FMN Annual Report 2016

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2016 Annual Report

Forget Me Not Australia Ltd

Contents Chairman’s Report 01

Craig Manley

CEO Report 03

Andrea Nave

Initiatives 05 Uganda 05

Mel Faulkner

India 06

Joanne Heath & Diptesh Singh

Nepal 08

Anju Pun

Highlights 12 Thank You 14 Financial Report 15

Forget Me Not Australia Ltd Charity Number CH1521 Australian Company Number 610 061 679 Australian Business Number 55 469 493 449 +61 412 739 114 PO Box 245 Corinda Q Australia 4075


Craig Manley

Board of Directors Pete Mackay Michelle Hay Kate van Doore Greg Biggs


Andrea Nave

Dreaming 22


Report This year’s report is a reflection of unforgettable highlights and many thank yous. In the new landscape of post quake Nepal, our partners have been delivering support for vulnerable children rescued from illegal and poorly run orphanages. We were all devastated by the earthquake. As Nepal gets back on its feet, our work in child rescue and reintegration is in high demand. It is essential that children remain connected to their family away from traffickers and out of dangerous ‘pop up orphanages’ that are occurring across the country. Here in Australia we fundraise continually for our projects to deliver on our mission and key objectives where children are thriving, vibrant and connected to family community and opportunity. Throughout the year we have had many events created and run by our Forget Me Not team and by our incredible Herd. From The Australian Body Art Festival preparations in Eumundi Qld in July, every month saw generous opportunities to help, come alive. We ran Feel Good Flicks movie nights, FEASTS, Long Lunches and the list goes on. The events this year have been across Qld and NSW spreading the message and bringing in vital funds to make it all happen. In May our Country Director Anju Pun arrived in Australia to speak about child protection and the urgency in Nepal a year after the Earthquakes and crippling strikes. Anju’s tour reached thousands of Aussies through media and special events. To our attending guests who shared their time with us learning how to help, my gratitude to those of you that joined our cause via the Rescue Crew and for your generous donations. Our Rescue Crew members are the key to our work in Nepal. Their monthly partnership ensures we are ready for action when it comes to child rescue. As events happened through the year, the Rescue Crew grew. When the Nepali government comes calling for us to assist in the rescue and reunification to family, we can respond if we have the funds. We are only limited by finances, unfortunately not by demand. Funds and fundraising is our lifeblood. Without funds, we can’t respond. The Cycle for Brighter Futures along the Kerala Coast in India, led by Matt Brice was huge success and enjoyed by all who took on the challenge. The cycle team raised over $30,000. Thanks very much to Matt for taking charge of this special event that has been very popular and will progress next year as a main event in the Forget Me Not fundraising calendar.


Our projects have also benefitted from wonderful corporate sponsorships. Boom Shankar has joined us in providing much needed funds and support with the CHOOSE JOY tshirt campaign as has Melbourne’s The Zen Den children’s pamper parties. These great partnerships lighten the financial load through making Forget Me Not their charity of choice. Thank you! In Uganda aside from supporting our 53 children and youth with education and care, we also built a Home for Life for a young family struggling to stay together. This project is always well received with a great outcome for a family in need. To date we have built 4 Homes for Life and will strive deliver another in the New Year. Thanks to our partner TCCC in Uganda and our team who work tirelessly for good! We have also begun our new venture with The Acts of Kindness Collective in the UK. This connection funds our Change Agents Program (CAP) in remote and rural Nepal. CAP delivers information and practical help in combating child trafficking. With the pilot program a great success, next year will see our CAP extended reaching more than 13,000 families across districts identified as vulnerable to trafficking. It’s a brilliant partnered initiative and one that works up stream at the source of the issue whilst the frontline work in child rescue happens. This partnership forms part our multipronged approach in ending the need for orphanages in Nepal. We ended the financial year in a reasonable financial state, but as ever, the budget and fundraising year ahead is always our biggest challenge. My thanks to every one who contributed to this mighty work in large and small ways through the year! Finally I’d like to thank some of the unsung heroes of FMN. The No 1 is without doubt Andrea Nave, our smart, compassionate CEO, who has a love of children everywhere and a desire to see them all happy and with family and a chance at a good life at her core. Emmalene Travers, Ande’s assistant, long-time supporter and adviser to us all. Em goes quietly about her work doing whatever she can to help. Em works long after her hours stop. Without the contribution “Emmalenes” make in the world charities simply wouldn’t survive. Thanks Em! Kate van Doore – Co-founder of FMN back in 2005. Kate is a world recognised academic and much sought after speaker in the world of child trafficking and profiteering through orphanage trafficking. Kate continues in her Director role and acts as secretary of Forget Me Not. Kate is generous and always available for her priceless advice in what is a tricky area for us laymen to understand. It’s highly likely that Kate will be at the forefront of major changes coming to laws in the area of modern slavery and the way Australia engages with aid in the areas of child protection. Exciting times ahead! And of course, FMN Board and Think Tank and volunteer team Greg and Robyn Biggs, Mel Manley, Pete Mackay and Michelle Hay, Wade James, Trent Harvison, Mel Falkner, Jo Heath, Matt Brice Thank you all for your interest, your energy and your care for others less fortunate than we in Australia. I offer special thanks to Greg. Your diligence and assistance with the budget and financials is vital when every dollar counts. Let’s continue to have some fun with fundraising into the next year as we go about the serious business of doing good for kids.

