The Story Garden Premium SB&WB 3

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Story Mariagrazia Bertarini Student’s Book with Activities Premium Gard e n 3 the Risorse digitali Inquadra il QRcode o usa l’App ELILINK Il piacere di apprendere • Welcome Unit • Storytelling • Educazione Civica • Videos and animations • The City Mouse… Reader • Let’s Practise


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Premium Gard e n 3

Student’s Book with Activities


Audio: traccia audio

Digitale: Video e attività digitale DIGITAL


Attività collegate all’insegnamento dell’Educazione Civica

Attività collegate agli obiettivi dell’Agenda 2030

Attività che coinvolgono il pensiero critico

Mariagrazia Bertarini


Welcome unit

p. 4

Revision A ctivity time p. 104



p. 12

1 The Lost World


Family members: grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, uncle, aunt, cousin, brother, sister, me

Numbers 20-100

A ctivity time p. 106

Unit 2 The Little Mermaid

p. 26

He is my (grandfather). His name is (Gordon). She is my (grandmother). Her name is (Sally). How old are you? I’m (ten).


House: wardrobe, bookshelf, bed, picture, sofa, armchair, fridge, cooker, table, shower, mirror, bath

Actions: have lunch, cook, read a book, use a tablet, sleep, watch TV, play football, have a bath

A ctivity time p. 112



3 The Fox and the Stork

p. 40

There is/isn’t a (fridge) in the (kitchen). Is there a (picture) in the (living room)? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.


CLIL: Science

Dinosaur Facts

Living English: EDUCAZIONE


Dinosaurs in Great Britain

Natural History Museum


CLIL: Art Colours

Living English: EDUCAZIONE


A typical British House


Food and drink: soup, tomatoes, bread, water, rice, sausages, strawberries, chocolate, cherries, milkshake

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner

A ctivity time p. 118

What time does he get up? At (half past six).

Do you have a shower in the morning?

Yes, I always have a shower in the morning.




Health and nutrition

Healthy Snacks

My snack diary

Living English: EDUCAZIONE


Tea Time

Hello, my name is Mr Green.

Robin Hood Unit 4

p. 54


Free-time activities: do judo, ride a bike, ride a horse, play volleyball, play the guitar, play football, play video games, rollerblade, dance, swim

Adverbs: very well, well, at all

A ctivity time p. 124

The Emperor’s New Clothes Unit 5

p. 68

I can/can’t (dance). He can/can’t (swim).

Can you (jump)?

Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

Can he (play the guitar)?

Yes, he can. / No, he can’t.


Clothes: T-shirt, dress, shorts, shirt, jacket, shoes, trainers, jumper, skirt, trousers

Adjectives: big, small, new, old, clean, dirty, long, short

A ctivity time p. 130

The Jungle Book Unit 6

p. 82

I’m/I’m not wearing (jeans). He’s/He isn’t wearing (jeans).

Are you wearing (a jumper)?

Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Is he wearing (a jumper)?

Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.


Wild animals: monkey, eagle, giraffe, snake, elephant, panther, tiger, bear, hippo, crocodile

Parts of the body: teeth, tail, wings, beak

A ctivity time p. 136

The Alphabet

Spooky Halloween

Merry Christmas

Happy Easter

Activity Time


Revision (have got, can, like)




Living English: EDUCAZIONE

Royal Parks


Road Safety Be Bright, be Seen!

Living English:


CLIL: Science


Living English:

C V CA Longleat Safari and Adventure Park

p. 96 p. 98 p. 100 p. 102 p. 104 p. 142

Welcome Unit

1 Listen, then say your name and your age. 2

Welcome, friends!

I’m Tim and I’m eight years old.

2 Look and say what story it is.

Hello, I’m Mr Green!

I love cats and books.

Do you remember my stories?

Hi, I’m Mia!

I’m eight years old, too!

What’s your name? How old are you?

ACTIVITY TIME pages 104-105


I’m I’m years old. I’ve got hair and eyes.

glue your photo here

Today I feel My English teacher is

I like

My favourite animal is

But I also like

I don’t like

5 Welcome Unit 3 Write
about you. ALL ABOUT ME

1 The cat is the carpet.

2 The cat is the board.

3 The cat is the desk.

4 The cat is the chair.

5 The cat is the window.

Where are my cats? Look and find.

6 The cat is the cupboard.
7 The cat is the door.
8 The cat is the clock.
9 The cat is the lamp.
10 The cat is the bin. black under
Welcome Unit


Sue is surprised.

Anya is sad.

Peter is angry.

Tom is scared.

Alison is happy.

Ian is disgusted.

7 Welcome Unit
1 2 3 4 1 4 2 5 3 6
Read and write the names. DIGITAL 6 Listen and check. 4 7 Match and complete. hungry • thirsty • hot • cold
I’m .
’m .
’m .
’m .

feet • eyes • hands • noses • hair tummy • ears

I’ve got two , three , three mouths, four purple arms and four purple .

I’ve got four blue , six green , a blue and yellow .

eyes • legs • noses hair • tummy • mouths

I’ve got two pink , two , two ears and six .

I’ve got four , five hands, a yellow and green .

8 8
Welcome Unit

9 Who says...? Think and write.

I can fly!

I can run!

I can swim!

I can jump!

I’ve got four legs! I’ve got two legs!

9 Welcome Unit
sheep cow duck bird pig horse frog swan duckling hen

I like , and .

I don’t like or .

10 10
and draw. Complete. 5
like ,
I don’t like or
Welcome Unit

5 thirteen - two

6 nineteen - one =

7 fourteen + three =

8 seventeen - three =

9 ten + ten =

11 Welcome Unit 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 11 Count and write. Complete.
It’s a
It’s an
It’s a
It’s a
1 twenty - seven =
. 2 twelve + three =
. 3 eleven + five =
. 4 eighteen - six =
It’s a
It’s a
It’s a
It’s a
It’s an
. 10 fifteen + four =

Unit 1 The Lost World

1 father 2 mother 3 grandmother 8 grandfather 7 sister 10 ME
ACTIVITY TIME pages 106-111
6 brother

4 cousin

1 Watch, listen and point. Say. 6 VIDEO

2 Listen and sing. 7-8

5 uncle

3 Listen and play. 9

I love my mother.

I love my mother, my father and my sister. Unit 1

I love my mother and my father. 13
9 aunt Clap with me, sing with me, we are one big family! Clap with me, sing with me, we are one big family! She is my mother, he is my father. She’s my grandmother, he’s my grandfather. She is my aunt, he is my uncle. She is my cousin and this is me!

This is me!

My name is Rudy.

His He

is my grandfather. name is Gordon.

She Her

is my grandmother. name is Sally.

is my mother. name is Jude.

is my father. name is Tex.

is my brother. name is Lou.

is my sister. name is Melanie.

is my uncle. name is Dan.

is my aunt. name is Lilly.

is my cousin. name is Olivia.

14 Unit 1 4 Complete. Listen
check. 10

5 Listen and say. 11

He is your brother. He isn’t your brother. Is he your brother?

he is.

he isn’t.

She is your sister. She isn’t your sister. Is she your sister?

6 Tick. Listen and check. 12 DIGITAL

Is she your sister? Is he your grandfather? Is he your father?

she is.

she isn’t.

Is she your mother?

7 Listen and play The Guessing Game. 13

Is she your sister?

Is she your cousin?

No, she isn’t.

Yes, she is.

she is.

Yes, he is.
he isn’t.
he is.
he isn’t. Yes, she is.
she isn’t.
she isn’t.
15 The Lost World
Living Grammar
16 Unit 1 8 Listen, point and say. 14 9 Read and complete. Listen and check. 15 10 Listen and circle. 16 DIGITAL one 21 two 22 three 23 four 24 five 25 six 26 seven 27 eight 28 nine 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ten 10 sixty 60 twenty 20 seventy 70 thirty 30 eighty 80 forty 40 ninety 90 fifty 50 a hundred 100 twenty- thirty12 20 34 43 56 65 49 94 67 76 81 18 23 32 96 69

11 Complete the sequences. Listen and check. 17

1 ten thirty

2 eighty seventy

3 twenty forty

12 Listen and tick. 18

Logan, how old are you?

How old is your brother?

How old is your sister?

I’m ten.

I’m thirty.

I’m twenty.

He’s eighty.

He’s eight.

He’s eighteen.

13 Complete. Then write about you.

Logan is . His brother is .

His sister is .


She’s fourteen.

She’s four.

She’s forty.

17 The Lost World
18 Unit 1 14 Watch and listen to the story. 19 VIDEO 1 2 We are all different. BOING! BOING! HEEELP! G R R RR R RR RR Heeeeeeeeeelp! 3 5 6 4 Look, it’s Rudy!
no! My friends!
Grandfather, help me! Rudy, don’t be sad! Rudy, you can’t play with us. Sorry! Look!

Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, a hundred!

Thank you! You’re a real friend.

Thanks, Rudy!

Happy birthday, Rudy! You’re ten today!

Where are your friends?

I don’t know.

Here we are!

It’s a present for you! Open it!

What is it?

19 The Lost World 15 Act out the story. 7 9 11 Different is nice!
The day after… 8 10 12
Let’s go and play! One hundred balls! Thank you, friends!


Match. Listen and check. 20 DIGITAL

The young dinosaurs are angry with Rudy.

Rudy is sad.

The young dinosaurs are scared.

The dinosaurs have a birthday party.

The young dinosaurs have a present for Rudy.

The present is a hundred balls.

Rudy is happy.

Rudy can play football with his friends.

