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Inglese 4 16,5 x 24 cm • 32 Pagine • e 7,40 ILLUSTRATED BY GUSTAVO MAZALI AESOP, S FABLES AESOP VALUES Downloadable Audio Files of Reading puddle. Who friend? These collection, been read At their The first is the most illustration no matter Classic KG Aesop Aesop’s Fables First Readers First Readers Kindergarten/Early Primary Aesop’s Fables First ELI Readers Classic | 978-88-536-3120-6 Audio files ILLUSTRATED BY GUSTAVO MAZALI JANE CADWALLADER MARTHA AND THE WOOLLY RHINO ELIs.r.l.FIRSTELI READERS ISBNMarthaandtheWoollyRhino 978-88-536-3121-3 Eli Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classic and original stories for learners of English. www.eligradedreaders.com The pleasure of Reading KG Jane Cadwallader Martha and the Woolly Rhino First Readers Kindergarten/Early Primary Original First Readers Jane Cadwallader Martha and the Woolly Rhino Martha the mammoth and her prehistoric animal friends are playing happily together in the wood when Martha discovers a baby woolly rhino called Ryan who has lost his mum and dad. While Martha and her friends look after the baby rhino, Bella the butterfly sets off in search of Ryan’s parents. The fear of getting lost is one readers of this age will readily relate to and the way the young animals look after the baby rhino and imaginatively solve the problem will delight and amuse children. In this reader you will find: - Games and language activities - An audio recording of the story and the song - A picture dictionary Helpfulness | Kindness to animals | Problem-solving Original Kindergarten/Early Primary VALUES Downloadable Audio Files Look on the inside front cover to find out how to download the free audio files. Downloadable Audio Files Jane Cadwallader Martha and the Wooly Rhino First ELI Readers Original | 978-88-536-3121-3 Audio files Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali Katie, Teddy and the Princess Katie has some special friends, Regazza the doll and Monty the mouse. They live in the Land of Forgotten Toys, the place where toys go when they are left forgotten in a toy box. In this story Katy and her friends help a teddy that has fallen in love with a princess. Will Teddy be strong enough to become a true hero? Will Katie and her friends manage to help him? This is a story about solving problems in a creative way and about the importance of being determined and not giving up. In this reader you will find: Games and language activities Helping others Jane Cadwallader Katie, Teddy and the Princess Eli Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classic and original Original Young Readers Jane Cadwallader Katie, Teddy and the Princess Young Readers Stage 1 below A1 Downloadable Audio Files Look on the inside front cover to find out how to download 100 headwords 400 headwords STAGE 1 Jane Cadwallader Katie, Teddy and the Princess Stage 1 100 headwords | below A1 | Starters | Original Audio files | 978-88-536-3127-5 Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali Two Stories about Soup These are two traditional stories around getting the ingredients to make soup. In the first one, retold from a famous version by Leo Tolstoy, who will help grandpa pull up a huge turnip to make soup for his family? In the second, of central European origin, how can a poor man make a delicious soup? Both stories have a strong strand of humour but underlying them are important messages about being ready to ask for and to give help, about the importance of teamwork… And about using your imagination and ingenuity. In this reader you will find: Games and language activities Resourcefulness Two Stories about Soup Eli Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classic and original stories for learners of English. www.eligradedreaders.com Classic Young Readers Two Stories about Soup Young Readers Stage 1 below A1 Downloadable Audio Files Look on the inside front cover to find out how to download 400 headwords Aleksey Tolstoy Two Stories About Soup Stage 1 100 headwords | below A1 | Starters | Classic Audio files | 978-88-536-3126-8 Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali Katie, the Pirate and the Treasure the doll of Forthey are box for a to find arrived in him? friendproblem. Reading Original Young Readers Jane Cadwallader Katie, the Pirate and the Treasure Young Readers Stage 1 below A1 Downloadable Audio Files Starters/Movers Jane Cadwallader Katie, the Pirate and the Treasure Stage 1 100 headwords | below A1 | Starters | Original Audio files | 978-88-536-3122-0 16,5 x 24 cm • 32 Pagine • e 7,40 First Eli Readers Young Eli Readers HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN’S STORIES ILLUSTRATED BY GUSTAVO MAZALI HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN of Reading Andersen’s Duckling the because the Pea not very girl turns children unpopular stories are yourselves, you can’t VALUES Downloadable Audio Files Classic Hans Christian Andersen Hans Christian Andersen’s Stories First Readers Kindergarten/Early Primary First Readers First ELI Readers Classic | 978-88-536-3124-4 Audio files Hans Christian Andersen’s Stories ILLUSTRATED BY GUSTAVO MAZALI MARTHA AND THE TIGER PARTY JANE CADWALLADER ELIs.r.l.FIRSTELI READERS ISBNMarthaandtheTigerParty 978-88-536-3125-1 Original Jane Cadwallader Martha and the Tiger Party First Readers Kindergarten/Early Primary Eli Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classic and original stories for learners of English. www.eligradedreaders.com The pleasure of Reading Jane Cadwallader Martha and the Tiger Party Tessa is a very active sabre-toothed tiger! When she finds out there is a tiger birthday party, she is very excited and ready to go straight away. However, the other animals feel she should definitely clean up first! Martha and friends help her to have a bath, brush her hair and clean her teeth before they all set off together. On the way Sancho the squirrel and the communal present fall into the muddy river. Who is going to rescue them? And at what cost? The importance of hygiene is one theme of this story. The other is that we should always give a helping hand when we can. In this reader you will find: - Games and language activities - An audio recording of the story and the song - A picture dictionary Helping others Health Collaboration Original Kindergarten/Early Primary First Readers VALUES Downloadable Audio Files Look on the inside front cover to find out how to download the free audio files. Downloadable Audio Files First ELI Readers Original | 978-88-536-3125-1 Audio files Jane Cadwallader Martha and the Tiger Party Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali Jane Cadwallader andthe Video Game Granny Fixit YOUNGELIs.r.l.ELIREADERS GrannyFixitandtheVideoGame ISBN978-88-536-3496-2 Granny Fixit and the Video Game by Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali ELI Reader Founder and Series Editors Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director) Graphic Design Federico Borsella Production Manager Francesco Capitano © ELI 2022 P.O. Box 6 62019 Recanati (MC) Italy T +39 071750701 F +39 071977851 info@elionline.com www.elionline.com Typeset in 15,5 / 22 pt Monotype Plantin Schoolbook Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa - Pigini Group Printing Division Loreto Trevi ERY144.01 ISBN 978-88-536-3496-2 The ELI Readers collection is a complete range of books and plays for readers of all ages, ranging from captivating contemporary stories to timeless classics. There are four series, each catering for a different age group: First ELI Readers Young ELI Readers Teen ELI Readers and Young Adult ELI Readers. The books are carefully edited and beautifully illustrated to capture the essence of the stories and plots. The FSC certification guarantees that the paper used in these publications comes from certified forests, promoting responsible forestry management worldwide. For this series of ELI graded readers, we have planted 5000 new trees. Granny Fixit is in the park listening to the birds. There are two children. They aren’t enjoying the park! They’re playing a video game! How can Granny Fixit distract the children? How can she show them that it’s fun to play in the park, too? Read the story and find out! In this reader you will find: - Games and language activities - A picture dictionary Link to 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Goal 3: Good health and well-being Tags Health and exercise Time management | Sharing Jane Cadwallader Granny Fixit and the Video Game Syllabus Vocabulary areas Colours, body and physical descriptions, sports and leisure Language Present simple action verbs Present continuous Can for ability and for permission Have got There is / are Expressions: Please / Thank you / Hello / Goodbye / What a/an Let’s … Would you like to … I like + verb + ing Oh dear! Me too! See you later! My name is Jane and I live in a beautiful Spanish city, Madrid. I’m an English author of children’s books. I’ve always loved creating stories and songs for children. The best ideas come to me while… I’m jogging! Original Starters Starters/Movers Movers Flyers below A1 A1 A1.1 A2 100 headwords 200 headwords 300 headwords 400 headwords STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 STAGE 4 Original J. Cadwallader Granny Fixit and the Video Game Young Readers Downloadable Multimedia Files Look on the inside front cover to find out how to download the free multimedia files. Downloadable Multimedia Files Young Readers Eli Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classic and original stories for learners of English. www.eligradedreaders.com The pleasure of Reading Stage below A1 My name is Gustavo I live in a very big city, Buenos Aires. I have been drawing all my life, ever since I was a child as didn’t have a TV. I enjoy most of all drawing comic strips and picturing myself and my kids in the illustrations that I create. Stage 1 below A1 Extra activities online To get the most out of each reader, you can find extra activities for each title on our website www.eligradedreaders.com • Extra activities for students • Extra resources for teachers • Download the ELILINK app from • Use the ELILINK app • Scan the cover To download the multimedia files Download MP3 audio files from www.eligradedreaders.com With smartphone or tablet With PC or Mac Link to 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Goal 3: Good health and well-being and
