “I really felt like the cast needed rehearsals to feel like things were slowly going back to normal,” Davis admits. “Everyone jumped in and worked twice as hard. We’ve had so many people help with the set. We’ve had long dance rehearsals, but it’s really paid off. It really feels like a team on hyper drive, working to accomplish their ultimate goal.” Now, it’s time to give Wilmington audiences a chance to escape from their current woes as the curtain lifts for “Pippin” on Friday night. “If we can bring joy to people for a few hours, mission accomplished,” Davis says. The story follows a young prince, Pippin, who has an education and is in search for the meaning of life. He wants adventure and excitement—something extraordinary. His father, King Charles, rules the land with forceful power and carnage, and expects

ELECTRIC ENSEMBLE: Can Can girls and trickery will take over ‘Pippin’’s French dance ahll setting in Thalian’s season opener. Courtesy photo

Pippin to take over as principal heir. With music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz and book by Roger O. Hirson, along with choreography by Bob Fosse (who directed the show’s first run in 1972), the musical is in the top 50 of the longest running on Broadway. “The show is extravagant,” Davis admits, “with huge dance numbers and flashy costumes and yet it’s all about how the ‘ordinary’ life can be the most meaningful.” Davis has set “Pippin” in a French dance hall, wherein the ensemble presents the story with dance, song and lots of illusionary tricks. Think Can-Can girls meet Fosse.


Choreographed by Kendra Goehring-Garrett, Davis instructed her vision as ‘Moulin Rouge’ style.” Goehring-Garrett researched the original and revival to create a foundation. “The one number that stands out in my mind the most is ‘Entr’acte,’” she says. “My goal was to create or recreate movement that made sense to the story and characters.” The music runs with a variation of genres. To avoid being dated, musical director Amanda Hunter and her orchestration team updated and revised some of the score. “The revival was done as a circus troupe,” she notes. “We aren’t taking this route, but you will still hear some of the sounds of the circus: whips and horns. This is definitely my favorite score I have ever gotten to conduct.” The cast consists of Heather Setzler (leading player), Jonathan Wallin (King Charles), Ella Reischer (Berthe), and Jakob Gruntfest (Theo), among a very large ensemble. Pippin will be played by Joe Basquill.

16 encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com

“Pippin is someone I think a lot of us can relate to,” Davis tells. “He’s fresh out of school, he’s privileged, and he wants to be special. He wants to be important and do important things. He navigates complicated family relationships, war, tricky politics, and romantic relationships—all on this quest to lead an

Playing widowed farm owner, Catherine, who is in love with Pippin, will be Hunter Wyatt. Wyatt adores how her character walks the line between being strong and soft. “She helps guide Pippin, but is not afraid to give herself over to loving him,” Wyatt tells. “Catherine is the wrench in the plan.” She guides “Pippin” toward its climax. “The ending of the show is altered from the original production,” Wyatt informs, “and is, in my opinion, a great improvement. No spoilers, but it gives me chills every time.” Taking on the leading lady Fastrada—wife to King Charles—is vocal powerhouse Laraisha Dionne. Dionne has been working with vocal coach Bryan Putnam to nail Fastrada’s whimsy, and seductive and cunning power. However, the extreme dance moves expected of the role have been a different challenge. “Most people don’t cast me in dancing roles—though, I did study dance as a part of my degree,” Dionne expresses. “That said, since I have never been cast in a dancing role in Wilmington, it has been challenging to dust off those skills.” Her vocal prowess and dance numbers explode in “Spread a Little Sunshine.” “It bounces back and forth between really funny bits, singing my face off and dancing my butt off,” Dionne tells. “I love it!” Jordan Wolfe plays Fastrada’s knucklehead son, Lewis, who is being used as a pawn to take reign over the kingdom, rather than his half-brother, Pippin. Lewis is not the brightest bulb on the porch. “It will be a blast bringing this lack of intelligence to the stage,” Wolfe says. “I love the humor that can be brought to the story. Lewis does care for his family, but is so in love with himself he completely misses when they are using him, or needing something from him.” Tickets for “Pippin” can be bought at thalianhall.org.


Oct. 5-7, 7:30 p.m.; Sun., 3 p.m. Tickets: $32 Thalian Hall 310 Chestnut St. www.thalianhall.org


Check us out on

106 N 2nd Street

(Located next to 2nd Street parking deck)

Mon. - Fri. 2:00pm-2:00am; Sat. noon-2:00 am; Sun. 11am-2am

encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com 17

Lunch, dinner, appetizers, and a full service bar! What’s your pleasure? ••• Sunday •••

••• WedneSday •••

••• Monday •••

••• ThurSday •••

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••• Friday •••

$5 Mimosa • $5 Bloody Mary • 1/2 Price Wine $5 Jameson • $4 Irish drafts $2 Domestic (bottles or cans)

25% OFF Select Irish Whiskey $3 Pint Guiness • $6 Car Bomb $5 Spiked Lemonade

$4 Yuengling, Red Oak, Harp, Miller Lite & Live Music • Select Drink Specials Bud Light Drafts TRIVIA TUESDAYS @ 7:30 PM

5607 Carolina Beach road | Monkey Junction (910) 399-3980 FB: @slaintemj

Community coming together

Many local people are hurting from Hurricane Florence. The small business owners of Downtown care and are ready to step up to make a difference. We are raising money for area non-profits serving the community and bringing people to the heart of our City.

The current list of beneficiaries that could grow includes: • Nourish NC • Salvation Army • Food Bank of Eastern NC • Good Shephard Center • Cape Fearless Challenge • Week of Oct. 1: Freestyle Over Flo • Week of Oct. 8 Food & Drinks Over Flo • Week of Oct. 15: Music Over Flo • Week of Oct. 22: Arts Over Flo

Go to www.overflowilmington.org for all event and donation details. OverFlo Benefit Concert – Oct. 20th from noon to 8pm Corner of 2nd and Market Streets. Line-up announcement soon.

18 encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com



‘A Simple Favor’ is a dark dramedy with interesting layers


but the characters revel in the lengths they’re willing to go and the depths they’re willing to plumb. They’re indulgent, entitled monsters of the uppermiddle class.


very year around this time, Hollywood serves up a fresh, steamy thriller for audiences to enjoy. Over the last few years, we’ve gotten some twisty-turny stories of sex and murdeR, like “Girl on the Train” and “Gone Girl.” Hollywood used to churn these out with marked regularity. The formula was ridiculously simple: Pair up two extremely good-looking stars, put them in a lifeor-death situation, and turn up the heat until their bodies glisten with sweat and the sexual tension becomes too much to ignore. There were actors, writers, directors, and cinematographers whose entire careers were built on sexy R-rated thrillers. Much like legal thrillers and hyper-violent action films, they disappeared from TURN UP THE HEAT: ‘Anna Kendrick as and Blake Lively star in ‘A Simple Favor.’ Photo by Peter the cinematic landscape. I put the blame squarely on pornography—specifically, internet pornography. There was a day and age before the internet when sexually pent-up individuals had to rely on the movie theater to get their spank-bank filled. Society didn’t have 24-7 access to an infinite collection of sexual content where every erotic itch has a video or interactive chaturbate session to help scratch. There are generations of people whose first sexual twinge wasn’t experienced on their phone but in the well-worn seat of their local cineplex. Mind you, I’m not complaining. However, our sexual appetites being perpetually sated by online porn has had impacts. There’s a reason we only get one or two sexy adult thrillers a year. “A Simple Favor” is a wonderful example of how to have fun with the genre. Director Paul Feig (“Bridesmaids”) creates a heavenly world, populated by devilish characters dealing with mystery, murder, secrets, and betrayal. Stephanie (Anna Kendrick) is a widowed single mother who spends her time vlogging. She’s a “tries too hard” moms, who overcompensates to quiet the screaming voices in her head. She meets Emily (Blake Lively), another mom whose son goes to the same school as Stephanie’s. They strike up a friendship. Stephanie is in awe of the amazing life Emily leads. They share a few secrets and a lot of drinks. One day Emily vanishes. Emily’s husband, Sean (Henry Golding), doesn’t know what to make of her

Iovino, Lions Gate.

disappearance. The police naturally assume he is somehow connected. He struggles to hold it all together until Stephanie, very conveniently, steps in. Soon enough, she’s helping take care of Sean’s children and coveting everything Emily had and took for granted. To her, she’s living out her vlog-inspired fantasy of perfection. To the outside world, it looks like Sean and Stephanie have orchestrated something sinister to get rid of Emily and cash in on a huge insurance settlement.

Do yourself a favor and check out this flick.


A Simple Favor Rated R Directed by Paul Feig Starring Anna Kendrick, Blake Lively, Henry Golding there are creative contributors committed to making it entertaining. I like how Feig and company have aired out some of the seriousness the genre tends to embrace. There are life-and-death stakes at play,

There are a lot of interesting layers to “A Simple Favor,” which I won’t divulge. Half the fun of movies like this are the twists and turns that keep the story swerving into interesting territory. It is a great, dark bit of dramedy, and strikes the perfect balance between being sinister and savory. The closer we get to the characters, we see more of their gaping flaws until eventually they begin to widen and fracture. Blake Lively is a fantastic scenery chewer—a classic femme-fatale who evokes memories of some of the best damaged goods Hollywood stories have ever offered. Anna Kendrick is perfect as a buttoned-up, desperate perfectionist who has to get her hands dirty to get what she wants. Her online mom persona feels all too real and a great metaphor for the obsession some have with being perceived as “successful.” “A Simple Favor” reminded me how much I love this genre, especially when encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com 19





BLUEWATER WATERFRONT GRILL Enjoy spectacular panoramic views of sailing ships and the Intracoastal Waterway while dining at this popular casual American restaurant in Wrightsville Beach. Lunch and dinner are served daily. Favorites include jumbo lump crab cakes, succulent seafood lasagna, crispy coconut shrimp and an incredible Caribbean fudge pie. Dine inside or at their award-winning outdoor patio and bar, which is the location for their lively Waterfront Music Series every Sunday April - October. Large parties welcome. Private event space available. BluewaterDining.com. 4 Marina Street, Wrightsville Beach, NC. (910) 256-8500. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Mon-Fri

Courtesy photo

11a.m. - 11 p.m.; Sat & Sun 11 a.m. – 11 p.m. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Wrightsville Beach ■ FEATURING: Waterfront dining ■ MUSIC: Music every Sunday in Summer ■ WEBSITE: www.bluewaterdining.com

■ SERVING LUNCH, BRUNCH & DINNER: Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10am - 2 pm; Thursday evening, 5pm-9pm ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ WEBSITE: www.camcafe.org

CAM CAFÉ CAM Café, located within the CAM delivers delightful surprises using fresh, local ingredients. The café serves lunch with seasonal options Tuesday through Saturday, inspired “small plates” on Thursday nights, an elegant yet approachable dinner on Thursday and brunch every Sunday. Look for a combination of fresh, regular menu items along with daily specials. As part of dining in an inspiring setting, the galleries are open during CAM Café hours which makes it the perfect destination to enjoy art of the plate along with the art of the museum. 3201 S 17th St. (910) 777-2363.

ELIJAH’S Since 1984, Elijah’s has been Wilmington, NC’s outdoor dining destination. We feature expansive indoor and outdoor waterfront dining, with panoramic views of riverfront sunsets. As a Casual American Grill and Oyster Bar, Elijah’s offers everything from fresh local seafood and shellfish to pastas, sandwiches, and Certified Angus Beef selections. We offer half-priced oysters from 4-6 every Wednesday & live music with our Sunday Brunch from 11-3. Whether you are just looking for a great meal & incredible scenery, or a large