The Sound Ga me


Listen and say. 21


Listen and circle the pictures with the sound TH. 22 DIGITAL

20 Unit 1
mother brother father grandmother 1 3 5 6 7 8 2 4

What do the children say? Use the words in the boxes.

21 The Lost World 19
3 2 4
20 Listen and check. 23 grandfather • Bob • 64 cousin • Lyn • 16 brother • Ted • 3 aunt • Pam • 23

Dinosaur facts

1 Listen and complete. 24

teeth • herbivorous • three weigh • million • enemy



Its name means face with horns.


Cretaceous. Around 65 years ago.


It is and it is a quadruped dinosaur. This means it walks on four legs.


It is about 9 metres long and 3 metres tall. It can 6 tons.

Its skull can be 2 metres long. It has got about 400-800 .


Its is the Tyrannosaurus-Rex.

Real Task

Choose two dinosaurs. Make fact files and tell your friend.

We like learning new things!

Unit 1

Vulnerable • Extinct in the Wild • Endangered • Extinct

Every day about 200 animal and plant species become extinct because of climate change. Every year The International Union for Conservation of Nature updates The Red List of Threatened Species. The Red list categories are:

Least Concern Critically Endangered

3 Read and choose the numbers. Listen and check. 26

The Javan rhino lives only in Indonesia. Today there are about 67 / 74 Javan rhinos. The Amur leopard is fast and strong, but today there are about 70 / 7 in the world. These animals are critically endangered.

23 2 Listen and complete. 25
Near Threatened CLIMATE ACTION

Living English

The Natural History Museum

1 Watch, listen and read. Write the names. 27 VIDEO

When you enter the National History Museum in London, you can see a 25-metre-long blue whale skeleton. Her name is Hope, as a symbol of good luck for the planet.

In the Dinosaurs Gallery of the museum you can see incredible fossils. There is also a T-Rex animated model and a Stegosaurus skeleton.

Unit 1
1 2 3

2 Read and number the pictures.

In the Natural History Museum there are 80 million items divided into five collections:

1 Botany is the science that studies plants.

2 Entomology is the science that studies insects.

3 Mineralogy is the science that studies the properties of minerals.

4 Paleontology is the science that studies fossils of animals and humans.

5 Zoology is the science that studies the animal kingdom, including evolution.

2 bookshelf 1 wardrobe 4 picture 5 sofa 7 fridge 6 armchair 3 bed bedroom living room kitchen 8 cooker 9 table
The Little Mermaid Unit 2

1 Watch, listen and point. Say. 28

2 Listen and sing. 29-30

In the bedroom

what can you see?

A wardrobe, a bookshelf and a bed for me!

In the kitchen what can you see?

A fridge, a cooker and a table for me!

In the living room what can you see?

A picture, an armchair and a sofa for me!

In the bathroom

what can you see?

A bath, a shower and a mirror for me!

Hey, look… That’s me!

3 Listen and play. 31

Where’s the sofa?

It’s in the living room.

27 Unit 2 ACTIVITY TIME pages 112-117
VIDEO 12 bath 11 mirror 10 shower

4 Listen and say. 32

There is a fridge. There isn’t a fridge. Is there a fridge?

There are two beds. There aren’t two beds. Are there two beds?

5 Tick. Listen and check. 33 DIGITAL

Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.

Is there a picture in the living room?

Are there two beds in the bedroom? Is there a fridge in the kitchen?

Are there two mirrors in the bathroom?

Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

6 Complete.

Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.

1 In the kitchen there is a .

2 In the living room there isn’t a .

3 In the bedroom there are .

4 In the bathroom there aren’t .

28 Unit 2

Is there a blue armchair?

Is there a mirror?

Are there two pictures?

It’s the bedroom.

Yes, there is.

Yes, there is.

Yes, there are.


29 The Little Mermaid
7 Listen and play The Guessing Game. 34

8 Read and circle the wrong words.

In my bedroom there is a small wardrobe, there are two beds, there is one mirror, there are two armchairs and there are two pink lamps.

In my bedroom there are two beds, there is a big wardrobe, there are two mirrors, there is one sofa, and there is a blue lamp.

9 Answer.

1 Is there a yellow wardrobe in his room? .

2 Is there a small wardrobe in her bedroom? .

3 Are there three beds in his bedroom? .

4 Are there two lamps in her bedroom? .

5 Is there one mirror in her bedroom? .

6 Are there two armchairs in his bedroom? .

30 Unit 2

have lunch sleep 10

Listen and number. 35 DIGITAL


cook watch TV

read a book play football

use a tablet have a bath

31 The Little Mermaid
11 Think and complete with can or can’t. 1 I read a book in the kitchen. 2 I have lunch in the bathroom. 3 I use a tablet in the living room. 4 I sleep in the bedroom. 5 I cook in the bedroom. 6 I have a bath in the bathroom. 7 I watch TV in the living room.
I play football in the kitchen.

Dad, I’m sad. I need a friend.

OK, Pearl, call Melody.

Melody? Yes, that’s a good idea!

Hello, Melody. Can you come and play with me?

Pearl, your bedroom is beautiful! Yes, I can. Wait for me. Thank you, Melody.

Oh, look. There is a pink bed.

Don’t touch it!

It’s my bed!

What a nice armchair!

Don’t touch it!

It’s my armchair!

32 Unit 2 12 Watch and listen to the story. 36 VIDEO 1 3 5 2 4 6
is nice!

Wow, what a big bookshelf! Can I read a book?

You’re right, Mr Green!

Don’t touch it! It’s...

I know... It’s your mirror!

Don’t touch them! They’re my books!

Bye-bye, Pearl. I want to go home.

Mum, I’m sad. Can I call a friend? No, you can’t. Sorry.

Come back, Melody! Come back!


Because friends share things and play together.

Next time, be kind to your friends!

33 The Little Mermaid 13 Act out the story. 7 8 10 12 9 11

True or false? DIGITAL

1 Pearl is sad.

2 Melody invites Pearl to play.

3 Melody doesn’t like the bedroom.

4 There is a pink bed.

5 There isn’t an armchair.

6 There isn’t a bookshelf.

7 There is a mirror.

8 Melody is angry.


Find and complete.

1 Pearl is happy in picture number .

2 Pearl is surprised in pictures number and .

3 Pearl is sad in pictures number and .

4 Pearl is angry in pictures number , and .


Listen and say. 37 six sad sofa scooter


Listen and circle the pictures with the sound S. 38 DIGITAL

The Sound Ga me 34 Unit 2 14
35 The Little Mermaid 18
Find the differences. Say or write in your notebook.


1 Listen and complete. 39

The primary colours are: , and .

The secondary colours are: , and .

Each colour has got a complementary colour. On the colour wheel the complementary colours are opposite each other. So the colour pairs are: red and and and

In each pair there is a warm colour and a cold colour. The warm colours are , and . The cold colours are , and .

Here it is! Now it’s your turn!


Make a colour wheel.

Unit 2
1 2
I’m a real artist.

3 Colour the butterfly using complementary colours.

I love art. And you?

4 Read and choose the correct word. Listen and check. 40 DIGITAL

Butterflies are beautiful animals / insects, but they are in danger of extinction because of chemical fertilisers and climate change. The Large Blue butterfly is now disappearing in Italy / Great Britain. The Maturna butterfly is now very rare in Italy / Great Britain.

Real Task

Make a collage with pictures from magazines. Use only warm or cold colours. Describe it to your friends.


1 Listen and match. 41 VIDEO

A Typical British House Living English

Hi, my name’s Richard. I’m English and I’m from Liverpool. I live in a block of flats, but in Great Britain you can find many kinds of houses: semi-detached houses, detached houses, cottages with thatched roofs, terraced houses. Houses have usually got a coloured front door with a knocker and bow windows.

38 Unit 2
1 4 2 3 5

2 Listen and complete. 42 two flowers typical bathroom

A terraced house has got floors.

Downstairs there is a , a and a toilet.

Upstairs there are and a .

British people love gardening.

A British house has got two gardens. In the front garden they grow and plants.

In the back garden they have barbecues.

living room bedrooms kitchen EDUCAZIONE CIVICA

The Fox and the Stork Unit 3

2 tomatoes

7 strawberries

1 soup

3 bread

4 water

5 rice

8 chocolate

9 cherries


It’s lunchtime!

One-two-three. The food is ready, eat with me!

Do you like tomatoes? Yes, I do.

Do you like tomatoes? Yes, I do.

It’s lunchtime!


The food is ready, eat with me!

Do you like cherries? No, I don’t.

Do you like cherries? No, I don’t.

It’s lunchtime! One-two-three.

The food is ready, eat with me!

I like strawberries.

I like strawberries and cherries.

41 Unit 3 ACTIVITY TIME pages 118-123 1 Watch, listen and point. Say. 43 VIDEO 10 milkshake 6 sausages 2 Listen and sing.
44-45 3 Listen
play. 46

4 Listen and say. 47

I like rice. I don’t like rice. Do you like rice?

Yes, I do.

No, I don’t

Yes, he does.

He likes bread. He doesn’t like bread. Does he like bread?

No, he doesn’t.

5 Guess and tick. Listen and check. 48

Omar, do you like rice?

Does Evita like milkshake?

Does Josh like cherries?

Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.

6 Complete. Omar likes .

Evita likes .

Josh doesn’t like .

I like I don’t like

No, he doesn’t.

42 Unit 3

Is it a boy or a girl? A girl.

Does she like sausages?

Does she like soup? Yes, she does.

She is Martha.

No, she doesn’t. Yes!

