Eastern Michigan University 2018 Undergraduate Symposium

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Welcome to 1910 Fashion Jasmine A Billings Holly Mosher, faculty mentor My project will be both a shadowbox and a poster (a timeline on 1910 fashion) plus a PowerPoint showing pictures of 1910 fashion. My presentation is to educate others on the fashion era of 1910 and how the 1910 era fashion reflects in today fashion. DESIGN EXPO EXHIBIT—9 A.M. TO 4 P.M.—ROOM 300

Pavilion Space Development Design Solution Alondra Chavez Deb deLaski-Smith, faculty mentor As people navigate throughout spaces, they engage in way-finding. They create mental maps in order to help them orient. Kevin Lynch proposes that mental maps consist of five elements: paths, edges, districts, nodes and landmarks. The Golden Mean is a ratio of length to width of rectangles that can be found in nature and that has been considered to be the most pleasing to the eye as it provides aesthetic composition. Using Lynch’s five elements along with the Golden Mean, I have designed a pavilion heavily inspired by the Barcelona Pavilion designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. DESIGN EXPO EXHIBIT—9 A.M. TO 4 P.M.—ROOM 300

Lane Hall: An Urban Mixed-Use/Adaptive Reuse Design Lauren Clem, Amanda Chalmers and Priya Ghandikota Shinming Shyu, faculty mentor Lane Hall is centrally located on the University of Michigan’s campus. Its proximity to one of the University’s residence halls and its pivotal location on State Street make it the prime location to attract both students and people in the surrounding areas. Heavy emphasis has been placed to unify sustainability, function, and aesthetics throughout the entire design process via critical thinking and creative problem solving to derive innovative design solution.




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