Craig Manley 02

CEO Report The work of our donors has proven that children thrive when connect to their family, community and opportunity. Looking back over the year, I am filled with pride. The projects and scope of our work has delivered hope and change for more than 1600 children and their families. Assessing the impact of Forget Me Not from a child’s perspective is what matters most as our major performance indictors. It is from this aspect I measure our success. In post earthquake Nepal, we found our work in high demand. With pop up orphanages and the trend in child trafficking on the increase, orphanage rescues and transitional care processes were pushed to the limit. Armed with consistent funding from our Rescue Crew, donors we were able to take in children who had been subjected to unthinkable abuses and provide a safe haven for them. The search for family bought about many successes with tears of joy and relief for all involved. My personal thanks to Director of our in country partner Mr DB Lama and The Himalayan Innovative Society (THIS) with particular thanks to reintegration officers Surendra Tamang and Pawan Dhakal for their incredible commitment to children in the face of danger and difficulty. Our reintegration officers searched for weeks through landslides and aftershocks, deception and threats. Their success in family tracing is testimony to bravery and compassion. It is the incredible team members we work with that reflect the heart of Forget Me Not here in Australia.

In May, Nepal Country Director Anju Pun visited Australia. Anju spoke with our supporters and donors about the earthquake and its impact not only on Forget Me Not, but also shared her personal account of the tragedy that claimed so many lives. Anju’s ‘Still Standing’ tour through Queensland brought supporters together to hear how their financial contributions made an impact in the emergency. Many new hearts joined the Rescue Crew providing greater capacity for us to help children. The tour also gained media attention over the two weeks bringing Forget Me Not’s vision for an orphanage free Nepal into the minds and hearts of many Australians. The children our donors support in Uganda have had a year of trouble free schooling. With fees and school requirements covered, the children have been able to get on with their job of learning. One of our senior girls graduated her tailoring course and gained independence in the work force. With her emancipation from an exploitative orphanage in 2011, Lydia’s future is now secure and on track. Lydia has emerged free from the need for aid dependence and is self reliant. The partnership with TCCC in Uganda supports the mandate of deinstitutionalization. Together we work in a complex area to provide better futures for the children we sustain with our donors’ loyal support. Uganda Project Manager, Patrick Ruhweza and Melissa Faulkner work tirelessly to answer the needs of the children and to encourage family strengthening and growing responsibility amongst the Forget Me Not beneficiaries.


In India projectHELP is gaining momentum with more than 800 children now attending the Brighter Futures Study Centres. The Centres provide and opportunity for early literacy and numeracy learning. The children are like sponges and soak up the teaching. Attendance is high amongst the children. Along with learning they are provided a small nutritious meal and clean water. The complexity and fragility of the Kalyanpuri Slum in New Delhi makes the innovation of projectHELP the exact flexible solution for its residents. Partner Director Diptesh Singh and his team seek community support and lobby local Government to help provide stability for these residents. Their lives are under the new Metro line where construction is set to take place in the New Year. Working toward a new area and a solution to resettle these vulnerable children and their families is the top priority for our team as a current and significant challenge. The India ‘Cycle for Brighter Futures’ event this coming November will help protect children and families and ensure education can continue and be a powerful key for unlocking better opportunities. Sadly in August our best efforts to save the life of 13-year-old student Sanjana of Kalynapuri Slum were not to be. After providing her the best possible medical care and round the clock volunteer support, Sanjana lost her fight for life. Suffering with meningeal tuberculosis the Forget Me Not family round the world pooled funds for her medical care. She was comfortable and well cared in her final days. After providing for her family and in her honour, the remaining funds began the ‘Remarkable Teachers Fund’. The fund provides professional teachers a living wage to teach at the Brighter Futures Study Centres. With the year in review I am delighted that this work is delivering real change for children and a way through life in practical terms. To our bighearted donors and partners, your gifts of generosity are truly valued and are what directly drives this work. You provide the opportunity for brighter and sustainable futures for children across the world. Congratulations on an incredible year! Yours in service, Namaste,

Andrea Nave 04

Uganda Our children are thriving, vibrant and connected to family, community and opportunity.

It is wonderful to see our children grow and thrive. In 2016, 8 years after the Nanna Project was born, five of the original children are now living independently and contributing within their local communities. Another 21 continue to study at primary, secondary and vocational levels. The children and young adults who board at school return to and remain connected to their communities during the school holidays. We have seen a positive increase in child health and attribute this to personal hygiene and health support provided as well as a proactive approach from families.


The Nanna Project keeps families together by relieving elderly grandmothers from the financial burden of education. As many of our family guardians do not have an income, children were not receiving a consistent education. In Uganda millions of children start each school term, but when it comes time for fees to be paid, thousands of children have no choice but to return home. Inconsistent schooling has detrimental effects on futures as well as social and emotional well being of the children excluded. In 2016 we identified a link between day schoolers decreased attendance, educational engagement and achievement, and the risk of displacement and trafficking particularly for young girls. We are now working towards a project model with agreement from families and care givers that all children at risk will be offered the opportunity to enroll in boarding school. This will allow them to concentrate on their studies and enjoy time with peers while protecting them during vulnerable teenage years. Our resident social worker Ibrah and sign language/occupational therapist Hope visit the children, their families and schools to help with communication and guidance. The purpose is to prevent issues from escalating and empowering families with the tools to self manage their circumstances.

Mel Faulkner Grandparents Zowena and Sowed cared for around ten grandchildren. The children were clothed and fed, conditions were tough but the family were together. Zowena and Sowed had suffered the loss of a number of their adult children and were doing whatever they could for the grandchildren left behind. None of the children were in school. Without intervention the children would have been uneducated with an uncertain future ahead. Soon after we met, Sowed passed away. Five of the children where given access to education and the Nanna Project was born. Over the years the children stayed in school and progressed in their education. The general health of all family members improved. Today, eight years on, the children are happier, healthier and educated. The support the family received empowered Zowena to continue to care for her grandchildren. Today they live together connected to their local culture and language with the support of their sponsors through the FMN Nanna Project.

Nelson first became known to FMN through his brother Zephania who was living with an aunt and was sponsored through the Nanna Project. Family tracing found that Zephania and his two other brothers, Nelson and Elvis, and older sister Juliette, were all orphaned. 15 year old Nelson was living in their family home and had completed primary school. He was scared to leave the home for fear that it would be taken over by members of the community. We were able to reunite the three brothers, who now all live in the family home. Nelson has now completed a motor vehicle mechanics vocational program. In the last year we have been monitoring his progress. Today Nelson is at home with his brothers in their family home proudly independent and thriving!