Jane Cadwallader Granny Fixit and the Video Game Stage 1 100 headwords | below A1 | Starters | Audio files | 978-88-536-3496-2 Jane Cadwallader Katie’s Happy Holiday Stage 1 100 headwords | below A1 | Starters | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3448-1 NOVITÀ
the Video Game Granny Fixit
Inglese 5 Aladdin andthe Magic Lamp Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali Aladdin and the Magic Lamp Retold, activities and poem by Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali ELI Readers Founder and Series Editors Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director) Graphic Design Sergio Elisei Eli Design Department Diletta Brutti Production Manager Francesco Capitano Typeset in 20 / 25 pt Monotype Plantin Schoolbook © New edition 2021 First edition 2012 P.O. Box 6 - 62019 Recanati MC Italy T +39 071750701 - F +39 071977851 info@elionline.com www.elionline.com Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa Recanati ERY 117.10 ISBN 978-88-536-3115-2 The ELI Readers collection is a complete range of books and plays for readers of all ages, ranging from captivating contemporary stories to timeless classics. There are four series, each catering for a different age group: First ELI Readers Young ELI Readers Teen ELI Readers and Young Adult ELI Readers. The books are carefully edited and beautifully illustrated to capture the essence of the stories and plots. The FSC certification guarantees that the paper used in these publications comes from certified forests, promoting responsible forestry management worldwide. For this series of ELI graded readers, we have planted 5000 new trees. Aladdin is a poor boy who plays all day long in the streets with his monkey, but something will Aladdin loves Bulbul but his love is impossible. She is a princess and he is just a poor boy. But the magic lamp of a bad magician changes everything and helps Aladdin to get what he wants. Well, that’s what he thinks! The bad magician has other ideas! In this reader you will find: Games and language activities Tags Good and bad Aladdin and the Magic Lamp Syllabus Vocabulary areas The home, animals, numbers, fruit, the world around us Grammar and structures Present simple Present continuous Prepositions of place Question words Let’s Like + v + ing Adjectives of description and feeling. No one knows who the first person was to tell the story of Aladdin. It was passed on from storyteller to storyteller. Some versions of the story are set in China whilst in later versions, like the Disney film, the story happens in an Classic Aladdin And The Magic Lamp Young Readers Stage 1 below A1 Downloadable Multimedia Files Look on the inside front cover to find out how to download Young Readers enjoy most of all drawing comic strips and picturing myself and my kids in the illustrations that create. Eli Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classic and original Extra activities online To get the most out of each reader, you can find extra activities for each title on our website www.eligradedreaders.com • Extra activities for students • Extra resources for teachers • Download the ELILINK app from • Use the ELILINK app • Scan the cover To download the multimedia files Download MP3 audio files from www.eligradedreaders.com With smartphone or tablet With PC or Mac Anonymous Aladdin and the Magic Lamp Stage 1 100 headwords | below A1 | Starters | Classic Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3115-2 Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali and theGranny Fixit Yellow String Jane Cadwallader Granny Fixit and the Yellow String by Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali ELI Reader Founder and Series Editors Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director) Graphic Design Sergio Elisei Eli Design Department Diletta Brutti Production Manager Francesco Capitano Typeset in 15,5 / 22 pt Monotype Plantin Schoolbook © New edition 2021 First edition 2009 P.O. Box 6 - 62019 Recanati MC Italy T +39 071750701 - F +39 071977851 info@elionline.com - www.elionline.com Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa Recanati ERY101.10 ISBN 978-88-536-3114-5 The ELI Readers collection is a complete range of books and plays for readers of all ages, ranging from captivating contemporary stories to timeless classics. There are four series, each catering for a different age group: First ELI Readers Teen ELI Readers and Readers. The books are carefully edited and beautifully illustrated to capture the essence of the stories and plots. The FSC certification guarantees that the paper used in these publications comes from certified forests, promoting responsible forestry management worldwide. Syllabus Vocabulary areas School, family and friends, the home, toys Grammar and structures Present simple Present progressive Imperatives Have for possession There is / There are Can for ability Question words: Where? / What? Conjunctions: and but Determiners: this / that / a / an a lot of Original J. Cadwallader Granny Fixit and the Yellow String Young Readers Downloadable Multimedia Files Young Readers Stage 1 below A1 Extra activities online To get the most out of each reader, you can find extra activities for each title on our website www.eligradedreaders.com • Extra activities for students • Extra resources for teachers • Download the ELILINK app from • Use the ELILINK app • Scan the cover To download the multimedia files Download MP3 audio files from www.eligradedreaders.com With smartphone or tablet With PC or Mac Stage 1 100 headwords | below A1 | Starters | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3114-5 Jane Cadwallader Granny Fixit and the Yellow String Mark Twain Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali The Prince and the Poor Boy saying: other side!’ unforewith the live in opened to the boys lives enrifriendship Reading Classic Young Readers Mark Twain The Prince and the Poor Boy Young Readers ELT Stage 1 below A1 Audio Files Starters/Movers Stage 1 100 headwords | below A1 | Starters | Classic Audio files | 978-88-536-3123-7 Mark Twain The Prince and the Poor Boy Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali Granny Fixit Jane Cadwallader and the Viking children Young Readers ! YOUNGELIs.r.l.ELIREADERS GrannyFixitandtheVikingChildren ISBN978-88-536-3119-0 Granny Fixit and the Viking Children by Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali ELI Readers Founder and Series Editors Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director) Graphic Design Airone Comunicazione – Sergio Elisei Design Department Airone Comunicazione Production Manager Francesco Capitano The publisher would like to take this opportunity to thank Sarah Howell for her contribution to the development of the project The publisher would like to take this opportunity to thank Lisa Kester Dodgson Typeset in 15,5 22 pt Monotype Plantin Schoolbook New edition 2021 First edition 2017 P.O. Box 6 - 62019 Recanati MC - Italy T +39 071750701 - F +39 071977851 info@elionline.com - www.elionline.com Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa Recanati ERY130.10 ISBN 978-88-536-3119-0 The ELI Readers collection is a complete range of books and plays for readers of all ages, ranging from captivating contemporary stories to timeless classics. There are four series, each catering for a different age group: First ELI Readers Young ELI Readers Teen ELI Readers and Young Adult ELI Readers. The books are carefully edited and beautifully illustrated to capture the essence of the stories and plots. The FSC certification guarantees that the paper used in these publications comes from certified forests, promoting responsible forestry management worldwide. For this series of ELI graded readers, we have planted 5000 new trees. When the children go with their mother to a Viking archaeological site Granny Fixit organises an interesting encounter for them with some Viking children. Together they find a baby whale on the beach. Will they be able to help the baby whale go back to its mother in the sea? In this reader you will find: - Games and language activities - A picture dictionary Tags Friendship across cultural boundaries | Resourcefulness | Kindness to animals Jane Cadwallader Granny Fixit and the Viking Children Original Starters Starters/Movers Movers Flyers below A1 A1 A1.1 A2 100 headwords 200 headwords 300 headwords 400 headwords STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 STAGE 4 Original J. Cadwallader Granny Fixit and the Viking Children Young Readers Young Readers Eli Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classic and original stories for learners of English. www.eligradedreaders.com The pleasure of Reading Syllabus Vocabulary areas Family and friends, sport, the world around us Grammar and structures Present simple Present progressive Have got for possessions Can for permission Can for ability Expressions Would you like to … / Let’s … Thank you Ooops Er… Suddenly … Pronouns: I / you / we, my our / your Too Descriptive adjectives Question words: where, what Look out! Ah! Help! Oh! Shh! A1 Stage 1 below A1 Look on the inside front cover to find out how to download the free multimedia files. Downloadable Multimedia Files Extra activities online To get the most out of each reader, you can find extra activities for each title on our website www.eligradedreaders.com • Extra activities for students • Extra resources for teachers • Download the ELILINK app from • Use the ELILINK app • Scan the cover To download the multimedia