Empire Radio Magazine Issue #32

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Grammy Nominated Madtwiinz talks New Show “Young Love” on Max








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Jamaree James “Credit and Financial Benefits”

People are unaware because the harsh reality of it is that people no longer read nor do their own due diligence. If it was taught in school, you would no longer be conditioned to keep their business model going. One who thinks for self is a dangerous individual.


Grammy Nominated Madtwiinz Talks New Show “Young Love” on Max

People are unaware because the harsh reality of it is that people no longer read nor do their own due diligence. If it was taught in school, you would no longer be conditioned to keep their business model going. One who thinks for self is a dangerous individual.


Cover Story: Lyrica Anderson

I’m still working on forgiving his dad for some stuff. That’s big. That’s big. You know, he says he’s forgiven me too, so whatever. So let him tell it is, you know, but we know what’s up and you know, just, I’ve even had some like crazy business relationships and stuff done to me that I felt like was unfair.

14 & 18

Health and Wellness w/ Joelle & Johnathan

Engaging in extreme challenges like the “worst vs. best version” challenge can potentially lead to physical and psychological health complications. Physically, pushing the body to extreme limits without proper guidance and supervision can result in injuries, muscle strains, and exhaustion.


Dr. Hall - The Voice

When we give to ourselves and others, we demonstrate connection, awareness, compassion, and community 03 | EMPIRERADIO MAGAZINE


Credit & Financial Benefits WITH JAMAREE JAMES


t’s perfect to finally touch down with you and experience the critical side of the phenomenal work you’ve done to help people over the years. One of the things that I want to touch on is your ability to go head-to-head with debt collectors and the importance of building your credit.

Jamaree: For sure. I think it’s essential to understand the model behind debt collection because all I’ve done is use their own rules against them to help the uneducated take their power back, especially in neighbourhoods where this is foreign. I think the importance is really more in understanding credit in itself and how it can be used as a tool to orchestrate a newfound understanding of wealth when utilized in the correct capacities. Credit repair company services are essential to citizens’ lives. Is it a hit or miss when dealing with certain credit repair companies fixing negative inquiries? How does one know they are dealing with a legitimate credit repair company? Jamaree: I’d say reviews and actual real testimonials of people that they can actually inquire to about the service. Many will say they are great at what they do but don’t even communicate regularly with clients. Looking at the process of debt lawsuits, post-judgment discoveries, and court orders of disposition, how often and how likely are American citizens imprisoned for not responding to unpaid credit cards? Jamaree: NEVER, lol. You are not going to jail for not paying a credit card. How irresponsible and unprofessional are debt collectors likely to be when finding discrepancies during the arbitration clause process? Jamaree: Debt collectors are irresponsible and unprofessional in any process because they are just preying on the ignorance of the average person, hoping you don’t know anything and will be coerced into paying them. USC codes that protect consumers from debt collectors in financial hardship are presented on the public internet. Why are people unaware of these practices that protect 04 | EMPIRERADIO MAGAZINE

their rights, and why isn’t this taught in schools before college? Jamaree: People are unaware because the harsh reality of it is that people no longer read nor do their own due diligence. If it was taught in school, you would no longer be conditioned to keep their business model going. One who thinks for self is a dangerous individual. Let’s take a standard and realistic scenario of an individual who maxed out all their credit cards and only made minimum payments, barely making it from paycheck to paycheck. It will be seven years by the time he brings the card back down to at least a 30% ratio. Does that person file bankrutcy or continue that person file bankruptcy or continue paying the minimum for the next seven years?** Jamaree: I’d tell that person to find a way to monetize a

