1 minute read

Mariachi, It Might Not Be What You Think 

A series of four one-hour lectures describing the history of music instruments from traditional and folk cultures to the art cultures of the East, mid-East and Europe. Each lecture is accompanied by photographs and sound bites of a series of instruments.

You may choose one lecture or the series of four lecture below.


• 1001 Arabian Nights or 1001 musical strings

10,000 years of string instruments from one string fiddles and African harps to Mesopotamian and oriental lutes to the marvelous violin family. (Availabe as online or in-person lecture)

• Reeds in the winds

Vibrating bamboo attached to instruments of wood, ebony, plastic and even other pieces of bamboo form the family colloquially called “woodwinds.” (Available as aon online or in-person lecture)

• Making music with “raspberries”

A history of music instruments played by buzzing your lips from conch shells and natural horns to trumpets with valves. The brass family. (Available as an online or in-person lecture)

• Thumps and bumps in the Night: Scaring spirits away or making music

Organized sounds: from Charivari to music with rattles and drums from one simple instrument to 100s. A history of percussion instruments. (Available as an online or in-person lecture)

Contact Information:

Email: r.haefer@asu.edu

Phone: (480) 203-3110

Emeritus College Office

Email: emerituscollege@asu.edu

Phone: (480) 965-0002

Norma Hubele Professor Emerita of Industrial Engineering, Arizona State University

Norma Faris Hubele joined the engineering faculty at Arizona State University in 1984. In her 22 years at ASU, she taught statistics to engineering students and served in various administrative positions, including the Director of Strategic Initiatives for the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering from 2004 to 2006.

Norma has served as an expert witness in automotive crash statistics in over 120 legal cases across the nation. Locally, she was part of Phoenix Police Officer Jay Schecterle’s team of experts - concerning the rear positioning of the gas tank in Police Interceptor vehicles. In 2018, she launched www.TheAutoProfessor.com dedicated to car safety rating system based on the experience of people in actual crashes on our roadways. She is the author of Backseat Driver, The Role of Data in Great Car Safety Debates (Routledge, 2023).

Workshops offered by Norma Hubele:

Buying a car can be both an exciting and stressful process. Balancing our budget, desires and practicality can sometime overwhelm us. In this 2-part workshop, we bring you peace of mind in helping you to sort through the safety ratings and new safety features of a car.

Car Ratings and What They Mean

In the first workshop, we explain why the federal government’s “Star Safety Rating” and Insurance Institute’s “Top Safety Picks” systems were originally developed. With this understanding, you will be better prepared to interpret these ratings in your car-buying decisions. (Available as an online or in-person workshop).