Campus Magazine | Fall 2023

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FALL 2023

IN THIS ISSUE Message From the President....................................................................................................... 1 2023-2028 Elmira College Strategic Plan................................................................................ 2 150th Anniversary of the Mark Twain Study.............................................................................. 3 Oh! The Places You Can Go: Biology......................................................................................... 4 Reunion 2024.............................................................................................................................. 6 2024 Solar Eclipse...................................................................................................................... 7 From Digital Maps to Real-World Impact.................................................................................. 8 Student Spotlight: Marc Artuz ’24............................................................................................ 10 Spotlight on Esports Program.................................................................................................... 12 2023 Distinguished Achievement & Service Awards............................................................... 13 2024 Mammone Academy Honors Chip Coffey ‘76................................................................14 Alumni Benefits ..........................................................................................................................14 Doris Stephens Osborne ‘46.................................................................................................... 15 Current Alumni Board Members & Executive Committee........................................................ 16 In Memoriam ............................................................................................................................ 17

Campus The Elmira College Magazine Vol. LII No. 1 Office of Communications & Marketing Editorial Coordinators: Sarah Grossman, Jennifer Swain Designer: John Shanchuk Contributors: Sarah Grossman; Sydney Stringham ‘19, MS ‘23; Jennifer Swain; Angela Tufillaro Photographers: Dr. Trevor Browning, Adam Goettsch, Janie Kempf ’21, Dr. Daniel Kjar, John Shanchuk, Miranda Waterman ’25 Cover Photo by Hannah Whittier ‘23 Campus, The Elmira College Magazine, is published by Elmira College One Park Place, Elmira, NY 14901

MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT We kicked off the 2023-2024 academic year with the excitement of welcoming the Spirited Class of 2027 to campus. Already the Class has enjoyed several EC traditions such as Candlelight, Mountain Day singing and chanting, and a robust Octagon Fair. In addition, an energetic Family Weekend and exciting 2023 Elmira College Athletics Hall of Fame induction kept the sense of camaraderie and EC pride echoing across campus throughout the fall term. This sense of optimism has carried over into other areas of the College as well. While these continue to be challenging times for higher education, particularly for small private colleges like Elmira, the College completed a clean audit and has finalized its 2023-2028 Strategic Plan. The new plan strikes a balance between paying for muchneeded improvements in infrastructure, compensation, and brand promotion, while exercising prudent budget management and staying on target with enrollment and fundraising goals included in our five-year financial plan. It also continues to focus on the College’s academic quality and the experience of students throughout their Elmira education. A summary of the Strategic Focus areas and primary goals are shared on the pages that follow, with the full plan available on the College’s website. As you read through this issue of Campus Magazine, you’ll see evidence of some of the amazing things our students and alumni are doing. Students are participating in rigorous research projects and presenting that research at national and international conferences. They represent a diverse and global community, adapting to and learning from their peers and

the community around them. They’re engaged in meaningful learning experiences both in and outside the classroom. And as alumni, you’ll read how they are distinguishing themselves and Elmira College in successful and rewarding careers. Academics and student learning are at the center of what we do at Elmira. And we can’t do it without you. Your participation, engagement, and gifts of support provide the foundation for our future success. I look forward to joining you as we chart a course towards a stronger, bolder future for Elmira College and the next generation of students. Be It Ever So,

Charles W. Lindsay, PhD Elmira College President

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2023-2028 ELMIRA COLLEGE STRATEGIC PLAN The 2023-2028 Elmira College Strategic Plan represents the culmination of a yearlong strategic planning process. Surveys and focus groups were utilized to solicit input and engage students, alumni, employees, and community leaders throughout the process. A final draft of the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan was unanimously approved by the College’s Board of Trustees in June 2023. A brief summary of the focus areas and goals is provided below. The full plan is available on the College’s website at

Strategic Focus I. Enhance Strength and Stability The first strategic focus is to enhance the strength and stability of the College. A key goal is ensuring strong enrollment through annual enrollment growth and persistence to graduation. Achieving this goal will be a challenge–given the downturn in the number of traditional-age college students and skepticism among parents and students about the value of a college degree. We will need to adjust online content and marketing to maximize student interest, introduce more robust partnerships with community colleges, and expand online programs, particularly at the graduate level. This means providing access to, and increasing awareness of, resources for recruiting diverse faculty, staff, and students and introducing new academic programs based on market research on high-demand fields and what undergraduates are looking for in a college education. It also involves expanding athletic program opportunities and facilities. Beyond enrollment, strengthening the College’s financial position means researching and implementing cost-saving initiatives and diversifying and augmenting the College’s revenue streams. We will be looking at campus-wide strategies to maximize space utilization, reduce costs, and identify areas for revenue generation. Increasing philanthropic support for the College is another key aspect of the College’s three-pronged approach to the future. Development of a comprehensive campaign is in its beginning stages and work is being done to fine-tune best practices and increase internal and external support through relationship building. In addition, enhancing the College’s commitment to environmental sustainability and providing continuity and growth through employee retention efforts are important factors in promoting institutional strength and sustainability.

