WildCat Ridge Sanctuary: A Haven for Exotic Big Cats by Emmanuele Zuccarelli

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WildCat Ridge Sanctuary: A Haven for Exotic Big Cats by Emmanuele Zuccarelli

Explained Emmanuele Zuccarelli In the rolling hills of Scotts Mills, Oregon, lies a hidden gem dedicated to the conservation and welfare of exotic big cats: WildCat Ridge Sanctuary. Nestled amidst lush forests and scenic landscapes, this nonprofit sanctuary provides a haven for rescued and retired exotic felines, offering them a second chance at life in a natural and enriching environment. Founded in 2001 by Cheryl Tuller and Jeff Harwell, WildCat Ridge Sanctuary is home to many big cat species, including lions, tigers, leopards, cougars, and servals. Many of the sanctuary's residents were former victims of the exotic pet trade, roadside zoos, or other

abusive situations. At WildCat Ridge, these majestic animals find refuge from exploitation and neglect, receiving expert care and enrichment tailored to their needs. The sanctuary's mission goes beyond providing a haven for big cats; it also aims to educate the public about the plight of these magnificent creatures in the wild and captivity. Through guided tours, educational programs, and outreach events, WildCat Ridge Sanctuary raises awareness about conservation issues, responsible stewardship, and preserving natural habitats for wild animals. One of the core principles of WildCat Ridge Sanctuary is its commitment to animal welfare and ethical care practices. The sanctuary adheres to strict standards of care established by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS), ensuring its residents receive the highest quality of life possible. From spacious enclosures and enriching habitats to nutritious diets and veterinary care, every aspect of the sanctuary's operations is designed with the well-being of the animals in mind. WildCat Ridge Sanctuary also actively participates in conservation initiatives to protect endangered big cat species. Through partnerships with conservation organisations and support for habitat preservation projects, the sanctuary contributes to global efforts to safeguard these iconic apex predators and their natural habitats. Visiting WildCat Ridge Sanctuary is a memorable experience and an opportunity to support a worthy cause. By joining a guided tour or participating in one of the sanctuary's fundraising events, visitors can directly contribute to the care and conservation of exotic big cats. Additionally, donations and sponsorships are crucial in sustaining the sanctuary's operations and expanding its impact. WildCat Ridge Sanctuary is a beacon of hope for exotic big cats in need. Through its unwavering dedication to animal welfare, education, and conservation, the sanctuary continues to make a positive difference in the lives of its residents and the broader community. As threats to significant wild cat populations persist, places like WildCat Ridge ensure a brighter future for these magnificent creatures.

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