20 encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com

event space for hundreds of people, Elijah’s is the place to be. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Sun-Thurs 11:30-10:00; Friday and Saturday 11:30-11:00 ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown Wilmington; kids menu available HENRY’S A local favorite, Henry’s is the ‘place to be’ for great food, a lively bar and awesome patio dining. Henry’s serves up American cuisine at its finest that include entrees with fresh, local ingredients. Come early for lunch, because it’s going to be packed. Dinner too! Henry’s Pine Room is ideal for private functions up to 30 people. 2508 Independence Boulevard, Wilmington, NC. (910) 793.2929. SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Sun. - Mon. 11

a.m.-10 p.m.; Tues.- Fri.: 11 a.m. – 11 p.m.; Sat.: 10 a.m. – 11 p.m. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Daily blackboard specials. ■ WEBSITE: www.henrysrestaurant.com HOPS SUPPLY CO. The combination of chef-inspired food and our craft bar makes Hops Supply Co. a comfortable and inviting gastropub that attracts guests of all types – especially a local crowd who can feel right at home whether ordering a classic favorite or trying a new culinary delight! At HopsCo, we are dedicated to the craft of excellent cuisine and delivering hops in its most perfect form, exemplified by our selection of craft beers. As hops are the heart of flavor for beer, our local seasonal ingredients are the soul of our culinary inspired American fare. 5400 Oleander Dr. (910) 833-8867. ■ OPEN: Mon-Thurs 10:57 am - 10 pm; Fri-Sat 10:57 am - 11 pm {Serving Brunch 10:57am – 3pm & bar open until midnight}; Brunch ALL DAY Sunday 9:57am – 10pm ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ WEBSITE: www.hopssupplycompany.com NICHE Niche Kitchen and Bar features an eclectic menu, a large wine list, and a warm and inviting atmosphere. Close to Carolina Beach, Niche has a great selection of dishes from land to sea. All dishes are cooked to order, and Sundays features a great brunch menu! Niche’s heated covered patio is perfect for anytime of the year and great for large parties. And their bar has a great assortment of wines, even offered half off by the glass on Tuesdays-Thursdays. Open Tues. - Sun. 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Reservations are encouraged and can be made by calling 910399-4701. ■ OPEN LUNCH AND DINNER: Tues.-Sun., 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: South Wilmington ■ WEBSITE: www.nichewilmington.com PINE VALLEY MARKET Pine Valley Market has reigned supreme in servicing the Wilmington community for years, securing encore’s Best-Of awards in catering, gourmet shop and butcher. Now, Kathy Webb and Christi Ferretti are expanding their talents into serving lunch in-house, so folks can enjoy their hearty, homemade meals in the quaint and cozy ambience of the market. Using the freshest ingredients of highest quality, diners can enjoy the best Philly Cheesesteak in Wilmington, along with numerous other sandwich varieties, from their Angus burger to classic Reuben, Italian sub to a grown-up banana and peanut butter sandwich that will take all diners back to childhood. Served among a soup du jour and salads, there is something for all palates. Take advantage of their take-home frozen meals for nights that are too hectic to cook, and don’t forget to pick up a great bottle of wine to go with it. 3520 S. College Road, (910) 350-FOOD. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Mon.-Fri.10 a.m.7 p.m.; Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Closed Sun. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: South Wilmington ■ FEATURING: Daily specials and take-home frozen meals ■ WEBSITE: www.pinevalleymarket.com ROADHOUSE OF WILMINGTON Roadhouse is an American-style restaurant and focuses on homemade, classic dishes, cooked to order, using fresh ingredients. They are located at in the old Saltworks building on Wrightsville Avenue and open at 8:00 a.m. for breakfast and lunch, and 5:00 p.m. for dinner. Breakfast is served 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., lunch from 11:30 p.m. - 4:00

p.m. Look for daily specials and other important information online at www.facebook.com/roadhousewilmington, or call (910) 765-1103. Please, no reservations. ■ SERVING BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER: 8 a.m. breakfast and lunch; 5 p.m. dinner ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ WEBSITE: facebook.com/roadhousewilmington THE TROLLY STOP Trolly Stop Grill and Catering is a four store franchise in North Carolina. Trolly Stop Hotdogs opened in Wrightsville Beach in 1976. That store name has never changed. Since the Wrightsville Beach store, the newer stores sell hotdogs, hamburgers, beef and chicken cheese steaks, fries, hand dipped ice cream, milk shakes, floats and more. Our types of dogs are: Southern (Trolly Dog, beef and pork), Northern (all beef), Smoke Sausage (pork), Fat Free (turkey), Veggie (soy). Voted Best Hot Dog in Wilmington for decades. Check our website trollystophotdogs.com for hours of operations, specific store offerings and telephone numbers, or contact Rick Coombs, 910-297-8416, rtrollystop@aol.com We offer catering serving 25-1000 people. Franchises available ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER ■ LOCATIONS: Wilmington, Fountain Dr. (910) 452-3952 Wrightsville Beach (910) 256-3921 Southport (910) 457-7017 Boone, NC (828) 265-2658 Chapel Hill, NC (919) 240-4206 ■ WEBSITE: www.trollystophotdogs.com


HIBACHI TO GO Hibachi To Go is a locally owned, family business serving only the freshest ingredients with three locations. We invite you to try our menu items at either our Hampstead drive-thru location, where you can walk-up, take-out, or call in and pick up your meal or our Ogden location with dine-in or take-out options. Our new Wilmington location (894 South Kerr Avenue) offers dine-in, take-out or drive-thru service. We’re convenient for lunch and dinner. Open 7 days 11 am - 9 pm. Our popular Daily Lunch Specials are featured Monday-Saturday for $4.99 with selections from our most popular menu items! We always have fresh seafood selections at Hibachi To Go, like delicious hand peeled shrimp, fresh local flounder and always a fresh catch fillet in-house. We scratch make every item on our menu daily. We offer your favorite hibachi meals and some of our originals like our pineapple won tons. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for the most up to date information on Hibachi To Go. Always fresh, great food at a super good price. Hampstead Phone: 910.270.9200. • Ogden Phone: 910.791.7800 Wilmington Phone: 910-833-8841 ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Open 7 days 11am-9pm ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown, N. Wilmington, Hampstead ■ WEBSITE: www.hibachitogo.com INDOCHINE RESTAURANT & LOUNGE If you’re ready to experience the wonders of the Orient without having to leave Wilmington, join us at Indochine for a truly unique experience. Indochine brings the flavors of the Far East to the Port City, combining the best of Thai and Vietnamese cuisine in an atmosphere that will transport

you and your taste buds. Relax in our elegantly decorated dining room, complete with antique Asian decor as well as contemporary artwork and music. Our diverse, friendly and efficient staff will serve you beautifully presented dishes full of enticing aromas and flavors. Be sure to try such signature items as the spicy and savory Roasted Duck with Red Curry, or the beautifully presented and delicious Shrimp and Scallops in a Nest. Be sure to save room for our world famous desert, the banana egg roll! We take pride in using only the freshest ingredients, and our extensive menu suits any taste. After dinner, enjoy specialty drinks by the koi pond in our Asian garden. Located at 7 Wayne Drive (beside the Ivy Cottage), (910) 2519229. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Tues.- Fri. 11 a.m.- 2 p.m.; Sat. 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. for lunch. Mon.Sun. 5 p.m. – 10 p.m. for dinner. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ WEBSITE: www.indochinewilmington.com NIKKI’S FRESH GOURMET For more than a decade, Nikki’s downtown has served diners the best in sushi. With freshly crafted ingredients making up their rolls, sushi and sashimi, a taste of innovation comes with every order. Daily they offer specialty rolls specific to the Front Street location, such as the My Yoshi, K-Town and Crunchy Eel rolls. But for less adventurous diners looking for options beyond sushi, Nikki’s serves an array of sandwiches, wraps and gyros, too. They also make it a point to host all dietary needs, omnivores, carnivores and herbivores alike. They have burgers and cheesesteaks, as well as falafal pitas and veggie wraps, as well as an extensive Japanese fare menu, such as bento

boxes and tempura platters. Daily dessert and drink special are also on order. Check out their website and Facebook for more information. 16 S. Front St. (910) 771-9151. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Mon.-Thurs., 11am-10pm; Fri.-Sat., 11am-11pm; Sun., 12pm10pm. Last call on food 15 minutes before closing. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown ■ WEBSITE: www.nikkissushibar.com/ OKAMI JAPANESE HIBACHI STEAK HOUSE We have reinvented “Hibachi cuisine.” Okami Japanese Hibachi Steakhouse is like no other. Our highly skilled chefs cook an incredible dinner while entertaining you on the way. Our portions are large, our drinks are less expensive, and our staff is loads of fun. We are committed to using quality ingredients and seasoning with guaranteed freshness. Our goal is to utilize all resources, domestically and internationally, to ensure we serve only the finest food products. We believe good, healthy food aids vital functions for well-being, both physically and mentally. Our menu consists of a wide range of steak, seafood, and chicken for the specially designed “Teppan Grill.” We also serve tastebud-tingling Japanese sushi, hand rolls, sashimi, tempura dishes, and noodle entrees. This offers our guests a complete Japanese dining experience. Our all-you-can-eat sushie menu and daily specials can be found at www.okamisteakhouse.com! 614 S College Rd. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Mon.-Thurs., 11am-2:30pm / 4-10pm; Fri., 11am-2:30pm / 4pm-11pm; Sat., 11am-11pm; Sun., 11am9:30pm ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ WEBSITE: www.okamisteakhouse.com

••••• Specials •••••


Veterans & First Responders (Fire, EMS, Police) 10% Discount

MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY 3-5PM Seniors 20% Discount

MONDAY 4PM - CLOSE Children 12 & Under Eat from Kids Menu for 1/2 Price

MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY ALL DAY 1 Free Topping on Cheesesteaks & Chicken Cheesesteaks (Bell, Sweet, Banana or Jalapeno Pepper, Mushrooms, or Olives)

3 locations to serve you Hanover Center: 3501 Oleander Dr 910-763-6466 Monkey Junction: 609 Piner Rd 910-332-5555 Porters Neck: 8232 Market St 910-686-0070

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Monday-Thursday: 11am-10pm • Friday: 11am-3am • Saturday: 11:30am-3am 22 encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com

SZECHUAN 132 Craving expertly prepared Chinese food in an elegant atmosphere? Szechuan 132 Chinese Restaurant is your destination! Szechuan 132 has earned the reputation as one of the finest contemporary Chinese restaurants in the Port City. Tastefully decorated with an elegant atmosphere, with an exceptional ingenious menu has deemed Szechuan 132 the best Chinese restaurant for years, hands down. 419 South College Road (in University Landing), (910) 799-1426. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Lunch specials ■ WEBSITE: www.szechuan132.com YOSAKE DOWNTOWN SUSHI LOUNGE Lively atmosphere in a modern setting, Yosake is the delicious Downtown spot for date night, socializing with friends, or any large dinner party. Home to the never-disappointing Shanghai Firecracker Shrimp! In addition to sushi, we offer a full Pan Asian menu including curries, noodle dishes, and the ever-popular Crispy Salmon or mouth-watering Kobe Burger. Inspired features change weekly showcasing our commitment to local farms. Full bar including a comprehensive sake list, signature cocktails, and Asian Import Bottles. 33 S. Front St., 2nd Floor (910) 763-3172. ■ SERVING DINNER: 7 nights a week @ 5PM; Sun-Wed until 10pm, Thurs until 11pm, Fri & Sat until Midnight. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown ■ FEATURING: 1/2 Price Sushi/Appetizer Menu nightly from 5-7, until 8 on Mondays, and also 10-Midnight on Fri/Sat. Tuesday LOCALS NIGHT - 20% Dinner Entrees. Wednesday 80S NIGHT 80s music and menu prices. Sundays are the best deal downtown - Specialty Sushi and Entrees are Buy One, Get One $10 Off and 1/2 price Wine Bottles. Nightly Drink Specials. Gluten-Free Menu upon request. Complimentary Birthday Dessert. ■ WEBSITE: www.yosake.com. @yosakeilm on Twitter & Instagram. Like us on Facebook. YOSHI Yoshi Sushi Bar and Japanese Cuisine offers something the greater Wilmington area has never seen before. We are seeking to bring true New York Style Sushi to Wilmington, with classic sushi and sashimi, as well as traditional rolls and some unique Yoshi Creations. We offer a variety of items, including Poke Bowls and Hibachi - and we also are introducing true Japanese Ramen Bowls! Come try it today! 260 Racine Dr, Wilmington 28403 (910)799-6799 ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Sun. 12pm-11pm, Mon.-Thurs. 11am-10pm, Fri.-Sat. 11am-11pm ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ WEBSITE: www.yoshisushibarandjapanesecuisine.com


BEACH BAGELS Beach Bagels is the best spot for breakfast and lunch in Wilmington. Serving traditional New York Style Bagels is our speciality. We boil our bagels before baking them, which effectively sets the crust and produces a perfect bagel made with love. Don’t forget about our selection of custom sandwiches that are always made to order. Try out our breakfast options like The Heart Attack filled with Egg, Country Ham, Bacon, Sausage, and American Cheese, or the Egg-White Dun-Rite with Egg Whites, Avocado, Pepper Jack Cheese, Spinach, and Tomato. Our Boar’s Head meats & cheeses are the perfect accoutrements for assembling the perfect sandwich, every time! Check out our

Cuban Chicken Lunch Sandwich, complete with Boar’s Head Chicken Breast, Ham, Swiss, Pickles, Lettuce, Mayo, and Yellow Mustard. You can also make your own! Not in the mood for a bagel? Don’t worry, we have ciabatta bread, croissants, Kaiser rolls, biscuits, wraps, salads, bowls, omelettes, and more! Make your lunch a combo for $1.50 more, and get a small drink, potato salad or chips, and a pickle spear. Visit us at 5906 Oleander Drive or 7220 Wrightsville Avenue right before the drawbridge to Wrightsville Beach. Look out for our third location, coming to Monkey Junction soon!. ■ SERVING BREAKFAST & LUNCH ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown and Wrightsville Beach ■ FEATURING: Homemade bagels, biscuits, croissants, sandwiches, and more! ■ WEBSITE: www.BeachBagels.biz ROUND BAGELS AND DONUT Round Bagels and Donuts features 17 varieties of New York-style bagels, baked fresh daily on site in a steam bagel oven. Round offers a wide variety of breakfast and lunch bagel sandwiches, grilled and fresh to order. Round also offers fresh-made donuts daily! Stop by Monday - Friday, 6:30 a.m. 3 p.m., and on Sunday, 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. ■ SERVING BREAKFAST & LUNCH ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Homemade bagels, cream cheeses, donuts, sandwiches, coffee and more ■ WEBSITE: www.roundbagelsanddonuts.com


