Academic Catalog: 2015 - 2016, Emory & Henry College

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Pre-Professional - Musical Theatre Women’s Studiesminor

PRE-MEDICAL STUDIES, ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONS, ATHLETIC TRAINING For many years, Emory & Henry has been respected for the high quality of its pre-medical and allied health preparations. Recent graduates have pursued careers in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, physical therapy, and other fields. Members of the Health Professions Committee advise and oversee students on preparation for health and medical careers. Because health and medical fields require studies in the natural sciences--and science courses are offered sequentially at Emory & Henry--first-year students must carefully plan their schedules so as to begin the sequence on time. The committee provides information on admissions requirements, testing procedures, and related occupations. Students active in the Health Professions Club hold monthly meetings featuring speakers from various health fields, organize special events, and sponsor trips to visit medical schools. Students interested in health or medical careers should contact Dr. Chris Qualls, pre-health advisor. Students interested in seeking BOC certification in Athletic Training should refer to the Athletic Training major in the Health and Human Performance Department.

PRE-LAW PREPARATION Emory & Henry has a long and distinguished tradition of pre-legal education. Since law schools do not require or even recommend a specific pre-law course of study, the college encourages pre-law students to develop programs of study which emphasize the areas of knowledge needed for good performance on the Law School Admissions Test and for subsequent good performance in law school and as attorneys. Based on surveys of law schools and lawyers, the significant skills and areas of knowledge are written and oral communication, including composition, speech, and debate; logic and reasoning; economics and general computation; and knowledge of history, government, and political affairs. Students interested in law careers are aided by a pre-law advisory committee at Emory & Henry, composed of students, faculty, administrators, and alumni who are lawyers. Faculty members in the Political Science Department counsel students and maintain liaisons between the college and law schools in the region. An active Pre-Law Society sponsors trips to visit law schools, special speakers, and other events which focus on the legal profession. Students who plan to pursue legal careers should be aware of the keen competition for admission to law school and should recognize the need for hard work and high academic performance. The admissions criteria of most law schools emphasize demonstrated aptitude on the Law School Admission Test, a high GPA, and good letters of recommendation. Practical experience obtained through internships or volunteer work often is beneficial. The college offers such experiences through local offices of the Legal Aid Society, Commonwealth’s Attorneys, and private law firms. In some instances, outstanding students obtain pre-law internships with Congressional offices.

PREPARATION FOR CHURCH VOCATIONS Many persons prepare for full-time Christian service through studies at Emory & Henry. Career opportunities in the local church include service as a pastor, director of Christian education, or minister of music, all of which require graduate study in seminary. With study beyond the B.A. degree, a person may also serve as a chaplain in a hospital or in the military, a pastoral counselor, a campus minister, or a religion teacher. Seminaries and graduate schools of theology encourage persons to seek a good liberal arts education, with the balance of general studies and concentration which Emory & Henry offers. Other fields may provide vocational possibilities immediately after graduation from college, including service as a director of Christian education or youth ministry in a local church. Students interested in church vocations are encouraged to discuss their plans with any member of the Department of Religion as early as possible during their program. A church vocations group, Kerygma, provides possibilities for discussions with other students planning similar careers, and internships give first-hand experience which also may be valuable preparation.


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