India 2015/16 has been a year of achievement and challenges for FMN India. The families of Kalyanpuri, Akshardham and Rajghat Slum know they have access to a support network in times of crisis. Recent action by the government in Akshardham and Rajghat Slums and the inevitable eviction of the vulnerable family communities in these areas are of great concern for us. With focus and determination to find a workable solution for these communities the support from FMN has never been more vital. Education and stability to help to reverse the cycle of poverty continues to be the strategy we work with. FMN’s work is the first glimmer of hope to provide a future that has haunted these communities for over three generations. Contamination of the Yamuna River has lead to the displacement of the families in both Rajghat and Akshardham Slums after the government destroyed farming land and demolished 950 homes and three Study Centre locations in September. This was done to prevent residents from farming in this area in the interests of public safety. Since that time a temporary Study Centre has been established under a bridge in Rajghat Slum. To date, no solution has been put in place by the government to assist. The families have started rebuilding before winter hits, using sticks and tarpaulins as temporary shelters. A clothing and blanket donation drive by our partner team on the ground will assist with the most basic requirements for human survival. In addition to a housing crisis, family’s incomes have been destroyed. They have farmed this land for over two hundred years. Some are still earning a small income milking cows and buffalo, but something else needs to replace the loss of edible crops in this emergency. projectHELP, which is divided into four main areas (health, education, livelihood and possibility) has a primary objective to empower and uplift these communities by directly involving the families in addressing the most pressing issues they face on a daily basis to determine and implement the most effective long term solutions. Key work areas to date include child protection and counselling, medical care, the set up and ongoing management of Brighter Futures Study Centres in three main locations, a hygiene/ sanitation program and raising awareness around the importance of children’s rights, particularly in relation to the long term benefits of education. Health remains a constant challenge, with acute malnourishment; lack of hygiene and exposure to the elements the main cause of illness and disease. Fever, dog bites and diarrhea are common health issues with chicken guinea, dengue fever, tuberculosis and malaria a constant threat. After the loss of twelve year old Sanjana to meningial tuberculosis in August 2015, two health tents were set up for checkups during monsoon season with two doctors on call to take blood samples and provide medical treatment. Those at most risk of contracting TB or typhoid were immunised. Over 300 people in total were treated over the three days.



There was no loss of life during winter of 2015/16 due to the provision of warm clothing by friends of LAF and 300 carpets donated by a local businessman to prevent families sleeping on the ground. Before projectHELP, around 30% of residents would fall victim to the bitter winter nights. Over the last two years, all babies have been delivered in local government hospitals. 45 babies have been born this year. Previously, the hospitals didn’t accept expectant mothers from these slums, as they didn’t have identification cards. We have been facilitating the application and processing of ID cards necessary for admission into government hospitals and schools. Admission and treatment fees are covered by the hospital, with FMN/LAF covering the cost of medicine for the mothers who can’t afford it. Further to our health and hygiene initiatives around 200 of the older girls/mothers now receive sanitary pads, thanks to a friend of LAF who donates around 70% of the items currently being distributed. Our Brighter Futures Study Centres continue to offer school readiness programs involving basic numeracy and literacy (Hindi and English), art and music from several temporary locations. To date a total of 473 children in have passed the minimum testing requirements and are now enrolled into the formal school system. The school provides uniforms with the majority of black school shoes and friends of LAF and employees from seven companies around Delhi donate school bags. LAF Chairman, Diptesh Singh continues to offer export consultancy services free of charge to his former employer in a contra arrangement to provide stationery for all of the children.

Local mafia remain the greatest threat to the children at this time with reports of the brightest and most talented boys being approached to work as debt collectors. The relationship between this criminal network and children starts young. Girls are targeted for early marriage. There is a high number of young abandoned mothers with no education, skills or means of support. LAF offers solutions for these young women with employment and training opportunities and education for their young children. LAF have been monitoring the situation and provide counsel to the boys as needed. Educating the boys about the dangers of such work and discussing alternative avenues of income is proving effective to date. A fast track into a vocational training program is needed however to ensure these children remain safe into the future. Working to keep girls safe through educating parents of the long-term harms of child marriage is key to breaking the cycle. Encouraging the older children and their parents to own and nurture their economic freedom, fight for their rights and lift themselves out of poverty through income generating initiatives has always been a key part of the projectHELP strategy. One of the brightest stars at the Brighter Future Study Centre is Narendra - an intelligent, highly motivated boy who rises to any challenge that comes his way. Narendra used to work in a bike repair shop where he was making only thirty rupees (60 cents) for twelve hours work. LAF helped him secure a juvenile work permit, the necessary training and part-time employment in a take away café nearby where he now works three hours a day, earns over three times as much. Narendra is back attending classes at the BFSC with the aim of securing school admission in the new year. Other recent success stories include Chotu and his cousin Vinod. With the help of LAF they received training and employment at the Taste in a Box food outlet in Noida, while twenty-five year old Madan secured a secure full-time job as a cleaner at Honda Motorbikes.

Advocacy LAF work with two healthcare workers and key members of the local council in advocating for children’s rights and improving the overall health and security. Sanjana is deeply missed by the families of Kalyanpuri Slum, LAF staff/ volunteers and all of us in the Forget Me Not family around the world who were touched by her life. We continue to offer TB inoculations and treatment to as many children as possible in her honour. Cycle for Brighter Futures attracts extensive media coverage in newspapers across Delhi, Kerala, Goa, and Varanasi, significantly raising the profile and credibility of LAF within India as a result. LAF has established a unique project management style, enrolling volunteers within the community itself to be the eyes and ears for projectHELP. Raju (25) in Kalyanpuri Slum, and Jivan (14) and Sunny (14) in Raj Ghat Slum take great pride in their role, helping roll out educational campaigns relating to birth control, malaria prevention and malnutrition, and assisting LAF management with reporting.

