North Kilworth March News 2012

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North Kilworth News

March 2012

Another Lengthy Slumber!

In this issue:                

Sustainability Special Marina proposal PC Minutes Broadband Update The Kilworth Challenge Speed Indicator Device Say Hello to St Andrew’s Primary Memory Corner CIC News Press releases Neighbourhood watch Church ‘matters’ Things to do in March Harborough development Silver surfing

North Kilworth News Sponsored by North Kilworth Parish Council Phone: 01858 880432 judith.hardwick@

When the Disney animated film, The Lion King, was released in 1994 it included the song “The Lion Sleeps Tonight.” Some of us may remember it as a hit back in the 1960s though, but not many! Well our own particular lion of the colour white has yet again embarked on an unwelcome snooze and we must all hope that permanent hibernation is not the end result. It was less than a year ago, in April 2011, when I was writing about the sudden closure of our only hostelry and the need for it to be re-established at the earliest possible opportunity. April Fools’ Day seemed sadly appropriate at the time. Well, just two months later it was reopened in all its glory to an apparent roaring future. Some hope! The roar became at best a whimper! Sadly, now, I have to repeat the same depressing theme. Yet again we are without a pub and regulars amongst us have had to resort to becoming bar refugees with the hope of a welcome at The White Hart, The Bell or The Golf Club. The Sports Club is an attractive option and one wonders if it will increase its hours still further to accommodate this gap in the drinks market locally. It could be seen as an ideal opportunity to showcase what it has to offer and encourage new and old members alike to make an increased use of the facilities. On a positive note, when The News contacted Marston’s Brewery spokesman Chris Read, he told us that there were no plans to close the pub on a permanent basis. “There are issues to be addressed” he said, “But in fact we are planning to invest money in the Lion not only on the interior, but on the exterior also. In addition, we are negotiating with two lots of potential tenants for the pub.” He couldn’t, however, give any timescales as to a re-opening, but clearly for all parties involved sooner rather than later would be most welcome. Do I hear the beginnings of a roar in the far distance? We all hope so. A village without a pub is not what we wish to see and as I wrote last year property prices are not enhanced by this situation. The Kilworth Challenge is not far away (see article on page 4) and once again our local teams are planning their own ‘assaults’ on the event. The object of the exercise, apart from becoming mentally and physically exhausted, is to raise as much money as possible for charity. To that end, ‘ Running on Carling’ comprising of Simon Jones, Jay Wright, Ben Hurst and Stuart Conopo raised over £ 6000 last year which ensured that by a distance they were the winning fund raising team. They’re busy once again organising events such as a quiz night and car boot sale (see advertised inside) and no doubt hope to better last year’s amazing total. Also, Sally Ellis and Andie Bird are entering a team for the first time and have already organised a curry night event which raised an impressive £ 426. They have planned other events which you can find on the diary page. Please try to support where you can and good luck to all the teams in what will be a very special Challenge this year. Finally, I hope you enjoy this year’s Safari Supper on March 3rd whether new or established participants. It’s always a great way to meet fresh faces or old friends and sample the culinary delights on offer at the various locations. You might even stay sober until after the dessert course, but it’s unlikely and would you want to anyway? I thought not! Have fun. Ed.


North Kilworth Parish Council has been asked to draw your attention to the

Proposed Marina in North Kilworth – Planning Application No 11/01793/FUL

You may or may not be aware that there has been a resubmission of a planning application for a 220-berth marina in North Kilworth. Should you have any comments to make on this application please ensure they are made to Harborough District Council by the 6th March 2012 at the very latest. The main differences between this and the previous application are:  An attempt at traffic calming measures with an island split in the centre of the road (Similar to that on the A 4304 outside Kilworth House Hotel)  A reduction (20 only) in the number of moorings: From 240 to 220. Is this significant, as one of the reasons for refusal of the original proposal, was the mass effect of the development  A slight reduction in the height of the administrative buildings  A protective fence around the site If you wish to view the application it is available at using the reference above. ALL comments must be with HDC by the 6th March. If you need more information please contact HDC or a member of the Parish Council.

ATTENTION ALL FRUSTRATED CRICKETERS!! How would you like to get involved in a cricket team in North Kilworth? We are hoping to start this Summer and have a few friendly games on a Sunday. If you would like to be involved: from player to umpire or even fixtures secretary then please let me know. With enough interest I hope to get a team together for the coming season. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Contact: Simon Jones on 07841687859 or email:

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Neighbourhood Watch/Crime Reports The Local Beat Team

Sgt 2908 Steve Bunn PCSO 6636 Ray Wells

PC 500 Andy Smalley WPC 4640 Vicki Barge RURAL Countryside Liaison Officer PC 1010 Chris Hill PCSO 6569 Peter Willson PCSO PCSO 6573 Steve Adams Voicemail Service: 0116 2485675

Message sent on behalf of Declan Healy – BBC One Show I'm making a film about domestic CCTV cameras. I've been looking for someone who has installed the cameras in their home and has actually caught someone on the cameras committing a crime. Did someone steal from a house and were caught on camera? Were they caught thanks to the footage, or are they still at large? It would be good to talk to the people who installed the CCTV cameras about their experience of using them and whether they think it was effective. Feel free to contact me by email or on the number below at any time if you have any questions, or think you can help. Many thanks in advance for any time and help you may be able to give. Tel: 02920 323 433 Doorstep Crime 999 is a new television series hosted by Gloria Hunniford addressing the problem of distraction burglary & rogue traders. Many of the examples used were based on examples provided by Neigbourhood Watch members from across the country. For further crime prevention advice regarding distraction burglary or rogue traders got to 'Your doorstep, your decision' on the website. Police have received a number of calls in relation to an internet scam where members of the public receive an online pop-up message claiming to be from Strathclyde or the Metropolitan Police.The message states that the individual's computer has been locked by police, and that they will need to call a given number or pay a fine online for viewing inappropriate or illegal content online.The computer screen locks in most cases. This is an internet scam and has absolutely nothing to do with them.“The police would like to make it clear that they would never ask the public for money under such circumstances and urge anyone who receives the pop-up to not to follow the payment instructions, call the number given or divulge personal details.”If you receive such a message on your computer, rest assured that no one has discovered any illegal material on your system. Removal of the virus needs to be done with care using the operating system’s ‘Safe Mode’ as an incorrect removal could easily lead to your computer becoming unusable and all your data and files being lost. If you do not have specialised knowledge in this area, you are advised to seek professional advice in unlocking the computer and removing any associated virus. In a separate scam a man paid £260 to secure a £1,500 loan after receiving an unsolicited telephone call from a company who knew he had been researching loans on the internet. He never received the loan, and was abused when he rang the company. There is a real warning here about internet security. You should always exercise caution if you receive a cold call from someone who appears to know exactly what you have been searching for. It is also highly unusual for companies to request payment in this way. Certainly, in the case of the loan, we know that this has proven to be a fraud.