43 The Fox and the Stork
7 Listen and play The Guessing Game. 49
Martha Rick Lin Thomas Marie Chen Jane Ted Lisa Juan Nicholas

8 Listen and draw. 50 DIGITAL

9 Write.

She likes rice.

He doesn’t like cherries.

44 Unit 3

10 Write. Listen and check. 51 Today for breakfast Alison has , and .


Today for lunch Lily has , and .

Today for dinner Brandon has , and .


1 Does Alison have biscuits for breakfast? .

2 Does Lily have cheese for lunch? .

3 Does Brandon have carrots for dinner? .

4 Do you have milk for breakfast? .

45 The Fox and the Stork

Who is it?

Good morning, Mr Fox. It’s me!

Good morning, Mrs Stork. Come in, please.

Thank you!


Yes, please.

Oh dear! I can’t drink it.

Well, Mr Fox… do you like milkshake?

Oh, yes! I like milkshake.

Unit 3 12
and listen to the story. 52 VIDEO
1 2 7 3 4 5 6
It’s important to be kind.
Does your sister Mary like milkshake? Does your brother Bob like milkshake?
No, she doesn’t! No, he doesn’t!

Oh, Yes. It’s cool to be kind!

It’s my bus. See you tomorrow!



And you? Do you like milkshake? Oh, yes, I do! I love it!

The day after…

Hello, Mr Fox. Please, come in.

Please, sit down.

Strawberry milkshake? Oh dear! I can’t drink it.

Hello, Mrs Stork! Yes, please.

47 The Fox and the Stork 13 Act out the story. 8 10 12 9 11 13

1 Mr Fox likes tea.

2 Mrs Stork likes tea.

3 Mr Fox doesn’t like milkshake.

4 Mary likes milkshake.

5 Bob doesn’t like milkshake.

6 Mrs Stork doesn’t like milkshake.

7 Mr Fox likes milkshake.

8 Mrs Stork and Mr Fox are kind.


Complete. Use please or thank you.

Listen and circle the pictures with the sound

The Sound Ga me 48 Unit 3 14
True or false? DIGITAL
53 three bath mouth think Water, . . No, . Yes, .
Listen and say.



Kelly, do you like tea for breakfast?

Does your brother Oliver like tea?

Do you like biscuits?

Does your brother like biscuits?

Does your brother like tomatoes?

Do you like tomatoes?

Do you like cherries?

Does Oliver like cherries?

Does your brother like water?

and I like water, too.

49 The Fox and the Stork 18 Look at the chart and complete the dialogue. Listen and check. 55


1 Listen and read. 56

We usually eat three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. A snack gives you energy between meals. You can have snacks in the morning or in the afternoon. It is not a good idea to eat snacks at night.

2 Listen and say. 57 DIGITAL

I like healthy food.

rice cakes



yoghurt vegetables

fruit muffins biscuits



3 Which are the healthy snacks? Tick and discuss with your friend.



Unit 3
fruit juice
fizzy drinks
muesli bars

People need food and water to live and stay healthy.

Every man, woman and child has the to have healthy and sufficient food.

We have the responsibility not to food.

Buy ugly fruit and vegetables that have

We are what we eat! And we have the to choose healthy food.

51 4 Read and complete. Listen and check. 58 responsibility • right • waste

It’s Tea Time Living English

1 Listen and read. 59 VIDEO

Every day in Great Britain people drink 165 million cups of tea. Traditional English tea is very dark and it is served with milk.

2 Match. Listen and check. 60 DIGITAL

Put one teaspoon of tea per person, plus one, in the teapot.

Pour the boiling water into the teapot.


Leave for 5 minutes.

Boil water in the kettle.

52 Unit 3
1 2 3 4 5


two short small biscuits

Afternoon tea is a British tradition. People usually have afternoon tea at 4 o’clock. It is a meal. People drink tea and eat scones with cream and jam, and cakes.

A tea break is a break.

People drink tea and eat .

Tea for two means a teapot with cups.

Cooking is not my cup of tea!

3 Listen and complete. 61

Robin Hood Unit 4

7 play video games

6 play

5 play the guitar football 3 ride a horse 1 do judo 2 ride a bike

Can you ride a horse? Yes, I can.

What about you? What can you do?

Can you rollerblade? No, I can’t. What about you? What can you do?

Can you ride a bike? Yes, I can. What about you? What can you do?

Can you swim? No, I can’t.

What about you? What can you do?

Can you play football? Yes, I can.

Let’s play together! Friends are forever!

55 Unit 4 1 Watch, listen and point. Say. 62 VIDEO 10
dance 8 rollerblade 4 play volleyball 2 Listen and sing. 63-64
3 Listen and play. 65
ACTIVITY TIME pages 124-129 You can swim. No.
can dance. Right!

4 Listen and say. X

I can dance. I can’t dance. Can you dance?

He can swim. He can’t swim. Can he swim?

5 Tick. Listen and check. 67 DIGITAL

Yes, I can.

No, I can’t.

Yes, he can. No, he can’t.

Alan, can you play the guitar? Can Marian dance?

Yes, I can. No, I can’t.

Can Friar Tuck ride a horse?

Yes, he can. No, he can’t.

6 Complete. Alan can . Friar Tuck can’t .

Marian can .

I can I can’t

Yes, she can. No, she can’t.

56 Unit 4
66 Living Grammar

Is it a boy or a girl?

Can he swim?

Can he ride a bike?

He’s Dylan.

A boy.

Yes, he can.

No, he can’t.


Robin Hood
Listen and play The Guessing Game.
Grace Christopher Dylan Olivia

9 Complete. Use can or can’t


1 He play the guitar, but he play video games.

2 She ride a horse, but she swim.

3 He ride a bike, but he ride a horse.

4 She play volleyball, but she play football.

5 He dance, but he swim.

6 She rollerblade, but she do judo.

58 Unit 4 8 Listen
and draw. 69

10 Read and complete. Listen and check. 70

very well well at all swim ride a horse do judo

1 Marian can’t at all.

2 Robin can well.

3 The king can’t at all.

4 Marian can very well.

5 Marian can well.

6 The king can very well.

7 Robin can’t at all.

8 The king can well.

9 Robin can very well.

11 Answer.

Who can swim very well?

Who can ride a horse very well?

Who can do judo very well?

Who can swim well?

Who can ride a horse well?

Who can do judo well?

Who can’t swim at all?

Who can’t ride a horse at all?

Who can’t do judo at all?

59 Robin Hood
The king Marian Robin

I choose Ted. He can ride a unicycle very well.

OK, and I choose Jim.

I choose Marian.

Marian? She can’t ride a unicycle. Look!

You’re right. I choose Pam. Marian, come with me.

Robin, I can’t ride a unicycle at all!

Yes, Marian, you can!

Help, Robin, help!

Let’s try again. Come and try!

Don’t worry, I’m here!

60 Unit 4 12 Watch and listen to the story. 71 VIDEO Never give up! 1 2 7 8 3 4 5 6

Robin, are you here?

You’re right, Mr Green. And always try again!

Yes, Marian. Don’t worry!

Robin, are you here?

Yes, Marian. Don’t worry!

A week later...

I choose Ted.

I choose Marian!


Yes! Marian, come here!

Wow! She can ride a unicycle very well!

Yes, and the secret is…

… never give up!

She’s a champion!

13 Act
the story. 9 11 14 10 13 12 15
Robin Hood


Choose the right words. Listen and check.

1 Ted can’t / can ride a unicycle very well.

2 Marian can’t ride a unicycle very well / at all.

3 In picture number eight, Marian is angry / sad.

4 In picture number nine, Marian is surprised / scared.

5 In picture number fifteen, Marian is happy / angry.

6 At the end of the story Marian can / can’t ride a unicycle very well.


True or false?

1 Ted can’t ride a unicycle.

2 At the start of the story Marian can’t ride a unicycle at all.

3 Robin helps Marian.

4 Marian doesn’t try to ride a unicycle.

5 Friar Tuck chooses Ted.

6 Marian is a champion.


Listen and say.


Listen and circle the pictures with the sound

The Sound Ga me 62 Unit 4
73 judo yoga jam yoghurt

Answer. Listen and check. 75

63 Robin Hood 18
Can Owen swim well?
5 6
Can Emma ride a horse well? Can James ride a scooter well?
3 4
Can Judy play the guitar? Can Liam ride a bike well?
1 2
Can Charlotte play volleyball?

1 Match. Listen and check. 76

2 Think and choose.

Freestyle is I easy. difficult. very difficult.

In competitive swimming the four swimming styles are: easy. difficult. very difficult.

Breaststroke is I easy. difficult. very difficult.

can do it very well. can do it well. can’t do it at all.

can do it very well. can do it well. can’t do it at all.

Backstroke is I

can do it very well. can do it well. can’t do it at all.

can do it very well. can do it well. can’t do it at all. Butterfly is I easy. difficult. very difficult.

64 CLIL P.E.
Unit 4
freestyle butterfly backstroke breaststroke 1 2 3 4

3 Think and complete.

Swimming is a sport for girls. boys. boys and girls.

Name a female swimming champion.

Name a male swimming champion.

Playing football is a sport for girls. boys. boys and girls.

Name a female football player.

Name a male football player.

Dancing is an activity for girls. boys. boys and girls.

Name a famous female dancer.

Name a famous male dancer.

Real Task

Work in groups and make a poster about sports champions.


Royal Parks Living English


lake green ride a horse parks


Hi, I’m Rachel. I live in London, the capital city of England. London is a very big city, but it’s also very . There are many . Hyde Park is in the centre of London and it’s huge! There are many types of trees and flowers, large fields and a : The Serpentine. I love it! Here you can do lots of sports. I love sports!

