EMCVPA Graduation 2021 Programme Booklet

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“Create Persevere Achieve

The listing of names, Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates to be conferred, appearing herein, is subject to such changes as may be necessary to conform to the final and official records of the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts

MISSION STATEMENT To enrich the aesthetic sensibilities and promote the cultural diversity of the Caribbean, through the highest quality education and training in the Visual and Performing Arts.

ABOUT The Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts (EMCVPA) is the premier tertiary arts institution in the Anglophone Caribbean. Our students are exposed to the very best lecturers in the arts who blend theory with creative application in our one-year Certificate, two-year Associate and four-year Bachelor Degree Programmes. The College also offers postgraduate certification in Art Therapy and Arts Education, including a Master of Arts in Art Education, offered in conjunction with the Ohio State University (OSU). The Schools of Visual Arts, Drama, Dance, Music and Arts Management and Humanities offer essential professional preparation to students in the arts from the Caribbean, North America and Europe. We fulfill our commitment to lifelong learning through the School of Continuing Education and Allied Programmes which offers part-time leisure and per credit courses for adults and a vibrant junior programme for children 4-18 years.


Message Chairman Hon. Marigold Harding, cd, jp

As an avid horticulturalist the theme for this year’s graduation exercise “Change Makers: Blossoming and Releasing” resonates with me. I believe many, if not all of you, share my amazement that another year has gone by, and we are once more at that time of transition we have come to call graduation. Not only have we made it through the last solar cycle but through all the challenges we have equipped ourselves to move on. This is indeed a time of blossoming. Consider for a moment how you respond to flowering plants, how you think of them, and the change they cause in whatever it is that you might be feeling when you find yourself in communion with nature. I think that this theme is calling you to effect that kind of change in those you encounter. Indeed, you have experienced many moments of change this past year. Did you create those moments? Were they created for you? Did you influence them or did you merely bend to them? Your responses will help you assess whether you are capable of responding to them by changing, by being a changemaker. And then you will have to ask yourself, in whose interest are you acting? You will find that the answers are elusive now but graduations present us with wonderful opportunities for reflection. What has changed in Jamaica/the region over the period that you have been at the College? What has changed in the last year or two? What is the nature of the world into which you are stepping? How prepared are you to change with it, change it, or accommodate how it changes and changes you? In Jamaica, change carries so many profound concepts. When the man on the corner begs you a little change he means money. But we all know that he is not expecting the small change. He is expecting something that will make a big difference to his circumstances at that moment, perhaps on that day. Consider the proverb that we can “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for life.” If we have learnt anything these past two years it is about how rapidly things change. So in short, while that able fisherman could find that changing technologies of fishing might lead to reduced yield and he could end up needing further assistance to maintain his recently acquired self-sufficiency, you come to realize that your good deed has an expiration date. You discover that the changemaker’s job is never finished. You now need to reach into what is central to the Edna experience and that is your bedrock of creativity. One simple definition of a changemaker is someone who is taking creative action to solve a social problem. At this point, we come to find out that all social problems begin at the


personal level. Your creativity will take you beyond merely performing good deeds such as responding to the immediate needs of the beggar on the corner to the broader picture of how we nurture and inspire an entire nation or region to accept the challenge that we cannot change to remain the same. So being a changemaker also means the capacity to vision. The world will change in spite of you. Can you make it change because of you? Can you stay the course even in the face of what is unprecedented and stand on the side of the millions whose lives and dreams have been upended, suspended, and for whom it is increasingly clear that there is no easy way to get back on track? How can your art find its way into policies that will face these challenges? That’s what artists do, they innovate. They invent and transform without having the resources of the traditional philanthropists or access to power brokers but with the infinitely more impactful reserves of the desire to create a better world and a better way of life for everyone. You may ask what might those reserves be. I go to my faith and find it in Galatians 5:22–23 — “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control”. But I would not be completely true to that faith if I did not also point you to the teaching that “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” So then we have to ask ourselves if change is inevitable and if changemakers have a duty to discern when not changing is an attribute. This is not a challenge you can face by yourself. If there ever were a time to remember our Jamaican saying that “one han kean clap” it is now. I have faith in you our graduates. I have faith in the families and caregivers who have brought you to this point in your journey. I have faith in the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts. Together we can find the resources that allow us to blossom and release the creativity that will reveal us to ourselves as the ones we have been waiting for. I give you my heartiest congratulations and as always, God bless you, God bless Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts.