In the coming days, you should be aware.....Do not open any message with an attachment called: Invitation FACEBOOK, regardless of who sent it. It is a virus that opens an OlympIc torch that burns the whole hard disc C of your computer. This virus will be received from someone you had in your address book. If you receive an email called: Invitation FACEBOOK, though sent by a friend, do not open it and delete it immediately. It is the worst virus announced by CNN. A new virus has been discovered recently that has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. It is a Trojan Horse that asks you to install an adobe flash plugin. Once you install it, it's all over. And there is no repair yet for this kind of virus. This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the vital information of their function is saved. A new and unusual method of operating to steal mobile phones is emerging. Everyone be aware. If you leave your mobile on a table in a public area in front of you, it is an emerging trick for two people to speak in a foreign language and try and confuse an you. They will also try to block your line of sight with your mobile by putting a map or newspaper over the table, and hence the phone. They then discreetly pick your phone up and walk away with it. By the time you have realised they have left the shop. Please report any such incidents to Market Harborough police. PS 920 Peter Jelbert” Trading Standards have received information about alarm companies telephoning vulnerable residents and offering free home alarm systems. Trading Standards never recommend employing a trader based on a cold call. The salesman will typically cold call, keen to make a home visit the same day to discuss the installation of a free or cheap alarm. The companies are reported to use high pressure tactics and to scaremonger about rising crime levels in the area, while some are reported to make misleading claims about the alarms being directly linked to the police. What they fail to mention are the fees that residents will have to pay for the installation, monitoring, upkeep and rapid response facilities, which can add up to thousands of pounds. If you have received a similar call or are suspicious of a cold caller operating in your area please contact Consumer Direct, the Government's consumer advice service on 08454 04 05 06. Trading Standards recommend: Keep your front and back doors locked, even when you’re at home. Fix a security chain to your door, and make sure you use it every time someone calls / If you need work carried out contact the Buy With Confidence scheme for details of trades people who have demonstrated their commitment to fair and honest trading on or 08454 04 05 06. Important message from Crime Stoppers, please read... While driving on a rural end of the roadway on Thursday morning, I saw an infant car seat on the side of the road with a blanket draped over it. For whatever reason, I did not stop, even though I had all kinds of

thoughts running through my head. But when I got to my destination, I called the Police and they were going to check it out. But, this is what the Police advised even before they went out there to check.... "There are several things to be aware of ... gangs and thieves are now plotting different ways to get a person (mostly women)to stop their vehicle and get out of the car."There is a gang initiation reported by the local Police where gangs are placing a car seat by the road...with a fake baby in it...waiting for a woman, of course, to stop and check on the abandoned baby. "Note that the location of this car seat is usually beside a wooded or grassy (field) area and the person -woman -- will be dragged into the woods, beaten and raped, and usually left for dead. If it's a man, they're usually beaten and robbed and maybe left for dead, too. DO NOT STOP FOR ANY REASON!!! DIAL 9-9-9 AND REPORT WHAT YOU SAW, BUT DON'T EVEN SLOW DOWN. "IF YOU ARE DRIVING AT NIGHT AND EGGS ARE THROWN AT YOUR WINDSCREEN, DO NOT STOP TO CHECK THE CAR, DO NOT OPERATE THE WIPER AND DO NOT SPRAY ANY WATER BECAUSE EGGS MIXED WITH WATER BECOME MILKY AND BLOCK YOUR VISION UP TO 92.5%, AND YOU ARE THEN FORCED TO STOP BESIDE THE ROAD AND BECOME A VICTIM OF THESE CRIMINALS. The Motor Insurers Group have issued a warning regarding a company that are issuing vehicle insurance certifictes that may be invalid. The company in question is Aston Midshires Insurance, the policies that they are issuing may be invalid and a vehicle that is insured with them may be liable to seizure by the Police. You can check if your vehicle is insured by visiting If you are currently insured with this company and believe that your cover may be invalid, then contact Consumer Direct on 08454 040506. Remember it is your responsibility to ensure that your vehicle is adequately insured for use on the roads. Your local beat teams are soon to undertake a new home/business property registering scheme. It is recommended you register as your property can be traced as it will be listed on a national police database. So in an event of for example your vehicle was broken into and your laptop was stolen you can update on the Immobilise website that your laptop was stolen. If a person was then searched or a vehicle we can then search under the laptops serial number and trace it back to you as long as you register it! The good part of it is that its FREE! and you can add as many items on your account as you like such as: Mobile phones, Bicycles; Laptops; MP3 players; Games consoles; TV's; DVD players. Most items of value which have a serial number! They can then be tracked it will show a status either Lost, Stolen and even Found if you loose your mobile etc. Simple but effective other forces are using it and some have been using it for many years and it has proven to bring down burglary and bringing criminals to justice. All information is on the Immobilise website and you can easily register