THEATRENOW TheatreNOW is a performing arts complex that features weekend dinner theater, an award-winning weekly kids variety show, monthly Sunday Jazz Brunches, movie, comedy and live music events. Award-winning chef, Denise Gordon, and a fabulous service staff pair scrumptious multicourse themed meals and cocktails with our dinner shows in a theatre-themed venue. Dinner theater at its best! Reservations highly suggested. 19 S. 10th Street (910) 399.3NOW (3669). Hours vary. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown Wilmington ■ FEATURING: Dinner shows, jazz brunches, ■ WEBSITE: www.theatrewilmington.com


THE LITTLE DIPPER Wilmington’s favorite fondue restaurant! The Little Dipper specializes in unique fondue dishes with a global variety of cheeses, meats, seafood, vegetables, chocolates and fine wines. The warm and intimate dining room is a great place to enjoy a four-course meal, or indulge in appetizers and desserts outside on the back deck or in the bar while watching luminescent jellyfish. Reservations are appreciated for parties of any size. Located at the corner of Front and Orange in Downtown Wilmington. 138 South Front Street. (910) 251-0433. ■ SERVING DINNER: 5pm Tue-Sun; open 7 days/ week seasonally, May-October ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown ■ FEATURING: Tasting menu every Tues. with small plates from $1-$4; Ladies Night every Wed; $27 4-course prix fixe menu on Thurs.; “Date night menu,” $65/couple with beer and wine tasting every Fri. and half-price bottles of wine on Sun. ■ MUSIC: Tuesdays on the deck, 7 – 9p.m., May-Oct ■ WEBSITE: www.littledipperfondue.com


SYMPOSIUM RESTAURANT AND BAR After moving to Wilmington Chef George Papa-

nikolaou and his family opened up The Greeks in 2012 and with the support of the community was able to venture out and try something different with Symposium. Symposium is an elegant experience consisting of recipes that Chef George has collected his whole life. Many of the recipes are family recipes that have been handed down through the years, one is as old as 400 years old. With a blend of fresh local ingredients, delicious longstanding family recipes, and Authentic Greek cuisine Symposium is a restaurant that is unique in its cooking and unforgettable in the experience it offers. Everything on the menu is a mouthwatering experience from the charred octopus, to the lamb shank with papardelle pasta, to the homemade baklava and galaktoboureko! Happy Eating OPA!! Located in Mayfaire Town Center at 890 Town Center Dr, Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 239-9051. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: North Wilmington ■ FEATURING: Daily Specials ■ WEBSITE: www.symposiumnc.com


THE HARP Experience the finest traditional Irish family recipes and popular favorites served in a casual yet elegant traditional pub atmosphere. The Harp, 1423 S. 3rd St., proudly uses the freshest ingredients, locally sourced whenever possible, to bring you and yours the most delicious Irish fare! We have a fully stocked bar featuring favorite Irish beers and whiskies. We are open every day for both American and Irish breakfast, served to noon weekdays and 2 p.m. weekends. Regular menu to 10 p.m. weekdays and 11 p.m. weekends. Join us for trivia at 8:30 on Thursdays and live music on Fridays – call ahead for schedule (910) 763-1607. Located just beside Greenfield Lake and Park at the south end of downtown Wilmington, The Harp is a lovely Irish pub committed to bringing traditional Irish flavor, tradition and hospitality to the Cape Fear area. ■ SERVING BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Greenfield Lake/Downtown South ■ FEATURING: Homemade soups, desserts and breads, free open wifi, new enlarged patio area, and big screen TVs at the bar featuring major soccer matches worldwide. ■ WEBSITE: www.harpwilmington.com SLAINTE IRISH PUB Slainte Irish Pub in Monkey Junction has traditional pub fare with an Irish flair. We have a large selection of Irish whiskey, and over 23 different beers on draft, and 40 different craft beers in bottles. They have a large well lit outdoor patio with a full bar also. Come have some fun! They currently do not take reservations, but promise to take care of you when you get here! 5607 Carolina Beach Rd. #100, (910) 399-3980 ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: 11:30 a.m. to midnight, seven days a week ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: South Wilmington, Monkey Junction ■ FEATURING: Irish grub, whiskeys, beer, wine, and fun. ■ WEBSITE: www.facebook.com/slaintemj


ANTONIO’S Serving fresh, homemade Italian fare in midtown and south Wilmington, Antonio’s Pizza and Pasta is a family-owned restaurant which serves New York style pizza and pasta. From daily specials during lunch and dinner to a friendly waitstaff ensuring a top-notch experience, whether dining in,

taking out or getting delivery, to generous portions, the Antonio’s experience is an unforgettable one. Serving subs, salads, pizza by the slice or pie, pasta, and more, dine-in, take-out and delivery! 3501 Oleander Dr., #2, and 5120 S. College Rd. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Sun.-Thurs., 11 a.m.-9 p.m. and Fri.-Sat., 11 a.m.-10 p.m. (Sun., open at 11:30 a.m.) ■ NEIGHBORHOOD DELIVERY OFFERED: Monkey Junction and near Independence Mall ■ WEBSITE: www.antoniospizzaandpasta.com THE ITALIAN BISTRO The Italian Bistro is a family-owned, full-service Italian restaurant and pizzeria located in Porters Neck. They offer a wide variety of N.Y. style thincrust pizza and homemade Italian dishes seven days a week! The Italian Bistro strives to bring customers a variety of homemade items made with the freshest, local ingredients. Every pizza and entrée is made to order and served with a smile from our amazing staff. Their warm, inviting, atmosphere is perfect for “date night” or “family night.” Let them show you why “fresh, homemade and local” is part of everything they do. 8211 Market St. (910) 6867774 ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Sun.-Thurs., 11 a.m.-9 p.m. and Fri.-Sat., 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m., Sun. brunch, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Porters Neck ■ WEBSITE: www.italianbistronc.com SLICE OF LIFE “Slice” has become a home away from home for tourists and locals alike. Our menu includes salads, tacos, burritos, quesadillas, nachos, homemade soups, subs and, of course, pizza. We only serve the freshest and highest-quality ingredients in all of our food, and our dough is made daily with purified water. Voted “Best Pizza” and “Best Late Night Eatery.”All ABC permits. Visit us downtown at 125 Market Street, (910) 251-9444, in Wrightsville Beach at 1437 Military Cutoff Road, Suite 101, (910) 256-2229 and in Pine Valley on the corner of 17th and College Road, (910) 799-1399. ■ SERVING LUNCH, DINNER & LATE NIGHT: 11:30 a.m.-3 a.m., 7 days/week, 365 days/year. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown, Downtown and Wilmington South. ■ FEATURING: Largest tequila selection in town! ■ WEBSITE: www.grabslice.com A TASTE OF ITALY Looking for authentic Italian cuisine in the Port City? Look no further than A Taste of Italy Deli. Brothers, Tommy and Chris Guarino, and partner Craig Berner, have been serving up breakfast, lunch, and dinner to local and visiting diners for twenty years. The recipes have been passed down from generation to generation, and after one bite you feel like you’re in your mamas’ kitchen. Along with the hot and cold lunch menu, they also carry a large variety of deli sides and made-from-scratch desserts. Or, if you’re looking to get creative in your own kitchen, A Taste of Italy carries a wide selection of imported groceries, from pasta to olive oils, and everything in between. And last but certainly not least, allow them to help you make any occasion become a delicious Italian experience with their catering or call ahead ordering. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Monday-Friday 8:00am-8:00pm, Saturday 8:30am-7:00pm, Sunday 9:30am-4:30pm ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ WEBSITE: www.atasteofitalydeli.com ■ FEATURING: Sclafani goods, Polly-O cheese, Ferrara Torrone and much, much more!

encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com 23


LA COSTA MEXICAN RESTAURANT With three locations to serve Wilmingtonians, La Costa is open daily from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m with lunch specials. Their full dinner menu (from 3 p.m. on) offers the best in Mexican cuisine across the city. From top-sellers, like fajitas, quesadillas and burritos, to chef’s specialty items, like molcajete or borrego, a taste of familiar and exotic can be enjoyed. All of La Costa’s pico de gallo, guacamole, salsas, chile-chipotle, enchilada and burrito sauces are made in house daily. Add to it a 16-ounce margarita, which is only $4.95 on Mondays and Tuesdays at all locations, and every meal is complete. Serving the Port City since1996, folks can dine indoors at the Oleander and both Market Street locations, or dine alfresco at both Market Street locations. 3617 Market St.; 8024 Unit 1 Market St.; 5622 Oleander Dr. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Sun-Thurs until 11 a.m. - 10 p.m.; Fri. and Sat. until 11 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown and Ogden ■ WEBSITE: www.lacostamexicanrestauranwilmington.com


HWY 55 BURGERS, SHAKES AND FRIES Hwy 55 Burgers, Shakes & Fries in Wilmington—on Carolina Beach Rd.—is bringing a fresh All-American diner experience with never-frozen burgers, sliced cheesesteaks piled high on steamed hoagies, and frozen custard made inhouse every day. Founded in Eastern North Carolina in 1991, Hwy 55 reflects founder Kenney Moore’s commitment to authentic hospitality and fresh food. Lunch


Courtesy photo

WWW.ITALIANBISTRONC.COM and dinner is grilled in an open-air kitchen, and they serve you at your table—with a smile. 6331 Carolina Beach Rd., (910) 793-6350 ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Monday - Sunday 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. . ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: South Wilmington ■ FEATURING: Delicious burgers and homemade shakes! ■ WEBSITE: www.hwy55.com/locations/wilmington-carolina-beach-rd J. MICHAEL’S PHILLY DELI The Philly Deli celebrated their 38th anniversary in August 2017. Thier first store was located in Hanover Center—the oldest shopping center in Wilmington. Since, two more Philly Delis have been added: one at Porters Neck and one at Monkey Junction. The Philly Deli started out by importing all of their steak meat and hoagie rolls straight from Amoroso Baking Company, located on 55th Street in downtown Philadelphia! It’s a practice



ONLY $13.99 At participating locations or online www.portcityjava.com 24 encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com

CATCH Serving the Best Seafood in South Eastern North Carolina. Wilmington’s Native Son, 2011 James Beard Award Nominee, 2013 Best of Wilmington “Best Chef” winner, Chef Keith Rhodes explores the Cape Fear Coast for the best it has to offer. We feature Wild Caught & Sustainably raised Seafood. Organic and locally sourced produce & herbs provide the perfect compliment to our fresh Catch. Consecutively Voted Wilmington’s Best Chef 2008, 09 & 2010. Dubbed “Modern Seafood Cuisine” we offer an array Fresh Seafood & Steaks, including our Signature NC Sweet Potato Salad. Appetizers include our Mouth watering “Fire Cracker” Shrimp, Crispy Cajun Fried NC Oysters & Blue Crab Claw Scampi, & Seafood Ceviche to name a few. Larger Plates include, Charleston Crab Cakes, Flounder Escovitch & Miso Salmon. Custom Entree request gladly accommodated for our Guest. (Vegetarian, Vegan & Allergies) Hand-crafted seasonal desserts. Full ABC Permits. 6623 Market Street, Wilmington, NC 28405, 910-799-3847. ■ SERVING DINNER: Mon.-Sat. 5:30 p.m.-9 p.m. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: North Wilmington ■ FEATURING: Acclaimed Wine List ■ WEBSITE: www.catchwilmington.com

they maintain to this day. We also have a great collection of salads to choose from, including the classic chef’s salad, chicken salad, and tuna salad, all made fresh every day in our three Wilmington, NC restaurants. 8232 Market St., 3501 Oleander Dr., 609 Piner Rd. ■ OPEN: 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday, 11:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Friday - Saturday. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Porters Neck, North and South Wilmington, DOCK STREET OYSTER BAR ■ WEBSITE: https://phillydeli.com Voted Best Oysters for over 10 years by encore readers, you know what you can find at Dock ON A ROLL Roll on into OAR—a fusion of American- Street Oyster Bar. But we have a lot more than Jewish-Italian deli fare, interspersed in seasonal oysters! Featuring a full menu of seafood, pasta, and chicken dishes from $4.95-$25.95, there’s specialties with a Southern accent. Every customer will receive freshly made-to- something for everyone at Dock Street. You’ll have order sandwiches, wraps and salads, with the a great time eating in our “Bohemian-Chic” atmofreshest of ingredients, all to ensure top quality. sphere, where you’ll feel just as comfort able in flip And when the place is hopping, it is well worth flops as you would in a business suit. Located at 12 Dock St in downtown Wilmington. Open for lunch the wait. Whether choosing to dine in or take out—we and dinner, 7 days a week. (910) 762-2827. deliver—On a Roll is the downtown deli to enjoy ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: 7 days a week. homemade grub. Come make us your favorite! ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown ■ FEATURING: Fresh daily steamed oysters. 125 Grace St., (910) 622-2700 ■ SERVING LUNCH: Open Mon-Sun., 11 a.m. - 4 ■ WEBSITE: www.dockstreetoysterbar.net p.m. 24-hour catering available. MICHAEL’S SEAFOOD’S RESTAURANT ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown Established in 1998, Michael’s Seafood Restaurant ■ WEBSITE: Check us out on Facebook! is locally owned and operated by Shelly McGowan and managed by her team of culinary professionals. Michael’s aspires to bring you the highest quality and freshest fin fish, shell fish, mollusks, beef, pork, poultry and produce. Our menu consists of CAPE FEAR SEAFOOD COMPANY Founded in 2008 by Evans and Nikki Trawick, mainly locally grown and made from scratch items. Cape Fear Seafood Company has become a local We count on our local fishermen and farmers to hotspot for the freshest, tastiest seafood in the supply us with seasonal, North Carolina favorites area. With it’s growing popularity, the restaurant on a daily basis. Adorned walls include awards such has expanded from its flagship eatery in Monkey as 3 time gold medalist at the International Seafood Junction to locations in Porters Neck and Wa- Chowder Cook-Off, Entrepreneur of the Year, Resterford in Leland. “We are a dedicated group of taurant of the Year and Encores readers’ choice in individuals working together as a team to serve Best Seafood to name a few. 1206 N. Lake Park spectacular food, wine and spirits in a relaxed and Blvd. (910) 458-7761 casual setting,” restaurateur Evans Trawick says. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: 7 days 11 am – 9 “At CFSC every dish is prepared with attention pm to detail, quality ingredients and excellent flavors. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Carolina Beach Our staff strives to accommodate guests with a ■ FEATURING: Award-winning chowder, local seasense of urgency and an abundance of southern food and more! hospitality.” Cape Fear Seafood Company has ■ WEBSITE: www.MikesCfood.com


been recognized by encore magazine for best seafood in 2015, as well as by Wilmington Magazine in 2015 and 2016, and Star News from 2013 through 2016. Monkey Junction: 5226 S. College Road Suite 5, 910-799-7077. Porter’s Neck: 140 Hays Lane #140, 910-681-1140. Waterford: 143 Poole Rd., Leland, NC 28451 ■ SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER: 11:30am-4pm daily; Mon.-Thurs.., 4pm-9pm; Fri.-Sat., 4pm10pm; Sun., 4pm-8:30pm. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown, north Wilmington and Leland ■ WESBITE: www.capefearseafoodcompany.com