Principal’s Message Dr. Trudy-Ann Barrett

Congratulations, Class of 2021! You have successfully hurdled the significant feat of culminating your programme of study amidst a global pandemic! The journey, no doubt, would have taken you down different paths and affected you in nuanced ways; however the same unwavering determination, unflinching commitment and sacrifices would have brought you to this moment where you are listed among the first cohort to have successfully navigated an entire year of online education in the arts. This is worthy of commendation! Your efforts confirm the indomitable nature of the human spirit— to overcome, to adapt and to transpose seemingly negative situations into positive ones. Nuff respect to you! The Academic Year 2020/2021 presented myriad challenges for the EMCVPA Community, both personally and institutionally in many spheres. Not only were we required to endure prolonged COVID-19 fatigue and the dizziness from the constant pivoting, but unprecedented effort also had to be invested to plug the void that could have been caused by limited exposure to kinesthetic experiences and in person interactions. Notwithstanding, in true EMCVPA style, you, guided by your phenomenal lecturers and School administrators, rose to the occasion time and time again! Consequently, I am confident that the precipitous learning curves, beyond the frustrations and anxieties that they occasioned, have equipped you sufficiently, not just to survive, but to thrive on your journey ahead so that you may contribute productively to our volatile world. And having circumvented the barriers that marked this period together, I trust that you will not take for granted the networks that you have forged in the process and your collective capacity to blaze a trail for the greater good, wherever life takes you. To our internal and external support systems: Faculty, Staff, Senior and Middle Managers, the Board of Management, the Ministry of Education, Youth & Information, Family, Friends, Donors and other stakeholders, on behalf of the graduating class, I salute you for your continued commitment to the arts and the EMCVPA, by extension. Because of your contributions, we were able to make tangible our mission “to enrich the aesthetic sensibilities and promote the cultural diversity of the region…” through the graduation of yet another cohort of arts practitioners, educators and administrators. Class of 2021, your journey has just begun! Whilst the closure of this chapter brings into sharp focus a mission well accomplished, it simultaneously ushers you into a new moment that is rife with possibilities. It is said that when nothing is certain, anything is possible! I therefore encourage you in the words of His Excellency, the late Marcus Mosiah


Garvey, “Go to work in the morn of a new creation…until you have… reached the height of self-progress, and from that pinnacle bestow upon the world a civilization of your own.” The canvas is accordingly yours to paint so seize this opportunity to use your art to imbue our world with the kind of hope that will affect the trajectory of history positively for those who will come after you, especially the disenfranchised! Go forth intentionally to be the change that you desire to see in the world. And in your pursuits and accomplishments, as old-time people would say, “nuh dash stone back a yuh”; pay it forward and become a building block upon the very foundation from which you have been nurtured – Join the Alumni Association!

Trudy-Ann Barrett, PhD Acting Principal


Registrar’s Message Mrs. Claudia Woon Chin

“Begin to be now what you will be hereafter” William James-American Psychologist (1842-1910) You are changemakers, beautifully crafted, poised for full bloom, and are ready to be released into the world. It is often said that life’s journey is paved with challenges and opportunities, and one’s level of success is measured by how well you navigate the challenges as well as the effort that is put forth to seize the opportunities presented. The fact that your name is listed among the Graduating Class of 2021 is a testament to the grit and determination that you demonstrated to achieve this milestone. You did this despite the numerous obstacles brought on by the COVID-19 Pandemic that disrupted your normal rhythm. During the best of times motivation is the driving force that propels us forward, and like many persons around the world, I know your motivation was dented and tested on numerous occasions during the last year and a half of your studies. However, while you may have wavered, you dug deep in your resolve to stay the course, you believed in your abilities and kept the faith, and today it has culminated in the just reward of your graduation. So as you stand tall and proud, know that the BOLD decision that you made to invest in your talents by attending the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts, the first, and still the only one of its kind in the English-speaking Caribbean was not in vain. I was privileged to have a front row seat to witness your growth and development over the last four to five years and on this penultimate day, I am filled with pride to share in this your latest achievement as you are poised to go forth and share your talents knowing that you have been equipped with the tools that will aid you in true EMCVPA style to CREATE, PERSEVERE and ACHIEVE.


