2022 Humane Society Naples Annual Impact Report

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A survivor of Hurricane Ida in August, 2021, Frankie found his forever home through our Adoption Program. Today, post-Ian, hundreds more pets also have hope thanks to HSN’s emergency boarding and adoptions programs.

HUMANE SOCIETY NAPLES IMPACT REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 ADOPTIONS: There is a family for everyone ON PAGES 4 & 5 MEDICAL MIRACLE: Tucker’s story of survival ON PAGE 6 BEHAVIORAL TRAINING: Post-COVID growth in programs and services ON PAGES 10 & 11 PAWS AROUND TOWN: Awareness, adoption, and education on the move ON PAGE 14 WAITING INSIDE


One thing we hear a lot is “I could never work at a humane society – I would bring home all of the animals!” It can indeed be hard not to adopt them all. But some animals find their way into your heart in a particularly poignant manner. Bear was the victim of unspeakable abuse. Saved by our partners at the Collier County Sheriff’s Office, he came to us for medical attention and even more, for finding a way to trust again. Healing those broken canine hearts is often more difficult than healing their physical wounds. But Bear embodies the meaning of forgiveness. He has bonded with all our staff and is our unofficial “office dog.” He knows who has the best treats, who gives the best belly rubs, and who has really cool chew toys. He will find a forever home one day, one that we will carefully approve. Until then, he inspires us every day with his joy in life and love for the people in his rescue world.

Dogs are remarkable in their capacity to forgive.
“ “
CEO Sarah Baeckler and Bear



Terry Cole

Rufino Hernandez

Cynthia O’Brien

Susan Ostrowski

Alicia Taylor

Josh White

Sharon Zuccaro


Well, Humane Society Naples overcame the myriad challenges of late 2021 and early 2022 to have another great year. There were puppies and kittens and even a hedgehog – oh my!

Our team works so hard to make the best use of your support, doing lifesaving work every single day thanks to you. The incredible community you are a part of has continued to step up for our mission and I couldn’t be more humbled.

At the same time, our community has never needed us more.

Changes in our landscape here in Collier County mean that more and more families need our help every single day. And when it comes down to it, that’s who we help – families. Our animals are such a vital part of our families. Of course, we have the delight of helping to build families with our adoption program, creating lifelong bonds and building empathy as we go. But so much of our work in the coming year will focus on helping established families stay together.




Dave Feenan



*as of September 2022

When an unexpected month-long trip to the hospital means a family cat is suddenly without care, our Operation Rescue program provides temporary boarding services to avoid surrendering the kitty. When a family is faced with the heartbreaking decision between paying a sky-high lifesaving vet bill or paying rent and surrendering their loving dog, our Compassionate Care program helps keep that family together. If a family is considering giving up their dog because his potty manners weren’t perfect and now the landlord is grumpy – our behavior team can provide behavioral training services to save the day.

I’ve always said that we save lives – but whose? We’re proud to be working hard to keep saving the lives of our community’s animals, and the lives of those who love them. It’s a great honor to do this work with you, and I thank you.



There is a family for everyone.




was born on the streets of Puerto Rico. We do not know what kind of experiences she had there, but clearly her interactions with people had not been positive. Sad and afraid at the All Sato Rescue on the island, she was one of the most fearful dogs we had ever received in transfer to Humane Society Naples. She was comfortable with her doggie roommates here, but if she saw a human walk by, she would lunge at the glass and bark furiously. She was nearly impossible to leash and when taken out for her playtime, she would stay as far away as possible from her caregiver.

She enjoyed the wading pool in the play yard, she enjoyed romping with the other dogs in shelter. But humans…?

After about five months at HSN, a patient and skilled volunteer was able to introduce her to a long lead. This showed her how enjoyable walking with a person could be. She gradually was learning to trust from the 15-foot distance of a long leash, but still refused any sort of petting or close contact.

Enter a family six months after her arrival here, with their adopted golden retriever and German shepherd in tow, who wanted to have Panda join their “pack.” Panda came to the meet and greet yard and promptly hugged the fence, as far away from them as possible. She stared balefully back at the two doggies and ignored the humans entirely. But this family just knew…. They gave her time, and suddenly she and the two dogs began playing, bobbing up and down to check each other out, and then dashing around the yard in joy. And then a miracle….Panda went right over to her new “dad” and nudged him to pet her. She leaned right into him and wagged her tail. She chose him to be the head of her new family. Her humans continue to work with

our behavior team to ensure that Panda’s inclination to flee is reduced. HSN even provided her with a GPS collar in case she tries to run away – but so far, Panda’s bond with the family she adopted only grows!