You can in the lake, or you can row or pedal a boat.

In winter you can ice skate. It’s cold, but it’s fun!

You can and also have lessons.

You can skateboard, and ride a bike. I can’t rollerblade, but I can ride my bike very well!

Unit 4
1 Listen and complete. 77 VIDEO

2 Listen and read. Then write the names of the animals. DIGITAL 78

I also like Richmond Park.

It is a national nature reserve in London.

Many kinds of animals live there. You can see deer, woodpeckers, squirrels, snakes and frogs.

11 species of bats live in the park, too.

3 Make a poster about a park near your home. Which animals live there?

4 2 5 3 6 1 EDUCAZIONE

7 shoes

The Emperor’s New Clothes

4 shorts

6 trainers

2 shirt

Unit 5
9 skirt 5 dress 1 T-shirt 8 jumper

1 Watch, listen and point. Say. 79 VIDEO

2 Listen and sing. 80-81

Hey, hey, hey!

What are you wearing?

Hey, hey, hey!

What are you wearing?

Hey, hey, hey!

What are you wearing today?

I’m wearing trainers, I’m wearing trousers, I’m wearing a shirt and a jacket, too.

Hey, hey, hey! …

I’m wearing shoes, I’m wearing a skirt, I’m wearing a dress and a jumper, too.

Hey, hey, hey! …

3 Listen and play. 82

I need a shirt.

I need a shirt and a jumper. I need a shirt, a jumper and shoes.

69 Unit 5
10 trousers
3 jacket
ACTIVITY TIME pages 130-135

and say. X


I’m wearing jeans. I’m not wearing jeans. Are you wearing jeans?

Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

He’s wearing jeans. He isn’t wearing jeans. Is he wearing jeans?

5 Tick. Listen and check. 84 DIGITAL

Lara, are you wearing a red skirt?

Is Matt wearing a jumper?

Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

Is Lisa wearing a T-shirt?

Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

6 Complete.

Lara jeans. Matt a T-shirt. Lisa a shirt.

Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

I’m wearing

70 Unit 5
4 Listen

Emperor’s New Clothes 7 Listen and play The Guessing Game. 85

Is it a boy or a girl? A girl.

Is she wearing a skirt? No, she isn’t.

Is she wearing trainers? Yes, she is.


She’s Amelia. Sophia Madison Amelia Gabriel Kai Jack Bennet Aiyana

8 Read, match and write the names.

Noah is wearing blue trousers, red trainers, a white shirt and a blue jumper.

Anastasia is wearing a purple skirt, an orange T-shirt, blue trainers and a white jacket.

Scarlett isn’t wearing a skirt. She’s wearing purple shorts and a white T-shirt. She’s wearing pink trainers.

Mike is wearing a yellow T-shirt and a red jacket. He’s wearing orange trainers.

9 Think and find the differences. Check with a friend.

She but he She but he She but he

72 Unit 5
1 4 3 2

a small, clean shirt.

small, new trainers.

long, old trousers. a short, dirty dress.

big • small long • short new • old clean • dirty 73 The Emperor’s New Clothes 10 Listen and say. 86
DIGITAL 1 2 4 3
11 Read, find and tick.

I like it, but I want a red jacket. Here you are! A jacket, please!

But Emperor, you’re wearing a red jacket.

It’s a special jacket.

Only intelligent people can see the real colour of this jacket.

Ah… Really? OK! And I need a shirt. A white shirt.

Here is a beautiful white shirt. Emperor, lunch is ready. White? Oh yes, yes... it’s white!


James, do you like my red jacket?

You aren’t wearing a red jacket.

Thank you, James.

74 Unit 5 12 Watch and listen to the story. 87 VIDEO Trust yourself! 1 3 4 5 6 2

Only intelligent people can see the real colour of this jacket.

Oh yes, Emperor. Your red jacket is beautiful.

James... fish and chips, please.

Immediately, Emperor.

James, I don’t like chicken!

My Emperor, it’s special fish. Only intelligent people can see it.

Mmm... thank you, James.

Are you eating chicken?

But you don’t like chicken!



Yes, Mr Green! 75 The Emperor’s New Clothes 13 Act out the story. 7 9 11 12 13 10 8

14 True or false? DIGITAL

1 The emperor puts on a jacket.

2 The jacket is blue.

3 The emperor needs a shirt.

4 The shirt is white.

5 Lunch is ready.

6 The emperor doesn’t like chicken.

7 The emperor is intelligent.

8 The emperor is angry at the end.

15 Answer.

1 Is the emperor wearing a red jacket?

2 Is he wearing a white shirt?

3 Is he wearing green trousers?

4 Is he wearing red shoes?

5 Is he eating fish and chips?

16 Listen and say. 88

17 Listen and circle the pictures with the sound -NG. 89 DIGITAL

The Sound G
me 76 Unit 5 clean sing run long

Look and read. What are you wearing? Say.

I’m not wearing shorts, I’m wearing jeans. I don’t like wearing T-shirts. I like wearing shirts.


Look at the clothes and write.

I’m wearing socks. My socks are white. I don’t like wearing trousers. I like wearing skirts.

I like wearing

But I don’t like wearing

77 The Emperor’s New Clothes 18

ROAD SAFETY Be Bright, be Seen!

1 Who is wearing safe clothes?

2 Write the names of safe, bright colours.

3 Listen and complete. 90 DIGITAL

knees • hands • feet • head

When you skateboard or rollerblade, remember to wear the right protection: I need protection when I …

a helmet for your gloves for your trainers for your

4 Think and complete.

pads for your elbows and for your

Unit 5
Wear the right protection!
Ludovica Olympia

5 Read and think. Tell Sam what to do.

Oh, no! My bike helmet is too small.

Put it in the rubbish bin.

6 Look in your toy chest and draw or write.

Toys you don’t need Broken toys

Donate it.

Real Task

Organise a Toy Donation Day at school. Think about what you can donate.


Living English

1 Write. Listen and check. 91 VIDEO


Many people wear uniforms: police officers, chefs, doctors, pilots.

2 Listen and answer. 92

Sportspeople also wear uniforms. Sports teams have uniforms with different colours.

When you wear a uniform, you are part of the team.

Do you play in a team or club?

Have you got a uniform?

What colour is it?

Unit 5
She’s a He’s a She’s a He’s a

trousers jumper shoes

uniforms shirt T-shirt

In Great Britain and in many countries around the world schoolboys and schoolgirls wear .

Boys usually wear a or a shirt, a jumper, a jacket, and shoes.

Girls usually wear a T-shirt or a , a or a cardigan, a skirt and .

Children sometimes wear a tie and a cap with the school logo.

Do you wear a school uniform?

Real Task

Work in groups of four or five. Design a uniform and a logo for your school.


The Jungle Book Unit 6

2 eagle 8 bear 6 panther 7 tiger 1 monkey 10 crocodile 3 giraffe

1 Watch, listen and point. Say. 94

2 Listen and sing. 95-96

In the jungle there are animals all around…

I can see a tiger, I can see a snake, I can see a hippo swimming in the lake.

I can see an eagle, I can see a bear, I can see an elephant walking over there.

In the jungle there are animals all around…

3 Listen and play.

I can see a giraffe.


I can see a giraffe and a snake.

83 Unit 6 ACTIVITY TIME pages 136-141
9 hippo 4 snake 5 elephant

4 Listen and say. X

I’ve got big legs. I haven’t got big legs. Have you got big legs?

Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

It’s got four legs. It hasn’t got four legs. Has it got four legs?

5 Tick. Listen and check. 99 DIGITAL

Have you got a long neck?

Has it got two legs?

Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

6 Complete.

Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.

Has it got small ears?

Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.

Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.

1 A giraffe a long neck.

2 An elephant two legs.

3 A hippo small ears.

I’ve got

84 Unit 6
Living Grammar

7 Listen and play The Guessing Game. 100

Has it got big ears? No, it hasn’t.

Has it got long arms? Yes, it has.

It’s a monkey. Yes, it is!

85 The Jungle Book

8 Listen and number. Say. 101

9 True or false? DIGITAL T

1 It’s got two legs.

2 It’s got teeth.

3 It hasn’t got a beak.

4 It’s got small eyes.

5 It’s got wings.

6 It can fly.

7 It likes meat.

8 It’s brown and white.


1 It hasn’t got legs.

2 It’s got teeth.

3 It hasn’t got a tail.

4 It’s got big eyes.

5 It’s got wings.

6 It can swim.

7 It likes fruit.

8 It’s green.

86 Unit 6
tail wings

10 Draw an animal and write a riddle for your friends.

It’s got .

It hasn’t got . It can .

It can’t . It likes .

It doesn’t like .

What is it? .

11 Draw an imaginary animal and describe it.


87 The Jungle Book

I’m in town. I’m in the park.

Hello, Baloo. It’s me, Mowgli.

In town? Come back immediately! It’s dangerous!

Mowgli! Where are you?

I know. There are strange animals.

Strange animals?

Yes, there’s a crocodile. A big crocodile. It’s got four legs, but it’s running on two legs.

88 Unit 6 12 Watch and listen to the story. 102 VIDEO You can be wrong! 1 2 4 5 3

Yes. It’s OK to make mistakes.

I’m coming, Mowgli!

Help, Baloo! The tiger is coming!

There’s also a small tiger. But it’s very strong!

Help, HELP!

I’m coming, Mowgli!

Oh, Baloo, ahh ha ha! Look, it’s a lovely dog!

89 The Jungle Book 13 Act out the story. 6 7 8 9 10 11
Oh, Mowgli!


Choose the right words and match. Listen and check.