Strategic Focus II. Foster Innovation The second strategic focus area is fostering innovation. Academics and the learning experience are at the center of what we do at Elmira, which is why there are several components in the plan that support the advancement of research, creative works, and knowledge generation. Elmira College must be creative and adopt a more student-focused approach to education. We need to offer differentiated academic programs for a more diverse student body and provide meaningful learning experiences both in and outside the classroom. Academic programs need to be flexible in delivery methods and offer students a direct link to a career or graduate studies. This means seeking increased grant support, expanding cross-disciplinary activities, and increasing student career- and life-readiness.

Strategic Focus III. Ensure an Inclusive and Supportive Campus Environment The third strategic focus area hones in on ensuring an inclusive and supportive campus environment for students, faculty, and staff. This includes providing access to, and increasing awareness of, resources for the recruitment of diverse faculty, staff, and students. We will look to enhance access to college beyond the traditional college-bound populations through the development of partnerships and financial aid policies that provide opportunities to these student populations. As mental health concerns continue to rise nationally, this focus area seeks to support the mental and physical well-being of our students and employees by increasing on-campus access to recreational activities, mental health services and programs, and ensuring a safe physical and virtual campus environment.




July 17, 1903 Samuel Clemens looking out from the Study window.

May 5, 1922 Twain’s Study in its original location at Quarry Farm. Left, Georgianna Palmer. Right, Ida Langdon.

May 1, 1952 Twain’s Study being moved from Quarry Farm, Elmira, NY. The Study was given to Elmira College by the Langdon family and moved to Elmira College campus.

IN 1874 Susan and Theodore Crane

surprised their brother-in-law Samuel L. Clemens with an octagonal study that sat about 100 yards from their house at Quarry Farm. While sitting in his study and looking out at the Chemung River Valley, Mark Twain wrote major portions of his most famous works. Given the longstanding relationship between the Langdon family (Twain’s in-laws) and Elmira College, the Mark Twain Study was moved from Quarry Farm to the Elmira College campus in 1952. The Study remains there, inspiring creativity among students, alumni, and visitors from all over the world. Ahead of the 150th milestone, the Center for Mark Twain Studies (CMTS) is taking steps to ensure the historic landmark will stand strong for another 150 years. Thanks to the generous contributions made to the Mark Twain Study Preservation Campaign, the bushes around the Study were removed to improve drainage, boards were fixed, and the windows were removed, restored, and reinstalled. The restoration work will continue with plans to add Venetian blinds, complete a paint microscopy analysis of the original 1874 color, professionally strip the paint, and then return the Study to its original color. 150th Anniversary Celebrations will begin in the summer of 2024 and you’re invited to participate. Click here to check out the CMTS website and learn more!

August 30, 2023 The restored Twain Study windows were reinstalled.

June 9, 1952 Dedication of Twain’s Study on the Elmira College campus. Left to right: Dr. Lewis Eldred, ninth President of Elmira College; unknown individual; Dr. Ida Langdon; unidentified worker; Charles W. Perry, President of the Elmira College Board of Trustees.

October 12, 2023 The Study is open for tours and staffed by trained student guides daily throughout the summer and by appointment in the off-season.

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“I am inspired every day by the work that St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital does, and by the fact I can contribute to that mission of saving children and creating a better world for them.” –Dr. Daniel Bastardo Blanco ’12.

“My relationship with my professors was really close. It went beyond just taking classes with them. I was learning about their own journeys to become scientists and professors. So it was really special.” Although Bastardo Blanco was a Biology major, he was inspired by his Chemistry professor, Dr. Dale Powers, a published scientist with many patents. “To me, he seemed like an inspiration. I asked him within the first week or two if I could do research with him.” And the answer was yes. While Bastardo Blanco conducted research with Powers, the experience that ignited his true passion was the microbiology research he conducted in the Obler Summer Research program between his second and third years. “I continued to do that work through the rest of my studies at EC.”


octor Daniel Bastardo Blanco, Manager of the Together by St. Jude™ online resource and a member of Elmira College’s Astonishing Class of 2012, travels and works with people from around the world, developing communications about complex biomedical research, patient education, and humanitarian service projects. An up-and-coming star in the biomedical communications field, he recently earned the Memphis Business Journal’s 2023 class of 40 Under 40! But communications wasn’t the original career trajectory for Bastardo Blanco. He had dreamed of being a scientist, and if he had stayed and studied in his home country of Venezuela, Bastardo Blanco would likely be a veterinarian today. When Bastardo Blanco was younger, he visited the school in Venezuela that would train him to become a veterinarian. He was set to attend but then his mother learned about a new program for high-achieving students that provides a scholarship to attend college in the United States. “I was very intrigued and decided to try for it. Because why not?”


After a lengthy and difficult application process, Bastardo Blanco became one of the few students from outside of Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, to earn the scholarship. “That changed my life. That is what enabled me to be here today: the opportunity I took and the risk my parents allowed me to take. It gave me my education at EC and propelled me to success.” Because of the different school systems, Bastardo Blanco decided to study Biology and become a scientist. He chose EC for its traditions, small class sizes, and active campus community. “I felt Elmira College was a place for me to grow and to serve. Also, I loved that EC has such a diverse number of classes and themes and subjects to explore,” he said excitedly. “It was very good for me because it enabled me to explore more areas of study I hadn’t considered before, and I grew and learned in a more holistic way.”