files Download MP3 audio files from www.eligradedreaders.com With smartphone or tablet With PC or Mac Stage below A1 Downloadable Multimedia Files Jane Cadwallader Granny Fixit and the Viking Children Stage 1 100 headwords | below A1 | Starters | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3119-0 Dominique Guillemant Illustrated by Alistar Young Readers ! Hooray for the Holidays! by Dominique Guillemant English version and activities by Lisa Suett Illustrated by Alistar ELI Readers Founder and Series Editors Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director) Eli Design Department Sergio Elisei Layout Enea Ciccarelli Production Manager Francesco Capitano Typeset in 20 / 25 pt Monotype Plantin Schoolbook New edition 2021 First edition 2009 P.O. Box 6 - 62019 Recanati MC - Italy T +39 071750701 - F +39 071977851 info@elionline.com www.elionline.com Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa Recanati ERY101.10 ISBN 978-88-536-3110-7 The ELI Readers collection is a complete range of books and plays for readers of all ages, ranging from captivating contemporary stories to timeless classics. There are four series, each catering for a different age group: First ELI Readers Young ELI Readers Teen ELI Readers and Young Adult ELI Readers. The books are carefully edited and beautifully illustrated to capture the essence of the stories and plots. The FSC certification guarantees that the paper used in these publications comes from certified forests, promoting responsible forestry management worldwide. For this series of ELI graded readers, we have planted 5000 new trees. seaside Jack’s dog. in their Original D. Guillemant Hooray For the Holidays! Young Readers Young Readers Starters/Movers Reading Stage 1 below A1 Downloadable Multimedia Files Dominque Guillemant Hooray for the Holidays! Stage 1 100 headwords | below A1 | Starters | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3110-7 16,5 x 24 cm • 32 Pagine • e 7,40 Illustrated by Elena Prette Fairy Tales LittleRed RidingHood Classic Young Readers Little Red Riding Hood Young Readers Stage 1 below A1 Downloadable Multimedia Files Stage 1 100 headwords | below A1 | Starters | Fairy Tales Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3117-6 Little Red Riding Hood Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali and the Monkey Granny Fixit Jane Cadwallader Young Readers ! YOUNGELIs.r.l.ELIREADERS GrannyFixitandtheMonkey ISBN978-88-536-3116-9 Granny Fixit and the Monkey by Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali ELI Readers Founder and Series Editors Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director) Eli Design Department Airone Comunicazione Sergio Elisei Production Manager Francesco Capitano Typeset in 15,5 / 22 pt Monotype Plantin Schoolbook New edition 2021 First edition 2009 P.O. Box 6 - 62019 Recanati MC Italy T +39 071750701 - F +39 071977851 info@elionline.com - www.elionline.com Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa Recanati ISBN 978-88-536-3116-9 The ELI Readers collection is a complete range of books and plays for readers of all ages, ranging from captivating contemporary stories to timeless classics. There are four series, each catering for a different age group: First ELI Readers Young ELI Readers Teen ELI Readers and Young Adult ELI Readers. The books are carefully edited and beautifully illustrated to capture the essence of the stories and plots. The FSC certification guarantees that the paper used in these publications comes from certified forests, promoting responsible forestry management worldwide. For this series of ELI graded readers, we have planted 5000 new trees. In this funny adventure in a biopark a monkey takes Granny Fixit’s small yellow bag! What does the monkey take out of the bag? And what can Granny Fixit, Lucy and Bill do to get it back? Jane Cadwallader Granny Fixit and the Monkey Syllabus Vocabulary areas Animals, Family, Clothes Grammar and structures present simple, present continuous there is are have got (for possession) can for requests like + ing pronouns adjectives to show feelings expressions: Naughty monkey! What now? Oh dear! Be careful! Come here! Sorry! What an adventure Starters/Movers Original J. Cadwallader Granny Fixit and the Monkey Young Readers Young Readers Eli Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classic and original stories for learners of English. The pleasure of Reading Stage 1 below A1 Stage 1 below A1 Downloadable Multimedia Files Extra activities online To get the most out of each reader, you can find extra activities for each title on our website www.eligradedreaders.com • Extra activities for students • Extra resources for teachers • Download the ELILINK app from • Use the ELILINK app • Scan the cover To download the multimedia files Download MP3 audio files from www.eligradedreaders.com With smartphone or tablet With PC or Mac Stage 1 100 headwords | below A1 | Starters | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3116-9 Jane Cadwallader Granny Fixit and the Monkey Illustrated by Beatrice Cerocchi Fairy Tales The Antand the Grasshopper Aesop works hard. prefers it’s very is warm door. She’s dance now! Reading Classic Young Readers Downloadable Multimedia Files Stage 1 below A1 Aesop The Ant and the Grasshopper Young Readers Starters/Movers Stage 1 100 headwords | below A1 | Starters | Fairy Tales Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3118-3 Aesop The Ant and the Grasshopper Young Eli Readers Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali Jane Cadwallader andthePirate GrannyFixit YOUNGELIs.r.l.ELIREADERS GrannyFixitandthePirate ISBN978-88-536-3113-8 Granny Fixit and the Pirate by Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali ELI Reader Founder and Series Editors Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director) Eli Design Department Sergio Elisei Production Manager Francesco Capitano The publisher would like to take this opportunity to thank Sarah Howell for her contribution to the development of the project The publisher would like to take this opportunity to thank Lisa Kester Dodgson Typeset in 15,5 22 pt Monotype Plantin Schoolbook © New edition 2021 First edition 2009 P.O. Box 6 - 62019 Recanati MC Italy T +39 071750701 - F +39 071977851 info@elionline.com - www.elionline.com Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa Recanati ERY101.10 ISBN 978-88-536-3113-8 The ELI Readers collection is a complete range of books and plays for readers of all ages, ranging from captivating contemporary stories to timeless classics. There are four series, each catering for a different age group: First ELI Readers Young ELI Readers Teen ELI Readers and Young Adult ELI Readers. The books are carefully edited and beautifully illustrated to capture the essence of the stories and plots. The FSC certification guarantees that the paper used in these publications comes from certified forests, promoting responsible forestry management worldwide. For this series ELI graded readers, we have planted An action story about Granny Fixit, a sad pirate and a crowd of multi-coloured parrots. When Jill and Ahmed find themselves by magic on a pirate ship they meet sad Pirate Bill. He has no pirate hat, treasure or parrot! But with Granny Fixit around no one stays sad for long! In this reader you will find: - Games and language activities - A picture dictionary Tags Friendship | Adventure | Magic Jane Cadwallader Granny Fixit and the Pirate Syllabus Vocabulary areas Animals, Furniture, Numbers, Colours Grammar and structures Singular and plural nouns with ‘s’ Possessive form (’s) Present simple (positive, negative, interrogative forms) Have got for possession Can/Can’t for ability Let’s My name is Jane and I live in a beautiful Spanish city, Madrid. I’m an English author of children’s books. I’ve always loved creating stories and songs for children. The best ideas come to me while… I’m jogging! Original Starters Starters/Movers Movers Flyers below A1 A1 A1.1 A2 100 headwords 200 headwords 300 headwords 400 headwords STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 STAGE 4 Original J. Cadwallader Granny Fixit and the Pirate Young Readers Downloadable Multimedia Files Look on the inside front cover to find out how to download the free multimedia files. Multimedia Files Young Readers Eli Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classic and original stories for learners of English. www.eligradedreaders.com The pleasure of Reading Stage 1 below A1 My name is Gustavo I live in a very big city, Buenos Aires. I have been drawing all my life, ever since I was a child as didn’t have a TV. I enjoy most of all drawing comic strips and picturing myself and my kids in the illustrations that I create. Stage 1 below A1 Extra activities online To get the most out of each reader, you can find extra activities for each title on our website www.eligradedreaders.com • Extra activities for students • Extra resources for teachers • Download the ELILINK app from • Use the ELILINK app • Scan the cover To download the multimedia files Download MP3 audio files from www.eligradedreaders.com With smartphone or tablet With PC or Mac
Stage 1 100 headwords | below A1 | Starters | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3113-8
Jane Cadwallader Granny Fixit and the Pirate
Dominique Guillemant Sophie’s Dream
Stage 1 100 headwords | below A1 | Starters | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3111-4
