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Castle and Treetrop are two of five themed family suites at er special feature: a tunnel 夢想房間 塔樓翼中設有五間主題套房,設計 獨特的城堡和樹屋房間同樣備受

infinity pools. The expansive bed decked out in Egyptian cotton lulls you into sweet slumber as total serenity surrounds. When you can tear yourself away from the villa, the world is your oyster. Opt for some unforgettable experiences such as snorkeling with manta rays, a private cinema under the stars decked out with delectable bites, or an education in astronomy at the resort’s custombuilt observatory. The first and only observatory in the Maldives houses a research grade 16” Meade LX200 telescope, remote controlled with 360 degree movement to open up a whole new world of wonder. Star-gazing with Sky Guru Ali Shameem is a must – sip champagne on the sky beds as you learn from the resident astronomer and admire the Milky Way’s shining Omega Centauri or Messier 13. Discerning diners are beyond pampered at the resort’s flagship restaurants, from teppanyaki at Fire to the spectacular underwater restaurant, Sea, which offers scrumptious seafood and fine wines.

泳池別墅,設計時尚精緻,並在平台上裝有水上吊床、大鞦韆、太 陽椅和直接通往清池的台階。浴室配設玻璃浴池、戶外淋浴設施和 雨淋式按摩花灑,打開趟門便能跳到無邊際的私人泳池中暢泳。寬 闊睡床鋪上舒適的埃及棉,伴你走進甜蜜夢鄉。 別墅以外的世界同樣精彩。難忘體驗包括與魔鬼魚結伴浮潛、 在星下一邊品嚐滋味小食一邊欣賞私人電影、到臨度假村的特設天 文台學習天文地理。這個作為馬爾代夫首間和唯一一間天文台的設 計,內置達研究級別的16寸Meade LX200天文望遠鏡,並可以360

度遙距操作,帶你走進新天新地。跟天際達人Ali Shameem觀星也 是指定節目。安躺床上呷著香檳,跟這位駐場天文學家學習天際知 識,欣賞銀河系的奧米茄星團或Messier 13。

高要求的美食家前來度假村的旗艦餐廳定必大飽口福, Fire

的鐵板燒、新奇有趣的Sea水底餐廳等,為你奉上美味海鮮和香醇 佳釀。


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