EDGE Grooming Report 2018

Page 1

Brand Analysis 4 Brand Identity 16 Market Analysis 20 Service Touch Points


Target Consumers 35 Communication Plan


Social Platforms 46 Critical Path 49 Conclusion 50 References 51 Bibliography 52 List of Illustrations


Appendix 56 Ethics Clause 58



Edge was established in 2018 with the goal to deliver an uncompromised shave. Edge’s team of craftsmen have expertly designed a range of shaving tools, using chromium steel to achieve the optimum manscape. Edge goes further than other shaving brands, offering expert advice on how to use each tool specific to their grooming needs, including ‘The Four-Step System’ which advises their customers how to get the best out of their tools. Every week, Edge creates content across their social media platform, including images, video tutorials and blogs, where customers can learn the mastery of manscaping in a visual and exciting way.


Edge strives to create an environment which men can feel safe and supported about issues that aren’t spoken about as much as they should be, including mental and physical health. Edge has teamed up with the Movember Foundation,, to get their customers talking about the things that matter. The inspiration behind Edge stemmed from Edge’s head designer, who wanted to create an old school shaving brand with a men for men attitude. Edge is more than just a male grooming brand, allowing customers to feel as though they are not just buying a razor, they are a part of something much bigger.



Over 50% of men claim that their biggest grooming problem is not knowing how to shave properly. Edge have developed a unique four step system tailored to shaping and perfecting facial hair: PREP, SHAPE, CUT, SCULP. Providing tips and advice every step of the way to achieve a perfect manscape.

Edge understands that shaving isn’t a one size fits all kind of job, specifically designing a buildable tool kit, so that consumers can buy the tools they want and need, suited to their face, because at Edge they understand that there’s a lot more to shaving that just one razor.

Edge embrace’s the messiness of manliness, encouraging their customers to talk about things, that do not get talked about as much as they should be. Edge has partnered with ‘The Movemeber Foundation’, to help raise awarness on mens health, with goal to create a supported environment and beat the stigma surronding mens health.



Every blade made by Edge was cast on the same belief. That manscaping should be more than just a collection of blunt shaves and razor burn. Above all, shaving should be absolutely simple, precise and a pleasure to do.


Precision in how it’s made. Precision in the shave. Edge promises optimum results in all of their products. Tools have been cast using the highest grade steel which allows for the closest of shaves when following ‘The Four Step System’.

Individuality is celebrated at Edge. The brand understands that no two faces are the same and each of their products have carefully been designed with everyone type of manscaping in mind.

Shaving with Edge products will leave users discovering their own unique ways of grooming, with the buildable toolkit, shaving has never been so tailored to your own face.






This logo will feature on the front cover of any large print brochures, magazines or adverts and will be the most recognisable logo for consumers. The bold, red text ‘EDGE’ is simple yet eye catching. Whilst, the two blades crossed over will be the most recognisable part of the logo, consumers should be able to identify the brand just by looking at this part of the logo alone. The main inspiration of this logo comes from Edge’s ‘cutting’ tool. The logo upholds the colour palette and font for Edge and will become the focal image for the brand.


The sub logo will be used for smaller publications, packaging (such as labels) and act as hallmarks for original images used across Edge’s social media. The logo consists of two crossing blades, with no text accompanying. The sub-logo can be used in any of the colour values stated below, depending on the image.

Bahnschrift Semi-Bold is used for the Edge logo font and in larger headlines, using double spacing between characters.

Bahnschrift is used for headers, with triple spacing beween characters and smaller headers.

Aa 18

Embrima Regular is used for main body text.


BARBER SHOP RED C=15 M=100 Y=90 K=10


Edge uses a monochromatic colour scheme with ‘barber shop red’ used for accents. Black and white allows consistency through each image. In particular, it helps draw attention to the fine details and lines in barbering pictures, something very important to Edge as they wish to communicate the precision of their products. Barber shop red can be used to add colour and richness back into these black and white images. This deep red has been colour picked specifically from barber shop poles, consumers should therefore associate this colour to oldschool barbering. These colour values can be used for any Edge publications and packaging, however it is important to note that it does not apply to products, as colour is not restricted. 19




The aim of this research is to gather information regarding consumer habits and market information, in order to design an innovative multi-channel integrated communications plan designed for Edge, a male grooming brand.

