Echo - Issue 22

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Echo A Newsletter for the Elstree Community Issue 22 June 2023 Day and boarding school for boys and girls aged 3-13 Elstree School /ElstreeSchool /ElstreeSchool /ElstreeSchool /ElstreeSchool

This edition of Echo is a special one for a few important reasons. This is our first official newsletter of 2023, the year that marks a remarkable milestone for Elstree School – our 175th year! While our 175 celebrations are still ahead of us, these pages capture the moment the school came together to recognise another significant occasion, the

Coronation of King Charles III. Last, but by no means least as we move into a new era, this is the first edition of Echo that will be shared as a digital copy with our Elstree community.

The last 6 months has been a whirlwind of endeavour, achievement and excitement for the Elstree boys and girls. The theme for our Lent Term was High-Standards and the pupils rose to weekly challenges with great enthusiasm. With their table manners polished from the Autumn Term, they returned to school looking smart and willing to pay extra care and attention in presenting their work neatly. Integrity being a key value to Elstree, the children were asked to

think about doing the right thing and listening to their conscience, even when no one was watching – we are sure they did.

As we moved into the Summer Term, it has been a delight to see their hard work in maintaining such high standards pay off – and with so much to look forward to in recognising our 175th year, it seems only fitting that our theme this term is CELEBRATION, and we have much to celebrate!

Congratulations to our ten Year 8 pupils who have won such a spectacular array of academic, sports and creative arts scholarships and exhibitions to Radley, Winchester, Downe House, Harrow, Lord Wandsworth and Pangbourne College. The entire year group should be deservingly proud of their achievements as they start to look forward to the next stage in their education.

We have also seen huge success on the Sports fields. Our U13 boys’ Rugby team were undefeated on home soil this year and our girls’ team brought the Plate home in the U12 In2Hockey Berkshire tournament. Congratulations to them both – and what fun they had on this year’s Rugby and Hockey Tour in Dublin. The Elstree Judo team performed brilliantly at the annual IAPS Judo Competition, winning 3 gold, 2 silver and seven bronze medals between them. It has also been fantastic to see our Elstree

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Show Jumping team make it through qualifying rounds; we will be so excited to see them compete at Hickstead in August. With the weather now warming up, the nets are seeing plenty of activity and it continues to make me so proud that we are fielding mixed teams for cricket, with girls and boys playing alongside each other across the age groups.

With our ESA 175 Day and Summer Concert just around the corner, there is

the exciting promise of Elstree musical performances and choir recitals. Having heard the pupils, staff and parents join together to triumphantly sing Jerusalem and the National Anthem as we celebrated the Coronation of King Charles III, I was reminded of just how wonderful it feels to be proudly united by historic moments that bring such joy.

The 175 celebrations that lie ahead promise to be fantastic and I am very much looking forward to welcoming

our Elstree Old Boys and Girls as well as our current families and staff to join in the fun. Our school has a rich and proud history; one that has touched the lives of many and one that I am honoured and humbled to be a part of.

I cannot let this opportunity pass without drawing your attention to a book that will soon be published: The History of Elstree: Celebrating 175 Years of Elstree School. Former Elstree parent and well-known biographer Hugo Vickers has been delving into Elstree’s history and it gives me great pleasure to let you know that the book has been published, ready for release in July 2023 – it is a fascinating read and captures the characters, stories and crucial moments in time that have formed Elstree School as we know it today. I urge you all to enjoy the opportunity to reflect on our past as we celebrate the now and prepare for the future.

My heartfelt thanks to Hugo Vickers – and to you all for your continued support. Here’s to 175 years of Elstree.

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It’s been a very busy time in the Boarding House with a record number of children wishing to board – and what a wonderful atmosphere having them here creates!

Mr Attwood outdid himself with a wonderful Murder Mystery Night set in a 1920’s American Speakeasy. Mrs Francis produced some brilliant costumes for the cast, and by the end of the night no one seemed to have a clue who the murderer was! Thank goodness for Detective Brown, whose perspicacious mental acuity came to the rescue and unmasked Mrs Goodbourn as the murderer! She was hauled off to the cells by the cops (the gappers) to hoots of delight from the audience.

almost every boarder in attendance. Lara and her team cooked up a storm and then everyone gathered in the McMullen Hall for egg and spoon races, duck, duck, goose and of course the obligatory Easter egg hunt in the dorms.

During the Lent Term, the Year 7s enjoyed a brilliant ‘Crystal Maze’ Big Weekend organised by Miss Boyd. With various mental, mystery, physical and skill-based tasks against the clock, it was a madcap challenge, but lots of fun!

