Nov / Dec 2021 EliteGen Vancouver

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Nov/Dec 2021 Vol. 60 Vancouver

vancouver nov/dec 2021

luxury living for canada's chinese elite


lOuis vuittOn: 200 years Of luXury

Xmas gift guide inside


piaget’s jewel fantasy

A sing tao publicAtion


OrO statiOn: need fOr speed


luXury travel at fOgO island

Display until Dec 31, 2021


Jay Chou 等待周杰倫

King of PoP


Vancouver (604) 682-0522

Calgary (403) 232-6240

Toronto Bloor (416) 964-1085

Toronto Flagship (416) 925-2577

Toronto Yorkdale (416) 784-0990

Montreal (514) 842-7318

A sing tao publicAtion

luxury living for cAnAdA's chinese elite

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 副社長及總編輯 Associate Publisher & Editor-in-Chief 葉子青 Leslie Yip

編輯部 editorial 編輯及美術總監 Editorial/Design Director 華艾朗 Alan A. Vernon 編輯 Editor 李彩 Connie Li 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk 編審 Copy Editor Ross Hopkins 編輯部 Editorial enquiries / 604-321-1111

參與 Contributors Iris Chui, Kenson Ho, William Ha, Crystal Ng, Renée Suen, Shuk Wa Tsang, Miranda Tsui, Emilia Ku Yazar, Iris Yim

互聯網及社交媒體 Online & social media 統籌 Coordinator 陳麗華 Tiffany Tan / 王碧琪 Becky Wong

美術部 production & design 美術及製作經理 Production Manager / Art Direction 邱卓庭 Cliff Yau 美術助理 Graphic Art Assistant 陸凱茵 Gloria Luk

廣告及市場部 Advertising sales & marketing 副總裁 Vice President of Sales & Marketing 周潔華 Tina Chow 總經理 General Manager 黎家盛 Andrew Lai 營業及市務總監 Director of Sales & Marketing 梁素珊 Lelia Leung 高級市場推廣 Senior Marketing Executive 黃嘉瑩 Kay Wong

營業代表 Sales Representatives Ken Li, Patrick Lo, Amanda Wong, Kevin Wong 營業部 Advertising enquiries / 604-909-7236

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出版 Publishing Published by Sing Tao Media Group Canada, affiliated with Torstar 加拿大星島傳媒集團出版,附屬多倫多星報

星尚歡迎來稿,但不對投稿負上任何責任。 星尚每年出版六期 。所有內容均為本刊資產。 eliteGen welcomes submissions but is not responsible for unsolicited materials. eliteGen is printed 6 times a year. Entire contents are property of eliteGen . 8508 Ash Street, Vancouver, BC Canada V6P 3M2

publisher’s letter

觸摸生活 Life’s smaLL pLeasures 感謝加拿大民眾齊心協力抗擊新冠疫情,休閒服務 場所和餐館商場重又開放,現在我們可以逛商店,進餐 館,好友相會,家人團聚,這些在疫情前大家都認為理 所當然的生活平常,如今顯得很特別很值得珍惜。 過去一年我們的生活倚重虛擬網路,年末節日季來 臨,讓我們重拾那些久違了的實實在在的感官快樂—走 進店鋪去眼看手摸Louis Vuitton限量版手袋、Gucci戴妃 竹節包,戴上Buccellati和Piaget的高級首飾或Jaeger和 Arnold & Son的頂級腕錶試試效果,把護膚品塗在臉上 享受香氛與冰感,去Oliver & Bonacini集團在多倫多新 開的餐館品嘗美食,住進紐芬蘭島奢華Fogo Island旅館 聽波濤拍岸的聲音……。在我們的封面故事裡,亞洲樂 壇流行天王周杰倫也走進了一家實體店去購買他心儀的 Tudor腕錶,細細端詳佩戴體驗,哈哈,很有趣的巧合。 本期eliteGen除了奉上內容豐富的節日禮品指南,讓 大家能按圖索驥挑選合意的禮物,還特別介紹了位於多 倫多北部Barrie市以西約20公里的Oro Station。這是個 面積達216英畝的汽車綜合園,提供多種奢華消費和服 務,是愛車人士的極樂園。同時推介的還有溫哥華服務 周到的鮮花禮品店。或瘋狂飆車或靜嗅花香,我希望大 家能從無數細微的感覺觸摸到生活的樂趣,卸下一年來 肩頭的重負,獲得輕鬆自在。 祝大家節日快樂!

Perhaps I’m being a little melodramatic, but since the reopening, doesn’t every dine-out meal, every outing to the stores and every gathering feel like a super special treat? We never cherish what we’ve got until the day it’s gone, and the pandemic has deprived us of so many things we used to take for granted for so long. Now that life is slowly getting back to normal, we must learn to appreciate life, even it’s smallest of pleasures. So go ahead and indulge your senses. Run your fingers along the bamboo handle of Gucci’s Diana Tote or the expert stitching on Louis Vuitton’s limited editions. Be mesmerized by the sparkling stones of the high jewellery collections from Buccellati and Piaget. Listen to fine movements of a Jaegar or Arnold & Son timepiece. You might even wish to awaken your face with ice-inspired beauty tools and products. Let the smooth softness of silk scarves caress your neck. Stop and smell the flowers at Vancouver’s Thomas Hobbs Florist, tantalize your tastebuds at the latest Oliver & Bonacini restaurant in Toronto, or feel the sea breeze on Fogo Island. And for car enthusiasts, our new writer William Ha gives us a sneak peak at Oro Station, a 500,000 square foot multi-use facility dedicated to all things automotive, including a 16-turn motor circuit, specialized workshops and a helipad. Time to let those engines roar. These are but a few of the sensual experiences in this issue. And you will find even more inspiration in our beloved annual holiday gift guide. Shop in person if you can—just like our cover boy Jay Chou. We followed him as he went shopping for a new Tudor watch while he let us in on his next project. We hope you enjoy this issue as much as we enjoyed producing it. From all of us at eliteGen, we wish you Happy Holidays, and may your days be safe, merry and bright. See you in 2022. Yours sincerely,

Leslie Yip Associate Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Twitter & Instagram: leslieyip0911 12

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置 身 於 SUB-ZERO 及 WOLF的 陳 列 室 , 就 仿 如 佳 餚 美 食 當 前 , 牽 動 你的感官味蕾!

歡迎親臨切身感受,揀選合適你廚房的品味之列,無論是初試設施 以至大廚級的要求,定能令你的感官得到全新體驗!






up front 10 團隊 Masthead

12 出版人的話 publisher's letter

16 鎂光燈下 on the red carpet

fashion 18-29 潮流特區 louis vuitton, tied up, Gucci jewellery 30-35 幻彩光譜盛宴 piaGet & buccellati celebrity 36 封面故事 等待周杰倫 cover story: Jay chou




6 beauty & scents 42-49 做個水嫩夜女王 ysl MoonliGht cactus, ice ice baby, Guerlain shopping 50-55 禮物表心意 2021 christMas Gift Guides timepieces 56 一錶定乾坤 JaeGer interior design 60-69 風生水起 GettinG tanked, laMMhults

lifestyle 70 旅遊 travel: foGo island 78 美食娛樂盡體味 experience at atlas steak + fish

82 立體畢加索 picasso’s artwork

86 百花齊放 thoMas hobbs florist automobiles 90 極速樂園 oro station

78 48

Dress coDe: oN the ‘reD’ carpet

高貴優雅 Pretty Plumage

頂級性感 sheer sighted

清純秀氣 bow-wow

Allyson Felix

Kendall Jenner


美國大都會藝術博物館慈善晚宴Met Gala堪稱時尚 界「奧斯卡」,吸引眾多頂級名流。美國短跑運動員 Felix這身Fendi白色禮裙用了240,000鴕鳥羽毛和水 晶珠子,高貴優雅又精緻。


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Jenner身着Givenchy透視長裙向好萊塢電影My Fair Lady裡的Audrey Hepburn致敬。水晶綴飾、層疊裙 擺、寶石項圈,極盡豪華又襯出無敵好身段。

作為Saint Laurent的形象大使,韓國演唱天團 BLACKPINK成員Rosé穿着Anthony Vaccarello設計 的黑白撞色緊身小黑裙,搭配金屬琺瑯項圈和吊式 耳環,盡顯青春魅力。

樸素天王 just in time

吸血牛仔CLASSIC CowBoy

搖滾明星 abs-olutely awesome

Justin Bieber


Shawn Mendes

小天王Bieber選擇了一套看似簡單平常的黑色套裝 參加盛典,其實它出自Bieber自己的品牌La Maison Drew。小天王的用意恐怕是要以這出人意料的選擇 給人留下特別的印象吧。

哥倫比亞歌手Maluma將自己的Versace造型描述為 「吸血鬼牛仔」 。鮮紅如血的古典牛仔裝束——釘飾鑲 邊、字母組合袖口、肘部流蘇,配上綴滿彩色寶石的 手飾,絕對吸睛。

加拿大歌手Mendes這個裸身皮西裝加覆額蓬鬆卷髮 的造型十分別致,更有Michael Kors的珠寶項鍊、手 串、戒指加持,超高顏值和修長身材展現無遺。





fashion: LoUis VUiTTon

Photograph of Louis Vuitton’s store on 1 rue Scribe in Paris in 1872.


A lifestyle legend louis Vuitton celebrates two hundred years of luxury Story | Connie Li Photography | Louis Vuitton 如果你曾在巴黎著名的香榭麗榭大街上走過一遭,很難錯過街邊 一座高高聳立的華麗大廈,在它的頂端,交疊在一起的兩個字母L和V 金光閃閃。由它代表的時尚品牌Louis Vuitton今時今日已從巴黎走到了 全球大都會中,擁有了一大批忠實擁躉。 Louis Vuitton如今所有的榮華都源於一個名叫路易•威登的小小少 年一段毅然決然的旅程。200年前的8月14日,路易 •威登誕生於法國 東部的一個小鄉鎮,14歲時獨自一人,用兩年的時間,步行470公里 來到巴黎,拜師到著名行李箱大師Romain Maréchal門下。是什麼驅 使路易•威登奔向巴黎?也許他從家鄉邁出第一步時就已懷揣建立時尚


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Strolling along the Champs-Élysées, one inevitably comes across LV, two simple letters that have made an indelible mark in the world of luxury lifestyle. But the success of this brand has been two centuries in the making. The story begins with the determination of a young lad named Louis Vuitton, born Aug. 14, 200 years ago, in a small town in eastern France. At 14, he walked a long way everyday to Paris for two years to apprentice with luggage artisan Romain Maréchal. And the luxury legend was born. He founded his own maison at 4 Rue Neuve-des-Capucines

An advertisement from 1910 for Louis Vuitton’s Wardrobe Trunk. Elegant with the Alzer and Cotteville suitcases.

The artisans crafted the trunks on the site of Louis Vuitton's production workshops around 1888.

王國的遠大理想了吧。這個理想讓他在17年後的1854年,於巴黎旺 多姆廣場附近的Neuve-des-Capucines大道四號開設了工作室,以 自己的名字創出一個全新的品牌。這個理想隨後在他的家族一代一 代傳承下去,品牌從創立之初以生產定制行李箱為主,逐步擴大至 箱包、手袋、時裝、鞋履……乃至包羅整個時尚領域。

near Place Vendome in Paris, and launched the brand bearing his name. Generation after generation, the family went way beyond just making steamer trunks to include luggage, handbags, shoes, clothing and everything else that has captured the imagination of luxury lovers.

這其中當然要濃墨重彩的是Louis Vuitton標誌性的設計語 言——Damier棋盤格紋和Monogram老花圖案。想當年路易•威登 應順時代變遷,將行李箱蓋由圓拱改成扁平,將箱體覆以具有防水 功能的Gris Trianon塗層帆布,完成實用化輕便化的改革之後,便

Vuitton pioneered flat-topped rectangular trunks that could easily be stacked, replacing the then-trendy, round-topped trunks. Then he covered the trunks with a light and water-resistant canvas known as Gris Trianon.





fashion: LoUis VUiTTon

A High Trunk for Women in woven Damier Canvas from 1889

Trunk bed in Damier canvas

Autoski car trunk in Vuittonite canvas 20

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200 contributors were invited to reimagine the iconic 50x50x100-centimetre trunk

A trunk vanity case fitted with luxurious beauty essentials

將眼光鎖定在帆布格紋圖案設計的與眾不同上。1870年代的紅色條紋到1888年被 Damier棋盤格紋取代,1896年,路易•威登之子祭出將創始人的首字母縮寫與抽象 花卉形狀相結合設計,獲得專利的Monogram老花圖案從此成為Louis Vuitton的獨 特標誌。 每一件帶有Monogram老花圖案的Louis Vuitton製造都是在講述創始者的故 事,但在路易 •威登這位傳奇誕生200周年之際,Louis Vuitton更是用了特別的方 式來向他致敬——沒有任何產品展覽,取而代之的是邀請來自世界各地的200名 創作者在一個50X50X100釐米的箱體上天馬行空。這個箱體的尺寸接近於Louis Vuitton1850年代原始行李箱的大小,他們可以將其拆解、改造,用它投射,與它互 動。這200位創作者是畫家、建築師、園藝師、策展人,也是作家、詩人、舞者、 導演,乃至宇航員、運動員、占星家、滑板手、變裝皇后,這其中包括來自中國的 十位藝術家曹斐、曹雨西、程然、陳天灼、馮立、劉韡、邱志傑、宋冬、張鼎和趙 趙。 展示這200件作品的方式也很特別,在Louis Vuitton旗艦店的櫥窗內,我們會 看到裝有螢幕的旅行箱漂浮於半空,200件作品以視頻方式在上面循環,櫥窗特意 設計為以黑色背景作幕布,用窗簾作框,營造出觀看戲劇的氛圍。Louis Vuitton要 讓世界欣賞一部滿載天才創意的大戲,要將路易•威登秉承的時尚理念透過藝術的 語言傳遞給世界。

A historic flat-top trunk made in 1879 in the Gris Trianon canvas

Having made the trunks lighter and more practical, Vuitton proceeded to set his design apart, replacing the red-striped canvas of the 1870s with the Damier check pattern in 1888. In 1896, his son created the brand’s signature Monogram, the founder’s initials with abstract floral shapes. The design was patented and the rest is history. Marking the 200th anniversary of Louis Vuitton, the brand is paying special tribute. And not by a retrospective exhibition as is most common. Instead, the fashion house invited 200 contributors to reimagine the iconic 50x50x100centimetre trunk, almost the same dimensions as the original one from 1850. Contributors were given carte blanche to deconstruct, repurpose, interact with, project onto and refashion in any way they wished. Among the 200 co-creators are painters, architects, botanists, curators, writers, dancers, filmmakers, astronauts, athletes, skateboarders, astrologers and drag queens; 10 artists are from China: Cao Fei, Cao Yuxi, Cheng Ran, Chen Tianzhuo, Feng Li, Liu Wei, Qiu Zhijie, Song Dong, Zhang Ding and Zhao Zhao. In the windows of Louis Vuitton stores is a dramatic video loop of the 200 creations. Breathtakingly beautiful.





fashion: LoUis VUiTTon


Handy art Louis Vuitton Capucines collections the pride of the brand Story | Connie Li Photography | Louis Vuitton 過往只能在博物館、畫廊、美術室中欣賞到的藝術精品,現在 已經以各種不同的方式進入到我們的日常生活中,這已是個不爭的事 實。把大師傑作提在手上傍在身邊有沒有可能?Louis Vuitton做到了! 它的Capucines手袋系列限定款就是行走的藝術品。

Fine art that we could only admire in museums and art galleries is now within your grasp with Louis Vuitton’s Capucines collection. The Capucines collection, which debuted in 2013, is named after Rue Neuve-des-Capucines, where Louis Vuitton opened its first store in Paris. This underscores the significance of the collection as the pride of the brand.


