Sixth form prospectus 23/24

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Sixth Form Prospectus

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Founded | 3 Introduction Vision, ethos and values 7 Welcome from the headmaster 7 Welcome from the head of sixth form 9 Sixth Form Facilities 9 The Emanuel Award 11 Academic life Academic life in the sixth form 15 A Levels 15 Extended Project Qualification 17 2022 A Level headlines 17 Futures Life Education 21 UCAS and higher education 21 Careers guidance 23 Pastoral life Introduction 27 Pastoral structure 27 Houses 27 Counselling 27 Medical service 29 Chaplaincy 29 Learning Support 29 Beyond the classroom Sport philosophy 33 Our sports programme 35 Drama 37 Music 37 Art & Design 39 Clubs and Societies 39 Trips 39 Our community Introduction 43 Primary Ambitions 43 Partnerships 45 Charities 45 Admissions Previous schooling 49 Process for sixth form entry 49 Timeline for sixth form applicants 49 Visiting Emanuel 51 Help with fees 51 Fee assistance 51 Academic scholarships 51 Co-curricular scholarships 53 Art & Design scholarships 53 Drama scholarships 53 Music scholarships 53 Sport scholarships 53 History of Emanuel School 55 Facilities & development 55 Travelling to Emanuel 57 Contents
Winner of the Independent School of the Year Award 2022 in the Performing Arts category


Emanuel students are happy, confident and kind, demonstrating high aspirations in all that they do.


Students, parents and teachers work together in our:

• Teaching and learning, to ensure lessons and daily interactions are full of vitality and inspire endeavour, confidence and ambition.

• Pastoral care, so that every child is recognised, listened to and understood within a community that values the development of spiritual and social understanding.

• Co-curricular and community life, so that every child can enjoy being part of a larger cause, find friendships and develop life-enhancing interests and passions.


We are an ambitious and kind school community. We operate within the framework of our Christian ethos, promoting equality and diversity and upholding fundamental British values, the rule of law and individual liberty. We have a commitment to freeplace funding and state partnerships.

Welcome from the headmaster

Thank you for considering Emanuel for your most important school years. Last summer, we completed a major expansion and re-design of our sixth form building. It is now a modernised, and far larger social and workspace, looking out on to the main fields. This sense of change and growth is reflected in many other areas of school life, most especially for you as future A level students.

We are just as ambitious as you and want to help you achieve your higher education, career and subject interest aims. We also want to make sure you have a great time at Emanuel, make friends, take up new opportunities and leave us full of confidence. To help with this, your next two years will be organised around the Emanuel Award- a broad and diverse approach to your academic and co-curricular life in the sixth form. The Emanuel Award aims to help you develop your skills in a wide range of areas, leading to great all-round outcomes and a successful graduation at the end of the upper sixth.

Every student in the sixth form also has the chance to take part in our award- winning Primary Ambitions partnership programme, teaching primary school pupils every Friday afternoon. You will also be given an opportunity to take part in a wide range of choices for trips and clubs. The next two years will race by, and we will make sure that you are given expert guidance on higher education options in the UK or overseas; apprenticeship or internships, as well as excellent career planning assistance.

With our new sixth form building, so much of your day-to-day support is available in one space, so we hope that you will quickly feel settled and excited about life at Emanuel.

Thank you | 7 Introduction

Welcome from the Head of Sixth Form

When you walk through the doors of our newly refurbished sixth form centre, you will feel the buzz of 300 bright, talented, ambitious and kind students who are delighted to welcome you to join them. Whatever your interests, as you embark on the most exciting two years of your school career so far you will have all the opportunities you need to find out what inspires you, with the support of passionate, knowledgeable teachers who will invest their time in getting to know you as an individual. We will equip you to lead in your chosen field, with all the skills of collaboration, communication, creative thinking and emotional intelligence necessary to thrive in a rapidly changing world. What’s more, we want you to be happy and have great fun in the process! We look forward to welcoming you.

Sixth form facilities

The hub of Sixth Form life at Emanuel is the recently extended Sixth Form Centre, a light and airy space overlooking the playing fields which is reserved for sole use by sixth form pupils. There are plenty of spaces for silent or collaborative study, a conference space for meetings of the prefects or other student groups, and comfortable seating areas where you can chat to friends, play chess, or enjoy one the very popular pizzas from the café on the ground floor. The sixth form centre also houses the offices of key members of staff such as your head of year, deputy head of section, the director of higher education and the head of careers and employability, so if you need any advice or support, this is easily accessible.