CREDIT skill or knowledge that they possess to create another stream of income and use that to pay on those cards. The cycle of working just to pay bills will never get us out of situations like such. Several statements were made on the internet regarding the housing market today. Is it better to rent or own a home? Jamaree: It depends on your situation and goals, to be honest. In my opinion, that comes with it. That equity can be used for your current situation or rainy days From your perspective, what are some better ways to benefit from non-taxable income? Jamaree: The best way is to use it to no longer live paycheck to paycheck and invest in skills or tangible assets that will help you to make more income. Wildcard question of the day: How easy is it to establish an LLC and buy or lease a luxury car in your name related to the service of your business? Jamaree: Super easy, IF & ONLY IF you already have at the minimum, fair personal credit but even easier with above average to great credit. Last question: There were wild rumors and talks of people paying high daily fees for owning an LLC starting in 2024. What are your CREDIT thoughts on that, and how would that change people’s motives for creating one? Jamaree: People must read. The BOI website gives a clear list of company types that are exempt from the filing. I would advise anybody to get with an individual who can guide them on the process for starting an LLC this year, in addition to doing their own due diligence, they should read the BOI website to get an understanding of what’s required and for whom it’s required.





TWIINZ Talks New Show “Young Love” on Max


us back to the moment when you first started to take aninterest as a cartoonist or illustrator, and what is your favorite part of both processes? Mike:Ever since I can remember, Mark and I were constantly getting grounded as kids. No video games, no TV—just stuck with our toys and comics. Since we shared a room, we’d spend our time diving into comics, redrawing characters. Mark:And then,we’d sit at our window, watching people outside having a blast, and sketching out those lively scenes. It was our own little world. Did you grow up reading comic strips, and what were your top cartoon shows growing up? Mark: Our Uncle Sammy hooked us up one day with a box of comics. Spider-Man and Kung Fu Master were in there, and we dove right in. Those became our go-to reads. Mike: Our favorite show was GI Joe. But once we discovered Anime that pretty much changed the game for us. Then it was Ninja Scroll and Akira. Where does your inspiration come from when you brainstorm on characters and illustrations?


Mark: Life and Music. Like Mike said before when being grounded as kids, we would draw the people outside-so that has been engrained into the process. You were nominated three times for the NAACP and Critics Choice awards on the list with Bob’s Burger, Bluey, Harley Quin, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, and Star Trek: Lower Decks. What was going through your head when you received the news? Mark: It’s a surreal experience. We spend so much time buried in creating the work, not knowing how it with the audience. And then when the show finally comes out and gets a great reception, reassuring that the creative decision we made along the way were good ones. What can you tell us about your latest project, and how did the creative process begin in illustrating the Young Love series? Mark: Young Love was based off the Oscar winning animated short by Matthew Cherry. The short had no dialog and was all score based. One of the challenges was discovering who those characters are. And once that was developed -we started to develop the look .We were going for a grounded realistic look since some of the subject matter is serious at times and heartwarming the next, we wanted to reflect that with the visuals Also the show is based in Chicago, Matthew’s hometown, so we had to make sure we repped

the MADDTWIINZ city correctly! What other ventures or projects are you working on that you would like to discuss outside the interest of cartoons and illustration? Mark: Ultimately, we’re all about the artistic journey. We’ve worked across the board from fashion design, toy design, or anything in between, it’s just different avenues for us to express ourselves creatively. Currently, we’re helping develop unannounced shows for a couple of studios, developing our own IPs, and writing 2 Graphic Novel Scripts. Mike: We are also working with Harvard University’s Hiphop Archive as Brand Directors to develop programming and just participated in the 50th anniversary celebration which took place in November and December of 2023 with the pioneers. When it comes to Hiphop in the ivy leagues, we take pride in being the authentic voices of the culture in academia. What do you think draws the audience in with the show ‘’Young Love?’’ what type of feedback do you get that you didn’t expect? Mark: I think they are drawn in by seeing themselves represented in a real light. A lot of the times we are shown as a monolith– when actually we are as diverse as it gets. Young Love attempts to show case that. There has never been an animated show about a young

MADDTWIINZ black family trying to navigate life’s challenges of raising a child and at the same time trying to figure their life out. How long does it take to complete the whole process of executing one episode? Mark: It’s roughly about 3 months. Episodes are produced in stages. There is a lot of moving pieces and overlap-so there could be close to 12 episodes in production at one time. It can get crazy! Most people tell aspiring upcoming artists not to give up on their dreams and to keep pushing and believing in themselves. What other unique advice might you give aspiring artists not being told in that field? Mark: I would tell upcoming artists to make your work so good that it is undeniable. Also to join online communities with like-minded people. Find the organizations that help up and coming artist and build up your network. People are your greatest asset. Lastly, is there any work on a season 2 for the nominated show‘’Young Love’’ and where

A lot of the times we are shown as a monolith– when actually we are as diverse as it gets. ”

would you like people to follow you for future updates? There are talks for a season 2 happening, so hopefully there will be an update on that soon. You can follow us @ madtwiinz on all social platforms.