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曾梵志濃墨重彩重新詮釋梵高自畫像,超過70萬道刺繡賦予了繪畫大師新的生命。 Zeng reinterpreted a Van Gogh self-portrait and brought it to life with more than 700,000 remarkably worked embroidery stitches, $11,400.

Huanca以抽象畫風將刺繡、印花和手繪感性組合,精緻、有 力且觸感十足。 Huanca’s precise and powerful hand-painted embroidery and piercing rings adorn this bag, $11,400.

體態健壯的獵豹在Pivi筆下正伺機出擊,金箔鑲鍍更令其威風 凜凜。 Pivi excelled with complex leather marquetry and rich gold-leaf gilding, $11,400.

黃宇興畫就的七彩河流與清麗群山風景奇幻。 Huang created a beautifully embroidered and brilliantly coloured fantasy landscape, $11,400.

Hildebrandt大膽運用黑白潑墨狀線條,並將Louis Vuitton簽名 嵌入具黑膠唱片質感的圖形中。 Hildebrandt applied a stunning black-and-white design with screen-printed leather and LV signature inlaid with vinyl records, $11,400.

Capucines手袋首次亮相於2013年,以Louis Vuitton於1854年開設第一 家門店的巴黎街道Rue-des-Capucines命名,起始就不同凡響,它的限定款 Artycapucines更是別出心裁。Louis Vuitton在2019年及2020年分別邀請6位 藝術家,為其進行專門設計及造型,幾何圖形、人物畫像、超現實雕塑…… 12款手袋每款都是創意的結晶。今年該系列刮起第三波藝術風,再由中國的 曾梵志、黃興宇,德國的Gregor Hildebrandt,美國的Donna Huanca、巴 西的Vik Muniz和意大利的Paola Pivi六位當代藝術家,以Capucines手袋當畫 布展開創作。藝術家的非凡才情與Louis Vuitton的精湛工藝相結合,最新6款 Artycapucines着實令人驚豔。 Artycapucines最新六款手袋每款限量200個,目前已在全球銷售。

It’s limited edition Artycapucines collection brought together six celebrated artists in 2019 and 2020 to create 12 distinctive designs of landscapes, portraits and surreal concepts. The collaboration for this year is the third in the series and showcases the works of six artists: Huang Yuxing and Zeng Fanzhi from China, Gregor Hildebrandt from Germany, Donna Huanca from the U.S., Vik Muniz from Brazil and Paola Pivi from Italy. Using handbags as their canvases, the six latest designs are a demonstration of the brand’s mastery in blending the beauty and creativity of artists with the ingenuity and absolute craftsmanship of the brand’s skilled artisans. Each of the designs is limited to 200 pieces, now available in stores worldwide.

Muniz將糖果色的剪貼圖形與Louis Vuitton花卉混雜,帶有泡 騰的錯視效果和俏皮的美學。 Muniz created a more playful design using trompe l’oeil, $11,400. ELITEGEN




fashion: trends


tying one on

not since the 1980s have silk scarves been so popular

Bulgari, $455


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Gucci, US$495

Salvatore Ferragamo, $490

Hermès, $790 Hermès, US$760





fashion: trends

Hermès, US$2,250

Hermès, €285

Senreve, $155 Senreve, $115


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Dior, $590

fashion: Gucci


RemembeRing Diana gucci reimagines the Princess of Wales bag to honour what would have been her 60th birthday Story | Connie Li Photography | Gucci


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Gucci Diana mini-tote, $3,240

Gucci Diana竹節托特手袋誕生於1991年,上世紀九十年代全球偶像 戴安娜王妃多次被影到以它傍身,可謂實至名歸。今年是戴妃60誕辰,古 馳創意總監Alessandro Michele重塑竹節手袋金身,令經典款在沉寂多年 後重出江湖。

Gucci Diana small-tote, $4,020

Diana竹節手袋在多年前以它簡約挺括的外形和超強的實用性受到戴 妃的加持,如今捲土重來,正是它本身具有的經典元素—流暢、灑脫、擁 抱時尚,賦予了它永恆的魅力。 以全新視角詮釋的新款手袋搭配了可拆卸的霓虹色皮革扣帶,致敬 原版手袋用來固定竹制手柄的功能性扣帶。新系列包括迷你、小、中三款 皮革包型,有經典的黑色、白色、皮革原色,也有祖母綠、亮紅色、淺粉 藍、淺玫紅。所有三款手袋均以米色微纖維內襯,配可拆卸皮革肩帶,還 有一條色彩靚麗的扣帶,螢光黃、螢光粉與螢光橙三種顏色令人賞心悅目。

Thirty years after its original release, the Gucci Diana handbag is being reimagined. To mark what would have been the 60th birthday of Diana, Princess of Wales, creative director Alessandro Michele has redesigned the bamboo-handle tote in her honour. The Gucci Diana is reflective of a certain era. Even its silhouette echoes a moment in which practicality took its rightful place in the wardrobe. It has maintained its timeless appeal and represents Gucci’s message of fluidity, freedom and an embracing of fashion as a powerful medium of self-expression. The current iteration is distinguished by removable, neon leather belts—a nod to the functional bands that once came with the original bag to maintain the shape of the handles. There are seven colours of leather across three sizes of bag: black, white, a timeless cuir, bright emerald, striking red, poudre light blue and light rose. Every Gucci Diana is paired with three matching coloured belts in either fluorescent yellow, pink or orange. Each belt has a functional buckle and features a Gucci script logo in gold metallic film on its outer side.

Gucci Diana medium-tote, $5,155





jewellery: Piaget

Blazing Night 18K white gold necklace Blazing Night 18K白金項鏈,主石為梨形切割莫三比克 紅寶石,配以11顆來自莫三比克及泰柬邊境的紅寶石、 81顆長方形切割鑽石,及逾200顆圓形明亮式切割鑽石。 Rubies from Mozambique and Thailand, diamonds.


Kaleidoscope of colour precious stones shine in piaget's extraordinary lights collection Story | Eve lam Photography | Piaget 瑞士品牌伯爵不僅以其高級腕錶聞名於世,它的珠寶系列同樣不 同凡響。全新Extraordinary Lights頂級珠寶與腕錶系列,48件作品藉 着「慶典之光」、「奇幻光影」、「永恆光境」三個圍繞光為主題的篇章, 運用貼合不同意境的彩色鑽石及寶石拼湊,展現光影閃爍變幻的瞬間 與瑰麗夜幕星空。


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This is Piaget’s invitation to you: to gather for its new Extraordinary Lights high-jewellery collection. Its three themes—Festive Lights, Magical Lights and Infinite Lights—encompass 48 unique pieces of jewellery. Wiith excitement and emotion, bask in the radiant glow of these gorgeous gems.

Blazing Nights 18K white gold ear cuff and stud earring 紅寶石、鑽石。 Rubies, diamonds.

Voluptuous Borealis 18K white gold cuff watch 哥倫比亞祖母綠、鑽石。 Colombian emeralds, diamonds.

Celestial Ballet 18K white gold ring 藍寶石、鑽石。 Sapphires and diamonds. Blazing Night 18K white gold ring 紅寶石、鑽石。 Rubies, diamonds.





jewellery: Piaget

Extraordinary Lights 18K white gold necklace Extraordinary Lights主題項鏈,主石是一顆枕形切割艷彩黃鑽,配搭一 顆梨形切割斯裡蘭卡藍寶石,以及一顆梨形切割坦桑尼亞紅色尖晶石。 Yellow diamond, sapphire from Sri Lanka, spinels, spessartites, diamonds, white pearls.

Blissful Lights 18K white gold earrings Blissful Lights 18K白金耳環,兩顆雷地恩形切割濃彩黃鑽分別重約3.02卡及3.11卡,10顆欖尖 形切割鑽石共重約2.37卡,其餘鑽石共重1.79卡。 Yellow diamonds, diamonds.


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Magical Aurora 18K white gold ring Magical Aurora 18K白金指環,主石為祖母綠切割哥倫比亞祖母綠、 26顆長方形切割鑽石,及37顆圓形明亮式切割鑽石。 Colombian emerald, diamonds.

Blissful Lights 18K white gold necklace 黃鑽、鑽石。 Yellow diamonds, diamonds.

Magical Aurora 18K white gold earrings 哥倫比亞祖母綠、鑽石。 Colombian emeralds, diamonds.

Extraordinary Lights 18K white gold earrings 尖晶石、黃鑽。 Spinels, yellow diamonds.





jewellery: Buccellati

Sadar necklace/earrings Sadar鑽石項鏈以蓮花造型為主題,鑲嵌逾 200顆碧璽、28顆沙弗萊石,及逾300顆粉 色藍寶石 (共5.54卡) 。Sadar鑽石耳環鑲嵌 帕拉伊巴碧璽、沙弗萊石及玫瑰色藍寶石。 Yellow gold, diamonds, tourmalines, tzavorites, pink sapphires.


garden party II giardino di Buccellati jewellery collection captures the grace of nature Story | Eve Lam Photography | Buccellati 創立於1750年代的意大利高級珠寶品牌Buccellati,以細膩的織 紋雕金技術而聞名,其作品注滿文藝復興時期的藝術元素。全新高級 珠寶系列Il Giardino di Buccellati,從印象派畫家的調色盤啟發靈感, 運用彩寶捕捉大自然風采,以繽紛色彩再現靜謐悠閒的花園景象。


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Luxury Italian jewellery house Buccellati has been bringing renaissance elements to life since 1750. Inspired by the artistic flare of impressionist painters, its prestigious new II Giardino di Buccellati series captures the grace of nature and emulates the tranquility of restful gardens with a brilliant array of colours.

Centaurea necklace/earrings Centaurea鑽石項鏈以沙弗萊石及帕拉伊巴碧璽交錯鑲嵌於白金和黃金底座上。 同系列白金拼黃金鑽石耳環,鑲嵌帕拉伊巴碧璽及沙弗萊石。 Yellow gold, white gold, Paraiba tourmalines, tzavorites.

Lilium bracelet 上至下/Lilium黃金手鐲中央鑲嵌單顆重20.11卡的圓形刻面綠碧璽,周邊藍寶石 及鑽石,當中粉色藍寶石重2.34卡。Aubreta白金手鐲鑲嵌單顆重23.31卡圓形 孔賽石,拼配帕拉伊巴碧璽及鑽石。Dans Du Fau手鐲中央鑲有一顆重18.52卡 紅碧璽,周圍花瓣則以帕拉伊巴碧璽及鑽石勾勒。 Yellow gold, white gold, pink sapphires, sapphires, tourmaline, diamonds.

品牌的金飾設計手工精緻,因此素有「金匠王子」之美譽。新系列 保留金工美藝,配合彩色寶石的運用,呈現柔和真實的多彩光綫。既 然以花園為題,花朵自然成為設計焦點,其中Centaurea項鏈就以天藍 色花朵配綠葉,另同系列耳環則以矢車菊為主題,藍、綠寶石花朵襯 以鑽石花瓣,白金葉子與黃金莖蔓交織,看上去恍如在舞動般。Sadar 蓮花項鏈,花瓣深淺調顏色刻畫出栩栩如生的清雅蓮花。 新系列之中亦廣泛運用品牌著名的Rigato金屬雕刻技藝,工匠使 用刻刀在金屬表面反復雕刻出平行綫條,賦予金屬表面柔和絲滑的綢 緞質感,同時反射出獨特光芒。如其中一款Gelsomino Cocktail指環, 花蕊的周圍以Rigato雕刻技術打造的黃金裝飾圍繞,令其看上去猶如 懸空於鏤空底座上。Lilium黃金手鐲則運用Rigato雕工呈現表面的招牌 綫條紋理,襯托中央以圓形刻面碧璽拼粉色藍石及鑽石的花朵圖案, 增添對比視效。

The new line combines Buccellati’s metalworking artistry with colorful gemstones in a garden theme where flowers are the focus. The Centaurea necklace consists of sky blue flowers with green leaves, while the earrings are emerald cornflowers with diamond petals. And the Sadar necklace represents an elegant lotus. Buccellati, dubbed the “Prince of Goldsmith”, uses its signature Rigato metal technique in the new series to carve parallel line patterns on the metal surface for a more natural texture. And the Lilium gold bracelet, which also utilizes the Rigato technique, combines pink and blue stones and diamond flower patterns.

Agapanto Cocktail ring 右/一顆重12.09卡的淡藍色鋯石,鑲嵌於飾以黃金葉形雕刻裝飾的枕形底座 上。另配以56顆彩黃圓形明亮式切割鑽石。 White gold, yellow gold, zircon, diamonds. Gelsomino Cocktail ring 左/以茉莉花為題,花蕊為托帕石,以黃金圍繞。白金花瓣鑲滿鑽石、黃金和帕 拉伊巴碧璽。 Yellow gold, white gold, Paraiba tourmalines, topaz, diamonds.





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fan magnet asia’s ‘King of Pop’ Jay Chou gets ready for world tour and a new album in 2022 Story | Connie Li Photography | Tudor

好帥的「周董」! 詼諧幽默又有高貴紳士派!看過帝舵最新 Black Bay Chrono「熊貓」腕錶宣傳片的人都這樣讚。

一「錶」人才 如果我問你誰是亞洲樂壇「流行天王」,哪個名字會第一時間 出現在你的腦海裡?手錶品牌帝舵Tudor給出了他們的答案。該品 牌請出其全球代言人周杰倫親自操刀創作了30秒的宣傳片,發佈 Tudor Black Bay Chrono系列 2021年最新錶款。 在影片中,周杰倫光臨帝舵專賣店,很顯然他對帝舵2021 年新款非常動心,想請店員拿一塊給他仔細欣賞。沒想到店員忙 於接待其他客人,沒顧得上他,急不可耐之下,他竟然魔術師附 身,伸手直插入玻璃櫃,新款腕錶手到擒來。這一招妙手即刻引 來店員接待,他也如願買到了自己心頭好。走出店門,他又鬼馬 地以一手撲克牌變腕錶魔術逗弄店員,在店員一臉錯愕之時,開 心戴上新錶,開着他的古董跑車揚長而去。

He’s dashing, funny and a true gentleman. That’s the kind of admiration Jay Chou receives from his fans since he did the promo for the Tudor Black Bay Chrono “panda” watch.