Sixth Form students have the freedom to spend their private study in the sixth form centre or in the calm of the library, which is situated at the heart of the main school building. Our library is one of the biggest and best-stocked learning resource centres in London, with nearly 30,000 books, over 50 magazine subscriptions and an extensive range of comics and graphic novels. You will find the wealth of online resources we subscribe to, including JSTOR, Newsbank, History Reference Centre and Massolit, very helpful for carrying out research, and you can also seek inspiration from alumni in our impressive archive located on the mezzanine above. | 9

The Emanuel Award

It is our firmly held belief that a broad and varied education is vital to creating happy, aspirational students who are equipped to be the leaders of the future. As a sixth form student at Emanuel you will be enrolled on the Emanuel Award programme, which aims not only to celebrate your engagement with your core academic studies, but also emphasises the importance to us of your commitment to activities beyond the classroom and school community.

Through the Emanuel Award, you will be encouraged to contribute proactively to four key areas of school life:

Academic – which involves not only your A level study but also the Extended Project Qualification, academic enrichment activities such as the Goddard Lecture programme, and a huge range of super-curricular clubs, societies and competitions, from History and Politics Society to the Hans Woyda Maths team;

Co-curricular – which involves sport, art, music and drama, as well as numerous additional societies from film to debating;

Community – which refers to our award-winning primary school partnerships programme, charitable fund-raising, leadership roles such as school prefect and our numerous pupil voice groups including School Council, The Bridge (gender equality and mutual respect), the Archer Advisory Group (racial equality and diversity), Prism (LGBTQ+), Eco committee and the Emanuel Nutrition Review Group;

Futures – which includes all training and activities relating to higher education and careers, from university summer schools to work experience andour extensive ‘Life Education’ programme.

Encompassing all of these strands is an emphasis on well-being, with initiatives aimed at developing your awareness of the importance of your mental and physical health and the steps you can take to promote your own and others’ happiness.

A graduation ceremony at the end of the Upper Sixth allows us to celebrate your completion of the Emanuel Award and to acknowledge those who have contributed most significantly to leadership in each area of school life. | 11

academic life

REPORT 2023 “ ”
The quality of the curriculum is excellent.

Academic life

Academic life in the Sixth Form

In the sixth form you have the chance to study the three or four subjects which you are most passionate about, with time to explore these in a more satisfying depth than is possible at GCSE. The majority of students take three subjects with the Extended Project Qualification, which allows you to carry out detailed research into an area of interest which is entirely your own.  Some pupils choose to study four subjects, which may include Further Mathematics.

We survey our students about their experience of teaching and learning in the sixth form each year, and the words most commonly used to describe teachers are ‘positive’, ‘encouraging’, ‘caring’, kind’ and ‘approachable’.

Learning does not stop at the classroom door: we pride ourselves on offering fantastic opportunities for hands-on learning. If you are a budding coder you might run a computing programme on the International Space Station or build your own safe for the Weizmann safe-cracking competition; keen writers can attend workshops with poets such as Daljit Nagra; linguists might visit the British Film Institute to watch films in their target language. Many choose to enrol on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and attend lectures at institutions such as the Royal Geographical Society.

We hold regular Goddard Lectures, with recent speakers including Professor Mark Miodownik, Director of the UCL Institute of Making, Dhiraj Mukherjee, co-founder of Shazam. There are exciting trips to support learning, too: students have visited CERN to study nuclear physics, Barcelona to learn about urban geography and Paris for Classics, and there are exciting

plans afoot for sixth form expeditions to India and Morocco. We make the most of resources on our doorstep, whether by using our film studio, taking science lessons in the biodiversity garden or making the short trip to a West End production or the Houses of Parliament.

A levels

The subjects we currently offer at A level are: Art, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Classical Civilisation, Computing, Design Technology, Drama & Theatre Studies, Economics, English Literature, Film Studies, French, Further Mathematics, Geography, Government and Politics, German, History, Latin, Mathematics, Music, PE, Photography, Physics, Philosophy, Theology & Ethics (RS), Psychology and Spanish. Each subject is taught for eight periods per week (approximately four and a half hours) by dedicated staff who are experts in their field. Pupils in both years also have timetabled lessons in Life Education and Games. | 15

Extended Project Qualification

The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is a very important part of our sixth form programme, taken by over 80% of our students; all those who are studying three A levels. Projects can be on any subject at all; they are a fantastic opportunity to explore subject areas beyond the scope of the A level subjects you have chosen and prepare you for the type of research and academic writing demanded at university level. The EPQ can support your A level choices (e.g. a project about the reception of Jackson Pollock’s works to support an Art A level), or it can be a cross-curricular project (e.g. a project about gravity, which would support both Physics and Mathematics and showcase the potential of someone contemplating a degree in Engineering). It can also focus on a subject not covered at A level (e.g. a sociology project on the changing structure of families).