While Bastardo Blanco found success in the lab, he also flourished outside the classroom. In his first year, he joined seven clubs, including Ultimate Frisbee, Model United Nations, Spanish, and Tennis. Bastardo Blanco also wanted to stay involved with Rotary International, which he volunteered with in high school. He ultimately started a Rotaract Club chapter at Elmira College, which continues to thrive today. Meetings with his classmates and strategizing how to make a difference in the community would become the best hours of every week. “That was a significant part of my education. It was where I learned how to build relationships, be a leader, sell my ideas, and bring people together. I am very thankful to EC for providing me with this community where I could grow as a leader and grow as a person.” After EC, Bastardo Blanco was on track to become the scientist he had always envisioned, joining the Doctorate in Biomedical Sciences program at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. He felt better prepared to face the challenges of graduate

The smaller class sizes meant he could really get to know his professors.


school than many of his classmates, thanks to his experiences at EC. “Some of my classmates didn’t really have the opportunity to participate in class,” he explained. “They could just go to a class with 100 other people and be silent all day and not be part of the discussion.” Yet, as Bastardo Blanco went through his education, he realized he wasn’t taking advantage of some of his strengths like communication and relationship building. He decided to explore that side of himself and eventually switched from being a scientist to becoming a professional communicator and public relations professional. “My science training helps me connect with scientists and physicians and think of creative ways to communicate scientific and medical information to lay audiences effectively. Additionally, I use the skills developed in the lab to improve how my team approaches our work and make research a regular part of it.”

Victoria (Galbreth) M cEwan ’12 Optometrist & Owner @ Advanced Eyecare Solution s “The courses I took at EC laid an excellent foundati on for my graduate studies and career in Optometry.“

Angela (Nelson) Cure ll ‘12 Anesthesiologist, US Air Fo rce Me dic al Corps “The entire science departm ent at Elmira was always su pp ortive of my dreams of becoming a military physician. They also fostered a love and appre ciation of the sciences, lay ing the foundations that allowed me to be successful in me dical school and beyond.” Zac Park ‘17 Cancer Research Training Award Postdoctoral Fellow at National Institute of Healt h/National Cancer Institu te “The science faculty at EC strongly supported and encouraged my desire to conduct research. This support played a huge role in my decision to pursue a caree r as a research scientist.”

“The work I do now inspires me every day and allows me to be closer to people–to patients–and to continue to do work that has a global impact on people’s lives. Families facing childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases need educational resources they can trust and the Together by St. Jude™ online resource provides trusted information no matter where the patient receives treatment, in a language they can understand.”

Mallori Bolter ‘16 Se nio r Mi cro biologist at Pfizer “Being a Biology major at EC showed me that there are so many more options for biologists than just research or medical do ctors. And that there is so much mo re to learn every day.” Emily Feldpausch Ross ‘16 Family physician (MD) Me d Center Health Primary Ca re “The science professors at EC played a huge role in getting me set up for me dical school; I cannot thank them enough!“

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REUNION 2024 JUNE 20-23


OVER $60,000 TOTAL We’re grateful to everyone who donated to the Soaring Forward Campaign. Every dollar contributed will help the sports teams enhance their programs and help students immerse themselves in everything our campus has to offer.


EC alumni events are a great way to reconnect, network, mentor, and reminisce on your time spent at EC! Looking for an event in your area? How about hosting one? Gather your EC classmates and host a special event for regional alumni, either in-person or virtually, with support from the Elmira College Office of Alumni Engagement.



On April 8, 2024

a total solar eclipse will pass across Mexico, the United States, and Canada. In a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE, the moon passes completely between the Earth and the sun, totally blocking its light. The light becomes dim, like dusk, with an eerie, otherworldly color. The air temperature drops and it is a captivating moment. In a PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE, the moon creates a crescent shape as it partially blocks out the sun, but this is not nearly as dramatic to see. The full totality is usually only visible in a narrow band across the Earth, sometimes only tens of miles wide and is a rare occurrence. In this 2024 event, the full totality will be visible across the major population centers of western New York State–including Buffalo, Rochester, and Syracuse–within easy access from Elmira College as it passes across the country.

Viewing Tips:

•Use Proper Eye Protection: Always use eclipse glasses or solar viewers with proper certification to protect your eyes. Regular sunglasses are not sufficient. Never look at the sun through binoculars, telescopes, or cameras without the appropriate solar filters. •Arrive Early and Check the Weather: Keep an eye on the weather forecast to ensure clear skies during the eclipse. Remember to arrive early and expect crowds and traffic. •Enjoy the Moment: While ensuring safety is paramount, take time to fully enjoy this rare celestial event.