WaTCH Him sHine Who is asia’s “King of Pop”? Tudor is offering a resounding answer, by featuring Jay Chou in a 30-second video, to promote the release of the Tudor Black Bay Chrono. in the entertaining video, Chou shows up at a Tudor store, wanting to take a closer look at the Tudor Black Bay Chrono. But the staff are all busy with other customers. so he magically puts his hand through the glass cabinet and lifts out the watch. needless to say, this immediately gets the staff’s attention. He subsequently buys the watch and, while leaving the store, plays one more magic trick, turning a deck of cards into a watch. He then puts on his watch in front of the mystified staff before driving away in a vintage sports car.





cover story

帝舵放心讓周杰倫又導又演,一手包辦宣傳短片,是因為他們知道「流行天 王」這個稱號不是帝舵自己誇大其詞,而是周杰倫20年長盛不衰的實力所在。他 們看好他是音樂家,是演員,是導演,是許多人心目中的偶像,而且相信他的 獨特品味和文化涵養與帝舵的氣質相契合。 周杰倫這個名字,確確實實在華人世界很少人沒聽說過。他精通各種樂 器,擅長演繹鋼琴、大提琴、小提琴、吉他,乃至各種打擊樂器。從作詞作曲 開始摸爬滾打,直至2000年,正式以歌手身份出道。此後的20年唱歌,作曲, 演電影,當導演,上綜藝,涉足潮流服飾、動漫、電競遊戲,各種跨界玩到飛 起。今年甚至做起了蘇富比策展人,辦亞洲當代藝術拍賣會,而且在8月20日發 佈的「2021《福布斯》中國名人榜」上排名第五。

一曲風行 這樣看來周杰倫似乎是個「文武全才」,但說到根底,他紅透20年都是因為 他的音樂,「亞洲樂壇流行天王」才是最響亮也最讓人信服的稱號。 「流行天王」的名號有多響,以一連串的數字和音樂獎項來說明實在是太麻 煩。我們只提一件事:2003年7月16日,全亞洲超過50家電台同步首播周杰倫 新專輯《葉惠美》中的主打歌《以父之名》,超8億人同時收聽。當日被亞洲各大電 台共同定為7•16周杰倫日。每年的這一天《以父之名》一定會再次響起,18年後 的7月16日,在周杰倫中文網官方微博中,有粉絲留言:「從2000年到2021年, 周杰倫的流行還是流行!」 周杰倫的流行,靈魂在於他的音樂,《青花瓷》裡一句「天青色等煙雨,而我 在等妳。月色被打撈起,暈開了結局。如傳世的青花瓷自顧自美麗,妳眼帶笑 意」醉人無數,那份醉意仍留在心底十幾年揮之不去。就在去年11月,為慶祝 「周董」出道20周年,Apple Music以「杰倫宇宙」為題,推出周杰倫精選歌單,帶 領樂迷以不同角度剖析他的音樂生涯,重現他的創作、製作、合作以至現場演 出,在他的音樂⼋度空間中穿梭。

Tudor happily let Chou direct and act in the video, knowing his indisputable star power. His stature as a musician, actor and director, and his unique style and cultural depth, makes him a great fit for Tudor. in Chinese communities, Chou is indeed a household name. after he shot to fame as a singer/songwriter in 2000, he has been spreading his stardom outside of composing to include acting and directing movies. He has starred in variety shows and has been an icon in fashion, animation and e-sports. He even took up a role as a sotheby’s curator to plan an asia contemporary art auction. He also ranks fifth in the 2021 Forbes China Celebrity List released in august.

an overnigHT sensaTion a mega talent, Chou’s 20 years of success is rooted in music. He’s amassed so many awards to even bother to list. But recounting just one story from the early days of his career shows just how big Chou’s star has shined right from the start. on July 16, 2003, 50 radio stations across asia debuted his song “in the name of His Father”, for which more than 800 million people tuned in. even the radio stations collectively declared the date “Jay Chou Day”. eighteen years later, the same song is played. it’s not uncommon for fans on his WeChat account to rave with comments like “Jay is always a hit.” at the heart of Chou’s popularity is his music.”Blue and White Porcelain”, with soulful lyrics that have touched many over the decades, is but one example. in november 2020, Chou marked the 20th anniversary of his music career by releasing the Jay’s Universe playlist on apple music, taking fans on a grand tour of his music, his art and live shows. The curated playlist of Chou’s signature eastmeets-West style takes classical oriental aesthetics to the mainstream, injecting new life into ethnic musical instruments, the pentatonic scale, ancient poetry and Peking opera. The mix of music is a showcase of Chou’s fun-loving free spirited character that is his and his alone. He tells stories in tongue-twisting raps, and his unique intonation resets the rules for Chinese phonetics, creating an immense kind of freedom for lyrical rhythm.


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一心等待 《周杰倫嘉年華世界巡迴演唱會》原定2019年12月在香港迪士尼舉行, 因新冠疫情四度延期,推遲到了2022年3月,但偏偏就有約10萬持有演唱會 門票的觀眾堅持不肯放棄,心甘情願等上兩年半,也要親臨現場聽周杰倫在 他們耳邊唱響。主辦單位甚至考慮嘗試入紙健力士申請,拿個最多人等待最 長時健力士世界紀錄作紀念。周傑倫的魅力讓人願意等。 心心念念癡癡等待是種折磨,「杰倫宇宙」是漫長等待中的聊勝於無。 Apply Music提煉出周杰倫歌曲中獨一無⼆的中國風,他的金曲《雙截棍》、 《青花瓷》、《東風破》、《髮如雪》等,都是以中西合璧的編曲,詞曲共融成就 古典意境,將古典東方美學帶進主流市場。民族樂器、五聲音階、古典詩 詞、京劇唱腔,在他手中被賦予全新生命。除了中國古典韻味,世界風的 《愛在西元前》、《印第安老斑鳩》,遊戲風的《半獸人》、《⿓戰騎士》,天馬行 空的《時間機》、《月球漫步》,地表最甜的《簡單愛》、《告⽩氣球》,以其奇幻 異想自由揮灑,同樣成就了周杰倫的獨特,被收入Apply Music的歌單。還 有他的rap風,《忍者》、《⿓拳》連珠炮般的唸誦歌詞,別樹一格的咬字發音 打破了中文平仄及限制,拉闊了中文歌詞的律動空間。 周杰倫對自己的音樂很自信,他說:「我的音樂融合了中國傳統的音樂 和武俠元素。要受到歐美國家的注意,其實中國文化是一個起點。我覺得自 己要走不一樣的路,不要走別人走過的。別人注意到我是因為他們覺得我的 音樂與眾不同。」 2020年6月,歌迷又見到了這樣一個熟悉的周杰倫。當新冠陰霾籠罩全 球的時候,周杰倫一曲入圍「2021年台灣金曲獎」的《Mojito》把古巴變成了令 人心馳神往的地方。不知有多少人被這首節奏明朗輕快的rap加拉丁風的歌 曲撩撥得春心蕩漾,恨不得衝破疫情的限制,跑到哈瓦那街頭,駕着老爺車 兜風,和路人跳起歡快的Salsa舞,去體驗遇見愛情的歡樂與浪漫,將疫情 帶來的煩惱拋到九霄雲外。 《Mojito》之後,周杰倫的新歌遲遲不來,歌迷們紛紛在線上催促,終於 在今年的8月10號,「周董」在社交平台透露自己的新專輯進展:「弄了兩首 歌,MV也已經拍了兩首,哥到底要先丟出來,還是等其它歌好了,再一起 弄成專輯? 但可能會等到明年。」看,他又在撩撥他的歌迷了。 就讓我們耐心等待吧,好歌不怕等,因為周杰倫曾經說過:「如果有人 把我對風格的堅持,歸納為『之前的拼湊』,我很難說服對方。做音樂真是很 難的事情,每張專輯出來都會有不一樣的聲音,有人說你原地踏步,也有人 說你江郎才盡,你不如寫一首歌來反擊。」

THe WorLD WaiTs The Jay Chou World Tour, which was originally scheduled to kick off in December 2019 at Hong Kong Disneyland has been rescheduled four times, the latest date is set for march 2022. as tortuous as it is for the 100,000 fans who hold tickets, they remain loyal and are willing to wait more than two years to see him live. The organizer is even toying with the idea of applying for a guinness World record for having the largest number of people waiting the longest for a concert. That’s the kind of magnetism this guy holds. “my music mixes Chinese traditional music with martial art elements,” says Chou. “To get noticed in the West, Chinese culture is a starting point. i think i have to travel a unique road that nobody has gone down before. i got noticed because people thought my music was different.” in June 2020, amid the global pandemic blues, his song “mojito”, a finalist for the Taiwan golden melody award, made Cuba a dreamy place. The uplifting rap beat, with Latin-inspired lyrics, transported us to Havana, riding in a vintage car and dancing salsa in the streets—an expression of love and joy unfettered by the pandemic. after “mojito”, Chou was silent and fans went online looking for answers. Finally, in august this year, he responded, perhaps looking to tease his fans: “made two songs. shot the mv for two. should this dude release them first, or wait for the other songs to form an album? But this is not going to happen ‘til next year.” M79360N-002 Black Bay Chrono Manufacture Calibre MT5813 (COSC) 41mm steel case Steel bracelet $5,970

Let’s wait patiently as Chou once said: “if staying true to my style is conceived as ‘rehashing the old’, it’s hard for me to argue against that. making music is difficult. every album will have a different voice. some might say, ‘You are not moving forward.’ some might say, ‘That’s all you’ve got.’ Let’s just write a song to prove them wrong.”





the Beauty pages


YSL’S MoonLight CaCtuS Story | Leslie Yip

This desert plant is the star ingredient of YSL’s Pure Shots Night Reboot Serum, which promises to reduce signs of fatigue by the very first morning

YSL’ s Pure Shots Night Reboot採用的月光 仙人掌生長於摩洛哥的Ourika Community Gardens並以人手採摘。種植園位處陽光充 沛的阿特拉斯山區,專門栽種化妝品原材料。 The moonlight cactus used in YSL’s Pure Shots Night Reboot is hand-harvested in the Ourika Community Gardens in Morocco, a special site devoted to growing cosmetic ingredients that’s located in the sun-soaked Atlas Mountains region. YSL Pure Shots Night Reboot, 30ml | $120, 30ml refill | $96


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種植園自2013年創立以來,由32位當地婦女共同營運,讓她們精湛的手藝及祖傳技術得以發揮,同時創造工作機會。單是去年,超過1200件YSL的美容產品中採 用了至少一種產自該園的原材料。 Since its inception in 2013, it has brought together a co-operative of 32 local women, promoting their skills and ancestral craftsmanship, while creating job opportunities. As of last year, more than 12 million of YSL Beauty’s product units contained at least one ingredient from the gardens.

你知道嗎?都市人的生活習慣令肌膚加速老化40%。 這是YSL科研顧問專家團隊研究得出的結果,團隊成員 除了皮膚專家外,還包括科學家、植物學家和研究生活方式 的專家。急速的生活節奏在全球各大城市十分常見,環境污 染、生活壓力和疲勞,加速皮膚老化,變得暗啞、粗糙及毛 引粗大。 可是,要改變這種生活模式談何容易,女士們想保持美 肌必須要有其它辦法,而答案就是月光仙人掌。 被譽為「夜女王」的摩洛哥月光仙人掌,每年只於一個晚 上開花6小時,它透過分泌35種高效抗氧化物和一種特殊聚 醣啟動開花。而這種聚醣對皮膚有莫大好處。 YSL國際科研總監Caroline Negraq表示,於晚上分泌 的褪黑素能加速新陳代謝和啟動肌膚的再生能力。可是,失 衡的生物鐘會抑制褪黑素的分泌,減弱肌膚再生的能力。 透過新型體外測試證實,月光仙人掌萃取跟褪黑素同樣 具護膚功能,能有效啟動皮膚自我修復並保護新生細胞,增 加皮膚能量達43%,同時促進肌膚細胞再生。 產品採用突破性的雙重質感技術包含溫和的3.4%甘醇 酸,能在睡眠之時促進角質代謝。Pure Shots Night Reboot 精華結合1/3具舒緩作用的精油和2/3促進角質代謝的甘醇 酸,能更快、更深入地被皮膚吸收,一覺睡醒後會發現臉上 細紋、光澤及暗啞問題得到改善,連續使用28日後膚質會有 明顯改善。 這款精華令肌膚猶如仙人掌般生命力頑強,抵抗極端環 境,讓女士們以精神飽滿的健康美肌迎接每日新開始。

Did you know that the urban lifestyle accelerates skin aging by 40 per cent? This is the finding of YSL’s Scientific Advisory Board, comprising not only dermatologists, but scientists, botanists and lifestyle experts, as part of this innovative perspective on skincare. Fast living is a global phenomenon in major cities, and this exposes our skin to pollution, stress and fatigue, accelerating aging and leading to a dull complexion, rough skin and enlarged pores. Since some women may not want to change their lifestyle, or can’t easily do so, a skincare solution needed to be found. Cue the moonlight cactus. Native to Morocco and known as “the queen of the night”, it bears magnificent, sweet-scented flowers that bloom for only six hours every year. The plants need to produce 35 potent anti-oxidant and saccharide molecules in order to power this blooming. It’s these molecules that hold exceptional benefits for our skin. Caroline Negra, YSL’s international scientific director, explains that it has been compared to melatonin in an avant-garde in-vitro test. A key molecule secreted during the night, melatonin regulates the skin’s metabolism and regeneration. However, an unbalanced lifestyle and a deregulated body clock inhibits its secretion, weakening the skin’s capacity for renewal. New tests have shown that moonlight cactus extract works at the sub-cellular level to boost the skin’s recovery, by protecting new skin cells, recharging the skin’s energy by 43 per cent and stimulating skin-cell regeneration. This extract is combined in a breakthrough bi-phase formation with a precise dose of 3.4 per cent glycolic acid, perfectly matching the skin’s daily requirement, to gently eliminate dead skin cells overnight. With one-third soothing oil and two-thirds exfoliating water essence, Pure Shots Night Reboot penetrates faster and deeper, visibly smoothing fine lines, improving radiance and reducing skin roughness after just one night—and delivering significant improvement in 28 days. Just like the cactus fights its extreme environment, this serum equips us to face another challenging day.





the Beauty pages


Ice Ice BaBy Story | Leslie Yip Charlotte Tilbury的冷凍Cyro-Recovery面 膜甫推出即成為今季人氣產品之一。何解以冰 感為主打的護膚品愈出愈多,看了我的心水推 介你可能就明白了。

One of the biggest beauty buzzes this season is Charlotte Tilbury’s new ice-powered Cryo-Recovery Face Mask. Let’s take a look at why ice-inspired skincare is all the rage, and offer some of our favourite picks.

單看Charlotte Tilbury的新產品,真令人懷疑 莫非《冰雪奇緣》的Elsa加入了品牌團隊?

Did Elsa from Frozen join the Charlotte Tilbury team? The latest launches seem to suggest so.

先是眼部精華配備冰感金屬塗抹棒,配方則 加入萃取自瑞士冰川泥土細菌和瑞士冰酒等成份 的Iceawake。

First, there is an eye serum featuring a moulded cooling metal applicator and a formula containing Iceawake, which is derived from the soil bacteria of Swiss glaciers and Swiss ice wine, among other ingredients.

另一產品是可循環再用的矽膠面膜,靈感源 自「淚活」療法和古代面部指壓按摩技術。只再把 面膜存放在冰櫃,面膜中的冷凍啫喱珠和金屬珠 會針對下巴、下頜輪廓、前額、顴骨及鼻唇等部 位發揮提升、緊致和修飾的作用。

Then, there is a reusable silicone mask inspired by cryotherapy and the ancient art of facial acupressure techniques. Just store in the freezer, and the advanced cooling gel beads and metal beads target the chin, jawline, forehead, cheekbones and nasolabial lines to lift, firm and tone.

