1 minute read

Medical Student Research –a Relatively New, but Essential, Phenomenon

If your doctor is more than 40 to 45 years old, good chance that he or she never did any, or much, research while in medical school, unless he or she was also a PhD. Today, research in medical school is essential for virtually all specialties, and some, as many as over 20 research entities. The reasoning, the types of projects, and the stresses on current medical students are interesting and will be discussed. (Available as an online or in-person lecture).

Medical School Education Today –So Different from When Your Doctor Went to Medical School if More Than 15 Years Ago!


American medical schools have undergone an amazing transformation from what had been stable learning formats for well over 70 years. We will highlight the interesting, nascent formation of medical schools in the United States, and the evolving transformation that has markedly changed medical education today. (Available as an online or in-person lecture).

Contact Information:

Emeritus College Office

Email: emerituscollege@asu.edu

Phone: (380) 965-0002

Emeritus College lectures, workshops and short courses are coordinated through the Emeritus College Academy for Continued Learning, Stephen Siek, Director.

Cover Art

“Eine Kleine Nachtmusik” (acrylic on canvas, 2013)

John Aguilar, Professor Emeritus of Art, Professor Emeritus of Art, Arizona State University

John Aguilar is a prolific expressionist and abstract painter, represented by dozens of works in the Emeritus Exhibit, on the walls of the Emeritus College Center in Old Main and in many private collections. His medium is usually acrylic, his subjects widely varied and his essence mystical, bringing a sense of peace and fulfillment to the viewer, even with his most agitated themes. John’s violin playing, a frequent treat at College gatherings, conveys the same.