Press Releases

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Local views sought on town centre development plans. Harborough District Council is asking local people to help shape the future of Harborough town centre. The authority is launching a public consultation on plans to make better use of its Adam and Eve Street headquarters and the Market Hall. Independent consultants have recommended the council uses its assets more commercially to get better value for the district’s taxpayers, close the Council’s funding gap and provide fit-for-purpose office space for the future. The current headquarters in Adam and Eve Street, Market Harborough, are too big and in need of significant repair. Proposals for consultation include:  Consolidating the council offices on just two floors of the Adam and Eve Street building; this would free up space that is currently wasted and could be rented out to partners and shops;  Locating the library and museum on the first floor of the building;  Funding the redevelopment by leasing the Market Hall in Northampton Road on commercial terms to an influential retail brand that would help bring more business to the town;  Relocating the market to a new town centre site, perhaps in a redeveloped Fox Yard or other location. This package could:  Bring more people into Harborough town centre in support of local shops and businesses;  Keep the council offices in the heart of the town, bring them up to standard and generate an income by renting out surplus space;  Close the Council’s funding gap, bring the budget into balance, and make the Council more adaptable to change and fit for the future. As part of the consultation:  The Council has written to a number of groups in the town, including the market traders, to invite them for talks on the proposals.  People can view a display board in the council’s reception area at its offices in Adam and Eve Street, Market Harborough.  Printed questionnaires are available from the council reception desk.  Comments can also made online at or emailed to  A telephone survey has been carried out to gain the views of a wide cross-section of the community.  The council will be contacting the Citizen’s Panel, made up of hundreds of local people, to gather feedback too.  Drop-in events will also be held across the district so people can share ideas with us. Dates for these will be made available on our website and to the local media. Fast Broadband for North Kilworth – an update. We are making progress!! Lots of people have been in touch with plenty of useful information about slow speeds and some really helpful examples of the problems they have had as a result - a big thank you to you all but keep the responses coming we need to compile a village dossier. Progress. I have continued to talk to Matthew Kempson who is leading the programme for the County Council (they have access to the Government money), and have also been contacted by Councillor Mike Rook the leader of Harborough District Council, and learned from him that Harborough District has agreed to add further funding to the pot of Government money available to Leicestershire County Council, and that he welcomes and encourages the initiative taken by North Kilworth. It’s good news that there is more cash available but we still need to make sure that North Kilworth is a priority, encouragement is not a guarantee. To do this we need to work with the other villages on the Husbands Bosworth exchange; Husbands Bosworth obviously, and Sibbertoft and Theddingworth also. Sibbertoft is in an unusual position being geographically in Northamptonshire but sharing the Leicestershire BT exchange at Husbands Bosworth. Ian Arnott is the clerk of the Parish Council and he is also working with Matthew Kempson however they are applying to Northamptonshire for funding. They are nevertheless keen to campaign with us and we have shared ideas. I have also discovered that West Berkshire District Council is proposing to ask Parish Councils to increase the parish precept (ie the element of council tax which is used by the parish council) in order to fund broadband in interested villages. The figures they quote were an increase in council tax per household of £3.85 a year. I have asked the County Council and the District Council to comment on this, they are not currently proposing anything similar. Meetings. Matthew Kempson remains the key person to influence, but he is very busy and cannot manage a village meeting here before he circulates his survey questionnaires in late February. The next Parish Council meeting on 12th March at 7.45pm will discuss and update on progress and anyone is welcome to attend this. Survey. Matthew K is planning to survey individuals and businesses across South Leicestershire and his survey will be available at at the end of February. The results of this will carry considerable weight. It’s really important to get as many responses as possible so I suggest that you check the website and complete the questionnaire AND encourage everyone else you know to do the same – the more responses we get from North Kilworth the better our chance of funding. Every village group can help to do this by reminding its members to complete the survey and encouraging and even lending a hand to those who may be unfamiliar with on line surveys. Please contact me if I can help with this or if you have any good ideas about encouraging responses. Matthew Kempson also suggested that some case studies documenting evidence of the need for faster broadband would be helpful in making our case. I do already have some helpful responses from people whose work is adversely affected by low broadband speed and I will use these as illustrations. Please get in touch with me if you can help further or have other examples. In the meantime I am chasing Theddingworth Parish Council and continuing to talk to Husband’s Bosworth. Thanks for all your help and please contact me if you have any questions. Sue Otter (


Sports Club: Enjoy one of the cheapest pints in the village! New Opening Times Wed, Thurs & Fri nights: 7.00pm – 11.00pm Sat :12.00 – 11pm. Sun: 12.00pm – 6.00pm Everyone Welcome: Members & non-members The Sports Club is available to hire for functions. Please call: 01858 880123 Every 2nd Thursday – Bingo. Eyes Down at 8.00pm

Page 4 F&W Plumbing & Heating Services Ltd

Kilworth Springs Golf Club is not only famous for its Championship Golf, we also provide some of the finest food around; sourcing fresh local produce wherever possible

Freshly made Bar Meals Available from 8:00am until MONDAY 5:00PM TUESDAY 6:00PM WEDNESDAY 6:00PM THURSDAY 8:00PM FRIDAY 9:00PM SATURDAY 5:00PM SUNDAY 5:00PM Hungry after a round of golf or just passing through, why not sample our exciting new specials

Friday Night Fish & Chips Famous Grimsby Fish delivered fresh today in our homemade beer batter available to eat in or take out Senior Lunches Our great value senior lunches available Monday – Friday 11:00am – 3:00pm. Choose from an exciting range of senior meals for just £5.00 and why not treat yourself to one of our delicious desserts for an additional £1.75 Sunday Lunch Indulge yourself in Kilworth Springs Traditional Sunday Roast Choose from 1- 3 Courses 3 Course Sunday Lunch £16.25

St Patricks Day at Kilworth Springs Watch all of the Six Nations Games Live on our Stunning 65’’ HD TV whilst enjoying a glass of Irish Tipple, Guinness & Magners £3.00, Jamesons £2.50

Mothers Day Sunday Lunch Treat your mum to Kilworth Springs Special Mothers Day Sunday Lunch 3 course Sunday Roast with Teas & Coffees for only £17.95 To book contact our admin team

Kilworth Springs Premier Golf Club South Kilworth Road, North Kilworth, Lutterworth. LE17 6HJ (T): 01858 575 082 (E): (W):

22 Elmcroft Road, North Kilworth, Lutterworth, LE176HX Phone 0116 2779101 Fax 01858881173 Mobile 07866741261 e-mail Web Site:




SPEED INDICATOR DEVICE South Kilworth Rd – near Dag Lane Junction Location

Direction Measurement Period Highest Speed 85%ile Speed Average Speed Total # of Vehicles % of Vehicles over 30mph % of Vehicles 30mph or less Average # of vehicles / day

South Kilworth Rd – near Dag Lane Junction Vehicles entering Village 20/1/2012 to 31/1/2012 87 mph 44 mph

South Kilworth Rd – near Dag Lane Junction Vehicles leaving Village 2/2/2012 to 12/2/2012 71 mph 44mph

38 mph 7355

36mph 7224







The Kilworth Challenge: How Did It Start?