Our Year 8s were thoroughly well looked after by the girls at Downe House for their Big Weekend, with pizzas, ice-cream factories and a talented DJ getting them all on the dancefloor. The children loved spending time with each other, and we left the evening looking forward to our Casino Royale night in the Summer Term!

The first few weeks of the Summer Term were not the warmest - but this didn’t stop the boarders getting in the pool or the nets after supper! Fortunately, things have perked up and the children have been kayaking on the lake, enjoying the slippy slide, playing huge games of football on yard, riding their bikes, swimming, working on their skills in the nets or just shooting the breeze on the swings and slides. There has been a lovely, relaxed atmosphere after supper, and it has been so nice to wander around and see the children all having so much fun.

The Boarders’ Easter Party was held on the last night of flexi boarding for the term, and we had a terrific turn out with

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We have had two brilliant ‘Big Weekends’. The Year 8 children donned their dinner jackets and evening dresses to host the girls from Downe House to an evening of mocktails and fun at the Elstree Casino Royale. The McMullen Hall looked glitzy and glamorous as the children all placed their bets at the roulette wheels and poker tables around the hall. Everyone mingled beautifully and it was lovely to see some new friendships develop, as well as some old acquaintances reunited. The following morning, everyone enjoyed an epic game of laser tag around the school grounds before heading home at lunchtime, for a quiet afternoon of rest and recuperation!

were treated to some Zorb football on Bates which was great fun.

The Year 6s had a great fun time building rafts out of cardboard and trying to see who could paddle their homemade crafts the furthest with the help of Miss Boyd and Mr Williams. As you can imagine, there was much hilarity as boats sunk, teams were sabotaged, and everyone ended up in the drink! Fortunately, the weather was balmy, and a hot chocolate soon warmed everyone up. On Sunday morning, the Year 6s

The second half of the Summer Term is looking very busy, with plenty to look forward to, including the Big Boarding Brew and the Year 7 Elstree Award weekend. It should be lots of fun!

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2022 Leavers

In April, our 2022 Leavers came back to Elstree to celebrate the opening of their very generous gift, The Friendship Bench, which now sits on the front lawn at Elstree.

It was a wonderful opportunity to hear how our most recent Leavers are getting on at Senior School and even better to see them relive their time at Elstree with a quick game of Bat Room Cricket!

Huge thanks to them all for coming back to see us, and their wonderful Leavers Gift – a new treasure at Elstree that is already being put to great use !

British Olympiad

Elstree Old Boy Rain is currently an academic and music scholar at Wellington College. Fascinated with science since his Elstree days, his interest still thrives today.

He has received two Gold awards in successive years from the British Physics Olympiad, and this year, another Gold in the British Chemistry Olympiad. These competitions recognise

excellence in young scientists and Rain outstandingly completed each challenge up to two years ahead of the year group they are designed to test.

Rain’s passion for science has led him to speak publicly about Quantum Physics, where he was awarded the Peter Frankopan Prize at the Fifth Form Scholars’ Presentation Evening. He also continues to play the clarinet in the symphony orchestra and concert band at Wellington.

Rain is currently preparing for his GCSEs - wishing you every success in your exams and we look forward to hearing where those Olympiad awards take you in the future!

Radley & The Army

Upon leaving Elstree, Archie went to Radley College where he is now in his final year. We are delighted to hear that he has been appointed Head of House and awarded an Army Officer’s Scholarship to Sandhurst. Following a gap year, he will study mathematics and finance at Exeter University and then go on to attend Sandhurst. Congratulations to Archie and good luck in your A-Levels!

Performing Arts

Tristan is now at Eton preparing for his A-levels. As an Old Boy who loved his drama, famed for his gripping performances – we were thrilled when Tristan was accepted last year at the National Youth Theatre.

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He has recently been offered a place at the NYU Institute of Performing Arts and we look forward to hearing how his application to RADA progresses. Break a leg Tristan!

Yale Athletics Scholarship

Guy Stevens has accepted just accepted a place to start at Yale University, 2023 on an Athletics Scholarship. Having finished the IB at Wellington College he

Rowing Team GB

Old Boy, Alex was part of the GB Rowing Team U19 squad that competed at the Munich International Junior Regatta in May. Joining boys from a number of other schools to make up the 8+ crew, they won the gold medal in that category. Hopefully he will compete in more regattas this summer as part of the squad in Amsterdam or Paris. He is also in the 1st VIII boat at Eton and will

Senior Schools

The last 6 months have seen Mr and Mrs Inglis visiting Harrow, Wellington and Bradfield as well as welcoming Downe House, Radley and Marlborough Wardens, Housemasters and pupils to Elstree for an array of occasions including boarding socials, dinners and church services.