“In our region, we will only see a partial eclipse, but it should be fun to witness despite missing the big show here in New York. We’re looking forward to it and expect the EC Chemistry Club will make sure proper viewing glasses are available to our students. If you’re planning to view the eclipse, be sure to avoid looking directly at the sun.” –Michael Selig Assistant Professor of Chemistry

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FROM DIGITAL MAPS TO REAL-WORLD IMPACT A First-Year Student’s Bahamas Research Adventure


s Jessica Yesensky ’26 toured San Salvador Island in the Bahamas with Dr. Trevor Browning, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science, and Dr. Daniel Kjar, Associate Professor of Biology, her face lit up as she recognized places from the digital maps of the island that she scoured to complete her research. Yesensky, a first-year Elmira College student at the time, was invited to present her first-year research in San Salvador at the 2023 Gerace Research Centre Conference, alongside her professors, graduate students from other universities, and industry professionals. The experience, in Yesensky’s words, “not to be dramatic, but it was INCREDIBLE. It was really cool.”

Yesensky, a Biochemistry and Environmental Science major, was the youngest presenter at the conference. Her work focused on the erosion vulnerability of San Salvador, which is based on Browning’s work indexing the erosion vulnerability of tropical islands. Yesensky chose EC because of the focus on undergraduate research, which is encouraged as early as the first year. She discovered Browning’s research while working on a microplastics research project with Dr. Michael Selig, Assistant Professor of Chemistry. After meeting Browning and talking with him about his work she said, “I like this way better.” It took a lot of guidance and individual attention at first, but Yesensky stayed determined and gathered enough data to put together an abstract ahead of the conference. The data she collected and analyzed creates a picture that residents of San Salvador and developers can use

for conscientious land development as the population increases and becomes more urban. “This is a critical issue in the tropics as, over the next 20 years, their population will grow and represent a little over half of the global population,” explained Browning, who gave the keynote presentation on this topic at the conference. “Issues with erosion arise when we have huge population booms and it’s especially important in the tropics where communities often rely on ecotourism. Yet downstream ecosystems such as coral reefs are fragile and sediment intolerant.” Originally, Yesensky had prepared to give a poster presentation where attendees could come and ask her questions and talk informally with her about her work. However, when she arrived at the conference, organizers asked those with posters if they would give a five-minute presentation, speaking to the conference attendees for five, uninterrupted minutes. After much encouragement, Yesensky decided to give it a go. “I was really scared because I didn’t prepare for that, literally at all,” shared Yesensky. “Everyone there knew I was scared because at this point I had made friends with all the people there. And then I did it. And it was really great. After the fact, everyone was hyping me up. They were all so proud of me.” Coastal cliff on San Salvador Island (left) Yesensky & Browning explore with other conference attendees (top right) Yesensky during poster session (right) Aerial view of Gerace Research Centre (bottom right) Yesensky helps clear an island trail (far right)


“This was obviously a great opportunity for Jess to get her name out there,” added Browning. “If she’s thinking about grad school, it’s an excellent resume builder. And it’s a good opportunity for her to talk to people. That’s how you get your first job, that’s how you get your first interview, or whatever it is, by building these connections.” Beyond the conference, the trip included many firsts for Yesensky, who had never traveled outside of the United States before. She went cave exploring, traveled in a propeller plane, and snorkeled off of a boat. While some of the trip attendees took a day to relax, Yesensky went with Browning and Kjar to explore the inner jungle of the island and clear an overgrown trail. Machetes were also a first. “I loved seeing Jess’s face going through areas and seeing how she recognized them,” said Browning. “She had stared at a map on a computer screen for six months and then we’re standing on the island and she said, ‘There should be a wall here.’ It’s always a cool connection for students to make.”

That student experience is at the heart of EC’s long tradition with the Research Centre. Founded by Donald T. Gerace and Kathy Gerace, a former EC Archeology professor, EC students began taking field courses there in the early 1970s. These trips were part of the origin of EC’s three-term schedule, which facilitates student travel in a shortened spring term. “As time has progressed, we’ve kept up the field course and our students stay for four weeks, which is much longer than other schools,” explained Kjar. “Our students cover absolutely everything: history, geology, archaeology, and biology. Everything. We really keep them busy while we’re there.” In the 1980s, the Centre began holding conferences that alternated between biology and geology. The two conferences were combined and are now held every other year. EC often sends students to the conference, giving them a chance to gain insights and skills outside of the classroom. Now in her sophomore year, Yesensky is continuing to complete research with Browning, shifting her attention to map data on St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Browning is taking a Term III course there in the spring of 2024 and Yesensky hopes to have another “incredible” experience.