Courtney: I am Courtney Lavette and we are here with the beautiful, the most talented Lyrica Anderson, y’all. Lyrica: Thank you for having me.

Courtney: Yes. Thank you for spending some time with us today. I know you are super busy because it’s a lot going. You just recently released a new film Lyrica: Yes, Forever Us. Courtney: Tell me a little bit about it, your role, your character?

Courtney: I’m like, oh no, she came to act today. Yeah. Period. Because you even in that short trailer, I was like, oh yeah. Lyrica: You liked it? Yeah, it was like, it was really fun. It was super fun. It is long days. Oh my God. I remember we would go to in the morning and then have to be back there and back up at six to be right back on set. Or sometimes your pick up was 6:30. And I would be like, oh my God. Waking up at six and trying to hurry up a shower and get ready to get back on set because I would just be like exhausted. But, you know, in the end I feel like it’s all worth it. And yeah, I really love the movie, so I feel like y’all are gonna love it. It’s a dope family movie, but it also has like a little suspense and it’s cool.

Lyrica: Well, it just dropped today on TuBi. It’s called Forever Us, so make sure everybody watches it. Yes. But it’s with me and Sonique and O’Shea and it’s a crazy plot twist. I don’t wanna tell y’all the story, but y’all just have to go watch it. Listen, super duper good. Shout out to Chris. He’s the director and it’s just like, it’s amazing. It’s dope.

Courtney: I’m super excited to see it. And you were just talking about like your late night, early morning schedule. Yeah. You know, you’re a writer, a singer, a actress, a reality star. But that to me, the reality part of it is like the bottom of all amazing things that you do.

Courtney: I love that. You know, I really, really wanna know if you did it. I really wanna know if you know, but I’m gonna watch it.

Courtney: Yeah. But I feel like your number one is like being mommy.

Lyrica: Maybe, Maybe not. Courtney: I’m gonna watch it tonight. I’m super excited. Lyrica: I’m not telling you, I can’t tell you because......


Lyrica: Thank you.

Lyrica: Yes. So as I have my son here with me today, Oshane. Courtney: He is so sweet. He shared his superpowers with me. He was like, you’ll do a good interview. And I was just like, that is the sweetest thing. It’s a testament to how good of a mother that you are.


COVER STORY Lyrica: So, yeah. That’s my baby. He’s been coming with me everywhere. Like, he’s rocking with me. He’s out here in Atlanta with me, going to interviews, going to photo shoots, going to all type of stuff. Oh, he is ready? Yeah, he’s ready. Yeah. He gets it. He’s like, mommy, what are we doing today? Are you ready to do your acting? Are you doing your script? Are you doing photos, what’s happening today? So he’s used to it now. Courtney: I love that. How do you balance all of the things that you do on top of being mom? Lyrica: No, it’s not easy, It’s a village. You know, my mom helps me. My best friend Jay’s here today. She helps me, you know, that’s her little nephew. So we just figure it out. She knows like, okay, you’re gonna be in makeup, I’ll entertain Oshane. You know, before we came I got his hair braided. Like, I’m trying to get myself ready, had the lady come pull up and braid his hair. So it’s like, it takes a village. But I feel like, I work hard at it. Courtney: You’re doing an amazing job and he is so adorable. I do wanna talk about music a little bit. You have a new album coming up? Lyrica: Yes, I’m working on it right now. Courtney: Okay. All right. So what’s the vibe? What’s the head space for this project?

watch for that. But you had one where you had to have the 2024, like what’s coming up for you in 2024. And it said, forgive and forget. So what are some things that maybe you’re forgiving and forgetting for 2024? Lyrica: I’m still working on forgiving his dad for some stuff. That’s big. That’s big. You know, he says he’s forgiven me too, so whatever. So let him tell it is, you know, but we know what’s up and you know, just, I’ve even had some like crazy business relationships and stuff done to me that I felt like was unfair. So I’m just, you know, working past it day by day one thing at a time one day at a time and that’s all.