It was a great pleasure for them to catch up with Elstree Old Boys, Ollie at Bradfield, Alex, Jerry and Alex at Harrow and Rain at Wellington.

be competing at Henley Royal Regatta later in the summer. Congratulations to Alex on this incredible achievement!

will move out to the US at the end of August. Wishing you good luck Guy –we are very excited to hear more about your time at Yale!

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IAPS Judo Competition

This year’s IAPS Judo Competition was held at the majestic ACS International School in Egham. A beautifully organised event with a relaxed atmosphere meant the children could put their training to the test and perform to their very highest standards.

Many of our judokas (or judo players) were a mixture of nervous and excited at first, but once they got started, nerves turned to concentration and skills flowed.

2023 Ski Trip

“Don’t tell my family, but that was the greatest day of my life!” – Quote from an unnamed pupil on the 4th day of the Elstree Ski Trip 2023.

34 pupils and 5 members of staff jetted over to the French Alps for adventure and adrenaline! Quickly becoming a tight band of brothers and sisters, making sure to look out for the stray bit of lost kit but also eager to make some special memories.

A lovely little window into the ski trip world is that everyday folks at home are treated to a barrage of photos, videos, and a blog of all the days happenings. Here is a tiny snippet of just one such blogs.

‘Huge excitement as more snow had fallen overnight. The beginners caught the shuttle bus down to the bottom of the mountain with Mrs Payne and Miss Boyd and everyone else flew down the mountain side. Being the first to cut through all the fresh powder with the clear blue sky and glorious vistas the only distractions. The group caught the very first gondola up to the top of the mountain where they had a good chance to explore. Meanwhile the beginners worked on their snow ploughs and turning technique.’

‘Everyone had a fantastic afternoon doing jumps, whizzing down reds and the beginners where particularly proud of themselves as they managed to ski all the way down the mountain back to the hotel twice. The stop at the creperie for a celebratory hot chocolate was also a high point!’

‘Back to the hotel for some relaxing downtime, swimming and chatting with some of the pupils from the other schools over some melted cheese on toast before supper and a well-deserved sleep’.

Countless happy childhood memories were made on this trip, the pupils were fabulous all week. A huge thank you to Mrs Payne, Mr Smith, Miss Boyd, and Mrs Burles for all their late nights, long days, great humour, and help over the 8 days. Their support was invaluable.

Many congratulations to Timi, Charlie and Thomas for their amazing achievement in striking Gold! Monty and Mila received silver medals and our bronze medallists comprised Henry, Kevin, Otis, Zachary, Harry, Midi and Tristan.

It was wonderful to see our young judo players smile, relax and enjoy the occasion as well as exhibiting both great sporting behaviour alongside their strength and skill. Well done to them all!

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After seeing a photo of a little boy in theatrical costume, Hector declared to his Mummy, “please can I do that?” Initial thoughts from Hector’s mummy were that chances were rather remote, but - let’s give it a go! First of all, Hector was shortlisted based on photographs, then (equipped with no experience but buckets of enthusiasm), Hector eagerly marched off to auditions and successfully secured the part together with two other children.

Elstree Riding

On 29th April, the first Elstree School Show Jumping team qualified for Hickstead with a brilliant 6th place in the team 40cm competition.

Hector went on to have five rehearsals, two dress rehearsals and has just performed in fourteen shows at the Watermill in Newbury. We are all very proud – well done Hector!

Gaby went on to complete a very speedy round in the 50cm class, coming in 2nd place and qualifying as an individual rider! Phoebe, Gaby and Felicita supported each other brilliantly during their rounds, they kept smiling when things didn’t go so well and celebrated in successes when they did. They were also very smart and polite, thanking the organisers for a wonderful show. The NSEA Championship at Hickstead is on the 23rd August and we can’t wait to support them there!

U12 National Hockey

Congratulations also to Calvin who, after riding for over 4-years, has taken up competitive polo. We are delighted to hear that he has been selected to play in the Winchester College Polo Club from September this year. We look forward to hearing how he is getting on in this exciting game!

Jacob had an amazing experience at the England Hockey National finals in May this year. He joined the U12 Reading Hockey Team as Goal Keeper and whilst there was no medal, he can be super proud of playing his part for a team that is in the top 8 in the country for his year group – they qualified at County and Regional levels to get to the Nationals! By all accounts, it was a wonderful experience and an electric atmosphere – Jacob was understandably thrilled to have saved a penalty flick too! Well done to him and his team.

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Mr Whicher
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Author Hugo Vickers has done an incredible job in bringing Elstree’s History up to date and his book, Elstree 175: Celebrating 175 Years of Elstree School will soon be on sale at £35 per copy. To register your interest, please email


Prep School Coronation Celebration

In eager anticipation of the Coronation of King Charles III, on Friday 5th May, Elstree boys and girls came to school wearing red, white and blue. Union Jack bunting joyfully festooned the school and with children cheerfully waving an array of flags and donning crowns, there was a real air of excitement for the weekend ahead.

