The First Christian Church, 202 E. 12th Ave. will hold their Food Pantry only on the last Monday of each month from 9 to 11 a.m. or until food is gone. Go to the north side of the church for pick up.
The Hartford Community Food Pantry, 201 E. Park Ave., will be open Wednesday, March 12 from 4 to 6:30 p.m. and Saturday, March 22 from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Clothing and some household goods are available. This is open to residents of the USD #252 School District, Jacobs Creek and residents of Reading.
The Lebo Community Food Pantry located behind the Lebo Baptist Church is open Mondays 5-7 p.m., Thursdays 9-11 a.m., and the first Saturday of the month from 10 a.m.-noon. This is open to residents of 66856 and 66868.
The Americus Community Food Pantry will be open Saturday, March 22 from 9:30 to 11 a.m. The pantry is at the Americus United Methodist Church and is open to residents in USD 251.
The sales closing date is fast approaching. Contact us today to help protect your operation. It’s time to lock in your crop insurance coverage.
First Congregational Church Adventure Club youth program will be held on Wednesdays, for youth Pre-K through high school. 5:30 p.m. meal, 6:00-7:15 p.m. getting to know God with fun activities. Parents/ Families are invited to hang out if they’d like; the church has a lovely prayer garden & sanctuary, nice welcome center and library.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Burlington invites you to join them for worship on Sundays at 9 a.m. with Bible Study and Sunday School following at 10:30 a.m. They are located at 902 Kennedy Street in Burlington. Their phone number is 620-364-2283. Additional information can be found at https://www.tlcburlingtonks.org.
The Olpe U.M. Church members, 120 W. Listerscheid, will serve corned beef and cabbage with vegetables, catfish nuggets, corn, cheesy broccoli, mac ‘n cheese, salads, relishes, homemade pies and desserts, coffee, tea and other good stuff on Saturday, March 15. Serving is from 5-l 6:30 p.m. A freewill donation will be accepted. Dine in or carry-out is available. The church is handicapped accessible.
The Baby Closet at the First Congregational Church, 326 W. 12th Ave., Emporia, will be open every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and every Thursday from 3 to 5:30 p.m. They serve infants through 5 years old. All items are free. Items may include the following as supplies permit. Diapers, wipes, five clothing articles, two miscellaneous items, one large item and two essential pantry items.
Donations will be accepted. You may call 620-342-6854 if you have questions.
By Myah Arndt, Club Reporter
The Monthly Model Boosters 4-H club meeting was held on February 25, 2025. There were 11 members and 2 leaders present. It was junior officer night. The younger 4-hers got to experience and learn what it
was like to be an officer. We discussed club shirts and made a committee in charge of designing them. We played a game of musical chairs and then adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be March 24th.
By Ryiah and Raegan Hunt, Club Reporters
The Riverside monthly meeting was called to order on February 19th over Google Meet due to bad weather. Sarah Beth shared her screen with the group and asked us some multiple-choice questions. Joanna showed us the soap she’s been making. We sang the Itsy-Bitsy spider for song and did 15 jumping jacks for recreation. Our next meeting is on March 12th at Miller Methodist Church at 7pm.
By Clara Fischer, Club Reporter
Emily Storrer called the February Cloverleaf 4-H meeting to order. Members in attendance named a project seen at the local County Fair. There was a wide variety of answers by members! As the fair is
• BHS Construction
• Eagle Creek Quarry - Bruce Davis
• Schreiner Land and Holdings
• Skin Studio • Wigs
• Citizens State Bank
approaching the club leader Trenna shared several important dates for members. The Fischer girls shared project talks about the beef project! The meeting was ended with a fun game of duck, duck, goose.
The second Green Machine Gala was a big success raising over $107,000.
We couldn’t have done it without the support of our sponsors:
• Creig and Mylinda Agler
• Burnap Brothers
• Daryl Hoelting
• Jeff Hogan Excavating
• Lyon County State Bank • Mel’s Tire
• Midwest Land Group - Brenda Doudican
• Justin Steinlage
Level • Howie’s Tire • Longbine Auto Plaza • Pampered Chef - Julie Pettijohn
Other major sponsors include All-Star Rental - Jake Brinkman, Heather Bailey, Kari’s, J & D Auction, Navrat’s, Panhandle Eastern, Olpe Knights Hall, Sweet Granada, Doug Schmidt Construction, Schmidt Custom Cabinetry, and Megan McGuire’s Olpe Leadership Class.
GMG Committee Members: Jodi Brinkman-Chair, Mike Argabright, Monica Hoelting, Hannah and Jase Hubert, Ashley and Tyler Schmidt, Laurie Schmidt, Beth Skalsky and Lynnette Schreiner.
Thank you to everyone who attended and supported our fundraiser!