If you take the EPQ, you will be taught a range of useful transferrable skills, from learning to carry out research to constructing a bibliography and giving presentations. You will meet your supervisor twice a week to discuss your project, which takes one of four forms: dissertation, investigation, performance or artefact. Examples of recent topics include ‘To what extent is the state unjust and unnecessary?’ (dissertation), ‘To what extent is the effectiveness of antibacterial handwash affected by price?’ (investigation), ‘Create a playscript in the style of the Ancient Roman Hilaro tradition’ (performance) and ‘Create a dress that fuses Edwardian design with modern haute couture’ (artefact).

The EPQ is worth 50% of an A level, increasing the number of UCAS points available to candidates. EPQs are widely regarded as an excellent way to prepare pupils for undergraduate study, and universities look upon them very favourably, with many of our pupils receiving preferential offers on the basis of achieving high grades for their projects.

2022 A level headlines

An impressive 32.3% of all A level grades achieved were A*.The A*/A grades showed a 15% increase upon our last set of public examination results, with a total of 70%. This great cohort also achieved the highest ever proportion of A*/B grades at Emanuel, in all forms of assessment, with 93%.

Of those who took four A levels, seven students achieved 4 A* grades, two achieved 3A* and 1 A grade and three achieved 2A* and 2 A grades.

Of the students who took three A levels, nine achieved 3A* grades and eleven achieved 2 A* and 1 A grade.

In total, fifty-six students, just under half, achieved all A* and A grades. | 17
Academic life



Life Education

Our job is to start preparing you to leave us right from the start of your time here. We do this by providing time for all the research and reflection needed for you to make informed choices about your future.

We are proud of our constantly evolving Life Education (PSHE) programme through which you will gain vital skills for the future, organised around the themes of health, community, awareness and readiness. For two periods every week, you will have a valuable opportunity to broaden your understanding of issues – from climate change to consent – that not only affect you, but also the wider community, and help you to prepare for a safe, happy future where you have fulfilling relationships, job satisfaction and contribute to your community as a responsible global citizen. You will develop independence through acquiring new skills, from self-defence and learning to cook on a budget, to managing student finances and writing a CV. and You will also hear a range of thought-provoking presentations from speakers who will challenge you to think for yourself and become a resilient, well-informed and empathetic adult.

UCAS and Higher Education

In Life Education, you are also expertly steered through the UCAS process and introduced to other post-18 study and career options including internships and degree apprenticeships, by an experienced team including your form tutor, head of year, head of sixth form, head of careers, and director of higher education.

93% of students in 2021-22 year achieved their choice of university, with a sizeable proportion taking up offers from Russell Group universities. Nottingham, Newcastle, Leeds, and Durham were the most popular destinations this year, but we also have a significant number opting for prestigious institutions outside of the Russell Group, including Bath and Loughborough, An extensive programme of support exists for students applying to Oxbridge and medical schools, and we have a strong track record of success in these areas, with 10 of our 17 applicants achieving places at Oxbridge in 2022. Given the strength of our arts provision, it is unsurprising that many students leave Emanuel for prestigious destinations that cater for the creative and performing arts, such as The Royal Drawing School, LAMDA, RADA, the Royal College of Music and Trinity Laban Music Conservatoire. Several alumni have established their name on the world stage with careers in professional choirs and orchestras, West End shows, BBC period dramas and box office films. A small yet growing number are choosing to study overseas, with destinations including Harvard, Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Minnesota, Amsterdam and Bocconi, Milan. The director of higher education and the sixth form team oversee all applications and offer bespoke support.

In Life Education, you will be encouraged to explore your interests by reading beyond the curriculum and attending one of the many academic societies on offer. You will use the latest software to research your university choices and you will be guided to book places on taster courses and open days. In the Spring term, the Emanuel Careers and Higher Education Convention will give you a chance to speak to representatives from around 20 universities and 50 employers, whilst in the summer our dedicated UCAS days involve talks on making successful applications to competitive | 21

universities, pupil finance and studying abroad. You will also have interview practice, begin your online applications and complete a first draft of the all-important personal statement.  Old Emanuels (our alumni) come to talk to you about their university experiences, offering an unparalleled peer insight into life after school. You will also be given support to prepare for student life, with talks on budgeting, finance and coping with the social side of the transition to university life. On A level results day, staff are available in school to celebrate with you and to provide advice and support for any pupils navigating the UCAS post-results processes. You can find out more about the guidance we provide for specific higher education courses and destinations on our website.

Career guidance

With a dedicated careers team led by the Head of Careers and Employability, we have invested in ensuring that students can make informed choices when it comes to the expanding market of degree apprenticeships, as well as school leaver programmes, internships and work experience placements. You will receive one-to-one careers advice, a fortnightly careers newsletter and invitations to regular networking events. These events give you a chance to hear about the range of opportunities available to you from industry experts, Old Emanuels and parents who work in areas such as media, law, technology and finance.