OCEANIC Voted best seafood restaurant in Wilmington, Oceanic provides oceanfront dining at its best. Located in Wrightsville Beach, Oceanic is one of the most visited restaurants on the beach. Choose from a selection of seafood platters, combination plates and daily fresh fish. For land lovers, try their steaks, chicken or pasta dishes. Relax on the pier or dine inside. Oceanic is also the perfect location for memorable events, such as wedding ceremonies & receptions, birthday gatherings, anniversary parties and more. Large groups welcome. Private

event space available. 703 S. Lumina Avenue, Wrightsville Beach. (910) 256.5551. ■ SERVING LUNCH, DINNER & SUNDAY BRUNCH: Mon – Sat 11am – 11pm, Sunday 10am – 10pm ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Wrightsville Beach ■ FEATURING: Dine on renovated Crystal Pier. ■ WEBSITE: www.OceanicRestaurant.com THE PILOT HOUSE The Pilot House Restaurant is Wilmington’s premier seafood and steak house with a touch of the South. We specialize in local seafood and produce. Featuring the only Downtown bar that faces the river and opening our doors in 1978, The Pilot House is the oldest restaurant in the Downtown area. We offer stunning riverfront views in a newly-renovated relaxed, casual setting inside or on one of our two outdoor decks. Join us for $5.00 select appetizers 7 days a week and live music every Friday and Saturday nigh on our umbrella deck. Large parties welcome. Private event space available. 910-343-0200 2 Ann Street, Wilmington, NC 28401 ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Sun-Thurs 11am9pm, Fri-Sat 11am-10pm and Sunday Brunch 11am-3pm. Kids menu ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Riverfront Downtown Wilmington ■ FEATURING: Fresh local seafood specialties, Riverfront Dining, free on-site parking ■ MUSIC: Outside Every Friday and Saturday ■ WEBSITE: www.pilothouserest.com SHUCKIN’ SHACK Shuckin’ Shack Oyster Bar has two locations in the Port City area. The original Shack is located in Carolina Beach at 6A N. Lake Park Blvd. (910458-7380) and our second location is at 109 Market Street in Historic Downtown Wilmington (910833-8622). The Shack is the place you want to be to catch your favorite sports team on 7 TV’s carrying all major sports packages. A variety of fresh seafood is available daily including oysters, shrimp, clams, mussels, and crab legs. Shuckin’ Shack has expanded its menu now offering fish tacos, crab cake sliders, fried oyster po-boys, fresh salads, and more. Come in and check out the Shack’s daily lunch, dinner, and drink specials. It’s a Good Shuckin’ Time! ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Carolina Beach Hours: Mon-Sat: 11am-2am; Sun: Noon-2am, Historic Wilmington: Sun-Thurs: 11am-10pm; Fri-Sat: 11am-Midnight. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Carolina Beach/Downtown ■ FEATURING: Daily lunch specials. Like us on Facebook! ■ WEBSITE: www.TheShuckinShack.com STEAM RESTAURANT AND BAR Steam is bringing American cuisine to Wilmington using locally sourced goods and ingredients. With an extensive wine and beer selection, plenty of cocktails, indoor/outdoor seating, and beautiful views of the Cape Fear River, Steam is the area’s new go-to restaurant. Reservations recommended. Open seven days a week!, 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. 9 Estell Lee Pl, (910) 726-9226 ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Lunch: 11 a.m. 5 p.m. Dinner: 5 p.m. - 11 p.m. Bar: 11 a.m.-Until. Menu Bar: 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown ■ WEBSITE: www.steamrestaurantilm.com


CASEY’S BUFFET In Wilmington, everyone knows where to go for

solid country cooking. That place is Casey’s Buffet, winner of encore’s Best Country Cookin’/ Soul Food and Buffet categories. “Every day we are open, somebody tells us it tastes just like their grandma’s or mama’s cooking,” co-owner Gena Casey says. Gena and her husband Larry run the show at the Oleander Drive restaurant where people are urged to enjoy all food indigenous to the South: fried chicken, barbecue, catfish, mac‘n’cheese, mashed potatoes, green beans, chicken‘n’dumplings, biscuits and homemade banana puddin’ are among a few of many other delectable items. 5559 Oleander Drive. (910) 798-2913. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Open Wednesdays through Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. and on Sundays from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Closed Monday and Tuesdays. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Pig’s feet and chitterlings. ■ WEBSITE: www.caseysbuffet.com RX RESTAURANT & BAR Located in downtown Wilmington, Rx Restaurant and Bar is here to feed your soul, serving up Southern cuisine made with ingredients from local farmers and fishermen. The Rx chef is committed to bringing fresh food to your table, so the menu changes daily based on what he finds locally. Rx drinks are as unique as the food—and just what the doctor ordered. Join us for a dining experience you will never forget! 421 Castle St.; 910 399-3080. ■ SERVING BRUNCH & DINNER: Tues-Thurs, 5-10pm; Fri-Sat, 5-10:30pm; Sun., 10am-3pm and 5-9pm ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown ■ WEBSITE: www.rxwilmington.com


CAROLINA ALE HOUSE Voted best new restaurant AND best sports bar of 2010 in Wilmington, Carolina Ale House is the place to be for award-winning food, sports and fun. Located on College Rd. near UNC W, this lively sports-themed restaurant. Covered and open outdoor seating is available. Lunch and dinner specials are offered daily, as well as the coldest $2 and $3 drafts in town. 317 S. College Rd. (910) 791.9393. ■ SERVING LUNCH, DINNER & LATE NIGHT: 11am-2am daily. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: 40 HD TVs and the biggest HD projector TVs in Wilmington. ■ WEBSITE: www.CarolinaAleHouse.com


THE FORTUNATE GLASS WINE BAR An intimate venue showcasing globally sourced wines, plus creative small plates and craft beers. The serene ambiance is created by the beautiful wall mural, elegant glass tile bar, castle rocked walls and intimate booths. There are wines from all regions, with 60 wines by the glass and 350 wines available by the bottle. Food consists of numerous small plates, fine cheeses, cured meats and decadent desserts that will compliment any wine selection. ■ SERVING DINNER & LATE NIGHT: Tues. Thur., 4 p.m. - midnight; Fri., 4 p.m. - 2 a.m.; Sat., 2 p.m. - 2 a.m.; Sun., 2 p.m. - midnight. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown, 29 S Front St. ■ FEATURING: Weekly free wine tasting Tues., 6 - 8 p.m. Small plates, and wine and beer specials. ■ WEBSITE: www.fortunateglass.com









encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com 25



Foxes Boxes opened their doors and hearts to the community after Hurricane Florence


e: What did you serve and to how many?


RBF: Once our power was on, we received generous donations from World Central Kitchen and Pine Valley Market. Volunteers made runs to Sam’s Club for our veggies. We made peanut butter and jelly on tortillas, ham, green beans, cauliflower, deli sandwiches, and added bags of chips, and granola bars. We used any and all of our paper products that would work; US Foods made a special donation of to-go boxes, and volunteers brought in lunch bags. We were creative and resourceful.

espite their savvy concept of serving food in a box, Rachel and Randy Fox are the type of restauranteurs who think outside of it. The heart of their North 4th Street eatery, The Foxes Boxes, focuses on quickly served farm-to-table fare, prepared slowly with love. The couple’s business model always has been socially-conscious in nature.

So, when Hurricane Florence prepared to rock Wilmington, Foxes got ready to roll. They hunkered down and took shelter inside the walls of their sturdy NOFO building. The instant the worst of it had passed, their doors were open. As they realized parts of their community had been devastated, and many without food, they turned to what they do best: feed. Their charming café became a hub to collect supplies, donate meals, and offer countless volunteer opportunities. With Foxes at the helm, the northside responded with what it does best: come together. Here’s the story, with interview from Rachel Bodkin-Fox.

encore (e) What day did you open to the community after Florence made landfall? Rachel Bodkin-Fox (RBF): We fed some families and neighbors Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Sunday, though, was the first moment I realized our northside families were out of food. A mom and her two kids were standing in front of the restaurant trying to get cell service to see if anywhere was open. I brought them in, and made a stack of peanut butter sandwiches, cookies and drinks. Many families on the northside rely on public transit, and buses didn’t run for days after the storm. Even when grocery stores were beginning to open, they had no way to get to food. Living in a food desert during normal days is challenging enough, but during this storm, it was dangerous—especially for our medically fragile neighbors.

e: What made you decide to stay instead of evacuate? RBF: The Foxes Boxes is our only source of income. My husband and I were anxious that, if we stayed at our house, we could get flooded and not be able to open. Our restaurant is housed in one of the oldest-standing furniture stores in Wilmington, and it’s weathered many storms and is still standing strong. Our landlord boarded the windows, so we really felt like we were in a bunker. We packed a week’s worth of clothes, food, and set up camp [in the restaurant]. e: Have you always been drawn toward giving back?

RBF: Yes. Advocating for those living in extreme poverty happens without much thought for me. After moving to Wilmington in 2007, I became a volunteer Congressional District

We walked close to 3,000 meals to our neighbors with the wagon train, and have distributed well over 500 bags of supplies. The plan is to continue a mini donation grocery of relief items until we can get a grocery on the northside. When our neighbors start to get back on their feet, the mini grocery will offer “pay what you can,” with donations going to Good Works, so they can continue northside projects. IT’S A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD: The Foxes Boxes fed over 1,000 of their neighbors on the northside of downtown ILM after Florence and became a grocery store in the food desert. Left to right: Dana Burgess O’Donovan shops with her daughter; Tricia Delp Ireland and Lena Maximova Sutherland load up a wagon of goodies. Photos by Kristen McKeithan, Good Works

Leader for the ONE Campaign (whose mission is to raise awareness for those living in extreme poverty and hold our elected officials accountable for supporting programs that save lives around the globe). I was a founding member of the ONE Moms Advisory Council, and we traveled to Kenya with ABC World News visiting programs supported by US foreign aid. I have led many other advocacy efforts, sit on several nonprofit boards, and work to create change through action. e: What items were donated by whom?