Another reminder for this year`s Kilworth Challenge. It will be held over the weekend of 2-3rd June 2012. Please continue to mark this important date in your diary. This year will be an extra special one for the Challenge as it will surely see the hitting of the million pounds raised. This will be a tremendous achievement for such a small village as ours. As this landmark is approached we thought that it would worthwhile to recall the start of it all and what has happened over the years .... and hence answer the questions of what it is, what is aims to do, what it is has achieved, what contribution it has made and is still making locally and nationally. Therefore over the next few issues of the newsletter, there will be a series of articles that address and answer these questions. So firstly, how did it all start and why? The initial driving force stemmed from the desire to establish an `all weather` sports area for North Kilworth. As ever with such things, funding from public sources can be made available but always on a contributory basis. This meant that the village, if it wanted such a facility, would have to raise 50% of the 7000 to 8000 pounds that was estimated. Back in 1988-89 this was quite a sum. This led to thinking of how this could be achieved. Dave Barker, who lived in the village at the time, remembered that in the North East of England there was a challenge/orienteering charity event run by ICI. It was agreed that a team should be put in to see how it was done and whether it would be possible to do such an event in the village. So in 1989 the team of Dave Barker, Stuart Burrell, Peter Jones and Colin Clarke (plus Bob Smythers a voluntary marshal-cum-judge) was dispatched to Cleveland. From this experience of doing and marshalling, the general view was that North Kilworth could certainly host an activity like this and not only that, it would be able to improve it substantially. Planning started immediately and the first Kilworth Challenge was held in May 1990. This first Challenge saw 20 teams competing and raising a remarkable 7500 pounds. The money went to the funding of the `all weather` sports facility but also to supporting Guide Dogs for the Blind. This therefore set the precedent for today where monies raised are dispersed to local actions and also importantly for disadvantaged people in the wider field. Looking back it was an amazing start. The Kilworth Challenge was well and truly born. More next month ..........................The Kilworth Challenge Organisers - Colin Clarke, Chris Mitchell, Bruce Phillips, Mike Lawrence, Paul Whitehead, Manfred Morris, Mick Faulkner, Duncan Moss and Nick Otter

THIS YEARS KILWORTH CHALLENGE – 2 to 3 JUNE 2012 It is not too late to enter a team but places are filling up. This is your chance to experience it all first hand and make a personal contribution to the national, local charities and good causes the Challenge supports ...... and importantly enjoy yourself. There is nothing like doing it! Also we are always on the lookout for people willing to marshal on the weekend itself. If you want to be involved or put a team in, please contact any of the organisers or give Nick Otter a ring on 01858 882067 or send an email to Nick Otter

Notes from the Parish Council Meeting held on 15th February 2012

Present: Councillors Green, Sandercock & Hardwick Cllr Lawrence took the Chair. Brian Smith, Parish Clerk and Ward Member Bosworth Ward HDC together with 8 members of the public. It was proposed by Councillor Hardwick and seconded by Councillor Green that Councillor Knight be granted leave of absence until his return from South Africa. It was carried unanimously. QUESTION TIME FOR PARISHIONERS Stuart Dainton reported that in addition to the £60,000 already allocated a further £36,000 had been awarded to the CIC for further environmental projects in the village. He indicated that the award would be used for the provision of some 60 energy meters to assess energy requirements, the assessment of three houses for voltage reduction proposals, and a survey of the village for possible renewal technology applications. Peter Morgan indicated that the Village Hall Committee had been successful in obtaining a BIFFAWARD for the planned improvements to the Village Hall. He reminded the Parish Council that they had agreed to become a third party contributor and that Biffa would be requesting a cheque for some £1836.70 as part of the Parish Council’s commitment to maintain the Village Hall. Peter Morgan indicated that the Village Hall Committee would make repayments to the Parish Council to recognise the assistance given. The question of excessive speeds in South Kilworth Road was raised. The Chairman recognised that the speeds recorded so far were somewhat excessive but indicated that SID was acquiring data at present and as soon as there were enough results to be meaningful the matter would be raised with the County Council. The current speeds recorded are shown under Item 7. It was pointed out that there was no 30 MPH sign in South Kilworth Road the presumption being that the existing signs covered the legal requirements. The Clerk was requested contact the County Council to see if it was possible for a 30 MPH sign to be erected by the Parish Council at its own cost. BROADBAND ENHANCEMENT The Chairman reported that a joint approach was to be made by North Kilworth, Husbands Bosworth and Theddingworth to improve the poor download speeds for the internet suffered by the three villages. The Parish Council thanked Sue Otter for her interest in the problem and that she together with Councillors Lawrence and Hardwick would be attending the Community Forum Meeting to be held on 1st March at the Old Baptist Chapel in Sutton Elms when the matter would be discussed

PLANNING MATTERS 11/01727/FUL: Location: Land at Gandys Nursery Lutterworth Road North Kilworth Proposal: Extension and alteration of barn and conversion to self-catering holiday accommodation and stables (revised scheme of 11/00728/FUL) Refused by Harborough District Council. 11/01793/FUL: Location Land Off Station Road North Kilworth Proposal: Change of use to form 220berth marina, formation of boat yard, erection of workshop building, office/chandlery building and brokerage building, formation of hardstanding and car parking areas and creation of an access (revised scheme of 10/01713/FUL) The Chairman indicated that the revised application had addressed some of the reasons for the refusal of the original application by way of the proposal to create a “village gateway” to reduce speeds of vehicles entering the , height reductions of buildings, landscaping and limited public access with bridges. He pointed out that the application had been placed on the agenda for the previous meetings of the Parish Council and that an advertised presentation had been made by the applicants. It was agreed that a village flyer would be prepared and circulated indicating that the various documents were available for viewing either at HDC or on line at HDC’s web site. The Clerk was requested to establish the latest cutoff date for comments from the Case Officer at HDC. FINANCIAL MATTERS The Clerk informed the meeting that as of close of business on 7th February 2012 the current account stood at £11088.28 of which £3929.37 was available for funding heritage based projects. At the close of business on 30th December 2011 the reserve account stood at £6446.95 VILLAGE STRUCTURE/LOCAL ISSUES The Clerk reported that the County Council had confirmed that the Parish Council could use various lamp columns for the fixing of the SID device. Ian Duncombe tabled the latest set of figures. The problem of the Salt bin at the junction of Washpit Lane and South Kilworth Road was still unresolved. The Clerk had informed the County Council that until the bin was correctly installed no payment would be made. The Clerk reported that he had been unsuccessful in arranging a site visit by an officer from the County Council to see at first hand the visibility concerns at the junction of High Street and Station Road. Andy Wall reported that there was considerable fouling on the Green. The Clerk agreed to speak to HDC to