有科研結果顯示,極端溫度能有效擊退歲月 的痕跡,而上述兩款產品均以此研究為基礎。經 8周臨床試用,參加者把面膜配合品牌的Magic Serum Crystal Elixir一同使用,結果臉部感覺比 之前提升了251%,且緊致度達238%。

Both products draw on scientific research that indicates the use of extreme temperature can combat the signs of aging. Clinical trials show that when the mask is used in conjunction with Charlotte’s Magic Serum Crystal Elixir, subjects’ skin felt lifted by 251 per cent and firmer by 238 per cent in just eight weeks. Charlotte Tilbury Cyro-Recovery Eye Serum, 15 ml | $78 Cyro-Recovery Face Mask, $76


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WaSh IT aWay 這款一步卸妝水結合液態水晶科技和純淨剔透的瑞士冰川泉水,徹底卸妝,達至潔淨、 祛毒、滋潤,加上豐富的抗氧化物保護肌膚。只需泵出適量化妝水到化妝棉,以輕按和向外 掃的方式去除彩妝和污垢。

Purified, detoxified and moisturized—this one-gesture cleansing ritual combines liquid crystal technology and clear Swiss glacier water to remove makeup without the use of water, and protects skin with a rich fusion of antioxidants. Dispense onto cotton pads and use pressing and sweeping motions to remove makeup and other impurities. La Prairie Pure Swiss Glacier Cleansing Water, 150 ml | $185


CLEan anD REFREShED 這款潔面啫喱利用冰川水達至冰涼清新的效果。產品蘊含乳酸桿菌複合物,促進皮膚的 生物菌群生長,保護皮膚表層。取適量的潔面啫喱塗抹於面部並輕輕按摩卸載清淡至一般彩 妝,然後以溫水及濕布巾徹底洗淨,為肌膚帶來前所未有的潔淨舒適。

This melting gel uses glacier water for a refreshing, cooling effect. It also contains probiotics to nourish the microbial responsible for protecting the skin’s surface, and probiotics to enrich the skin flora. Just massage a small amount onto the face to remove light-to-moderate makeup, and then rinse with lukewarm water, or with a damp cloth. your skin will feel impeccable, comfortable and nourished. Valmont Icy Falls, 100 ml | $105


BRIghT-EyED 深夜時分看手機、加班網上會議及馬拉松式煲劇等都市人的日常,引致雙眼都一起「加 班」,令骨膠原減少,加速眼部肌膚的衰老。這款全新的眼霜採用劃時代基因訊息協調技 術,促進修復並提升肌膚的年輕新生力量。而360°Mesh Matrix Technology大眼修復抗壓技 術,提供一個能扺禦眼睛自然微動影響的緩衝,強化眼周嬌嫩肌膚。產品配備精心打造的全 新專用冰感按摩棒,能即時為眼周肌膚降溫2° C,暢快涼感更能持續5分鐘。冰感按摩棒能全 面促進微循環,即時擊退浮腫眼周及喚醒疲倦雙眼。配方能顯著減淡眼下紋理,魚尾紋及眉 心位置川字紋。

Late-night scrolling, after-hours conference calls and marathon streaming mean eyes are frequently working overtime, impacting collagen and accelerating signs of eye aging. This new eye cream contains Chronolux Power Signal Technology for fast, visible repair and youthgenerating power, plus 360° Mesh Matrix Technology for cushioning support against micromovements. The new custom-designed cryo-steel wand, inspired by cyro-therapy, instantly cools the skin around the delicate eye area by 2°C, with effect lasting up to five minutes. It helps to increase micro-circulation, instantly reduce the look of puffiness and wake up tiredlooking eyes. The formula also targets under-eye lines, crow’s feet and “11” lines. Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair Eye Concentrate Matrix, 15 ml | $98


gET ROLLIn’ 有別於一般的玉質或石英滾輪,這款雙頭式按摩滾輪採用專業級別的不鏽鋼製成。可存 放於雪櫃或冰箱,它標榜可提供持久的冰感護理,把皮膚溫度降溫至7° C,促進微循環、蛋 白膠原生長及排毒。在早晚完成護膚程式後使用按摩滾輪令皮膚降溫,有助去水腫、收緊毛 孔、排毒,及促進皮膚對護膚成份的吸收能力,呈現剔透緊致的亮澤美肌。

Instead of jade or quartz, this dual-ended facial roller is made with professional-grade stainless steel. When stored in the fridge or freezer, it is purported to provide sustained delivery of cold therapy, chilling the skin to 7°C to help increase micro-circulation, collagen production and flush out toxins. Use morning and/or evening after applying your usual beauty routine, the cold temperature is said to help depuff, tighten pores, detoxify skin and enhance skincare absorption for a clearer, sculpted and more radiant appearance. Beauty Bio Skin Icing Glopro Cryo Roller For Face And Eyes, $100





scents L’ Art & La Matière系列是嬌蘭高級香水的瑰寶。17 款作品 中的每一款都源自品牌一種明星成份,並由調香師重新詮 釋,打造出獨一無二的香味。 The L’Art & La Matière collection is the crowning jewel of Guerlain’s haute parfumerie. Each of the 17 creations are born from the inspiration of one star ingredient, and reinterpreted by the perfumer to craft a unique scent. L’Art & La Matière 100 ml | $431, 200 ml | $630 L’Art & La Matière set of eight 10 ml miniatures | $431


Refinement, Relaunched Guerlain’s new l’art & la matière collection takes the art of fragrance to new heights Story | Leslie Yip


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Photography | Guerlain

L’ Art de Vivre家居香氛系列中的6款香薰蠟燭和3款香薰擴散器,將香氛藝術延伸 至生活空間。 A collection specially dedicated to the home, L’Art de Vivre perfumes one’s living space, perfectly complementing the Eaux de Parfum of the L’Art & La Matière collection. It includes six different trails for the scented candles and three for the scented diffusers. L’Art de Vivre Scented Candle 220 g | $220, 220g refill | $200 L’Art de Vivre Diffuser will be available in May 2022

L’ Art & La Matière藝術沙龍系列在、全球所有品牌專門店及指定 嬌蘭專櫃獨家發售。由玻璃名家Pochet du Courval製造的香氛瓶可以因應用者 喜好,打造個人化香氛瓶,自行選擇頂飾、綁帶、封緘和刻字 (字母、姓名或 短資訊);而特別限量版和鑲珠寶的頂飾則需另付$180。 Sold exclusively at, Guerlain boutiques and selected counters around the world, the refillable L’Art & La Matière bottles can also be customized. Free personalization service includes the choice of the plate placed on top of the stopper and the colour of the thread and tassel. The bottles can also be engraved with initials, a name or a short message. Exceptional limited-edition jewellery plates are also available for an additional $180

自1828年創立以來,嬌蘭崇尚唯美精神,將香氛昇華為藝術精 品,香水製作也因此成為品牌核心。香氣本身已是美藝傑作,卻也可以 同時從歌劇、繪畫、文學,甚至美食中汲取靈感。 Guerlain Haute Parfumerie高級訂製香水已經傳承了五代調香師, 在選配成份及調製技術上累積了博大精深的專業知識。而為了向香水愛 好者和博學的鑑賞家展示最稀有和最出色的香水,品牌於2005年推出 L’ Art & La Matière藝術沙龍香氛系列,薈集各具特色的獨家芳香傑作。 品牌最近為本來已有11款標誌性香水的藝術沙龍香氛系列壯大 陣容,加入了四款備受歡迎、重新命名的香水——Frenchy Lavande (前名Le Frenchy)、Herbes Troublantes( 前名Un Dimanche à la Campagne)、Œillet Pourpre(前名Lui)和Épices Volées(前名Arsène Lupin Voyou) ;以及兩款新香氛——Rose Chérie和Santal Pao Rosa。 Rose Chérie和Santal Pao Rosa均是向嬌蘭調香師最鍾愛的玫瑰致 敬之作。傾心玫瑰Rose Chérie是玫瑰魅香的清新柔和演繹,香氣浪漫 迷人,在輕柔薄紗似的嗅覺掩映下,綠色杏仁、淡粉紅色花瓣、明顯的 粉紅莓紅調,還有紫羅蘭香調,群芳爭艷。而Santal Pao Rosa則是檀 香的濃鬱花香演繹,體現於原木力量被柔美的玫塊花瓣包覆,在樹皮與 開花之間,綻現大量對比的香調,清新芳辛的小豆蔻作前奏,沉香和沒 藥形成較深沉的基調。 藝術沙龍香氛系列的17款佳品同時提供訂製個人專屬香氛瓶,從 優雅綴飾組合細意選擇,每個細節都貼心周到,用完後亦可重新補充, 讓瓶子煥變為恆久致遠的芬芳伴侶。 L’ Art de Vivre家居香氛系列,更是優雅地將香氛藝術延伸至生活 空間,不同香韻的香氛蠟燭令生活空間一室芳香,充滿嬌蘭別具的巴黎 式「妙不可言」特質。Les Matières Confidentielles個人香氛系列,只需 將清新香氣噴於肌膚上,又可灑於家居物品,滲入美麗物料,讓人切身 感受芬芳魔法。

Since 1828, the creation of fragrance has been at the heart of the House of Guerlain. It is seen as an art form in itself, while drawing inspiration from other art disciplines, such as opera, painting, literature and even fine dining. The tradition and culminated expertise in ingredients of Guerlain Haute Parfumerie has been passed down through five generations of perfumers. To showcase the rarest and most exceptional compositions for fragrance lovers and informed connoisseurs, the House created L’Art & La Matière in 2005, offering a collection of exclusive fragrances. Recently relaunched, the collection’s 11 iconic scents are joined by four of the house’s beloved fragrances, which have been renamed for the occasion: Frenchy Lavande, Herbes Troublantes, Œillet Pourpre and Épices Volées (formerly Le Frenchy, Un Dimanche à la Campagne, Lui and Arsène Lupin Voyou, respectively)—as well as by two new compositions: Rose Chérie and Santal Pao Rosa. These two original creations pay tribute to the rose, Guerlain perfumers’ most cherished flower. In Rose Chérie, a pure excess of rose takes to the throne in all of its most precious facets, soothed by powdery almond. Woody and powerful, Santal Pao Rosa makes artful use of the flower, gently enveloping the intense sandalwood. Taking inspiration from the Guerlain heritage, a new and iconic bottle, both customizable and refillable, further enhances the 17 Eaux de Parfum in the collection. Bringing together French refinement and the ritual of fragrance, the house is also extending the art of perfumery to the home. L’Art de Vivre offers a range of candles and diffusers, inviting one to embark on different scent journeys—from the Riviera to Russia—in the comfort of your home. For even more intimate settings, Les Matières Confidentielles offers refined fragrances to spray on the skin or one’s beloved linens and clothing.





shopping: XMAs gift guide

Amulette de Cartier necklace, $5,300,

Bond No. 9 lipstick, $678,


holiday gift guide find the best holiday gifts for everyone on your list 後疫情時代的聖誕新年值得大慶,精心挑選的節日禮 物是最好的心意表達。

Tiffany Knot drop earrings, $6,300,

Canada Goose snow mantra boots, $1,395,


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N°5 The Calendar Limited Edition, $1,025,

Louis Vuitton boots, $2,610,

Burberry card case, $280,

Gucci sunglasses, $1,490,

Dolce & Gabbana nylon down jacket $4,235,

for her Dior book tote, $4,700,

Chopard L’Heure du Diamant watch, $79,900,

Fendi First sandals, $2,100,

Michael Kors small logo suitcase, $578,

Oribe gold lust litre set, $370, ELITEGEN




shopping: XMAs gift guide Rolex Deepsea watch, $15,300,

Gucci Guilty black pour homme eau de toilette, 90ml | $180,

for him

Hifiman Susvara open-back planar magnetic headphones, $7,590,

Dior D-Player sneaker, $1,150,

Giorgio Armani sweater, $2,295, Zwilling Twinox seven-piece manicure Set, $559,

Cartier trinity ring, $1,610,

Berluti beosound balance Berluti edition, $5,350,


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Givenchy aviator sunglasses, $520,

Moncler paviot short down jacket, $2,700,

Canada Goose journey boots, $795,

Versace scarf, $650,

Bottega Veneta classic pillow briefcase, $3,970,

Tom Ford stretch cotton jeans, $1,130,

Louis Vuitton bike, $35,000, ELITEGEN




shopping: XMAs gift guide

Tiffany mini vases, $295, Breville Barista Express espresso maker, $900,

Marmot Col -40° sleeping bag, US$819,

for Home Gucci poker set with web, $7,970,

Versace teapot, $1,165,

Burberry cashmere blanket, $2,090,

Shark 6-Fan antiallergen air purifier, $600,

Jonathan Adler throw pillow, $250,

Soja & Co. Reed diffuser, $28,

Local floral basketball, $90, 54

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Matrix T75 XUR treadmill, $6,800,

Prada shearling dog harness, $1,420,

Schleich Farm World playset for 3-8 year olds, $44,

Gucci large Tian print notebook, $295,

D&G crossbody bag, $935, Tiffany dot piggy bank, $295,


Loewe water bottle, $340, Dior teddy bear, $480,

Balenciaga hoodie, $450,

Stella McCartney dress, $185,

Armani wool scarfand-beanie set, $627, Fendi micro baby kick scooter, $1,290,

Bonpoint printed leather shoes, From $245,






腕錶的正面齊備大日曆,星期和月份的顯示, 所有日曆資訊布置清晰,乾脆利落。 A grande date is displayed at the 5 o’clock position.


The four faces of JaegerLecouLTre The reverso hybris Mechanica calibre 185 Quadriptyque requires only one adjustment— after 1,111 years Story | Jin Cheng Photography | Jaeger-LeCoultre

積家創立至今製作過二百多款腕錶,創造出設計獨特 的Reverso,一枚可當兩枚用;2006年推出驚天動地的三面 Reverso Hybris Mechanica à Triptyque,這次又再下一城—— 造了足足有四面顯示的Reverso Hybris Mechanica Calibre 185 Quadriptyque,說它前無古人,短期內後無來者並不為過。


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Jaeger-LeCoultre has made more than 200 chiming watch calibres since 1870. But it was in 2006 that the Swiss luxury watch and clock manufacturer stunned the horology community with its Reverso Hybris Mechanica à Triptyque and its use of a tourbillon with a high-precision ellipse isometer escapement.

這枚四面腕錶擁有11項複雜功能,花了6年時間研 發。11項功能每一項都是陀飛輪、萬年曆、三問、天文顯 示等,全部都複雜且獨當一面,並被有條不紊地妥善安置 在51X31X15毫米的空間裡。 在腕錶的正面,一分鐘陀飛輪是懸浮式設計;大日曆 是日期和月份雙窗顯示,資訊佈置清晰,而且是即跳,乾 脆俐落。將錶殼拉出來翻轉,即時看到腕錶的第二面和第 三面。 第二面是三問功能的重地,敲鎚採用鉸接式 Trebuchet設計,水晶音簧被焊接在藍寶石水晶鏡,報時 聲會響亮又清脆。除了聽覺,適量鏤通的基板顯示出報時 時候三問機制的運作。 第三面是Reverso的基座,完全是另一片風光。這裡 彙集會合週期、交點週期和近點週期三種按月球運行軌跡 計算的天文顯示。最上面的月球是會合週期,為北半球所 看到的月相顯示,反映月球圍繞地球一週的軌跡,背後的 準確度極高,每1111年才出現一天誤差。月相左下方的太 陽及環繞的半月,是交點週期的縮影,月球、地球、太陽 連成一線時就會出現月食和日食現象。另外當月球最近地 球同時又是滿月之時,又會出現「超級月亮」的現象,月球 看起來比平時大14%。

This year, Jaeger-LeCoultre has unveiled the first watch in the world with four faces of timekeeping indications—the Reverso Hybris Mechanica Calibre 185 Quadriptyque—which was six years in the making. The 11 complications, including tourbillon, perpetual calendar and minute repeater mechanism, and the display of sidereal time, are all placed within the confines of a 51x31x15mm case. The recto face of the case shows the tourbillon in the 7 o’clock position, and the indications of a perpetual calendar as well. In addition, a grande date is displayed at the 5 o’clock position. With the slide of a lever located just above the crown, the Quadriptyque unleashes its melody. The striking works are completely exposed alongside a secondary time display, indicating the same time as the recto dial, but in a jumping-hours and peripheral-minutes format. Innovations, such as the crystal gongs that attach the repeater gongs directly, and the articulated trebuchet hammers that deliver a clean and strong strike to the gongs, allow JaegerLeCoultre minute repeaters to produce some of the loudest and clearest chiming available in a wristwatch. The Quadriptyque unites three displays of lunar information in a single wristwatch: the synodic cycle, the draconic cycle and the anomalistic cycle. This unique micromechanical combination of indications, located on the interior face of its cradle, allows the determination of eclipse events (both solar and lunar) and rare lunar phenomena, such as supermoons. Occupying the top half of the interior face of the cradle is a massive representation of the Northern Hemisphere moon phases. Southern Hemisphere phases are displayed on the exterior face. The Quadriptyque requires only one adjustment—after 1,111 years.