Our parent body generously offers internships at their companies exclusively to pupils in the Upper Sixth. These include working in the financial sector, international commerce, technology, recruitment and marketing.The formalised and robust application process helps prepare our pupils for challenging scenarios they may face in the wider world.

Our entrepreneurship event which occurs in the summer gives you the chance to participate in industry-related challenges to give you a better idea of what the workplace is like, culminating in a competition where you set up your own mini businesses and pitch your ideas to ‘Industry Champions’ for potential investment. | 23
Scan here to read our careers newsletters

pastoral life

Pastoral life


We understand the challenges of being a young adult in the 21st century. Our students’ wellbeing is therefore of the utmost importance and there is a dedicated system of pastoral care in place to ensure that every young person thrives.

The sixth form plays a vital role in the Emanuel community. To foster a positive community within the sixth form, we run a lower sixth team-building day, a buddy scheme, social activities such as barbecues and quizzes, and various leavers’ events in the final term of upper sixth. The leadership of sixth form students as prefects, school council members, sports captains and lead performers and musicians is central to the spirit of the school.

Pastoral structure

Every member of the sixth form is part of a tutor group, with approximately 16 students in each group.Tutor groups meet with their form tutor on a daily basis. The form tutor has an overall picture of the student’s life at school and an understanding of their life at home; they are the first point of contact for parents if any concerns arise.The student’s tutor will also write their UCAS references and support students in planning their applications to university or their future career.

Beyond the form tutor is a head of year who meets with the form tutors on a regular basis. The head of year is responsible for monitoring students’ pastoral welfare, behaviour and general academic performance and will respond to any matters referred by staff, ensuring effective liaison with parents.

The heads of year, in turn, feed back to the deputy and head of sixth form. They provide leadership and advice to the heads of year and form tutors, monitoring the behaviour and performance of students and ensuring the smooth transition between year groups.


In addition to their form, each pupil joins one of eight fully vertical houses when they join the school, providing opportunities to interact with younger pupils and helping to strengthen our community. House meetings are often used for informal mentoring where guidance can be offered on a range of schoolmatters. Pupils can also represent their house in the keenly contested house competition, taking part in a range of coeducational sporting and academic house competitions. Sixth formers have the chance to play a key role as leaders of the house as captains or vice-captains.


There is a confidential counselling service at Emanuel, with the three counsellors working Monday to Friday between them. Counselling sessions last 30 to 50 minutes and students are generally offered 12 weekly sessions, although this can vary depending on the individual’s needs at the time. Students are welcome to make an appointment to visit the counsellor to discuss any concerns they may have, without the fear of them being discussed elsewhere. However, if there is any concern for the safety of the child or another person, this information will immediately be passed to the school’s deputy head: pastoral and designated safeguarding lead. In addition, each of the counsellors offers a drop-in service over the lunch break where any student is able to drop in individually, or with a friend, to discuss anything which may be on their mind at the time.

Students can access this service without consent although the counsellors always encourage students to share that they have chosen to access counselling with their parents. | 27
Pupils appear less stressed than in some neighbouring hothouses. GOOD SCHOOLS GUIDE
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Medical service

The medical room is staffed from 8.30am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. Students can see the school nurse during the course of the day if they are unwell, or to take any medication that may be prescribed during school hours.

Further information about our medical service can be found in our first aid policy (please refer to the policies on our website).


Emanuel seeks to nurture the pastoral and spiritual development of the community which comprises people of various faiths and none. As a Christian foundation, one way of nurturing this is through the chaplaincy. The chaplain, who is a priest in the Church of England, is available to all, regardless of belief, as a non-judgemental and confidential ear in times of difficulty or questioning. The chaplaincy exists to encourage the personal quest for meaning, regardless of a person’s faith or identity.

Learning Support

Emanuel has a dedicated Learning Support department. Our staff offer support and expertise to help resolve difficulties and promote positive solutions for students experiencing barriers to learning. Students and parents can access learning support by speaking with their form tutor. The tutor will liaise with subject teachers to review any concerns as they arise.

For more information, please refer to our learning support policy on our website. | 29
Pastoral life

beyond the classroom

Beyond the classroom

Sports Philosophy

Sport is an integral part of day-to-day life here at Emanuel. At the heart of our offering is an understanding that sport and activity provides opportunities for improving health and fitness, boosting wellbeing, and developing character. We believe in engendering a love of sport and activity, where every pupil can benefit from being involved as part of team and as an individual.

Current pupils have achieved significant representative success and honours, including competing for England in rowing, numerous county representatives in netball, hockey and rugby, and selection for professional performance pathways including Surrey County Cricket, London Pulse and Ireland Netball, West Ham United FC, Harlequins and London Irish rugby clubs.We are aiming to be the top co-educational school for sport in southwest London and to build on recent successes at national and regional level across our sports.