Alumni’s President Message Mr. Paul Wilson

The identity of a nation is revealed through its Art. This is an apt way to begin this charge for you. The Graduating class of 2021 of the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts. As you exodus through the door of the student chapter of your Edna Manley College life and genesis to a new connection with this noblest institution, we, the EMCVPA Alumni Association welcomes you wholeheartedly as we bond to develop this body to become the backbone of this institution. The trumpet has sounded, and it is your time to answer the call. This Association sets out with the mission to: Be a source of support for all graduates of this institution. Provide mentorship and encourage continuous Personal and Professional Development for all students. Ensure that the student’s voice is loud and strong in the operation of the Edna Manley College. Lift the profile of the college and in extension the students who attend. We encourage you to stay connected with the institution, the place where you have developed friendships, cultivated new family members, created long-lasting memories, and most importantly, discover yourself as you master your craft. I implore you to continue to develop your skills and ‘broaden your horizons.’ Remember the time you sojourned here and give back; extend a helping hand to a brother, a sister so their journey can be as successful and memorable as yours. One chapter has ended, and a new one has begun; lift your ‘hats,’ celebrate and be proud of your achievements. We look forward to your support as we work to ensure that the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts, the first of its kind in the English-speaking Caribbean, remains the Premier Arts institution. ‘Big up Unuh Self and as we say at Edna, “Blessed Love.”


Guest Speaker Mr. Maurice Hamilton

Maurice Hamilton brings a wealth of knowledge and more than 25 years of experience in all things entertainment. His entertainment career started at just fourteen years old when he secured a weekly one-hour gig as a disc jock at CHOICE FM in the United Kingdom, one of the country’s first popular urban radio stations. His gig at the station blossomed into an impressive career promoting some of today’s top artistes like reggae’s very own Sean Paul, Shaggy and Damian Marley as well as Hip Hop greats, Jay-Z, Rick Ross, and Ludacris. Currently serving as the group CEO of the SMC Group, a company he formed in 1999, Maurice has spent the past 21 years working with entertainment talent and global brands to develop entertainment based assets. Initially, Maurice and the SMC Group provided PR and marketing services sup-port for major record labels and film studios like Universal Music, Sony, BMG, EMI and Twentieth Century Fox but today, the SMC Group has grown into one of the leading entertainment brand strategists, defining global policy for Fortune 500 companies such as Unilever, Diageo and The Coca Cola Company. Maurice has extensive international travel and business experience which saw him launching the SMC Group across 5 continents with a


Valedictorian Ms. Pamella Chang

Blooming despite the odds... On the 19th of July, 1999, a surprise was born - whether that was a pleasant or an unpleasant surprise was entirely up to who you asked at the time. I am Pamella Chang, a 22 year old on the brink of completing my degree at the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts. As a painting major, I am fascinated by the wonders and the power that a measly canvas and a paintbrush can hold. The process of creating art is just as important as the process of writing. An author’s sword is their pen while, for artists such as myself, our tools are our weapons. Born to an edlerly man and a promiscuous mentally psychotic woman, my life was on its own trajectory even before I was born. At the age of one, my biological father passed due to complications which came with age. My now adoptive grandmother who was the wife of my late biological father, nurtured and cared for me as if I were her own for as long as I could remember. As complicated of a story as it might have been at the time, one thing remains true- ever since I went into the care of my grandmother, I have been blessed and loved. My grandmother has been a major source of inspiration for not only myself, but also everyone who she has crossed paths with. She has selflessly dedicated her time, effort, adoration and affection to those around her. I aim to be as loving and as admirable to others as this woman is to me. Growing up in a middle-class household in Jamaica with this family history was not particularly easy as one would imagine. I grew up in the parish of Manchester in a housing scheme called Chudleigh. There I attended a community basic school and a nearby primary school. I eventually moved on to Bishop Gibson High School for Girls as well as DeCarteret College for secondary education. In August 2017 I entered into the gates of the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts. I knew this moment would come since I was able to speak and comprehend, I knew that I wanted to attend the Edna Manley College School of the Visual and Performing Arts. For me, it was the only logical option. At Edna Manley College, though faced with hardships, my peers and I were determined to see this task through to the end. With the aid of the Grace Kennedy Foundation Scholarship, I was able to attend school with my tuition paid in full. A grant from Ebony Patterson also aided my final year development tremendously. This enabled me to focus more intently on all that the College had to offer. As a young adult living on my own for the first time, college was very foreign to me. Though I enjoyed how enriched and fulfilling our classes were, I am most grateful for the numerous one-on-one lectures from