Inglese 6 Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali Maxi’s Adventure Rumbledumble’s greatest loves are: Anna and the other children, his garden and his little dog Maxi. When Maxi gets lost, Rumbledumble and the children search everywhere for him. But Maxi is far away in another, very different, world. Will Maxi get back? Will Rumbledumble find him? This is a story about the loyalty between a man and his dog, about determination and about how help is not all one way; sometimes children can help adults too! It’s also about being kind to a stranger… Even when that stranger is a little dog! In this reader you will find: - Games and language activities Kindness to strangers Jane Cadwallader Maxi’s Adventure Eli Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classic and original stories for learners of English. Original Young Readers Stage 2 A1 A1 Jane Cadwallader Maxi’s Adventure Young Readers Downloadable Audio Files Look on the inside front cover to find out how to download 400 headwords Stage 2 200 headwords | A1 | Starters/Movers | Original Audio files | 978-88-536-3142-8 Jane Cadwallader Maxi’s Adventures Anonymous Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali The Legend of Robin Hood This adventure story tells the beginnings of the legend of Robin Hood, a legend that has fascinated generations of children. It starts when Robin Hood comes home to England after fighting for King Richard the Lionheart. He finds that his house has been taken over by the bad Prince John and his servant, the Sheriff of Nottingham. Robin goes into Sherwood Forest where, along with Maid Marion, he forms a band to fight back against the bad Prince and the Sheriff and to defend the poor. In this reader you will find: - Games and language activities - An audio recording of the story and the song - A picture dictionary Tags Recognising right and wrong Sharing Kindness Anonymous The Legend of Robin Hood Eli Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classic and original stories for learners of English. www.eligradedreaders.com The pleasure of Reading Classic Young Readers Stage 2 A1 A1 Anonymous The Legend of Robin Hood Young Readers YOUNGELIs.r.l.ELIREADERS ISBNTheLegendofRobinHood 978-88-536-3143-5 Downloadable Audio Files Look on the inside front cover to find out how to download the free audio files. Audio Files Stage 2 A1 Classic Starters Starters/Movers Movers Flyers below A1 A1 A1.1 A2 100 headwords 200 headwords 300 headwords 400 headwords STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 STAGE 4 Anonymous The Legend of Robin Hood Stage 2 200 headwords | A1 | Starters/Movers | Classic Audio files | 978-88-536-3143-5 Jane Cadwallader School Detectives Stage 2 200 headwords | A1 | Starters/Movers | Original Audio files | 978-88-536-3140-4 Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali School Detectives This story tells the adventure of two children. One is studious and interested in all scientific things. The other is energetic and sporty. Although they live next door to each other and go to the same school, they never speak... until one day something changes all that. Kim and Tony learn to appreciate each other’s skills and to bring these together to prevent a crime. Children learn through them that critical thinking and collaboration can solve problems and that you don’t have to be the same to be friends! Initiative and Jane Cadwallader School Detectives Starters Starters/Movers Movers Flyers series of timeless classic and original stories for learners of English. The pleasure of Reading Original Young Readers Stage 2 A1 A1 J. Cadwallader School Detectives Young Readers YOUNGELIs.r.l. SchoolELIREADERS Detectives ISBN978-88-536-3140-4 Downloadable Audio Files Stage 2 A1 The Gingerbread Man Stage 2 200 headwords | A1 | Starters/Movers | Fairy Tales Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3139-8 Illustrated by Valeria Valenza TheGingerbreadMan Fairy Tales Classic Young Readers Stage 2 A1 A1 The Gingerbread Man Young Readers Downloadable Multimedia Files Oscar Wilde The Giant Rumbledumble Stage 2 200 headwords | A1 | Starters/Movers | Classic Audio files | 978-88-536-3141-1 Oscar Wilde Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali The Giant Rumbledumble in the classic, who possession. actions not boomerang back empathise with own cold realisation feel it humorous mistakes we environment Reading Classic Young Readers Stage 2 A1 O. Wilde The Giant Rumbledumble Young Readers Audio Files Starters/Movers Young Eli Readers 16,5 x 24 cm • 32 Pagine • e 7,40 Dominique Guillemant Illustrated by Paola Chartroux Sophie’s Dream Young Readers ! Sophie’s Dream by Dominique Guillemant Translations by Lisa Suett Illustrated by Paola Chartroux ELI Reader Founder and Series Editors Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director) Eli Design Department Sergio Elisei Layout Enea Ciccarelli Production Manager Francesco Capitano Typeset in 15,5 / 22 pt Monotype Plantin Schoolbook © New edition 2021 First edition 2009 P.O. Box 6 - 62019 Recanati MC - Italy T +39 071750701 - F +39 071977851 info@elionline.com - www.elionline.com Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa Recanati ERY101.10 ISBN 978-88-536-3111-4 The ELI Readers collection is a complete range of books and plays for readers of all ages, ranging from captivating contemporary stories to timeless classics. There are four series, each catering for a different age group: First ELI Readers Young ELI Readers Teen ELI Readers and Young Adult ELI Readers. The books are carefully edited and beautifully illustrated to capture the essence of the stories and plots. The FSC certification guarantees that the paper used in these publications comes from certified forests, promoting responsible forestry management worldwide. ELI graded readers, we have planted Syllabus Topics The world of circus Occupations Animals Nouns Singular and plural forms with ‘s’ Common irregular plural forms Possessive form (’s) Original D. Guillemant Sophie’s Dream Young Readers Downloadable Multimedia Files Young Readers Stage 1 below A1 Extra activities online To get the most out of each reader, you can find extra activities for each title on our website www.eligradedreaders.com • Extra activities for students • Extra resources for teachers • Download the ELILINK app from • Use the ELILINK app • Scan the cover To download the multimedia files Download MP3 audio files from www.eligradedreaders.com With smartphone or tablet With PC or Mac
Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali ! PB3 and the Bees by Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali ELI Readers Founder and Series Editors Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director) Graphic Design Federico Borsella Production Manager Francesco Capitano © ELI 2022 P.O. Box 6 62019 Recanati MC Italy T +39 071750701 F +39 071977851 info@elionline.com www.elionline.com Typeset in 15,5 22 pt Monotype Plantin Schoolbook Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa Pigini Group Printing Disvision Loreto - Trevi ERY 242.01 ISBN 978-88-536-3500-6 The ELI Readers collection is a complete range of books and plays for readers of all ages, ranging from captivating contemporary stories to timeless classics. There are four series, each catering for a different age group: First ELI Readers Young ELI Readers Teen ELI Readers and Young Adult ELI Readers The books are carefully edited and beautifully illustrated to capture the essence of the stories and plots. terrible spaceship. beautiful wings and Some about the roar of a happen. Finding loyalty Starters/Movers Original ELT Jane Cadwallader PB3 and the Bees Young Readers Stage 2 A1 Downloadable Multimedia Files Young Readers Reading Young Readers Jane Cadwallader and the Bees PB3 ELI graded readers, we have planted 5000 new trees. The FSC® certification guarantees that the paper used in these publications comes from certified forests, promoting responsible forestry management worldwide. Link to 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Goal 15: Life on Land Jane Cadwallader PB3 and the Bees Stage 2 200 headwords | A1 | Starters/Movers Audio files | 978-88-536-3500-6 Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali and the Ball Granny Fixit Jane Cadwallader Young Readers ! Granny Fixit and the Pirate by Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali ELI Readers Founder and Series Editors Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director) Eli Design Department Sergio Elisei Production Manager Francesco Capitano The publisher would like to take this opportunity to thank Sarah Howell for her contribution to the development of the project The publisher would like to take this opportunity to thank Lisa Kester Dodgson Typeset in 15,5 / 22 pt Monotype Plantin Schoolbook © New edition 2021 First edition 2009 P.O. Box 6 62019 Recanati MC - Italy T +39 071750701 - F +39 071977851 info@elionline.com www.elionline.com Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa Recanati ERY101.10 ISBN 978-88-536-3112-1 The ELI Readers collection is a complete range of books and plays for readers of all ages, ranging from captivating contemporary stories to timeless classics. There are four series, each catering for a different age group: First ELI Readers Young ELI Readers Teen ELI Readers and Young Adult ELI Readers The books are carefully edited and beautifully illustrated to capture the essence of the stories and plots. The FSC certification guarantees that the paper used in these publications comes from certified forests, promoting responsible forestry management worldwide. For this series of ELI graded readers, we have planted 5000 new trees. magic boy who through squirrel take back for Starters/Movers Original J. Cadwallader Granny Fixit and the Ball Young Readers Downloadable Multimedia Files Young Readers Reading Stage 1 below A1
1 100 headwords | below A1 | Starters | Original Multimedia
Jane Cadwallader Granny Fixit and the Ball
files | 978-88-536-3112-1
robot, Robin, stops working, the
on Planet P3 tells PB3 to throw her in the rubbish and buy a new robot. There is a needle made of wood that is broken and cannot be replaced because there are now no trees on Planet 3. PB3 goes off to Earth to look for a needle made of wood to save his friend. During his search he finds out about recycling and also about children who collect things to sell on rubbish tips. Will the children be able to help PB3 and will PB3 and Robin be able to help the children?