Joanne Heath & Diptesh Singh


Nepal Our children are thriving, vibrant and connected to family, community and opportunity In 2015 devastating earthquakes in Nepal killed more than 8,000 people and affected 2.8 million people including 1.1 million children. But it didn’t stop us from doing what we believed in – the rescue, reunification and reintegration of children trafficked into orphanages, home where they belong. The aftermath of the earthquakes fueled vulnerabilities among families, coerced into giving up their children to traffickers for better schools and better lives in Kathmandu where international funds were pouring in for children. During the urgency and immediate response phase, Forget Me Not grew stronger mobilising its team and local communities as advocates to stop child trafficking into the orphanage industry. In 2015/16, Forget Me Not assisted the Nepal Government with urgent rescues from four poorly run, abusive, exploitative orphanages in Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Rupandehi districts. We freed 35 children barely surviving trauma and abuse and deprived of proper care, food and shelter.


Some of our original girls – Dikshya, Devaki, Ruma, Namarata and Goma were trained as Change Agents Change in their villages and communities, visiting schools, social organisations and churches speaking about child rights, child trafficking and family preservation. Devaki has become a Montessori School Teacher in her village in far-western Nepal. Sisters, Goma and Sarita have their own small plot of land in their village in Dang district, bought from the government’s conflict victim funds. Their uncle helped them buy the small plot with the amount they received. All opportunities that would not have happened without incredible support from Australia. Our real activists are our reunified FMN girls chasing their dreams to make it big. Our FMN herd has grown bigger from initial 20 girls to 73 children as of June 2016 with 85% of them successfully reintegrated back to their families thriving, vibrant and connected!


Prevention ‘I was very much surprised when girls came to me and shared with me about the abuse few of them have been suffering from their own teacher. I immediately told this Rija Didi and Kavita Didi which was later communicated to Principal by Rija Didi. That was the moment, I felt proud of being a Change Agent and encouraging girls to speak up for their rights’ Diskhya Change Agent, Kathmandu ‘I felt like a celebrity when all younger girls and boys of the school came to me for my autograph after I delivered an awareness session for their classes. I realized then that creating change is really possible.’ Ruma Change Agent, Kathmandu ‘I am super happy today that the early childhood development training, I received while staying in Shakti Ghar helped me get job of a kindergarten teacher in my own home town in Kanchanpur district. Thank you FMN. Today, I am a more confident woman and this has increased by public speaking skills as well.’ Devaki Change Agent, Kanchanpur ‘Change Agent? Sounds great! I do not know what I have to do, but I am all ready to learn and deliver! Thank you for selecting me as a Change Agent!’ Zafina Dhading

FMN senior girls (Dikshya, Sita and Sangita) received free scholarship in art and and dance classes in Sushila Arts Academy (SAA), a renowned institute for arts. SAA is named in the memory and spirit of Sushila Koirala, wife of Nepal’s first democratically elected Prime Minister B.P. Koirala. In January 2006, FMN and THIS in partnership with The Acts of Kindness Collective launched the ‘Change Agents Program’ in the remote hillside village of Jharlang in Dhading district. 45 children were trafficked to Kathmandu post-earthquake but rescued by Nepal police and repatriated. Our Change Agents reached over 15,000 people living in desperate poverty with awareness campaigns to save children from trafficking and educating families about the harms of institutional care that includes changed identities and attachment disorders and mental health issues. 10 local people mobilised as Change Agents in Jharlang village to protect village children from being trafficked or displaced. 5 reunified FMN girls were trained as Change Agents representing today’s youth fighting against child trafficking in their communities to help end child trafficking. Information and educational materials were developed including a Nepali Year Calendar with information on child rights, child abuse and harms of institutional care; brochures about the works of THIS and Forget Me Not. School bags with educational kits were distributed in remote village of Jharlang to support impoverished families with education for their children. Based on the family need assessments, 26 reunified children were provided with ongoing educational assistance. We have been able to help 5 families to earn their living through investing in income generating activities to improve livlihoods. FMN has wisely invested in team building and training to empower staff and build capacity. Team members were trained in fundraising and income generation giving insights into newer prospects of livelihood intervention for families in need.

‘I today realize that I did a mistake sending my daughter to an orphanage’. I was informed about the harms of institutional care from my son, Ranbir, Change Agent in our village. I am representative of Mothers group and we together try our best to safeguard our children from trafficking.’ Mother of Ranbir Local Change Agent in Jharlang village ‘People in villages still perceive orphanages as better places for children to get better education than in villages. They do not know about the harms and trauma of institutional care, it’s a challenge and I will keep talking about this issue in my village.’ Goma Dang


Rescue The Nepal Government shut down four orphanages and 35 rescued children were welcomed into ‘Shakti Ghar’, our short-term transit home in Kathmandu.

03 August 2015: 13 children aged 7

to14 years were rescued from Mayadevi Orphanage Helpless Child Protection Center, Rupandehi. The orphanage was registered but violated the rules of Standard of Operation and Management of Child Care Homes 2012. All of the children, especially the girls, were highly traumatised and abused in the orphanage. Boys were restless for several months after the rescue. Extra effort with counselling was arranged for children, clinical psychologists for therapeutic treatment was also provided.

23 December 2015: 7 children aged 9

to 14 years were rescued from Eternal Word Ministries Nepal, an unregistered organisation in Kathmandu. Children were brought into the children’s home right after the earthquake from Sindhupalchowk, a severely affected district by the massive earthquake. The families were promised that children would be well taken care of. This was not the case.

8 May 2016: 7 children aged 7 to 16 years

were rescued by the Nepal Government from Supporting Helpless Child Development Organization, a child care home run by the wife of a retired Army Officer and a member of Armies’ Wife Association. Though the organisation was registered for more than a decade, the owner left the children uncared for and the home unmanaged. Two boys from this rescue are still residing in Shakti Ghar, and in the process of reintegration.