Mrs Syckelmoore had been working with Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 pupils in her art department to create two memorable displays in the build up to the occasion. One a huge painted banner with motifs and declarations of support and excitement for King Charles and Queen Camilla, the other a beautiful tile mural. In the afternoon, the banner was wrapped around the Wellingtonia and the mural laid out on a table on Yard for all to admire.

At 5pm the sun made a welcome appearance and shone down on the spectacular Coronation themed tea courtesy of Lara and her wonderful team. Once tea had been served and scones had been scoffed, proceedings were underway.

Hamish opened the service with a fitting performance on his bagpipes, so poignant and stirring; setting the perfect tone for the afternoon. Mr Inglis welcomed the Elstree community and set the scene for the weekend – reminding us all that the Coronation of King Charles III would be an occasion we will never forget. Together we sang “I vow to thee, my country” and “And did those feet in ancient time” which rang out across the beautifully green Elstree fields with real pride.

Head Boy Alex and Deputy Heads Hamish, Petra and Clara read their readings with sincerity. After singing the National Anthem, Mr Inglis closed the service with a robust “Long Live the King” which was joyfully repeated by parents and pupils as cheers rang out and flags were waved in the spring sunshine.

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Grandparents’ Morning

Grandparents’ Morning at Elstree is always such a special and happy occasion. We were so lucky to be able to welcome The Reverend Andrew Anderson, grandfather of Ollie in Year 8, to preach in our church service at St Peter’s Woolhampton. He brought with him a very special wooden spoon, which he used as a simple symbol of ‘service’. He asked the children to think about how they can serve in their lives, both here at Elstree and in the future. It was particularly special that Reverend Anderson and his wife Hazel were in church to witness their grandson Ollie being presented with his Head Chorister medal.

The grandparents then headed back to the Long Room for some delicious sandwiches and cakes. After a welcome from Mr Inglis, they set off on tours of the school with their grandchildren, all following slightly different routes around the classrooms, art room, DT, music school, library, dining room, boarding house and pitches. It was wonderful to witness the children showing their favourite places to their grandparents and enjoying spending time together, chatting on the benches in the sunshine.

At the end of the morning everyone headed to the McMullen Hall for a beautiful Vocal Concert, with performances from the Year 5 & 6 choir, the Vocal Group and the Chapel Choir.

Music by Candlelight

Music by Candlelight in St Peter’s Church is always a memorable occasion and this year’s programme of music, hymns and readings was no exception.

Eleven of our favourite and most beautiful anthems, complimented by three confidently delivered readings and an exquisite performance of Elgar’s Salut d ’amor made for a winning combination, providing the large audience with a rare moment of repose and tranquillity. Two Welsh hymns (in honour of St David’s Day) and the popular evening hymn “The day Thou gavest” rounded off the programme.

With spiritual appetites nourished, the audience made their way to the Long Room to enjoy wine and canapés. This firm fixture in the Elstree Calendar is not only a moment of joyful serenity for those who join us, it also raises money for St Peter’s Church, which is so dear to many people’s hearts.

Well done to the Chapel Choristers who gave their best to the singing, to our stirring readers Gabriel, Arthur and Hamish and to Derek and James for their superb piano trio.

Many thanks also to Mary Westley and Kelly Andrews for bringing the talents of our children to the fore and for giving us a most glorious musical and spiritual treat.

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PALS Visit

We were delighted to once again welcome children and helpers from PALS to Elstree during the Lent Term.

With our helpful Year 7 pupils ensuring the morning ran smoothly, we began by creating colourful images using just a tooth-pick. By scratching off the top layer of a special type of paper it revealed all the colours of the rainbow, which resulted in some stunning pictures.

The second activity used shaving foam and water paints. An interesting combination but the results were a wonderful marble effect printing. A good deal of fun and laughter was had by all - as well as plenty of sticky, foamy hands!

Eco Day at Wychwood School

Eleven pupils boarded the Elstree minibus and headed to Wychwood School in central Oxford for a day of eco celebrations and initiatives. There were four other schools present and it was interesting to hear their thoughts on eco issues.

The principal speaker was Paul from the Ministry of Eco Education. He was clearly very passionate and knowledgeable about all things ecological and he was able to steer us towards some solutions to the climate crisis without being too alarming.

The day ended with each pupil making a pledge or promise to do their bit for the environment. Ethan pledged to bike or run to school, Jonty pledged to use less electricity, Iris pledged to do more to save animals and to stop testing on animals, and Bertie pledged to encourage the use of more electric cars at Elstree together with a charging point.