The Verdigris Valley Foundation will be serving a biscuit and gravy breakfast on Saturday, March 15, at the Madison Sauder Center from 8 AM to 10 AM. Proceeds from this event support the operation of the Center and projects for the community.
The North Lyon County Veterans Memorial Project, Inc. is collecting aluminum cans. Cans must be in a bag and dropped off at the North Lyon County Veterans Memorial Site, Bushong, in the caged area.
● Bingo is Tuesday, 7-9 p.m.; and Saturday, 4-6 p.m. - Volunteers are needed
● Every Friday is Brain Break Fridays from 10:00-12:00. For more information, call the center at 620-343-3160.
● Hermes Footcare every Thursday. Call 316-260-4110 for an appointment.
● Lunch - Monday, Wednesday and Fridays - 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Children eat free. Adults are $5. Cash only. Menu is on Facebook.
● Every Monday - Morning Chat at 9:00
● “Exercise with Alli” - Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 10 a.m. for $25 per month!
● Flint Hills Country Jam (Live Music), third Sunday of every month, 1-4 p.m.
USD 252 ROUND-UP for Neosho Rapids Early Childhood Center and Olpe Early Childhood Center. We are accepting applications for enrollment for any children 0-5 that need daycare and or preschool for 3-4 year olds.
We are also accepting applications for enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year for any incoming kindergartners.
Round-Up Dates:
Olpe EC: Tuesday, March 25 - 6:30 - 8 p.m. Neosho Rapids EC: Thursday, March 27 - 6:30 - 8 p.m.
The 12TH annual Greater Emporia Area Match Day, hosted by the Emporia Community Foundation, will be held on Monday, November 17th.
Last year’s event set a record, raising $769,253.21 from nearly $1,400 generous donors in support of 35 nonprofits in the Greater Emporia Area. This represented an 11% increase over the previous year.
Area nonprofits doing charitable work in our community can now apply to participate in this year’s competitive application process with a deadline of no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, March 28th for application submission.
In order to be considered for participation, all applicants must have an operating budget of $175,000 or under, a fund with the Emporia Community Foundation meeting required guidelines and be located in and serve one of the seven counties in the Emporia Community Foundation’s region, including Chase, Coffey, Greenwood, Lyon, Morris, Osage and Wabaunsee.
Match Day applications are available via the Foundation’s website at www.emporiacf.org. Nonprofits may also request a copy from the Foundation office at 620-342-9304; or pick one up at 527 Commercial St. Ste. B. Applications may be submitted electronically or delivered to the Foundation office no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 28th.
The committee will begin reviewing applications
mid-April with plans to announce the participating nonprofits in May. The competitive application process is a challenging one because not every nonprofit is chosen. The committee members carefully review all applications to make their determinations, and the decisions are never easy.
Since inception in 2013 Match Day has led to almost $3.10 million being disbursed to nearly 60 non-profits in Lyon and surrounding counties.
“The Emporia Community Foundation is excited to provide area non-profits with this fundraising opportunity which has become one of the major giving events for the Emporia community. Match Day helps nonprofit organizations grow their funds so they can fulfill promises to our communities for years to come,” said Linda Kehres-Schmidt, Emporia Community Foundation Executive Director.
“The event gives nonprofits a chance to showcase the work they are doing and highlight their projects and programs. It also helps to boost their own fundraising activities and improves visibility around their mission,” she stated.
For the donors Match Day provides an opportunity to stretch their dollars farther because their donation is matched, enabling them to make an even greater impact. To learn how you can become a matching donor contact Linda at (620) 342-9304.
One of Bill Anderson’s neighbors up in northwest Lyon County was Judge Arthur Inghram Baker, justice of the peace, then probate, then district judge of the area. His landholdings were valued at $6,000 and he had a large two-story stone house, one of the finest in the county. Baker had been the president of the town company for Americus and a surveyor of land in Emporia, owning many lots for sale in both cities. His town, Agnes City, was located on the next creek west of Anderson’s, Rock Creek, where Baker was postmaster and also sold goods to travelers from his store on the Santa Fe Trail. He was highly regarded in the area. But he wanted more. In the early spring of 1861, he bought the Council Grove Press and purchased the town’s only hotel. But his timing was off. Because of the drought and the onset of the war, neither the newspaper nor the hotel attracted enough business, and that fall he had to sell them at a large loss. At the same time his Agnes City farm suffered complete crop failure and he lost many of his cattle. Contributing to his woes, his wife Susan died, leaving him a widower with a young daughter. Like so many others, Baker joined a group from the neighborhood going jayhawking.