Lyrica: It’s definitely, R&B you know, I like everything dark, so I feel like, it’s a vibe. I really do love it. I have my new team out here in Atlanta. I’m working with Ray Daniels. He is my manager now. So we’re just like going real hard, me and the Radar team. So I feel like, it’s gonna be dope.

Courtney: That’s what I tell people. One day, at a time. So, I know you are super busy because you have a premiere for your movie.

Courtney: I’m excited. I feel like you make music for people like me. Like I feel like, if I had a journal, it’s like, you picked it up and you wrote everything that I’m feeling like....

Courtney:I know you have to get up, get outta here. But I do wanna thank you for spending some time with us.

Lyrica: Okay. That’s good. Okay. Period. Courtney: Okay. Period. Because that unhealthy track. Put it on repeat. On TikTok You do a little toxic TikTok. Those are my favorite. Lyrica: Yes toxic Tiktok. I’m gonna do one tonight or tomorrow, I’ll do one probably recorded tonight. Courtney: I love that. I’m gonna 012 | EMPIRERADIO MAGAZINE

Lyrica: Yes. We’re not really doing a premiere this time. We’re doing a watch party, but we have done premieres.

Lyrica: Thank you for having me and my baby. Courtney:Yes. he can come back anytime. You can come back anytime. We can definitely chop it up. I’m so excited to hear the new music because like I said, you, it’s like you got my journal. I don’t know. Lyrica: Oh my gosh, well you gonna feel that way this time for sure. Courtney: I feel that way now. So I

So can’t wait to like share the new music with y’all. Lyrica: Yeah. Make sure y’all watch the movie. Go home, everybody here, watch the movie. Curl up in your bed. Have some ice cream, whatever you like because you will be locked in and enjoy it. Courtney: We are still trying to figure if she did it and if you’ve seen the trailer, you know what I’m talking about. Lyrica: If I did it, why? It’s gotta be my fault. Courtney: Well, I mean, because you were acting so well <laugh>, you know, and it gave. Listen, he’s mine. You can’t have him share the new music with y’all. Lyrica: That period. And that’s how I am about mine. Courtney: End up in the river. Lyrica: Yes. Courtney: Thank you so much for spending a little bit of time with us. I welcome you back anytime. Your energy is amazing. Your vocal ability still got me going crazy. Lyrica: Oh, Thank you baby. Courtney: Crazy. So thank you so much. For those of you who are living under a rock and don’t know who she is. Please let them know what your social handles are, where they can find you, follow you. And for those guys who think, you know, because I don’t know if she’s single or not, but if you trying to, you know, shoot your shot.

COVER STORY Lyrica: No, you’re so funny. So it’s at Lyrica Anderson and that is my Instagram and that’s my everything. Honestly... I think the only thing that’s different is my TikTok which is real Lyrica Anderson. Courtney: And please go follow her TikTok because she is so funny. And you see a little bit more baby boy on there. Lyrica: I try to make it different from Instagram. So, yeah. Courtney: It’s definitely different. It’s more you. I like it. I appreciate you. Lyrica: I appreciate you. Thank You. Courtney: And I appreciate all the content and make sure you guys keep it locked. It’s Empire Radio Magazine. I am Courtney Lavette and this is Lyrica Anderson!!

Make sure y’all watch the movie. Go home, everybody here, watch the movie. Curl up in your bed. Have some ice cream, whatever you like because you will be locked in and enjoy it.”