These are wonderful aims that will help us to steer the course for a sustainable future at Elstree.

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Year 4 Victorian Day

To round off their Historical study of Victorian times, the Year 4 boys and girls came to school dressed up as Victorian children. We had chimney sweeps, maids, pickpockets, street urchins and even bird scarers and rat catchers among the many outfits on show – in those days, children were not able to just go to school, they had to earn their keep!

The Long Room at Elstree was transformed into a “ragged school” style classroom where various rather ‘strict’ teachers took lessons in the three Rs – Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. The children had to follow Victorian rules which meant keeping their hands still, bowing and curtsying and working in absolute silence. Girls and boys were not allowed to play together and each child had to pay a penny at the door to attend class. There was even a singing of “God Save the Queen” in honour of Queen Victoria’s birthday.

At the end of the day the children were delighted to be able to “return to modern times” and go outside and play rugby and football. However, there were lots of comments about how much fun it was and how much they had learnt – but we think they like school much more as it is today!

Year 3 Hawk Conservancy

Year 3s were treated to an unforgettable day at the beautiful Hawk Conservancy in Andover. Because of the calm, clean and orderly surroundings, one felt as if one was on a spiritual journey into the magical world of birds. There were tiny, cute owls, Peregrine falcons - the world’s fastest birds, the hilarious Secretary bird whose stamping on the head of the snake looked more like a ritual dance, the very majestic Egyptian vultures and Bald Eagles and the poor old vultures that get such a bad press but are so essential for the clearing up of dead animals. The highlight of the day was, perhaps, the Wings of Africa Show, set against the backdrop of the African Savannah. All of this and more on a beautiful summer’s day with wall-towall sunshine. The pupils had a wonderful day and each one came home with a clear favourite from the bird world!

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Year 5 STEAM Morning

Year 5 began their STEAM morning in the Art Department by a creating a selection of gorgeous, marbled patterns. First, they created a gel-like substance called carrageenan which thickened the water to enable the paint to float on top of it. They then had fun creating a wide variety of patterns and designs.

The pupils experimented with herbs, plants and vegetables to produce a variety of natural pigments/paints. They had fun chopping and grinding the ingredients and then had a go at painting a selection of impressive images inspired by the outdoors.

The morning was completed by creating a design on rainbow transparent paper inspired by the Chinese New Year. They added cut-out card and used outliner paint to finish their designs. They were turned into a Chinese lantern in their Art lessons later that week.

Year 6 Geography Trip to Dorset

Year 6 have been studying ‘Coasts’ this term, so a Geography Trip to the Jurassic Coastline in Dorset was a brilliant way to bring the learning alive. The group trekked up the steep cliff out of Lulworth Cove along the magnificent coastline to Durdle Door. They learnt about how important rock type is and saw that while the Purbeck Limestone still sticks out to sea, the chalk and Wealden clays have been eroded.

They learnt about the four processes of erosion and Longshore Drift. After a packed lunch in the glorious sunshine, the pupils visited Stair Hole before

returning to Lulworth Cove for a welldeserved ice cream on the beach.

What a day of wonderful geographical learning – hydraulic action, abrasion, attrition, biological weathering, chemical weathering, caves, arches and stacks were all covered in one day! Having enjoyed the stunning scenery, sunshine and ice creams, the pupils returned to school tired but happy.

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Year 7 Trip to the V&A

The Year 7 Art Trip to the V&A in London was a truly fun-filled day. The children had researched this worldleading museum before the visit, and excitedly discovered a wide variety of archives spanning over 5,000 years of human creativity. They learnt that the V&A holds many of the UK’s national collections and houses some of the greatest resources for the study of painting, architecture, furniture, fashion, textiles, photography, sculpture, jewellery, glass, ceramics, book arts, Asian art and design as well as theatre and performance.

The children especially enjoyed the Painting collection with highlights being the Raphael Cartoons and major works by J. M. W. Turner and John Constable. Looking at the Theatre & Performance collections, the children got to dress up as some of

Year 8 Joseph

Elstree Drama Department celebrated a week of musical exuberance when the Year 8s put on an all-time family favourite, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.

The lead-up to opening night was electric as well-known songs like, “Any dream will do”, “Go, go, go Joseph” and “Canaan Days” filled both school and dorm corridors throughout the week. An outstanding and tearjerking portrayal of Joseph was given by Leonardo as he was surrounded by a talented band of 11 brothers –complete in sheepskin and bell bottoms to fit the 70’s vibe. Petra wowed the audience with her crystal clear narrator voice whilst a special mention has to go to Koichi, Hamish and our Spanish Ishmaelites for their comedic characterisation.