PB3 and the Helping Hands
Inglese 7 Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali PB3 and the Fish Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali ELI Readers Founder and Series Editors Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director) Graphic Design Airone Comunicazione Sergio Elisei Eli Design Department Airone Comunicazione Production Manager Francesco Capitano Typeset in 15,5 22 pt Monotype Plantin Schoolbook © New edition 2021 First edition 2018 P.O. Box 6 - 62019 Recanati MC - Italy T +39 071750701 - F +39 071977851 info@elionline.com - www.elionline.com Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa Recanati ERY 227.10 ISBN 978-88-536-3137-4 The ELI Readers collection is a complete range of books and plays for readers of all ages, ranging from captivating contemporary stories to timeless classics. There are four series, each catering for a different age group: First ELI Readers Teen ELI Readers and Young Adult ELI Readers. The books are carefully edited and beautifully illustrated to capture the essence of the stories and plots. The FSC certification guarantees that the paper used in these publications comes from certified forests, promoting responsible forestry management worldwide. adventure. Earth about arrive in two ETs world fish but Sue help can they Starters/Movers Original Jane Cadwallader PB3 and the Fish Young Readers Stage 2 A1 Downloadable Multimedia Files Young Readers Reading Young Readers Jane Cadwallader and the Fish PB3 Stage 2 200 headwords | A1 | Starters/Movers | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3137-4 Jane Cadwallader PB3 and the Fish Aesop The Hare and the Tortoise Starters/Movers Fairy Tales Aesop Illustrated by AndreaRivola TheHareand theTortoise and the slowly. the hare and see! slowly. Reading Classic Young Readers Stage 2 A1 ELT The Hare and the Tortoise Young Readers Downloadable Multimedia Files Stage 2 200 headwords | A1 | Starters/Movers | Fairy Tales Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3138-1 The Bremen Town Musicians Stage 2 200 headwords | A1 | Starters/Movers | Fairy Tales Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3136-7 Classic Starters Starters/Movers Movers Flyers below A1 A1 A1.1 A2 100 headwords 200 headwords 300 headwords 400 headwords STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 STAGE 4 Fairy Tales MusiciansTheBremen Town Illustratedby Aless a n d r a V i t e l l i This is the story of a donkey who runs away to Bremen to play music in a band. On the road he meets other animals. Who does he meet? On their way they find a house. But who is in the house? Read the story and see! In this reader you will find: - Games and language activities - Picture dictionary pages - A Make it project - A Let’s act! section Tags Friends | Adventure | Teamwork Moral of the story Friends help each other and work together. The Bremen Town Musicians Eli Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classic and original stories for learners of English. www.eligradedreaders.com The pleasure of Reading Classic Young Readers Stage 2 A1 The Bremen Town Musicians Young Readers YOUNGELIs.r.l.ELIREADERSTheBremenTown MusiciansISBN978-88-536-3136-7 Downloadable Multimedia Files Stage 2 A1 Look on the inside front cover to find out how to download the free multimedia files. Downloadable Multimedia Files Aesop The Fox and the Grapes Stage 2 200 headwords | A1 | Starters/Movers | Fairy Tales Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3135-0 Classic Starters Starters/Movers Movers Flyers below A1 A1 A1.1 A2 100 headwords 200 headwords 300 headwords 400 headwords STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 STAGE 4 Fairy Tales Aesop Felix is a fox. Felix’s family is very strange. His family is very lazy and they never do anything. They’ve always got an excuse! When they can’t do something, they don’t try. But this is a problem when they really want something! In this reader you will find: - Games and language activities - Picture dictionary pages - A Make it project - A Let’s act! section Tags Family | Free time Moral of the story When you want something, work hard for it! Aesop The Fox and the Grapes Stage 2 A1 Look on the inside front cover to find out how to download the free multimedia files. Downloadable Multimedia Files Eli Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classic and original stories for learners of English. www.eligradedreaders.com The pleasure of Reading Classic Stage 2 A1 A1 Aesop The Fox and the Grapes Young Readers YOUNGELIs.r.l.ELIREADERSISBNTheFoxandtheGrapes 978-88-536-3135-0 Illustrated by Elenia Beretta TheFox and the Grapes Young Readers Downloadable Multimedia Files Oscar Wilde The Selfish Giant YOUNGELIs.r.l.ELIREADERSTheSelfishGiant ISBN978-88-536-3134-3 The Selfish Giant Retold and Activities by Lisa Suett Illustrated by Allegra Agliardi ELI Readers Founder and Series Editors Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director) Graphic Design Airone Comunicazione Sergio Elisei Design Department Airone Comunicazione Production Manager Francesco Capitano Typeset in 15,5 / 22 pt Monotype Plantin Schoolbook © New edition 2021 First edition 2016 P.O. Box 6 - 62019 Recanati MC Italy T +39 071750701 - F +39 071977851 info@elionline.com www.elionline.com Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa Recanati ERY 218.10 ISBN 978-88-536-3134-3 The ELI Readers collection is a complete range of books and plays for readers of all ages, ranging from captivating contemporary stories to timeless classics. There are four series, each catering for a different age group: First ELI Readers Teen ELI Readers and Readers. The books are carefully edited and beautifully illustrated to capture the essence of the stories and plots. The FSC certification guarantees that the paper used in these publications comes from certified forests, promoting responsible forestry management worldwide. A Giant lives in a castle with a beautiful garden. But the Giant is selfish and wants it all to himself. He doesn’t want the children to play in his garden. Winter comes and never leaves until ... something happens and the Giant learns about love and sharing! In this reader you will find: - Games and language activities - An audio recording of the story and the songs - A picture dictionary Tags Friendship | Sharing | How to treat others Oscar Wilde The Selfish Giant Syllabus Vocabulary areas Seasons, nature, adjectives, feelings Grammar and structures Present simple Present continuous There is / There are Prepositions of place Possessive ’s Adverbs of frequency Classic Starters Starters/Movers Movers Flyers below A1 A1 A1.1 A2 100 headwords 200 headwords 300 headwords 400 headwords STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 STAGE 4 Classic A1 O. Wilde The Selfish Giant Young Readers Stage 2 A1 Downloadable Multimedia Files Young Readers Eli Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classic and original stories for learners of English. www.eligradedreaders.com The pleasure of Reading Look on the inside front cover to find out how to download the free multimedia files. Downloadable Multimedia Files Extra activities online To get the most out of each reader, you can find extra activities for each title on our website www.eligradedreaders.com • Extra activities for students • Extra resources for teachers • Download the ELILINK app from • Use the ELILINK app • Scan the cover To download the multimedia files Download MP3 audio files from www.eligradedreaders.com With smartphone or tablet With PC or Mac Stage 2 A1 Stage 2 200 headwords | A1 | Starters/Movers | Classic Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3134-3
Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali YOUNGELIs.r.l.ELIREADERS
PB3 and the Vegetables by Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali ELI Readers Founder and Series Editors Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director) Graphic Design Airone Comunicazione - Sergio Elisei Eli Design Department Airone Comunicazione - Marcello Muzi Production Manager Francesco Capitano Typeset in 15,5 22 pt Monotype Plantin Schoolbook © New edition 2021 First edition 2015 P.O. Box 6 - 62019 Recanati MC - Italy T +39 071750701 - F +39 071977851 info@elionline.com - www.elionline.com Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa Recanati ERY 216.10 ISBN 978-88-536-3133-6 The ELI Readers collection is a complete range of books and plays for readers of all ages, ranging from captivating contemporary stories to timeless classics. There are four series, each catering for a different age group: First ELI Readers Young ELI Readers Teen ELI Readers and Young Adult ELI Readers. The books are carefully edited and beautifully illustrated to capture the essence of the stories and plots. The FSC certification guarantees that the paper used in these publications comes from certified forests, promoting responsible forestry management worldwide. For this series ELI graded readers, we have planted 5000 new trees. PB3 finds that recycling definitely has advantages! But will it help him find what he needs to fix Robin? When PB3’s
In this reader