24 June 2016: 8 young boys aged 7 to 13

years were rescued by the Nepal Government from the Jerusalem Antioch Church. During the raid, police found children being kept as prisoners and treated as animals in cages. Children were converted to Christians. They were forced to travel to Kathmandu from Dhankuta to run away from the local Government chasing them. The children were found to be very restless and extremely traumatised. The Nepal Government arrested the owner Government under Human Transportation and Trafficking Act, 2048. She is still in prison. The children were further traumatised by this process and felt to blame for her conviction.


Reunification Despite challenging and risky tasks, our team relives each moment during family tracing process and rejoices every time when we find a family. Our Reintegration Officers travelled to four new districts, Rupandehi, Dolakha, Bhaktapur and Sindhupalchowk to find families this year. 22 children were reunified in Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Sindhupalchowk, Rupandehi, Kapilavastu and Rasuwa. When Som and Sunil (Rupandehi rescue) were returned with their father, he burst into tears as a result of embarrassment and happiness at the same time. He felt embarrassed for putting his own sons into the orphanage and was happy to be reunited after several years. That was a breathtaking moment where even the team could not stop their tears. Father and relatives thought they lost young Sujan from Sindhupalchowk and would never find him. But when his uncle contacted us after learning Sujan’s whereabouts, both were overwhelmed with disbelief and pure joy. Sujan was reunified with his paternal uncle with the consent of his father who is abroad. Ram from our Kathmandu rescue was assumed an orphan when welcomed to Shakti Ghar but the team had a strong feeling that he must have someone somewhere in some corner of Nepal. After a few months, Reintegration Officer Surendra travelled to Chitwan with the feeling that he would find Ram’s family there. After a long effort, Ram’s maternal family was traced! Our field team and Kathmandu office team danced with joy and excitement. This year we had children from our Rupandehi rescue witness the togetherness of people from different cultures and nations in reunion. Many exciting shows and learning experiences entertained the children during their transitional care with FMN. Our strong bond with original FMN child Alisha bought us to her earthquake affected remote village of Rasuwa. Their homes were collapsed and the whole village was living under temporary shelters yet still they were smiling.We provided financial support to rebuild Alisha’s school building that collapsed with the earthquake. Hundreds of children have space to study properly in the school now with your generous support.

Advocacy Reunified children and their families are our local advocates living in villages and fighting against child trafficking. Amit stole our hearts by bravely reporting to his School Principal about a male teacher of the school abusing his female classmate too afraid to speak up. The Principal appreciated his braveness and took immediate actions to address the issue. As part of advocacy and awareness with travelers, Forget Me Not shared its journey of change through the Wisdom Wednesday events in Thamel, Kathmandu. These events are in partnership with Next Generation Nepal and open to the public. Tourists have the opportunity to learn the real harms of voluntourism with children. The Social Welfare Council’s Mid-term Evaluation Team acknowledged our work in their reporting. They detailed the impact from our well-utilised funds reaching maximum beneficiaries. Our team has closely worked with District Child Welfare Boards in 21 districts during family tracing and monitoring visits. Our team informs government officials providing evidence based reports and information bout how trafficking fuels the orphan trade. Reunification of children with families in different districts was reported in local newspapers and readers were informed on the harms of trafficking.

Research FMN Australia is a founding member of ReThink Orphanages Australia and works together to prevent the unnecessary institutionalisation of children shifting the way Australia engages with aid and development. FMN’s co-founder Kate Van Doore, an international children’s rights lawyer and an academic at Griffith Law School is doing academic research ‘exploring child trafficking for the purpose of orphanages’. Her work provides the first legal argument on the movement of the child from the family to the orphanage and considers whether this movement can be categorized as child trafficking under international law. Our team has shared this research and our own findings in various forums including Child Protection Working Group, individuals and community groups, Save the Children Nepal and other leading NGOs in the area of child protection.

Anju Pun



Kate van Doore

My highlights for the year include presenting FMNs work regarding orphanage trafficking at the Human Trafficking Conference, University of Nebraska, Lincoln in October 2015; at Columbia University in October 2015; Vrije University, Amsterdam in May 2016; and for Amnesty International, Groningen, Netherlands in May 2016. Also, having FMN commit as a steering member of ReThink Orphanages and meeting with Senator Linda Reynolds and the Honourable Alannah McTiernan MP to discuss orphanage tourism and how FMN works against the orphanage model.

Mel Manley

When trying to pinpoint highlights for the year it’s hard to get past the recent trip where we visited the projects in India and reunited with original FMN girls in Nepal. I’ve also learned that it doesn’t take a lot to create hope in children and give them dignity especially when they have so little and their voices are often unheard by those meant to represent them. FMN gives them hope, dignity and a voice! This is especially evident in our projects in India. In Nepal our girls are now using their own voices and leading the charge to end child trafficking by speaking at schools and in remote villages of their own situations and experiences. To see the girls, once small frightened children, as Change Agents, now successful, educated and confident reinforces that we are doing the right thing. The tears that fall when I listen to them speak are drops of joy for these girls and their amazing futures.


Mel Faulkner

My highlights for the year include Nambi taking over my role in Uganda. It was so wonderful to hand the reigns over to a former sponsor child. It’s fabulous for the other children to have someone they know and trust supporting them through their journey. I’m proud of Prossy volunteering and learning at a nursery school via Small Steps Foundation. SSF were thrilled to welcome and support Prossy being a teaching assistant. It has been amazing seeing Prossy mature and take on responsibility and interacting with the children and staff of SSF.