Well done to the band, including Nicky & Kitty, to everyone that helped with the set, costumes and make-up and a huge thank you to Miss Andrews for her patience and dedication to put on such an ambitious musical.

their favourite characters and also created set designs on computers within the exhibition.

Exploring the comprehensive collection of over 3,000 jewels, the boys and girls saw how jewellery in Europe has changed from ancient times to the present day. The trip concluded with a tour of a temporary exhibition of African Fashion, which spanned iconic mid20th Century to contemporary creatives. The exhibition captured the vitality and global impact of a fashion scene as dynamic and varied as the continent itself.

We all felt very inspired after visiting the many areas of the seven miles of stunning galleries and will continue to research individual pieces back within the Art Department.

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In late January we hosted our annual Declamations final. It was a pleasure to have the finalists perform to a packedout McMullen Hall. The audience commented on the joy that was to be found in the vigour and enthusiasm on display from all the pupils.

Several members of the audience, along with Mr Inglis, commented on the particularly high standard with a real variety of literature on display. Though a competition, this was a real celebration of the spoken word.

The school were lucky enough to have Mr John Carroll from Marlborough College to adjudicate – he had a tough job on his hands! Huge thanks goes to him, and also all the pupils and teachers of English who made such a fantastic effort for this occasion.

Rugby and Hockey Tour to Dublin

A superb Tour to Dublin saw the boys’ Rugby team and girls’ Hockey teams display their brand of the respective games to some seriously strong Irish opponents.

Coming away with 2 wins and 2 losses shows how hotly the games were contested and, considering both sports are played differently in Ireland, the great ability both teams can produce.

All the Elstree pupils were fantastic

tourists and great ambassadors. Soaking in as much of the culture of Ireland, a Gaelic games experience gave them a taste of Hurling, Gaelic Football and Handball. Getting to know and understand a slice of the importance of these strange games to the country and getting to know plenty about the history of Dublin was an important part of the Tour.

Well played and toured everyone!

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House Cross-Country

After a couple of weeks of biting Arctic conditions, the weather relented and the temperature rose to a much more pleasant 8 degrees for the annual House Cross-Country competition.

This year’s race was typified by good sportsmanship, good efforts all-round and, as one teacher put it, everyone coming over the finish line with a smile on their face. What more could you ask for? As is the custom at Elstree, slower runners are given lots of encouragement by their fellow teammates and are then given a cheery greeting or even a hug as they reach the finish line.

Individually, Ollie (North), our captain of cross-country, won the senior event with a very commanding run. Hamish (North) was second and Wilf (North) came in Third. Tristan (East) won the intermediate race, way ahead of anybody else. Leonardo (East) was second and James (South) third. The juniors’ race was won by William “Deadly”(North) with Akinniran (North) in second place and George (West) in third place. The fact that William was only five seconds off the school record and in such muddy conditions speaks volumes for his sporting prowess. Special mention must be made of the following girls who made it into the Top 10 in their respective age categories: Sophie (West), Honour (South), Aggie (North) and Bella (East).

World Book Day

Every pupil chose a free World Book Day book during their Library lessons throughout the week. In the Art Department, Mrs Syckelmoore also ran a popular activity where pupils created their own designs and words for a card to enter the National Book Token Competition. The children loved making bookmarks using a variety of different media.

Free copies of The i-Newspaper were distributed amongst pupils and staff on World Book Day. These were used in lessons where relevant, and children were encouraged to read them at any other opportunity; taking them home afterwards to share with their families. As well as the news and sport, children loved the quizzes and crosswords. It was a great way of raising interest in newspapers and what is happening in the world.

What a fun and inspiring week, and above all, a great celebration of books and reading!

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Grandparents’ Afternoon

Earlier this term, you could feel the buzz of excitement in the Pre-Prep as the children prepared to welcome their special visitors.

In preparation for the tea party, Nursery and Reception made their own confetti, Year 1 wrote and decorated afternoon tea menus, and finally, Year 2 used their floristry skills to create some beautiful flower arrangements. All these items were positioned on the tea tables in our dining room.

Then our special visitors, the Grandparents and family members of the Elstree Pre-Prep children arrived. They seated themselves in the McMullen Hall, ready for a great show! Each year group performed two songs and some with wonderful dances to go with them.

Coronation Celebrations

We had a very special day to mark the Coronation of his Royal Highness King Charles III. The Pre-Prep had been decorated with flags and Union Jacks and there was great excitement from the children as they entered their classrooms.

Nursery and Reception embraced the Coronation for the whole week! They began their week by cooking some delicious crown biscuits and having a red, white and blue themed tea party. They enjoyed making some crowns, suncatchers and 2D shape palaces as well as attempting a few portraits of the King too! The garden was a hive of activity, with the children practising their guard skills by balancing bearskins, horse jumping and marching.