Raw, gaping wounds…when Tucker first arrived at our veterinary clinic as an emergency case from DAS, he literally had been mauled by some kind of animal in the wild.

We partner closely with the Domestic Animal Services Department of Collier County (DAS), particularly when our veterinary and behavioral teams are needed to save an animal who might otherwise have to be humanely euthanized.

Tucker is a survivor. He had escaped from a living situation that was unkind. But he did not realize that the wilds of the swamps and hammocks of rural Collier County could be so cruel.

HSN’s lead veterinarian, Dr. John Morton, remembers “Tucker came to us from a terribly traumatic background and was in really rough shape. Underweight, deep, open, and infected wounds, and so fearful he would urinate at any movement.”

HSN’s Dr. Natalie Brown further recalls, “Tucker was one of the first patients I treated at HSN. I remember Dr. Morton just casually asking me if I could change the bandage on this dog that had an exposed mandible… I thought I heard him wrong. But then I met Tuckie and fell in love. When I realized the lengths this organization would allow the medical team to take, I knew I was in a really special place.”

Now fully recovered from his injuries, Tucker is also heartworm positive after living in neglect for so long. His condition is being successfully treated and he will recover fully from the parasite. Longer-term, he is recovering emotionally with the care and skill of our Behavior team and the volunteers who support that sensitive work. He is one of our “Blue Dogs” (see page 11), animals that have become overwhelmed by life. They often feel just swamped by the world around them. These dogs need patience, calm, and slow, gentle work to help them blossom.

Tucker had mastered the art of escape in his early years, so when he happily went home with his foster family, it was with a GPS collar, fully charged, at no cost to his foster family, and will stay with him once he is forever adopted. His foster brother is an alpha who is teaching him the ways of being a family dog with people who truly love him.

This is a dog with a beautiful spirit and a determination to live. We are honored to help him and so many thousands of other lost, abandoned, neglected, abused and injured or ill dogs, cats and small mammals from throughout Collier County. We are grateful to be able to do this critical live-saving work thanks to the support of our wider community.

Above: Tucker and his foster brother. Right: Tiny scars are the only evidence left of the suffering Tucker endured before HSN.
Medical miracles are the
of those animals had
litter of
offspring , that would
dogs, cats, and small
gone on to have just one
generate an additional 4,617
would then need to find homes.


Muchof Collier County is challenged by “veterinary deserts.” The County is so large and parts of it are so under-served or have pockets of significant poverty that access to medical care for pets is virtually impossible.

Launched in January of 2021 thanks to a compassionate gift by Jennifer Conery, the Mobile Veterinary Clinic (MVC) aims to bring free or reduced-cost medical care, services and information to people and pets in communities who are unable to access or afford these services. The MVC program delivers affordable wellness, prevention and basic care as well as surgical services to areas of the County that otherwise would not have access to any vet care. A second MVC will begin service in 2023 thanks to the kindness of Patty and Jay Baker.

The MVC delivers its services in three locations each month: Everglades City, North Naples and Golden Gate City. There are no income qualifications for clients; instead, there is an honor system for payments with the expectation that people financially contribute what they are able to towards their pet’s visit. (There is a $10 minimum contribution per pet). Services

include: basic wellness exams, spay and neuter surgeries, canine and feline vaccines, nail trim/ ear cleaning, anal gland expression, spay and neuter surgery, and preventatives.

The numbers are noted in the results reported here. But the numbers don’t tell the whole story. Communities who often mistrusted animal authorities now see our MVC as a place to come for help without fear of losing their pet because the pet has not received adequate care in the past and thus may be in poor condition. Families who might not have been aware of other programs at HSN or other community services now have access and information from our MVC counselors via Collier Cares and other information we have garnered about available social services. We have just created a social worker position attached to the MVC to help reach out still further to assist families whose issues with their pets can sometimes be just the tip of the iceberg of problems needing attention. HSN has long had a strong commitment to community outreach and the MVC in its first year and a half of operation has exponentially increased our ability to act on that commitment.

