2023 Annual Report

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Emmanuel family, It is thrilling to share the great things the Lord has done through you! God is so faithful as we look back and notice his fingerprints on our church in 2023. We began 2023 with the words “Look” and “Listen," with a sense that God would reveal his will, open doors, and guide our steps. Now we can take a look back at snapshots of the Spirit’s leadership for the people of Emmanuel! Notice the goodness of God hidden in the data and testimonies of his faithfulness as you look through this report. I am grateful for the incredible leadership of our Global Board of Elders and staff who have worked diligently together to steward the resources that God has entrusted us with. All glory to God who is at work in his church both now and forevermore!

Spring Lake Park


Total Sunday salvation commitments

2,192 Average weekend attendance 315 Average kids weekend attendance



Total Sunday salvation commitments

242 Average weekend attendance 43 Average kids weekend attendance

2 92

total salvations

3,007 weekend attendance Total Sunday salvation commitments 33 total visitors 406 Average weekend attendance 97 Average kids weekend attendance

Maple Grove In March of 2023, we initiated "100 Days of Faith" for Emmanuel Maple Grove. Our heart was to prepare the house for the many lives we have yet to reach in our community. Our target was to raise $125k for the renovation of our Sanctuary and lobby spaces. Today, we rejoice in the testimony of how God stirred the hearts of our congregation, and many responded with great generosity. Not only did we meet our goal, but we surpassed it! The finished product of the renovation looks even better than what we expected. Maple Grove is ready for the harvest that is coming. To God be the glory!

Elk River In 2023, we celebrated othe completion of our Elk River building expansion! We added more kids classrooms, restrooms, a larger Great Room, and adult classrooms. We also updated our lobby, including a new and improved café. Lastly, we updated our entire Sanctuary with carpet, paint, and new chairs. These updates and renovations have added so much value to our location! We have seen God build his church through his people. People sacrificed because they heard from God, stepped out in faith, and gave generously. Now generations beyond us will have the benefit because of our obedience. We are thankful for the history in this place, but we are excited for the future. In 2024, we are anticipating even greater things…To God be the glory!


Total Sunday salvation commitments

351 Average weekend attendance 82 Average kids weekend attendance

Water Baptism


17 14 15

Spring Lake Park

Maple Grove

Elk River


Growth Track

305 people completed Growth Track across all locations finding connection and discovering their God-given purpose.

Story. Latanyua


y name is Lantanyua Gordon. Growing up, home was a very chaotic place. My parents fought all of the time, and I remember one day when my Dad broke by Mom's arm. Home was a place I wanted to escape from because home was where hurt happened.


wanted out, I wanted out of life. I knew God wouldn't be pleased with suicide, but it was on my mind. I was mad at God for the continued pain I felt all day, every day for years, and I didn't understand why. I just knew I was hurting. I don't feel like I had anyone to even listen or care. In 2016 I was at Emmanuel and would go to the prayer line a lot. Darlene Cook was the woman who prayed for me. I told her about my Dad, the child abuse, and other things and she introduced me to Door of Hope.


he people at Door of Hope listen, love, make relationships feel safe again, and the most important part is that they do it all with Jesus. God healed me of the lie that I was unlovable and unworthy of love. He showed me that I was loved through the consistency of people at Door of Hope and Emmanuel. Through them, I was able to see God's consistency and love for me - His daughter - which was hard for me because my father had negative connotations for me. God began to re-father me and it was an out-of-this-world experience.


e walked with me in the depths of darkness and ugliness. There are some parts of me that people wouldn't want to see, but God saw, and He loved those parts too. I had been broken, but God loved me and I am His beloved.

Team Emmanuel Individuals that served in 2023


Elk River




Spring Lake Park


Maple Grove

Individuals that first served in 2023



Spring Lake Park

Elk River



Maple Grove


Shepherd-hearted Leader Podcast


800 4,978

Episodes Released

Watch Time (Hours)

YouTube Views

Connect Groups We base our Connect Group settings on the relational circles we see in the New Testament. Jesus formed a relational circle of 12 disciples in the Gospels (Luke 6:13). The church of Jerusalem in the Book of Acts met in relational circles from house-to-house (Acts 2:46). A typical Connect Group will be a gathering of 6-15 people. Most of our groups are “open” groups where first-time guests can be invited to any individual group session.

118 Total participants 1,134 Total groups

Hispanic Ministry Our Hispanic Ministry has been an essential part of our church family at Emmanuel for over 20 years. There are 19 Latin American nationalities represented in this vibrant community! It’s exciting to think of all the amazing things God has done in 2023, including 73 salvations, 24 people who were part of Alpha in Spanish, 22 people who completed Growth Track in Spanish, and 85 Team Emmanuel members who are actively serving. Not only do we have powerful midweek service, but our Hispanic community meets in 16 Connect Groups around the city. God is at work in the lives of our Spanish-speaking brothers and sisters! ¡Gloria a Dios!

Emmanuel Kids Average Weekend Attendance

534 Team Emmanuel

218 Child Dedications

67 New Kids

900 Total Kids Water Baptized

81 Total Kids attending Camps


Emmanuel Youth Average Wednesday Attendance

424 Team Emmanuel

92 Salvation

548 New Students

729 Students on KB Trips

93 Total Students attending all camps/conferences

922 KB Big Give Total


Story. Jeremiah


i, my name is Jeremiah Johnson, and I went on the Emmanuel Youth Kingdom Builders trip to El Salvador in 2023. I decided to go on the trip because I had gone on another trip before, and it was an amazing experience. When the opportunity to go on the trip to El Salvador became available, I became excited, prayed about it, and felt I should go.


hile on the trip, I found myself in an unfortunate situation where I was sick and had to miss out on a day. This was very difficult for me as I thought about why this would happen to me on a mission trip. Yet, this difficult moment allowed me to quiet down and truly listen to what God wanted me to hear.


hrough this unfortunate situation, God was able to teach me the lesson that through all the circumstances, He can still speak to me and use me. This challenge allowed me to ultimately grow in my trust and faith in God, and because of this experience, I have been able to trust God in a strong way and follow the path he has placed for me.