That A.I. Baker, a well-respected man of the north Lyon County area, would join
“Bloody Bill” Anderson in a foray into Missouri for jayhawking purposes is a wonder. This foray ended in a fiasco when a Union patrol attacked them, capturing Baker accusing him of attempting to join the rebel forces of Sterling Price’s army. Since he was wearing a suit of secession soldier clothes, circumstances looked suspicious. He was imprisoned in the military prison at Ft. Scott for several months. Eventually the officer prosecuting his case preferred no charges against him and he was released. In April of 1862 Baker wrote a letter to the Emporia News explaining, “Strange and mysterious stories have been told and been published concerning my arrest and incarceration, all of which have been deliberate lies from beginning to end. My object in going to Missouri was not an act of antagonism to my Government, but on the contrary, was advised by those who have the welfare of the Nation and Kansas at heart, for an entirely different purpose.” Exactly what that purpose was and who was advising him is not revealed, but speculation has always rested on Jayhawk leader and future Kansas senator James Lane. Baker promised to reveal the whole story at some point, but that opportunity never arose. We are certain that Baker and Plumb were acquainted.
By Ray Ebberts
Sittin here on my front porch again today.
Just think: In a couple weeks all of us ranchers will be putting up all that bluestem hay. Crops are all planted and doing well. Harvest depends on nature: Only it can tell. Sure enjoying this mason jar of sweet tea in my hand.
Relaxing: No more 14 hour days for a week or so- Today nothing planned. I look across the valley and what a beautiful picture I see. My herd of cattle grazing on yonder ridge; I take another sip of tea. Some folks often ask why ranchers do what they do. You see, most do not fully understand that a rancher, in Nature, is only for a few. Often unappreciated, working hard, doing their part to feed mankind. Loving nature, doing God`s work, Sippin tea: No better job could one find.
The Frontier Extension District will host a free public meeting for poultry enthusiasts and aspiring backyard farmers on Wednesday, April 9, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. at the Overbrook Public Library in Overbrook. The meeting was previously scheduled for January but was rescheduled due to weather conditions.
The meeting presenter, Dr. Scott Beyer, Kansas State Extension Specialist - Poultry Nutrition and Management, will highlight many aspects of owning and raising poultry, including the importance of having a biosecurity plan in place to protect flocks from the Highly Pathogenic Avian Flu. Other topics he will discuss include poultry housing and management, selecting the best breeds for production, getting the most eggs from a flock, molting a flock, and understanding vaccinations and health care for maintaining healthy birds. “Dr. Beyer will have something of interest for everyone,” said Rod Schaub, Frontier District livestock agent.
“With the demand for poultry products on the rise and the price for a dozen eggs currently fluctuating significantly, it is a real treat to be able to grow your own broilers
and eat fresh eggs,” Schaub said. “Fresh eggs are tastier than those you purchase from the grocery store, they have increased nutritional benefits and they are great when used for baking.”
All are welcome to attend the meeting, whether they are considering starting their own backyard flock or looking to improve their current poultry practices. Attendees will have the chance to ask questions, share experiences, and gain practical insights that will help them be successful poultry keepers.
For more information about the April 9th meeting, contact Rod Schaub at 785828-4438 or through email at rschaub@ksu.edu. We hope to see you at the meeting!
The need for blood is constant and only volunteer donors can fulfill that need for patients in our community. Nationwide, someone needs a unit of blood every 2 to 3 seconds and most of us will need blood in our lifetime.
Here is a list of upcoming Blood Drives:
• April 3, 12-6 p.m., Emporia Presbyterian Church, West Campus
• April 4, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m., Emporia Presbyterian Church, West Campus
Please help by making your appointment today at www.redcrossblood.org or download the Red Cross Blood Donor App on the App Store, Google Play or text BLOODAPP to 90999. With the app you can schedule appointments, view your blood type and results of your mini-physical, and track your donations.
St. Patrick’s Day is a beloved holiday, and that popularity is reflected in celebrations that take place across the globe. According to World Population Review, more than 200 countries celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.
Russia, Singapore and Japan are among the nations that celebrate St. Patrick’s Day each March, proving that proximity to Ireland is not a prerequisite for partying on March 17. With that in mind, anyone in the mood to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day need not hesitate to plan a party this March. The following St. Patrick’s Day party pointers can make the festivities even more fun this year.
• Go green. It goes without saying that green is the color of St. Patrick’s Day. St. Patrick is the primary patron saint of Ireland, a country known for its rolling green hills. Hosts can decorate party spaces in green, hanging green streamers and green balloons. Encourage guests to wear green and keep the theme going with the menu, serving green baked goods and beverages.
Brothers, The Chieftains, The Pogues, The High Kings, The Dropkick Murphys, Flogging Molly, and more.
• Serve traditional Irish fare. It might take some advanced planning and effort to provide a menu one might find in Ireland. Blood pudding is served in many pubs across the Emerald Isle, but it might be hard, though not necessarily impossible, to find outside the country. Some large chain grocery stores might carry blood pudding in March, and it might be possible to find it in specialty grocery stores around this time of year. Irish soda bread, bacon and cabbage, Irish stew, and boxty are some additional dishes to give a menu some traditional Irish flavor.