RBF: Food safety is huge to us at The Foxes Boxes. The last thing you’d want is to be sick in the aftermath of a storm. Our goal was to feed our neighbors on Thursday before the storm, and then use up as much of our food as possible. When our power went out Friday morning, we knew our food had to be thrown out. What we did have left was lots of bread, some dry goods, and to-go containers. Our friend [Alister Snyder] at Detour Deli had a generator and was able to provide some deli meat for the bread, so we began partnering with Cape Fear Volunteer Center and World Central Kitchen to get meal deliveries out. We plated and distributed the food on foot to our neighbors with our wonderful community partner, Good Works.

e: Was the initial relief effort focused on feeding people or getting out supplies? RBF: After feeding the first family and knowing there was a need, we connected with Kristen McKeithen and Greg Pampell of Good Works, who were able to get to the restaurant and help us make as many sandwiches as

26 encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com

we could. When Kristen and I began walking toward Taylor Homes with sandwiches and bottled water, we didn’t make it two blocks before running out of food. We ended up on 5th and Brunswick streets, walking north and just started meeting hungry neighbor after neighbor who had trees down, roofs leaking and medical needs. We knew we needed to create our plan of action. The next morning, we made three thermoses of coffee and started walking from our restaurant toward 10th and Fanning to DREAMS, which also was organizing a relief station. Our goal was to inform neighbors to spread the word there would be food, water and supplies available. We ended up walking all the way to DREAMS, up and down every block, and coming back to the restaurant a different way to cover more area. We met so many people in need who weren’t able to walk in the heat to the relief station, as well as neighbors who wanted to come back to the restaurant to help. Now with addresses and a crew, we were able to begin organizing! We had a solid team of volunteers that started coming in on Tuesday for every meal delivery (coordinated with northside maps, to make sure we covered all areas). The best part was the wagon train: Our volunteers brought in wagons, made signs, and were led out the door each time by 5-year-old Vivian. We’ve tracked volunteer hours with the support of Cape Fear Volunteer Center. I would say we’ve had at least 25 to 50 o more volunteers or donors daily. There has been a core of about 20 individuals who were with us morning until night.

e: What has helped push you through the difficult and exhausting parts? RBF: It’s hard to answer the question without breaking down. This storm has been devastating for so many families in our neighborhood and beyond. The stories we have heard of loss will stay with us forever. We really are exhausted, but the pure, authentic love, kindness and giving we have seen is beyond and lifts us. We have formed forever friendships.

e: In what ways has this connected you even deeper to the neighborhood? RBF: Oh, the northside—there is a spirit that runs deep. As we walked the streets we invited people to come by the restaurant and fill up bags for their homebound neighbors. Over the days, many drove their elderly in to pick up their own supplies and food. These neighbors shared memories of the furniture store and all of the businesses that lined 4th. We shared hugs, laughs and tears. We only hope to deepen our connections with our northside neighbors.

e: I saw your daughter Isabel started an apparel campaign from NYC... RBF: It’s another part of the story that breaks me down. I told our family and friends before the storm that Isabel would be the one person I would connect with—so she would keep everyone updated on our Facebook page. Our youngest son had evacuated with a family to Charlotte, but when the storm changed directions, he and my daughter coordinated him getting to NYC (also without my knowledge) so they could be together. Like many others who were watching the storm from afar, they wanted to help. They designed a T-shirt campaign and are now only a few away from their goal of 100 shirts. As of now, she’s sold 84 shirts and raised over $1,500. I am simply blown away. It’s really hard to express the gratitude and love.

Check out the restaurant and support their T-shirt sales at thefoxesboxes.com.




participating restaurants: NORTH WILMINGTON

The Italian Bistro J. Michael's Philly Deli La Costa Mexican Restaurant The Melting Pot Osteria Cicchetti Roko Italian Cuisine Si! Señor Modern Mex Symposium Restaurant & Bar True Blue Butcher & Table

WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH Antonio's Pizza & Pasta Bluewater Waterfront Grill Boca Bay Oceanic Restaurant

Watermans Brewing Topsail Steamer


Antonio's Pizza & Pasta Bonefish Grill Carolina Ale House Casey’s Buffet Hops Supply Co. J. Michael's Philly Deli La Costa Mexican Restaurant Might As Well Bar & Grill Okami Japanese Steakhouse Olympia Restaurant Round Bagels and Donuts Yoshi Sushi

Your Pie


Antonio's Pizza & Pasta The Greeks Henry's Restaurant and Bar Hwy 55 Burgers, Shakes & Fries J. Michael's Philly Deli Niche Kitchen & Bar Pizzeria IL Forno Slainte Irish Pub


Michael's Seafood Restaurant


Anne Bonny's Bar and Grill

Circa 1922 Dram + Morsel Elijah’s The George The Little Dipper Nikki’s Fresh Gourmet & Sushi On A Roll Pilot House Pour Taproom Rollz Ruth's Chris Steak House Steam Restaurant and Bar YoSake


The Joyce Irish Pub

www.encorerestaurantweek.com Restaurateurs: Email shea@encorepub.com for info on how you can be added to the most delicious week of winter. Deadline November 2nd. encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com 27

28 encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com


Oktober 6th, 1pm

• Oktoberfest Beer Release • Guest Breweries • Tents • Traditional Bavarian Music by the famous Harbour Towne Fest Band • Games • Steins • Pretzels r e v o No C ........ • Brats .......... • Food Trucks g in k r a P e e r F • Vendors

721 Surry Street Wilmington waterlinebrewing.com

Located Under The Cape Fear Memorial Bridge Free parking & brewery tours. Wine & cider are available. encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com 29



Looking at the benefit of Reynolds’ family money to our state and the tragedy it befell their family BY: NIKKI KROUSHL


ilmington’s literary community keeps gaining accolades (two National Book Awards nominees in 2015) and attention in the press. With multiple established publishers in the state (Algonquin, Blair) and new smaller presses gaining traction (Eno, Bull City), it is timely to shine a light on discussions around literature, publishing and the importance of communicating a truthful story in our present world. Welcome to Carpe Librum, encore’s biweekly book column, wherein I will dissect a current title or an old book or both—because literature does not exist in a vacuum but emerges to participate in a larger, cultural conversation. I will feature many NC writers; however, the hope is to place the discussion in a larger context and therefore examine works around the world.

Second Skin Vintage

The Gilded Leaf: Triumph, Tragedy and Tobacco: Three Generations of the R. J. Reynolds Family and Fortune By Patrick Shachtman




Little, Brown, 1989, pgs. 382

In spite of all the chaos and craziness of Hurricane Florence, the storm did give me a chance to make a dent in my “to read” stack. “The Gilded Leaf: Triumph, Tragedy, and Tobacco: Three Generations of the R. J. Reynolds Family and Fortune” by Patrick Reynolds and Tom Scachtman, has been floating around in my stack for years. Anyone who has grown up in North Carolina is familiar with the Reynolds family: the heirs to the RJR Tobacco fortune. It is a name as prominent as Duke or Hanes to North Carolinians. How could we not be curious about how one of the companies that shaped the modern state of North Carolina developed? I had put off reading for a while, fearing the book would be dry and hard to get into (or else featuring a series of anecdotes about rich people behaving badly). I could not have been more wrong. Wow. One of the authors, Patrick Reynolds, is a third-generation Reynolds, and for most of my lifetime, has been a vocal anti-smoking activist. I know: The grandson of the founder of RJR Tobacco is an anti-smoking activist? That must have gone over with the family like the Hindenberg.

Photo by Ben Minor

So the book could be a tell-all memoir used to get vengeance on the other members of the family. Plenty of people would have bought and read it just out of curiosity; celebrity trainwrecks always solicit. But the book is not that at all. It is so much

true vintage clothing and accessories

615 Castle Street • 910.239.7950 www.secondskinwilmington.com 30 encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com

I probably had more space in the tent, I reflected. But back to North Carolina’s financially motivating families: To see how the tobacco industry grew and developed to become one of the major economic forces in this state is impressive, at the least. The older Reynolds brothers, RJ’s generation, were the empire builders—and what an empire they built. Understanding the extent of the Reynolds’ monetary influence in WinstonSalem is pretty hard to quantify, but this book at least tries to put it in context. As is all too-predictable, the second generation of Reynolds children observed everything falling apart. They were millionaires before they could drive and orphans before they graduated high school; there was no sense of reality for RJ’s four children. The Z. Smith Reynolds foundation (which many local organizations have received funding from) was founded after the youngest child of that generation, Smith, died in what is still an unresolved mystery involving a gun, a more than I expected. Prohibition Era drinking party, involving his Tracing the family business back to Vir- wife and best friend. His brother and sisginia before the Civil War, it focuses on the ters started the foundation as part of the struggles of agriculture and changes in court settlement surrounding his estate. the economic landscape of the American The oldest brother, RJ Jr. (Dick, to his South in the 19th century. As the robber friends), went through four wives and barons and industry titans emerge, the abandoned his children along the way (big audience watches the Reynolds brothers surprise). Patrick, author of the book, met grow and develop a startling fortune. Sihis father very few times prior to Dick’s multaneously, the Dukes are building up death. His memories largely include oxytheir own tobacco empire and launching gen tanks to treat the smoking-related illa tobacco trust. I didn’t realize the Hanes nesses Dick battled. family had a tobacco company before they The general awfulness the second and became synonymous with hosiery. Perthird generation of Reynolds’ treat each haps that is really the fascination for me: showing how names I have grown up hear- other is not interesting to me; though, the ing fit together—like the Cannon family, scandal part is pretty hard to believe. For instance, Zach pLayed trombone with the Hoey and Governor Gardner. school marching band at an event dedicat“Yeah, the people with names on building the new Reynolds’ baseball field. His ings,” Jock noted with a laugh. father made the christening speech, yet “Yes!” I responded. “When I was in col- didn’t recognize his son because he hadn’t lege, there was a residence hall named seen the boy since Zach was 3 years old. It Hoey and I lived in Gardner Hall.” is nothing short of heartbreaking. “This was when you weren’t living in a While the family descend further and tent?” Jock inquired. further into tragedy, their money builds up “That was freshman year; I lived in Gard- the state of North Carolina more and more. ner sophomore year,” I clarified, “in a room Perhaps that is the real lesson of the book: built to be a single but they had such a We have all benefited so much more than housing shortage, they turned them into we realize from the Reynolds’ fortune— more in the long run than they did. doubles.”

d? e d o o l F r Ca

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Ask about our “re-purposed” furniture Do not despair, we can make the repair... let us fix separation anxiety

encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com 31



Some events may have or will cancel due to the hurricane; we apologize for any inconvenience in not getting the info up to date by press. Bear with us as we get the calendar at full speed again in coming weeks. Be sure to enter your events by clicking on our SpinGo calendar at encorepub.com.


Every Sunday until Oct. 28 along the scenic, historic Wilmington riverfront for a weekly artisan market featuring some of Wilmington’s finest artists and crafts people.You’ll find everything from fine art to functional with a diverse assortment of painters, illustrators, woodworkers, metal workers, upscale crafts and more! Located at Riverfront Park on N. Water Street

between Market and Princess from 10am3:30pm every Sun., weather permitting. City of Wilmington, Riverfront Park, 5 N. Water St. ILM TOUR AND COMIC SHOW

Oct. 6, 10am: Wilmington’s best selection of vintage to modern toys and comics returns for the fifth year! We feature great vendors and artists from North and South Carolina, plus lots more fun! Our Cosplay Contest starts at 4:00 (registration takes place throughout the show!), and we have great door prizes all day long! All profits from this year’s show are being donated to great

local organizations, including NHC Rabbit Rescue of Wilmington and NourishNC! Children under 12 are admitted free with an adult! Wilmington Moose Lodge #343, 4610 Carolina Beach Rd.


Oct. 6, 11am: The Calico Room and William Baker present Hurricane Florence Benefit Festival— all proceeds and donations go to relieving the victims of this terrible storm! Games, face paint-

ing, artists and bands: Kristie Lynn Music, Ryan Cain Tiffany Elaine Now Or Never, Ashton Ward Jessie Avila, Fernando Rivera STRICKEN, Faith & Scars Infect, SLAMURAI, Abstractionist, and more! Law enforcement, firemen and linemen in free (with proper ID/badge). $5 donation/person (kids under 5 in free) or donation of water, canned foods, toiletries, etc. The Calico Room, 115 N 2nd St. HARRELSON CENTER GOLF TOURNEY

Oct. 8, 8:30am: Join us on the green to raise essential funding and awareness for the humanitarian mission and work of the individual nonprofits and for the Harrelson Center! This fun day includes a continental breakfast, boxed lunch, drinks, and an awards celebration with live music. $100. Shotgun Start at 10am. Visit our website for tickets and details. Magnolia Greens Golf Plantation, 1800 Linkwood Dr.

music/concerts BOOGIE IN THE PARKS

Sun.: 5-7 p.m. (1st/3rd Sun., May through Oct.). Bring your beach chair or blanket and enjoy free, live music by the sea! Free and open to the public! Ocean Front Park, 105 Atlantic Blvd.


Comedians, singers, songwriters, poets, yodelers! Come out the co-op on Wednesday night & show us what you got! Free coffee & tea for all performers! Mic is yours from 6 pm until about 8:45! Hosted by the always entertaining Bob Sarnataro, this open mic is a laid back, no pressure opportunity for performers of all kinds to stretch those creative muscles. All ages welcome. Tidal Creek Co-op, 5329 Oleander Dr.


Every week Sunday School Underground welcomes a collective of like minded DJs with interest in growing the underground electronic music scene. We commune at the Juggling Gypsy Cafe to preach beats and vibes that will fill your soul. The Juggling Gypsy has the right atmosphere to cater a chill underground community of DJs. Located on the corner of 16 St. and Castle St. Come smoke a hookah, try one of the many craft beers, bounce around the patio, or just lounge with the beats. Juggling Gypsy, 1612 Castle St.