A Second MVC To Launch
Communities who often mistrusted animal authorities now see our MVC as a place to come for help without fear of losing their pet.
On a stop in Everglades City, a young dog is all smiles during his exam aboard our Mobile Veterinary Clinic (MVC).


Closed for most of FY21 because of COVID, HSN’s Behavior Department used that time to evaluate and update the services it provides to the animals and our community. Major changes since the start of 2022 have significantly increased volunteer effectiveness, public educational programs, and the quality of life for the animals coming to us who need behavioral interventions.


More than 55 private clients benefited from individualized instruction in the last year. These personalized classes are offered to all adopters from HSN and to members of the public needing help to keep from surrendering their pets to the shelter. Over 65% of our adopters took advantage of this private instruction to help integrate their new pets into their homes.

HSN also launched digital training through a partnership with Goodpup to touch more adopters and the general public.

Additionally, HSN offers important group lessons. Most popular is the AKC Star Puppy Class (always a waiting list for this one). Coming soon is the Basic Manners – CGC Prep 1 class to allow owners and their dogs to work towards the AKC’s Canine Good Citizen award.

While the largest reason for surrenders to shelters these days is housing crises, animal behavioral challenges remain another big reason people will consider giving up their pet. HSN is committed to keeping pets with their loving families and helping humans and their dogs or cats learn how to enjoy their years together.



rehabilitation of the most vulnerable canine population in the shelter takes place primarily at the Oaks Campus. There we can provide one-on-one intensive training for 20-30 dogs at a time.

At Oaks, staff members work 7 days a week with every dog using science-based protocols to rehabilitate behaviors such as reactivity to people and other animals, resource guarding, extremely shy and fearful behavior, and any other behavior preventing a speedy adoption. The success of the program, even in its early stages, has been outstanding. Fully operational in March of 2022, the Oaks Campus has had 25 successful adoptions of its graduates.



The past year saw development of a color-coded system of rating dog behaviors at HSN. We now can even better align behavior and volunteer services when a dog enters the shelter and continuing after they are in their adoptive homes.

All dogs at HSN receive individualized skills and training to suit their needs. Additionally, volunteers working with our dogs can now more clearly access mentor opportunities, identify specific classes geared to best practices when dealing with the dogs, and

grow their behavior and training skills working alongside the Animal Care and Behavior teams to provide the best possible quality of life to the canine residents of HSN.

Learn more about the four new classifications we’re using to better match dogs with their adoptive homes.


Revitalized behavioral programming results from COVID closure.

In FY23 we will be launching an online Resource Library for common behavior problems families with pets face. This will include handouts and videos for canines and felines.

We are also working on a Behavior Foster Program to help our behaviorally-challenged dogs get a break from shelter life and practice their new skills in a home before adoption.

Finally, we are looking at problem-pet issues affecting families in our area and creating new classes and delivery methods to increase understanding needed to keep canine companions in their homes and out of the shelter.


Dogs who enjoy the company of other people and dogs, love to play or relax next to you, and are suitable for any type of environment.

Dogs who are more active, more vocal, and live by the motto play hard, love hard. They, too, are suitable for almost any environment and situation.

These dogs take play hard to a new level. They live life on their terms. Some are jumpy, some have no manners, some would rather not share attention, and some have a level of stranger danger, but all are lovable, nonetheless.

Blue dogs tend to be overwhelmed by life. They come from a protected environment where they were not exposed to the variety of life and often feel just swamped by the world around them. These dogs need patience, calm, and slow, gentle work to help them blossom.

Liz works with Neo on basic behaviors at the Oaks Campus


An update from LingLing’s foster family


came to us as a foster in November of 2020, reports his foster family. We had been housebound because of COVID and our own two fur babies had crossed the Rainbow Bridge some time before that. We were lonely, but did not want to commit to the years of raising another cat.

We asked if there was an older cat who needed some special attention. We knew we could provide that! And we were introduced to Ling Ling. She was special in many ways: she had been declawed by her previous owners; she had some dermatological issues and needed special medication and food; she was not a cuddly cat and hated to be picked up or “smothered”

with affection. Great! Just what we wanted – a challenge.