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SPOTLIGHT ON MARC ARTUZ ’24: Developing An Engaged Mindset On Campus


ow a senior, Marc Artuz ‘24, a Psychology and Human Services major, is a familiar face on the Elmira College campus. He is the Captain of EC’s men’s basketball team, President of the Intercultural StudentAthlete Alliance (ISAA) club, member of several clubs, completed the Soaring Higher Leadership program, volunteered at the Elmira Neighborhood Transformation Center, pitched a product at the 607 Soaring Southern Tier Startup Collegiate Competition, organized a poetry slam, and is a “tour guide” in EC’s latest virtual tour video. But Artuz didn’t start his EC journey engaged in the EC community. “In my first year I kept to myself,” said Artuz. “I don’t think I understood that I had a voice, and I didn’t understand what effect I can have on others.” Artuz said his self-seclusion was partly due to the pandemic, which began when he was in his senior year of high school. COVID restrictions meant he missed out on some big milestones, like prom and graduation ceremonies. COVID restrictions also dampened activities at EC. However, things changed in his second year. Artuz, whose family comes from New York City and Puerto Rico, was invited to participate in The Fusion Arts Collective, a free, ten-week Black, Indigenous, People of


Color (BIPOC) arts education opportunity involving photography and glass fusing. The program, sponsored by Community Arts of Elmira, centered on themes of connection, community, cityscape, and identity. “I made glass art about the community. I was making a piece at Grove Park, which is full of beauty. But there weren’t any people there. I wondered, where’s the gap? It was from this thinking that I came to realize there’s more I can do than sit in my room.” With this in mind, and as COVID restrictions began to abate, Artuz began taking advantage of opportunities as they came to him. When Hannah Whittier ‘23, a Childhood Education major, invited members of the EC Men’s Basketball team to participate in a dance program at the Transformation Center, Artuz signed up. “We went and helped the kids the best we could,” he said about the volunteer experience. When Larry Parker, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)/Title IX Coordinator, started the ISAA club, Casey McGraw, Head Men’s Basketball Coach, recommended Artuz to lead the club.

“Marc is a responsible young man who is passionate beyond belief and was blessed with an incredibly creative mind, making him the perfect candidate to be the first president of the ISAA,” said McGraw. “He has a special gift of bringing people together and building a sense of community, so I knew we were in good hands.” Artuz quickly began by reaching out to other club presidents and members. He started finding ways to integrate student-athletes into campus events, particularly different cultural events and experiences. This initial experience started a snowball effect, and Artuz went from passively getting involved to actively seeking opportunities to participate across campus. For example, Artuz was inspired when he discovered a poetry slam during an away trip for basketball. He was looking for a place to eat but found this exciting experience where poets were open and accepting. He decided to create a similar event on campus. “I wanted to create an environment that was safe and free of judgment,” he said. “I collaborated with the Black Student Union, Active Minds, and ISAA clubs so that those club members could have a chance to share their messages about mental health and what it’s like to be Black, Hispanic, and other cultures within campus.”

“As with the other things I’ve done, I didn’t do this because of me, but because I was doing something that would help. I was doing it for others.” Importantly, being engaged and active has never come at the expense of Artuz’s grades or his own well-being. “My academics are always my priority. Being a student-athlete taught me how to handle responsibility and my courses have taught me to take care of myself first before trying to help others. And, without a doubt, the encouragement of my family back at home kept me focused and motivated to do more,” he shared, adding that his mother makes sure he gets the grades she knows he can earn. Looking ahead, Artuz is grateful for the support he’s had and the growth opportunities he’s found at EC. His next steps include attending graduate school, becoming a licensed psychologist, and opening his own practice. He is excited to explore mental health practices in different cultures and apply what he learns as he helps his clients heal and thrive. “Everything I have done here, good and bad, has shaped me into the person I am,” he said. “When I look back to see the person I am now, I’m in a better place than where I was. I’m content with that.” For current and future students, Artuz advises them to “be courageous in exploring who you can be. Be open to friends. To opportunities. To new ideas. Take the time to find out what you want to be in life and who you want to be and work at that. Be you.”

Photos below, from left to right: Artuz’s team, The 6 Hats, gave a pitch at the 607 Soaring Southern Tier Startup Collegiate Competition; Artuz and Linda Avery ‘25 filming the EC tour video; Poetry slam performance; Developing art pieces for The Fusion Arts Collective


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A Rising New Athletic Program


ince its inception in the spring of 2019, the Elmira College Esports athletic program has quickly grown, doubling the team roster from about 20 to 45 student-athletes and winning an Eastern College Athletics Conference (ECAC) Call of Duty championship in the Fall of 2022. For Assistant Captains Jeremiah Steinhilber ’25 and Brooke Trojahn ’25, the non-traditional sport fosters many of the same skills taught on more traditional teams. They coordinate practices, communicate with teammates, provide instructive tips, and ensure everyone stays focused. And they apply these skills in their personal and academic lives. “I love helping people, and I think it’s important to practice that,” said Steinhilber, a Psychology and Human Services major. “I love it when I can help someone improve their gameplay and see the satisfaction on their face after they win something they wouldn’t have been able to do a week before.” “I have learned a lot about how to run and control a room,” shared Trojahn, a Criminal Justice and Human Services major. “I’m able to bring that skill outside into my Resident Assistant (RA) job and also to my Gold Key [tour guide] job. I feel more comfortable

