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Introducing Tony Stark

Anthony “Tony” Stark was born to Howard Howard Anthony Stark and Maria Collins Carbonell Stark, owners of the prominent US fIrm,

Stark Industries As a boy Tony was fascinated with

building & controlling machines. At the age of 15 Tony entered the undergraduate electrical engineering program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and graduated with two master’s degrees by age 19.

Still lacking in business acumen, Tony promoted secretary Virginia "Pepper" Potts to be his executive assistant and left the majority of his workload on her so that he could avoid what he saw as a burden.

Tony went to work for Stark Industries, but showed more interest in living a reckless playboy lifestyle than using his engineering skills. At the age of 2 1, Tony inherited Stark Enterprises when his parents were killed in a car accident secretly orchestrated by rival corporation Republic Oil wich was latter called


TOP 10


10. BooMerang no superhuman powers, but he has the

9. BLIZZARD Micro-circuited cryogenic units make

strength, speed, agility, dexterity, reflexes, coordination, and endurance of a professional athlete from his days as a baseball player.

it possible to emit freez ing rays which instantly lower the temperature of the surrounding air or objects and also release ice as a projectile.

8. Doctor Doom a polymath scientific genius, depicted con-

7. Firepower Firepower’s armour provides him with a

structing numerous devices in order to defeat his foes or gain more power, including a time machine, a device to imbue people with superpowers, and numerous robots.

high degree of protection from energy and physical attacks. His strength, reflexes and endurance have all been enhanced by his

6. THE GHOST wears a battlesuit that he designed, and that

5. Fin Fang Foom possesses super strength, the ability

contains various devices powered by electricity. Cybernetic circuitry in the Ghost’s hood enables him to control the devices in his costume by mental command. The Ghost’s costume, due to the Ghost Tech, allows him to become invisible and to turn other objects invisible as long as he is touching them. The Ghost’s costume also enables him to become intangible by placing him out of phase with this dimensional plane,.

to fly via his wings at supersonic speeds, and can spew combustible acid mist from his mouth. extremely durable and can regenerate at a rapid rate By entering into long periods of hibernation, Foom has managed to survive for centuries. The character possesses a gifted intellect, can communicate telepathically, and has access to advanced alien technology.

armour and he can fly at sub-sonic speeds.

4. Firebrand Gary Gilbert wore a suit with an armored ex-

3. Hypnotia has what has been described as telepathic

oskeleton that gave him superhuman strength and resistance to fire. It also housed flamethrowers ( which allowed him to fire thermal blasts from his hands), one mounted on each wrist, and fLying jets.

hypnosis. Though being of normal human physical capacity, her mental abilities are quite powerful. In the show, her power manifests as a series of concentric ( usually yellow) rings coming from her.


back lash

Blacklash wears a bulletproof costume and wields a pair of cybernetically-controlled titanium whips that can extend to be swung fast enough to deflect bullets, or become rigid and be used as nunchaku or vaulting-poles. Blacklash also carries a variety of devices in a weapons pouch, including anti-gravity bolas and a necro-lash which releases electrical energy generated by his gauntlets.. Scarlotti is a research engineer and weapons design specialist, with a college degree in engineering.



has no superhuman powers, although as a result of the SuperSoldier Serum and “Vita-Ray” treatment, he is transformed from a frail young man into a “perfect” specimen of human development and conditioning. Captain America’s strength, endurance, agility, speed, reflexes, durability, and healing are at the z enith of natural human potential. Rogers’ body regularly replenishes the super-soldier serum.


to be Filmed at

North Carolina Gov. Bev Perdue today announced that Marvel Studios' film IRON MAN 3 starring Robert Downey, Jr., will start preproduction next month in Wilmington. The motion picture is expected to be made in North Carolina over a 10 month period, including pre-production, principal photography, and wrap, and have an estimated economic impact over $80 million while creating 550 crew jobs and over 1,000 talent opportunities. “It is great to see the incentive that the bi-partisan legislature passed and I signed into law is doing what it was designed to do, create high-quality, well-paying jobs for North Carolinians,” Gov. Perdue said. “2 011 has been North Carolina’s busiest year in the film industry with productions having a direct spend of over $2 00 million. IRON MAN 3 will add to this record breaking year and carry over into 2 012.” State and local officials have been working with Marvel Studios for over six months on bringing the project to North Carolina. In addition to the state’s 25% film incentive, the state’s talented and trained film professionals as well as the established infrastructure--including the facility at EUE/Screen Gems Studios in Wilmington--all played key roles in landing the production. “We are very pleased to bring the latest installment in the Iron Man franchise to North Carolina as it offers us filming opportunities that are unique to the area, which ultimately will benefit the film,” said Marvel Studios Co-President, Louis D’Esposito. “Thank you to Governor Perdue and staff for all of their hard work in helping to make this a reality and thank you as well to George and Chris Cooney of EUE/Screen Gems Studios as their efforts have also been instrumental in bringing our production to Wilmington.”

“In 2 009, we built Stage 10, one of the largest sound stages in the world in Wilmington,” says Chris Cooney, COO and co-owner of EUE/Screen Gems. “We constructed that space envisioning a motion picture of the caliber and siz e of this one. This film is a game changer--not only for our studios, but for the entire state of North Carolina. It feels great to bring this project to Wilmington, a place where we’ve invested emotionally and financially since 1996. Today, our vision becomes reality.” This will be the largest production to shoot in North Carolina,” said North Carolina Film Office director Aaron Syrett. “The state’s film office now has the tools in place to once again bring North Carolina to the forefront of the film industry thanks to the passing of one of the smartest incentives in the business by our Governor and legislature as well as the relaxing environment that our local governments, businesses and crew base continue to provide to the industry.” Wilmington Mayor Bill Saffo added, “This is a great day for our state and our region. This announcement means there will be jobs for the film industry and a large economic impact for the region. Through the efforts of the Governor, the Legislature, the North Carolina Film Office, EUE/ Screen Gems Studios, the Wilmington Regional Film Commission, Inc., and the local crews, this day is a reality. This is a true public/private partnership.” The announcement of Iron Man 3 coming to North Carolina continues to make 2 011 a banner year for the state in the film industry. As of September 10, and not including the Iron Man 3figures, 29 productions have set up offices throughout the state and have had an estimated direct spend in excess of $2 00 million while creating over 3,000 crew, 500 talent and 2 1,000 background talent job opportunities for North Carolinians.

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