1 minute read

Your Family in the Americas

Whether your ancestors are indigenous to the Americas, came via migration, bondage or immigration, you will have an opportunity to explore writing about that experience in this session. If you don’t know much about your family’s story, we will discuss strategies for learning more.

Writing about Family Traditions


Families have traditions. Some of them are centuries old—e.g., eating holiday foods that were eaten in our ancestors’ home counties. Some are relatively recent—e.g., taking a photo on the first day of school each year. Sometimes we know the origins of our traditions; sometimes we may not ever realize that something is a tradition. In this workshop, we will write about family traditions that are important to us or ones that we no longer observe, (so please bring paper and pen or a laptop.)

Favorite Family Holidays

Families observe and celebrate a range of holidays for religious, secular, historical, familial, or even whimsical reasons. In this workshop, each of us will write about a favorite family holiday—how and why we celebrate it.

Our Role Models

From childhood to today, we have role models who have shaped us in diverse ways. Maybe our eighth-grade language arts teacher showed us how to nurture learning and learners. Maybe a grandparent lived a life that taught us the importance of empathy and compassion. Maybe a parent showed us the importance of sacrifice in the service of others. In this workshop, each of us will write about a person who has served as role model for us and others.