When we first brought her to her new home, she was very cautious about where she went and did not like it when anyone else came into the house. She found several interesting hiding places: behind our family room TV in the builtin; under a sofa; and on a shelf in my office.

She was also initially a biter. Because she was declawed, that was her only defense. We learned rather quickly not to try to pick her up at random or to try to get her to lap-sit. As she grew more accustomed to us – and we to her –the biting began to get rarer. We both remarked

Ling Ling at the main HSN Shelter location before going to a foster home that helped her learn how to trust humans again.

that she had a very elegant “sit” so we began calling her “The Princess” -- a reference to her regal mode and to her knowing exactly how to get what she wanted!

We had her in our lives for almost eighteen months until she found a Forever Home. During that time, she learned that we were her friends, and she could trust us.

We were heartbroken when her new Forever Cat Mommy found her, but we were also thrilled that she would be living out the rest of her life in a warm, loving home with someone who was as devoted to her as we were. Fostering is tough. It is tough not because of the daily care, feeding, and loving of the Foster, but because you know that eventually, you will be giving up this life with whom you’ve been entrusted. Fostering Ling Ling was a gift to us in our lives. We were so thankful that she thrived with us.

We knew that because of the training and support we received from HSN, we were able to give her the special attention she needed to become so much more desirable and to find a Forever Home.

Ling Ling is thriving in her new Forever Home! She even now has her own Instagram page (#linglingthegirlgirl)!

For information on how to become a foster parent for HSN, please visit hsnaples.org/foster



You may have seen our Paws Around Town bus zipping around Naples and wider Collier County. Have you ever wondered what is happening inside?

There may be a crew of trained volunteers bringing animals to visit senior living and memory facilities for pet therapy. There may be a Humane Education specialist on his way to interact with school students or summer campers. You could even see a pop-up tent appear right next to the bus in support of local business and civic association events, offering information on responsible pet ownership and on how to adopt a dog or cat – or even a rabbit or guinea pig!


Limited over the last couple of years by the COVID outbreak, the Supportive Paws program is expanding from its three contracted senior care and memory facilities to begin to include anyplace where pet therapy can help people to heal. Right now, that includes cancer treatment centers, psychological counseling centers and veterans’ groups working with PTSD. If you know of a program that could benefit from Supportive Paws visits, please contact pawsaroundtown@hsnaples.org


Alex Woods worked for four years in Animal Care and Behavior Training at HSN before taking over as Paws Around Town Coordinator in February, 2022. He reports that his work with local schools and summer camps is primarily with pre-k and elementary-aged children.

Notes Alex, “The most frequent educational lesson I’ve been doing is called Pawsitive Interactions and it focuses on greeting and petting unfamiliar animals. I teach the kids to always ask owners if it’s ok to pet their animal, let the animal smell your hand, be gentle while petting, and other tips on how to interact positively with a pet. My favorite part of this program is seeing the kids light up when they get to meet the animals. Sometimes I take a kitten, sometimes I take a dog. Sometimes there are children that are afraid and I get to foster a happy interaction between the child and our shelter animal. I’ve seen children literally come out of their shell which is really gratifying.”

Alex has also coordinated with three different schools to allow children to write letters as if they were one of the shelter animals and then have these letters displayed by that animal’s kennel.

Alex stops for a photo at a Paws Around Town visit to The Village School of Naples where children wrote Letters From Pets.

Education, adoption, and awareness...on the move!

One of the letters writtem by a student

These letters are written from the perspective of the animal asking to be adopted, with some including artwork of the animal made by the children. Alex reports, “I have been visiting these schools after they submit artwork to thank the children for their work. I have presented the classes with a Thank You dog artwork piece actually made by our shelter dogs’ paws (and sometimes tongues!) with animal-safe paints. And when the youngsters hear that they have helped get a pet a new home, they are really excited.” If you stop by HSN at either our main location or the von Arx satellite location, you will see some of these letters from pets on display!

Paws Around Town also supports local community events ranging from supporting other local non-profits and civic organizations to small businesses. Some of the events attended in FY22 include the Veterans Expo, David Lawrence Center Mind Your Mind Mental Health Day and the Collier County NAACP Juneteenth Celebration.

And in 2022-23, the Paws bus will begin offering off-site adoptions of kittens, too!