The ABATE of Kansas District #12 will hold their 30th Annual Spring Fling Bike Show on Saturday, April 12, at the Lyon County Fairgrounds Anderson Building, 2650 W. Hwy. 50, Emporia. Set up begins at 7 a.m. Judging is from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. with trophy presentation beginning at 4 p.m.
For more information, to be a sponsor or reserve your vendor space call Barry (785) 258-4007or Sarah (620) 366-2472, gnzlssrh@gmail.com.
• Curate a St. Patrick’s Day playlist. In addition to its rolling green hills, Ireland is known for music. It’s hard to find a pub anywhere on the Emerald Isle without a local musician playing traditional Irish music for a captivated crowd. Hosts can keep that in mind when curating their St. Patrick’s Day playlist, which can include music from artists and bands such as Finbar Furey, The Dubliners, The Clancy
• Cut an Irish rug. Irish dancing is another of Ireland’s many exports, as dancers across the globe have embraced traditional Irish dance. Hosts can learn a dance or two and teach guests a few simple steps during the party. Keep it light and fun and allow even nondancers to tap their toes.
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at 1 p.m. March 15 in downtown Emporia. The day begins with the St. Patrick’s Day Parade at 4th and Commercial proceeding to 12th Ave. Face painting and a beer garden at Town Royal. Bagpipers will perform in the parade and at Town Royal following the parade. A pub crawl hosted by Emporia Main Street will be going on throughout the day.
Walk Kansas kickoff is March 30, 2025. The 8-week program will run through May 24, 2025.
Walk Kansas is a team-based program that will help you and others lead a healthier life by being more active, making better nutrition choices, and learning positive ways to deal with stress. Groups of six people or less form a team. There is one member that serves as captain, or you can have co-captains if you choose. Team members do not have to live in the same town, county, or state. Participants have the option to walk “solo” versus on a team if preferred. Join us and take steps to a healthier lifestyle.
To register, go to the Walk Kansas Website at walkkansasonline.org. Registration is $10.00 per person for Walk Kansas and all activities. A check or cash payment may be mailed or dropped off to the Lyon County Extension Office at 2632 West US Hwy 50 in Emporia.
The Lyon County Extension Office will place one apparel order to reduce shipping costs. Contact the office to place your apparel order by April 3, 2025. The office price will reflect the cost of the apparel, tax, plus a $2 handling fee. The short sleeve t-shirt is available in two colors this year: purple or gray and sizes are available from small to 4XL. There are cute hats, hoodies and much more. Payment and order must be at the extension office by Thursday, April 3rd to have it placed through our local office. Feel free to drop both your t-shirt and registration payment to the office at the same time. The online order site to place a direct order for your team can be found at shopwalkkanas. com through the end of May.
I hope you will join me for Walk Kansas 2025! If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at melodyg@ ksu.edu or call 620-341-3220. Melody Garcia, Family & Community Wellness Agent for Lyon County.
The 77th Annual Kiwanis Pancake Day will be held Saturday, March 22 from 7 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Anderson Building, Lyon County Fairgrounds in Emporia.
The menu includes all-you-can-eat pancakes along with two links of Fanestil meats bacon sausage, accompanied by choice of water, coffee or a carton of milk. There will be gluten-free pancakes and sugar-free syrup for those with special diets, carry-out orders for those in a hurry, as well as a section reserved near the entrance for those with mobility issues and their guests.
Tickets are $10 in advance or $12 on the day of the event. Children 5 years old and under eat for free. Get your tickets from any member, email EmporiaKiwanis@ gmail.com or go to their Facebook page Kiwanis Club of Emporia and you can purchase tickets online.
Additional servings of sausage or milk are available for $1.
All proceeds from Kiwanis Pancake Day fund numerous community causes, mainly those for children around the Lyon County area.
Storytime at the Emporia Public Library, baby 9:15 a.m., toddler 9:45 a.m., and preschool at 10:30 a.m. Family storytime will be on March 19 at 9:30 a.m.
Find your new favorite craft at the monthly Crafternoons on March 15, 1:30 p.m. They will be making beaded suncatchers and then on April 19 they will make birdhouses. Sign-up is available for ages 13+; register up to two weeks in advance at bit.ly/EPLeventcalendar.
Join the Emporia Public library staff on March 18 from 9:15 a.m. - 5 p.m. for a movie marathon with activity breaks between movies. May the odds be ever in your favor!
The Lebo American Legion Post 323 will hold Bingo on Saturday, March 22. Early Bird is at 6:30 p.m. Regular Bingo begins at 7 p.m.
The Olpe Knights of Columbus hold their biscuits and gravy breakfast on Sunday, March 23 from 7:30-10 a.m. at the Knights Hall in Olpe.
All proceeds from the freewill donations at the breakfasts benefit their local charities.