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see if there were any spare dog fouling notices available. It was noted that the water level in the Washpit was falling. Andy Wall agreed to investigate a possible problem with the bung. ITEMS HELD OVER FROM MEETING HELD ON 14TH DECEMBER 2011 Dog Bin Provision Station Road: The Clerk reported that the cost of providing a dog bin similar to the ones already installed would be in the region of £100 plus VAT and the cost of emptying would be £80.37 per year including VAT. It was agreed that one should be provided and situated opposite Gandy’s. The clerk was requested to place an order for one including the necessary fittings from Glasdon Manufacturing Ltd and to arrange with Harborough District Council for the emptying on a regular basis. AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROVISION The Chairman reported that matter was still on going with a further meetins schedulled. SWINFORD WINDFARM COMMUNITY FUND After some discussion it was proposed by Councillor Lawrence and seconded by Councillor Hardwick that Option 4 be adopted which was considered to be an equitable solution to the distribution of the Fund. In addition the proposer and seconder of the original motion proposed that a Sub Committee of the Parish Council be formed to administer the distribution of the monies allocated within the parish. On being put to the vote the two motions were carried unanimously. Councillor Lawrence indicated that he would inform the Steering Committee of the Parish Councils decision at the next meeting which is scheduled for March 2012 PARISH PLAN/NORTH KILWORTH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN The Chairman reported that revision meetings were still continuing with the aim being to complete the revision by Christmas 2012. A suggestion was made that it would be appropriate to use the remaining Heritage Money to finance the printing of the revised document. ALL WEATHER PLAY AREA The Clerk reported that he had received the following from Julie Fish: The Safari Supper-our major fund raiser of the year will be held on Sat March 3rd. 90 people will be taking part. At the close of business on 13th January the amount of money held in the Current Account was £6342.94 and the amount held in the Reserve Account on 30th September 2011 was £19790.77. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on 12th March 2012 in the Village Hall at 7.45 pm.

WI On 16th Feb , we were entertained by Dorothy Howie who gave a very funny and frank talk and presentation on life living in Jeddah. We now know the restrictions on what to wear, how to behave in public and how to learn about home brewing. We also know that every women who has restrictions on clothes develops a handbag and shoe fetish. Thank you Dorothy for a very entertaining evening. Next months meeting on 16th March is Graham Johnson talking about carry on catering. Visitors and new members welcome. Gaye. For information about North Kilworth WI contact: Christine Hewes on 880036, or Gaye Duncombe on 880650; WI meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month in the Village hall, at 7.30pm

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We have secured £36K to promote energy efficiency for North Kilworth Village Power CIC has secured a grant of £36K from the Local Energy Efficiency Fund to review and promote energy efficiency in North Kilworth. In 2010 we undertook a study to help homes in the village determine their energy efficiency rating. As part of the grant we will be offering each of the initial households that took part a new assessment with Elmhurst Energy. On the 6th March 2012 we will be holding 2 seminars in the North Kilworth Village Hall to explain about energy efficiency technologies, the project and we have 60 Wattson Energy meters to give away 30 in each session. We are also trialling voltage reduction technology on 3 residential properties and the . details of the i-volt technology will be available on the 6th from Sollatek.

Come and hear about energy efficiency in the North Kilworth Village Hall 6th March 2012: 2.30 pm or 7.30pm 60 Free Wattson Energy Meters worth £100 to give away. Come and learn about Energy efficiency, Wattson’s, and voltage reduction Wattson Meter


The North Kilworth CIC in conjuction with Elmhurst Energy are looking to build a profile of the village energy usage with the objective of guiding households within the village towards reducing their overall carbon footprint, with the added benefit of reducing your heating bills and electrical usage! If you are interested in improving the efficiency of your home and working together to achieve a more energy efficient village, please contact Michael to arrange an energy survey on your home! 01455 883257 or

Millennium Green News Over the winter months the Millennium Green (MG) Trustees have been progressing the maintenance and management of the Green. Many of you will have seen the maintenance to the moat and a return to open water. Trees have been planted on the southern areas and thank you again to everyone that came out in November and planted their tree on the Green. These actions mean the Millennium Green has a bog land habitat, open water, established and new woodland and open grassland. Whilst these winter actions clearly have an impact in the short term, particularly the spoil from the moat (which is incredibly fertile) natural regeneration will soon occur. (Ducks have already been seen on the moat). For the medium term it is hoped the trees will mature and the tree species mix, some fruit trees and native broadleaf species, will really enhance the Green. With the biodiversity for the area hopefully improving as a result. In terms of other activity and general maintenance to the Green on the north side of the moat, the slope is still quite steep and it has been decided to reduce this slope a little further. A small new hedge will also be laid along an element close to the northern edge of the moat. As a reminder any open water can be a hazard and the Trustees recognise this and will site 2 drag poles for safety. There has been some general maintenance to tree work and a huge thanks to everyone that supported the Green by purchasing the wood. Some of the felled tree trunks have been left to encourage further biodiversity and there will be some planting of bluebells and snow drops. Finally, a wooden barrier has been placed at the base of the old pear tree to protect some saplings. The Trustees aim to keep the Millennium Green as "a space for all to enjoy" and the work that has been undertaken will help maintain the area and keep it as a really special place for the village.

Page 7 You will see from the PC minutes that there is a problem with ‘doggy doos’, especially around the Green. Everyone should make sure that they pick up after their dogs.

NORTH KILWORTH MILLENNIUM GREEN TRUST 100 Club: Congratulations to the following winners; in January, Jane Faulkner (£50) and John and B Poole (£25), and in February, Rona Purdham (£50) and Dorothy and Lawrence Howie (£25). If you would like to join the 100 Club please contact Francis Mordaunt (880624) or Sue Dunford (881371) or any of the Trustees.

The first concrete is poured onsite It’s been an exciting couple of days here onsite, and we have now poured the main sections of concrete for the foundations of turbines 1 and 2. Each one took up the best part of a day, and a total of 42 lorry loads of concrete per foundation have made the journey to site, about 330 cubic metres of concrete per foundation. The first job in this process was the preparation of the foundation for the concrete pouring. A permanent shutter (yellow in the picture) was put in place around the perimeter of the foundation reinforcement, and we used some of the material originally excavated at each turbine location as backfill to hold the shutter in place. Two long reaching pumps are being used to pump the concrete from the delivery lorries into the foundation - starting at the middle. The pump operators use a remote control, which means that they can stand close to where the concrete is poured and make sure it is placed accurately and safely. Blue plastic pipe screed rails are used to control the finished concrete level. Once the concrete has been poured to the top of the screed rails, they are removed and the remaining gap is filled with concrete. We then end up with a smooth even layer of concrete.