Mowgli is / isn’t in town.

Mowgli is surprised / scared.

There is / isn’t a strange elephant.

The crocodile is running on two / four legs.

The tiger is small / big.

The tiger is / isn’t strong.

15 Listen and say. 104

Listen and circle the pictures with the sound

The Sound Ga me 90 Unit 6 snake red rain ten
1 4 2 5 3 6

17 Look at the gorilla and answer the questions.

1 Can it run?

2 Does it like fruit?


3 Does it like meat?

4 Can it swim?

5 Has it got teeth?

6 Has it got a long tail? 1 Yes, it has.

Look at the Bradypus. Write a question for each answer.

No, it hasn’t.

Yes, it can.

No, it can’t.

Yes, it does.

No, it doesn’t.

91 The Jungle Book

Can soil speak? Yes, it can!

Do this simple test and check!

1 Do the test.


1 Does it feel gritty?

• Yes Go to step 2.

• No Go to step 4.

2 Can you roll it into a sausage shape?

• Yes It’s sandy loam.

• No Go to step 3.

3 Does your skin get a little dirty?

• Yes It’s loam.

• No It’s sandy soil.

4 Can you make a horseshoe shape?

• Yes Go to step 5.

• No It’s loam.

5 When you wet it, does it feel a bit sticky?

• Yes It’s clay soil.

• No It’s loam.

2 Complete.


What kind of soil is it?

Unit 6
loam sandy


TEST 3 Listen and do the experiment. 106 Put two plants in two pots. Pour the mixture in plant number 2. Give plant number 1 water. Do the same procedure for 7 days. Mix water and detergent. Record the results.
kill plants?
A soil pollution
SafariLongleatand Adventure
Living English 94 Unit 6 1 Listen and complete. 107 VIDEO Longleat Safari Park is in the south of . Here all the are free and you can visit the park by . But you can’t get out of your car. It’s very and if you need help, you must sound the ! Watch out for the big cats. There are lions and tigers. They can walk near your car. dangerous England animals horn car


Listen and read. 108

There are lots of attractions at Longleat: Penguin Island, Monkey Temple, Bat Cave, Jungle Kingdom and the wonderful Jungle Cruise. From the boat you can see gorillas, hippos and seals.

You can also feed the animals. It’s fantastic!

EDUCAZIONE CIVICA Out of Wild Shop Animal Adventure AFRICAN VILLAGE CAR PARK BONGO PASS Sun Maze THE WATERING HOLE CAFE TROPICAL STORM CAFE Zebras WALK WITH THE LEMURS Ibis & Spoonbill Pelican Cove Gorilla COLONY Vultures WALLABIES Flamingos Pelican Elephant Safari Entrance Safari Exit Deer Park Cheetahs TIMBERWOLVES Lions Tigers Safari ‘need to know’ Tapir Ostrich, Scimitar Horned Oryx, Bactrian Camel Wildebeest Rhino AFRICAN TRADERS House Access to Longleat House, the Cellar Café, Lady Bath’s Shop and Victorian Kitchen Shop for wheelchair users and to pushchair park. Nature ’s Kingdom Shop Accessibility Codes Adventure Park Attractions Shops Food & Drinks Accessible to pushchairs Pizza Piazza GiraffeS MONKEY DRIVE THRU King Arthur ’s Mirror Maze Meet My Ancestors Lord Bath s Olde Sweet Shoppe Jungle Express Shop Cellar CafE Family Bygones Exhibition Soft top cars, cars with vinyl sunroofs and motorbikes etc., are not permitted in the Safari Park A limited daily Safari Bus service is available to book from Guest Services subject to availability and a surcharge (3yrs) n Cream Huts Capability Brown ’s Pleasure Walk GUEST SERVICES SAFARI VIP HUT SAFARI TOLLS Meet My Ancestors Monkey Temple Nature’s Kingdom © Longleat Safari Park

Hello, friends! Come and see!

Climb with me up that tree! A B


Now jump down and say hurray!

Now let’s drink a cup of tea.


Stand up and jump on one foot or two.


Touch your toes, touch your head!

96 The Alphabet 1 Listen.
Say and act. 109


Work with three or four friends. Choose a topic and make an alphabet poster.

97 2 Listen and tick. 110 DIGITAL
Real Task
3 Listen and play The Spelling Game.
cap crane grain pin pen desk disk bell ball hat hut
clown crown woman women snake snack
S-H-I-R-T. Skirt! Ah, it’s shirt! Right! Listen, S-H-I-R-T.

Festivities Spooky Halloween!

1 Listen and read. 112

1 Hello, I’m Caroline. Today I’m an astronaut.

2 At Halloween I always go trick or treating with my friends.

3 I knock at my aunt’s house.

4 She gives me and my friends lots of sweets.

2 Number the pictures.

3 Answer.

Do you wear a mask or a costume at Halloween?

Do you have a party at school?

Do you go trick or treating?


Make a Halloween bracelet.

You need paper, pencil, scissors.

Witches, ghosts and monsters walking down the street. Knock on every doorway: Trick or treat!

When your door is open, this is what you meet.

Scary creatures shouting: Trick or treat!

Witches, ghosts and monsters walking down the street. Knock on every doorway: Trick or treat!

Trick or treat!

Trick or treat!

5 Listen and sing. 113-114 Draw. Wear. Cut.

Merry Christmas!

1 Listen, read and complete. 115 cousin • Christmas • Grandma • biscuits • presents

Hi, I’m Jennifer. I love Day.

In the morning I always open my .

I video call my Matt. He lives in Australia. I have dinner with Mum, and Grandad.

Then I make with my mum.

Festivities 100

Make a Christmas corner bookmark.

You need paper, pencil, scissors, glue.

Draw and fold. Done! Glue.

3 Listen and sing. 116-117

Where is Santa?

Where is Santa?

Here I am!

Here I am!

Merry, Merry Christmas!

Merry, Merry Christmas!

Let’s rejoice!

Let’s rejoice!

Merry, Merry Christmas!

Merry, Merry Christmas!

Let’s rejoice!

Let’s rejoice!

Merry Christmas to you all!



Happy Easter!

1 Listen and read. 118

1 Hi, I’m Josh. On Easter Day I usually paint hard-boiled eggs with my sisters.

2 Then I open my Easter egg and I find a silly surprise.

3 In the afternoon I meet my friends.

4 We always play egg rolling.

2 Number the pictures.

3 Answer.

1 Do you usually paint eggs at Easter?

2 Do you like chocolate Easter eggs?

3 Do you prefer the chocolate or the surprise?

102 Festivities

Make your funny egg.

You need an eggshell, soil, seeds, water, colours.

Put soil and seeds in an eggshell.

5 Listen and sing. 119-120

Easter is here, there’s a lot to do.

Easter is here, there’s a lot to do.

Let’s decorate eggs, pink, green and blue. There’s one for me and one for you!

Let’s find the eggs, red, yellow and blue.

The bunny’s got eggs for me and you!

Water and wait!

Decorate your egg. Paint a face.

104 1
2 1 2 4 6 8 9 11 12 12 13 14 15 17 18 3 5 7 10 2 6 9 12 16 11 8 4 1 16 2 5 3 7 10 12 13 14 15 18 17
Risolvi il cruciverba.
Welcome unit Activity time

2 Collega e completa.

1 My favourite pet is a

2 My favourite school thing is a

3 My favourite toy is a

4 My favourite sweet food is

5 My favourite savoury food is

6 My favourite farm animal is a

3 Disegna i tuoi preferiti. Poi di’ quali sono.

105 Welcome unit
pet sweet food school thing savoury food toy farm animal


I you he she it

I am a triceratops. You are a T-Rex.

1 Completa con he, she o it.

1 is Linda.

2 is Tommy.

3 is my mum.

4 is my grandfather.

5 is a ball.


my your his her

3 Inserisci l’aggettivo possessivo giusto.

1 I’m a boy. name is Tommy.

2 Sostituisci il soggetto con il pronome personale. Scegli tra: he, she, it.

1 Ann is sixteen. is sixteen.

2 The bike is blue. is blue.

3 Rudy is thirteen. is thirteen.

4 My brother is nice. is nice.

5 My mother is happy. is happy.

6 A T-Rex is very big. is very big.

2 She’s my sister. name is Melanie.

3 He’s my father. name is Tex.

4 You’re my friend. present is nice.

5 She’s my aunt. name is Lilly.

6 He’s my uncle. name is Dan.

She is my grandmother. Her name is Sally.

GRAMMAR Unit 1 Activity time

4 Completa l’albero genealogico di Rudy.

Hi, this is my family!

She is my . name is Sally.

He is my . name is Gordon.

is my . name is Jude.

is my . name is Tex.

is my . name is Melanie. is my . name is Lou.

Real Task

Realizza il tuo albero genealogico e descrivilo ai tuoi compagni di classe.

107 Unit 1

VERBO BE Forma affermativa Forma negativa

I am (I’m) you are (you’re) he is (he’s) she is (she’s) it is (it’s)

I’m not you aren’t he isn’t she isn’t it isn’t

He is ten. He isn’t eleven.

5 Completa le frasi e poi rendile negative.

1 It a dinosaur.

2 You scared.

3 She eight years old.

4 I happy.

5 You eleven today.

6 Tom at school.

7 It a nice present.

8 You my cousin.

9 She my sister.

10 It my birthday today.

15 I a dinosaur.

11 Logan my best friend.
12 My bike yellow.
13 It a blue ball.
14 She sad.
16 He my best friend.
Unit 1

Forma interrogativa

Am I…?