Pocoyo works the crowd at a Paws Around Town adoption event at Paradise Coast Trail Opening.


Just in time for the holidays, Ranger leaves the von Arx Adoption Center for his forever home.

Thevon Arx Satellite Adoption Center opened in North Naples in December 2019. This Center is the first in a projected plan to open additional satellites to serve growing population centers throughout Collier County. “Last year, in its first full year of operation, the von Arx Center accounted for more than 36% of all our adoptions,” noted CEO Sarah Baeckler. “This certainly proved to us the wisdom in having adoptable animals available to parts of the county where families wanting pets were moving in large numbers.”

Then in June 2022 the von Arx Center reached another significant milestone. It logged its 1,000th adoption from that location, situated in the Green Tree Center at Immokalee and Airport-Pulling Road.

The von Arx center features a brightly lit 3,000 sq. ft. space that houses up to 40 dogs, cats and small mammals. Its cheerful colors and large, comfortable animal quarters offers potential adopters with a positive experience that removes any of the negative stigmas some might still associate with animal shelters. Volunteers play as important a role in daily care for the animals at von Arx as at our main shelter. The satellite is also perfectly situated for Rescue Recess volunteers who enjoy taking adoptable dogs out for a walk-about to give them a break from in-shelter life.



The Denny Plesea Pet Food Bank is one of the keystones of our surrender prevention efforts.

Denny Plesea was the much-loved artist-in-residence for Ruby Lane, Inc., an online emporium of antiques and vintage items founded by Denny’s husband, Tom Johnson. Denny also was a devoted animal lover. Upon his passing in 2021, Tom wanted to honor Denny’s memory in a way that would do the most good. He elected to make a very generous donation to the Humane Society Naples’ pet food bank to honor Denny in January, 2022.

“Especially now, with inflation pressures, many families are struggling to feed their pets,” reflects Sarah Baeckler, Chief Executive Officer for HSN. “We focus much of our effort on keeping pets in loving homes whenever we can. The Denny Plesea Pet Food Bank allows a family facing financial hardship

to find time to rebuild without having to suffer the enormous upset of losing a pet or pets.” She further remarks, “These animals often give the kind of unconditional love that a family or individual needs in trying times. It is better for the family, better for the animals, and, frankly, less costly to the community to keep an animal with its family than to have to shelter and rehome it.”

Pet food suppliers generously provide donations of food and kitty litter, and many local residents also donate essential supplies. Nonetheless, our pet food bank resources are limited, especially with current demand on the rise.

If you wish to contribute, please be aware that we cannot accept open/used pet foods or medical supplies. Thank you for helping to make a life-saving difference for animals in our community!

Especially now, with inflation pressures, many families are struggling to feed their pets. We focus much of our effort on keeping pets in loving homes whenever we can.
“ “
Denny Plesea and Lucky


BOW WOW Brunch

November 19, 2021 December 5, 2021

November 2021 saw the inauguration of a new major event – My Rescue Rescued Me (MRRM) dance party at Baker Park! This was HSN’s first gala since the start of COVID.

More than 250 grateful animal lovers celebrated the dogs, cats and other furry friends that helped them get through the pandemic. The fabulous crowd opened their hearts, helping Humane Society Naples raise over $440,000 in support of our life-saving mission.

Opening with an exclusive VIP dinner in the park’s Eva Sugden-Gomez Center to honor sponsors and major donors of the evening, all party-goers enjoyed great food and drinks later in a celebration tent under the stars. A more informal vibe than in past years, MRRM promised less gala, more dancing… and guests delightedly danced the night away to the music of The (incredible!) Rivertown Band.

December saw the return of the much-loved Bow Wow Brunch. This 6th annual event, generously hosted by D’Amico’s The Continental brought together guests with their furry friends for a delicious brunch, a glittering raffle with lots of tempting items, and live entertainment, raising over $25,000 to support the animals coming to us for care.

My Rescue Rescued Me
Bow Wow Brunch

Exciting, essential support for the animals.

January 29, 2022 May 19, 2022

January’s coldest day of the year saw 400 hardy souls braving “crisp conditions” to enjoy the 16th annual Run for the Paws 5K at Naples’ Civil Air Patrol. Our Top Dog for the 6th year in a row was Mila, a Humane Society Naples alumna, and her human, Steven. The chilly day raised a cool $22,000 to support our shelter animals.