Representing the school and opportunities to improve

We are ambitious, running over 1000 inter-school fixtures each year with significantly more teams than many other independent schools in our performance sports. Our sports facilities are very busy throughout the week with training and fixtures with significant numbers of pupils having the opportunity of representing the school and competing alongside their peers. The majority of these matches take place on Saturday mornings – meaning the school and sports grounds are alive with pupils and parents at the weekend - though regional and national cup competition fixtures will often be scheduled for midweek. Our co-ed House sports competition ensures that girls and boys have opportunities to compete alongside one another as part of their House teams.

Training sessions take place before and after school, as well as during designated Games afternoons for each year group, with a full programme of sports specific strength and conditioning to prepare our athletes. All sessions are coached by highly-skilled, qualified sports specialists, many with extensive experience within professional sport as competitors and coaches.

Current and future sports facilities

Our on-site sports facilities are excellent with Emanuel pupils benefiting from 12-acres of playing fields, a large sports hall with a climbing wall, two fitness suites and dance studio, a new dedicated strength and conditioning gym, a mini-astro, indoor and outdoor cricket nets, tennis and netball courts, and an indoor swimming pool. Off-site, the school has its own boathouse at Barnes Bridge with its very own strength and conditioning suite, ensuring our rowers occupy a prime position on the river for training and events.

At our sports facility in Raynes Park, the school has a further 14-acres of playing fields to help support the sporting programme. From September 2023, the school will have its very own full-size All Weather Pitch on this site, providing a base for our hockey programme but with the ability to support many other sports including tennis, football, netball and cricket practice facilities for other sports and supporting our outreach programme with local underprovided schools and charities. This latest phase of our development will also include new, new cricket nets, with plans for a new sports pavilion and further hard-court areas for netball and tennis and a new sports pavilion over the next four years subject to planning. | 33

Sport is extremely strong.


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Sports tours

There is a regular programme of sports tours designed to extend and challenge our girls and boys, while also providing them with opportunities to broaden their experiences playing cultures and styles. In the next twelve months our senior pupils will tour Netherlands for netball and cricket and take part in a residential rowing camp in northern Italy. During the last academic year, our Lower School pupils enjoyed a netball tour of southern Wales and a cricket tour to the midlands. Recent sports trips have seen our netballers and cricketers touring the Netherlands, while our rowers have benefitted from training in northern Italy at the high-performance centre. We find that our teams our greatly improved from these opportunities to focus on their training and playing, and the camaraderie they enjoy off the field helps to develop life-long friendships and memories.

Our aim is to provide a range of supplementary sports and activities. These are delivered within the co-curricular clubs and games programme and they help us to support the athletic development of our pupils. Pupils in sports participate in inter-school competitions.

Athletics Cross Country

Table Tennis Swimming

Water Polo Football (girls)

Beyond the Classroom

Our Sports Programme

Our sporting programme can split into three different strands: performance, development and engagement. Further details can be found below, while a full list of fixtures can be found on our website.

Our aim is to provide opportunities for our talented sports players to excel and to achieve representative honours where possible. We also wish for all pupils to have access to excellent coaching and facilities; to provide competitive inter-school fixtures, helping them grow in their sport and understand the importance and value of competitive sport.

Health and fitness, wellbeing and character development


Cricket Rowing (boys & girls) (boys & girls)

Hockey Netball (girls) (girls)

Rugby Football (boys) (boys)

A range of additional sports which ensure all pupils participate in some sporting activity, learning the value of regular exercise for health, friendship and challenge.

Co-curricular clubs: Climbing, dance and tennis.

Senior Games Programme: Includes over 20 activities, including co-ed yoga, squash, pilates, spinning, croquet and racketball. | 35

Emanuel’s music provision is top notch, offering a breadth of opportunities from the traditional to cutting edge.


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The Drama department at Emanuel is busy and vibrant, with a focus on excellent skills-based teaching as well as an exciting programme of performances, trips and theatre visits.

There is a rich diet of opportunities for sixth form students, whether front of stage or behind the scenes. One of the largest and most anticipated events in the school calendar is the annual musical: a whole school event, typically involving over 100 students, performed in the Hampden Hall over the course of a week in March. Past performances include The School of Rock and The Addams Family.There is also a senior school play, in 2022 pupils performed an adaptation of ‘Once’. Every other year, the Emanuel Theatre Company (ETC) takes over 20 senior students to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival to perform two shows.

The department is housed in the Fiennes Theatre: a fully equipped, purpose-built performance space with an audience capacity of 118. There are two further rehearsal studio spaces which are fully equipped with lighting rigs and sound capabilities. The department also has use of the film studio and Hampden Hall for some performances, which has an audience capacity of 500.