Are you…?

Is he...?

Is she...? Is it...?

6 Metti il punto alle frasi affermative e il punto di domanda a quelle interrogative.

1 Sue is nine years old

2 Is Max your grandfather

3 My cat is very hungry

4 Is Violet your aunt

5 Sam is behind the door

6 Am I your friend

Risposta breve affermativa Risposta breve negativa

Yes, I am.

Yes, you are.

Yes, he is. Yes, she is. Yes, it is.

Are you happy?

7 Rendi le frasi interrogative.

1 You are my friend.

2 It is your birthday.

3 He is your cousin.

Is it my present?

No, I’m not. No, you aren’t. No, he isn’t. No, she isn’t. No, it isn’t.

8 Completa con le risposte brevi.

1 Is he happy? No,

2 Is she angry? Yes,

3 Are you a dinosaur? Yes,

4 Is she sad? No,

Yes, it is.

109 Unit 1




eighty-nine twelve



sixty-seven twenty


1 forty-eight + thirty-seven = eighty-five

2 thirty-five + nineteen = forty-four

3 seventy-two – twenty-nine = sixty-three

4 fifty-nine – thirteen = forty-six

9 Cerchia il numero giusto.
12 twenty two twelve 50 fifty five fifteen 13 three thirteen thirty 40 fourteen forty four
10 Riscrivi i numeri in ordine crescente. 11 Vero o falso? Scrivi il risultato corretto.
Unit 1

I’m Olivia, I’m nine.

Luke is my , he’s

Olivia descrive la sua famiglia. Osserva e completa scrivendo anche l’età. 13

Intervista Olivia. Completa.

Emma your grandmother?

Luke your uncle?

Scarlett your aunt?

Eliza your sister?

your father forty-nine?

111 Unit 1 12
Emma • 73 Eliza • 40 Scarlett • 47 Luke • 49 Dylan • 46 Me • 9

THERE IS - THERE ARE Forma affermativa Forma negativa

There is…

There are…

There isn’t… There aren’t…

1 Scegli le frasi corrette.

1 There is a pink fridge.

2 There isn’t a pink fridge.

3 There are two chairs.

4 There aren’t two chairs.

5 There is a blue table.

6 There isn’t a blue table.

7 There are two tables.

8 There aren’t two tables.

2 Rendi negative le seguenti frasi.

1 There is a fridge in the kitchen.

2 There are two pictures in the living room.

3 There is a sofa in the bedroom.

4 There are two mirrors in the bathroom.

5 There is a wardrobe in the bedroom.

6 There are two armchairs in the living room.

7 There is a dog in the living room.

8 There are two beds in the kitchen.

9 There is a picture in the bathroom.

There is one bed. There aren’t two beds.

GRAMMAR Unit 2 Activity time

Forma interrogativa

Is there…?

Are there…?

Is there one window in your classroom?

3 Metti il punto alle frasi affermative e il punto di domanda a quelle interrogative.

1 Is there a chair in the kitchen

2 Are there two beds in the bedroom

3 There are two cats in the house

4 Rendi le frasi interrogative.

1 There is a table in the kitchen.

2 There are two lamps in the bedroom.

4 There is a cake on the table

5 Are there six eggs in the fridge

6 Is there a picture on the wall

3 There is a cooker in the bathroom.

4 There are two chairs in the bedroom.

Risposta breve affermativa Risposta breve negativa

Yes, there is. Yes, there are. No, there isn’t. No, there aren’t.

5 Completa con le risposte brevi.

1 Is there a shower in the bathroom?


2 Are there two sofas in the bedroom? No,

3 Is there a bath in the kitchen? No,

4 Are there two lamps in the bedroom? Yes,

5 Is there a dog in the living room? No,

6 Are there three ducks in the bath? Yes,


6 Leggi e disegna.

In the kitchen

there is a green table, a yellow fridge and an orange cooker.

In the living room

there are two pink armchairs, a purple sofa and two pictures.

In the bedroom

there is a blue bed, a yellow wardrobe and a red bookshelf.

In the bathroom

there is a red mirror, a black shower and a pink bath.

Unit 2

7 Completa.

1 In my kitchen there is a big , a yellow and a .

Hi, I’m Kevin.

2 In my bathroom there is a , a and a big .

3 In my bedroom there are two , a and a big purple .

There are also two small .

8 Completa il dialogo.

Is there a red fridge in Kevin’s kitchen?

4 In my living room there are two and a small .

There are also three small .

Is there a small sofa in his living room?

Are there two beds in his bedroom?

Is there a small mirror in his bathroom?

Unit 2

9 Completa le domande riguardo la tua classe e rispondi.

twelve boys?

ten girls?

a door?

two boards? a cupboard?

sixteen chairs?

a computer?

a bookshelf?


Descrivi la tua classe. It’s me!

nit 2
Real Task , , , , , , , ,

Real Task

Forma negativa Forma interrogativa

Unit 2
Riordina le frasi.
Scrivi un’azione che puoi svolgere in ogni stanza della casa.
della tua cameretta
che chiunque entri sappia che cosa può fare e che cosa non può assolutamente fare. kitchen bedroom living room bathroom 1 in • bathroom. • the • She • have • can • a • bath 2 in • living room. • read • can • the • He • book • a 3 in • I • play • kitchen. • can’t • football • the 4 bedroom? • in • she • Can • tablet • use • a • the 5 watch TV • in • the • Can • living room? • you
I can ... You can ... He can ... She can ... It can ...
cartello da
su una parete
in modo
CAN Forma affermativa
I can’t ... You can’t ... He can’t ... She can’t ... It can’t ... Can I? Can you? Can he? Can she? Can it?

I like soup.

I don’t like soup!

LIKE PRESENT SIMPLE Forma affermativa Forma negativa

I like… You like…

He likes…

She likes… It likes…

1 Leggi e scrivi il nome giusto.

1 He doesn’t like cherries. His name’s

2 She likes rice. Her name’s

3 She doesn’t like soup. Her name’s

4 He likes bread. His name’s

2 Rendi le frasi negative.

1 I like bread.

2 Mrs Stork likes tomatoes.

3 Mr Fox likes soup.

4 He likes sausages.

5 My dog likes cherries.

6 You like milkshake.

I don’t like… You don’t like… He doesn’t like…

She doesn’t like… It doesn’t like…

GRAMMAR Unit 3 Activity
Ann Max Lucy Teddy

Forma interrogativa

Do I like…?

Do you like…?

Does he like...?

Does she like…?

Does it like…?

3 Metti il punto alle frasi affermative e il punto di domanda a quelle interrogative.

1 You like cherries

2 Does she like hot dogs

3 He likes tomatoes

4 Do you like strawberries

5 Does he like milk

6 She likes soup

Risposta breve affermativa Risposta breve negativa

Yes, I do.

Yes, you do.

Yes, he does.

Yes, she does.

Yes, it does.

No, I don’t.

No, you don’t.

No, he doesn’t.

No, she doesn’t.

No, it doesn’t.

Do you like milk? Yes, I do.

Do you like strawberries?

4 Rendi le frasi interrogative.

1 You like pizza.

2 He likes sausages.

3 She likes chocolate.

5 Completa con le risposte brevi.

1 Does Mrs Stork like chocolate?


2 Does she like strawberries? No,

3 Does Mr Fox like sausages? No,

4 Do you like bread?


5 Does Tim like cherries?



6 Segna con un i cibi che piacciono e con una X i cibi che non piacciono.

I like soup, but I don’t like rice. I don’t like sausages or tomatoes. I like chocolate, cherries and strawberries, but I don’t like milkshake.

I don’t like soup, but I like rice. I like sausages and tomatoes. I don’t like cherries or strawberries, but I like chocolate and milkshake.

7 Vero o falso? V V F F

1 He doesn’t like rice.

2 She doesn’t like rice.

3 He doesn’t like tomatoes.

Real Task

4 She likes tomatoes.

5 He likes chocolate.

6 She doesn’t like chocolate.

Organizza un picnic nel parco. Prepara l’elenco degli invitati e il menù.

Unit 3

8 Che cosa piace ai bambini? Che cosa non piace?

She likes , but she doesn’t like

9 Scrivi 4 frasi facendo un confronto su ciò che piace a te e Madison.

, , , ,

Madison Charles
She , but , , Unit 3

Alla mensa della scuola, Matthew prende il pranzo per sua sorella. Completa il dialogo.

Does she like soup?

rice? sausages? tomatoes?


No, Yes,


Yes, No,


No, Yes,


Yes, Yes,

122 10
Unit 3

Leggi, poi completa le frasi.

My name’s Tommy.

I like sweet food for breakfast.

I like milkshake.

And I like cherries or strawberries with yoghurt. I don’t like savoury food for breakfast.

I don’t like eggs with sausages and tomatoes. But my rabbit Chloe likes tomatoes. And my dog Dongo likes sausages very much.

His name’s .

He . He . He . He . He . But . and .


Secondo te che cosa piace a Chloe? E che cosa non le piace?

She likes


She doesn’t like

123 11
Unit 3

I can dance. He can’t ride a horse.

1 Completa.

1 She can’t rollerblade.

Her name’s

2 She can rollerblade.

Her name’s

3 He can swim.

His name’s

4 He can’t swim.

His name’s

2 Rendi le frasi negative.

1 I can ride a horse.

2 Alan can play the guitar.

3 Friar Tuck can ride a bike.

4 You can play football.

5 Jenny can do judo.

6 Linda can play volleyball.

I can… You can…

He can…

She can…

It can…

I can’t… You can’t…

He can’t…

She can’t…

It can’t…

CAN Forma affermativa Forma negativa
GRAMMAR Unit 4 Activity

Forma interrogativa

Can I…?

