ELES Parents Guide to the PTA

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Table of Contents QuickReferenceGuideofQRCodes StayintheKnow 1 2 WhardoesourPTAdo? 3 Your PTA in Action 4 BecomeaMember 5 WhyShouldIJoin? 6 TimeCommitment 7 BoardandVolunteerPositions 8 Fundraisers 9 OtherWaystoGive 10 CalendarofEvents 11 ContactUs 12
QRCodePage 1 ELESPTAWebsite EventCalendar Fundraising Volunteer JointhePTA SpiritWear Facebook WatchDOGS ScantheQRcodeswithyoursmartphonecamera RoomParents Donatetothe DolphinFund PTANews ContactUs
Website&SocialMedia WeeklyNewsfromtheLake ContactUs 1 2 3
the weekly "New from the Lake" newsletter emailed from Principal Gonzalez on Sunday nights! There will be updated
news, links, and important information for you to stay up to date withthelatestPTAnews. 2 Echo Lake Elementary PTA ELESDolphinSpirit www.elespta.com www.elespta.com/contact


The PTA is a nationally recognized organization made up of parents, teachers, and administrators. The PTA’s mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.

Plans School Events & Fundraisers

Events and Fundraising are what the PTA is best known for. We work throughout the school year to bring fun to our kids and families--from our Fall Pumpkinpalooza, Monthly Teacher Lunches, to the 5th grade party, the PTO is involved in the planning and execution of it all! Fundraisers support all of our programs and events and provide your children with resources that may not otherwise be possible.

Provides Support to Teachers & Staff

Did you know the PTA manages the room parent program, helps with class parties, and events during the school day? We also host monthly teacher lunches and offer teacher classroom grants to help teachers with supplies for their classroom. Events like the annual cookie swap and the Shower our Staff with Love events are some other ways the PTA shows how much our parents care.

Connects with the Local Community

Our PTA is a community and understands the importance of connecting! From events like the Candy for Troops drive, Papa Johns Dollars for Dough Program, cheering on the Denim Drive, or partnering and using local businesses and food trucks to cater our teacher lunches and events; we stay connected and partner with many places throughout the local community.

And much, much more!
BooHooBreakfast RoomParents WatchDOGS KindergartenMagazine HearttoHeart SpiritWear OfficeHelper FamilyNights Pumpkinpalooza Yearbook Reflections LibraryHelper 5thgradeparty InflatablesNight SpiritNights PapaJohnsDollarsforDough Treat our Teachers Lunches SchoolBeautificationFund ShowerOurStaffwithLove TeacherClassroomGrants STEMLab 4th Grade Social Studies Newspaper HocusPocusFocus Your PTA in Action! 4

Become a Member today for only $5!


Our General Membership is for everyone! General members can devote as little or as much time as they'd like - the monthly meetings are optional, but they are a great way to stay in the loop on PTA events, needs, and opportunities. Even if you are unable to attend the meetings, please join to show your support for your child, their school community, and the collective Echo Lake experience! Help us meet our goal of 100% participation by joining today.

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Are you looking to be more involved and make a difference in your child's school? Do you have a special skill or just want to help? Our board positions are for you! Our Executive Board and Committee Chairs meet monthly. You can do as little (one event, one hour, or one night!) or as much (like run the Reflections program!) as you want. If you want to help, have ideas, or have feedback on making things better--we have a place for you! You can learn more about board positions and current openings by visiting our website (elespta.com) or simply submitting a volunteer interest form Note: There is no additional expense besides the $5 membership to be involved!

Become a member today for only $5! If interested in volunteering, please complete a volunteer form!


Why should I join the PTA?

You'll support great programs for your kids! You'll participate in amazing opportunities for your children to grow and learn. You'll connect with other parents. You'll volunteer alongside other parents to better share ideas and experience. You'll be a role model of service for your kids. You'll show your children that you value education. You'll make positive changes. You'll offer suggestions and support implementation of improvements. You'll become a better you. We need you! Without parents there is no PTA, and the great things happening can't continue without us.

The biggest reason to join: helping your own kids. And by helping them, you can also help the whole school.

So if I join, how much time will I really have to give?

We mean it...it's totally up to you!

It's up to you--no really; as much or as little as you want! Our board andgeneralmembershipismadeupofparentswhoarejustlikeyou. Many of us work demanding jobs while juggling multiple afterschool activities,familytime,andkidsatmultipleschools.Someofuswantto planandorganize,whilesomeofusprefertojumpinandhelpwhere and when we can. Some of us can't commit to time so we join the generalmembership,donateresources,andparticipatebysigningup forthingslikeAmazonSmileorusingthecodeELESatPapaJohnson pizzanight!