The Emanuel Music department is hugely ambitious for its students and their musical opportunities. We pride ourselves on being a centre of excellence for contemporary music while maintaining the very highest standards in choral and orchestral music. Our contemporary music provision includes DJ lessons; careers talks for those keen on a future in the music industry; Rockschool exams every term and fantastic facilities for students to use and enjoy that include the very latest technology and software.

There are over 30 concerts a year performed in school and at venues across London. Last year our sixth formers performed at The Clapham Grand as part of ‘A Night at the Musicals’, our DJs played sets at XOYO in Shoreditch , our rock and pop bands played gigs at The Half Moon in Putney, whilst also playing ‘A Celebration of the Beatles’ in our Hampden Hall. | 37
the Classroom

Art & Design

Sixth formers interested in art and design can take advantage of specialist paint and print studios, a dark room for photography, a ceramics room with dedicated kiln, glazing rooms and a sculpture studio. Students can explore a range of equipment, including colour laser printers, Promethean boards and the latest Adobe software.

A-level students are invited to regular drawing master classes, which have helped prepare many students for interview and admission to prestigious art colleges. There are numerous opportunities to visit exhibitions and contribute to displays in school and across London

Clubs and Societies

There are a huge range of academic societies which allow exceptional opportunities for students to expand their knowledge beyond the curriculum. Senior Debating, Chess Club, Dance Club and the Media Club are popular among sixth formers, as well as the plethora of clubs that are linked to curriculum areas.


The school offers a wide range of day and residential trips to support elements of the curriculum and co-curriculum. In the next twelve months our pupils will visit Greece and Rome with the Classics, Barcelona and Iceland with Geography, take part in language exchanges to France, Germany and Spain, visit The Azores with Biology and New York City with the music and drama departments. | 39
Beyond the Classroom
Winner of the Independent School of the Year Awards 2021 in the Community Outreach category

our community

Staff are overwhelmingly supportive of Emanuel’s emphasis on outreach. GOOD SCHOOLS GUIDE ”

Our community


All pupils at Emanuel are encouraged to be outward-looking and to contribute to the community.Year 12 students are encouraged to volunteer to support Ascent, our Saturday summer school for Year 5 pupils who are falling below National Curriculum expectations. Pupils can also take part in Tea and Tech, where residents in local care homes are guided through technologybased issues.

Primary Ambitions

Primary Ambitions brings together our lower sixth students and primary school pupils from schools with a high proportion of pupil premium or pupils receiving free school meals.

On Friday afternoons, lower sixth students teach a variety of subjects to Year 6 children on-site at Emanuel.They have sessions on safeguarding, teaching tips and techniques and are supported by a dedicated member of teaching staff to help them prepare their sessions. Our sixth form students are supervised by a member of Emanuel staff throughout, but the emphasis is on them leading and running each session.

Primary Ambitions modules cover a variety of subjects in the arts, language, literature, politics, science, technology, mathematics and sport.The intent of the programme is enrichment – each module is curriculum-linked and most importantly, fun. For example, students facilitate hands-on experiments in the Science labs, help children to write a script and make a film and experience what it was like to be a 10-year-old Londoner in the Second World War through immersive History sessions.

Other opportunities for lower sixth students to engage with the community include volunteering with Regenerate Rise, a local community centre for the elderly, and Blossom House, a specialist school for children with speech, language and communication difficulties.

We are an integral part of the Wandsworth community and are keen to support those who are close by. Primary Ambitions has social mobility at its core and we believe that we can really make a substantial impact in our local area. | 43
Scan here to read our community brochure.
Pupils’ contribution to others, the school and wider community is excellent.


We share our resources with a number of partnership schools in a variety of ways. We host disability football sessions in partnership with Fulham Football Club Foundation and host ‘Flyerz’ pan-disability hockey sessions on our mini astro. Where possible, we invite pupils from partner schools to participate in enrichment activities, such as a careers talks; author visits; speaker events; competitions and concerts as well as the opportunity to attend plays and musicals. During the October half term and Easter holidays we host GCSE booster sessions for our secondary school partners and run Film in a Week courses from our film studio. During the summer term, sixth form pupils volunteer to support Ascent, our Saturday summer school for Year 5 pupils who are falling below National Curriculum expectations.


Pupils work through their houses and the charity committee to support the work of charities. Over the last twelve months we have collected significant funds and itemsto help with humanitarian disasters in Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey and Ukraine. . In addition we run a Saturday morning coffee and conversation hub for families from the Ukraine and their hosts.

At Christmas we support Cheer, a charity that provides support for single parent families, by supplying items for hampers. We have an established relationship with Ace of Clubs, a charity that supports the homeless, we raise funds via a sponsored sleep out. | 45
Our community


Previous schooling

An equal number of young men and women join our sixth form from a wide range of independent and state secondary schools.