Emmanuel Leadership College

A Season of Growth The past year has been a season of growth at Emmanuel Leadership College. We expanded our leadership team with Pastor Jess Ballew becoming the Emmanuel Leadership College Director and Dr. Lori Dykstra assuming the role of Academic Director. We launched a new initiative called the Future Ready Preaching Lab, where our ministry students get to learn in an intimate classroom setting under Pastor Nate and receive practical feedback from him as they prepare to be the next generation of preachers! We also hosted a special gathering called our Ministry Breakfast where we provided space for high schoolers and young adults to process as they navigate the call of God on their life as they feel led to pursue ministry or missions. We had 24 in attendance at our first breakfast! By creating space for these important conversations to take place, 15 have already applied to potentially join Emmanuel Leadership College next fall as they follow the Holy Spirit’s leading! As we look ahead, we are excited about the future of Emmanuel Leadership College and remain dedicated to developing the next generation of Christian leaders who will make a lasting impact for the Kingdom of God!

100% Retention 2022-2023

Since ELC launched in 2017:

12 5 6 10 5 3

College Graduates

Graduates have joined Emmanuel Staff Graduates are licensed in ministry through the Assemblies of God Undergrad Degree Programs launched

Masters Degree Programs launched

New Bachelor of Science degree programs launching in spring 2024: Business Administration Ministry Leadership: Missions Ministry Leadership: Production

Ministry Opportunities Our students continued to excel academically as they pursue their degree through our partnership with Southeastern University and gained practical experience through internships, leadership labs, and church-wide ministry opportunities. They also actively contributed to Emmanuel’s community projects, supported Emmanuel Family of Churches plants, and have participated in a Kingdom Builders team with partners in Argentina, Mexico, Utah, and France!

4 Kingdom Builders Teams 34 KB Team Participants

Community Partnerships


Thanksgiving Boxes delivered


Serve Day projects




Teacher Appreciation SnackBoxes delivered


Schools recieved a SnackBox

We want every city and community where the Lord has planted Emmanuel to be revived, thrive, and be prosperous. God has given us an incredible opportunity to become a positive and important solution provider within our communities. Through partnership and collaboration within our cities, we are able to build bridges to address real needs in real time. Some of the key community engagement initiatives that we took on in 2023 include Serve Day, Teacher Appreciation, and our Thanksgiving Gift Boxes. Positive change happens with positive relationships, and we are so grateful for the collaboration that is being built within our cities!

Kingdom Builders

Kingdom Builders is Emmanuel’s strategic approach to funding missions, outreach, and equipping future leaders. Kingdom Builders champions three areas: global missions, local church expansion and outreach, and future Christian leader initiatives. Part of Emmanuel’s mission statement is to live with purpose. We believe living a life of purpose includes using our resources to fuel the mission of God through prayer, generous giving, and going. Together, we partner with over 100 missionaries, ministries, and organizations who are doing strategic work among those who need it most. Through your generous support, these ministries are reaching the lost, serving the poor, and changing the world!

Pray In 2023, we launched the Kingdom Builders Prayer Team, a team that regularly prays over our communities, nation, and the world. The Prayer Team regularly prays over our community, nation, and the world. And its growing in 2024!

86 Prayer Team members


$1,909,707 2023 Kingdom Builders Total



Convoy of Hope Madagascar Feeding Center


Venture/Feed My Starving Children 220,000

Go 186


Kingdom Builders Team Members


Participating in the Twin Cities Big Search

Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge

$274,854 Miracle Offering

Teams sent around the world Global: Local: Argentina Alaska England Las Vegas El Salvador New Orleans France Twin Cities Big Search Guatemala Honduras Israel Experience Vietnam

Financials YEAR


















from Prior Year

Kingdom Builders. REVENUE

Kingdom Builders + Trips Revenue


Kingdom Builders


Projects, monthly missionary support, Convoy of Hope, Miracle Offering, etc

Kingdom Builders Trips

Missions trips, Big Search, Operational Expenses

Expense Total

$1,849,001 $350,102


Operational Expenses. MINISTRY OPERATIONS

Weekend experience costs: kids, students, etc


*Annual national average for churches is 45-55%


$1,401,758 $3,756,407

Includes mortgage, utilities & IT




Emmanuel Worship


Active worship volunteers

15 New songs released


New volunteers


Total streams across Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music, and YouTube

6,000+ 47.4

Hours Emmanuel music streamed

YouTube hours watched

Emmanuel Digital Reach YouTube 758,636

Pando App 545,590



Views on our channel






Total impressions

Hours of content watched

Total subscribers




Top Viewed Video | Way Maker

Website 289,000+

Instagram + Facebook 686,500

Website visitors




New subscribers

Words translated to Spanish

Followers added

Emmanuel Family of Churches Emmanuel Family of Churches consists of a few select churches with similar vision, mission, and values: growing the Kingdom of God. Emmanuel Family of Churches is designed to be a close-knit community of great church leaders coming together to provide fuel for the vision of their churches and individual personal growth. Connection, support, unity and growth are all hallmarks of this growing family!

12 Churches Level 1: Collaborative Level Church

8 Churches

Level 2: Affiliate Level Church

4 Events 206 People in attendance


Total churches added

Monthly departmental cohort meetings established

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