Can you…?

Can he...?

Can she...?

Can it...?

3 Metti il punto alle frasi affermative e il punto di domanda a quelle interrogative.

1 Can she play the guitar

2 You can do judo

3 He can speak English

4 Can she ride a horse

5 I can swim

6 Can you swim

Can you ride a horse?

4 Rendi le frasi interrogative.

1 Little John can dance. ?

2 Robin can ride a horse. ?

3 You can rollerblade. ?

Risposta breve affermativa Risposta breve negativa

Yes, I can.

Yes, you can.

Yes, he can.

Yes, she can.

Yes, it can.

No, I can’t.

No, you can’t. No, he can’t. No, she can’t. No, it can’t.

5 Completa con le risposte brevi.

1 Can you play basketball? No,

2 Can Marian swim?


Can you swim?

Yes, I can.

3 Can Robin dance? No,

4 Can he play volleyball? Yes,


Mary can play video games, but she can’t rollerblade. She can play the guitar and video games, but she can’t ride a horse. She can play video games, but she can’t play the guitar.

Michael can do judo, but he can’t play volleyball. He can dance, but he can’t swim. He can swim, but he can’t play football.

6 Completa.
7 Segna con un tick le frasi corrette. My friend Michael
can and . He can’t and he can’t but he can .
Unit 4
Hi, my name’s Mary. I can and I can . I can but I can’t and I can’t .

8 Osserva di nuovo l’attività 6 e completa il dialogo.

Can Mary ride a bike?

she ride a horse?

she play video games?

she play the guitar?

she rollerblade?

Michael play football?

he do judo?

he dance?

he swim?

he play volleyball?

Real Task

Realizza un collage sulle attività che sai svolgere e quelle che non sai svolgere.

Poi racconta.

Unit 4

9 Leggi, pensa e scegli. Chi è l’amico di Luke?

Hello, my name’s Luke.

I’ve got a wonderful friend. He can run very well and he can jump well. He can’t play the guitar at all, but I can. So, I play the guitar and he sleeps.

I can swim very well, but he can’t swim at all. He can’t ride a horse or a bike, but I can.

Look, he is in my bike basket!

10 Completa la tabella. Pensa a tre persone che conosci. Che cosa sanno fare molto bene? Che cosa sanno fare bene? Che cosa non sanno fare?


11 Ora scrivi una frase per ogni riga della tabella.

1 2 3
Unit 4

Che cosa sanno fare i bambini? Che cosa non sanno fare?

Kate Sammy

He can , but he can’t , , ,

Scrivi 4 frasi facendo un confronto su ciò che sai fare tu e ciò che sa fare Sammy.

129 12
She can , but she can’t She , but , , Unit 4

I’m wearing a red jacket.


Forma affermativa Forma negativa

I’m wearing...

You’re wearing...

He’s wearing…

She’s wearing…

It’s wearing...

1 Completa.

1 He’s wearing shorts.

His name’s

2 She isn’t wearing a skirt.

Her name’s

3 He’s wearing a shirt.

His name’s

4 She’s wearing a T-shirt.

Her name’s

2 Rendi le frasi negative.

1 She’s wearing a long skirt.

2 I’m wearing a red dress.

3 You’re wearing a blue shirt.

4 He’s wearing green shoes.

5 Teo is wearing new trainers.

6 Ann is wearing a clean jacket.

I’m not wearing...

You aren’t wearing...

He isn’t wearing…

She isn’t wearing…

It isn’t wearing…

GRAMMAR Unit 5 Activity
Lucy Liam Cora Colin

Forma interrogativa

Am I wearing...?

Are you wearing...?

Is he wearing...?

Is she wearing...?

Is it wearing...?

3 Metti il punto alle frasi affermative e il punto di domanda a quelle interrogative.

1 I’m wearing shoes

2 Is he wearing a jumper

3 Are you wearing trainers

4 She’s wearing a skirt

5 Is Ariel wearing a shirt

6 Josh is wearing shorts

Are you wearing a T-shirt?

4 Rendi le frasi interrogative.

1 The emperor is wearing trousers. ?

2 Tom is wearing a pink shirt. ?

3 You are wearing orange shoes. ?

Risposta breve affermativa Risposta breve negativa

Yes, I am.

Yes, you are. Yes, he is. Yes, she is. Yes, it is.

No, I’m not. No, you aren’t. No, he isn’t. No, she isn’t. No, it isn’t.

5 Completa con le risposte brevi.

1 Is he wearing shorts?


2 Is she wearing a dress? No,

Are you wearing a dress? No, I’m not.

3 Are you wearing shoes? No,

4 Are you wearing a jumper?



6 Completa e colora.

1 a blue

2 pink

3 a red

4 a purple

5 green

7 yellow

9 an orange

She is wearing…

6 a red and white

8 a brown

10 black

He is wearing…

7 Colora i vestiti dei ragazzi. Poi completa.
nit 5

il dialogo.

Is he wearing a T-shirt? a jumper?

a shirt? a jacket? shorts?


Has he got a guitar?

Is he kind?


133 8
Unit 5

9 Inserisci l’aggettivo corretto, poi collega gli opposti.

10 In italiano alcuni indumenti hanno nomi inglesi. Collega.

jeans leggings cardigan bikini

Real Task

Crea il tuo armadio ideale. Che cosa contiene?

a dress a T-shirt a T-shirt a dress shoes a jacket a jacket shoes long short Unit 5
135 11
Leggi le risposte e scrivi le domande riguardo la divisa scolastica dei bambini.
Yes, she is.
Yes, she is.
Yes, she is.
No, she isn’t.
2 Yes,
3 Yes,
4 No,
5 No,
Unit 5
No, she isn’t. She’s wearing shoes.
No, he isn’t. He’s wearing a shirt.
he is.
he is.
he isn’t.
he isn’t.

It’s got big teeth. But it hasn’t got wings!

1 Completa.

1 He’s got green eyes.

His name’s

2 She’s got brown hair.

Her name’s

3 He’s got brown eyes.

His name’s

4 She’s got red hair.

Her name’s

2 Rendi le frasi negative.

1 It’s got big ears.

2 She’s got dark hair.

3 You’ve got blue eyes.

4 I’ve got a monkey.

5 Teddy’s got a toy eagle.

6 Mary’s got a pet snake.

VERBO HAVE GOT Forma affermativa Forma negativa

I’ve got…

You’ve got…

He’s got…

She’s got…

It’s got…

I haven’t got…

You haven’t got…

He hasn’t got…

She hasn’t got…

It hasn’t got…

GRAMMAR Unit 6 Activity time
Kate Rosie James Ian

Forma interrogativa

Have I got…?

Have you got…?

Has he got…?

Has she got…?

Has it got…?

3 Metti il punto alle frasi affermative e il punto di domanda a quelle interrogative.

1 Have I got a red nose

2 You have got a teddy bear

3 Has she got a sister

4 Has it got a long nose?

5 He has got a nice nose

6 I have got a new pet

Have you got a new book?

4 Rendi le frasi interrogative.

1 A crocodile has got a long tail. ?

2 Ellen has got short hair. ?

3 Mowgli has got dark eyes. ?

Risposta breve affermativa Risposta breve negativa

Yes, I have.

Yes, you have.

Yes, he has.

Yes, she has.

Yes, it has.

No, I haven’t. No, you haven’t. No, he hasn’t. No, she hasn’t. No, it hasn’t.

5 Completa con le risposte brevi.

1 Has it got long arms?


2 Has she got wings? No,

Have you got green eyes? No, I haven’t.

3 Has he got a big tummy?


4 Have you got a brother? No,


6 Scrivi i nomi degli animali.

5 3 1 7 2 4 8 6 10 2 5 7 3 1 8 4 6 9 10 9
nit 6

7 Disegna il tuo animale preferito o incolla una foto, poi completa le frasi.

This is my favourite animal. It has got but it hasn’t got . It can but it can’t . It likes but it doesn’t like .

8 Osserva i disegni e rispondi.

Can it swim?

Has it got long legs?

Does it like meat?

Can it fly?

Has it got long legs?

Does it like vegetables?

Can it run?

Has it got a beak?

Does it like fruit?

Unit 6

9 Completa il dialogo e indovina chi è l’animale che risponde. Disegnalo.

• Are you a small animal? No, .

• Have you got four legs? Yes, .

• Have you got a long tail? No, .

• Can you swim? Yes, .

• Do you like fish? Yes, .

• Do you like meat? Yes, .

• Has your name got 4 letters? Yes, .

It’s a .

10 Completa le frasi con has got / have got / hasn’t got / haven’t got.

1 An elephant a long tail.

2 A crocodile big ears.

3 Eagles wings.

4 Bears a beak.

5 A giraffe big teeth.

Real Task

6 A monkey long arms.

7 Snakes legs.

8 A hippo a big mouth.

9 Panthers wings.

10 A bear a short tail.

Pensa a un animale che non è stato presentato nel libro e crea una scheda.

Unit 6


Aiuta Thomas a descrivere il suo animale preferito.

My favourite animal is the kangaroo.

141 11
1 Is it Yes, 2 Is it No, 3 Is it No, 4 Has it got Yes, 5 Has it got No, 6 Has it got Yes, 7 Can it Yes, 8 Can it No, 9 Can it No, 10 Does it like Yes, 11 Does it like No, 12 Does it like No,
Intervista Thomas sul suo animale preferito.
Unit 6

Unit 1 The Lost World

aunt zia

brother fratello

cousin cugino, cugina

father padre

grandfather nonno

grandmother nonna

He is my (grandfather).