Greg & Robyn Biggs

Highlights for us this year include the dedication and results that FMN continue to achieve in our 3 countries. In November we had the opportunity to accompany Alisha to her village in Rasuwa, which had been completely devastated by the earthquakes, and meet her family. Words cannot describe the impact this visit had on myself and Robyn. We also headed to New Delhi for the first time to witness projectHELP in action and kicked off the Remarkable Teachers Fund. FMN supporters can be proud of the work that Diptesh and the LAF team deliver in India - a REMARKABLE year!

Joanne Heath

Spending some quality time the children and their families in mid June was the highlight for me this year. I was nearly brought to tears as several children fanned the pages of their workbooks as if to prove their progress and commitment to their studies. The real hope that now shines in their eyes and moves me beyond words. Such is the power of a shared vision between beautiful people from two different worlds.

Diptesh Singh

This year has been the busiest, most challenging and most rewarding year for us. We have seen our numbers grow from 80 children attending our Brighter Futures Study Centres to more than 1460 children! We have enrolled 473 children into formal education. We have expanded our geographical reach to 2 new project locations: Akashardham Yamuna River Bank and Rajghat Yamuna River Bank. Proudly, we were awarded Best Social Enterprise Project of the Year winning a cash prize of $2000USD which will support projectHELP into the new year.





Ian Westerman | ROAR Oils | Small Steps Foundation | Jinja Connection | Everybody Fed | Mariskas Funky Creations | Kristas Family Day Care | GS Pro Cycling | Kylie McIntyre | ABC Wide Bay | Grieg Bolderow | Wayne Sherman | Bernard & Corinne Trafford | Stephen Ford | Rotary Club Bundaberg | Alex Pretorius | Nikky Stafford | Lucy Perry | David Hay | Kingfisher Bay Resort | Hervey Bay Chamber of Commerce | Imperial Hotel Eumundi | Matthew Brice | Tess Haley Mol | Puja Srivestava Singh | Diptesh Singh | Lakshya Aakriti Foundation | Joanne Heath | Patrick Ruhewza | DB Lama | The Himalayan Innovative Society | Fraser Coast Anglican College | Tamara Wrigley | Rowena Jane Real Food Yogi | Marnie Morriss | Australian Body Art Festival | Ellie Wilson | Prezzies by the Bay | The Zen Den | Ian Hall | Andrew McTaggart | Ann Rickard | Sue Foster | Paula Hay | Alison Barry-Jones | Michelle Beil | Dee Somlyay | Tanya Young | Helene Dyke | Michelle Evans | Tim van Doore | Berinda Karp | Jo Varela | Candy van Doore | Drew Bacon | Paul Lunn | John Kruger | Jane Kruger | Eve Buckley | Nicki Wellings | Darren Everard | Douglas McCutcheon | Michelle Hay | Pete Mackay | Stacey Van Der Wegen | Shanti Rahal | Julie Stout | Debbie Skye | Andrew List | Jan Owen | Gunilla Myren | Linda Bland | Brian Jones | Jude | Rolf Wacker | Bruce Bromely | Kerry Jones | Kristen Young | Toni Biden | Andrea Nave | Anju Pun | Manjit Thapa | Jacqueline Wilson-Smith | Carol Perrinjaquet | Robert Garland | Audra Bosley | Kath Nash | Sue Stewart | FEAST Guests: Fraser Coast, Northern Rivers, Magnetic Island, Sunshine Coast & Brisbane | Emmalene Travers | Keegan Travers | Peter Walker | Kate van Doore | Wade James | Minna Knight | Trent Harvison | Katie Harvison | Janet Venturini | Tom McDonald | Wes Taylor | Cathy Russo | Danielle McDonald | Tracey Gillard | David James | Cam Hancock | Kelly Weir | Mel Manley | Craig Manley | Sandy Harris | Justin Lemberg | Jane Muller | Craig Chapman | Steve Healey | Joe Bleakley | Paul Taylor | Dave Pennell | Meril | Paul Testro | Sue Lo Prosti | Sue McDonald | Julia Chai | Belinda Power | Tim Kent | Sue Taylor | Liz Lemberg | Lisa Chapman | Sally Ernst | David Manley | Sally Mackay | Damien Cook | Gavin Strack | Greg Healey | Lisa Williment | Robyn Biggs | Greg Biggs | Renee Allan | Tim Banks | Oz & Catherine Bayldon | Karen Beardsley | Alain Bouvier | Deb Carey | Amy Clarke | Petrina Clarke | Melanie Cole | Lisa & Ian Coulburn | Susan Croser | Paul & Mel Curtis | Natashia Evans | Kate | Laurette van Doore | Matt Fox | Don Graham | Kate Gyngell | Sacha Hamilton-McClaren | Leonie & Brian Harradine | Carl Herbert | Liz | Sarah Hillhouse | Cleve Holloway | Tenneille & Luke Williams | Adele Horn | Alice Jones | Kahl, Suzie & Warwick | Megan Lewis | David Lumb | Suzie & Paris Mansley | Dianna Dawson | Vanessa & Jeff Matthews | Sarah McIntosh | Anne McKenzie | Heather McLeod | Sandy Page | Sam Robinson | Kelli Rodda | Claire & Sacha Sanders | Andrea Steele | Sally Strang | Ange Takats | Libby Taubenschlag | Wendy Turner | Bernadette Travers | Sarah Keogh | Ewen Heathdale | Liz Thompson | Kathryn Schepisi | Robyn | Katrina Moss | Oliver Downes | Isabel Fraser | Gabrielle Weerasinghe | Jessica Guille | Emma Galofaro | Alice Terry | Luke Escombe | Daniel Saddleton | Jesse Whitney | Evan Mannell | Jaqueline Robertson | Jan Bangma | Judy | Bill Burns-Brown | Oliver Thorpe | Yonit Belnick | James McKendry | Kimberly Aviso | Emma Jukic | Hayley Thorburn | Jakob Beck | Linda Kelly | Sylvia Harnell | Sue Groundwater | Shannon Katsoolis | Katie Brock | Carol Weston | Jennifer McLean | Nadine Baker | Evanna Kelly | Bronwyn Smart | Chris Cloran | Lisa Burns | Ritamba | Amelia Patomaki | Laura van Doore | Janet Smith | Nigel Male | Jason Wall | Melissa Kealy | Nicolas Menares | Alison Allwood | Lucy Squires | Amy Fah | Alison Greenslade | Suzannah D’Juliet | Laura Stringer | Wendy & Frank van Doore | Melissa White | Megan Moss | Phillip Van Der Wegen | Michele Playfair | Susan Parsons | Ruth Huber | Judy Bloom | Jacqui Hikuwai | Susie Trumble | Nicole Weightman | Morris Russell | Bruce & Heather Wood | Lisa Semmle | Johannes Mol | Kaitlyn Cavanagh | Danya Gaines | Anouk van Doore-Nave | Dui Katie Cameron | Nicola Joseph | Nicolas Malcolm | Joy Robson | Virginia Szaraz | Maree Gemmell | Emma Mackenzie | Serene Johnson | Jessica Louis | Sue McEwan | Ann France | Tiffany Morrison | Christopher Robson | Nicholas Loder | Anne White | Rob Chapple | Vickii Lett | Reeta | Flock Espresso & Eats | Jo Stagg-Taylor | Jane Furney | Dugne Family | Stephanie Evard-Williams | Ann-Marie Power | Phil Wheeler | Kate & Andrew Curry | Annapurna Guest House | Joan Flynn | James Hargreaves | Joy Faulkner | Nicole Faulkner | David Reynolds | Karina & John Pike | John Sach | Robyn Graham | Amanda Tottle | Matt & Barb Underwood | Natasha Cross | Michele & Jeremy Harris | Lesley Hunt | Julie Jarvis | Gramae Pagel | Paula Bell | Kylee Munn | Diane Livingstone | Clarence Wilkins | Bree & Everisto Moyls | Brendan Pappasavilliou | Donna Baynton | Annette & Illea Cameron | Candy Salkeld | Dina & Greg Jenkinson | Grant Vormister | Mel Cornish | Frederique Long | Cristina Davis | Kylie Bartulis | Geoff & Souraya Thomas | Trudy Schneider | Leica Burley | Belinda Dowling | Tanya Stone | Margaret Manning | Libby Raymond | Jett Emery | Ally Schultz | Summer Osmond | Robyn & Wayne Peach | Aimie Fabrie | Lindsay & Jenni Hart | Lynisse Ashford | Amy Bratty | Sally & Charles Pembroke | Robyn Ngaere | Charles Frewen | Taarne Morris | Pamela Goldsmith | Sarah Judd | Cheryl Kenny | Samantha Goldsmith | Lucy Holland | Connie Sheen | Judy Bunn | Helen Singh | Morgan Skirving | Hope Doro | Jeff Tan | Clare Francis | Kate Rudge | Amy Watling | Jess Markey | Shiho Tomikawa | Brenda Cullen | Carmel Goldsmith | Verna Walroth | Bridget Ady | Lori Boren | Justin Sharman Selvidge & Vanessa Fernandez | Sunni Dawson | Julie Powell | Kirsty Blacka | Amanda Scells | Lucia Tai | Sarah Grealy | Jasdeep Gill | Thanks to you all & so many more...