talking to people and just engaging with people.” While Steinhilber and Trojahn have found lots of value in the team and in building their leadership skills; they and other team members feel Esports gets overlooked and undervalued. “Often, people who don’t interact with video games…they don’t understand what goes into it,” explained Steinhilber. “There’s a lot of practice, dedication, and communication needed to compete and win. If you don’t have those, just like in any other sport, you’re not going to improve.” To combat the lack of familiarity others have with the sport, the team gets out into the community to spread awareness and invite people to join in the fun. “Last year, we held a 24-hour livestream event to raise money for a nearby children’s hospital,” said Steinhilber. The team also participated in the 2022 Twin Tiers ComicCon event at the Arnot Mall, a two-day event that drew in fans of comics, games, and pop culture. The team had a significant presence, talking to attendees at their booth and

facilitating a Smash Brothers Tournament. “The team raised some money and showed the community at large that we are an Esports team at Elmira College.” “Our teams go out to other sports games,” added Trojahn. “There’s a Code Purple game going on now, and some of our team members are there supporting the other athletic teams. We’re trying to get around more and invite people to see us play.” Currently, much of the team’s roster consists of dual-sport EC athletes since the Esports practice sessions don’t conflict with other practice times. “Having this program bridges different types of students, the student-athletes and those who aren’t a part of traditional sports,” said Anthony Affissio, Esports Head Coach. “I’m hoping more students will join the team, and I think this program will get bigger and bigger.” “Anyone can join,” Trojahn said warmly. “You don’t have to have any experience in playing the game. You can be a sub, be a player, or just come for fun.”

Live coverage of the Esports games is available at


2023 DISTINGUISHED ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Elmira College recognized Scott Stephens ’83 with the Distinguished Achievement Award at Reunion 2023. This award recognizes EC alumni who improved the quality of life in their local, national, and global communities, and have demonstrated success as a leader in their professional and community work. Stephens is the Chief Operating Officer of the International Association of Fire Chiefs, which represents the leadership of firefighters and emergency responders worldwide. Prior to that, he served as Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of the International Association of Arson Investigators. Under his leadership, the organization experienced record growth in membership, revenue, and training programs. He also partnered with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms to create a podcast called “Arson,” which Apple recognized as “New & Noteworthy.”

2023 DISTINGUISHED SERVICE HONOREES Each year at Reunion an Elmira College alumna or alumnus is recognized with the Distinguished Service Award, given to someone who has made outstanding contributions to Elmira College since their graduation. This year, there were two recipients.

Stephens has also had a successful career in public relations as Executive Vice President of Bendure Communications, a full-service PR company. During his tenure, Bendure was recognized as one of the top PR firms in metro Washington D.C., by the Washington Business Journal. Also, Stephens was founder and Senior Vice President of the ProAd Group, a venture-backed online advertising and communications company. Stephens holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from EC and an executive certificate in Organizational Leadership from Harvard Business School. At EC, Stephens was the Student Activities Board chair for Films and Lectures. He’s also a past president of the Elmira College Alumni Board. He and his wife live in Fairfax County, Virginia, and have two grown daughters. He’s an avid marathon and obstacle course runner and enjoys traveling with his family.

Laurie Kelechava ‘73 Kelechava has been an integral part of the Elmira College family, having served on the Alumni Board from 2012-2020, both as a member and Board secretary, and now serving as a member of the Board of Trustees. She continues her relationship with the Alumni Board as Trustee Representative for the Alumni Board. Kelechava is an enthusiastic supporter of Elmira College events and fundraising efforts, and we thank her for her decades of service to the College, EC students, and fellow alumni!

Lynn Hardman Winner ‘73 Winner, after more than a decade of service, retired from the EC Alumni Board in June 2023. She is an active participant with alumni events, fundraising appeals, and countless Elmira College projects from baking cookies for new students to outfitting a lounge for commuter students. Winner has been very active serving as alumni lead in the Elmira chapter of the Alumni Association, including the development and maintenance of the Alumni House. We are all grateful for the incredible amount of time and energy she invests in EC.

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2024 MAMMONE ACADEMY HONORS CHIP COFFEY ’76 This year the Academy will honor Robert “Chip” Coffey ’76 on March 18, 2024. Coffey has an impressive career as a widely acknowledged and prominent psychic/medium. He has appeared on many television shows including: Kindred Spirit; Psychic Kids; Paranormal State; Haunted Salem: Live; Paranormal Pajama Party; Expedition Unknown; and Jack Osbourne’s Night of Terror. Coffey authored the book “Growing Up Psychic: My Story of Not Just Surviving but Thriving–and How Others Like Me Can Too.” He has offered numerous lectures and readings conducted throughout the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Central America, and Australia. The Elmira College community

looks forward to welcoming Coffey to campus, hearing about his unique experiences, and honoring him through the Bette A. Mammone ’78 Academy. All alumni are welcome to attend the event on March 18, 2024. Additional details will be shared in Alumni Link as the date approaches. The Bette A. Mammone ’78 Memorial Academy honors exceptionally successful alumni in business, leadership, community, educational and/or philanthropic endeavors. Alumni are selected based on their professional expertise and achievements, as well as dedication to charitable and community initiatives.