find: - Games and language activities - An audio recording of the story - A picture dictionary Tags Recycling | Friendship | Resourcefulness Jane Cadwallader PB3 Recycles Vocabulary areas Furniture, toys, clothes, materials Grammar and structures Present simple Present progressive Going to future Have got for possessions Verb + infinitive Conjunctions: and but Too Adjectives of emotion Question words: where, what, who Expressions What’s the matter? Come on. Let’s… I’ve got an idea! Can you help? It’s time for… Well done! Original Starters Starters/Movers Movers Flyers below A1 A1 A1.1 A2 100 headwords 200 headwords 300 headwords 400 headwords STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 STAGE 4 Original A1 Jane Cadwallader Pb3 Recycles Young Readers Stage 2 A1 Young Readers Eli Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classic and original stories for learners of English. www.eligradedreaders.com The pleasure of Reading My name is Gustavo I live in a very big city, Buenos Aires. I have been drawing all my life, ever since I was a child as I didn’t have a TV. I enjoy most of all drawing comic strips and picturing myself and my kids in the illustrations that I create. Downloadable Audio Files Look on the inside front cover to find out how to download the free audio files. Downloadable Audio Files Stage 2 A1 Extra activities online To get the most out of each reader, you can find extra activities for each title on our website www.eligradedreaders.com • Extra activities for students • Extra resources for teachers • Use the ELILINK app • Scan the cover Download MP3 audio files from www.eligradedreaders.com With PC or Mac To download the audio files With smartphone or tablet • Download the ELILINK app from My name is Jane and I live in a beautiful Spanish city, Madrid. I’m an English author of children’s books. I’ve always loved creating stories and songs for children. The best ideas come to me while… I’m jogging! Stage 2 200 headwords | A1 | Starters/Movers | Original Audio files | 978-88-536-3133-6
Stage 2 200 headwords | A1 | Starters/Movers | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3132-9 Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali PB3 and the Helping Hands Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali ELI Readers Founder and Series Editors Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director) Graphic Design Sergio Elisei Eli Design Department Diletta Brutti Production Manager Francesco Capitano Typeset in 15,5 / 22 pt Monotype Plantin Schoolbook © New edition 2021 First edition 2013 P.O. Box 6 - 62019 Recanati MC Italy T +39 071750701 - F +39 071977851 info@elionline.com www.elionline.com Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa Recanati ERY 213.10 ISBN 978-88-536-3132-9 The ELI Readers collection is a complete range of books and plays for readers of all ages, ranging from captivating contemporary stories to timeless classics. There are four series, each catering for a different age group: First ELI Readers Teen ELI Readers and Young Adult ELI Readers. The books are carefully edited and beautifully illustrated to capture the essence of the stories and plots. The FSC certification guarantees that the paper used in these publications comes from certified forests, promoting responsible forestry management worldwide. Robin Earth evil OOs our ET come to the Starters/Movers Original Jane Cadwallader PB3 and the Helping Hands Young Readers Stage 2 A1 Downloadable Multimedia Files Young Readers Reading Stage 2 200 headwords | A1 | Starters/Movers | Classic Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3131-2 L. Frank Baum The Wonderful Wizard of OZ L. Frank Baum Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali TheWWonderful izard of OZ YOUNGELIs.r.l.ELIREADERS TheWonderfulWizardofOZ ISBN978-88-536-3131-2 The Wonderful Wizard of OZ L. Frank Baum Retold and activities by Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali ELI Readers Founder and Series Editors Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director) Graphic Design Sergio Elisei Eli Design Department Diletta Brutti Production Manager Francesco Capitano Typeset in 15,5 / 22 pt Monotype Plantin Schoolbook © New edition 2021 First edition 2012 P.O. Box 6 - 62019 Recanati MC Italy T +39 071750701 - F +39 071977851 info@elionline.com www.elionline.com Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa Recanati ERY 212.10 ISBN 978-88-536-3131-2 The ELI Readers collection is a complete range of books and plays for readers of all ages, ranging from captivating contemporary stories to timeless classics. There are four series, each catering for a different age group: First ELI Readers Teen ELI Readers and Readers. The books are carefully edited and beautifully illustrated to capture the essence of the stories and plots. The FSC certification guarantees that the paper used in these publications comes from certified forests, promoting responsible forestry management worldwide. Can you imagine being whooshed away by the wind to a magic land of witches and strange characters? Have you ever met Munchkins or Winkies or monkeys with wings and an all powerful wizard? This is the story of how Dorothy made some wonderful friends in a magic land and how she tried to get back home to Kansas. Did she manage? You’ll have to read the story to find out! In this reader you will find: - Games and language activities - A picture dictionary Tags Friendship | Fantasy | Courage and persistence L. Frank Baum The Wonderful Wizard of OZ Syllabus Vocabulary areas Colours, clothes, parts of the body, directions Grammar and structures Present simple Verb + infinitive Must and have to for obligation Determiners: some any Adjectives of description and feeling Prepositions of place Classic Starters Starters/Movers Movers Flyers below A1 A1 A1.1 A2 100 headwords 200 headwords 300 headwords 400 headwords STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 STAGE 4 Classic A1 L. Frank Baum The Wonderful Wizard of OZ Young Readers Stage 2 A1 Downloadable Multimedia Files Look on the inside front cover to find out how to download the free multimedia files. Multimedia Files Young Readers Eli Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classic and original stories for learners of English. www.eligradedreaders.com The pleasure of Reading Extra activities online To get the most out of each reader, you can find extra activities for each title on our website www.eligradedreaders.com • Extra activities for students • Extra resources for teachers • Download the ELILINK app from • Use the ELILINK app • Scan the cover To download the multimedia files Download MP3 audio files from www.eligradedreaders.com With smartphone or tablet With PC or Mac Stage 2 A1 Young Eli Readers 16,5 x 24 cm • 32 Pagine • e 7,40 Stage 2 200 headwords | A1 | Starters/Movers | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3130-5 Jane Cadwallader PB3 and Coco the Clown Jane Cadwallader and Coco the Clown Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali YOUNGELIs.r.l.ELIREADERS ISBNPB3andCocotheClown 978-88-536-3130-5 PB3 and Coco the Clown by Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali ELI Readers Founder and Series Editors Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director) Graphic Design Sergio Elisei Eli Design Department Diletta Brutti Production Manager Francesco Capitano Typeset in 15,5 / 22 pt Monotype Plantin Schoolbook © New edition 2021 First edition 2011 P.O. Box 6 62019 Recanati MC - Italy T +39 071750701 - F +39 071977851 info@elionline.com - www.elionline.com Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa Recanati ERY 209.10 ISBN 978-88-536-3130-5 The ELI Readers collection is a complete range of books and plays for readers of ages, ranging from captivating contemporary stories to timeless classics. There are four series, each catering for a different age group: First ELI Readers Young ELI Readers Teen ELI Readers and Young Adult ELI Readers The books are carefully edited beautifully illustrated to capture the essence of the stories and plots. The FSC certification guarantees that the paper used in these publications comes from certified forests, promoting responsible forestry management worldwide. For this series ELI graded we have planted How PB3 and Robin help to save a life and a love! PB3 and his robot are excited to find themselves in a circus! Elephants and jugglers and an acrobat and a clown! They go with Sally to have tea in Coco the clown’s motorhome, visit the circus school and finally the big top. Little did they suspect that the excitement is just about to begin! In this reader you will find: - Games and language activities - A picture dictionary Tags Circus | Family Jane Cadwallader PB3 and Coco the Clown Syllabus Vocabulary areas Family, time and meals, the body and face, clothes, colours Grammar and structures Present simple Present progressive Verb + infinitive Infinitive of purpose There is There are Prepositions of place and movement Possessive adjectives Descriptive adjectives Question words: Who? / What? / Why? / Where? Original Starters Starters/Movers Movers Flyers below A1 A1 A1.1 A2 100 headwords 200 headwords 300 headwords 400 headwords STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 STAGE 4 Original Jane Cadwallader PB3 and Coco the Clown Young Readers Stage 2 A1 Downloadable Multimedia Files Young Readers Eli Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classic and original stories for learners of English. www.eligradedreaders.com The pleasure of Reading My name is Gustavo I live in a very big city, Buenos Aires. I have been drawing all my life, ever since I was a child as I didn’t have a TV. I enjoy most of all drawing comic strips and picturing myself and my kids in the illustrations that I create. Look on the inside front cover to find out how to download the free multimedia files. Downloadable Multimedia Files Extra activities online To get the most out of each reader, you can find extra activities for each title on our website www.eligradedreaders.com • Extra activities for students • Extra resources for teachers • Download the ELILINK app from • Use the ELILINK app • Scan the cover To download the multimedia files Download MP3 audio files from www.eligradedreaders.com With smartphone or tablet With PC or Mac Stage 2 A1 My name is Jane and I live in a beautiful Spanish city, Madrid. I’m an English author of children’s books. I’ve always loved creating stories and songs for children. The best ideas come to me while… I’m jogging!