Financial Report Forget Me Not Australia Limited ABN: 55469493449

AUDITED FINANCIAL REPORT For the year ended 30 June 2016

Forget Me

Not Austr

alia Limite

ABN: 5546



CONTENTS Statement of Income an d Expenditu Balance S re heet Depreciatio n Schedule Notes to th e Financia l Statemen Statement ts by Membe rs of the Com Independen mittee t Audit Rep ort

Suite 13, 40 Torquay Road, Pialba, Hervey Bay PO Box 3150, Hervey Bay, QLD 4655 Phone: (07) 4124 8833 Fax: (07) 4124 4885 Email:


Forget Me Not Australia Limited

Statement of Income and Expenditure For the year ended 30 June 2016

INCOME Donations Fundraising Sponsorship Visitors Trip Income Interest Received Grants Received

203,092.27 58,114.44 58,778.20 41,500.94 1,411.38 6,832.54

30-Jun-15 179,739.42 120,959.81 76,124.15 7,300.00 1,145.33







EXPENSES Accountancy Advertising Audit Fees Bank Charges Computer Expenses Depreciation Donations / Sponsorships Fees and Charges Fundraising Fuel FMNCH Vehicle Insurance Postage Printing and Stationery Rent Staff Training Superannuation Telephone Trailer Expenses Travel and Accommodation Visitor Trip Expenses Wages Workcover TOTAL EXPENSES NET LOSS



2,800.00 5,489.77 748.00 1,585.01 889.93 899.00 257,532.39 1,673.00 37,190.94 708.94 2,341.50 298.40 370.97 9,200.00 348.68 10,026.68 360.04

2,490.00 1,194.93 2,200.00 1,459.25 1,200.19 1,061.00 208,143.72 61,361.10 129.02 1,758.61 246.30 137.18 6,026.68 3,091.11 7,855.76 639.07 113.45 3,783.78

15,555.26 2,752.02 105,546.54 595.10

82,692.48 479.68 (456,912.17)




The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

Forget Me Not Australia Limited

Balance Sheet As at 30 June 2016



ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Bank Nepal 1689 Bank Web Saver 3437 Bank Uganda 8565 Bank General 8566 Bank India 7390 Trade Debtors

1,677.90 45,468.29 3,272.63 5,632.22 757.21


2,491.63 119,527.02 4,675.89 7,482.89 537.83 10,075.00 56,808.25

NON-CURRENT ASSETS Plant and Equipment Less Accumulated Depreciation

15,153.00 (11,828.00)



13,924.00 (10,929.00) 3,325.00






LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES Superannuation Payable PAYG Withholding Tax Payable

2,252.32 6,477.24

1,607.17 7,592.00
















The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.