A survey (App 1) of 72 participants was conducted based on a series of questions gathering information regarding male personal care. The aim of the survey was to gain insight into market drivers and buying habits of consumers in the market. The information would contribute to creating an innovative 12-month communication brand for a new male grooming brand, Edge. The survey was aimed at me age 18 and over, to gain a deeper understanding of the current demographics involved in the male personal care market. The survey was distributed via social media and circulated through a Nottinghamshire based craftsman email, to ensure a wider representation of the core consumer. However, the information gathered may be limited as the survey sample size was 72 participants, to gather rich and indepth data this should have been a more substantial size.

Market Data

Trend Analysis

Competitor Analysis






Competitor Sites




The Age Complexity trend reflects that traditional age-related stereotypes are being broken, while at the same time, new ones are being created as ‘age defying’ consumption continues to develop. Many older consumers are ‘down-aging’, in which they feel younger than their actual ages and have a greater degree of identification between younger age groups and similarity in attitudes and behaviours. Edge encourages older consumers to prolong their youth by taking care of their self-image whilst incorporating nostalgic design elements of the old-school blades, tackling age anxiety felt by many of these consumers. Likewise, Edge delivers a glimpse of history to younger audiences whilst staying relevant and adaptable through its use of social media and modern collaborations.

“The experiences, attitudes and behaviours of differing age groups are coalescing, leading to greater common interest and identification” –Euromonitor, 2017

Individuals increasingly seek and cherish new experiences and sensations, with 85% of European and US consumers feel that trying new products and experiences is important (Datamonitor, 2017). There is a growing desire for distinction, particularly in the personalisation of products and experiences. Consumers wish to individualism and shape things for themselves, or they allow companies to individualise products for them after granting them insight into their preferences, through various means such as social media. Edge is ideal for those seeking to stand out from the rest of crowd, offering consumers the opportunity to control and select their own grooming tools suited to their self-care needs and preferences. This is cored in its values to provide their customers with a journey of self-discovery.

“The creation and possession of highly individualised products and experiences is becoming a new status symbol and gives consumers the feeling of living uniquely.” – Trend One, 2018 25

Capturing the attention of an audience is becoming harder in todays market, as consumers are flooded with information. Therefore, it is essential that brands engage with their audiences in meaningful ways going beyond traditional marketing and against the notion that consumers are passive. Using this micro-trend will enable Edge to go beyond this and focus on providing sensory, emotional and cognitive values to the consumers, through a range of campaigns including pop-up stores, charity campaigns and public events. Edge should aim to create synergies amongst perception, consumption and brand loyalty through such campaigns, to encourage consumers to participate in the evolution of Edge. If consumers believe they are actively involved in co-creating Edge’s legacy it is likely to build brand loyalty and increase sentimental value.

‘People do not buy goods and services. They buy relationships, stories and magic’ - Seth Godin.

There has been a shift in 2018 towards using micro-influencers, if a brand spreads their marketing budget of one large influencer across 4 or 5 micro-influencers, they have the potential to increase their ROI from that campaign. Smaller influencers are likely to have higher engagement rates, thus will significantly impact their audiences. Despite, having a lower reach, micro-influencers can create a more trusting connection with their audience, as it is a more personable, honest and transparent connection between follower and influencer. Edge would benefit from using micro-bloggers if they create long-term relationships with them, as investing time and money into these communications could create ambassadors for Edge. Ambassadors can have a powerful effect on audiences, if they consistently use Edge and feature regular product placement, as there is a continuous connection to the consumers.

‘It’s important to choose influencers who have a mutual love for your product and your brand. These kinds of influencers will communicate you to their audience in an honest and genuine manner.’ – Engagehub, 2018 26


Perceptual Map and Positioning Strategy for Edge in the male razor market, to analyse value, competition and opportunities.

Edge’s position on the perceptual map is due to the brands experiential marketing and durable product range. Edge goes beyond the traditional point of sales offering customers several immersive and interactive events before and after purchase, where they can learn the art of manscaping, including pop-up stores and charity campaigns. Edge’s products are made with chromium steel, increasing the life-span of the blades, reducing the need to re-purchase. 28

There is a large opportunity for Edge to position themselves in the high durability, high experiential segment, where there are very few brands working at this standard. Here there is the potential to create added value if consumers connect with the brand on a deeper level, “brand experience has the potential to increase lead generation, brand advocacy, and sales, and can even make customers feel more valued.” Edge should focus on the durability aspect of their product as an additional unique selling point when positioning their brand. With the rise of the socially conscious consumer; 91% of consumers (on average) make an effort to choose a company that they perceive as behaving responsibility toward the environment- Walden University, 2013.