DORIS STEPHENS OSBORNE ’46 How a Tea Party Brochure Led to a Lifelong Bond


oris Stephens Osborne, Class of 1946, remembers when she first learned about Elmira College, which would become her home away from home during World War II. Now 99 years old, Osborne has donated in multiple ways to ensure students can make their own memories at her beloved College. Osborne’s story begins in 1942. She was in her hometown in suburban Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, when she attended a tea party and saw a brochure for EC. “Although I never visited, the brochure was just beautiful,” said Osborne. Adding to her first impressions were family connections to the College. Her grandmother, Sue Dayton Stephens, Class of 1888, and her aunt, Mary Stephens Stisser, Class of 1924, attended EC. Following in their footsteps seemed natural. “I received a scholarship to attend; it was only $900 then. As long as I kept my grades up, I could continue to receive the scholarship and stay at EC,” she explained. As her memories turned toward her College experiences, Osborne lit up. She recalled

how much things have changed since the 1940s and the war years. “We didn’t have washing facilities, so we had to ship our laundry home to our mothers,” she shared. “They went in heavy cases. We always looked forward to a box being delivered from home because it always had homemade sweet treats. When one arrived, we would all go to the person’s room for a taste. It was always good to get a suitcase from home.” While today’s facilities and technology have advanced, EC traditions such as Mountain Day, May Days, and singing carry on and remain a bridge between alumni and current students. “I loved the Merry Chanters,” recounted Osborne. “My classmate, Mary Logan, helped create today’s alma mater. And we loved the bridge games in the living room of my roommate’s dorm, the executive suite. We also enjoyed Mountain Day and went up to Hill Top! We’d drink a beer then we walked all the way home. We had no cars then.” Osborne was one of 10 in the education program when she graduated. She taught

eleventh-grade Biology straight after graduation. She worked for five years and then married and had two daughters and a son. After her children were born, she continued as a substitute teacher in the local high school, volunteered as a troop and county leader for the Girl Scouts, and was active in EC’s Philly Club. Over time, Osborne has found ways to show her gratitude for the experiences she had at EC and to give back generously. In addition to annual support, she has confirmed a lasting legacy by designating an unrestricted gift to EC in her will. “I was on a scholarship. I feel I owe it forward,” she said. “I loved my years here and the financial help made it possible.” In 2022, Osborne found another way to pay it forward. She generously donated her grandmother’s Tiffany gold ring to Sabrina Byrd ’22, at the Class of 2022’s Graduating Class Reception. “I’m proud to be able to pass it on to another EC graduate,” explained Osbourne. “I have a lot of fine memories of Elmira.”

Doris Stephens Osborne’s photo and caption from the 1946 Iris yearbook cheerful cherub...scientifically minded...infectious giggle... right letters in the wrong envelopes...irrelevant ramblings... ”I Don’t Want to Set the World on Fire.”

If you’d like to make a legacy gift to Elmira College, please contact the Office of Advancement at 607.735.1770. Your gift today can impact future generations.

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Current and former Alumni Board members at Reunion 2023


Barbara Baker Bloch ’64 Jacqueline Cohen ’07 Dawn Radley Dana ’78 Meagen Mulherin Donoghue ’97 Thomas Finnigan III ’18 Allison Furkey ’04 John Hurley ’71 Rebecca Kingman Jackson ’11 Katrina Babcock Keefe ’91 Karl Koeppel ’07

Laurie Kelechava ’73 Richard Kozan ’95 Lori Ceppaglia Kriegel ’95 Alison Mandel ’72 Tyrone Marsh ’96 Krista Matia ’09 Megan Metro ’08 Timothy Pierce ’78 Joshua Poupore ’02 James Redmond ’78

Jean Ryan ’11 Cheryl Broomall Shallish ’71 Christopher Shelanskey ’08 Susan Bitensky Siegel ’71 Susan Skillman ’87 Katherine Slye-Hernandez ’12 Dawn Marullo Stever ’03 Lauretta Steenburg Weller ’78 Noah Zazulia ’11, MS ’13 Andrea Nickerson Zazulia ’11, MS ’13


Dawn Marullo Stever ’03, President Allison Furkey ’04, Vice President Joshua Poupore ’02, Treasurer Dawn Radley Dana ’78, Secretary Laurie Kelechava ’73, Trustee Representative

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ALUMNI LINK Click here to update your records and receive our monthly email newsletter


IN MEMORIAM Eleanor Hastings Karro ’63 June, 6, 2023

Doris Schnippert, MSEd ’88 January, 30, 2023

Elizabeth Thomas Ackerman ’52 February, 6, 2023

Edward Dickson ’78 May, 3, 2023

Jeannine Draper Andrus ’59 August, 27, 2023

Jacqueline Sampsell Draht ’71, MS ’83 Donna Lis Kennedy ’78 November, 7, 2022 December, 8, 2022

