First Year Portfolio.

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Emily May Butcher.


collaging cultures: skinheads.

collaging cultures: empty eyes.

A n d r o g y n o u s A e s t h e t i c s . Fast pace, obsessive fashion and questionable themes; an insight to the work of J.W.Anderson. As I have always watched and followed the work of Anderson, it was interesting to find out his own influences and themes behind his unique, sophisticated yet organic collections and their link through the seasons. There is a clear philosophy behind one of London’s most innovative and forward thinking brands, the theme of Androgynous aesthetics, the relationship between male and female. A modern interpretation of masculinity and femininity creating thought provoking silhouettes through a cross-pollination between menswear and womenswear elements. This idiosyncratic perspective to fashion earned J.W.Anderson a cult following and large fan base through this developing career. Awards and partnerships are other aspects that Jonathan Anderson has gained since his graduation. J.W.Anderson evolved into an internationally renowned and award winning brand through achieving the British Fashion Awards for ‘Emerging Talent’ along with ‘Ready to Wear’ in 2013 and the receiving the new establishment award in 2013, proving a successful couple of years of the young designers. Along with awards, sponsorships and partnerships with put forward for the company. London’s NEWGEN sponsorship was given to J.W.Anderson along with gaining the new minority investment from LVMH. Helped Anderson move creative space from an unheated basement in Shacklewell Lane into a three-story building with an e-commerce studio where he and his stylist Benjamin Bruno will no longer freeze in the winters. The philosophy behind J.W.Anderson is a very personal, emotional journey to the creative head but something that is close to his heart is the consistency and effectiveness of teamwork. ‘My Dad was an Irish nation rugby player. He’s always drilling it into me: ‘It’s all about your team!’ quotes Jonathon Anderson and adds ‘having a partner who are able to fold you into their manufacturing capabilities, is something that makes a huge difference’ after his recent collaborations with the investment from France’s Kering group showing that the obsessive worker prides himself through his team. ‘Sometimes people are curious to know how we do all of it, but ultimately you do it because it’s the only thing that keeps you going’. A powerful, determine and passionate quote from a designer that in my eyes has not formed into one of most organic and successful body in the fashion industry. But through his way of working and concepts behind J.W.Anderson itself has naturally brought Jonathan Anderson a building career. Consistency, mechanically, confident, emotional and expressive but in a settle and organic style revisiting the past years and Andersons study and relationship with his philosophy, that’s J.W.Anderson to me. It’s now time to see what the coming years, multiple seasons and collections that are in the mist of being created bring to the companies cult and interested fashion bodies that have a close eye on this innovative designer, Jonathan Anderson.

safe + secure.

ss16: representing i-d magazine.

cells: red, white + cancer.

-bringing something into existence. - generate / produce / design / fabricate. - fashion / build / construct. - cause something to happen as a result of ones actions. power / honor / frame / wealth.

- the action of making known ones thoughts or feelings. - the conveying of feelings in a work of art. - a look or emotion of someones face.

ambition to create novel expression. - an earnest desire for some type of achievement. - state or result desired or sought after. - goal / aim / wish / plan. - drive / determination / commitment.

- a fictious prose narrative of book length typically representing character and action with some degree of realism. - novella staria = new story. -interesting new or unusual. - new / original / unfamiliar / unconventional. - unorthodox / different / creative / modern / pioneering.

- examples of ideas: giving birth / developing skins / growing hair / cooking / building and construction / growing up / 2D to 3D transformation.

- building and architecture is a massive inspiration interest of Jonny Johanssons, creative director of ACNE.

bringing something into existence. - bringing something into existence links in with Acne Studios way of working in the sense that the company puts all their effort into forming their ideas into an art expression.

- this topic of bringing something into existence has allowed me to explore the inspirations that help shape the company. Aswell as what brings in the strong sense of Swedish history that is involved due to the brand and CEO being Scandinavian.

d+ project topic.

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