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INDIA IN MY EYES Photographic documentary by Elza Cohen

INTRODUCTION Project approved by the "Lei de Incentivo à Cultura – Lei Rouanet - artigo 18" (Law of Culture Incitement – 'Rouanet Law' arcticle #18 INDIA IN MY EYES Photographic documentary by Elza Cohen The project "Índia nos meus olhos" (India in My Eyes) will be mostly a photographic documentary that will also count with a few testimonies of people and their curious stories that the photographer and journalist Elza Cohen will meet on her journey through India. To show the intersections between the millenary and the contemporary and to trace it's parallel through photography. This glimpse of India will be achieved and captured by a teamwork involving Indian photographers of many regions, internet acquaintances. The proposal is to live and to experience the day-to-day reality of the Indian people, the complexities and diversification of its culture and to dive deep in its life style in order to get a more realistic view as well as the most captivating images. The images will be captured on streets, public places, workplaces, scenes of Indian's 21 century everyday life, people's portraits, behavior and dressing styles. After completion of the documentary the Project will follow two ways: photographic exhibitions of the captured images will be settled on the cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília, Belo Horizonte, Curitiba and Recife (Brazil's greatest capitals and cultural niches), and the production of a photo-book DVD documentary set (consisting of a series of short movies).

India in my eyes Photographic documentary by Elza Cohen

JUSTIFICATION Brazil-India relations have been growing considerably fast and the collaboration between the two countries has grown in many fields. Both countries are in ascension and play an important part in global scene, attracting the eyes of the whole world. As it is well known, there is a huge Brazilian interest on culture, religion, arts, music, fashion, culinary, yoga and philosophy of India, which can be seen on its many cultural and educational institutions all over the country. There is also a very recent popularization of Indian culture in Brazil. Two distant countries having distinct cultures but are, despite of that, following very similar paths through the nowadays global situation. We believe in the important role of the cultural exchange that looks into diversity and the encounter with the other the discovery of oneself and the respect for differences, fundamental aspects in a World increasingly losing its frontiers and in the search for the strengthening of our citizenship and cultural identity on the shaping of an integrated and conscious society which shares its culture on a diversified and connected World.

India in my eyes Photographic documentary by Elza Cohen

TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience that will be reached by this Project may be classified in: young people and adults from 18 to 60 years, belonging to classes A and B, possessing access to internet, consumers of technology, art, cultural and exotic travels, students that like to get in touch with other cultures and/or adults of high graduation level with the above mentioned characteristics. During the whole project (promoting of the documentary, exhibitions and distribution of the books) we intend to reach the minimum target of 15 thousand people.

India in my eyes Photographic documentary by Elza Cohen

PROMOTING PLANS The main promoting vias of this Project are the implementation of exhibitions on 6 Brazilian capitals, the circulation of 3000 copies of the book with the documentary, as well as the promoting of all this by means of the following actions: - press office - Internet promotion - creation and maintenance of websites and social network profiles - invitations for the exhibitions - electronic mailing - electronic invitation/folder - spontaneous media

India in my eyes Photographic documentary by Elza Cohen

INVESTMENTS AND BENEFITS Cost of the project = R$ 269.770,50 Exclusive Supporter – 100% of the total budget - Insertion of the featured brandin a prominent place at the project's website; - Insertion of the featured brand in a prominent place at the project's social network profiles; - Insertion of the featured brand in a prominent place on the exhibition's invitations(both electronic and printed versions) - Donation of clipping (digital and electronic) - Donation of 100 books/documentaries - Make available space on the exhibitions at all the 6 capitals for promoting actions of the brand.

India in my eyes Photographic documentary by Elza Cohen

INVESTMENTS AND BENEFITS Sponsor 1 – 50% of the total amount - Insertion of the featured brand at the project's website; - Insertion of the featured brand at the project's social network profiles; - Insertion of the featured brand on the exhibition's invitations (both electronic and printed versions) - Donation of clipping (digital and electronic) - Donation of 60 books/documentaries - Make available space on the exhibitions at 4 capitals for promoting actions of the brand. Sponsor 2 – 20% of the total amount - Insertion of the featured brand at the project's website; - Insertion of the featured brand on the exhibition's invitations (both electronic and printed versions) - Donation of clipping (digital and electronic) - Donation of 30 books/documentaries - Make available space on the exhibitions at 2 capitals for promoting actions of the brand. *Other budgets and proposals may be negotiated

India in my eyes Photographic documentary by Elza Cohen

ABOUT THE 'ROUANET LAW' The Project India in my Eyes is approved by the Culture Ministry to raise fund amounting R$ 269.770,50 through the mechanism of the Law of Culture Incitement (Law 8.313/91), also called Rouanet Law. The sponsor may opt by this mechanism.