The perceptual map of the male razor market shows that the practical and disposable segment is highly saturated; with brands such as Corner Stone and The Dollar Shave Club offering consumers monthly payment plans/subscriptions for as little as £2. Additionally, this segment is dominated by the like of leading brands such as Wilkinson’s Sword and Gillette. These brands offer limited durability within their products and focus solely on disposable razors or changeable razor heads, therefore they are considered secondary competitors to Edge.


Murdock London is focused on delivering luxury barbering tools and experiences to customers, taking on a contemporary voice for traditional barbershop. This is similar to Edge in that the brand provides oldschool style shaving tools with a modern twist of being presented in a tool box. Whilst, Harry’s provides both shave plans and modern shaving supplies. A combination of both is the product of Edge, that emphasizes a combination of old-school barbering experiences, with a modern buildable toolbox suited to each customers manscape preferences. The result of this combination has highlighted a gap in the market reflected where Edge is positioned. This segment of the market is yet to be fully explored by other brands, proving to be a prosperous opportunity for Edge to gain customers.

“Our products are designed to be effective and to provide a great experience. Our team of more than 600 engineers, designers, craftsmen, and chemists make our products from the finest materials and ingredients to ensure they perform as well as they possibly can.” Harry’s, 2018


“We are the expert barbers for modern, styleconscious men. We offer a contemporary, luxury take on the traditional London barbershop experience. Our barbers have created a range of British grooming products to give men the confidence to take on life’s adventures.” Murdock London, 2018



The first pricing category for Edge will be assigned to smaller products and ‘extras’. This product category includes the Shaving Brush and Razor Stand with Bowl, which will assist customers with their manscaping, but it is not part of the buildable tool box range. This tier will also include the charity comb for the ‘Grow your Mo’ Campaign. This category will be priced under the £15-25 range.

The second pricing tier will apply to all steel shaving tools purchased separately and products from the Oliver Spencer collaboration. Prices in this category will vary from £30 to £60 price range, prices will differ depending on which shaving tools are purchased, with the collaboration pieces and blades being at the higher end of the price range to emphasise the high quality of the products.

The final tier will include The Original Toolbox for Men and customised items. The Toolboxes will be priced at £80, customers will in fact be saving money if they purchase the tool box instead of the tools seperately, with the addition of a storage box to keep them. Customisations will vary depending on how large desired the monogrammed message is. 33

The image above shows a mock-up of the landing page for Edge’s website. The website is consistent with brand guidelines, using black and white images and the signature ‘Barbershop Red’. Users can easily use the website by following the navigation bar to various pages, where they can learn more about the brand, shop for products and subscribe to a monthly newsletter. The next image shows the mobile version of the site, the same information is accessible on this version but has been modified for easier navigation and usage. Both the PC and mobile landing pages have social media plugins which will redirect users to the platform they select, such as Instagram and YouTube.



Your bathroom is your sanctuary. It’s where you prepare to present yourself to the world outside. Somewhere between the towel rack and the shower, you will have your most profound thoughts of the day. A space that important deserves more than floss and the ghosts of your birthday-suited karaoke. This range of amenities -- some indispensable, some indulgent -will make you the master of manscaping.


‘Dali said intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.’ Clearly, you’ve got both in abundance; all that’s lacking is better preparation. Small upgrades to your grooming can make big differences in organization, confidence and execution, and Edge offers just that. Rather than giving yourself an awkward wet shave in the office bathroom, clean up using our portable tools and get presentable for your presentation without irritation.

For the Travel pros. You’ve seen it all. You glide through check-in, make the body-scan look like a photo shoot and sightsee like locals. The 200 stamps in your passport are all well and good, but it’s the right kit that makes a world of difference. Whether you’re embarking on a shuttle flight or a trip around the globe, there are an essential few things- the right guide, jacket and of course grooming kit because travelling is irritating enough without razor burn. Edge’s leather roll bag and travel tools, provides a shave that’s buttery smooth and refreshingly cool, even if your flight isn’t. 37


The first month is focused on spreading and gaining awareness for Edge. This will include blogger coverage by style and grooming bloggers such as The Grooming Guru and MANFACE Bloggers will be sent the original toolbox equipped with the four original steel tools and asked to blog their experience and thoughts of using Edge products. During this time, Edge will also be setting up numerous social media accounts: Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and a website to represent the brand. Over these platforms, there will be a strong focus on beard culture, male grooming and male health to gain consumer interest in the introductory stage of launching the brand.