Van Mertsh will perform on Thursday, March 13 at the Burlington Senior Center, 202 Neosho St. Join them for an evening of food, music, dancing, and fellowship. The covered dish dinner begins at 6 p.m.
Join in on the bingo fun every second Wednesday of each month at the Rock Creek Country Club, 304 North 16th. Doors open at 5 p.m. Early bird starts at 6:30 p.m. Regular Bingo begins at 7 p.m. Concessions and bar service available. Floyd Lewis Foundation.
The Dolly Madison Retirees will meet Wednesday, March 19, 11:30 a.m. at Bruff’s, 2640 W. 18th Ave., Emporia.
The Emporia Lions Club will meet on Wednesday, March 19 at noon in the Xi Phi Room, ESU Memorial Union. The cost for members to eat lunch is $11. Emporia Lions Club is a volunteer service organization dedicated to serving people. If you’re interested in joining the club, email them at EmporiaLionsclub@gmail.com.
The American Legion Post 5, 2911 W. 12th Ave., Emporia, will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 25, 6:30 p.m.
The Lyon County Republicans will meet at 6:30 p.m., March 11, at the Lyon County Courthouse Annex, in the Conference Room, 402 Commercial St. Emporia. The presentation will be made by Former Kansas Governor Jeff Colyer will be speaking “Kansas need for good Leadership”. For further information, please contact Chairperson Rhnae Blackburn (620) 7578135.
Being a caregiver for a loved one can be emotionally and physically exhausting. Coffey Health System now offers a spe-
cial program to help caregivers maintain perspective, step away for a while, and share their experiences with others who understand. Coffey Health System’s Mental Health Therapist Amy Osner will lead a Caregiver Support Group on the third Wednesday of each month at The Meadows in Burlington. There is no charge for participation. Respite care and activities will be available, if needed. Sessions begin at 6 p.m. at The Meadows, 1201 Martindale St. in Burlington. If you have questions about the program, call (620) 364-4556.
Osner is an experienced group therapy leader. She is a credentialled Licensed Professional Counselor and National Certified Counselor.
The East Central Kansas Model T Ford Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. on March 13 in the conference room of the Burlington Kansas Library, 410 Juniatta St. The main entree and drinks will be provided. Please bring a side dish to be shared with the meal which will be eaten before the meeting. The meetings are a time to share experiences and information about the cars, car projects and car trips. The club will begin to plan day trips or longer for the coming year. Please bring ideas of places we might visit. Owning a Model T is not a requirement for membership. All meetings are open to the public, please feel free to attend. For additional information call Bud Redding at 785-733-2124
Jamie Potter, Service Representative for the Kansas Commission on Veterans’ Affairs, will visit the Greenwood County Courthouse in Eureka on the first and third Thursday; Coffey County Courthouse in Burlington on the second Thursday and the Morris County Courthouse in Council Grove on the second Tuesday of each month. She will be there from 1-3:30 p.m. She will go to Cottonwood Falls on an as needed basis.
Please call (620) 342-3347 in advance to ensure all information is readily available so all veterans, widows and dependents can receive better assistance.
Neosho Rapids Senior meals are served Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday beginning at noon. If you are 60 or older, a $4 donation is appreciated; meal is $7 for those under 60. For reservations or cancellations in Neosho Rapids call (620) 342-8232.
Olpe Senior Friendship meals are served on Monday through Friday at 11:30 a.m. at the Knights Hall. If you are 60 or older, a $4 donation is appreciated; meal is $7 for those under 60. The second Monday of each month is the birthday dinner and games celebrating the birthdays of the month. For reservations or cancellations in Olpe call 620-475-3384 between 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
North Lyon County Senior meals are available in Allen for grab and go or home delivery. Meals are available Monday
through Friday and must be ordered by 11 a.m. the previous day by calling 620-5283414. If you are 60 or older, a $4 donation is appreciated, meal is $7 for those under 60. Call for more information.
The VFW Post 1980 Auxiliary will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 11, 5:30 p.m. at 932 Graphic Arts Rd. All Auxiliary members are welcome.
Abate District 12 in needing more Food Truck vendors, Swap meet and Vendors to be part of our 30th Spring Fling Bike Show that will be held at the Lyon County Fairgrounds in the Anderson Building, 2700 US 50 Hwy, Emporia, on April 12. If interested contact Sarah Gonzales (620) 366-2472
Wine, Food, & Fun at the Old School Community Center, 518 3rd., Cottonwood Falls on March 22nd 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. - At this casual, fun event, Sommelier Meg Worthing will share her wine expertise on choosing, serving, and enjoying wines as guests savor 5 specially selected wine samples, each served with tastings of appropriate paired foods. The cost is $40 or reserve a table for 6 for $200. Limited seating. Great for couples or friends’ night out. Reservations needed by Mar. 15. Call 620-340-9634.