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mbarking on the journey of becoming a Health Coach has been an incredibly rewarding and life changing experience for me. The driving factor behind my decision comes from a passion for helping others lead healthier, happier lives... to thrive in this one precious life we have because we all have that right to do so. Throughout my own wellness journey, I faced challenges and learned valuable lessons about the impact that lifestyle choices, particularly nutrition, can have on one’s overall well-being. Having personally experienced and studied the positive effects of adopting a mindful holistic approach to nutrition and fitness, I have a strong desire to share this knowledge with others in an authentic way. Social media became my platform of choice because of its reach and the ability to connect with a diverse audience - it has really blown my mind how much we can connect no matter where in the world we are. Engaging with the positive responses and the impact my content had on individuals striving for a healthier lifestyle and to prioritise themselves fuels my determination to make a difference on a larger scale. I recognise that one size does not fit all when it comes to health and wellness. By offering 014 | EMPIRERADIO MAGAZINE

personalised resistance training and meal plans, with a positive supportive online community group in creating my online coaching business and app, MIJO, I could address the specific goals, and preferences of clients, while creating connection no matter where individuals are in the world making their journey towards better health more effective and sustainable. Meal planning, in particular, is a key part of my coaching philosophy. It’s not just about counting calories; it’s about nourishing the body with the right nutrients to support individual goals, whether that’s weight management, increased energy, or overall vitality. Empowering individuals to make informed simplified nourishing choices, rather than focusing on restriction, establishing a foundation for a lifelong, positive relationship with food. In essence, my driving force is the belief that everyone deserves to prioritise themselves and experience the power of a healthy lifestyle. As a health coach, I am committed to inspiring and guiding beautiful humans on their unique journeys towards thriving in life, fostering positive change with one small action, one person at a time. The idea that your blood type should determine your diet is a concept that has been popularised in some circles, but

it lacks scientific evidence to support its validity. As a health coach, I prioritise evidence-based approaches to nutrition, and I would consider the notion of blood type diets more of a myth than a proven method. While there is a growing awareness of personalised nutrition based on genetic factors, the link between blood type and an ideal diet remains largely unsubstantiated. Individual nutritional needs are influenced by a variety of factors, including age, activity level, health conditions, and personal goals. Recommending a diet solely based on blood type oversimplifies the complexity of nutrition and may not provide the most effective or balanced approach for an individual’s well-being. I encourage my clients to focus on evidence-based nutrition, emphasising a well-rounded diet that includes a variety of whole foods, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Customising a meal plan based on individual needs, preferences, and health goals is a more sensible and sustainable approach than adhering to a onesize-fits-all theory like the blood type diet. I do make it a priority to review the ingredients of any product before consuming it. As a health coach, my focus is on promoting overall wellbeing, and being mindful of what goes into our bodies is a crucial aspect of that. However, I am not obsessive over it.


Unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as emotional eating or avoidance behaviors, can also hinder progress. Understanding and addressing these habits is crucial for creating lasting change. While there are many fantastic and nutritious options available, there are also products with potentially harmful ingredients. Reading the ingredients list allows me to make informed choices and avoid consuming substances that may not align with my health goals. However, I understand that not everyone may take the time to read or understand product labels. People are often pressed for time, and marketing tactics, which can be one of the most confusing things for consumers, can really overshadow the importance of ingredient awareness. Encouraging people to develop the habit of checking ingredient lists and ignoring claims on packets is a great step in fostering a healthier relationship with food. It empowers individuals to make choices that align with their health objectives and promotes a sense of accountability for what we put into our bodies, something I share with my two young sons, aged 6 & 8. Stress plays a crucial role in overall health and wellness, and as a wifey, mother of two and business owner, I understand the impact it can have on our lives. Managing stress is a key aspect of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In my role as a health coach with a holistic approach, I focus on the connection between mental wellbeing and physical health.