第三面一次過有齊會合週期、交 點週期和近點週期三種按月球運 行軌迹計算的天文顯示。 The Quadriptyque unites three displays of lunar information in a single wristwatch.






腕錶基座底部的第四面,放置了南半球的月相。 The four functioning display Southern Hemisphere moon phas.


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第四面是基座的底部,這裡放置的是南半球月相。機 芯的頂部裝了一支小針,每天淩晨12時,小針會伸出來按 下基座內相應的pin-set,第三、四面上的顯示便能自動調 節。所有天文顯示的機械部件都直接裝在基座裡,沒有機 芯基板,所以錶殼厚度沒有大增。

The secret to the timepiece’s four functioning display faces is that every day at midnight, a pin extends out of the main case movement to activate a mechanical corrector in the cradle, which then advances the cradle displays. The mechanism driving the cradle displays is set directly into the cradle itself, without any additional movement plates that would increase the thickness of the watch.

超卓複雜功能系列185型機械機芯翻轉腕錶 錶殼材質:白金 錶殼尺寸:51.2 x 31毫米 厚度:15.15毫米 機芯:積家185型手動上鏈機械機芯 功能: 第一面:時、分顯示,陀飛輪 (指示秒鐘) ,瞬跳萬年曆,大型日期 顯示,星期,月份,閏年,晝/夜顯示 第二面:數字式跳時小時顯示,分鐘顯示,三問報時 (配備避免靜 音出現的機制) 第三面:北半球月相顯示,交點月運週期 (月球高度) ,近點月運週 期 (近地點和遠地點) ,月份,年份 第四面:南半球月相顯示 動力儲存:50小時 防水深度:30米 錶帶:藍色鱷魚皮 編號:Q7103420 限量發行10枚

REVERSO HYBRIS MECHANICA CALIBRE 185 CASE MAtERIAL: White gold. CASE dIMENSIONS: 51x31x15 mm. MOVEMENt: Jaeger-LeCoultre Calibre 185, manually wound. FUNCtIONS: Face 1: Hour, Minute, tourbillon (indicating the second), Instantaneous Perpetual Calendar, Grande date, day, Month, Leap Year, Night & day. Face 2: Jumping digital Hour, Minute, Minute Repeater (with system avoiding dead time). Face 3: Northern Hemisphere Moon Phase, draconic Lunar Cycle (height of the moon), Anomalistic Lunar Cycle (apogee and perigee), Month, Year. Face 4: Southern Hemisphere Moon Phase. POWER RESERVE: 50 hours. WAtER RESIStANCE: 30M. StRAP: Blue alligator. LIMItEd EdItION: 10 pieces. US$1,350,000.



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GettinG tanked infinity aquarium brings the deep blue sea into your living room Story | Connie Li Photography | Infinity Aquarium Design 海洋世界總是有着神秘力量,教人把世俗繁囂拋諸腦後。儘管未 能輕易潛進深海,然而,若能將海洋世界帶進家裡,近距離欣賞色彩 繽紛、游曳姿態曼妙的魚群,同樣可以把人瞬間從俗世抽離,感受那 份難得的恬靜。


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The ability to observe the world’s most beautiful and exotic fish in your own home can instantly transport you to another world and take you out of your normal day-to day mindset.

在洛杉磯以南約一小時車程的一個安靜社區——Lido Isle,便有 着讓人逃離大城市繁忙節奏,抱擁輕鬆寫意生活的氛圍。Lido Isle是 備受具開創精神的企業家和業界領袖歡迎而組成的緊密社區,沿海均 是充滿美學設計和獨一無二度身興建的住宅。

About an hour south of Los Angeles, a quiet community has found a way to escape the big city’s frantic pace and embrace a more relaxed lifestyle. Lido Isle is a close-knit community of groundbreaking entrepreneurs and captains of industry, with a coastal aesthetic and one-of-a-kind custom designer homes.

今年,洛杉磯Infinity Aquarium Design水簇設計的聯合創始人Nic Tiemens便在其中一間豪華住宅安裝了一個大型海水魚缸,面積有家 庭廳整幅牆壁那麽大。

This year, Nic Tiemens, co-founder of Infinity Aquarium Design of Los Angeles, installed a large-scale saltwater aquarium that dominates an entire wall of the family room in one of these lavish homes.

這個特別度身定製、容量高達5,700公升的魚缸,長4.5米,深1.4 米,配有鋼鐵支架,備有14,000K色譜的定製LED照明裝置,以及完全 自動化的高端遙控過濾和監控系統。手工精製、放置魚缸的櫥櫃能夠 讓用者輕易進入魚缸的上方和下方,方便日常處理照料。

This customized 5,700-litre acrylic aquarium is 4.5 metres long and 1.4 metres deep, with a steel frame support stand. It has a custom LED lighting system with a 14,000K colour spectrum, a high-end remote filtration system with complete automation and a remote monitoring system. Its handcrafted custom cabinetry affords full access above and below the aquarium.





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山谷農舍硬景觀水族館。 Valley farmhouse hardscape aquarium.

充滿戲劇性背景的魚缸,佔據了家庭廳的大部分牆壁。無論 是從地面的幾乎任何地方、後園、碼頭,甚至每天在港口航行的 船隻都可以看到它。而刻意放在魚缸旁邊的桌球枱,更令這裡成 為讓人流連的好地方,可同時觀賞棲息在大魚缸中數以十計魚兒 的優美景致,放鬆身心。 設計這樣一個教人著迷大魚缸的Nic Tiemens是很考工夫 的︰「對屋主來說,他希望這個水族裝置能夠成為家庭廳的焦點所 在,營造出寧靜和諧的感覺。因此我們既要引進大規模的海洋元 素,卻又不會因此而跟室內其它部分有不成比例或欠缺凝聚力的 效果。」 由於大魚缸盛水後重量接近6,800公斤,所以在正式安裝之 前,需事先進行大型地板加固。同時,這樣一個大魚缸需要相 當多的配套設備,有多個組件須放到專屬的地庫位置和物業外 部。大部分過濾器材更需要遠離魚缸放置,以確保一定程度的安 靜。 這個大型水族魚缸透過整合材料和質感,結合了微妙的海灘 氛圍和精心規劃的農舍美學,叫每個看到的人都目不暇給,完美 呼應屋主希望成為焦點所在的原意。另外值得一提的是,它還創 造了一個逼真的微型海洋世界,即使是最富經驗的潛水員也讚嘆 不已。 如欲查詢更多相關資訊,可瀏覽網址。

The aquarium provides a dramatic backdrop that takes up the majority of the wall in the main living space. It can be seen from almost anywhere on the ground floor, as well as the backyard, the boat dock and even from the many sailboats that navigate the harbour on a daily basis. Strategically placed next to the aquarium is a billiards table that offers a permanent invitation to hang out, relax and enjoy a perfect view of the dozens of exotic fish that inhabit the tank. “The objective for this project was to bring the ocean element into the home on a grand scale, without the aquarium being disproportional or lacking cohesiveness with the rest of the interior,” says Tiemens. “It was important to the homeowners that the aquarium be the focal point of the room and create a sense of tranquility. The level of customization in this home is extensive and the sheer size of the aquarium created a few challenges. First, the weight of the water approaches 6,800 kilograms, which required heavy-duty floor reinforcement before aquarium installation could even begin. Additionally, the amount of equipment required for the aquarium to function resulted in several components being located in a dedicated basement, as well as spotting others along the exterior of the property. Most of the filtration equipment needed to be placed away from the tank to ensure a level of quietness. This aquarium combines a subtle beach vibe with a custom farmhouse aesthetic by integrating materials and textures to provide a true focal point. It also creates a realistic, saltwater aquatic exhibit that would grab the endless attention of even the most experienced diver. For information:





interior design


genuinely Simple lammhults a steel tube furniture dynasty Story | Zu Hui Photography | Courtesy of Lammhults

Sunny by Gunilla Allard and Note Design Studio 設計團隊希望將傳統躺椅 「軟化」 ,見到Sunny就感受到那種 慵懶氣氛。 A traditional easy chair that’s plush and inviting. 64

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interior design

Teius by Andres Nilson X-WORKS 2.0辦公室組合絕對雅緻又多巧能。 A classy and multi-functional design for X-WORKS 2.0 offices.

Corso by Peter Andersson 實物就像設計師畫簿上的2D畫。 True to form as the designer’s 2D sketch.


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Portus by Johannes Foersom and Peter Hiort-Lorenzen 將你包到實的梳化,高背的設計好適合講秘密。 Get a hug, and have a secret whisper wrapped up in the high-back chair.

筆者有朋友是superhero狂迷,家裡儲落一大堆Iron Man鐵甲奇俠玩具。 瑞典Lammhults不是鐵甲奇俠,而是鋼管家族。他們大半世紀以來都是生產鋼 管家具。潮流有更替設計會改動,但這個鋼管家族六十多年前開始用鋼管造 家具,直至現在仍然是以鋼管家具為中心,一條鋼管貫穿不知多少酒店學校 教堂辦公室以至家居。 提到北歐品牌,第一時間總會聯想到實木家具。線條柔柔順順,木面看 似啞色不過摸上手又光滑細緻。不過瑞典Lammhults的代表作,會令你想起 六、七十年代的白蘭地杯,放在玻璃面的不銹鋼茶几上;酒店電梯大堂以至 辦公室招待處的不銹鋼管梳化。Lammhults在六十年代尾推出的S70系列就 是這一派家具其中一個源頭。六十年代尾Lammhults希望自己家具可以更加 摩登,炮製個招牌作要人一眼就認得。他們找來組合Lindau & Lindekrantz設 計一系列鋼管家具。設計師將鋼管變得更粗更大,並且將它屈曲成S型作為結 構。由於S70系列鋼管好粗那個S型好易認,Lammhults就索性用搶眼色彩, 將鋼管與抱枕瘋狂撞色。整個S70系列就變得好堅固好搶眼,但其設計明明非 常簡潔又合理,而且設計S70的年代,由設計師以至生產商都非常佛心,它有 考慮到家具日後要修理及替換,好好用它真可以坐一世,跟現在的商品千方 百計縮短產品壽命,迫你年年轉款造成地球大災難不可同日而語。自此S70令 Lammhults在北歐設計上佔一席位,用好簡潔線條弄一些七彩家具出來,幾十 年來亦成為Lammhults的標誌。S70由六十年代尾生產到今時今日,你上網可 以買到當年生產的古董,今日亦可以買由同一品牌製作的新品。

Swedish brand Lammhults has been creating steel tube furniture for more than half a century. While trends and designs have evolved over the years, the company has stayed true to its basic concept, providing furniture for businesses, schools and homes for 75 years. Scandinavian brands have traditionally been associated with wooden furniture. However, Lammhults is known for such things as glass-top, stainless-steel side tables and stainlesssteel settees common in hotel reception areas or office lobbies. Lammhults launched its S70 collection in 1968, teaming up with Lindau & Lindekrantz to design a collection of steel tube furniture that featured upsized steel tubes and bent S-shaped structures. Lammhults added sharp colours to for contrast, making the sturdy S70 collection very eye-catching yet minimalistic. The designers and manufacturers also conscientiously made the pieces to last, a far cry from modern merchandise that often needs to be disposed of after a short time. The S70 collection established Lammhults on the Scandinavian design landscape with its clean lines and colourful designs. The collection is still in production today, and you can shop online for these vintage pieces, along with the brand’s new designs.





interior design

坐上舒適看上輕巧的Sunny又適合放在機場/酒店等公共場所。 Sunny is comfortable to sit in and has a light look to it. It’s ideal for public places, like airports and hotels.

Dexter by Andreas Farkas 不坐,放在戶外一樣賞心閱目。 Striking to look at outdoors.


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Campus by Johannes Foersom and Peter Hiort-Lorenzen 優雅輕柔的Campus Chair。 Elegant and plush campus chairs.

S70 by Lindau & Lindekrantz 有股濃濃的七、八十年代氣氛襲來……幸好當年好設計今日仍在生產。 Back to the ’70s and ’80s, and still in production today.


Born CLaSSiC

瑞典室內設計雜誌《Sköna Hem》從90年起,每年都會表揚年度好設計。 今年Lammhults的Sunny椅就成為Furniture of the Year 2021。如前所述, Sunny這個新設計,都是建基於品牌幾十年的鋼管生產技術。

Swedish interior design magazine Sköna Hem has been recognizing outstanding designs since 1990. The publication’s Furniture of the Year 2021 winner is Lammhults’ Sunny chair, which bears all the hallmarks of the brand’s decades-long steel tube furniture making. Sunny was also named winner of the Born Classic 2021 award.

Sunny乃一款見到就舒服想坐的鋼管椅,它更是一個模塊化的座椅系列: 你可以獨坐,又可以將多張合而為一,又可以配搭不同組件改變用途。設計 Sunny時,他們想的是加利福尼亞的Eames House:內裡規模、細節、材料以 至這一時期建築,都是他們靈感來源。總之設計要多功能,每個細節都仔細斟 酌。另一個任務,就是在視覺上觸覺上「軟化」經典的躺椅:設計要低、軟、放 鬆、涼爽。比經典躺椅夢幻一點,做到公私不分,家居與公共場所同樣合用。 設計師又想盡量慳儉,減少無謂物料之餘又要保持舒適,所以椅子很多組件都 是活用了Lammhults本來已經有的技術。瑞典室內設計雜誌《Sköna Hem》認 為,椅子的首要功能,一定是舒適。Sunny夠寬大,而且它是引誘你用最個人 的坐姿坐上去,它穩固結構毋懼你千變萬化的衰坐姿,高矮肥瘦人士一樣合 適。 除了年度最佳,亦有即時經典。Peter Andersson在他的畫簿為 Lammhults描繪Corso躺椅之前,已經研究過品牌幾十年來的經典。他得出一 個結論:就是這批鋼管家具結構都非常鮮明,但沒有半點複雜以及多餘的細 節。設計好有表現力之餘,設計又真的好簡單!如是者,設計師就想Corso的 實物,設計成好像他畫簿上的草稿一樣。 設計師想象在圖書館見到Corso,就想躺下看書。或者在酒店大堂放鬆休 息,手上要有杯Prosecco。或者一整日在外東奔西跑,回到老家就看到Corso 在客廳。像其它Lammhults的產品一樣,Corso很容易拆開以進行更換或回 收。椅子被斯德哥爾摩家具博覽會和拍賣行選為Born Classic,拍賣行代表覺 得Corso令他們想起德國著名設計師Erich Dieckmann的作品。外觀好夠舒服 之餘,無論用料及生產方法都符合環保原則。

Sunny is described as “modular comfortable seating” with a plush look. it is modular because it can be flexibly configured, as a single seat, a set of settees or assembled for lounge seating. The designers of Sunny were inspired by California’s Eames House, a landmark of mid-20th century modern architecture. The chair is multi-functional, with attention to every detail. it was also conceptualized as soft lounge seating that is “a little lower, a little softer, a little more relaxed, a little cooler, a little dreamier and a cross-border between public and private.” The designers also minimized the use of materials without sacrificing comfort—elements synonymous with Lammhults. The chair is spacious and sturdy for people of any size and shape, who can collapse into it any way they like. Before sketching the Corso easy chair for Lammhults, Peter andersson studied the brand’s classics over the years. He felt the steel tube furniture was well defined, without complication and unnecessary details—good, genuine, simple designs. He envisioned the Corso in a library and easing into it with a book, or relaxing in a hotel lobby with a glass of Prosecco, or slipping into it at home after a busy day. Like other Lammhults products, Corso is easy to take apart.