1,716+/- ac in 9 Tracts in Chase Co
(Flint Hills Pasture, Recreation, Cropland)
AUCTION DATE: Friday, 03/28/2025 at 1:00pm
AUCTION LOCATION: The Chase Co Community Building at Swope Park, 1715 210 Rd, Cottonwood Falls, KS
Gary and Janice and the Flying P Ranch have been a part of the Flint Hills for many years. They have elected to down size and focus on the core ranching operation. It’s an honor to represent the Pinkston Family in the sale of this quality ag land in Chase County. Whether you are an ag producer, an investor, or an outdoorsman, these tracts check all the boxes! Tracts #1-3 are south of Cedar Point, Tracts #4-9 are south of Clements.
TRACT #1 - 87+/- acres Cropland planted in Brome; TRACT #2 - 35+/acres Flint Hills Pasture; TRACT #3 - 26+/- acres with 2 Story Home; TRACT #4 - 475+/- acres Pasture & Recreation with Brush Creek; TRACT #5 - 296+/- acres Pasture & Recreation with Coon Creek; TRACT #6 - 159+/- acres Flint Hills Pasture; TRACT #7 - 319+/- acres Flint Hills Pasture; TRACT #8 - 159+/- acres Pasture and Cropland; TRACT #9 - 160+/- acres Pasture and Hay
See website for full listing, terms and photos at www.GriffinRealEstateAuction.com
Chuck Maggard, Realtor/Auctioneer 620-794-8824
Heidi Maggard, Broker
Monday March 31, 2025 • 1:30 pm
Emporia Livestock Sale Barn, 502 Albert, Emporia, KS
Selling 2 tracts of cropland TRACT 1, 78.4 ACRES
2100 Road H5
(Northeast corner of roads 215 and H5)
Legal Description: West 1/2NE1/4 Section 20
T18S R11E, Lyon County Kansas
Cropland all in one field.
There is a waterway along East side of tract.
Taxes: $847.80
Earnest money: $35,000.00 day of auction.
2500 Road E
(Northeast corner of Roads 250 and E)
Legal Description: West 1/2SW1/4 Sec 35, T17S, R10E, Lyon County, KS
Cropland all in one field. There is a waterway along the entire east side of tract.
Taxes: $682.80
Earnest money: $35,000.00 day of auction
Inspection: Anytime.
Please respect the growing crops and the land.
Possession: For both tracts July 1 or when the growing wheat crop is harvested.
Closing: on or before May 5, 2025
Taxes and cash rent prorated to closing date.
THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2025 * 6:30 PM
Auction LocAtion: Schuyler community center, 218 W. Fremont, BurLingAme, KAnSAS
* OPEN HOUSE: SUNDAY, MARCH 16: 1-3 PM * propertY ADDreSS: 15880 S. osage rd., Burlingame, KS
Tract 1: This farmstead is nestled in the country with 5 +/acres and a 28x56 implement shed. The ranch style home has approximately 1370 sq. ft on the main floor and a full unfinished basement to expand into for the new owner.
TracT 2: 10 +/- acres that could make for a beautiful building site or be continued in hay production.
TracT 3: 40 +/- acres with approximately 33 tillable acres and the remainder in timber and tame grass. This parcel is leased out for 2025 but will be open for 2026. Contact listing agent for details.
TracT 4: Tracts 1, 2 & 3 combined for a total of 56 +/- acres with the homestead.
reAL eStAte termS: Property sells AS-IS, WHERE IS. 10% non-refundable down payment is required on the day of sale by check. Buyer must be willing to close on or before April 28, 2025. Buyer needs a bank letter of loan approval or funds verification. Cost of Owner’s Title Policy to be split equally between Buyer and Seller. Buyers are responsible for understanding all zoning, building & other regulations associated with the property prior to the day of auction. Survey will only be conducted by seller if tracts are bought by different buyers. All announcements day of sale take precedence over written materials. Listing agent is serving as designated seller’s agent.