We need you to make your kids' school experience as great as possible, and we want to do this with you! As parents, we get just as muchoutofthePTA(ifnotmore)thanweputinbytappingintoour communityofotherparentsexperiencingthesamethingsweare!

Volunteers play a critical role in making the Echo Lake PTA programs and events successful. There are many opportunities to become involved and help make your child’s school a better place. You can volunteer mornings, afternoons, evenings or weekends. You can volunteeratschoolorfromhome.Youcanvolunteerweekly,monthly or just once all year. Whatever you can share will be greatly appreciatedbythePTAandyourchildren!

Doanyofthesesound interesting? Letusknow!We'llgetyoustarted! Executive Board President VP Programs VP Fundraising VP Volunteers VP Public Relations Treasurer Secretary 8 Non-Voting Chairs 5th Grade Event Allergy Alert Liaison Boo Hoo Breakfast Box Tops Community Service Heart to Heart Kindergarten Lunch Helper Coordinator Library Helper Coordinator Office Helper Coordinator Pumpkinpalooza Swing into Spring Inflatables Night Family Multicultural Night Voting Chairs Bylaws/Parliamentarian HCCPTA FACE Destination Imagination Finance Chair Hospitality Membership Yearbook Reflections Room Parents Spirit Night Spirit Wear Talent Show Watch D.O.G.S. Papa Johns Dollars for Dough


Inordertoaccommodatealloftheactivitiesweputtogetherforour kids,weneedyoursupport!Belowareafewdifferentwaysyoucan helpcontribute.

Dolphin Fund Annual Events

The easiest way to donate to Echo Lake is through the DolphinFund.Itisadirectdonationwhichhelpsfundthe tremendous activities and programs for your children as well as teacher grants, sponsored & conducted by YOUR PTA.Anycontributionyoucanmakewouldbegreatanda hugehelp.Oursuggestedamountis$35perfamily.When takingintoaccounthowmuchweusuallyspendonitems duringafundraiser,that'sabargain!Alldonationsaretaxdeductible. Scan the QR code on the first page of this booklettogivetoday.

WeholdvariousSpiritNightsthroughouttheyearby partnering with local businesses that give back a portionofsalestothePTA.Wehavedoneicecream, pizza, burritos, burgers andmore!Wealsoholdone or two larger fundraisers throughout the year and have done things such as bingo nights, silent auctionsandmore.Keepyoureyeoutforinfoonthis year'sevents!

Dollars for Dough

Help us keep up our top spot in the Papa John's Dollars for Dough program--last year our school took 1st place winning $10,000 for our school! Just usecodeELESwhenorderingonline!Thefirstweek of every month is our designated Papa Johns Pizza Week so make sure to plan it into your monthly mealplans!


Otherwaysto supportandgiveback

WehavepartneredwithAmazontomakeiteasytogivebackeverytimeyoushop!AmazonSmile isasimpleandautomaticwayforyoutosupportyourfavoritecharitableorganizationeverytime youshop,atnocosttoyou WhenyoushopAmazonSmile,you’llfindtheexactsamelowprices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazoncom, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to Echo Lake Elementary Link your account today!

p Android app that turns pictures of your shopping receipts into donationstoourschool.Justtakeaquickmomenttosnapaquickpictureofyourreceiptandvoilà, you'vemadeaninstantcashdonationtotheschoolorcharityofyourchoice.

Enrollyourrewardscardeveryyear.KrogerCommunityRewardsSearchforEchoLakeElementary School Youcanalsohavethisdoneatthecustomerservicedesk OurcodeisGB240




Forover25years,BoxTopsforEducationhasgivenfamiliesaneasywaytoearncashforschools withproductsyoualreadybuy!Today,youcanfindhundredsofparticipatingproductsthroughout thestore
UsetheBoxTopsapptoscanyourstorereceiptsforparticipatingproducts Yourschool willautomaticallyearncashwitheveryBoxTopsproductyoubuy.
are many companies that will match their employees' non profit, charitable contributions which means your donation to the ELES PTA could increase by 50 200% depending on your company's program Most of the time, obtaining the match is as simple as filling out a form So, checkwithyourcompanytoseeiftheyofferacorporatematchinggiftprogram!
ChristinaGordon KimCamp CaseyDildine VicePresident PublicRelations Treasurer VicePresident Programs President 2022-2023ExecutiveBoard Meet our KaraSchrinel StephanieDildine VicePresident Volunteers VicePresident Fundraising CrystalCowardin Secretary Contact Information Laurie Paciocco Wood Christina Gordon Kara Schrinel Stephanie Dildine Kim Camp Casey Dildine Crystal Cowardin president@elespta.com programs@elespta.com fundraising@elespta.com volunteers@elespta.com publicrelations@elespta.com treasurer@elespta.com secretary@elespta.com

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