many well established artists that the environment provided. I also enjoyed the great opportunities that came with being a student at the college; mural jobs with companies such as Pepsi Jamaica, J. Wray and Nephew and Jamaica National excited the young artist within me. As my journey continues, I aspire to leave my own mark in the artistic community of Jamaica, the Caribbean and the world. I aim to always be of help to those around me. I have learnt that we will not always be dealt the cards that we may want - we will be dealt the cards that we need. The onus is then on us to put up a fight. We should fight against our own trials, battle against our own demons and keep moving. Even if things may seem a bit dark right now, if we believe in ourselves, if we continuously work on building ourselves, then there will always be light at the end of the tunnel.


SENIOR COLLEGE OFFICERS PRINCIPAL Dr. Nicholeen DeGrasse-Johnson (on leave) PhD, Temple University, USA ACTING PRINCIPAL, Dr. Trudy-Ann Barrett PhD, University of Canterbury, New Zealand ACTING VICE PRINCIPAL, ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Mr. Roger N. Williams MM, Butler University, USA VICE PRINCIPAL, ADMINISTRATION AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Ms. Kerry-Ann Henry MA, University of East Anglia, England MET, University of British Columbia, Canada REGISTRAR Mrs. Claudia Woon Chin MED, University of Technology, Jamaica COLLEGE LIBRARIAN Ms. Erica Davis MA, The University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica STUDENT SERVICES Mr. Horace Prince MA, The University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS Ms. Marlene Vanriel MBA, The University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT Mrs. Marcia Donaldson Thomas MSc, The University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Coleen Douglas MA, The University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica MULTIMEDIA SERVICES Yakub Grant BA, University of the Arts London, England ASSETS AND FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Ryan Gayle MBA, The University of the West Indies, Jamaica COLLEGE ORATOR Dr. Amina Blackwood Meeks BH{M} PhD, The University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica


DEANS OF THE SCHOOLS VISUAL ARTS Mrs. Miriam Hinds Smith (on leave) MA, Winchester School of Art, University of Southhampton, UK Mrs. Susan Lee Quee, Acting Dean MA, Bournemouth University, UK DRAMA Mr. Marvin George MA, University of Leeds, England MUSIC Mr. Andre Adman, Acting Dean BME, Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts, Jamaica ARTS MANAGEMENT AND HUMANITIES Dr. Keino Senior PhD, The University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica DANCE Mr. Marlon Simms MFA, Southern Methodist University, USA SCHOOL OF CONTINUING EDUCATION & ALLIED PROGRAMMES Mr. Leighton Jones, Director E.M.E.M., The Mico University College, Jamaica


PROGRAMME Prelude National Anthem Welcome and Opening Remarks Dr. Amina Blackwood Meeks, College Orator Greetings Hon. Marigold Harding, Chairman, Board of Management, Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts Movement 1 Ferti-gation Principal’s Report Dr. Trudy-Ann Barrett, Acting Principal Movement 2 Pruning and Weeding Introduction of Guest Speaker Dr. Amina Blackwood Meeks, College Orator Movement 3 Grafting and Budding Graduation Address Mr. Maurice Hamilton Presentation of Graduates Mr. Roger N. Williams, Acting Vice Principal Academic Affairs Conferring of Bachelor & Associate Degrees Hon. Marigold Harding, Chairman of The Board of Management Presentation of Certificates & Diplomas Mr. Roger N. Williams, Acting Vice Principal Academic Affairs Presentation of Special Awards Mrs. Claudia Woon Chin, Registrar Movement 4 Dance Repertoire Valedictory Address Ms. Pamella Chang, School of Visual Arts Closing Remarks Ms. Kerry Ann Henry, Vice Principal Administration and Resource Development and Dr. Amina Blackwood Meeks, College Orator Movement 5 The Bloom