Saturday, March 22, 2025 at 10am
Auction Location: 1757 Rd F Emporia, Ks 66801
Tools/Shop & Outdoor related Items: Concrete bench, Kenmore shop vac, metal detector, pancake air compressor, Craftsman 19.2V skill saw, lg. radio flyer wagon, ext. ladders, step ladders, antique well pumps, yard art, outdoor glider, steel wheels, chain link panel dog pens, several live traps, 2-10” radial arm saw, dust collector, 15” Sears wood planer, Craftsman table saw, manual log splitter, Craftsman 46” 6-speed 20hp riding mower, power washers, battery chargers, lots of hardware, animal/bird cages, Sears 60gal. 6hp air compressor, Chicago mig welder, 2-Scaffold sets, Craftsman table saw (nice), Craftsman 25hp. Kohler 50” mower, 12” wood lathe, Craftsman wood chipper, chain hoist, parlor stove, mini drill press, receiver hitch, grinders, mini tillers, plunge router, organizers, scroll saw, lots of lumber, manual tire machine, power trowel, lots of scrap metal, propane bottle, generators, sev. Craftsman riding lawn mowers, cherry picker, shop carts, 2 wheel dollys, Lincoln 220 AC arc welder, shop fan, chop saws, 3pt. seeder, several weed eaters, Coleman 5000 generator, propane heaters, log chains, boomers, lots of hand tools, yard tools, wrench sets, socket sets, power tools, 12v winch, cement mixer, tank heaters, trash pumps, receiver hitch cargo carrier, Cosmo 500 3pt seeder (like new), Oil, Chicago elect. lg. jack hammer, shop built press, 10T porta power, 36” metal brake, large tool boxes, lg. vise, pipe wrenches, Craftsman drill press, jacks, RR jacks, ext. cords, metal shop table, gas cans, 12’ aluminum semi V-bottom Jon boat, fuel tanks w/stands, woven wire rolls, pond mill, antique corn sheller, hames, 2-Corrugated plastic drain pipe 12” dia. 20’
Tractors: Oliver 1855 w/cab 4,155hrs (runs), Ford 800 tractor w/loader & bucket
Combines: John Deere 45 combine w/2 row corn head & bean head (shedded, runs), John Deere 45 combine (parts)
Implements: 5’ 3pt rotary mower, 3pt swivel blade, 3pt cultivator, 3pt 2-bottom plow, post hole auger w/bit 3pt, 3pt JD 7’ sickle mower, 8’ 3pt disc, 1240 4-row JD planter , JD FB-B grain drill (rough), 6’ 3pt box blade w/teeth, 10’ Ford 3pt spring tooth, JD rotary hoe, Old pull-type sprayer, JD cultivator, King Cutter 7’ HD blade, old 3-bottom plow, 10’ pull-type disc w/cylinder, grain auger, other misc. small implements
Trailers: 16’ x 76” tandem axle car trailer, 2-shop built trailer frames
Household/Collectibles: Lg. railroad crossing sign, Handicap Scooter, mantle clock, Elna sewing machine w/cabinet, vintage lamps, vintage washboards, Grosley old radio, Korean War era Nittiku record player, old records, #5 Crock, lace/sewing material/patterns/fabric, linens/towels, Wizard of OZ plate collection, oil lamps, bedroom sets, antique baby beds, military jackets/clothing, games, vintage toys some Tonka, dressers, lizard cages, cast iron tea pots/dutch oven/sausage press/skillets, China hutch, IBP belt buckles/collectibles, Piano, cast iron newspaper roller, Rogers silverware sets, glassware, pictures, home decor, secretary/writing desk, Pyrex, cookware, Kitchen aid, Frigidare Frig/freezer, entertainment center, LG flatscreen TV, books, computer system, spittoon, Whirlpool Frig/freezer, misc. cleaning supplies, vintage lunch boxes, marbles, canning jars, Kenmore chest freezer, bubble glass pictures, Hames mirror, vintage baby strollers, foot locker, Sears upright freezer, 1970s Spartan yearbooks, ESU yearbooks, 3pc. bedroom set, twin bed, fans, vintage quilts, old scales, room AC, VHS movies, lots of boots some new, Upright AC, camp cot, train sets, handicap equipment, #3 butter churn, wash tubs
Terms: Cash or good check accepted. Debit/Credit cards accepted with service charge. Restroom and concessions available. All statements made day of sale take precedence over advertisements. Owners and auction company not responsible for accidents or theft. Settlement must be made day of auction. Nothing removed until settlement has been made.
Seller: Late Manford & Nell Langley Estate
J&D Auction & Sales, LLC
Jase Hubert (620)-481-7303
Dwayne Coble (620)-794-2061
Saturday April 5, 2025, 10:00 A.M.
420 Main St. Alta Vista, KS
Real Estate sells at 12:30 P.M.
Description: The main building is 7,190 sq ft with office, store front, bathroom, lumber and other inventory storage. Paved alley and several work rooms for various tasks. There is a 56’ x 36’ building with a 12’6” tall x 13’6” wide door and a 32’ x 16’ storage building. Zoned commercial industrial.
Taxes: $3,468.82. 2024 taxes and all prior years will be paid by the Seller. 2025 taxes will be prorated to the day of closing.
Terms: 10% earnest money due on the day of the auction. Balance due when merchantable title and Executor Deed are delivered. Closing and possession on or before May 8, 2025. Property sells in As-Is condition. All Buyers’ inspections are to be done prior to the auction. Sale is not contingent on the Buyer obtaining financing. Broker and Auctioneers are representing the Seller.
For information contact Greg Hallgren, Broker & Auctioneer at 785-499-2897.