May sponsor this project: - Legal Entity: may destine 04% of the taxof current income. - Individual: may destine 06% of the tax of current income. As the Project is embedded in the article # 18 of the above mentioned law, the sponsors may have 100% of the sponsored budget deducted of its income tax. - Companies which opt by the use of the assumed profitare not able to utilize this mechanism; - Companies which opt by the 'National Simple' are not able to utilize this mechanism.

India in my eyes Photographic documentary by Elza Cohen

PROCEEDURES FOR SPONSORSHIP UNDER THE ROUANET LAW: -The sponsor choses the Project that he wishes to incite; - The sponsor makes a deposit of the determined amount in the bank account opened by the Ministry of Culture to receive the funds of that specific project; - The sponsored issues a Receipt of Sponsorship to the supporting company and another one to the Ministry of Culture informing that the contribution has been received; - The Sponsor, by the time of filling the Income Tax declaration will fill amount provided in the related field of the form and by that way be exempted of that same amount out of its duty. Obs: The Sponsor will have no responsibility regarding the execution of the Project itself being that responsibility totally restricted to the project's proponent.

India in my eyes Photographic documentary by Elza Cohen


Net Profit Sponsorship Amount (*) New Net Profit (1-2) Social Contribution 7,40% de 3 5) LL = Actual Profit (3-4) 6) Income Tax (6.1 + 6.2) (**) 6.1 - 15% de 5 6.2 - 10% de (5 - 240.000,00) 7) Deduction of Income Tax Allowed by Law 8.313/91, of 30% of 2 (***)

With Support to Culture (in R$) 1.000.000,00 10.000,00 990.000,00

Without Support to Culture (in R$) 1.000.000,00 1.000.000,00



916.740,00 205.185,00 137.511,00 67.674,00

926.000,00 207.500,00 138.900,00 68.600,00


8) Income Tax to be paid (6-7)



9) Total of taxes paid (8+4)



The tributary recover obtained through the sponsorship of R$ 10.000,00 was of (281.500 - 275.445) = 6.055,00 or 60,55% of the sponsored fund. (*) Deduction as operational expenditure (**) The tax rate of the Income Tax falls over the Taxable Income which is of 15%. When the Taxable Income exceeds 240.000,00 tax rate of 10% should be added to it. In case the Taxable Income don't exceed R$ 240.000,00, item 6.2 is inexistent. In this situation the tributary recover decreases in 9,26%, passing to 51,29%. (***) Limited to 5% of applicable Income Tax on the incidence of 15% (6.1). The increase of the Income Tax generated by the application of the tax rate of 10% must be fully collected not being considered in the relation between the 30% of sponsorship and the 5% of the due Income Tax.

India in my eyes Photographic documentary by Elza Cohen


(printed and e-book)

Most of the photos will be in color but a few of them will be in black & white. The book will be divided in two sections being one portraying the Traditional India and the other one showing the Contemporary India with subtitles and descriptions for identification of the photographs and testimonies of ordinary people will be included at some of its pages, as well as quotes of Indian writers and excerpts of poetry from new talents. QRcodes will be placed at some pages creating by that links of audios tracks and on-line based videos, all recorded on India. Besides the main official printed version of the book put to sale in the bookstores, there will be two other versions – a digital one (ebook) containing other photographs, audios, videos and India regarding assorted information (interactive maps, cultural spots, links to cultural nets, trip tips, etc.). The other limited printed edition will have a CD media containing a collection of songs of Indian artists (classic as well as contemporary) which will also serve as the exhibition background soundtrack. This special batch of the book will be distributed along with the exhibition's invitation card to be sent to the following public: press, opinion makers, businessmen, partners, celebrities and to people involved with the governments of India and Brazil.

India in my eyes Photographic documentary by Elza Cohen

THE EXHIBITION The exhibition must display the same content of the book with the addition of the statics and footages of the trip to be also showcased, supported by short interviews and testimonies of people of the Indian streets. Sounds of the streets and genuine Indian stuff will also be captured and edited to compose the exhibition in order to deliver at the maximum extent the sensations of that country. And to make complete the sensations part, Indian typical scents and flowers will be spread over the exhibition hall. There will be 5 different ambientations. In order to fulfill the goal of a documentary exhibition, the fifth room will be a lounge with music and ambientation that will make allusion to the Colors Festival (Holi Festival) and the Diwalli (festival of lights). Some ideas for multimedia and interactive resources will be developed in accordance with its availability.