Reception’s second song even had our visitors joining in with the actions! As well as the class performances, some children bravely performed solos, which included a Year 2 violin recital and a Year 1 piano performance.

Following on from the concert, the children led the way to their classrooms, where they took great pride in sharing their fantastic work. “I loved it when Granny and Grandpa asked me questions about school.” Christabel (2B) said.

Then it was time for some afternoon tea. Cucumber sandwiches, scones and jam and a selection of hot drinks were on offer. Henry (2B) said, “I really liked seeing my grandparents because I hadn’t seen them since the beginning of the year.”

Thank you to everyone who helped make it such a special day for the children and their Grandparents. “I enjoyed every second of it!” Monty (1P) said!

In Year 1, the children made some lovely crowns and enjoyed their own mini Coronation by gifting them to each other! Both Year 1 and 2 created Union Jack mosaics which they completed with great care. In Year 2, the children baked and decorated delicious biscuits and wrote a letter to the King. All were very excited by the prospect of the King reading the letters that they had sent.

The entire Pre-Prep was treated to a special Coronation themed lunch. The children feasted on Bucking-Ham plait with chips and a Coronation salad. We were very pleased to have a cupcake with the Royal Crest for dessert. A feast fit for a King!

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Firefighter Visit

Reception have been learning about ‘real-life superheroes’ and people who help us in the community.

Earlier this term, we were lucky enough to have an exciting visit from the fire fighters that work at Theale fire station. Firefighters Sam and Matthew came into our classroom and talked to Nursery and Reception all about the jobs they do as a firefighter, including putting out fires, rescuing animals and helping when there is a car crash. They taught the children what to do if they accidentally catch on fire and Iris (RP class) remembered that you must “stop, drop and roll”. Matthew then showed the children the suit that he must wear when he is going out in the fire engine to help with an emergency. He wore his boots, trousers, tunic, gloves, and helmet and told us about what each part was for. Next, the firefighters talked to the children about smoke alarms. When an alarm went off,

Year 1 Rushall Farm Trip

The Year 1s set off on a cold but sunny morning to Rushall farm.

The children had great fun feeding the chickens and collecting eggs. It was interesting to see how the eggs were different in size and colour, some even speckled.

The next activity was a bumpy tractor ride where we all had to hold on and dodge the overhanging branches! We then saw the farmer and his helpers weighing each sheep and marking their wool with bright paint. The children were amazed that the farmers used scales just like the ones they use in their Maths lessons. Some of the sheep tried to jump over the scales which the children found very funny.

Before leaving, we were taught all about ‘field to plate’ and the children sorted some different pictures of crops and the food they produce. It was a great day, and we look forward to returning next year.

Nursery and Reception showed Sam and Matthew how they walked calmly and sensibly to their assembly point and the firefighters were very impressed.

After this, all of the children in the PrePrep were invited out to have a look at a real fire engine and they were shown some of the tools that are kept there. All the children got the chance to go inside the fire engine and see where the firefighters sit. Henry (2B) and Bruce (2O’N) liked sitting in the seats and putting the straps on as their seatbelts. Nestor (RP) was lucky enough to sit in the driver’s seat and even honk the horn, which he said was the best part of the visit!

Lastly, we said thank you to the crew from Theale fire station for visiting us and teaching us so much about their jobs and how we can stay safe around fire.

20 Elstree Echo Issue 22

World Book Day

Elstree Pre-Prep children and staff had great fun dressing up for World Book Day! The theme for the day was ‘bears’ but we had all sorts of fun costumes!

In Nursery and Reception, the children had a go at making their own teddy bears and foam planets. They had a very exciting Rocket Race, with their bears racing from planet to planet!

The children in Years 1 and 2 baked biscuits in the shape of teddy bears, coloured in teddy bears following careful instructions and made wonderful, collaged bear masks. Finally, they used their imaginations – and pastels - to create a scene where their bear’s rocket would fly to.

Throughout the day the children had plenty of opportunities to explore and hear different stories. They enjoyed telling their friends who they had dressed up as and why. It was a wonderful day for all.

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Year 2 Independent Schools’ Football Festival

Year 2 had been talking about the Independent Schools’ Football Festival for days. It was certainly an eagerly anticipated event and we were delighted to welcome Knightsbridge School, St Margaret’s Prep and St Mary’s, Henley to Elstree for the occasion.

Full of enthusiasm and energy, the year group were divided into 3 teams and played 6 or 7 games each. When the whistle blew, they raced all over the pitch, had a go at tackling the

Poetry Performances

Over February half term, the Pre-Prep children were asked to learn a poem. Each class listened to the poems in their English lessons before the teachers chose the finalists – a very difficult task! The finalists were invited to recite their poems in the Long Room to teachers, parents, and Mr Owens, who came to watch and give some useful feedback.