Forklift & Equipment: White Mobile Lift MY60 hard surface forklift, 7 ft mast, 6,000 lbs. capacity, gas: DeWalt commercial radial arm saw with 16”in blade, 220 volt; Tapco 10ft aluminum break;
New In Inventory: Midwest Fastner Co. bolt bin and contents, very good; tools including, drill bits, saw blades, cords, various hand tools, tape measures, etc.; nice selection of screws, roofing, decking, concrete, etc. & pneumatic nails, framing, roofing & finish; numerous display doors & windows; trim coil; red & white metal roofing; hardwood flooring; lumber including oak, pine, cedar & plywood; several garage doors
William A. Wolgast Estate Hallgren Real Estate & Auctions LLC Lunch
Thursday May 1, 2025 at 2 pm at Flint Hills Towing, Inc
Paul Hancock, Auctioneer
Pictures will be on our Facebook in April!
15 Chevrolet Equinox 09 Chevrolet HHR 02 Chevrolet Malibu
Lexus GS
Buick Terraza
Ford Escape
Toyota Corolla
Hyundai Sonata
Chrysler Sebring
Kia Rio 02 BMW 3 series
Saturn Ion 07 Ford Taurus
Nissan Maxima
Toyota Rav 4
Chevrolet Cavalier
Subaru Impreza
Mercury Mountaineer
Flint Hills Technical College is seeking Adjunct Faculty to teach Certified Nurse Aide and Certified Medication Aide courses beginning in the Spring 2025 semester. This position is contingent upon enrollment.
• Registered Nurse (RN) required
• Two (2) years full-time long-term care experience preferred OR completion of eight (8) hours in person-centered care training
• Certified Nurse Aide course - $3,000
• Certified Medication Aide course - $1,800
Application Process:
To apply, please submit a cover letter, resume, and College Transcripts to Human Resources, Flint Hills Technical College, 3301 W. 18th Ave., Emporia, KS 66801, or email your materials to hr@fhtc.edu. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled.
Flint Hills Technical College is seeking an Adjunct Faculty member to teach General Education Math courses beginning in the Summer 2025 semester in a face-to-face setting. This position is contingent upon enrollment.
• Master’s Degree in Mathematics, or
• Master’s Degree in another field with at least 18 credit hours in Mathematics
• College Algebra (3 credit hours), compensation is $1,800
• Essentials Math (3 credit hours), compensation is $1,800
Application Process:
To apply, please submit a cover letter, resume, and College Transcripts to Human Resources, Flint Hills Technical College, 3301 W. 18th Ave., Emporia, KS 66801, or email your materials to hr@fhtc.edu. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled.
1311 State Street, Lebo is a 4 BR, 2.5 Bath home completely remodeled in 2022 and located close to the college. $183,000
209 W. Maple, Hartford - Back on the market with a new price - 3 Bedroom, 2 bath home located on corner lots with 3+ detached outbuilding garage. Master features walk in closet, 2nd closet and full bath, $289,900
Street, Emporia This is an amazing 5 unit apartment building. Each unit features a full kitchen, big living room, a big bedroom and bathroom. Each unit has its own separate door to enter the apartment. This property also features 4 single car garages, each separated with a wall. The landlord pays water, trash, sewer and gas. PRICE REDUCED to $185,000
New - 824 State Street, Emporia at REDUCED $105,000 Duplex located in a great central area of town. Both units are 2 bedroom and 1 bath units. Net Income is $1285. The Landlord pays Water, Trash, sewer and gas. The owner is offering $18,000 allowance to use for basement repairs or other repairs. This property is also being offered in its present condition (As Is) for $100,000
117 N. Osage St., New Strawn Previously used for office space, 5 sectioned offices: open front room; conference room & break room; high speed internet; 3 phase power. $129,500 1277 Thompson Street, Emporia $245,000
HOAGBA/Gardner Exotic Bird & Small
or go to https://hoagbagardnerauction org/ or facebook group https://www facebook com/groups/524014985524720/ ?ref=share
NEW - 520 N Kansas Street - Lebo 3 Bedrooms, 1 bath with full unfinished basement with 1 car attached garage on corner lots. The beautiful wood floors recently refinished and dining room off kitchen offers a lot of natural light. This home in Lebo is a PRICE REDUCED $179,900
NEW - 710 Cottonwood, Emporia 2 bedroom, 1 bath completely remodeled home with detached garage. PRICE REDUCED $86,000
NEW - 2606 W Hwy 50, Emporia Approx 1.7 acres of development land in west Emporia zoned as Commercial. Road frontage and great exposure. PRICE REDUCED $480,000
Investment Opportunity 716 East 12th Street, Emporia Car Wash with 5 bays and 51 self-storage units. Easy property to manage with minimal time investment. Check out www.tri-county-real-estate.com. for all details. Call Victor to view property and financials. $875,000
Commercial Listing at 314 Neosho, Emporia with offices, meeting room, storage and workspace with large overhead doors and 51/2 vacant lots. PRICE REDUCED $235,000 SOLD