Jane Cadwallader PB3 Recycles
you will
Jane Cadwallader
Inglese 8 Jane Cadwallader Dr Domuch and the Huemuls Stage 3 300 headwords | A1.1 | Movers | Original Audio files | 978-88-536-3155-8 Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali Dr Domuch and the Huemuls Young Readers Jane Cadwallader Dr Domuch and the Huemuls Stage 3 A1.1 Young Readers Original Downloadable Audio Files E. Nesbit Five Children and It Stage 3 300 headwords | A1.1 | Movers | Classic Audio files | 978-88-536-3156-5 Edith Nesbit Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali Five Children and It Downloadable Audio Files Young Readers ELT Edith Nesbit Five Children and It Stage 3 A1.1 Young Readers Classic Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Stage 3 300 headwords | A1.1 | Movers | Fairy Tales Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3152-7 Downloadable Multimedia Files Fairy Tales Illustrated by Ilaria Urbinati SnowWhiteand the SevenDwarf s Young Readers Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Stage 3 A1.1 Young Readers Classic Young Eli Readers Frances Hodgson Gurnett The Secret Garden Stage 3 300 headwords | A1.1 | Movers | Classic Audio files | 978-88-536-3154-1 Frances Hodgson Burnett Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali The Secret Garden Young Readers Frances Hodgson Burnett The Secret Garden Stage 3 A1.1 Young Readers Classic Downloadable Audio Files Jane Cadwallader Dr Domuch and the Dinosaur Egg Stage 3 300 headwords | A1.1 | Movers | Original Audio files | 978-88-536-3153-4 Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali Dr Domuch and the Dinosaur Egg Downloadable Audio Files Young Readers Jane Cadwallader Dr Domuch and the Dinosaur Egg Stage 3 A1.1 Young Readers Original Jane Cadwallader PB3 and the Jacket Stage 2 200 headwords | A1 | Starters/Movers | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3129-9 Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali PB3 and the Jacket by Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali ELI Readers Founder and Series Editors Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director) Eli Design Department Sergio Elisei Production Manager Francesco Capitano The publisher would like to take this opportunity to thank Sarah Howell for her contribution to the development of the project The publisher would like to take this opportunity to thank Lisa Kester Dodgson Typeset in 15 / 22 pt Monotype Plantin Schoolbook © New edition 2021 First edition 2009 P.O. Box 6 - 62019 Recanati MC Italy T +39 071750701 F +39 071977851 info@elionline.com - www.elionline.com Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa Recanati ERY 202.10 ISBN 978-88-536-3129-9 The ELI Readers collection is a complete range of books and plays for readers of all ages, ranging from captivating contemporary stories to timeless classics. There are four series, each catering for a different age group: First ELI Readers Teen ELI Readers Readers. The books are carefully edited and beautifully illustrated to capture the essence of the stories and plots. The FSC certification guarantees that the paper used in these publications comes from certified forests, promoting responsible forestry management worldwide. Syllabus Vocabulary areas Clothes, animals, colours, feelings Grammar and structures Present simple Present progressive Imperatives Possessive adjectives Adverbs There is / There are Question words: what? why? Conjunctions: and but Prepositions of place Original A1 Jane Cadwallader PB3 and the Jacket Young Readers Stage 2 A1 Young Readers Downloadable Multimedia Files Extra activities online To get the most out of each reader, you can find extra activities for each title on our website www.eligradedreaders.com • Extra activities for students • Extra resources for teachers • Download the ELILINK app from • Use the ELILINK app • Scan the cover To download the multimedia files Download MP3 audio files from www.eligradedreaders.com With smartphone or tablet With PC or Mac STAGE 3 14,8 x 21 cm • 32 Pagine • e 7,40 Young Readers ! Uncle Jack and the Bear Adventure by Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali ELI Readers Founder and Series Editors Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director) Graphic Design Federico Borsella Production Manager Francesco Capitano © ELI 2022 P.O. Box 6 62019 Recanati (MC) Italy T +39 071750701 F +39 071977851 info@elionline.com www.elionline.com Typeset in 15,5 / 22 pt Monotype Plantin Schoolbook Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa - Pigini Group Printing Division Loreto - Trevi ERY333.01 ISBN 978-88-536-3501-3 The ELI Readers collection is a complete range of books and plays for readers of all ages, ranging from captivating contemporary stories to timeless classics. There are four series, each catering for a different age group: First ELI Readers Young ELI Readers Teen ELI Readers and Young Adult ELI Readers The books are carefully edited and beautifully illustrated to capture the essence of the stories and plots. The FSC™ certification guarantees that the paper used in these publications comes from certified forests, promoting responsible forestry management worldwide. For this series of ELI graded readers, we have planted 5000 new trees. relaxing from Alaska. Berta bears, but children on learn with Goals communities Adventure Starters Starters/Movers Movers Flyers Downloadable Multimedia Files Uncle Jack and the Bear Adventure Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali pleasure of Reading Young Readers A1.1 Jane Cadwallader Uncle Jack and the Bear Adventure Stage 3 A1.1 Young Readers Original Link to 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities Jane Cadwallader Uncle Jack and the Bear Adventure Stage 3 300 headwords | A1.1 | Movers | Starters Audio files | 978-88-536-3501-3 Jane Cadwallader PB3 and the Vegetables Stage 2 200 headwords | A1 | Starters/Movers | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3128-2 Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali Young Readers ! PB3 and the Vegetables by Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali ELI Readers Founder and Series Editors Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director) Eli Design Department Sergio Elisei Production Manager Francesco Capitano Typeset in 15 / 21,5 pt Monotype Plantin Schoolbook © New edition 2021 First edition 2009 P.O. Box 6 - 62019 Recanati MC - Italy T +39 071750701 - F +39 071977851 info@elionline.com - www.elionline.com Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa Recanati ERY 201.10 ISBN 978-88-536-3128-2 The ELI Readers collection is a complete range of books and plays for readers of all ages, ranging from captivating contemporary stories to timeless classics. There are four series, each catering for a different age group: First ELI Readers Young ELI Readers Teen ELI Readers and Young Adult ELI Readers The books are carefully edited and beautifully illustrated to capture the essence of the stories and plots. The FSC certification guarantees that the paper used in these publications comes from certified forests, promoting responsible forestry management worldwide. For this series of ELI graded readers, we have planted bully gets extraterrestrial, fruit and sticky rescue Starters/Movers Original Jane Cadwallader Pb3 and the Vegetables Young Readers Stage 2 A1 Downloadable Multimedia Files Young Readers Reading
Stage 3 300 headwords | A1.1 | Movers | Starters Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3488-7 NOVITÀ
Robert Louis Stevenson Treasure Island
Mamie Pétronille
ils fournissent un support didactique facile à gérer. Les illustrations, ayant un fort impact artistique et visuel, capturent l’attention des lecteurs et en satisfont les goûts.
Inglese 9 Cinderella Stage 3 300 headwords | A1.1 | Movers | Fairy Tales Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3151-0 Cinderell ted by Chiara No Downloadable Multimedia Files Young Readers ELT Cinderella Stage 3 A1.1 Classic Young Readers Fairy Tales Aesop The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse Stage 3 300 headwords | A1.1 | Movers | Fairy Tales Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3150-3 Downloadable Multimedia Files Fairy Tales Aesop Young Readers ELT A1.1 Aesop The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse Stage 3 A1.1 Young Readers Classic Illustrated by AndreaRivola andthe Country Mouse The Town Mouse Oscar Wilde The Canterville Ghost Stage 3 300 headwords | A1.1 | Movers | Classic Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3148-0 Downloadable Multimedia Files The Canterville Ghost Oscar Wilde Young Readers Oscar Wilde The Canterville Ghost Stage 3 A1.1 Young Readers Classic Jane Cadwallader Uncle Jack and the Meerkats Stage 3 300 headwords | A1.1 | Movers | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3147-3 Downloadable Multimedia Files Uncle Jack and the Meerkats Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali Young Readers ELT A1.1 Jane Cadwallader Uncle Jack and the Meerkats Stage 3 A1.1 Young Readers Original Jane Cadwallader Uncle Jack and the Bakonzi Tree Stage 3 300 headwords | A1.1 | Movers | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3144-2 Downloadable Multimedia Files Uncle Jack and the Bakonzi Tree Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali Young Readers ELT A1.1 Jane Cadwallader Uncle Jack and the Bakonzi Tree Stage 3 A1.1 Young Readers Original J. M. Barrie Peter Pan Stage 3 300 headwords | A1.1 | Movers | Classic Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3146-6 J. M. Barrie Illustrated by Elena Prette Downloadable Multimedia Files Young Readers J.M.Barrie Peter Pan Stage 3 A1.1 Young Readers Classic Niveau 1 100 mots | A0 | Fables Multimedia files | 978-88-536-1897-9 Le Petit Chaperon rouge 14,8 x 21 cm • 32 Pagine • e 7,40 Lectures Eli Poussins Francese Niveau 1 100 mots | A0 | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-1896-2 Jane Cadwallader Mamie Pétronille et les enfants