In February, Edge will continue to focus on gaining consumer awareness. This will be achieved by using independent magazines with a strong focus on grooming and manscaping, including Man of Many. Edge will also seek to get publications in magazines that are niche such Man of the World with a focus high-end products and gifting. Using niche magazines should raise further awareness in the target market of Edge through reaching more niche areas of the consumer viewership. Edge will continue to post on social media frequently, at this stage the brand will be inspiring and informing the consumer by talking about the publications and blogs they have featured in, the encourage them to read into the brand.

During the third month, Edge will begin to use bloggers and influencers who are industry professionals such as MJ Solofa Men’s Grooming and Mantic59. This will increase Edge’s reach to other barbers, who are influenced by like-minded professionals and to consumers experienced with wet shaves with tools such as cut throat razors. Featuring on such blogs and YouTube channels, may encourage B2B activity as barbers may wish to stock and/or use Edge products in their shops.


In April, Edge aims to gain momentum with its following and consumer awareness. Edge will begin to make collaborative content with the YouTube channel, Beard Brand. The channel has a modest following of 600,00 followers with a goal to unite a community of bearded men, with content including hair and body grooming, style and self-improvement advice. The collaborative content will sponsor the channel to feature Edge products in videos, to reach a larger viewership. Consumers will be encouraged to consider purchasing Edge products if they see a trusted figure in the grooming community talk positivity about their experience with the brand. Teasers of the collaborative videos will appear on Instagram, with the full videos available to view on YouTube and Facebook.

Throughout May, Edge will begin to run popup stores with popular barber shops and stylists. The events will be offering gentlemen’s haircuts, luxury wet shaves, amazing beard trims and an array of express treatments. The popup stores will be an effective way of creating a great focal attraction when building up Edge’s following and adding extra value for those that attend. Publications such as Man of the World and Men’s Biz will be used to spread awareness and promote the events, including a press release about the upcoming collaboration.

In June, Edge will announce their collaboration with British fashion brand and designer Oliver Spencer. Initially, the OS x Edge Collab logo will be released over all social media platforms, including Oliver Spencer’s. There will be an online countdown for the release of the collaborative to build anticipation felt by the consumers. The collaborative product will be revealed in mid to late June, this includes the OS x Edge Leather travel roll bag lined with AW18 print fabric and a limited edition OS x Edge Tool Box


Edge will launch its collaborative summer popup event with Oliver Spencer. These events will be publicised over social media accounts and websites, as well as GQ magazine. The events will hold various activities such as luxury wet shaves and styling classes. Additionally, guest influencers and bloggers who have previously featured Edge in blogs and videos, will be invited to lead events such as presenting tutorials of Edge’s ‘Four Step System’ as well as live styling demonstrations on visitors. This will effectively create a fun buzz about the brand as consumers feel involved in Edge’s journey. Such events will also act as a point of sale, with products available to buy that have been featured in the live tutorials as well as the newly released collaboration products.

August will focus on gaining further awareness via celebrity endorsement – in which a photo or video is posted on their Instagram account. An ideal candidate for this would be someone like Tom Hardy, who is well known for his beard and masculine attitude; additionally, Hardy has a very similar posting style to Edge with his posts mainly being in black and white with a strong rugged. Edge will need to consider the feasibility of using such a largescale celebrity, Tom Hardy has a large following of 1.9 million, as we could expect a single post from Hardy to cost up to £50,000. If Edge can secure a celebrity who embodies our brand, we could achieve a large reach of consumers who will be inspired by the celebrity to use the products they’re using.

During September, Edge will create a newsletter that will be sent to customers monthly, the newsletter will be sent to those who have bought previously from Edge or to those who wish to signup, in which the link will be made available across all social media platforms. The newsletter will inform customers on events, collaborations and new products – with the incentive that they will be exclusively the first to know by signing up to the newsletter. Additionally, men’s magazines such as Esquire will be approach to publish press releases in preparation for Edge’s ‘Grow your Mo’ campaign.