2018-19 season 9: 1st Thurs. Sept-Apr (except Jan.—2nd Thurs.), 6:30-8pm. Eight-concert series has individual seat sales are available for purchase: 910-395-5999. Enjoy dinner and drinks at the CAM Café (910-777-2363) before or after the concert. Café reservations are always suggested and appreciated. Lineup: Oct. 4, Lynn Grissett Quartet; Nov. 1, The FROG Project; Dec. 6, Lenore

32 encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com

BC). Expo 216 gallerium, 216 N. Front St. WedRaphael Quartet; Jan. 10, 2019, La Fiesta Latin Sun, noon-6pm, 910-769-3899, expo216.com Jazz Quintet; Feb. 7, Jon Hill Quartet; Mar. 7, Ernest Turner Trio; Apr. 4, Brian Miller Admission: CAM/ DIVERSE WORKS CFJS Members: $12, Non-members: $20., Students Features seven creative minds. MJ Cunningham, with valid college ID: $10. Cameron Art Museum, Christine Farley, Liz Hosier, Kathryn Houghtaling, 3201 S 17th St. Anne Sinclair, Peggy Vineyard, and Katherine Wolf Webb will present works on, about, in and of paper, CONCERTS ON COLLEGE: ROCK BOTTOM DEAL called “All Thing Paper.” Landmark/Sotherby InterOct. 7, 5pm: Rock Bottom Deal is a trio performnational Realty will host a champagne reception ing Bluegrass, Gospel, and other acoustic mufrom 6 pm to 9 pm welcoming you to this remarksic. Combining vocal harmony with the sounds of able demonstration of Wilmington’s outstanding talguitar, fiddle, bass, and other instruments, Rock ent. Acme Art Studio, 711 N 5th Ave. Bottom Deal will set your toes to tapping, your fin-

gers to snapping, and your voice singing along. LINEAL PERSPECTIVE Musical influences range from Doc Watson and An exhibit of abstract works by Francisca Dekker. Merle Travis to Flatt & Scruggs and Bob Wills. An On display through Oct. 21. Burgwin Wright occasional waltz or hoedown adds a little spice House, 224 Market St. www.redtulipstudio.com. to the mix! Admission is free. Donations are ap- REFLECTIONS OVER TIME preciated to assist the church with concert series Water, birds and flowers by Kate Cardamone expenses. Wesley Memorial United Methodist, are on display at Bellamy Masnsion through Nov. 1401 S College Rd. 3. To view more about the artist, vist katecardamone.com. 503 Market St. www.bellamymansion.org.

theatre/auditions SHAKESPEARE INC.


Written & directed by Don Fried, through Oct 6 at TheatreNOW. Fri & Sat nights at 7pm, Tickets CAPE FEAR CONTRA DANCERS $18-$42. Complimentary valet. Who really did Come on out for two hours of energetic, contempowrite all those works of art? Did Shakespeare act rary American country dancing with live music by alone or were there others pulling the strings? Box of Chocolates band—fiddle, percussion, guitar, Find out in this inspired comedy with a delicious dulcimer, bass, mandolin and more! Dress cool & British-inspired themed dinner. 19 S. 10th St. comfortable, soft-soled shoes. All ages. 2nd/4th TheatreNOW, 19 S. 10th St. Tues, 7:30pm. United Methodist, 409 S. 5th Ave.


See page 16.



Monday nights, 7pm: Are you interested in learning the Waltz, but are not sure where to start with the dance? Or have you learned the basics and are needing to jog your memory by going over the basic steps again? Well, our level 1 class every Monday night in September is just the class for you, 7-8pm. Level 2 and 3 classes offered 8-9pm; $5 for military and students with ID, $10 per person, $15 per couple. Babs McDance, 6782 Market St.

Meet working artists, and see their works in progress. Everything from sculptures to fine jewelry in this unique location. Free parking, fun for everyone. Over 45 artist’s works to enjoy. Free, and we participate in the 4th Friday Art Walks, 6-9pm, 4th EAST COAST SWING Fri. ea. mo. theArtWorks, 200 Willard St. Tues., 7pm: Interested in learning East Coast Swing but are not sure where to start with the dance? Or PLASTIC OCEAN have you learned the basics and are needing to jog A solo exhibit by local artist Alexandra Morse is your memory by going over the basic steps again? on display at the NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher for Well, our level 1 every Tues. night in September, three months through September 2018. Come 7-8pm; 2 & 3, 8-9pm. East Coast Swing the night any day of the week during Aquarium hours, away with us! $5 for military and students with ID, 9am-5pm, Mon.-Sun. 20 percent of all proceeds $10 per person, $15 per couple. 6782 Market St. will be donated to Plastic Ocean Project to help clean up our oceans and spread awareness of WORLD OF DANCE LIVE plastic pollution. All paintings are for sale and Sat., Oct. 7, 4pm: NBC’s summer smash hit series will be on display near the stingray tank in the World of Dance Live Tour will be featuring the best Spadefish Gallery. Ticket cost is for entry into dancers from across all genres, incorporating both local and national talent. Family-friendly entertainthe Aquarium. Viewing the artwork in the gallery ment, featuring extraordinary performers: Michael is free once inside. NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher, Dameski, Charity and Andres, and BDash and 900 Loggerhead Rd. Konkrete, among others. Tickets: $31-$55, capeFOURTH FRIDAY GALLERY NIGHT fearstage.com. Wilson Center, 703 N. 3rd St. Fourth Friday Gallery Nights, Wilmington’s premier after-hours celebration of art and culture, 6-9pm, CFA IN MOTION: ECLECTIC COLLECTION Oct. 12, 7:30pm: Presented by Forward Motion fourth Fri. ea. month. Art openings, artist demonDance Company, the collection connects dancers, strations, entertainment and refreshments. Adminchoreographers, musical and visual artists and more istered by the Arts Council of Wilmington & New to bring the art form of dance together for a varied Hanover County, numerous venues participate. Full and collaborative event. It showcases the talents of list: artscouncilofwilmington.org Choreographer Tracey Varga with new dance works NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE presented along with recreations of works from the Journey through this mirror-lined chamber houspast and premiere works. $17.50-$20. Thalian Hall, ing an array of LED lights. The viewer walks to310 Chestnut St. www.forwardmotiondance.org. ward a light but at the last minute is diverted to the main room. Lethe, chance art by Leslie Milanese, depicts the first recorded NDE (Plato, 381

comedy OPEN MIC

The wildest open mic in town ... anything goes. (except cover songs). Stand-up comedy, slam poetry, video, live music, odd talents—performances of all kinds. Hosted by 6-beer Steve. Sign up, 8pm, and runs all night. Juggling Gypsy 1612 Castle St. ILM, (910) 763-2223 daily after 3pm for details. jugglinggypsy.com.


On the first Wed. ea. month, Gruff Goat Comedy features Three Guest Comics Under a Bridge. No Trolls. Waterline Brewing Company, 721 Surry Lane


See some of NC’s best stand-up comedians in a world class venue! This month’s talented performers: Brett Williams, Cordero Wilson, Grant Sheffield, Louis Bishop, and Tyler Wood. Hosted by: Wills Maxwell. N Front Theatre (formerly City Stage), 21 N Front St.


First Sat. ea. month is free show at Lucky Joe Craft Coffee on College Road presented by Regretful Villains. The show features a new style of standup called Speed Joking. Come enjoy a night of laughs and find your Comedic Soulmate! 1414 S College Rd.


Oct. 6, 7/9:30pm: Molly Austin has been performing with The Peoples Improv Theater since 2006 and has studied improv as well as sketch at the Upright Citizens Brigade. Molly also stretched her acting muscles at the Deena Levy Theater Studio for two

years and can now cry on command. Nowadays you can find Molly grabbing a slice of pizza on St Marks, performing stand up at multiple comedy clubs on the mean streets of New York City and blogging for the ever fashionable Alice+Olivia. Tickets: $15. http://deadcrowcomedy.com. 265 N. Front St. LIVE RIFFING AND VINTAGE TV

Every Wed. join Dead Crow Comedy for improv night. Join local comedians for a TV party at Dead Crow! An interactive improvised comedy show. 265 N. Front St.


DareDevil Improv Classes teach you the fundamentals of the funny! Learn to be more spontaneous, trust your instincts, and create one-ofa-kind comedy with an ensemble! (And even if you’re not a “performer,” our classes are a great way to meet people and have a hella good time!) Details and sign-ups, www.daredevilimprov.com. Hannah Block Community Arts Center, 120 South 2nd St.


On exhibit: “A Time When Art Is Everywhere: teamLab,” an art collective and interdisciplinary group of programmers, engineers, CG animators, mathematicians artists and architects, creates digital artworks that bridge art, science, technology, design and the natural world. Designs are immersive interpretations deeply rooted in Japanese art, aesthetic and history. Through Sept. 8, 2019 • Like and Likeness, through Oct. 8: A visitor

THIRSTY THURSDAY LIVE MUSIC Food & Drink Specials from 6-9pm


Live music every Thursday night on the dock, 1/2 priced oysters every Monday-Thursday 4-6 and Sunday Brunch with live music from 11:30am-3pm every Sunday in our main dining room.


2 Ann St. Wilmington, NC • 910-343-1448 encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com 33

participatory experience and exploration of the human form.CAM visitors can draw using traditional and new media, working from paper on easels and ipads, copying figurative drawings and sculptural works in plaster, marble, and bronze from CAM’s permanent collection. • Feather by Feather, The Sculptures of Grainger McKoy, Sept. 29-Feb. 17, 2019: From the detailed beginnings of the single iconic feather, Grainger McKoy transforms his intricately carved birds into gravity-defying sculptures that play with form and space. • Along the Eastern Sea Road: Hiroshige’s Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō, Sept. 29-Feb. 17, 2019: Master printmaker Utagawa Hiroshige’s Fifty-Three Stations of the Tōkaidō is among the most celebrated works of Japanese art. Series depicts the spectacular landscapes and fascinating characters encountered on the journey from Edo (now Tokyo) to the imperial capital of Kyoto. The Tōkaidō road was the mosttraveled route between these two important cities, figuring heavily into popular Japanese art and culture in the mid-1800s. Cameron Art Museum presents the complete set of 55 prints from Hiroshige’s monumental oban series, known as the Upright Tōkaidō, created in 1855. • Nearer to Nature, Sept. 29-Feb. 17, 2019 Humans have always been inspired and influenced by the world that surrounds us. Featuring artwork from CAM’s permanent collection, Nearer to Nature highlights this fascination and contemplation of the natural world. Artists in the exhibition include Elliott Daingerfield, Minnie Evans, William Frerichs, Will Henry Stevens, along with contemporary artists such as Mark Flood, Guy Laramée and Hiroshi Sueyoshi. • Illumination, Dec. 1- Jan. 6, 2019: The highly popular Illumination returns for it’s 3rd year to CAM. Drawing inspiration from traditional lantern festivals, marking the

transitional moment of season’s change and year’s end, reflecting on the past while garnering energy for the future. CAM recognizes the crucial role of artists and art in creating an exceptional quality of life for a community. Art, like a lantern, illuminates the mystery, empathy and wonder of human existence. On Sunday, Dec. 9 from 4-7 p.m. will be the third annual Floating Lantern Ceremony: This event is an opportunity for Remembrance, Reflection and Gratitude. There’s no charge to attend, but participants are encouraged to purchase a $12 lantern sleeve they may personalize and then float on the CAM reflecting pond.• CAM Café open and serving delicious menu with full bar, 5pm-9pm. Tues.-Sun., 11am-2pm; Thurs. nights, 5pm-9pm 910-395-5999. cameronartmuseum.org. 3201 S. 17th St. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH MUSEUM

WB Museum of History, housed in the turn of the century Myers Cottage, exists to preserve and to share the history of Wrightsville Beach. Visitors to the cottage will find a scale model of Wrightsville Beach circa 1910, exhibits featuring the early days of the beach including Lumina Pavilion, our hurricane history and information about the interaction between the people and our natural environment which have shaped the 100 year history of WB. (910) 256-2569. 303 W. Salisbury St. www.wbmuseum.com.


Explore railroad history and heritage, especially of the Atlantic Coast Line, headquartered in Wilmington for 125 years. Interests and activities for all ages, including historical exhibits, full-size steam engine and rolling stock, lively Children’s Hall, and spectacular model layouts. House in an authentic 1883 freight warehouse, facilities are fully accessible and on one level. By reservation, discounted group tours, caboose birthday parties, and after-hours

meetings or mixers. Story Time on 1st/3rd Mon. at 10:30am, only $5 per family and access to entire Museum. Admission only $9 adult, $8 senior/military, $5 child, ages 2-12, and free under age 2. 505 Nutt St. 910-763-2634. www.wrrm.org. LATIMER HOUSE

Victorian Italiante style home built in 1852, the restored home features period furnishings, artwork and family portraits. Tours offered Mon-Fri, 10am4pm, and Sat, 12-5pm. Walking tours are Wed and Sat. at 10am. $4-$12. Latimer House of Lower Cape Fear Historical Society is not handicapped accessible 126 S. Third St.


18th century Burgwin-Wright House Museum in the heart of Wilmington’s Historic District, is the oldest museum house in NC, restored with 18th and 19th century decor and gardens. Colonial life is experienced through historical interpretations in kitchenbuilding and courtyard. 3rd/Market St. Tues-Sat, 10am-4pm. Last tour, 3pm. 910-762-0570. www. burgwinwrighthouse.com.

EXPO 216

Exhibit on end-of-life issues. Enter Grandma’s house and address the elephant in the room. Pick up an advance directive. Review the History of Hospice; contemplate individual responses of compassion in the arena. 216 N. Front St. Wed.-Sun., noon-6pm. www.expo216.com.


