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ISSUE 1 2024

08 Play It Safe, Get Insured WHAT’S INSIDE BURJ KHALIFA ISSUE 1 2024 02 03 Fire Safety 05 Serving Up Excitement 07 Pest Control 04 Kids’ Carnival Night 06 Waste Management

Fire Safety


Ventilation: Always burn in a well-ventilated area.

Keep Distance: Ensure hot coals are away from flammable materials and combustibles like aerosols and alcohols.

Supervision: Never leave burning Bakhoor unattended and keep children/pets away.

Proper Disposal: Fully extinguish the coal before disposing of in the trash bin.

Maintenance: Clean the burner plate after each use to prevent soot buildup.


Childproofing: Keep smoking materials out of sight and reach of children.

Ash Trays: Use heavy ash trays that can't tip over easily and are non-flammable.

Extinguishing: Ensure cigarettes are fully extinguished before disposal.

Responsible Disposal: Avoid tossing cigarette butts off balconies or windows.

Medical Equipment Safety: Refrain from smoking near oxygen tanks or pressure relief mattresses to prevent accidents.

Creating a serene ambiance with Bakhoor or enjoying a smoke should be accompanied by safety measures to prevent any mishaps or accidents.


Kids’ Carnival Night

The little residents at Burj Khalifa enjoyed a realm of wonder and joy on January 27, 2024.

With a vibrant array of classic carnival games to challenge skills, delectable treats from the food stalls and lively music to set the mood, the kids and the young-at-heart alike joyfully embraced the celebrations.

Check out the image highlights from this exciting day!



Serving Up Excitement

The Burj Khalifa courts were alive with competitive spirit on March 2, 2024, as residents gathered for an exhilarating day of tennis. Each match showcased

ISSUE 1 2024 05

Pest Control

In our ongoing effort to maintain a comfortable living environment, we're pleased to introduce the Essential Pest Control service.

This bi-annual visit includes thorough inspections and treatments to ensure your home remains pest-free. Not only does this promote a healthier atmosphere, but it also contributes to the overall wellbeing of our community and its members.

Please schedule your complimentary pest control service and join us in preserving a clean and pest-free living space for everyone.

Rest assured, our integrated pest management program prioritizes non-chemical controls, followed by the safest chemical treatments approved by the Dubai Municipality.

Although it may involve a small disturbance to your daily routine, pest control and management can help prevent a number of health issues and property damage.

It helps reduce allergies - Pests can lead to respiratory issues and skin allergies.

Leads to property protection - A number of insects can attack furniture’s wodden and fabric components, leading to costly repairs.

Avoiding food waste - Insect management helps reduce food wastage and possible contamination as well.

For safety, in case of residual spray treatment, we recommend vacating the apartment for 3 to 4 hours post-treatment.

For further details or to arrange your service, kindly reach out to BK Concierge via email at burjkhalifaconcierge@emaar.ae or call 800 2875.

We appreciate your cooperation in helping maintain a pest-free environment for all.


Waste Disposal

At Burj Khalifa, we are pleased to offer you convenient waste disposal solutions right here in the building.

Each floor features a dedicated refuse room with a waste chute door, general waste bin and recycling bin. Please use the waste chute for standard trash bags and the recycling bin for glass, aluminum and plastic. For bulky items like furniture or appliances, kindly arrange separate disposal or seek assistance from our Concierge Team.

Dos: Ensure your waste bags fit through the chute door and are securely fastened.

Don’ts: Avoid leaving waste on the garbage room floor or disposing of hazardous items in the chute. Remember, bulky waste isn't allowed through the chute.

We hope that your efforts in following these disposal rules, leads to a safer, cleaner and organized space.

Did you know?

According to some sources, plastic takes over 400 years to degrade! We urge our residents to segregate waste as much as possible, and make full use of the recycling bins so we can collectivley do our part in going green.

ISSUE 1 2024 07

Play It Safe, Get Insured

In the face of a catastrophic loss, a home insurance coverage may be your solace – but not everyone understands this. To help you pick the right plan, we’ve pulled up a few important points for you to remember.

Which plan should you take?

Most plans cover water damage, fire, natural disasters and theft but not all cover you against damage you may inadvertently cause yourself.

Where should you go?

What should you insure?

Go through the details of the plan’s coverage to check if it covers all your furniture, electronics, walls and flooring, and valuables.

There are around 50 licensed insurance companies in the UAE, offering a variety of plans – compare different plans based on their merits and demerits. Always read the fine print and ask questions regarding coverage and claims.

TIP: Make a list of your belongings and their prices before applying for insurance to ensure you get sufficient coverage.


Useful Numbers

Fire - 997

Ambulance - 998

Police - 999

Al Ameen - 800 4888

Dubai Municipality - 800 900

Taxi (RTA) - 800 9090

DEWA - 991

Emaar Toll Free - 800 BURJ (2875)

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