Luxury at the far reaches of canada top ranked fogo Island Inn all about sustainability and charity Story | Renée S. Suen

Photo credit: Bent Rene Synnevag 70

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有時候度假便是要遠離繁囂,給自己清空的機會。紐芬蘭的 Fogo Island Inn便是刻意選擇建於偏遠地方,然而「山不在高, 有仙則名」,自2013年成立以來,這家與別不同的酒店吸引了世 界各地有高要求和講究的遊客,連續幾年高踞多家知名旅遊刊物 「世界頂級酒店排行榜」前列位置。除獨特地理位置以外,酒店秉 承可持續發展的原則,尊重自然和文化,尤其是對藝術的堅持, 也令人嚮往。 由出生於紐芬蘭的挪威建築師Todd Saunders設計,Fogo Island Inn採用現代方法建造,融合了生態和自我維持系統,包 括節約能源和用水的最新技術,以屋頂上的太陽能熱板來提供熱 水滿足地暖、洗衣和廚房設備所需。現代化建築以高蹺狀鋼柱和 裸露的基岩為特色,讓人聯想到傳統捕魚海岸,以及Fogo島北 緣岩石上的木製建築。這座簡單的線性建築採用當地採購和碾磨 的黑雲杉覆蓋,呈X形平面,兩層的建築組座跟四層的建築組座 相交。 英國室內和家具設計師Ilse Crawford為酒店配備了由當地木 工在島上製作的定製家具、訴說故事般的牆紙設計,以及島上匠 人社區製作的精美被子和鉤狀地毯等紡織品。

Newfoundland’s remote Fogo Island Inn has garnered the attention of luxury travellers everywhere and has been ranked on travel publications’ lists of top hotels worldwide for years running. Launched in 2013, the luxury property is deeply entrenched in a sense of place, adhering to the principles of sustainability and respect for nature and culture, especially the arts. Designed by Newfoundland-born, Norway-based architect Todd Saunders, the Inn was built using modern methods that integrate ecological and self-sustaining systems, including the latest technologies to reduce and conserve energy and water usage. Rainwater from the roof is collected in two cisterns in the basement and subsequently filtered for use in toilets, laundry and kitchen appliances. Solar panels on the roof provide the energy needed to heat water for radiant heating. Its contemporary architecture features stilt-like steel pillars and expose the bedrock beneath. Clad in local-sourced and milled black spruce, the simple linear building has an X-shaped plan that has a two-storey wing and an intersecting four-storey wing. Inside, British interior and furniture designer Ilse Crawford outfitted the inn with bespoke furniture made on Fogo Island by local woodworkers, storytelling wallpaper designs and textiles, such as the stunning quilts and hooked rugs crafted by the Island’s artisan community.






Photo credit: Alex Fradkin

Photo credit: Paddy Barry


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房間 這家屢獲殊榮的酒店內有29間各有特色的客房和套房,全都擁 有落地大玻璃窗,飽覽Little Fogo群島和浩瀚北大西洋全景。房間 面積由350平方呎至1,100呎不等,三樓和四樓的客房還配備了自己 的燃木火爐。四樓房間的天花板順着屋頂的坡度,東側三個房間更 設有睡眠區的閣樓。家庭套房最多可容納4人入住,有些還設有額 外的洗手間。 供兩人居住的客房,除客廳、浴缸、步入式淋浴間和燃木火爐 外,Sunrise和Sunset兩款套房均是三邊都有窗——Sunset套房朝 西,在房間浸泡浴缸時可以欣賞到絢麗的日落景色;Sunrise套房則 朝東,懸挑在酒店的兩層支柱上,最是適宜觀賞日出和遠處漁船穿 梭進出Joe Batt’ s Arm港口的景象。 佔據酒店朝東轉角位置的是第29號房間——Flat Earth套房, 1100平方呎的單位內有複式設計和三面落地窗,享有東、南和北三 個方向的壯麗景色,擁有寬敞的起居區,配置幾件獨特傳統家具、 閣樓臥室和一個額外的洗手間。

設施 樓高兩層的建築翼座是住客共用設施所在,包括由Fogo Island Arts策劃的藝術畫廊、餐廳、酒吧、休息室,以及專門研究當地的 圖書館。酒店的健身室、與加拿大國家電影委員會合作的電影院、 備有三角鋼琴的Gathering Hall會議室則在二樓。而四樓的屋頂平台 有酒店的室外水療中心,在那裡邊享受傳統的北歐燃木桑拿浴室和 以木包覆的熱水浴缸,同時可欣賞到北大西洋的壯麗景色。

ROOMS With floor-to-ceiling windows, each of the award-winning property’s 29 one-of-a-kind rooms and suites have panoramic views of the Little Fogo Islands and formidable North Atlantic Ocean. Besides varying in size (350 to 1,100 square feet), guest rooms located on the third and fourth floors also have their own woodburning stove.

Photo credit: Fogo Island Inn

Rooms on the fourth floor have ceilings that follow the slope of the roof, while three rooms on the east side feature a mezzanine floor with a sleeping area. Families up to four would be comfortable in the Family suites, which all have a separate sleeping alcove in addition to the main master bed area, with some having an extra washroom. For a unique stay for two—besides the sitting area, bathtub, walk-in shower and wood stove—both the Sunrise and Sunset suites have windows on three sides. Where the Sunset toom is oriented to the west and offers expansive sunset views from the room’s soaker tub, the east-facing Sunrise suite is cantilevered over the inn’s twostorey stilts, which offers a perfect view of sunrises and the distant fishing boats ducking in and out of Joe Batt’s Arm harbour. Meanwhile, the unique Flat Earth suite (Room 29) is a 1,100-square-foot corner unit that’s orientated east. With commanding views to the north, east and south—thanks to its distinctive two-storey design and floor-to-ceiling windows on three sides—it has a sprawling living area with several pieces of distinctive heritage furniture, lofted sleeping quarters and an extra washroom.

AMENITIES The two-storey wing houses the public facilities, including an art gallery curated by Fogo Island Arts, a dining room, bar and lounge, and a library that specializes in local content. The inn’s gym, cinema (that has a partnership with the National Film Board of Canada) and Gathering Hall meeting room with a grand piano can be accessed on the second floor. Head to the fourth-floor roof deck to enjoy the inn’s outdoor spa, which features a traditional Scandinavian wood-fired sauna and wood-clad hot tubs, plus spectacular views of the North Atlantic.

Photo credit: Steffen Jagenburg






Photo credit: Alex Fradkin

Photo credit: Fogo Island Inn


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Photo credit: Alex Fradkin

Photo credit: Fogo Island Inn



在被北大西洋美景環繞的餐廳內,客人可享用因應季 節、每日不同的時鮮菜餚。酒店的烹飪團隊以提供精心採購 的食物而備受讚譽,菜單中使用的都是Fogo島野生捕撈、狩 獵和養殖的食材。作為Regenerative Travel成員,餐廳所供 應的是在Fogo島周圍水域捕撈的海鮮和魚類,包括人手垂 釣、Oceanwise推薦的北大西洋鱈魚和螃蟹。菜單以當地時 鮮為重點,例如扇貝、鹽漬鱈魚、醃製當地羊腿和海藻等。

Dine on daily-changing dishes that are guided by the island’s seasons in a room that’s wrapped by views of the North Atlantic. Praised for serving thoughtfully sourced food, the inn’s culinary team utilizes the fresh fish caught off Fogo Island and incorporates hunted, farmed and foraged local ingredients in its contemporary cuisine. The member of Regenerative Travel serves seafood and fish, including hand-line caught North Atlantic cod which is Oceanwise recommended, as well as crab.

距離酒店僅幾步之遙、於2019年開業的The Shed,是 一個多用途場所,適合小組聚會、活動和休閒餐飲。讓人感 覺輕鬆的空間由煤油燈照亮,定期供應螃蟹晚餐,以及由來 自社區人士現場表演音樂和說故事。

特色 Fogo Island Inn獨特的社區接待計劃Shorefest將可持續 旅行體驗提升到另一層次,讓客人全面沉浸在當地社區發展 和文化保護中。在特別安排的半天行程中,客人在來自當地 原居民大使們的帶領下,瞭解Fogo島的人文、社會、經濟和 環境特色,感受他們對自己家園的熱情,也分享他們對當地 文化和歷史的知識。

宗旨 由Fogo島第八代原島民Zita、Alan和Anthony Cobb於 2006年有份創立的加拿大慈善機構Shorefast Foundation, 以保育Fogo島為宗旨,透過建造Fogo Island Inn吸引世界各 地的旅客,傳達島上的文化與居民的生活智慧,刺激島嶼經 濟,所有運營盈餘再投資於更多慈善工作。當中一位被公認 有遠見的酒店經營者Zita在2016年因Shorefest 和Fogo島社 區合作計劃而獲得加拿大勳章,並於2020年入選加拿大商業 名人堂。

Regionally focused, the menu may feature scallops with parsnips and rhubarb jelly, salt cod and shaved turnip, cured local sheep leg, marinated foraged seaweed and more. Just steps from the inn is The Shed, a multi-purpose venue for small group gatherings, events and casual dining. Less formal, the space is lit by kerosene lamps and regularly serves a crab supper in a jovial atmosphere of live music and stories from community hosts.

SHOREFEST Taking the sustainable travel experience to another level, Fogo Island Inn’s unique Community Host Program, offers guests a holistic immersion into community development and cultural preservation. Encompassing human, social, economic and environmental factors, the half-day, customized island orientation matches guests with a local community member. These host ambassadors are lifelong Fogo Islanders, who are passionate about their home and eager to share their knowledge of its culture and history. For many who visit the serene property, it’s this initiative that makes the stay truly special. It’s also the mandate of Shorefest, the charity that owns Fogo Island Inn, which aims to secure economic and cultural resilience for the singular rural place using business-minded means. Founded by eighth-generation Fogo Islanders Zita, Alan and Anthony Cobb in 2006, the social business reinvests all operating surpluses into further charitable work A recognized visionary, innkeeper Zita was awarded the Order of Canada in 2016 for Shorefest’s work in collaboration with the community of Fogo Island to help secure a more resilient future. She was also inducted into the Canadian Business Hall of Fame in 2020.






Photo credit: Alex Fradkin

除了成立包括Fogo Island Inn在內的創新型社會 企業,Shorefest還支持Fogo Island Workshop(前身為 Fogo Island Woodshop),以及出售優質和可持續的魚 類和海鮮給加拿大精選高級餐廳的Fogo Island Fish。慈 善活動方面,包括在Fogo Island Arts舉辦備受追捧的藝 術家駐場計劃,這是一個面向全球藝術家、作家和思想 家的當代藝術場所。它還開創了經濟營養認證標誌,以 一種透明度工具,在地理和運營上向當地或全球經濟展 示「住宿的資金去向」。

In addition to setting up innovative social enterprises, Shorefest is behind Fogo Island Workshop (formerly the Woodshop on Fogo Island) and Fogo Island Fish, which sells premium and sustainable fish and seafood to select fine restaurants in Canada. Their charitable initiatives include the highly sought-after artist-in-residence program at Fogo Island Arts, a contemporary arts venue for artists, writers and thinkers from around the globe.



位於紐芬蘭東北海岸附近,屬於亞北極氣候的Fogo 島,可以進行的陸地和海上活動多的是,大家甚至說島 上一年有七個不同季節的活動:十二月初到二月的嚴冬 進行各種雪上運動、三月則可欣賞海上浮冰、四至五月 的春天則於叢林追蹤紅花綠葉和開始出現的海洋動物、 六月是捕鱈魚的好時機、七至八月滿是炎夏活動、九和 十月的初秋是摘取莓果的最佳季節、十一月下旬是體會 島上一天裡的天氣變化。遊人既可考慮乘船觀鯨或海 鸚,亦可由導遊帶領徒步旅行,探索該的原始荒野。其 它活動還包括參觀造船、與Fogo Clay Studios合作陶 器製作、藝術工作坊和烹飪示範,及如何以傳統方式 劈柴、鳥類狩獵或採摘漿果等。在著名的Fogo Island Workshop選購當地製造的木製品和紡織品,淨收益將用 於支持Shorefest的未來慈善工作。


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It also pioneered the innovative Economic Nutrition certification mark for its social businesses, a tool of transparency that demonstrates “where the money from a stay goes,” both geographically and operationally towards the local or global economy.

While there’s plenty to do on land and at sea, much of them are guided by the island’s equivalent of seven seasons: Winter, Pack-Ice, Spring, Trap Berth, Summer, Berry and Late Fall. Located off the northeast coast of Newfoundland, the island’s subarctic climate permits the growth of fascinating lichen specimens, summertime wildflowers and multiple varieties of edible berries in the fall. In addition to birds and sea mammals (consider a boat tour to watch whales or spot puffins), there are wandering herds of caribou, as well as the solitary fox. For hikers, there are inland and coastal trails that let you access the area’s untamed wilderness, plus guided geology hikes. Other activities include an introduction to boat-building and pottery-making, in partnership with Fogo Clay Studios. There are also art workshops and culinary demonstrations, like a traditional boil-up where your host shares the tradition while cutting winter firewood, bird hunting or berry picking. The renowned Fogo Island Workshop retails locally made woodworks and textiles, with net proceeds going to Shorefest to support the charity’s ongoing work.

Photo credit: Alex Fradkin

Photo credit: Fogo Island Inn



2022年以二人一房的的住宿費用由每晚$2,075起, 至少入住3晚。費用包括全程膳食、半天環島遊和大部 分遊覽。作為客人無需付小費的酒店,員工分享的是佔 酒店總收入15%的獎金。

For 2022, rates start at $2,075 per night based on two-person occupancy, with a minimum three-night stay. Pricing includes the complete hospitality experience (meals, half-day island orientation and most excursions). As a non-tipping property, staff share in a bonus pool that comprises 15 per cent of the inn’s top-line revenue.

交通 距離Fogo Island Inn最近的國際機場是紐芬蘭的 Gander(YQX),因此前往該市的最佳路線是通過位於新 斯高沙省的Halifax(YHZ)和紐芬蘭的St.John's(YYT)的國 際機場。到達Gander後,既可選擇陸路交通,乘搭到 Fogo島的渡輪,然後再短途驅車抵達酒店;亦可選擇由 Gander或St.John's乘坐定翼飛機、直升機或直升機包機 服務扺達。

COVID-19相應措施 配合紐芬蘭和拉布拉多省政府制定的旅遊指示,酒 店也調整了營運模式,採取預防措施以確保公眾健康。 除了遵循嚴格的衛生標準,酒店還於客人整個旅程中, 將緩解COVID-19風險排在首位而實施全面預防保護措施。 酒店在過去一年進行多項升級,包括通過逐步以使 用可持續的麻織物來淘汰棉織物,進一步減輕碳足跡; 酒店還迎來新貌,重新整理家具,並重新配置在屋頂的 熱水浸浴,讓客人在觀賞日落或大西洋美景時,有更佳 角度觀星。節目安排方面,擴展體驗活動,採取更多在 自然和開放空間中以一對一活動形式,配合Covid-19的 健康和安全考量。 如欲查詢更多相關資料和預訂房間,可電郵至;又或是致電北美客戶 熱線︰855-268-9277,國際客戶熱線︰709-658-3444。

HOW TO GET THERE The closest commercial airport to Fogo Island is in Gander (YQX), which can be reached through airports in Halifax (YHZ) or St. John’s (YYT). To reach Fogo Island from Gander, you can take ground transportation to the Fogo Island ferry, followed by a short drive to the inn, or access Fogo Island’s small airstrip utilizing fixed-wing and helicopter services.