Chronic stress can contribute to a range of health issues, from disrupted sleep patterns to compromised immune function. It’s key to recognise the signs of stress and implement strategies to cope with it effectively. As a mum, I’ve learned to prioritise self-care, even in the midst of a busy schedule and while it can feel HEALTH & WELLNESS like the easy thing to leave off the list and get everything else done it’s a priority that needs to remain. Regular exercise is my go-to stress reliever. Whether it’s a quick workout at home, lifting weights in the gym or a surf, physical activity has proven to be a powerful tool in managing stress levels. It not only helps me stay physically fit but also provides a mental and emotional outlet. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep-breathing

exercises, are integral to my stress management. Taking a few moments for myself, even if it’s just to focus on my breath, my breath, helps create a sense of calm amidst the rollercoaster of daily life. I encourage my clients in MIJO to explore mindfulness techniques, working to fit them into their lifestyles. It’s key to remember that self-care it’s a necessary investment in our overall wellbeing and it doesn’t need to be overwhelming or time consuming. Whether it’s enjoying a quiet moment with a hot cup of tea, reading a few pages from a book, or spending quality time with loved ones, finding activities that bring joy and relaxation is essential. One significant obstacle is the fear of change. Many people find comfort in familiarity, even if it means maintaining habits that may not contribute to their overall EMPIRERADIO MAGAZINE | 015

HEALTH & WELLNESS challenges head-on, individuals can unlock their full potential and achieve lasting positive change in their lives. As health coach AND a Mum, one of the most significant challenges I faced with meal planning was finding a balance that catered to both the nutritional needs of my family and the “diverse tastes and preferences” of my two young sons. It is certainly filled with trial and error, but ultimately, through flexibility, creativity, and a focus on building healthy habits we make it work.

well-being. Stepping out of one’s comfort zone and embracing change can be daunting, and the fear of the unknown can prevent some from taking that first step. Another common challenge is a lack of self-confidence. Many beautiful humans doubt their ability to make sustainable changes or question whether they deserve to invest time and effort in themselves. Building self-confidence is a gradual process that often involves celebrating small victories and acknowledging personal strengths. Time constraints are a practical barrier that many people face. Between work, family obligations, and daily responsibilities, finding time for self-care and personal development can be challenging. As a health coach, wife and mum, I encourage focusing on small steps, celebrating small wins, and creating snippets in our day that are nonnegotiable time for ourselves. 016 | EMPIRERADIO MAGAZINE

Unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as emotional eating or avoidance behaviors, can also hinder progress. Understanding and addressing these habits is crucial for creating lasting change and led me to study emotional eating psychology to further support my clients. It’s essential to replace these patterns with healthier alternatives and coping strategies that contribute to overall well-being. Social influences can play a significant role as well. Peer pressure, societal expectations, or unsupportive environments may discourage individuals from pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Building a positive support system and surrounding oneself with people who encourage personal growth can make a substantial difference. Working towards a thriving version of oneself requires a combination of self-reflection, commitment, and support. By addressing these

One major obstacle was dealing with the picky eating habits of my youngest son. Of course as a family of 4, we all have different tastes and preferences, and trying to create meals that satisfied everyone’s palate while still being nutritious was a puzzle. Instead of feeling defeated, I approached this challenge as an opportunity to introduce variety into our meals.I started involving my children in the meal planning process. We would have “family choice” nights where each person could pick a component of the meal. This not only empowered my kids but also allowed me to ensure that everyone had something on their plate that they enjoyed. It became a fun and collaborative activity rather than a source of stress. Another hurdle was the time constraints that come with being a busy mom and health coach. To overcome this, I embraced planning my grocery shop, batch cooking, and being prepared on weekends. I would plan our meals for the week, chop vegetables in advance, and if needed I cook larger batches of versatile ingredients like grains and proteins. This streamlined the process and made it easier to put together healthy meals on busy weeknights. Being adaptable and understanding that it’s a continuous process of learning and adjusting. Flexibility, communication, and a bit of creativity are key components in overcoming the challenges when it comes to meals with a family. The goal isn’t just about creating nutritious meals but also