IllustraTIONS de Gustavo Mazali Jane Cadwallader Mamie Pétronille et le singe Jane Cadwallader Version française Dominique Guillemant Illustrations Gustavo Mazali Lectures ELI Création de la collection et coordination éditoriale Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Directeur artistique) Conception graphique Sergio Elisei Mise en page Federico Borsella Responsable de production Francesco Capitano Fonte utilisée Typeset in 14 / 20 pt Monotype Plantin Schoolbook © 2022 ELI s.r.l. Achevé d’imprimer en Italie par Tecnostampa –Pigini Group Printing Division Loreto Trevi T +39 071750701 F +39 071977851 info@elionline.com www.elionline.com ERY145.01 ISBN 978-88-536-3497-9 petit singe singe vole le petit sort du sac ? font pour le Niveau 1 Niveau 1 JANE CADWALLADER MAMIE PÉTRONILLE ET LE SINGE Lectures ELI PoussinS Lectures poussins ! superbement aux histoires français. Les Lectures ELI présentent une gamme complète de publications pour les lecteurs de tout âge allant des captivantes histoires contemporaines aux émotions éternelles des grands classiques, divisées en trois collections Lectures ELI Poussins, Lectures ELI Juniors, Lectures ELI Seniors. Outre la qualité éditoriale,
Lectures Poussins FLE A1 A1 FLE Cette collection de lectures choisies et graduées 5000 arbres plantés. La certification du Conseil de la bonne gestion forestière ou FSC certifie que les coupes forestières pour la production du papier utilisé pour ces publications ont été effectuées de manière responsable grâce à des pratiques forestières respectueuses de l’environnement. Téléchargeables MULTIMEDIA avec VIDÉO Niveau 1 100 mots | A0 | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3497-9
Cadwallader Mamie Petronille et le singe
Francese 10 Ésope Le Lièvre et la Tortue Niveau 2 200 mots | A1 | Fables Multimedia files | 978-88-536-2386-7 Lectures Eli Poussins 14,8 x 21 cm • 32 Pagine • e 7,40 Dominique Guillemant Le rêve de Sophie Niveau 1 100 mots | A0 | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-0519-1 Le Petit Bonhomme de pain d’épices Niveau 2 200 mots | A1 | Fables Multimedia files | 978-88-536-2619-6 Fables LE PETIT BONHOMME DE PAIN D’ÉPICES superbement aux histoires français. niveau 2 Lectures ELI PoussinS cheval : tout le d’épices, mais personne un renard… qui est pain d’épices ? d’épices FLE A1 A1 FLE avec Illustrations de Valeria Valenza depain d’épices Lepetit bonhomme Niveau 2 Jane Cadwallader Mamie Pétronille et le pirate Niveau 1 100 mots | A0 | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-0521-4 Jane Cadwallader Mamie Pétronille et le ballon Niveau 1 100 mots | A0 | Original Audio files | 978-88-536-0520-7 Dominque Guillemant Vive les vacances ! Niveau 1 100 mots | A0 | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-0619-8 Jane Cadwallader
Pétronille et le ruban jaune Niveau 1 100 mots | A0 | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-0622-8 Niveau 1 100 mots | A0 | Fables Multimedia files | 978-88-536-1898-6 Ésope
cigale et la fourmi Jane Cadwallader PB3 e les abeilles Niveau 2 200 mots | A1 | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3449-8 NOVITÀ
Cadwallader PB3 et les poissons Niveau 2 200 mots | A1 | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-2380-5
musiciens de Brême Niveau 2 200 mots | A1 | Fables Multimedia files | 978-88-536-2228-0
Le renard et les raisins Niveau 2 200 mots | A1 | Fables Multimedia files | 978-88-536-2229-7
Cadwallader PB3 a besoin d’aide Niveau 2 200 mots | A1 | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-1739-2 Jane Cadwallader PB3 et Coco le Clown Niveau 2 200 mots | A1 | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-0626-6
Cadwallader PB3 et les légumes Niveau 2 200 mots | A1 | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-0522-1 Jane Cadwallader PB3 et la veste de Chloé Niveau 2 200 mots | A1 | Original Audio files | 978-88-536-0523-8 Jean de La Fontaine Perrette et le pot au lait Niveau 2 200 mots | A1 | Classique Audio files | ISBN 978-88-536-0524-5 Lectures Eli Poussins 14,8 x 21 cm • 32 Pagine • e 7,40 Tonton Jean et les ours ! Niveau 3 300 mots | A1.1 | Original Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3489-4 NOVITÀ
Blanche-Neige et les Sept Nains
Ésope Le rat de ville et le rat des champs
Nivel 1 100 palabras | Sub-A1 | Original Audio files | 978-88-536-0620-4
Niveau 3 300 mots | A1.1 | Original Multimedia files | ISBN 978-88-536-0526-9
Cadwallader Tonton Jean et les suricates Niveau 3 300 mots | A1.1 | Original Multimedia files | ISBN 978-88-536-0628-0
Guillemant ¡A la playa!
Tonton Jean et les pingouins
Nivel 1 100 palabras | Sub-A1 | Original Audio files | 978-88536-0623-5
Leprince de Beaumont
Belle et la Bête Niveau 3 300 mots | A1.1 | Classique Audio files | ISBN 978-88-536-0770-6
y la cuerda amarilla
Niveau 3 300 mots | A1.1 | Fables Multimedia files | ISBN 978-88-536-2294-5 Spagnolo
Eli Poussins
Cadwallader Tonton Jean et l’arbre bakonzi Niveau 3 300 mots | A1.1 | Original Audio files | ISBN 978-88-536-0525-2
Niveau 3 300 mots | A1.1 | Fables Multimedia files | 978-88-536-2293-8
Niveau 3 300 mots | A1.1 | Fables Multimedia files | 978-88-536-2393-5 14,8 x 21 cm • 32 Pagine • e 7,40
Tedesco Tedesco Spagnolo
Paloma Bellini El
Jane Cadwallader Oma Fix und das Äffchen
Aladin und die Wunderlampe
Jane Cadwallader Oma Fix und die kleinen Wikinger
Äsop Die Ameise und die Heuschrecke
Jane Cadwallader Oma Fix und der Pirat
Dominique Guillemant Hurra, Ferien!
und das
Niveau 1 A0 | Märchen und Fabeln Multimedia files | 978-88-536-1319-6
Niveau 1 A0 | Originaltext Multimedia files | 978-88-536-2192-4
Niveau 1 A0 | Märchen und Fabeln Multimedia files | 978-88-536-1316-5
Niveau 1 A0 | Originaltext Multimedia files | 978-88-536-1315-8
Niveau 1 A0 | Klassiker Multimedia files | 978-88-536-2877-0
pasaje secreto
Lecturas Eli Infantiles y Juveniles
Nivel 4 400 palabras | A2 | Original Audio files | 978-88-536-0539-9
Niveau 1 A0 | Originaltext Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3498-6
Niveau 1 A0 | Originaltext Multimedia files | 978-88-536-1480-3
Erste Eli-Lektüren 14,8 x 21 cm • 32 Pagine • e 7,40
Cadwallader Oma Fix
Niveau 1 A0 | Originaltext Multimedia files | 978-88-536-1669-2
Jane Cadwallader PB3 und die Bienen
Jane Cadwallader PB3 und das Gemüse
Niveau 2 A1 | Originaltext
Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3450-4
Äsop Der Hase und die Schildkröte
Erste Lektüren
Niveau 2 A1 | Märchen und Fabeln Multimedia files | 978-88-536-2620-2
Jane Cadwallader PB3 und der Fisch
Niveau 2 A1 | Originaltext Multimedia files | 978-88-536-1481-0
Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten
Niveau 2 A1 | Märchen und Fabeln
Multimedia files | 978-88-536-2389-8
Der Fuchs und die Trauben
Niveau 2 A1 | Märchen und Fabeln Multimedia files | 978-88-536-2382-9
Jane Cadwallader PB3 und der Clown Coco
Niveau 2 A1 | Märchen und Fabeln Multimedia files | 978-88-536-1888-7
Jane Cadwallader PB3 braucht Hilfe
Niveau 2 A1 | Märchen und Fabeln Multimedia files | 978-88-536-1889-4
Niveau 2 A1 | Originaltext Multimedia files | 978-88-536-2193-1
Niveau 2 A1 | Originaltext Multimedia files | 978-88-536-1712-5
Tedesco 15 Erste Eli-Lektüren DER LEBKUCHENMANN niveau 2 Erste ELI Lektüren Multimedia with VIDEO alten Mann, einer Kuh und einem Pferd davonläuft. Niemand kann ihn fangen! Dann trifft er einen Fuchs … Wer ist schlauer, der Fuchs oder der Illustrationen von ValeriaValenza Niveau 2 ELI-Lektüren: Texte für Leser jeden Alters. Von spannenden und aktuellen Geschichten bis hin zur zeitlosen Größe der Klassiker. DAF A1 A1 DAF Märchen und Fabeln
Der Lebkuchenmann
14,8 x 21 cm • 32 Pagine • e 7,40
Jane Cadwallader Onkel Karl und die Erdmännchen
Niveau 3 A1.1 | Originaltext Multimedia files | 978-88-536-1482-7
Jane Cadwallader Onkel Karl und die Pinguine
Äsop Die Stadtmaus
Niveau 3 A1.1 | Originaltext Multimedia files | 978-88-536-2194-8
und die
Erste Eli-Lektüren Äsop Onkel Karl und das Bären-Abenteuer
Niveau 3 A1.1 | Märchen und Fabeln Multimedia files | 978-88-536-2296-9
NOVITÀ 14,8 x 21 cm • 32 Pagine • e 7,40 www.eligradedreaders.com Gruppo Editoriale ELI Via Brecce 60025 Loreto, Italy Tel. +39 071 750 701 Fax +39 071 977 851 info@gruppoeli.it www.gruppoeli.it gruppo editoriale eli - logo gruppo editoriale eli - logo
Niveau 3 A1.1 | Originaltext Multimedia files | 978-88-536-3490-0