COVID-19 PROTOCOLS AND UPGRADES The inn is following provincial regulations and has adapted its operations to ensure preventative measures are in place to protect and promote public health. Besides following stringent sanitation protocols, the inn has implemented a comprehensive set of measures along the entire guest journey to prioritize COVID-19 risk mitigation. The inn has also undertaken a number of upgrades to the property to lighten its carbon footprint, including the phasing out of cotton fabric in favour of more sustainable linen alternatives. Experiential activities were adapted to Covid-19 health and safety protocols, in the form of more one-on-one activities in nature and open spaces. The inn has also refreshed its look, refinishing furniture and reconfiguring the rooftop hot tubs to improve their elevation for better stargazing during nighttime soaks or viewing sunsets. Fogo Island Inn 210 Main Rd. Joe Batt’s Arm, Newfoundland For more information and bookings, call 855-268-9277 or email at reservations@







A CulinAry EntErtAinmEnt ExpEriEnCE At AtlAs stEAk + Fish Story | Kenson Ho Photography | Atlas Steak + Fish


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48安士戰斧牛扒, 非常適合與家人和 朋友分享。 The 48-ounce tomahawk steak is perfect for sharing amongst family and friends.

Atlas餐廳可容納172人。 Atlas proudly seats 172.

如果你想外出享受一頓豐盛可口的晚餐,有獨特的用餐 和娛樂體驗,不妨考慮前往Atlas Steak + Fish。

If you are looking for a delicious dinner and a unique dining experience, then consider Atlas Steak + Fish.

Atlas Steak + Fish位於本拿比Delta Hotels by Marriott Burnaby Conference Centre,毗鄰世界級博彩活動場所 Grand Villa賭場,是Gateway Casino創建的品牌,也在蘭 里和甘碌市的Cascade賭場、愛民頓的Grand Villa賭場和 Starlight賭場營業,並共用精心設計的菜單。

Located at Delta Hotels by Marriott Burnaby Conference Centre, next to the world-class gaming action at the popular Grand Villa Casino, Atlas Steak + Fish is a brand created by Gateway Casino and Entertainment, which operates 27 gaming facilities in B.C., Alberta and Ontario.

Delta Hotels by Marriot酒店於2017年對以前的餐廳進 行大規模翻新,Atlas Steak + Fish就此誕生。餐廳配備了半 私人角落和私人貴賓廳,可容納172人用餐。 eliteGen最近會見了Delta Hotels by Marriot酒店的餐飲 業務高級經理James Thomson。Thomson來自溫尼伯,於 2014年加入Delta Hotels Burnaby Conference Centre。

Its restaurants, which all share the same well-designed menu, can also be found at Cascade Casinos in Langley and Kamloops, and Grand Villa Casino and Starlight Casino in Edmonton. In 2017, after an extensive renovation of the previous restaurant, Atlas Steak + Fish Burnaby was born. The restaurant seats 172, including semi-private corners and a private dining room. eliteGen recently met with James Thomson, senior manager of food and beverage operations for Delta Hotels by Marriott, for a Q&A. Originally from Winnipeg, Thomson joined the Delta Hotels Burnaby Conference Centre in 2014.






行政主廚James Thomson把不同的肉類放進Josper。 Executive Chef James Thomson is putting all kinds of meat into the Josper oven.

冷凍海鮮塔不僅新鮮可口,而且視覺上非常壯觀。 The Cold Seafood Tower is not only fresh and delicious, but visually spectacular.


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時令鮮蠔永遠受歡迎。 Seasonal fresh oysters are all-time favourites.

在桌邊燃燒的火焰雪山。 The Baked Alaska is flambéed table-side.

eG:Atlas Steak + Fish的「美食娛樂」概念是什麼? James Thomson:Atlas Steak + Seafood扭轉了標 誌性的北美牛扒館概念,帶來一種嬌媚和時尚的風格。 在這裡,我們會為某些菜餚提供桌邊服務,讓客人可以 近距離體驗食物準備過程。例如,凱撒沙拉、暖菠菜和 羽衣甘藍沙拉、配我們招牌戰斧牛扒的馬達加斯加青椒 醬汁,以及在桌邊燃燒的火焰雪山。周五和周六的娛樂 活動包括現場鋼琴演奏。 eG:請談談戰斧牛扒及其製作方式。 JT:其實戰斧牛扒和肋眼牛扒,是從牛的同一部位 切割下來的。一個顯著的區別是從戰斧牛扒上突出的骨 頭。我們的Cowboy Ribeye肋眼牛扒重16安士,適合一 人食用,48安士的戰斧牛扒,則非常適合與家人和朋友 分享。戰斧牛扒是從手工屠宰的牛身獲得,在Josper烤 箱中烤成,這種烤箱來自西班牙的設計,以豆科灌木為 燃料,既不使用燃氣也不使用電力。 由於戰斧牛扒脂肪含量高,烹調的最佳方法是從較 低溫度開始,然後慢慢提升。如果太快使用高溫,會把肉 的外層燒焦,而牛扒裡面的大理石花紋脂肪不能如預期的 那樣溢出。在較低溫度下烹飪,肉質會更嫩更入味。當客 人點菜時,我們會建議生熟程度不低於三成至半熟。 eG:Atlas還有哪些其它的招牌菜? JT:我們的冷凍海鮮塔有1/2隻大西洋龍蝦、帝王 蟹腿、時令鮮蠔、青口、水煮大蝦、杜松子酒雞尾酒醬 汁、香檳醋汁,以冰塊和乾冰中冷藏盛上。這道菜式不 僅新鮮可口,而且視覺上非常壯觀。 eG:你的烹飪哲學是什麼?從哪裡獲取靈感? JT:我不會過度擺弄食材,保持菜餚簡單但重點突 出是非常重要,從任何地方我都可以獲取靈感,比如自 然界中的事物,以及我自己的經歷。我們的新菜色發展 團隊努力地跳出框框思考,成就了只有在Atlas才能體驗 的美食之旅。 我們豐盛的酒庫存有從卑詩省和美國加利福尼亞 州,以至世界各地的入門到優質餐酒,可以滿足每個人 的需求。我們還有一個極具吸引的雞尾酒系列,包括多 種經典和新創意的選擇。

經典的Old Fashioned,在桌邊加煙才呈獻。 The classic Old Fashioned, smoked tableside before presented to customers.

Q: What is the concept of culinary entertainment at Atlas Steak + Fish? A: Atlas Steak + Fish is a flirtatious and modern twist on the iconic North American steakhouse. We provide table-side service for some of our dishes, where customers can experience the food preparation up close. While the serving team enjoys demonstrating their extra talent, guests find the experience engaging and entertaining. Examples include the Caesar Salad, Warm Spinach and Kale Salad, the Madagascar Green Peppercorn Sauce for our signature Tomahawk Steak and the exciting Baked Alaska that is flambéed table-side. On Fridays and Saturdays, part of the entertainment includes live piano music. Q: Please talk about the famous Tomahawk Steak and the way it’s prepared. A: The tomahawk and ribeye are cut from the same area of the cow. One notable difference is the bone that protrudes from the tomahawk steak. Our Cowboy Ribeye is 16 ounces and is geared towards being for one person, whilst our Tomahawk Steak is 48 ounces and is perfect for sharing amongst family and friends. Our tomahawk is hand-butchered and grilled to perfection in our Spanish-designed, mesquite-fired Josper oven that uses neither gas nor electricity. Because of its high fat content, the best way to cook a tomahawk steak is to start with a lower temperature, then work your way up. If you go too hot too quickly, then you char the outside of the meat a bit too much and don’t allow the fat marbling inside the steak to render down as much as you want. When cooked at a lower temperature, meat will be more tender and flavourful. When customers order, we would recommend nothing less than medium rare to medium. Q: What are the other signature dishes? A: Our Cold Seafood Tower with a half Atlantic lobster, king crab legs, seasonal oysters, mussels, poached jumbo prawns, gin cocktail sauce and champagne vinegar mignonette, is served chilled in ice and dry ice. It is not only fresh and delicious, but visually spectacular. Q: What is your philosophy in cooking and where do you get your inspiration from? A: I do not over-manipulate things and keep dishes simple but focused. I get inspiration from anywhere, like ingredients in nature, and through my own experiences. Our culinary development team contributes their collaborative effort and thinks outside the box to create a food journey that can only be experienced at Atlas. As for pairing exquisite food with wine, our extensive wine inventory has something for everyone, with elementary level to premium wine from B.C. and California, and other parts of the world. We also have a fascinating cocktail program, with a variety of classics and new creations. Delta Hotels by Marriott Burnaby Conference Centre, 2nd floor 4331 Dominion St. 604-453-0776 ELITEGEN





「Imagine Picasso」 以「Image Totale」 手法展示畫面,喚醒了觀賞者的所有感 官,使他們有如身臨其境地欣賞藝作。 Image Totale technology immerses viewers into the heart of the paintings, allowing them to fully experience the power of Picasso’s work.


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Picasso’s artwork in origami style Story | Iris Yim Photography | Imagine Picasso & Jean Sebastien Baciu 沉浸式展覽潮流方興未艾,今年在溫哥華的各大師藝作展一 個接一個,繼三月份「Imagine Van Gogh」展出成功,「Da Vinci Experience」七月份開展,進入秋季,溫哥華會展中心又迎來了 「Imagine Picasso」。

The immersive exhibition phenomenon is on the rise. Following the successful Imagine Van Gogh and Da Vinci Experience exhibitions earlier this year, the works of another master was recently on display at the Vancouver Convention Centre.






當把畫作多重投影到場館的地板、牆壁、螢幕及摺紙式裝置上時,為觀眾提供了獨特而新穎的立體視角。 Viewers get an up-close look at the brush strokes of each painting.


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畢加索(Pablo Picasso,1881-1973)對現代藝術影響深遠,許他為現 代藝術之父絕不為過。畢加索可說是有史以來最多產的創意天才,在他七 十多年的創作生涯中,創作了約65,000件藝術品。他的繪畫歷程是一步一 足跡,從新古典主義、藍色時期、玫瑰時期、立體主義等以至超現實主義 各個時期畫風的變革和創新,不斷重塑自我,通過多種藝術媒介,包括繪 畫、素描、版畫、雕塑和陶瓷等,徹底改變自己固有的形式和畫風,探索 未知的無限可能,藝術之於他,是對內心和人性的無盡探求。 畢加索是唯一一位元作品被列為國寶且禁止借出的現代藝術家,例 如他的畫作「Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon」(1907)、「Guernica」(1937) 等。加上「Imagine Picasso」展覽裡所展示的藝術家200多幅畫作,包括 了他的藍色時期和玫瑰時期那些令人回味的圖像到他對立體主義的嘗試, 再到他成熟時期多樣化和獨特的傑作,均是來自世界各大著名博物館的 藏品,如巴黎畢加索博物館、巴塞羅那畢加索博物館、紐約現代藝術博物 館、莫斯科普希金博物館以及私人收藏,這些藝術真跡絕不可能同時在同 一個地點聚集,透過「Imagine Picasso」的現場體驗,觀眾便可全方位一 覽無遺,沉醉其中。 這個沉浸式展覽是「Imagine Van Gogh」同一製作團隊的又一出品, 由Annabelle Mauger和Julien Baron與藝術史學家Androula Michael及法 國新建築運動領軍人物之一Rudy Ricciotti合作創造。 有別於其它沉浸式展覽的畫作是只投影到地板及牆壁上,Ricciotti從 畢加索為他的孩子們製作的紙雕塑中得到啟發,在場館內創造了九個摺紙 風格結構的裝置,當把畫作多重投影到地板、牆壁、螢幕及摺紙式裝置上 時,為藝術作品提供了獨特而新穎的立體視角。展覽首次展出,迅即以其 壯觀的「Image Totale」手法震驚大眾,這種生動的全新展覽方式,喚醒了 觀賞者的所有感官,使他們有如身臨其境地沉浸在藝術家的創造力之中。

「Imagine Picasso」 放映的藝術品圖像,包括了畢加索藍色時期、玫瑰時期、 立體主義以至超現實主義等各個時期的創作。 Imagine Picasso features works from the master’s Blue and Rose periods, through cubism and his prolific later years.

製作團隊努力尊重原畫的完整性,以至揀選畫作、播放節奏及和配 樂的關聯都思慮周詳,隨着作品的局部渲染及視野的擴大,加上摺紙裝置 的多角度立體效果,觀眾可以近距離清晰地看到繪畫筆觸和細節,在這些 巨大的畫作投影中徘徊,被其中的筆觸、細節、色彩所吸引,前所未有地 體驗到這些藝術傑作的張力、能量、激情和美麗。

Imagine Picasso features more than 200 of the Spanish artist’s paintings, shown together for the first time—from his Blue and Rose periods, through cubism and his prolific later years. In the words of his grandson, Olivier Widmaier Picasso: “I think this exhibition would have pleased my grandfather a lot because he was, above all, a man of freedom.” Picasso is the only modern artist whose works are classified as national treasures and forbidden to tour and be loaned. The paintings projected in Imagine Picasso are issued from prestigious museum collections, such as the Musée Picasso in Paris, the Museu Picasso Barcelona, the MoMa in New York and the Pushkin Museum in Moscow, as well as from private collections. It’s an impressive selection otherwise impossible to gather in one place at one time. Inspired by the paper sculptures Picasso made for his children, each image of Picasso’s artworks is projected on nine full-blown Origami-style volumes, thus sculpted in a way directly inspired by Picasso’s own multidirectional rebel lines. Moreover, the artistic approach in Image Totale technology allows visitors to explore the painting’s details and fully experience the power of Picasso’s work. The warping techniques perfectly adjust the projected work to the scenographic surface, whereas more basic mapping techniques focus on adapting the image to the surface. The composition of Picasso’s works is unfolded in a scattering of iconographic details that create a giant puzzle for the audience to reassemble. In this show, respecting the paintings’ images is paramount. Strict colorimetry measures are observed in the rendering of the works for a sense of absolute clarity as the vision expands. As a result, viewers can see the brush strokes up close.

「Imagine Picasso」 展示畢加索的藝作影像達200多幅。 Imagine Picasso features more than 200 of the artist’s paintings.





decor 籌備婚禮的鮮花擺設應該最少三個月前開始。 Wedding floral arrangement planning should start at least three months before the big day.


The Flourishing Thomas hobbs FlorisT Story | Kenson Ho Photography | Thomas Hobbs Florist 美國植物學家、園藝家和農業科學先驅Luther Burbank說:「鮮花 總是讓人變得更好、更快樂、更樂於助人;它們是靈魂的陽光、食物 和解藥。」鮮花怡人當然不只是在精神層面,它還能淨化空氣,點亮房 間,與室內設計相得益彰。


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Renowned American botanist Luther Burbank once said: “Flowers always make people better, happier and more helpful. They are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.” Moreover, flowers clean the air, brighten up a room and complement its interior design.

來自委內瑞拉,Helen Rivera七年前成為Thomas Hobbs的東主。 Originally from Venezuela, Helen Rivera has been the owner of Thomas Hobbs for seven years now.

為求瞭解更多有關鮮花的知識,eliteGen最近拜訪了溫哥華歷 史最悠久的花店之一Thomas Hobbs Florist。這家鮮花禮品店成立於 1975年,位於Kerrisdale的中心地帶。第一任東主Thomas Hobbs後來 將業生意轉讓給經營業務26年的Maureen Sullivan,而她在7年前將業 務賣給了現任東主Helen Rivera。

To learn a bit more about flowers, eliteGen recently visited one of the oldest and prestigious flower shops in Vancouver. Established in 1975, Thomas Hobbs Florist continues to be a premier flower and gift shop situated in the heart of Kerrisdale. Original owner Thomas Hobbs subsequently sold it to Maureen Sullivan, who ran the business for 26 years, before selling it to current owner Helen Rivera seven years ago.