Presentation Of Graduates


Chang, Pamella Claudette Painting Deslandes, Christine Ann Marie Textile Design Douglas, Joshua Emmanuel Visual Communication Fisher, Tishana Christine Painting Gayle, Crys-Ann Patrice Fashion Design Gobern, Giovanni Richard Visual Communication Habib, Nickeisha Patricia Fashion Design Hinds, Sasha-Kay Nicole Interdisciplinary Studies Jones, Artneal Uraldo Visual Communication Mitchell, Kimberly Faith-Ann Textile Design Pearson, Tresana Tony-Ann Photography Pinnock, Brad Michael Painting Rodriques, Rajhean Jenielle Visual Communication Smith, Ammoy Leonie Textile Design Tucker, Lushane Andre Printmaking Walker, Jovaun Ricardo Visual Communication Whittle, Ajay Kadeem Visual Communication Rankine, Jade Thais Lamarr Visual Communication


Credit Honours Honours Honours Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit



ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN VISUAL ARTS Anjorie, Ryan Carl Painting James, Olivea Cassandra Visual Communication Williams, Monique Felicia Visual Communication

BACHELOR OF MUSIC IN PERFORMANCE (CONTEMPORARY MUSIC STUDIES) Anderson, Miguel Ricardo Dixon, Akiel Garfield Gidarisingh, Mario Antonio


Guthrie, Jelani Sefu


Henry, Krysten Lori-Ann


Jones, Jevaughn Romain



Morgan, Dario Kemoi Daniel Stanberry, Stephen Donovan Noel Taffe, Victoria Rosemarie

BACHELOR OF MUSIC EDUCATION Cheverria, Zavier Crossdale, Camillia Nikita Gordon, Kamoy André Grant, Le-Schae Terrosha McLean, Moses Jerome

Credit Honours



Pyne, Rojae Kemar Reynolds, Devon Roy Ricketts, Daniel Chevonne

Credit Honours Credit

Samuels, Paul Mosiah



BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS IN PERFORMANCE & CHOREOGRAPHY Byndloss, Shavaughn Ian Morris, Oracia Lashanta

ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN DANCE Anderson, Martein Onique





King, Tori-Ann Desiree


McKenzie, Joan Pauline


Smith, Jhaneil Audrea


BACHELOR OF ARTS IN DRAMA IN EDUCATION Malcolm, Tia Abigail Smith, Keziah Zola Yulandy




Smith, Lenford Lloyd




Batson, Nasheika Shadae Lawrence, Chloe Alexandra


McNair, Imani Nasassja




Murray Coke, Shauna Gaye Andrea


Simms, Noel Rickcardo


STUDIO CERTIFICATE - 30/60 CREDITS Harding, Demario Jamil Noel-Salisman, Alliyah Tamara Minott, Marlon Anthony


GRADUATION 2021 AWARDEES PRINCIPAL AWARDEES School of Visual Arts Pamella Chang School of Music Kamoy Gordon School of Drama Tori-Ann King School of Arts Management Kanille Brudy


Academic Awards SCHOOL OF VISUAL ARTS Most Outstanding Student in Fashion Nickeisha Habib Most Outstanding Student in Textile Design Kimberly Mitchell Albert Huie Award for the Most Outstanding Student in Painting Brad Pinnock The Advertising Agencies Award for the Best Student – Visual Communication (Graphic Design) Giovanni Gobern Outstanding Presentation in Photography Tresana Pearson Most outstanding Student in Animation Rajhean Rodriques Most Outstanding Student in Interdisciplinary Studies Sasha Kay Hinds The Dean’s Spirit Award Tishana Fisher