18 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

14/08/2009 3/03/2007 26/06/2007 26/06/2007 17/06/2011 23/12/2010 26/02/2015 23/06/2016

Private Acquisition Use % Date

Disposal Date 1,417 360 1,219 2,996 2,996


Opening W.D.V.

740 1,390 1,800 2,900 3,800 1,776 1,518 1,229 15,153

Original Cost


1,229 -

Additions (Disposals)



0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 18.75% 30.00% 30.00% 18.75%

Profit (Loss) Deprecia on Sale tion D D D D D D D D


425 108 366 4 899

Depreciation $

Notes: 1. Assets allocated to taxation pools such as STS or Low Value Pool are not included in this report. 2. Where a taxation pool is set up refer to the relevant pool schedule report for details of decline in value for the pool. 3. For disposed assets that have non-taxable use refer to Capital Gains Schedule report for any gain or loss resulting from a CGT K7 event. 4. The Opening W.D.V. includes second element of cost (additional expense) incurred in the current year. Hence, this amount may vary from the Closing W.D.V. from the previous year. 5. The Original Cost for Motor Vehicle assets shows an amount as adjusted by the cost limit.


Asset Code Description Plant & Equipment Software Projector Computer Website Box Trailer Computer - Comet Tower & Acer Monitor MacBook Pro Computer Iphone


55 469 493 449

Australian Association of Forget Me Not Children's Home Inc.

Page 5


992 252 1,152 1,225 2,396

Closing W.D.V.

Forget Me Not Australia Limited

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2016



This is a special purpose financial report prepared for use by the committee and members of the association. The committee have determined that the association is not a reporting entity. The financial report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the following Australian Accounting Standards: AASB 110: AASB 1031:

Events after the Balance Sheet Date Materiality

No other Accounting Standards, Australian Accounting interpretations or other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board have been applied. The financial report is prepared on an accruals basis and is based on historic costs and does not take into account changing money values or, except where specifically stated, current valuations of non-current assets. The following specific accounting policies, which are consistent with the previous period unless otherwise stated, have been adopted in the preparation of this financial report: b.

Property, Plant and Equipment Property, plant and equipment are carried at cost, independent or committee valuation. All assets, excluding freehold land and buildings, are depreciated over the useful lives to the association.


Inventories Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Costs are assigned on a first-in first-out basis and include direct materials, direct labour and an appropriate proportion of variable and fixed overhead expenses.


Forget Me Not Australia Limited

Statement by Members of the Committee The committee have determined that the association is not a reporting entity and that this special purpose financial report should be prepared in accordance with the accounting policies outlined in Note 1 to the financial statements. The committee of the association declare that: 1.

the association keeps financial records in a way to properly record the association's income and expenditure and dealings with its assets and liabilities;


the financial statements and notes, present fairly the financial position of Forget Me Not Australia Limited as at 30 June 2016 and its performance for the period ended on that date in accordance with the accounting policies described in Note 1 to the financial statements; and


in the committee's opinion there are reasonable grounds to believe that the association will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable.

This statement is made in accordance with a resolution of the Committee and is signed for and on behalf of the Committee.

President Signature

President Name

Treasurer Signature

Treasurer Name



Forget Me Not Australia Limited

Independent Audit Report INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF Forget Me Not Australia Limited Report on the financial report We have audited the accompanying financial report, being a special purpose financial report, of Forget Me Not Australia Limited which comprises the balance sheet as at 30 June 2016, and the income statement for the period then ended, a summary of significant accounting policies, other explanatory notes and a statement by members of the committee. Committee's responsibility for the financial report The committee of the association is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial report and have determined that the accounting policies described in Note 1 to the financial statements, which form part of the financial report are appropriate to meet the financial reporting requirements of the association’s constitution and are appropriate to meet the needs of the members. The committee's responsibilities also include establishing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial report that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. Auditor's responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial report based on our audit. No opinion is expressed as to whether the accounting policies used, as described in Note 1, are appropriate to meet the needs of the members. We conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. These Auditing Standards require that we comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial report is free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial report. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial report, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial report in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the committee, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial report. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Independence In conducting our audit, we have complied with the independence requirements of the Australian professional ethical pronouncements. Auditor's opinion I have sighted the association's financial records and the financial records show that the association keeps financial records in a way to properly record the association's income and expenditure and dealings with its assets and liabilities. In our opinion, the financial report presents fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Forget Me Not Australia Limited as of 30 June 2016 and of its financial performance for the period then ended in accordance with the accounting policies described in Note 1 to the financial statements.

J. Hansen PNA FIPA NIA IPA Member # 132956 01 December 2016


Dreaming Kate van Doore

My dream is to see the process of displacement of children into orphanages categorised as a form of child trafficking in international reports. This will add such weight to FMN’s mandate and provide new avenues of both prevention and rehabilitation for children who are at risk or have been victims of the process.

Greg & Robyn Biggs

Dreaming of our Change Agents being recognised. For an opportunity for them and the message to travel the world to speak at International meetings, sharing their knowledge and making a real difference!

Diptesh Singh

My dreaming has gone to another level since I have visited Australia in Nov 2014 to attend Tangled Up in Green fundraising gala. My dream is to help the people of Kalyanpuri Slum become employable. Empowering families and ensuring a decent income as a result of their connection with us.

Emmalene Travers

My dream is for all children, especially those not living with their families through no fault of their own, feel loved and cared for, that they belong, and that they are entitled to make their dreams BIG and chase them wholeheartedly.


I dream of a world where children are not disregarded. Where they are valued, understood and treasured as the potential of humanity. We can all contribute to this future. Andrea Nave


Forget Me Not Australia Ltd Charity Number CH1521 Australian Company Number 610 061 679 Australian Business Number 55 469 493 449 +61 412 739 114 PO Box 245 Corinda Q Australia 4075

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