India in my eyes Photographic documentary by Elza Cohen


(DVD and Web-Doc)

A series of short documentaries With the audiovisual registers of the trip, a series of mini-documentaries (of 3mins. each) will be recorded and compiled in a DVD with approximately 10 stories.Random, sincere and heart touching interviews with people found by chance at many places in. A glance over the day-to-day living with their remarkable stories that may be classified in social, artistic, cultural or common life contexts that may reflect the portrait of the contemporary Indian Society.With another part of this material a digital platform will be created as well (webdoc on the website) with multimedia interactive functions (photograph, video, audio, animation and texts). The photographer and editor will dive deep in Indian daily life with the proposal to accurately register the most relevant stories that she may find on roads of each visited locality. The interviewees will be chosen by chance and opportunity which is one of the most fascinating characteristics of a documentary, especially regarding India, mostly due to the approaching way of this documentary in particular being the poetic and observational. The photographer will search for those characters without interfering in their reality; with a “camera in hand� she will get herself involved into their daily lives so that it may be registered in a natural fashion.

India in my eyes Photographic documentary by Elza Cohen

DIGITAL PLATFORM By the utilization of a platform of the on-line project (website) which is where all the digital and interactive production will be concentrated (such as webdoc, ebook, photos, audios, satellite locator, blog, links) where collaborator and users will Interact and dialogue through the web in personal computers, mobile telephones and tablets. Due to the increasing demand for production and consume of technology on both the countries (i.e. Brazil and India) this platform would be the way to bring the two continents closer in a real time cooperative dialogue that may unfold new possibilities of cultural exchanges as well as information, creation and productions.

India in my eyes Photographic documentary by Elza Cohen

Elza Cohen Was born in Minas Gerais, lived and worked for most of her life in the city of Rio de Janeiro and is currently living at S達o Paulo where she observes the poetic of the daily life in the city, its people, music shows, fashion trends, authorial for a genuine sensitive and artistic photograph of deep complicity and spontaneity, eternalizing not only the registers, but memories as well. Elza Cohen is a self-taught photographer passionate about many artistic expressions, but the photography is the one that attracts her more for it is the one that allows us to show and share the simplest details of day-to-day things and places we pass by in a very singular way. Currently she seeks to fuse visual and audio to this universal language. To discover herself a photographer was a very natural consequence of photographing the shows and produced by herself as an artist producer. She always enjoyed knowing different cultures, to watch people, behavior, habits and manner. When shooting she cares about texture, composition, feeling, motion... Her inspirational sources are found in paintings, cloths, gestures, nature, in the contemporary chaos of the megalopolis and the simplicity of the countryside. In people's portraits she goes beyond the image. Talks, acquaints and interact. Photograph is for her a form of recognizing oneself in the other, in the landscapes, and through her dreams, passions, experiences and communicate it by her photographic work. She has participated of some group exhibitions and is currently with some authorial photographic projects in preparation and fund-raising, the main one is a photographic documentary in India. Specializing in documental and artistic photographic she aims to travel the Brasil and abroad experiencing and registering the several cultures in order to materialize these visual knowledge and experiences in many Medias such as books, videos, DocDVd, WebDoc and exhibitions.

India in my eyes Photographic documentary by Elza Cohen

Elza Cohen Since the very beginning of her career as an artistic producer, musical curator and cultural activist, she always had the gift to find new trends and make them take off, which is what she does now, almost fulltime, in her photographic work. She is also an aspiring journalist, writing on her two blogs (Elza Cohen Photography and India Link Brasil) and also by collaborating to other websites and magazines with texts and photography. She acted as artistic director of many show spaces in Rio de Janeiro, produced several music artists, had a record label on Sony Music (Superdemo | Chaos) that launched the most polemic Brazilian band of all time (Planet Hemp | Marcelo D2), organized music festivals, worked with cinema, fashion, clients like MTV, Sony Music, EMI, Virgin, Warner Music, Nike, Red Bull, Free Jazz festival, Rock In Rio 3, among many other partnerships and collaborations. Bio | release by "Helena Soares (actress and writer)

India in my eyes Photographic documentary by Elza Cohen


55 - 11 - 99494 - 7815 Skype: elzacohen Twitter: @elzacohen (India Link Brasil)

India in my eyes Photographic documentary by Elza Cohen

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