What a wide selection of poems we listened to! From traditional nursery rhymes to poems about penguins, knights, the seasons and even aliens! Johnny (2O’N) had written his own poem with lots of rhyme and rhythm, which was fantastic to hear. One of the performers, Iris (RP), said that she felt a bit nervous before performing, but once she had finished, she would have loved to do it all over again!

Well done to all of the children who learnt and performed their poems, you all did the Pre-Prep very proud.

opposition, kicked the ball as hard as they could, aimed for goal and defended bravely. There were some great goals and super saves.

The children’s football skills had clearly progressed since the matches in October and it was wonderful to see they displayed integrity in their playing and pitch behaviour. There were handshakes with the opposition at the end of each game and they listened to the Elstree Year 8s who were refereeing brilliantly! It was particularly heartwarming to see one of our children stop play to help a member of the opposition when his boot came off.

Year 2 Castles and Medieval Day

Year 2 have been learning about castles. To bring the topic to life they enjoyed a fantastic trip to Windsor castle and took part in their very own Medieval day.

Visiting Windsor Castle was a day out the children will always remember. They had a fun workshop on ‘How to be a Knight’ and studied the tunics, mail armour and helmets – they were so heavy and hard to see out of! The children loved sharing the information that they knew about knights. The session finished with each child being knighted!

The children toured the castle, seeing St George’s Chapel where the Queen was laid to rest. They were in awe of the splendour of the state rooms and loved looking at the coat of arms in St George’s Hall. They were particularly interested to see the shields on which the coat of arms had been painted out, because the knight had misbehaved! The tour was over all too soon and a tired but happy crew settled back onto the bus for our return to school.

Back at school, they made shields and tabards for their Medieval Day, wearing them proudly as they learnt about Medieval food, and then wrote their own menu.

Jasper (2B) couldn’t believe how much meat people used to eat and we all decided we wouldn’t like to try peacock or swan. Eel was a popular choice in

Medieval times and Florence (2B) loved telling the class how her daddy had caught an eel when they went fishing together - they didn’t eat it! Instead of a normal lunch the children were treated to a Medieval banquet. Raffy (2B) loved being able to eat with his hands!

After lunch the children spent the afternoon making swords, catapults, and beautiful crowns. Rosie (2O’N) said that she loved making the catapults the most, it was tricky but she said she loved trying her best to make it work. Rex’s (2O’N) favourite thing was making the swordshe went home looking forward to having a sword fight with his brother!

22 Elstree Echo Issue 22

Tiny Tots Ball Skills

Nursery and Reception were so excited to have an afternoon out on Bates practising some rugby and ball skills. With the sun shining and parents watching, they all had an extra spring in their step.

‘Wildlife’ Outdoor Learning Day

Nursery, Reception and Year 1 had a lovely Outdoor Learning Day in February. It was cold and frosty so there were plenty of rosy cheeks and happy smiles.

The children were split into groups and put into pairs from different ages before setting off to the woods and Plantation to begin a sensory scavenger hunt. They were challenged to find different textures, colours and items that could be used to make a musical instrument.

Another group were tasked with making birds’ nests. Each pair were given a small, fluffy chick to care for. They had to keep the chick safe whilst they collected twigs, moss, and feathers. The children couldn’t believe how tricky it was and how clever all of the birds are in the wild. After much determination, they got there!

The third group went to the Woods to draw out large outlines of animals and create natural collages. The children said it was such fun looking for things that were different shapes and sizes to bring the animals to life.

Mr Bates and some older boys and girls from Year 8 were there to give instructions and much needed demonstrations and support. The children were very engaged as they tried a range of different skills. They enjoyed catching and throwing, learning to tackle the shields and to dodge by weaving around cones and running away from a friend trying to catch them. Two nursery children even managed to exchange the rugby ball an incredible 13 times before it dropped!

Whilst in the woods, our older Year 1s really nurtured some of the younger children, who in turn really looked up to them. The children loved having some free time to play together, a happy day was had by all!

It was an afternoon of great fun and even those who were a little reluctant at first had a smile on their face by the end.

Elstree Echo Issue 22 23
ESA 175 Day .................................................................. Saturday 10th June 2023 Elstree 175 Summer Concert ....................................Saturday 1st July 2023 Elstree 175 Ball .................................................................. Saturday 8th July 2023 ESA XI v Ludgrove 175 Football .................. Sunday 15th October 2023 Upper VI ESA X1 v Staff 175 Football ... Sunday 5th November 2023 DATES FOR THE DIARY Elstree School Woolhampton Reading Berkshire RG7 5TD T: 0118 971 3302 | E:
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