October will be the penultimate month leading up to the ‘Grow your Mo’ campaign in which Edge will be encouraging its customers to abstain from shaving throughout the month of November in support of The Movember Foundation, a charity Edge supports. Using social media, Edge will begin to raise awareness for this cause and will additionally start to be sell the ‘Grow your Mo’ special edition steel comb, to keep participants facial hair tamed. From late October into November, this product will be a main feature on Edge’s website landing page – 20% of the proceeds will go to The Movember Foundation.

For the Month of November, Edge will launch the #GROWYOURMO campaign across all social media, with a strong focus on Instagram. The campaign aims to invite consumers to share their own content documenting their facial hair growth and how they maintaining the growth using the come, with the hashtag ‘Grow your Mo’ and tagging the brands account. This campaign aims to raise awareness of Edge to new consumers, as those using the hashtag will be sharing their experience with the brand to their own followers. This in turn could attract new site visitors, who wish to purchase the charity comb and even the standard products.

December will concentrate on Edge expanding globally and raising awareness of the brand on an international scale; this will be approached by giving existing customers referral codes to share with their friends via social media which will give both them and friends discount to the store if they purchase. Social media and Edge’s website content will focus on gifting in the run-up to Christmas, offering personalised engravings on the Original Men’s Toolbox and luxury gift wrapping.



Edge Announces Collaboration With Oliver Spencer For Limited Edition Grooming Kit. London, June 1, 2018


Edge brings a contemporary twist to its repertoire, with its exclusive new collaboration with Oliver Spencer’s eponymous men’s label. The renowned designer has influenced Edge to combine classic elements of tailoring into their Original Tool Box for Men to create a modern, British aesthetic.

The collaboration is set to hit stores on the 3rd of June 2018 and will be available to buy online at Edge’s website and Oliver Spencer’s Berwick Street store in Soho. As to be expexted, the collaboration will only be in store and online for a limited time only, so customers are urged to buy soon to avoid disappointment.

All collaboration products were expertly designed to bring elegance to daily grooming routines. The limited-edition Tool Box’s are available in two lined prints taken from the designer’s tailoring collection – adding a touch luxury to the modern stripped back design devised by Edge. The collaboration offers versatility with the addition of an embossed leather roll bag lined with an additional Oliver Spencer print, offering convenient personal care on the go with a twist. Buyers can epect a special edition ‘shaper’ tool with the collaboration logo monogrammed into the steel.

For fans of Edge and beard enthusiasts alike, the brand is also running pop-up events throughout the month of July. Customers can expect to partake in various events, including luxury wet shaves and styling classes. Edge has also drafted in the help of The Grooming Guru and MANFACE to lead tutorials of Edge’s genius ‘Four Step System’ as well as give live styling demonstrations on visitors. The pop-up evemts will take place from the 13th of July touring the cities of the UK including: London, Bristol, Leeds and Nottingham. For more information head to Edge’s website www.edgegrooming.co.uk.

Oliver Spencer has been selected as an appropriate fashion brand for Edge to collaborate with due to their similarities in values and proposition. Oliver Spencer prides itself on the quality craft of premium tailoring, with a relaxed modern style that manifests in the brands products. Alongside a distinctive design style, Oliver Spencer as a brand is ‘uncompromising in the standards set for production and provenance’. This attitude resides well with Edge, as both brands seek the finest materials sourced from Britain and are unapologetically perfectionists when it comes to quality. Edge’s collaboration with Oliver Spencer should solidify their passion for marrying old traditions with new ideas and effectively reach a boarder target market.






If Edge continues to regularly assess the current market and follow a twelve-month communication plan, the brand has the potential to become a successful male personal care brand in the UK. Primary research such as online surveys and using brand perceptual maps, indicates that there is a demand for brands like Edge, which strive for quality as well as creating a unique environment for consumers, thus giving them a competitive advantage over existing brands in the market.


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1. How old are you?

4. What razor brands do you use?

2. On average, how long do you spend on get5. How often do you shave/groom your facial ting ready in the morning? hair or beard? Please choose the most suitable.

3. What are the most important aspects of your 6. Have you ever used straight-edge razors, or grooming routine? Choose three. similar types of razors to shave?


7. What are the most important factors when purchasing grooming/personal care products? Please choose three.

8. How much would you pay for a traditional inspired shaving kit, which includes high quality steel Shaving tools; a comb, refining tool, large blade and precision blade.

9. Would you purchase a traditional shaving kit, for yourself or as a gift?


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