Process for Sixth Form Entry

We are able to welcome approximately 30 bright and ambitious young people into our sixth form from other schools each year.

Registration for entry at sixth form closes in mid-October, the year prior to entry. Registration is available via our website and specific dates are given there.

We are looking for students who show a genuine engagement with their learning and who will enjoy the high level of support we give when applying to universities in the UK and abroad, as well as art schools, drama schools and music conservatoires.

We offer a broad range of subjects at A level. In general, a 7 at GCSE is the minimum grade a pupil will need to achieve in a subject to be able to study it at Emanuel at A Level, although some subjects may have higher requirements. To read more about our curriculum and the grade requirements for each subject, please see our A level Curriculum Guide on our website:

Timeline for Sixth Form Applicants

Summer before entry year: A copy of your daughter’s/son’s end of year school report will be requested.

Autumn before entry year: The admissions office will seek a reference from your daughter’s/son’s headteacher.

November before entry year: Your daughter/son will sit three exam papers: English, Mathematics and the General Paper, consisting of multiple-choice questions and a question from a choice of essay titles.

November before entry year: Your daughter/son may be invited to have a one-to-one, 20 minute interview and will take part in a group assessment together with other applicants who have been successful in the entrance exams.

Early December before entry year: Offers of places will be made dependent on a satisfactory headteacher’s reference, school report, interview and exam outcomes.

Mid/Late December before entry year: Deadline for acceptance of places. | 49 Admissions

Visiting Emanuel

Prospective students and their families are encouraged to come and visit us to get a sense of what a sixth Form education and the community is like at Emanuel School. Each year, we hold a sixth form open evening in summer term and in late September. Prospective families will have the opportunity to listen to talks from senior staff, meet and speak with our teaching Heads of Department to discuss the A Level courses available and take a tour of the school site with a current student.

Tickets are allocated for the talks at our open events. There is no cost, but this ensures that we have enough capacity available. For the most up-to-date details about our open events, please visit

Help with fees

In 1594, Lady Anne Dacre founded Emanuel School with the vision to provide an education to children irrespective of family income. Today we continue to support that vision; we believe that increasing diversity in the school benefits the whole school community and welcomes new and varied perspectives, preparing students for life after Emanuel. We aim to ensure all aspirational and talented girls and boys have an opportunity to learn and grow at the school, regardless of financial circumstances. We offer a range of financial support, from scholarships to fullyfunded places (known as bursaries). Bursaries are means-tested and they can provide a transformative free place to children who would otherwise be unable to come to Emanuel.

Fee Assistance

Currently, 25% of our pupils receive some kind of financial assistance, but our focus going forward is on fully-funded places. We have therefore launched the ‘Emanuel 430 Campaign’ where we hope to provide 43 pupils with a free place at Emanuel for our 430th anniversary in 2024 – and we are already well on our way to achieving this target.

We do not want any potential pupil to be discouraged by financial circumstances when making an application to the school. The level of fee-remission is dependent on financial need and can be up to 100%, including the costs of uniform and school trips. Once registered, parents/guardians of applicants will be notified when the fee assistance application form is available to download from the website. This will be in the September before the intended year of entry and the deadline for submitting the completed form will be in mid-October for Sixth Form applicants. Please always check our website for the exact dates; unfortunately late applications cannot be considered.

In some circumstances, it is possible to waive the registration fee – usually when the household income is below £26,000 per annum. Please contact the admissions office if this applies to you before completing the registration form.

Academic scholarships

Academic scholarships are awarded to students who perform exceptionally well in the admissions process, showing great academic potential and overall ability. Academic award holders demonstrate both excellent academic progress and a strong commitment to intellectual life at Emanuel.

Academic scholars are not assigned to a specific subject area but may show a particular aptitude for one or more subjects. All subjects offer additional opportunities outside the classroom, which academic scholars are expected to participate in. A wide range of super-curricular events are held throughout the academic year, including talks by members of the academic community, external speakers, workshops led by staff, and activities led by scholars themselves.These events enrich and extend students’ knowledge.

Every candidate who takes the sixth form entrance examination will automatically be considered for an academic scholarship.There is no need to complete a separate application form.

These are typically 10% of fees, but may be up to 50% and may also be combined with a fee assistance award to reach a completely free place. | 51

Co-Curricular scholarships

Co-curricular scholarships are offered in Art & Design, Drama, Music and Sport. Application forms are available to download from the school website from mid-September and must be submitted with completed references by mid-October. Please refer to our website for the exact dates.

These are typically 10% of fees, but may be up to 50% and may also be combined with a fee assistance award to reach a completely free place

Art & Design scholarships

Art & Design scholars demonstrate artistic skill and passion for art and design in many forms.