SCHOOL OF MUSIC Pamela O’Gorman Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement and Promise Mario Gidarisingh The Dennis Emmanuel Brown Award for the Most Outstanding student in Music Education Kamoy Gordon The Vibart Seaforth Award for Musical Excellence Krysten Henry The Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence Kamoy Gordon School of Music Award for excellence in Performance Kamoy Gordon The Dean’s Spirit Award Daniel Ricketts

SCHOOL OF DRAMA Dennis Scott Award for the Most Outstanding Student in Drama in Education Keziah Smith Barbara Gloudon Award for the Most Outstanding Student in Theatre Arts Tori-Ann King Brian Heap Award for the Most Outstanding Academic Achievement in Drama Theatre Arts Tori-Ann King The Leonie Forbes Award for dedicated Application to the Process of Becoming a Theatre Artist Tori-Ann King The Dean’s Spirit Award Joan McKenzie


SCHOOL OF DANCE The Rex Nettleford Award for Outstanding Performance and Choreography Shavaughn Byndloss The Bert Rose Award for the Most Outstanding Performer Shavaughn Byndloss School of Dance Award for All Round Excellence Oracia Morris The Dean’s Spirit Award Oracia Morris

SCHOOL OF ARTS MANAGEMENT & HUMANITIES Best Research Award Nickeisha Habib Most Outstanding Student in Humanities Kimberly Mitchell Winston Ewart Award for Excellence in Arts Management (Best Final Year Seminar) Chloe Lawrence The Dean’s Spirit Award Kanille Brudy


Credits for Graduation Production 2021 Artistic Director Dorraine Reid Choreographer Paul Newman Asst Choreographers Giselle Bain Kai Wiggan Musical Directors Ibo Cooper Leighton Jones Production Coordinator Abena Chevannes Stage Managers Javian Kiffin Alexia Smith Regina Squire Cast School of Drama Marvin George Elizabeth Montoya Stemann Javian Kiffin Goldianna Walker Jonathan McLaughing Alexcia Smith Marvaline McLean Malique Marsh School of Dance Marlon Simms Neila Ebanks Dwauntae Chambers LéBron McLean Dextrose McLeod Sherene Davis Lori Welsh Kimberly Barnes Damany Hughes Taniella Francis Kai Cole Christoph Phillips School of Music Andre Adman Gerd Beyens Jevaughn Brown Matthew Harrison Jason Henry Tyrique Johnson Alexia Knight Joe-Daniel Riley Lexine South

School of Visual Arts Susan Lee Quee Paula Daley School of Continuing Education and Allied Programmes Leighton Jones Jordan Hoilett Giovanni Allen Jahtaim Fuller Ray-Janelle Banton School of Arts Management & Humanities Keino Senior Anthea Octave Owen ‘Blakka’ Ellis Registry Department Claudia Woon-Chin Percussionist Ramoy Rodriguez Voice over Talents Leighton Jones Coleen Douglas Anthea Octave Technical Team Peter Roper - Lighting Emmanuel Nwachuku - Lighting Kai Wiggan - Lighting Stacy-Ann Banton - Costumes & props Multimedia Yakub Grant Tesfa Edwards Kamau Williams Jessie Golding Norman Chambers Shanelle Richards- Projection Marketing & Communications Coleen Douglas Stacy Ann Lewis Kimberly Hyatt Sandrene Gregory Robert Ayre - Graphic Design Information Technology Michael Walker Hospitality & Maintenance Michael Campbell Charmaine Fletcher


Alumni Pledge As a graduate of the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts, I pledge to remain diverse, innovative, creative, passionate, bold and uphold the spirit of our founders. I will use my talent, knowledge, and skills to the best of my ability to assist the College in its quest to enrich the aesthetic sensibilities and promote the cultural diversity of the Caribbean. I will honour the core values of the College by using my art to add diversity to the world and to inspire others To give service to my country and Alma Mater. To remain true to myself and ensure that I always speak the truth, show respect to all, and in all I do earn the respect of others because of my integrity and ethics. I commit to give service to the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts whether through scholarships, partnership, sponsorship or mentorship and play my part in the advancement of learning and the public good. To continue to Create, Persevere and Achieve

Words by Coleen Douglas, Class of 2014





1 Arthur Wint Drive, Kingston 5

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