One of NC’s most spectacular examples of antebellum architecture, built on the eve of the Civil War by free and enslaved black artisans, for John Dillard Bellamy (1817-1896) physician, planter and business leader; and his wife, Eliza McIlhenny Harriss (1821-1907) and their nine children. After the fall of Fort Fisher in 1865, Federal troops commandeered the house as their headquarters during the occupation of Wilmington. Now a museum, it focuses on history and the design arts and offers tours, changing exhibitions and an informative look at historic preservation in action. 910-251-3700. www.bellamymansion.org. 503 Market St.


A brief presentation about the live animals on display in the Events Center and then watch them feed. At least one snake and turtle will be fed during the demonstration. Ages: 3 and up. Cost: $1. 10/3, 11/7, 12/5, 4-4:30pm. Halyburton Park, 4099 S. 17th St.


Age 2-5, cost $3/participant. 10-11am. Deadline to register: Day before each program. Bring your explorers out to the park and discover nature through stories, songs, hands-on activities, hikes and crafts. Your children will delight in the many nature themes we explore each month. Dress for the weather(including closed-toe shoes) to be ready for outdoor fun! Preregistration is required. Children must be accompanied by adults. Adults free. 10/4, 10-11am, and 10/5, 10-11am; Spider Web Wonders, 10/25, 10-11am, and 10/26, 10-11am; Terrific Turkeys, 11/8, 10-11am, and 11/9, 10-11am; Signs of Fall, 11/29, 10-11am, and 11/30, 10-11am; Lunch for a Bea, 12/13, 10-11am, and 12/14, 10-11am. Halyburton Park, 4099 S. 17th St.

recreation/sports WALK WITH A DOC

Join us the 3rd Saturday of every month at 9am for a fun and healthy walk—held at the Midtown YMCA.

34 encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com

Each walk beings with a brief physician-led discussion of a current health topic, then he/she spends time walking, answering questions and talking with walkers. Choose your own pace and distance. Free and open to anyone. YMCA Midtown, George Anderson Dr..


A new monthly meet-up for adults who enjoy crafting. Drop in on the first Monday afternoon of every month at the Northeast Library. A different usable craft project will be featured each month. Free program, with all supplies provided by a Friends of NHC Library LEAD Award. Reserve spot on calendar at www.NHCLibrary.org or 910-798-6371. Librarian Annice Sevett: asevett@nhcgov.com or 910-798-6371. 1241 Military Cutoff Rd.


Crafty teens are invited for snacks and miniature garden making at Northeast Library. Hands-on workshop is free but space is limited. To make sure there are enough seats and supplies, please register on the calendar at www.NHCLibrary.org or 910-798-6371. NHC Northeast Library, 1241 Military Cutoff Rd.


Yoga: Thursdays, 5:30pm: Participants must bring their own yoga mat to class. Class dates: Sept. 6. Free! Children ages 12-17 can participate with adult. • Zumba: Thurs., 5:30pm: Oct. 11, & 18. Free. Children ages 12-17 can participate with adult • Mother & Daughter Self Defense, Wed., 5:30pm. Girls ages 11-19 & Adult. Free. Session: Wed., Sept. 5 thru Oct. 10 (6 classes). Registration for the entire 6 weeks is required. Participants are asked to attend each class due to the program being progression based with new things taught at each class. Pre-reg. rqd. Maides Park, 1101 Manly Ave. wilmingtonrecreation.com


Playful Pedagogy is part of the North Carolina Zoo’s Education Division and it functions as an umbrella for the Zoo’s play programs. Playwork is an integral part of Kidzone which is the NC Zoo’s outdoor space that connects children with nature. Children, who have a natural affinity for nature, are losing their connection with it. By connecting children with nature through play, we have a greater chance of affecting change in future adult consumers. 9/8/18, 9am-3pm: Fall Migratory Bird ID Workshop. Meet at the park at 8:45am; $10. • 11/16-17, 7am; $125. 16 and up: Pocosin Lakes/Lake Mattamuskeet NWR Waterfowl and Black Bear Adventure We will stay overnight at the Eastern 4-H center in Columbia, N.C. for an overview of Eastern N.C. wildlife with a focus on black bears. Registration deadline: 11/2 • Kayak trips: 9/12, Holly Shelter Creek, 8:30am-12:30pm. $45. Black River Three Sisters Swam, 10/17, 8:30am-3:30pm, $75. Halyburton Park, 4099 S. 17th St.


Oct. 4, 6:15pm: Do you know the basics of calligraphy, but want to expand your knowledge? Or maybe you’d like to use calligraphy as a way to earn extra income? In the 2.5 hour class we’ll cover developing your style, flourishing, creative layouts, working with different inks, and working on different surfaces. Includes: hands-on instruction & demonstrations with professional calligrapher Brooke Helton of Southern Bee Designs; supply kit to use and keep (pen, nibs, ink, guide sheets, etc.); instruction book; refreshments. 10 slots. Pink Baking Co., 114 North Front St.

Celebrate Good Times! 20-year anniversary party • Oct. 7, all night long

Italian Sandwiches • Meatballs Spaghetti • Party Catering Breakfast All Day 1101 S College Rd. • (910) 392-7529 www.atasteofitalydeli.com

Pepe’s Taco Truck, 5-9 p.m. • “Postcard From the Furthest Distance From Us” Grand prizes and other giveaways • Billiards • Darts • Games • Drink Specials



MONDAYS KIDS EAT FREE with purchase of adult meal and combo TUESDAY BENEFIT NIGHT Contact us to host your next benefit night WEDNEDAY WINE WEDNESDAY half price wine THURSDAY PI(E)NT NIGHT $3.14 BEER

encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com 35






Edited by Stanley Newman (www.StanXwords.com)

WHAT’S WHAT: Some adage equivalences by Fred Piscop ACROSS 1 Biographies 6 Hard to lift 11 Julius Caesar costume 15 Pealed 19 Comforting comment 20 Novelist Walker 21 Taken by spoon 22 Son of Isaac 23 “__ is __” 26 Parcheesi pair 27 Regular dates 28 Numerical prefix 29 “Hollywood’s Biggest Night” bestowals 31 Prime time hour 32 Vigor, on music 33 Moral principle 34 Polyester fabric 38 Quebec neighbor 40 Afghanistan’s capital 43 Flub 44 “__ is __” 49 Actor Neeson 50 Functioned 52 Bar garnish 53 Sushi ingredient 54 Sand shade 55 Low-heeled shoes 56 Snowy 58 Vuitton rival 60 Battery descriptor 62 Quaker captain of fiction 63 Steamy spots at spas 64 “__ is __” 68 Jack London character 71 Successor of Claudius 72 Saw to it 76 Notable function 77 Penned 79 Kitchen mishap 80 Royal pal of Falstaff

81 82 83 84 85 90 91 92 93 94 97 98 99 101 102 107 108 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119

Long, long time Respectful address Goosebumps author Motel worker “__ is __” Get extra mileage from Hits the roof Present an address Catch-22 author Allots, with “out” Verified statement Take to court Can be found Computer support pro In addition to Cheerful tune “__ is __” Just sitting around Facebook thumb icon Adventuresome one Clarification starter Bird food Former couples Trench-digging tool Nick of films

DOWN 1 Ad-__ (improvise) 2 Hosp. areas 3 Boundless 4 It’s southwest of Buffalo 5 Many a presidential candidate 6 Entertains at home 7 Besides that 8 Minor misstatements 9 Fort Worth sch. 10 “So what’s your answer?” 11 Lone Ranger’s pal 12 Crunchy ice-cream ingredient

13 Purchase from a pump 14 In addition 15 Erythrocyte 16 Cuisine category 17 Mother-of-pearl 18 One-episode costar 24 Blissful spot 25 Less congenial 30 Concert souvenir 32 Tie tightly 34 River feature 35 Common computer typeface 36 Antique car starter 37 CD-__ 38 Shape of some pot holders 39 Long, long time 40 Sort of shirt 41 Ultimate height 42 Comb dweller 45 Whodunit statement 46 Country on the Caspian 47 Bar mixer 48 Caspian et al. 50 Sci-fi being 51 “Please, please?” 55 Admiral’s command 56 Invitation subhead 57 Seraphic symbol 58 Comic strip square 59 They may be underfoot 61 Trade org. 62 Assist in wrongdoing 63 Move laterally 65 Garden decoration 66 Conqueror’s domain 67 Overproud 68 Scallion cousin 69 Stratford-upon-__

70 73 74 75 77 78 79 82 83 84 86

City near Tahoe Ryder rival Hike up Church official Walk through a creek Car wash supplies Proofreader’s mark Family Guy daughter Police jacket letters Director Brooks Took forcibly

87 88 89 90 93 94 95 96 97 98

Hold up well One way to cook eggs Corsage flowers Brings aboard, as a fish Rainbow array Neighborhood shops Rust, for example Northern French city Lavish parties Took an oath

100 Price-cutting promotion 101 Little guy 102 City near New Delhi 103 Went swiftly 104 Prom rental 105 Explorer Tasman 106 Park-bench plank 109 Disallow, so to speak 110 Day-care break 111 Compass pt.

Reach Stan Newman at P.O. Box 69, Massapequa Park, Ny 11762, or at www.StanXwords.com

Heather O’Sullivan | Realtor | Network Real Estate | 804.514.3197 36 encore | october 3-10, 2018 | www.encorepub.com

Selamat M n FaX ak (310) 337-7625 Unique an

tel. (310) 337-7003

Enjoy your m

On 3/4 acre behind the CAM. Fireplace, Garage, Inground Pool and plenty of room!





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Made from scratch dishes with recipes handed down from generations that can only be found at Candle Nut.

2101-1 Market Street • 910.399.2054 • www.candlenutrestaurant.com Monday: Closed; Tues. - Thurs. 11am-3pm, 5pm-9pm; Fri. & Sat. 11am-10pm; Sun. 11am-9pm


Oct. 5, 7pm: A mediumship demonstration is a short reading in which the medium connects with a spirit communicator. The reason for mediumship is to prove the continuity of life and that there is no true death. Join psychic medium Kim Griffin for an evening of mediumship as she connects with your loved ones in spirit to prove the continuity of life after death. Menagerie Design Studio, 805A N 4th St.


Oct. 7, 2pm: Get your ceramic platter made before the holidays arrive! Long, short, round, square, the possibilities are endless! 2 classes: Oct 7 & 14th 2-3:30 pm. Class one we will cover hand building, slab rolling, texture & sculpt your piece. Class 2 we will glaze pieces & prep them for firing & you will learn about different glazes & ceramic artwork/food safety. Pickup piece after fired. Come alone or being a friend. No experience necessary! $45. www. eventbrite.com/e/learn-make-ceramic-platters-forholidays-tickets-49093664472. Fiasco Working Art Studio, 553 Castle St.


Oct. 11, 2:30pm: Legal Aid of North Carolina offers this free informational webinar for anyone who has questions about their legal rights in the workplace. Please preregister on the calendar at www.NHCLibrary.org or by calling 910-798-6301. Participants will watch a webinar that explains employment at will, right to work, employment discrimination, and unemployment benefits under North Carolina law. www.legalaidnc.org. NHC Main Library, 201 Chestnut St.


Mary Glackmeyer leads a weekend exploration of practices designed to manage and balance physical and emotional well-being. Examine how the nervous system and subtle anatomy relate to overall health. Learn how supported postures, pranayama, and mindfulness lead to stress reduction and serve as an integrative approach to enhancing general health and recovering from illness and injury. Yoga Teachers will also gain insight into refined use of voice, verbal cues, props, and adjustments when teaching restorative yoga. Weekend schedule: Fri., 5:30-8:30pm, The Art of Stillness; Sat., 11am1:30pm, The Art of Breathing; The Art of Spinal Repose, 2:30-6pm; The Art of Simplicity, Sun., 9am12pm; The Art of Restorative Touch, 1-3:30pm. Cost: $289; $310 to include Teacher’s Workshop. https:// bit.ly/2vx5FEy. 910-769-3494. longwaveyoga.com

ARIES (Mar. 21–April 20)

“Electra” is an action-packed story written by ancient Greek playwright Sophocles. It features epic characters taking drastic action in response to extreme events. In contrast to that text is Marcel Proust’s novel “In Search of Lost Time,” which draws from the sensitive author’s experiences growing up, coming of age, and falling in love, all the while in quest for meaning and beauty. Author Virginia Woolfe compared the two works, writing, “In six pages of Proust we can find more complicated and varied emotions than in the whole of the “Electra.” In accordance with astrological omens, I recommend that you specialize in the Proustian mode rather than the Sophoclean. Your feelings in the next five weeks could be as rich and interesting and educational as they have been in a long time. Honor them!