Lui è mio (nonno).

Her name is (Sally). Il suo nome è (Sally).

His name is (Gordon).

Il suo nome è (Gordon).

How old are you?

Quanti anni hai?

I’m (ten). Ho (dieci) anni.

Is he your father? È tuo padre?

Let’s go and play!

Andiamo a giocare!

me me

mother mamma

Open it! Aprilo!

She is my (grandmother).

Lei è mia (nonna).

sister sorella

uncle zio

You can’t play with us!

Non puoi giocare con noi!

skull teschio

horns corna

about circa

fast veloce

strong forte

whale balena

skeleton scheletro

luck fortuna

kingdom regno

Numbers Numeri

twenty venti

twenty-one ventuno

twenty-two ventidue

twenty-three ventitre

twenty-four ventiquattro

twenty-five venticinque

twenty-six ventisei

twenty-seven ventisette

twenty-eight ventotto

twenty-nine ventinove

thirty trenta

forty quaranta

fifty cinquanta

sixty sessanta

seventy settanta

eighty ottanta

ninety novanta a hundred cento

Unit 2

The Little Mermaid

armchair poltrona

bath vasca da bagno

be kind sii gentile

bed letto

bookshelf libreria

Can you read in the kitchen?

Puoi leggere in cucina?

Come back! Torna indietro!

cook cucinare

cooker fornello

Don’t touch it! Non toccarlo!

fridge frigorifero

have a bath fare il bagno have lunch fare pranzo

I need a friend.

Ho bisogno di un amico. Is there a (picture) in the (living room)?

C’è un (Quadro) in (salotto)?

mirror specchio

nice graziosa

No, there isn’t. No, non c’è. picture quadro play football giocare a calcio read a book leggere un libro share condividere

shower doccia

sleep leggere

sofa divano

table tavolo

There is (a fridge) in the (kitchen).

C’è un (frigorifero) in (cucina). There isn’t (a bed) in the (kitchen).

Non c’è (un letto) in (cucina). use a tablet usare un tablet

Wait for me. Aspettami.

wardrobe armadio

watch TV guardare la TV

Where’s the sofa?

Dov’è il divano?

Yes, there is. Sì, c’è. each other l’un l’altro

disappearing scomparendo

Wordlist 142

kinds tipi

knocker battente

downstairs al piano di sotto

upstairs al piano di sopra

Unit 3

The Fox and the Stork

bread pane

breakfast colazione

cherries ciliegie

chocolate cioccolata

Come in! Entra!

dinner cena

Do you like (rice)?

Ti piace (il riso)?

Does she like (milkshake)?

Le piace (il milkshake)?

eggs uova

He doesn’t like (chocolate).

A lui non piace la cioccolata.

I don’t like (eggs).

Non mi piacciono le uova.

I like (rice). Mi piace il riso.

lunch pranzo

meals pasti

milkshake milkshake

rice riso

She likes (bread).

A lei piace il pane.

Sit down! Siedi!

soup minestra

strawberries fragole

tomatoes pomodori

water acqua

Who is it? Chi è?

Yes, please. Sì, grazie. usually di solito

ugly brutta

size dimensione

shape forma

dark scuro

teaspoon cucchiaino da tè

pour versa

teapot teiera

kettle bollitore

leave lascia riposare

afternoon tea tè del pomeriggio

Cooking is not my cup of tea!

Cucinare non fa per me!

Unit 4

Robin Hood

at all affatto

Can he (play the guitar)?

Lui sa (suonare la chitarra)?

Can you (jump)? (Sai (saltare)?

dance ballare

do judo fare judo

Don’t worry! Non preoccuparti!

Friends are forever.

Gli amici sono per sempre.

He can (do judo). So (fare judo)

He can’t (dance).

Lui non sa (ballare)

I can (dance). Io so (ballare)

I can’t (swim).

Io non so (nuotare)

I choose Io scelgo

Let’s try again!

Proviamo di nuovo!

Never give up! Mai arrendersi! play football giocare a calcio play the guitar

suonare la chitarra play video games

giocare ai videogiochi play volleyball

giocare a pallavolo

ride a bike andare in bicicletta ride a horse cavalcare

rollerblade pattinare swim nuotare

very well benissimo well bene

what about you? E tu?

Who can…? Chi sa…?

You’re right! Hai ragione! capital city capitale

huge enorme

fields campi row remare

Unit 5

Journey into the Earth

Are you wearing….?

Tu indossi…?

big grande

clean pulito

dirty sporco

dress vestito da donna

He isn’t wearing…

Lui non indossa…

He’s wearing… Lui indossa…

I like wearing…

Mi piace indossare…

I’m not wearing…

Non indosso…

I’m wearing… Io indosso…

Is she wearing…?

Lei indossa…?

jacket giacca

jumper maglione

long lungo

new nuovo

old vecchio

shirt camicia

shoes scarpe

short corto

shorts pantaloni corti

skirt gonna

small piccolo

special speciale

trainers scarpe da ginnastica

trousers pantaloni

T-shirt maglietta

safe sicuri

bright brillanti

toy chest cesta dei giocattoli

rubbish immondizia

tie cravatta

cap cappello

Unit 6

The Jungle Book

beak becco

bear orso

crocodile coccodrillo

dangerous pericoloso

eagle aquila

elephant elefante

giraffe giraffa

hippo ippopotamo

lovely grazioso

monkey scimmia

panther pantera

snake serpente

strange strano

tail coda

teeth denti

tiger tigre

wings ali

handful manciata

soil terreno

south sud

free liberi

boat barca

cave grotta

seals foche


knock busso

always sempre

let’s rejoice! Rallegriamoci

bookmark segnalibro

hard-boiled eggs uova sode

silly sciocca

water annaffia

Wordlist 144

THE STORY GARDEN PREMIUM 3 di Mariagrazia Bertarini

Responsabile progetto: Maria Letizia Maggini

Redazione: Valentina Falanga, Giovanni Lucchini, Lisa Suett

Art Director: Daniele Garbuglia

Coordinamento redazionale: Marco Mauri

Responsabile di produzione: Francesco Capitano

Progetto grafico e impaginazione: A come APE Studio di Alessia Zucchi

Illustrazioni: Gabriele Antonini, Marco Bregolato, Marta Comito, Elisa Enedino, Mattia Gaggia, Roberto Irace, Giovanni Lombardi, Giovanni Pierfranceschi, Maurizia Rubino, Cecilia Tamburini, Beatrice Xompero

Referenze iconografiche: Shutterstock

Musica: Gianfranco Liori

Arrangiamenti e registrazioni: Samuele Dessì

Noize_Lab Studio

Voci: Zoe Raccis, Mark A. Hill, Jon Dee, Christy Kennedy, Matthew Pilia

© 2023 – ELI S.r.l.

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ISBN 978-88-536-4001-7

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EquiLibri • ProgettoParità è un percorso intrapreso dal Gruppo Editoriale ELi, in collaborazione con l’Università di Macerata, per promuovere una cultura delle pari opportunità rispettosa delle differenze di genere, della multiculturalità e dell’inclusione.

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The Heart and Mind Approach

Il corso che parte dal cuore e arriva alla mente

Ritornano i fantastici personaggi di The Story Garden in versione Premium con tante novità!

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• Nuove canzoni.

• Nuove attività divertenti e coinvolgenti.

• La nuova sezione Festivities: alla scoperta delle feste e delle tradizioni inglesi.

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• The City Mouse…: Reader in inglese.

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ISBN 978-88-536-3999-8

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ISBN 978-88-536-4000-0

ISBN 978-88-536-4001-7

ISBN 978-88-536-4001-7 Questo volume, sprovvisto del talloncino a fronte, è da considerarsi SAGGIO – CAMPIONE GRATUITO: fuori campo applicazione IVA ed esente da Ddt (Art. 2, c. 3, I.d, DPR 633/1972 e Art. 4, n.6, DPR 627/1978) TheStoryGardenPremium Student’sbook3 ISBN978-88-536-4001-7
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La valigetta contiene: · Teacher’s Guide · Teacher’s Kit · 4 poster · 2 CD audio · 1 DVD La valigetta contiene: · Teacher’s Guide · Teacher’s Kit · 4 poster · 2 CD audio · 1 DVD La valigetta contiene: · Teacher’s Guide · Teacher’s Kit · 4 poster · 2 CD audio · 1 DVD
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2 Let’s Practise pp.
Story Mariagrazia Bertarini Premium Gard e n 2 the Inquadra QRcode Welcome Unit Storytelling Videos and animations Cinderella Reader Student’s Book pp. 120 Reader pp. 16 attivano competenze dei ad appropriarsi dei concetti Mariagrazia Bertarini Mariagrazia Bertarini Ripasso in autonomia Inquadra QRcode 3 Let’s Practise pp. 24 THE STORY GARDEN PREMIUM Mariagrazia Bertarini Story Mariagrazia Bertarini Premium Gard e n 3 the Inquadra QRcode Welcome Unit Storytelling Videos and animations The City Mouse… Reader Student’s Book pp. 144 Reader pp. 16 competenze dei bambini delle Mariagrazia Bertarini Cittadinanza digitale Ripasso in autonomia Inquadra QRcode 1 Let’s Practise pp. 24 Story Mariagrazia Bertarini Premium Gard e n 1 the Inquadra QRcode Welcome Unit Storytelling Videos and animations Snow White Reader Student’s Book pp. 120 Reader pp. 16 competenze dei bambini delle Mariagrazia Bertarini

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