Quality control is a very important and the concrete is continually tested, starting with a slump test on delivery to check its consistency. We then take samples as the concrete is poured to form test cubes. These are taken to a laboratory for testing, so we can have complete confidence that the concrete in each and every foundation is of a consistently high quality. A further 15 cubic metres of concrete will next be placed into the upstand section, which will complete the concrete works here. The turbine towers are bolted to this upstand, and it is the only section of the foundation that will be visible when construction is complete. Once the concrete has cured (set), the previously excavated material will be backfilled and compacted in layers on top of the concrete to add further weight and stability. Next week three more foundations will go through the same process, and hopefully things will continue to run smoothly and the weather will be on our side! Should you have any queries regarding the construction process please visit us at the next construction surgery on 8th March 2012, 5-7pm at Swinford Village Hall.

Solar Panels – Beat the April Deadline The government feed in tariffs will change in April 2012. If you are looking to fit solar panels make sure you take advantage of the higher tariff rates. Why not call Greenability 0808 1087575 or Sunswitch for a quote and mention

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Message from the Rev’d Canon Chris Oxley

Who is it for? Shrove Tuesday and lots of pancakes and then Ash Wednesday (22 nd February this year)….by the time you read this, we will be well into Lent. So, is it really just about giving up chocolates for a few weeks? Lent has always been a time for reflection and selfexamination, in preparation for the major Festival of the Christian Year… the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb on Easter Day. If it’s just degenerated into a short period of self-denial, perhaps we are missing the point. The trouble with self-denial is that it can end up being all about us…what we have managed to do without for 5 weeks, so that we can then feel smug and selfrighteous about it at the end and then have a binge on Easter eggs to catch up on all the chocolate we have missed! Perhaps Lent isn’t all about us, but a period of special reflection on what is actually true for Christian discipleship all year. Perhaps it’s about recognising that our life-style will be an expression of our discipleship, whether we like it or not: that being a follower of Jesus is about joining His project of embracing the call to justice and peace and that this will impact upon our priorities. If we spend more on leisure in one week than entire families have to live on for a whole month in the developing world, in places where one child dies every three minutes as a result of preventable disease, then perhaps Lent is Page 9 the much-needed space for reflection leading to action, to work out what for us as individuals and for us as Christian communities are the ethical implications of calling ourselves disciples of Jesus. Globalisation is something we understand more and more: that conditions in one part of God’s world touch us all. John Donne, the 17th cent Anglican poet, recognised that long ago with his observation that “No man is an island…” So, perhaps Lent is less about us and more about God’s world. Perhaps our Lenten devotions will encourage us in a life of Christian discipleship which actually embodies the values of the Kindgdom both preached and lived out by Jesus. The Revd Canon Chris Oxley


Lent 2012 You are invited to share in a whole range of worship and times for reflection as together we prepare for the great celebration of Easter. Ash Wednesday Services – 22 February 9 am – South Kilworth Church (with South Kilworth School) 9.15 am – North Kilworth Church (with North Kilworth School) 7.30 pm – Holy Communion at Gilmorton Church

Funerals: Funeral with burial of MARGARET DORA MARSHALL aged 92 at South Kilworth church 30 Jan 2012 Funeral with burial of VERA MARY RAINBOW aged 94 at Misterton church 30 Jan 2012. Husbands Bosworth Methodist Chapel Brian Kennard 01858 462889 Our services for March are: 4th. Mr. Steve Pointer 11th. Rev'd. Peter Green 18th. Mr. Michael Mays 25th. Rev'd. BrianKennard - The Lord's Supper (all at 6.30pm) Freelance BHSAI Instructor – I have experience of teaching at all levels and disciplines and have taught beginners to advance riders for over 15 years. I have a patient, calm and professional approach ensuring you get the very best from your horse/pony. I am willing to travel within the Leicestershire/Warwickshire area. If you have any questions or would like to discuss requirements/aims please Tel: Wez 07958 228367, email

DON’T FORGET Clocks go forward at 2am on Sun 25th March

Reflections on next Sunday’s Gospel reading Emma welcomes you into her home for the opportunity to gather together around the Gospel reading for the following Sunday: from 7.30 to 9 pm at Gilmorton Vicarage: Thursday 23 Feb & every Thursday in March.  Chris invites you into his home to do just the same at Swinford Rectory from 1.30 to 2.30 pm on Monday 27 Feb, every Monday in March and 2 April. These are informal and relaxed sessions: no degree in Theology required for attendance, just come along and enjoy! Bread and soup and a glass of water is all you will get if you come to the Hunger Lunches at Swinford Rectory 12 to 1.30 pm on 27 Feb to 2 April inclusive. Bishop Christopher, the Assistant Bishop of Leicester, will be with us on 27 Feb. You will be able to give what you would have spent on a meal, or what you can afford and the money will go to the Christian College in Kiteto, part of our diocesan Tanzanian link. Those staying on after lunch for the Bible reflection (see

ST ANDREW’S FLOWER ROTA No flowers during Lent but donations towards lilies for Easter will be gratefully received. Many Thanks Jo Guilfoyle (880574)

Services for March 2012 Page 9

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Sunday 4th March The Second Sunday of Lent (Purple) Genesis 17.1-7, 15-16 Romans 4.13-25 Mark 8.31-38 8.30 am North Kilworth Holy Communion (BCP) The Rev’d Emma Davies 9.30 am Kimcote Holy Communion (CW) The Rev’d Canon Chris Oxley 9.30 am Stanford on Avon Holy Communion (CW) The Rev’d Emma Davies 11.00 am Gilmorton Holy Communion (CW) The Rev’d Canon Chris Oxley 11.15 am Catthorpe Holy Communion (CW) The Rev’d Alan Stevens 11.15 am Misterton Morning Prayer Keith Wilding 6.00 pm Swinford Evensong – no sermon; optional The Rev’d Canon Chris Oxley Bible reflection following service Sunday 11th March The Third Sunday of Lent (Purple Exodus 20.1-17 1 Corinthians 1.18-25 John 2.13-22 8.30 am Kimcote Holy Communion (BCP) The Rev’d Emma Davies 9.30 am Ashby Magna Holy Communion (CW) The Rev’d Canon Chris Oxley 9.45 am South Kilworth Holy Communion (BCP) The Rev’d Canon John Randall 11.00 am Gilmorton All-age Communion Service (CW) The Rev’d Emma Davies 11.15 am Misterton Holy Communion (CW) The Rev’d Canon Chris Oxley 6.00 pm Peatling Parva Evensong Keith Wilding 6.00 pm Swinford Holy Communion (CW) The Rev’ds Emma Davies &Canon Chris Oxley Tuesday 13th March 9.30 am South Kilworth

