Elucid Magazine with Katherine McNamara

Page 93

It’s so important to take advantage of educational opportunities and not take them for granted. Education and knowledge should be appreciated not dreaded.

Is acting something you see yourself pursuing into the future? And if you weren’t acting, what would you like to do?

Early on in my career, I worked with Angela Lansbury and Elaine Stritch in A Little Night Music. Hearing their stories of their decades of experience in this industry as well as seeing their incredible work ethic inspired me so much. It solidified my desire to pursue this career for the rest of my life. It’s a career that changes and grows with the individual as their life experience changes. I want to experience that and be a part of telling great stories for as long as possible. If I wasn’t acting, I’m not sure what I would be doing. I originally planned to go into finance so probably something in that field.

Tell me about your character Clary Fray on Shadowhunters. Are there any similarities between the two of you? Is there added pressure to play the lead role on a hit show?

There are quite a few similarities between Clary and myself. She has a passion for all she does and a fierce loyalty to the people she loves which I connect to. She is a character that’s more similar to who I am as a person than any I’ve played before. It’s a bit scary sometimes because it puts me in a very vulnerable place as an actor - exposing parts of myself that hit close to home - but that’s part of the fun. We want to do the story and the characters justice for the show and for the fans. However, this is actually a benefit. It’s a good kind of pressure. It pushes me and all of us to rise to the occasion and achieve things we never thought possible. That desire gives an energy that makes the show special.

I’m sure the cast spends a great amount of time together. Any behindthe-scenes stories you’d like to share with us? Oh there are so many stories. I feel so lucky to have such an amazing cast family as I do on SHADOWHUNTERS. There are no egos involved. Everyone is there to make the show better and to elevate everyone else. We are there for each other and support each other in every sense through this crazy amazing project. I adore each of them more than words can even express. That being said, I’m the little sister on set so I get pranked a lot. I mean a lot. I’m startled very easily so there are countless occasions where someone would jump out from a dark corner and I would jump or squeal or something. I wouldn’t have it any other way though! It keeps me on my toes! :)

Interviewed by: Liz Hazard

Elucid Magazine Fashion


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