The inspirational art and design facilities at Emanuel are wonderful places for students to develop their talents. The Dacre building has film, paint, print, ceramics and sculpture studios and a dark room for photography.

Applicants are initially assessed on their portfolio and selected applicants will be invited to the school for a practical assessment and interview.

Drama scholarships

Drama at Emanuel has a wonderful reputation, allowing pupils to perform to a professional standard throughout their time at school. Drama scholars are dedicated, talented and have an appreciation for drama that goes beyond being a performer.

The application process involves the submission of written work and references, from which selected candidates are invited to audition. The audition consists of two parts: a group workshop and a solo prepared piece. Most successful candidates will have appeared in productions both within and beyond their current school.

Music scholarships

Music scholars are proud ambassadors for the department. They take part in all the main musical activities of the school, participate in appropriate ensembles and attend rehearsals.

Within the Music department, there are over 30 ensembles of all sizes, including string quartets, jazz groups, rock bands, orchestras and choirs. Students have the opportunity to get involved in workshops, festivals, competitions, community outreach and trips.

Those applying for Music scholarships are tested on sight-reading, musical memory and listening as well as prepared performances. The standard of performance of the candidate’s instrument is generally at or above grade 7 for sixth form applicants. Please note it is not necessary for the exam to have been taken.

Sport scholarships

Sport scholars at Emanuel are exceptionally talented, determined and enthusiastic.

Our performance sports at Emanuel are rugby, cricket, netball, rowing, hockey and football. Sport scholars must be able to offer at least one of these sports.

Students receive exceptional coaching and benefit from the excellent on-site and off-site facilities. At the main school site on Battersea Rise, there are 12 acres of playing fields, a sports centre, netball, tennis and fives courts, a mini-astro and an indoor swimming pool. Off-site, there is a well-equipped boathouse at Barnes Bridge and 14 acres of playing fields at Raynes Park. We also have use of Surbiton Hockey Club, Barnes Hockey Club, All Stars Tennis, the South Bank Centre and The Wimbledon Club. | 53

History of Emanuel School

Emanuel was founded in 1594, in Westminster. The school was co-educational from the beginning.

Emanuel was granted a Royal Charter in 1601, and has received visits from Queen Elizabeth II in 1994 and The Queen Mother in 1951.

Over time, Emanuel’s co-educational pupil population has grown to over 1,000, with close to equal numbers of boys and girls –just as the founder, Lady Dacre, intended.

In 2024, Emanuel will be 430 years old, one of the oldest schools, in London.

Facilities & development

Our school is located on a beautiful, green 12-acre site in Battersea, on the edge of Wandsworth Common. Its fantastic position, only 10 minutes’ walk from Clapham Junction rail station, connects the school to central London, as well as north and south of the river.

The handsome Victorian building at the centre of the school site was originally designed by noted architect Henry Saxon Snell as an orphanage. We have cricket pitches, rugby grounds, a swimming pool, a mini astro, a climbing wall, netball, tennis and aerobics facilities on the Battersea site. Off site, we have 14 acres of privately owned playing fields for our major sports, 20 minutes away near Raynes Park. We also have our boat house next to Barnes Bridge.

We have always aimed to provide our pupils with the best educational environment. In 2022 we doubled the size of our Sixth Form Centre and are currently redeveloping our off-site sports ground. The new Sixth Form Centre provides modern, multi-purpose study and congregating spaces for pupils, while the off-site sports plan has created a new all-weather hockey pitch, cricket nets and two new cricket squares, enabling further expansion of our sports provision, including tennis for all pupils.

We aim to further develop our specialist teaching spaces and other areas, following our critical build plan in the coming years. | 55

Travelling to Emanuel

Thanks to the school’s fortunate position four miles from the centre of London, our students are able to travel to school using the area’s fantastic public transport links. Approximately 60% of our students walk or cycle to school, with the remaining 40% using public or personal transport.

Emanuel School is a ten-minute walk along well-lit roads from Clapham Junction, which is a ten-minute train journey from London Waterloo. Many students walk to and from the train station

at the start and end of the school day. With 2,000 trains passing through the station on a daily basis, the area is well-connected to the city, the southeast and the southwest.

The public bus routes surrounding the school are plentiful, with direct services stopping near the school from a far-reaching radius including Hammersmith, Fulham, Wimbledon, Roehampton, Putney, Barnes, Richmond, Streatham, Kensington and the city.

For more information on local public transport links, please visit | 57
Off-site sports ground Emanuel School boat house Main school site and on-site sports ground

The hub of Sixth Form life at Emanuel is the Sixth Form centre with its café, common room, group and silent study areas.

“ ”
Ms J Johnson, Head of Sixth Form

Battersea Rise

London SW11 1HS

Tel: 020 8870 4171



Twitter: @emanuel_school

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