fostering a positive relationship with food for my family so we adapt to make it work. My introduction to the world of surfing came through my husband, Mike, who purchased my first board for me one christmas as a way for us to enjoy one of his favourite hobbies together. I’ve always been sporty, and I love the ocean so it was a natural transition. However, my ability to ‘pop up’ on the board has taken work, many wipeouts and sand in all sorts of places! The feeling of being out on the water, harnessing the power of the waves, and connecting with nature is unparalleled. While warm weather and ocean waves are undeniably my preferred surfing conditions, I’ve learned to embrace what’s thrown at me. Whether it’s catching waves on a summer beach or navigating cooler waters in a wetsuit, each surfing experience offers its own unique charm. The connection with the ocean, and the sheer joy of riding waves overrides specific weather conditions. It’s a holistic experience that encompasses the thrill of the ride, the rhythm of the waves, and the sense of being fully present in the moment. It’s a sport that challenges me physically and mentally, pushing me to grow and learn, but it’s also a source of pure joy and relaxation. Navigating the journey back to one’s desired weight can indeed pose unique challenges for women, especially those balancing the responsibilities of being a mum, wife, and perhaps a career. I encourage every beautiful woman to approach this process with patience, selfcompassion, and a focus on overall well-being rather than solely fixating on a number on the scale. One of the primary challenges women face is the time constraint that comes with motherhood Juggling childcare, household responsibilities, and possibly a career can leave little time for dedicated self-care. Finding moments for regular exercise may seem daunting, but incorporating physical activity into daily routines, such as familywalks or workouts before everyone

wakes, can make a significant difference over time.

vitamin B1 that are more commonly found in animal products.

Nutrition is another key aspect. Full schedules may lead to less time and a higher likelihood of relying on convenience foods. As a health coach, I encourage women to prioritise nutrient-dense, balanced meals. Simple yet wholesome recipes and efficient meal prep can make it easier to maintain a healthy diet despite a hectic lifestyle.

In my coaching practice with MIJO, I approach vegetarianism as a positive individual dietary choice.We create well-rounded, personalised meal plans that cater to their specific nutritional requirements, ensuring they thrive on their vegetarian journey.

Body image and self-esteem can be sensitive areas for many women. The pressure to “bounce pressure to “bounce back” to prepregnancy weight can be emotionally challenging. It’s essential to foster a positive mindset, focusing on the incredible feat of bringing life into the world rather than solely on external appearances. Setting realistic goals and celebrating small victories along the way can contribute to a healthier selfimage. Plus focusing on this new phase of life and not needing to ‘be back’ at where you have been before. In my coaching practice with MIJO, I emphasise the holistic approach to well-being. Rather than fixating solely on weight loss, I encourage women to embrace a lifestyle that prioritses mental and emotional health, sustainable habits are more likely to lead to long-term success. By approaching the journey with patience, focusing on overall health, and seeking support when needed, these beautiful women can create a sustainable and fulfilling path towards thei desired weight and well-being. I view the choice to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle with great respect and recognition of its potential health benefits, it’s an individual choice. Many individuals choose vegetarianism for ethical and environmental reasons, reflecting a broader awareness of the impact our food choices have on the planet and the well-being of animals. However, it’s crucial for those opting for a vegetarian lifestyle to ensure they are meeting their nutritional needs. This involves a thoughtful selection of plantbased proteins, a diverse range of fruits and vegetables, and attention

As a health and wellness coach, primary goal is to empower and guide my clients toward to thrive in life. However, there are challenges to the coaching journey. One significant hurdle is working with clients to break free from habits and embrace positive change. Many clients come to me with deeply ingrained patterns that may not align with their health goals. Supporting them to step out of their comfort zones and adopt new, healthier habits can be a delicate process. It requires a combination of empathy, encouragement, and practical strategies. Another common challenge is navigating the psychological aspects of wellness. Addressing mindset and self-limiting beliefs is as crucial as recommending exercise or dietary changes. I strive to help clients build a positive relationship with their bodies, fostering a mindset that supports, rather than hinders, their wellness journey. Time management is often an obstacle, especially for those with busy schedules. Balancing work, family, and personal well-being can be overwhelming. Creating realistic, achievable plans that seamlessly integrate into our daily lives and reviewing our prioritisation of our time are key aspects to success. Despite these challenges, witnessing the transformative journeys of my clients is incredibly rewarding. Overcoming obstacles and celebrating their successes makes every challenge as a health and wellness coach worthwhile.

to nutrients like iron, calcium, and EMPIRERADIO MAGAZINE | 017


extreme challenges can lead to unhealthy relationships with food and exercise, as well as body image issues. It’s important to approach fitness challenges with moderation and consideration for overall wellbeing. What drove you to change your body composition or establish an exercise routine?





hen did you become an online fitness trainer, and what motivated you to take that lane?