Holy Communion (BCP)

The Rev’d Emma Davies

Sunday 18th March The Fourth Sunday of Lent (Purple) Exodus 2.1-10 Mothering Sunday Colossians 3.12-17 Luke 2.33-35 9.30 am North Kilworth Village Communion (CW) The Rev’d Canon Chris Oxley 9.30 am Kimcote Mothering Sunday Service The Rev’d Emma Davies 9.45 am South Kilworth Mothering Sunday Family Service Beth Rogers 10.30 am Gilmorton Mothering Sunday Service Su Marfell 10.30 am Catthorpe Village Service Judith Smith 11.15 am Shawell Holy Communion (CW) The Rev’d Canon Chris Oxley 11.00 am Peatling Parva Holy Communion (BCP) The Rev’d Canon John Randall 6.00 pm Swinford Evensong Keith Wilding Sunday 25th March 10.30 am Swinford

The Fifth Sunday of Lent (Purple) Jeremiah 31.31-34 Hebrews 5.5-10 John 12.20-33 Avon Swift Group Service The Rev’d Canon Chris Oxley Holy Communion (CW) The Rev’d Emma Davies Preacher: to be confirmed

Tuesday 27th March 2.45 pm North Kilworth (with school students)

Holy Communion (CW)

Sunday 1st April Palm Sunday (Red) 8.30 am North Kilworth 9.30 am Stanford on Avon 10.00 am Peatling Parva 10.00 am at Village Hall for procession to church for 10.30 am service 11.15 am Catthorpe 11.15 am Misterton 6.00 pm Swinford

The Rev’d Emma Davies

Readings tbc Holy Communion (BCP) The Rev’d Emma Davies Holy Communion (CW) The Rev’d Canon Chris Oxley Palm Sunday Service The Rev’d Emma Davies

Holy Communion (CW) The Rev’d Canon Chris Oxley Morning Prayer Keith Wilding Palm Sunday Service – The Rev’d Canon Chris Oxley Preparing for the Passion BCP = Book of Common Prayer (1662) – traditional language CW = Common Worship (2000) – contemporary language Morning Prayer – Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays 9am at Swinford Church Evening Prayer – Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays 5pm at Gilmorton Church Time for quiet prayer – Wednesdays, 7pm – 7.30pm Misterton Church All enquiries should be directed to: The Revd Canon Chris Oxley, The Rectory, Kilworth Road, Swinford, Telephone: 01788 860445 The Revd Emma Davies, The Vicarage, 5 Church Lane, Gilmorton, Telephone: 01455 556573

Things to do in March

SNIBSTON An Afternoon Visit to the Corset Factory-Sat 3rd: Beam Engine beaming- Sat 3rd, Sat 17th & Wed 22nd: Hidden Secrets- Sat 17th: Drawn to Danger- Sat 24th- Sun 110th June BOSWORTH Fri 2nd- Fri 31st Aug- John Flower Exhibition: Battlefield Guided Walk-Sun 4th, Sun 18th & 25th: Mothers Go Free on Mothering Sunday-Sun 18th For details: Rough & Tumble- Sport in Medieval England-Wed 21st

HARBOROUGH MUSEUM: Railway Roundabout- Sat 10th; Meet the Expert-Tues 13th: Marvellous Mum-Sat 17th: RECORD OFFICE WIGSTON MAGNA. Mon 5th- Thurs 26th April- Captain Scott & The Titanic: Tues 6th_ The Happiest days of Our Lives? : Family History Day Course- Sat 10th March: The Forlorn Hope- Tues 13th: Family History Online- Wed 14th: Death, Disease & Data Protection- Tues 20th: Getting the Best out of your Digital Camera- Tues 27th BEAUMANOR HALL History Fair- Sun 25th. Tel: 01509890119 COUNTRY PARKS Conservation volunteer day- Watermead Country Park-Thurs 22nd: Tel: 0116 305 7939, Email:

For more information see Leicestershire Events Guide or go to

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Say Hello To: Eve and Jack Duncan ding Church mat

All enquiries regarding Church matters should be directed to:-

When you say “Hello” to Jack and Eve, you are highly likely to talk about the Bowls Club, because it has been an important part of their life in Kilworth. So we’ll start and end with bowls, but after 58 years of marriage there’s a lot more to Jack and Eve than most of us ever get to know. They were both born in Edinburgh a long time ago. Eve was a dance champion, dancing in a wartime concert (that’s the second World War!) at the age of 11. Jack was a Burns scholar, attended Heriots school, played football to a respectable standard, and developed a lifelong interest in music - in particular the trumpet. During National Service in the Scots Greys military band in Germany from 1949 to 1951 he had the sombre duty of playing the last post at the funeral of soldiers stabbed to death by Hitler Youths. Jack joined the civil service as an insurance adjudicator and auditor. In his work he visited every one of the 104 insurance offices in Scotland. He played part time in a dance band, which is how he met Eve. She had a variety of full time jobs including in a

stockbroker, and a part time job as cricket scorer on account of yet another of Jack’s sporting interests. After a spell in London in Organisation and Methods, their next stop was Hong Kong, and a treasured 16year spell of expatriate life. Jack worked in the Treasury, and Eve ran a multi-national pre-school playgroup. She left her mark on a collection of Chinese, Korean, Japanese and English children who all graduated with a Scottish accent. (I think that’s what Bob Tunnicliffe would describe as the Scots spreading round the world on “missionary” work) Jack and Eve were members of a 1200 strong multi-sport and recreation club. Their stadium hosted the Hong Kong sevens, and the club maintained their interest in a wide variety of sports. Jack was chairman for four years. Eve was lady president and manager of the Hong Kong ladies bowls team that went to the Melbourne Commonwealth Games in 1980. 27 years ago they brought their sense of community to NK. Eve was secretary and treasurer of the WI and thoroughly enjoyed a host of positions in the Bowls club. She was a qualified bowls umpire and coach. (Thanks for your considerable help in coaching me Eve). A broken hip has slowed her down a bit, but she still enjoys watching. Jack was Village Hall secretary for many years, and at the bowls club he looked after the green as one of the green rangers, and is still the Treasurer.