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Researchers in Maryland have created a new building material with a strength-to-weight ratio that’s eight times better than steel. It’s an effective insulator, and in some forms can be bent and folded. Best of all, it’s biodegradable and cost-effective. The stuff is called nanowood, and is derived from lightweight, fast-growing trees like balsa. I propose that we make it your main metaphor for the foreseeable future. Why? Because I think you’re primed to locate or create your own version of a flexible, durable, robust building block.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

The U.S. Secretary of Defense paid an official visit to Indonesia early this year. The government arranged for him to observe soldiers as they demonstrated how tough and well-trained they were. Some of the troops shimmied through broken glass, demolished bricks with their heads, walked through fire, and bit heads off snakes. I hope you won’t try stunts like that in the coming weeks, Gemini. It will be a favorable time for you show off your skills and make strong impressions. You’ll be wise to impress important people with how creative and resourceful you are. But there’s no need to try too hard or resort to exaggeration.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

i confess that i have a fuzzy self-image. With odd regularity, i don’t seem to know exactly what or who i am. For example, i sometimes think i’m so nice and polite that i need to toughen up. But on other occasions i feel my views are so outrageous and controversial that i should tone myself down. Which is true? Often, i even neglect to capitalize the word “i.” You have probably experienced some of this fuzziness, my fellow Cancerian. But you’re now in a favorable phase to cultivate a more definitive self-image. Here’s a helpful tip: We Cancerians have a natural talent for inspiring people to love us. This ability will come in especially handy as we work on making an enduring upgrade from i to I. Our allies’ support and feedback will fuel our inner efforts to clarify our identity.


Oct. 12, 6pm: If you’ve always been curious about your home’s history, you won’t want to miss this fun, informative, how-to presentation on Wilmington’s popular historic plaque program. Professional researcher and Historic Wilmington Foundation

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

“I am a little afraid of love, it makes me rather stupid.” So said author Simone de Beauvoir in a letter she wrote to her lover, Nelson Algren. I’m happy to let you know, Leo, that during the next twelve months, love is likely to have the opposite effect on you. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, it will tend to make you smarter and more perceptive. To the degree that you expand your capacity for love, you will become more resilient and a better decision-maker. As you get the chance to express love with utmost skill and artistry, you will awaken dormant potentials and boost your personal power.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Your theme in the coming weeks is the art of attending to details. But wait! I said “the art.” That means attending to details with panache, not with overly meticulous fussing. For inspiration, meditate on St. Francis Xavier’s advice, “Be great in little things.” And let’s take his thought a step further

with a quote from author Richard Shivers: “Be great in little things, and you will be given opportunity to do big things.” Novelist Tom Robbins provides us with one more nuance: “When we accept small wonders, we qualify ourselves to imagine great wonders.”

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Libran astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson offers this observation: “When you look for things in life like love, meaning, motivation, it implies they are sitting behind a tree or under a rock. [But] the most successful people in life recognize that in life they create their own love, they manufacture their own meaning, they generate their own motivation.” I think Tyson’s simple wisdom is exactly what you need to hear right now, Libra. You’re primed for a breakthrough in your ability to create your own fate.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Japanese entrepreneur Hiroki Terai has created a business that offers crying therapy. His clients watch short videos specially formulated to make them weep. A professional helper is on hand to gently wipe their tears away and provide comforting words. “Tears have relaxing and healing effects,” says an Okinawan musician who works as one of the helpers. Hiroki Terai adds, “It has been said that one drop of tear has the effect of relieving stress for a week.” I wish there were a service like this near where you live, Scorpio. The next two weeks will be a perfect time to relieve pent-up worry and sadness and anxiety through cathartic rituals like crying. What other strategies might work for you?

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Fling out friendly feelers! Sling out interesting invitations! Figure out how to get noticed for all the right reasons! Make yourself so interesting that no one can resist your proposals! Use your spunky riddle-solving powers to help ease your tribe’s anxieties. Risk looking odd if that will make you smarter! Plunk yourself down in pivotal places where vitality is welling up! Send out telepathic beams that say, “I’m ready for sweet adventure. I’m ready for invigorating transformation!”

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

“Someone spoke to me last night, told me the truth,” writes poet Doeianne Laux. “I knew I should make myself get up, write it down, but it was late, and I was exhausted from working. Now I remember only the flavor.” I offer these thoughts, Capricorn, in the hope that they’ll help you avoid Laux’s mistake. I’m quite sure that crucial insights and revelations will be coming your way, and I want you to do whatever’s necessary to completely capture them so you can study and meditate on them at length.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

As a young man, Aquarian poet Louis Dudek struck up a correspondence with renowned poet Ezra Pound, who was 32 years older. Dudek “admired him immensely,” and “loved him for the joy and the luminosity” of his poetry, but also resented him “for being so magnificent.” With a mix of mischief and adulation, Dudek wrote a poem to his hero. It included these lines: “For Christ’s sake, you didn’t invent sunlight. There was sun dazzle before you. But you talk as if you made light or discovered it.” I hope his frisky tone might inspire you to try something similar with your own idols. It would be healthy to be more playful and lighthearted about anything or anyone you take too seriously or give enormous power to.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

In his book “Till We Have Faces,” C. S. Lewis writes, “Holy places are dark places. It is life and strength, not knowledge and words, that we get in them. Holy wisdom is not clear and thin like water, but thick and dark like blood.” In that spirit, and in accordance with astrological omens, I suggest you seek out dark holy places that evoke wonder and reverence, even awe. Hopefully, you will be inspired thereby to bring new beauty into your life. You’ll be purged of trivial concerns and become receptive to a fresh promise from your future life.

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Plaque Committee member Carol Bragale will walk you through the plaque application with invaluable tips, tricks, and advice. Join us for sips and snacks and see local architectural artifacts from the Museum’s collection before the presentation starts. Free at Cape Fear Museum of History + Science as part of Historic Wilmington Foundation’s Preservation Weekend! Seating is limited, so reserve yours now. Cape Fear Museum of History and Science, 814 Market St.



Oct. 12, 9:30am: Monthly meeting and social club open to all adults living in Brunswick County. Featured speaker focusing on topics of cultural, historical, lifestyle or volunteer opportunities of interest in the local area. Ronald Henderson, Jr. Rear Admiral USN Ret. will speak on his military career and his interest in the Friends of the Battleship North Carolina. www.nbnewcomers.org. Leland Cultural Arts Center, 1212 Magnolia Village Way

culinary FERMENTAL

Free tasting every Friday, 6pm. Third Wed. of each Wed., 6pm: Discover women and femme identified month feat. musical and brewing talents alongside writers! Come to our weekly book club and free an open mic night, as well as the opportunity write where no advance reading is necessary. Every for homebrewers to share, sample, and trade week we will read excerpts from thought provoking their creations: an evening of beer and an open essays, stories, and poems to expand our wheel stage. PA and equipment provided. All genres house and continue our exploration of diversity. and beer styles. www.fermental.net. 910-821We will be selecting excerpts from books carried 0362. 7250 Market St. in-house and delving into discussions on themes FREE BREWERY TOURS AND TASTINGS and perspectives that we may have grasped from 3pm, 3:45pm, 4:30pm everyday at Front Street immersing ourselves in these texts. Don’t worry, Brewery, 9 N. Front St. Learn how we brew our beer, no prior reading is needed! With titles changing meet brewers and get two free samples. weekly and free writing during our discussions, Discussion & Diversity is not something you’ll want PORT CITY FARMERS’ MARKET to miss out on! Athenian Bookstore & Lounge, Tues., 5pm: Join us for a wonderful, exciting night 2231 Wrightsville Ave. of fun. Port City Farmer’s Market at Waterline Brewing Co. 100% local, 100% handmade. Shop among REMEMBERING THE WILMINGTON 10 some incredible local vendors, artists and farmers. Oct. 4, 6:30pm: In Feb. ‘71, racial tension surroundSupport small businesses in your area. Fresh local ing school desegregation in Wilmington, culminated produce, beef and pork products, sweets, pickled in four days of violence between white vigilantes and items, handcrafted jewelry and art. Waterline Brewblack residents. It resulted in two deaths, six injuries, ing Company, 721 Surry Ln. more than $500,000 in damage, and the firebombing of a white-owned store, before the National Guard FARMERS’ MARKETS restored uneasy peace. Ten young persons were Wrightsville Beach Brewery, 6201 Oleander Dr, convicted of arson and conspiracy and sentenced Thursdays 2-6pm, year-round, excluding major holito a total of 282 years in prison. They became known days. Support local farmers and artisans in the beer internationally as the Wilmington Ten and inspired a garden Thursday afternoons. Shop for veggies, movement in NC and beyond to demand their freemeat, eggs, honey and hand-made crafts while endom. After several witnesses admitted to perjury, a joying one of the Brewery’s many delicious beers. federal appeals court, also citing prosecutorial misStay afterward for live music! wbbfarmersmarket@ conduct, overturned the convictions in 1980. Dr. gmail.com • Wrightsville Beach Farmers’ Market, Kenneth Janken, historian at the UNC Chapel Hill, Mon, 8am-1pm • Poplar Grove Farmers’ Market, will give a lecture narrating the dramatic story of Wed., 8am-1pm • Riverfront Farmers, Sat., 8am: while connecting their story to a larger arc of Black Market features all local produce, products and Power and the transformation of post-Civil Rights era artisan works. A seasonal, open-air market located political organizing. $5 suggested donation. Bellamy along the first block of North Water St. and in adjoinMansion Museum, 503 Market St. ing Riverfront Park in historic downtown Wilmington along the Cape Fear River. Locally grown and proNEW BEGINNINGS WRITING duced fruits and vegetables, baked goods, meats, Oct. 9, 1pm: New Beginnings’ fall offering is titled plants, locally caught seafood, handmade artisan “Inspired by Life.” 8-session sequence for women works, fresh-cut flower bouquets and more are writers is led by book author, magazine writer, and available. 5 N. Water St. experienced teacher Virginia Holman and is a beginning/intermediate level for both fiction and mem- SHAKESPEARE BRUNCH oir/personal essay writers. Guided lessons, clear Reserved seating. $5 of every ticket sold will go to a local Shakespeare Educational Outreach Proexamples, and useful in and out of class exercises gram. Monthly Sunday Brunch featuring a greatly to help you write the stories you most want to tell. abridged reading of one of Shakespeare’s classic Virginia will provide all course materials. virginiaplays. Brunch and dessert with choice of entrée inholman1@gmail.com. Carolina Beach Lake, South cluded in your ticket. Drinks and gratuity not includLake Park Blvd. ed. Portion of proceeds donated to Shakespearean educational outreach programs. Upcoming: 10/21: Richard III; 11/18: Merchant of Venice. TheatreNOW, 19 S. 10th St.

clubs/notices HS SPEECH CONTEST

Oct. 11, 6pm: Watch area juniors and seniors compete in our very first “Impact of Historic Preservation” high school speech contest! HWF has pledged nearly $2000 in scholarship prizes to three winning students who must explain in 5 minutes or less why a certain local landmark matters. Free! Snipes Auditorium, Snipes Academy of Art + Design, 2150 Chestnut St.


Oct. 7, noon-5pm: Food Truck Rodeo rolls back to Hugh MacRae Park! The event is free to attend— just bring money to purchase your food and drinks. This fall’s event will feature over 25 different food trucks to choose from, as well as, live musical entertainment by Boba Funk and Friends. The food trucks will give a portion of their sales for the day to

the Parks Conservancy of New Hanover County. Hugh McRae Park, 314 Pine Grove Dr.


Cameron Art Museum allows participants to explore current exhibitions with Anne Brennan, CAM’s executive director, in a new series of public tours. Free for CAM members. Wed., 1:30pm. 3201 S. 17th St.


Explore the rich culture of our talented Southern town with a 90 minute walking tour of the literary history of downtown Wilmington, NC. Visit “The Two Libraries.” Walk the streets of your favorite novels, and stand where Oscar Wilde did when he lectured here. Saturdays, 1:30pm, Old Books on Front. 249 N. Front St. www.brownpapertickets.com/event/1282390

support groups


CANNABIS HYPNOTHERAPY NOW AVAILABLE! CALL: 910-343-1171 Find out what all the buzz is about! Available for your next CD or Demo

KAREN KANE MUSIC PRODUCTIONS 33 year veteran producer/engineer


Grades 7-12: Wilmington Pride Youth Group is a safe space for youth who identify as LGBTQIA+ and their straight allies. An adult supervised, safe space for kids to talk about orientation, gender, racial equality, political consequences, religion, self care. Also a great opportunity to meet and socialize with peers from the greater Wilmington area. Meets Thurs., 7pm. Needed: youth facilitators, especially those who are trained to work with kids, and speakers to talk about important topics. wpyg2016@gmail.com.


Group meets 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. Pine Valley United Methodist Church, 3788 Shipyard Blvd. Building B. Christopher Savard, Ph.D., with Cape Fear Psychological Services, gives a presentation the 1st Thursday of each month. 3rd Thursday meeting is member led. Everyone 18+ welcome. 910-763-8134


Those with MS, families and friends welcome. Meets 2nd Thursday each month, 7 p.m., 1st floor conference room, New Hanover Rehabilitation Hospital, 2131 S. 17th St., Wilmington (behind Betty Cameron Women’s Hospital). Sponsored by Greater Carolinas Chapter, National MS Society. Details: Anne, 910-232-2033 or Burt, 910383-1368. New Hanover Regional Medical Center, 2131 S. 17th St.


Meets third Saturday each month. Free; drop-ins are welcome. Group provides participants an opportunity to receive introductory info about lupus, encourage the expression of concerns, provide an opportunity to share experiences, encourage and support positive coping strategies, and emphasize the importance of medical treatment. Guest speakers, DVD presentations and open group discussion. info@lupusnc.org or 877-8498271, x1. lupusnc.org. NE Library, 1241 Military Cutoff Rd.



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