Jonathan:It sounds cliche, but it originated from my childhood, inspired by bullying, judging, and being abandoned. As I got older, it changed because of the passion for health and fitness, as well as a desire to help others achieve their fitness goals. Becoming an online fitness trainer allowed me to reach a broader audience and provide guidance and support to 018 | EMPIRERADIO MAGAZINE

people who may not have access to inperson training. What health complications can come from doing the worst vs. best version challenge? Jonathan: Engaging in extreme challenges like the “worst vs. best version” challenge can potentially lead to physical and psychological health complications. Physically, pushing the body to extreme limits without proper guidance and supervision can result in injuries, muscle strains, and exhaustion. Psychologically,

Jonathan: Things such as increasing energy levels, managing weight, or enhancing physical appearance. Motivation can also stem from a more personal standpoint to build more moral value through discipline. Indeed, depression, suicide, and anxiety played a huge part. Have you thought about training celebrities to get prepared for Hollywood movies? Jonathan: I’ve been blessed tohave trained and be recognized by people like Heartbreak Key Low, Antonio Skits, Chet Hanks, Jay Prehistoric, Shaun T, several different WWE wrestlers, multiple actors from the hit series Power Rangers. Hopefully more, Godwilling. What’s your advice for someone able to eat protein outside of consuming meat? Jonathan: Various plantbased sources such as legumes (beans,lentils), tofu, tempeh, seitan,edamame, quinoa, nuts, seeds,and certain whole grains. There are many plant-based protein products, including protein powders and meat substitutes made from ingredients such as soy, pea, or mycoprotein.


Be a friend first, a coach second. The more you resonate, the more you inspire without putting a fearful label. Then the client will trust and become more vulnerable. Vulnerability is the only way to progress.

What is your biggest fitness goal for 2024? Jonathan: For God to guide me and to use me to spread his message. To be able to show the world you can build your body while building it with Christ. For all the kids who needed a hero growing up, just like how I needed one. God willing, opening up an anime cafe lounge this year or see where the fitness world takes me.

ground up with morals, fitness knowledge, and the ability to mold. Being 1 dimensional is whack.

What type of exercise do you enjoy? Jonathan: Weightlifting, hypertrophy, powerlifting, HIIT, pilates, ballistic and dynamic stretching. What is your idea of a good trainer? Jonathan: Be a friend first, a coach second. The more you resonate, the more you inspire without putting a fearful label. Then the client will trust and become more vulnerable. Vulnerability is the only way to progress. Then we build from the EMPIRERADIO MAGAZINE | 019




DR. HALL: The Voice

The Change Humanity Needs Is You!


umanity is dying! No, not necessarily. There is no need to be that drastic, but we are suffering. That is something we can all agree on. Are we hopeless? Well, depending on who you ask, there is no telling where the answer drifts. Let’s keep it simple and balanced. It’s true: we want, we need, and we must have. This is a common side effect of being human. We also give! Did you know that showing kindness and compassion might be just the thing we need to upgrade humanity? Self -kindness and kindness for the human race is a key component of global and transgenerational healing. When we give to ourselves and others, we demonstrate connection, awareness, compassion, and community. Each of these elements are fundamental structures of positive pro-social change. One favorite ingredient, compassion, derives from its Latin roots meaning ‘to suffer together’, is our ability to connect with one another, communicate our emotional needs, and contribute to social wellness by sharing our resources in support of individual, group, and social advancement. Each of these actions are pillars of social engagement. Social engagement is key to building trust, healthy relationships, and committed communities. Being engaged in each other’s wellbeing offers us the opportunity to build deeper connections. A community that is highly motivated and connected is a transformational energy source that can be used to stimulate mass healing. This requires a collective effort from all of us. So, if you didn’t know, while you may experience some internal conflict, you are still an instrument of healing to yourself and others around you. What I am trying to say is that what you need most to create positive change in the world is yourself, and the world needs you, too.

Dr. Marcellues Hall KarmaHall Edu



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