Paul Baker, MS ’75 June, 20, 2023

Susan Snyder Drenning ’64 August, 4, 2023

Ellen Goldfield Kurnit ’62 January, 7, 2023

Eugene Shaw ’82 April, 23, 2023

Sharon Bassett ’64 April, 6, 2023

Patricia Carozza Dwyer ’58 March, 8, 2023

Judith Farr Lampman ’81 June, 3, 2023

Isabel Richards Sinclair ’30 February, 4, 2023

Leslie Reid Bird ’57 January, 30, 2023

Prudence Shlimbaum Ferraro ’48 Dorothy O’Mara Lane ’64 September, 6, 2023 October, 28, 2022

Sandra Worboys Blanchard ’60 June, 5, 2023

Margaret Wolff Ferris Frame ’48 March, 7, 2023

Robin Larsen ’84 November, 20, 2022

Ellen Wolferz St. John ’47 December, 8, 2022

Carl Bliss ’03 August, 5, 2023

Deborah Doktor Fisher ’70 July, 25, 2023

Josephine Donahue Larson ’44 February, 19, 2023

Alice Landon Stanford, MS ’71 January, 23, 2023

Delores Coletta Bosley ’78 January, 14, 2023

Anne Fitzpatrick, MS ’70 April, 13, 2023

Elizabeth Phelan Lawlor ’57 December, 28, 2022

Martin Sullivan ’79 May, 21, 2023

Barbara Steinkamp Boyce ’51 December, 28, 2022

Kathleen Fogarty ’74, MS ’85 March, 8, 2023

Judith Folio Laz ’69 August, 14, 2023

Michaeline Sweeney ’58 February, 22, 2023

Walker Boyd, MSEd ’04 December, 28, 2022

Joseph Foreman, MS ’77 December, 12, 2022

Kim DiNardo Leszyk ’87 March, 20, 2023

Jeanne Moison Tate ’53 January, 16, 2023

Doris Guyer Brigham ’49 January, 5, 2023

Christopher Franzese ’84 June, 28, 2023

Bonnie Burke Ludlow ’62 August, 24, 2023

Mary Manning Terry ’57 April, 22, 2023

Mary Konsko Mahon, MS ’74 July, 15, 2023

Maria Kontinou Tripp ’57 May, 9, 2023

Mary Thompson Brougham, MS ’77 Barbara Gaylord ’71 May, 29, 2023 March, 5, 2023

Raymond Shafer ’95 May, 27, 2023

Joanne Smith ’91 April, 2, 2023

Margaret Updike, MSEd ’88 March, 2, 2023

Suzanne Butler ’69 March, 9, 2023

Constance Rising Gleichmann ’59 James Malloy, MS Ed ’71 February, 10, 2023 January, 31, 2023

Marrie Campbell ’67 November, 13, 2022

Margaret Kenworthy Grevatt ’57 September, 24, 2023

Janice Marcin ’66 October, 27, 2022

Lorna VanBuskirk ’61 January, 18, 2023

Lois Lundberg Carter, MS ’86 July, 21, 2023

Phyllis Cass Gustavson ’50 July, 12, 2023

Martha Kemp McKnight ’51 June, 23, 2023

George Vargo, MS ’74 April, 15, 2023

Jane Young Chapman ’49 August, 4, 2023

Katherine Callahan Harder ’72 November, 12, 2022

Barbara Evans Metro ’50 August, 31, 2023

Virgie Wade ’74 March, 24, 2023

Connie Christensen ’94 November, 6, 2022

David Heimel, MS ’78 February, 17, 2023

John Moretti ’77 December, 10, 2022

Molly Minde Walker ’45 June, 16, 2023

John Clapp ’68 May, 12, 2023

Sandra Brindley Heistand ’69 April, 16, 2023

Ronald Owens, MS ’71 May, 24, 2023

M. Justin Walsh ’01 August, 20, 2023

Alexander Clark, MS ’77 February, 3, 2023

Ann Simmons Hooper ’58 June, 4, 2023

David Pitcher, MS ’73 February, 6, 2023

Lynn Warden ’73 March, 4, 2023

Susan Baker Collins ’67 March, 10, 2023

Carole Huff, MS ’77 March, 10, 2023

Phyllis Spooner Price ’48 April, 28, 2023

Eileen Walsh Wholley ’63 March, 20, 2023

Uzziah Cooper ’78 April, 10, 2023

Leslie Gardner James ’65 February, 8, 2023

Gloria Sbedico Richards ’48 March, 11, 2023

Deatrice Wynn ’65 June, 17, 2023

Alan Covell ’71 November, 11, 2022

Erna Reichelt Jautz ’73, MS ’76 June, 5, 2023

Marjorie Wilder Ross ’47 July, 29, 2023

Sheila Pataky Youngblood ’64 February, 13, 2023

Carmine Dandrea, MS ’61 February, 19, 2023

Gloria Olson Jones ’55 June, 1, 2023

Roslyn Freishtat Sandler ’63 January, 4, 2023

Robert Zauner ’75 February, 21, 2023

Marion Mills Dean ’29 January, 1, 2023

Cheryl Laduc Karrat ’69 April, 13, 2023

Dorothy Quinn Scaggs, MS ’77 May, 8, 2023

As of October 11, 2023

FALL 23 | 17

Elmira College One Park Place Elmira, New York 14901

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