Rivera來自委內瑞拉,14年前來到溫哥華學習英語,後來成為了 一所蒙台梭利學校的老師。她一直對花卉很感興趣,並報名參加了由 Maureen Sullivan教授的晚間插花課程。她愛上了這門手藝,後來更從 Sullivan手中買下了Thomas Hobbs的這盤生意。

Originally from Venezuela, Rivera came to Vancouver 14 years ago to study English and later became a teacher at a Montessori school. She had always been interested in flowers and so decided to enrol in an evening course in floral arrangement, taught by Sullivan. We know now where that eventually led.

走進這家坐落於一座古老文物建築中的鮮花禮品店,進入我眼 簾的是螺旋樓梯、靈感源自蒂芬尼水晶的枝形吊燈,和盛滿季節性植 物的華麗花瓶。穿過宏偉的店面時,可以一路欣賞到獨特奢華的花卉 設計。

Housed in an old heritage building, Thomas Hobbs Florist has added some beautiful features of its own. Peering through the majestic storefront, I saw unique, luxurious floral designs and was impressed by the spiral staircase, the Tiffany’s-inspired chandelier and a magnificent vase filled with seasonal plants.






Thomas Hobbs是溫哥華最歷史悠久的花店之一。 As one of the oldest and established flower shops in Vancouver, Thomas Hobbs has become an institution.

店內有大量本地種植和進口的花卉,從原始經典的英式鄉村花園 到別緻的現代設計,應有盡有。花店盡可能使用本地的時令產品,例 如玫瑰、繡球花、牡丹等,但也從荷蘭、南美、意大利和日本進口。 中南美洲的卡特蘭比較罕見,但花店為非常特殊的場合專門引進而 來。連同其它熱帶植物,花店亦引進如天堂鳥、西番蓮(熱情花)和意大 利毛茛。 店裡的鮮花從來都不染色,所有斑爛的色彩都是來自天然。通常 一批鮮花抵達時,花店會對它們進行調理,將它們放入營養、溫度合 適的水中,讓它們恢復生機。花店一般每周收到三次鮮花,庫存總是 新鮮的,而且因為銷售順暢,通常鮮花停留在店裡不會超過五天。


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At Thomas Hobbs Florist, there will always been an abundance of locally grown and imported flowers, and they can vary from the original classic English country garden to chic and modern designs. The shop tries to use as many seasonal local products as possible, such as roses, hydrangeas and peonies, but also imports flowers from the Netherlands, South America, Italy and Japan. “You don’t see Cattleya orchids very often, which we have brought in for very special occasions,” Rivera says. “We also bring in other tropicals, such as birds of paradise, passion flowers and Italian ranunculus. We want to be authentic—no flower in the store is dyed. They all come in natural and vibrant colours.”

老店跟上新潮流 Thomas Hobbs花店的主要業務領域包括活動和婚禮、酒店、餐 廳、辦公室和日常擺設。花店每年都會為無數場婚禮做花飾佈置,而 隨着限制的解除,婚禮規模也在慢慢擴大。花店每年都會為卑詩省兒 童醫院籌款活動Crystal Ball免費提供鮮花擺設,最近還做了蒂芙尼高 級珠寶活動。 在做花飾佈置時,花店非常注意客人的風格和特殊活動要求,在 客人滿意的預算內定制花卉活動配套,從鮮花到提供可購買或租用的 花盆和容器,到搭建及拆除活動花飾設置,面面俱到。除此之外,經 驗豐富的花藝設計師還會提供免費活動或婚禮的初期諮詢,因為雖然 大多數客戶都知道自己的喜好,但如果他們瞭解配色方案、風格(現代 或傳統),並能提供一些照片作參考,便會令整個規劃過程更加高效。 歷史悠久的Thomas Hobbs花店在保持品牌風格傳統的同時, 一直在引入新的元素,包括開設一個新網站,緊跟網路科技的發展和 網上顧客的需求。在各種活動婚禮的花卉裝飾上更是如此,例如從旅 遊、時裝表演和社交媒體中捕捉靈感,尋找顏色、質地和趨勢;再例 如使用更多寬鬆和有機花園式的綠化,並在設計上不再那麼結構化, 崇尚更自然和隨意的格調。

為卑詩省兒童醫院籌款活動Crystal Ball提供的鮮花擺設。 Floral arrangements for the BC Children Hospital’s Crystal Ball fundraising event.

Rivera熱愛鮮花,因為它們能帶給她微笑和快樂,她也醉心經營 她的生意。在溫哥華,她找到了自己的熱情和真愛,現在更是一位慈 愛的母親。就像她店裡的鮮花一樣,她的人生正在盛放。

FRESHNESS guARANTEEd usually, the flowers do not stay in the store more than five days. deliveries arrive three times a week, so the inventory is always fresh and keeps moving. Thomas Hobbs Florist’s clients vary, from special events like weddings, to hotels, restaurants and offices. It also donates flowers for BC Children’s Hospital’s Crystal Ball fundraising event every year, and recently did a Tiffany high jewelry event as well. It takes great care to follow clients’ stylistic direction and specialevent requirements, and its experienced floral designers provide a free initial consultation. “We will customize a floral event package for clients, and we will always work to fit their budget,” Rivera says with pride. “We provide all flowers, planters and containers are available for purchase or rental, and we set up and tear down.”

新娘子手上的花球在設計上已不再那麼結構化,而崇尚更自然和隨意的格調。 Bride’s bouquets are less structured, more natural and casual.

Rivera says the planning process can be most efficient if the customer expresses colour scheme and style (modern or traditional) preferences, and is able to provide some photo references. While maintaining the style traditions of the long-established business, Rivera has brought in some new elements — a rebranding exercise that includes a new website, to rejuvenate and contemporize the brand, while maintaining the spirit and style of the Thomas Hobbs legacy. In terms of floral arrangements, she realizes that events use more loose and organic garden-style greenery, and the designs are less structured, more natural and casual. She gets her inspiration for colours and textures from everywhere, like travel, fashion shows and social media. Rivera loves flowers and running her business, because they make her smile and happy. In Vancouver, she found her passion and love, and is now a loving mother. Just like the flowers in her shop, she is flourishing.

不少佈置聖誕節的構思是來自鮮花擺設。 Many Christmas decoration ideas come from floral arrangements.







Need for speed

oro station an intriguing site for well-heeled car buffs Story | William Ha Photography | Lucas Scarfone and Oro Station File Photos 位於多倫多北部的巴里以西約20公里的Oro Station,將會是愛車人 士的新天地。這個面積達216英畝的汽車綜合園,擁有一條4.1公里長的私 人賽道、可供購買的物業、直升機停機坪、專用的汽車俱樂部,以及舉辦 高端汽車活動的場地。預計於2023年Oro Station可成為加拿大最成功的 汽車組織,在滿足享樂派的汽車愛好者的同時,服務一個更大的目標—— 支持行業的創新和教育。


It’s a massive 87-hectare complex that will feature a 4.1 kilometre private racetrack, on-site properties for purchase, helicopter landing pads, an exclusive car club and a buzz of cutting-edge automotive activity. Oro Station intends to be the pinnacle of Canadian automotive institutions by 2023, delighting hedonistic car buffs and serving a greater purpose by enabling industry innovation and education.

為了達到這些目標,Oro Station特別分為南北兩區。北面是Oro Station的基石,設有會員專用的Bexley Motor Club;南面是占地50萬平 方呎的汽車創新園,它將成為各種汽車項目的園區,汽車製造商、企業和 專門團體均可利用它來作工作坊及研發實驗室。憑藉與位於巴里的喬治學 院建立學術合作夥伴關係,汽車科技方面的教育將大大加強。此外,提供 活動場地、博物館、餐廳和民宿也在計劃之列。

To achieve these goals, the facility is divided into North and South sections. The gated Bexley Motor Club will make up the north while the south section will be called Automotive Innovation Park, a campus for a variety of automotive projects, featuring workshops and R&D labs that auto manufacturers, businesses and special groups can use. An academic partnership with Barrie-based Georgian College will enhance trade education in automotive technology. Event space, museums, restaurants and bed-andbreakfast lodging are also planned.

這種推崇奢侈享樂的方式毫無疑問會令Oro Station成為吸引富裕車 迷的園地,然而,除了是一個擁有賽道的高級汽車會所之外,它有什麼與 別不同之處?

Without a doubt, this salute to the sybaritic lifestyle will make Oro Station an intriguing site for well-heeled car enthusiasts, but what else makes this place more than just a sophisticated car club with a racetrack?

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Oro Station執行合夥人Geoffrey Campbell解釋說:「大多數北美的賽道都只是 為了舉辦賽事,但在這裡,會員可以於使用賽道後在Bexley俱樂部放鬆休息,並且 可以容易觀看或體驗各種其它汽車活動和項目,如汽車修復、博物館及其它創新工 程。」 Oro Station還希望為會員營造親臨其境的汽車體驗。這個綜合園區位於黃金地 段的Oro-Medonte鎮,從多倫多市中心向北,只需一個多小時的車程,並且是在前 往度假勝地Muskoka的路途上。 如果你不喜歡大城市的交通,沒問題,你可以飛往距離Oro Station只200碼的 閃高湖地區機場;或者如你在Oro Station擁有限量的車輛存放車庫,則可以乘坐自 己的直升機,在自己的停機坪降落。「我們有兩成會員擁有私人飛機,所以一個在 Bay街多倫多金融區上班的汽車發燒友可以於離開辦公室後,在多倫多島機場跳上 自己的飛機飛過來,然後登上自己的車在賽道上馳騁。」Campbell補充說。

“Most racetracks in North America have only the racing happening, but members here get the Bexley clubhouse to relax in after time on the track, and can easily see or experience a variety of other on-site auto activities and projects like car restorations, museums and other innovative works,” says Geoffrey Campbell, managing partner of Oro Station. Campbell also emphasizes the desire to foster an immersive automotive experience for members, and highlights the prime location of the complex in the town of Oro-Medonte, just over an hour’s drive north of downtown Toronto and en route to Muskoka cottage country. If big-city traffic isn’t for you, problem solved: You can fly in to Lake Simcoe Regional Airport located just 200 metres from Oro Station, or get into your helicopter and land on your own helipad, if you’re fortunate enough to own one of the limited on-site vehicle storage buildings. How’s that for arriving in style? “Twenty per cent of our current club members own personal aircraft, so a car enthusiast working on Bay Street (Toronto’s Financial District) can leave the office, hop into his aircraft at Toronto Island Airport, fly over here and get into one of his cars for some track driving,” says Campbell. 鳥瞰Oro Station。 The aerial view of Oro Station

Photo: Lucas Scarfone







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Bexley汽車俱樂部的外觀。這裡有優雅的園景 和為會員提供的高檔設施,是一個汽車綠洲。 The exterior of the Bexley Motor Club Clubhouse, an automotive oasis with a host of upscale amenities for members.

Bexley汽車俱樂部 Bexley汽車俱樂部審核會員的過程十分嚴格,我們首先 會與有意加入成為會員的人士會面,確保他與俱樂部的使命 一致,目的是只將品格高尚並擁抱汽車生活方式的真正汽車 愛好者聚在一起。 「我們希望建立一個志同道合的汽車社區,希望人們是為 熱愛汽車而來這裡,而不是只想炫耀財富或是為了做生意。」 Campbell扼要地說。 會員採用分級制,創始會員的入會費為125,000元,非 創始會員則付75,000元,而所有會員均需額外支付約5,000元 年費。會員可享用一系列設施如Bexley俱樂部(休息廳、酒吧/ 餐廳、健身中心、24小時保安等)、賽道、由專業駕駛員主理 的駕駛訓練,以及與汽車相關的教育研討會和各類特別活動。 需要存放車輛空間的創始會員可以購買2輛車或6輛車的 公寓式車房,或是購買高達2,500平方呎的儲存倉庫。倉庫可 容納一個私人直升機停機坪,而倉庫之上有一個可俯瞰賽道 的閣樓,供想逗留的會員使用。 「如果你需要將車輛拖到俱樂部卸下才能使用賽道,那 麼要在賽道上飛馳對你來說可能很麻煩,若場地能存放車輛 可讓會員更輕鬆,而珍貴車輛存儲在安全的地方也可讓會員 放心。我們的園地有汽車修復專家和技師,如在賽道飆車後 你的剎車器需要維修,很快便會得到處理。若會員想安靜一 下,可以在Bexley俱樂部休息,或者喝杯咖啡,或者在創新 綜合園走走看看。」Campbell介紹說。

THE BExLEY MOTOR CLuB The membership process begins with staff meeting prospective members to ensure they are aligned with the club’s mission, which is to bring together only genuine car enthusiasts who embrace the automotive lifestyle. As Campbell bluntly puts it: “We want to create a likeminded automotive community and want people here for the passion, not people who only want to flaunt their wealth or do business.” Membership is tiered, with a starting initiation fee of $75,000 for non-charter members and $125,000 for charter members. Both groups then pay additional annual dues of around $5,000. In return, members can access a host of amenities, like the Bexley Clubhouse (lounge, bar/dining area, fitness centre, 24/7 security), the racetrack, driver training administered by professional drivers, auto-related education seminars and various special events. Charter members requiring on-site vehicle storage space can purchase two- or six-car “autominiums” (condo-unit garages), or purchase storage barns up to 2,500 sq. ft. Barn properties feature a loft overlooking the track for members who want a place to stay. The site can also accommodate a personal helipad. “Track driving can be onerous when you have to tow trailers and unload things, so having on-site storage makes everything easier for members, and allows prized vehicles to be stored in a safe place,” says Campbell. “We have on-site car restoration specialists and technicians, so say your brakes need servicing after track driving, the job can be taken care of quickly. When members want quiet time, they can relax at the clubhouse or grab a coffee, walk around and see what’s happening at the innovation complex.”

會員區。 Members Area. ELITEGEN




提供給Bexley汽車俱樂部成員和其它特別活動之用的4.1公里賽道。 The 4.1kilometre modular racetrack for Bexley Motor Club Members and other special track events.

展望未來 Campbell提出了一個關於未來駕駛及令人信服的終極觀點,印證 了像Oro Station這樣的設施對特殊車輛車主的價值。他說:「隨着電氣 化、自動駕駛等汽車技術不斷發展,以及更多法規出台,在公共道路 上享受駕駛高性能車和經典車的自由有一天可能會受到限制。」 的確,100多年前騎馬是正常的運輸方式,汽油動力車的蓬勃令 騎馬變得不安全,於是很快便完全把公共地方騎馬淘汰了。如今,愛 好騎馬或騎術的人士必須去特別的場所才能騎馬或練習騎術。 Oro Station營造一個擁抱汽車熱情並推動行業進步的環境,正是 受到這種使命感的驅使。

LOOkING TO THE FuTuRE As a visionary, Campbell makes a final compelling point about the future of driving that underscores the value of a facility like Oro Station: “With increasing vehicle technology, like electrification, autonomous driving and more regulations creeping in, the freedom to enjoy high-performance cars and classics on public roads may be limited some day.” Campbell draws the analogy of more than 100 years ago, when horseback riding was a normal mode of transportation. The eventual boom of gasoline-powered vehicles made it unsafe to ride, and soon eliminated public horse-riding altogether. Today, equestrian enthusiasts must go to special facilities to ride, so Campbell remains mission-driven when he says he wants to “foster an environment that embraces automotive passion and enables industry advancement.” For more information, visit and


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