Jack and Eve have three children – Blair, Craig and Grant (who bowls at NK). They have seven grandchildren spread from Inverurie to the Phillipines. What do Jack and Eve consider is their biggest contribution to NK? It’s something that most of you would not be aware of. It is that the bowlers have somewhere to bowl! A few years ago the bowls club land was owned by the Belgrave estate, and the lease was about to run out. Gerry Lee and Jack (supported as always by Eve) engaged in protracted negotiations and serious fundraising to secure the future of the site. The title to the land has been successfully transferred to the Parish of North Kilworth, and the bowls club rents this from the Parish Council for the peppercorn rent of £1 per year. Jack has written a cheque to cover the first 100 years! So the bowls club is in good shape, but it does need a few more members – social and competitive, male and female, young and old. There is an Open Day on 14th April, and all you have to do to give it a try is turn up with flat bottomed footwear; the rest will be provided. You will be made most welcome, and if you want further details you could talk to any member of the bowls club; here are a few of the people you could talk to: Ivor Winston on (880630) Joey, Tommy, or Arthur Renshaw (880693), Mick Faulkner (880354), Jeff McCarthy (880670), Vic Hancock (07949 880458) or say “Hello” to Jack and Eve on 880732. DB

Rugby Road, South Kilworth, LE17 6DN

01858 575416 Traditional Village Pub Serving Home Cooked food Fresh wet Grimsby Fish Eat in or Take Away Any Day! Served in homemade beer batter. Home Cooked Sunday Roast Choice of two Meats, fresh Veg and Homemade Yorkshire Pudding! Bookings Advisable Food Served: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat 12-2.30pm, and then from 6-9.00pm


Whats on in North Kilworth

May 5th: Vintage Ca aid of Kilworth Chal May 13th- Car Boot Challenge June Sat 2nd & Sun June Mon 4th: Quee Village Party July 8th- Lunch on t Sept 2nd 2012: Al F

February 2012 Mons: Yoga- 7pm Sports Club Weds: Stretch&Flex-12.15pm,Yoga 7pm Village Hall Thursdays-term-time:Tots & Toddlers- 9.30am Village Hall Thurs.1st: Mobile Library-Dag Lane-1.30pm Sat 3rd Safari Supper Tues 6th: CIC Presentation-Energy: Village Hall: 2.30pm & 7.30pm Wed.7th: Mobile Library-White Lion-2.40pm Thurs 8th; Bingo- Sports Club: Eyes down at 8pm Mon.12th: Parish Council Meeting-7.45pm: Parish Rooms Thurs.15th: Mobile Library-Dag Lane-1.30pm The next meeting of the N.K.R.G. is on Thurs.15th:WI- Carry on Catering Thurs 22nd March 8.00pm, at Nether Hall. The book to Sat 17th- Quiz- In aid of read Kilworth Challenge is Pigeon English by Steven Kelman . New members Wed.21st: Mobile Library-always White Lion-2.40pm welcome. Contact Jo Guilfoyle 880574. Thurs 22nd: Reading Group-8pm Wed 28th: Cake Sale- High Tree Lodge (opp School) 2.30pm Thurs.29th: Mobile Library-Dag Lane-1.30pm

ST ANDREWS SCHOOL Lessons St. Andrews school is always learning about different things so here they all are.............. Reception Maths: Counting: Topic: Weather and Hibernation Alpha 1 and 2 Topic: Weather: Maths: Dividing: Literacy: Reports: RE: Hindus Beta Topic: Mountains: Maths: Adding 9 or 11: Maths: Dividing: Literacy: Reports: RE: Creation Omega Topic: Environment: Maths: Decimals: Literacy: Discussion Text: RE: Temptation By Ella Clarke Age 9 Pancake Day On Tuesday 21st February it’s Pancake Day On Pancake Day in St Andrews school we get to eat pancakes FOR FREE! We all love Pancake Day, we get to choose what we have on our pancake out of; lemon, sugar and syrup, I for one can’t wait! By Maddy Lindop Age 9 Books, Brains and Boots! On the first of March we will be celebrating annual book day. This is celebrated in primary schools around the country where children from pre-school to yr2 are given the excuse to dress up as their favourite book character. It is definitely a sight to see when there are mini Star Wars characters and maybe the odd princess! Whereas years 3-6 need to bring in an empty cereal box? Don’t ask me why, it’s a surprise! KS1 are allowed to bring in their favourite book and parents can sit and read or listen to them reciting, as they trek up the beanstalk with Jack or round the mall with Barbie SATS are sprinting around the corner much to the year 6’s dismay, but anyhow it’s not that bad doing ten mental maths questions every day! The teachers have been preparing them through science, literacy as well as maths and year5’s and 2’s have also been revising for their optional tests. Year 6’s will be doing the SATS from the 14th-18th of May. Good Luck! Ofsted have been observing our assemblies and lessons recently. We hopefully made a good impression and we will let you know the results in the next issue. St. Andrews have signed up with easy fundraising, type in the following web address into your PC up and when you shop at the following; Amazon, Argos, Asda, Boden, Boots, Debenhams, eBay, iTunes, john Lewis, M&S, Mothercare, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, The White Company, Toys R Us and many more, you will be raising money for our school. Don’t forget! And thank you. By Grace Lindop

Year 5/6 London Trip On Tuesday 27th of March Year 5/6 are hoping to go to London for the day. It will be based on all this year’s topics such as rivers and science. We will have a ride on the London Eye River Cruise; this is a 40 minute cruise along the Thames. The cruise starts and finishes at the Waterloo Millennium Pier (by the London Eye). We will also be visiting the Science museum which we are really looking forward to! By Abigail Robertson


In the February issue we asked if anyone know about the ladies in this picture. Pam Price has some answers: Front row: Nellie Gregory (founded the Evergreens) ; Phyllis Wilde & Barbara Foley ( Patrick Foley of Elmcroft Rd’s mother). Behind: Mrs Walding; Mrs Oxley (a relation of Rachel Root); Mrs Letts; Mrs Philips (Husband kept the garage at Sandercock’s site); Kath Hancock (schoolteacher who lived opposite the White Lion) & Mrs Hill. Pam couldn’t name the others. Does anybody know? The ladies all belonged to a knitting group that knitted socks, gloves and scarves for the troops. They met in each others houses and had cups of tea and exchanged knitting wools. The information came from Pam’s mum. Thanks Pam

Can anyone throw light on this pied piper and his followers? Any idea of the year or occasion?

Dress rehearsal to test operations for the Olympic Torch Relay The London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) have confirmed that a full dress rehearsal to test the operations around the Olympic Torch Relay will take place on the Leicester to Peterborough stretch of the Relay route on Friday 20 April 2012. Go to for details


Your local family garage for over 50 years. Following January shop refurbishment we are now pleased to offer a small selection of

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