Ending our event year on a very high note was the second season of Dancing With the Local Stars Naples in May.

Eight local stars with their professional dance partners performed before the largest audience ever seen at an HSN event! Close to 800 guests filled the hall at Artis-Naples to see the amazing performances which raised almost $500,000 to benefit HSN.

Congratulations to Overall Dance Contest winner Robin Schiller with her partner Martin Cardoso. Special honors, too, to Best Friends of HSN Mary Stone and Quenby Tyler who were our champion fundraisers for this exceptional evening.

2022 Local Stars and the full production team, from top left: Rachel Anderson (co-emcee), Sarah Beth Steagall (judge), Henry Byalikov (judge), Dr. Cyndi Yag-Howard (event co-chair), Brad Jamison (event co-chair), Josh White (star), Dana Walsh (professional dancer), Ilya Smirnou (professional dancer), Michelle O’Neill (star), Molly Hamilton (star), Akeem Francis (professional dancer), Soren Christensen (star), Alyssa Layne (professional dancer), Jenniffer Castaño (professional dancer), Wilfredo Emanuel (star), Greg Economos (co-emcee). From bottom left: Mary Stone (star), Terry Lee (professional dancer), Robin Schiller (star), Martin Cardoso (professional dancer), Quenby Tyler (star), Justinas Maliauskas (professional dancer). Not pictured: Thelma Negley (judge) and Brittany Sparkles (production manager).

Dancing with the Local Stars Naples Run for the Paws



contributors to Humane Society Naples experience the joy of helping to make possible the highest level of animal shelter and care, crisis support for families with pets, and community medical and educational outreach to compassionately address the needs of the hundreds of dogs, cats and small mammals who arrive at HSN each year for a second chance at the kind of life every pet deserves.


CIRCLE: Animal Care Visionaries, Leaders, Defenders and Heroes

Guardian Circle members are individuals and organizations whose cumulative giving and outstanding generosity this year demonstrate the highest order of engagement with Humane Society Naples’ mission and vision. They are an inspiration to us all.

ANIMAL ADVOCATES: Champions, Benefactors and Angels

Animal Advocates are significant annual donors who create the essential bedrock upon which every donation to HSN combines to help realize our life-saving goals.

FRIENDS OF HSN: Patrons and Supporters

Friends of HSN express through loyal and generous contributions the kind of support essential to sustaining the programs and services for the animals in our care.


Animal Care Visionaries

$100,000 +

Patty and Jay Baker Paul and Sheila Demkovich Estate of John Lindemann Estate of Florence Majewski Anonymous

Animal Care Leaders $50,000 - $99,999

Tom Johnson James M. Schoonmaker II Foundation

Anonymous Mary and Bill Stone Dolph and Sharon von Arx Kim and Mark Woolley

Animal Care Defenders

$25,000 - $49,999

Advanced Wealth Advisors, LLC

Jennifer Conery

The Vincent and Carol W. Dean Family Charitable Foundation Knopf Family Foundation

Levi, Ray and Shoup Foundation

Pat Murphy

Ken and Jackie Bennett Murray Carol B. Phelon Foundation

Eleanor B. Sweet Fund

Sandra Turner Estate of Carolyn S. Wendeler

Animal Care Heroes

$10,000 - $24,999

Patricia and Barrie Barootes

Best Friends Animal Society

James Blinder

BMI Rupp Foundation

Joanne and Harmon Brown

Edna M. Burglund Foundation

Eugene and Mary E. Dooner Foundation, Inc.

Bruce and Deborah Duncan Foundation

David Flood

Robin Forbes

Judith A. Gardiner Trust Generational Strategies Group LLC Thomas and Mary Graham

Hadinger Family Charitable Fund

Estate of Edward and Marianne Holton Investment Support, LLC

Brad Jamison and Gregory Economos

Darlene Latimer

Rebecca and Nancy Maddox

The Martin Foundation

Brenda and David Pelizzon

Elizabeth Reid

John and Jean Rothert

Shannon Family Foundation

Stan’s Idle Hour Restaurant/ Jody Taylor

The Eleanor P. Stuart & Mary C. Stuart Family Foundation

Andrew Terhune

Leo and Janet Thibeault

Estate of Joan Timmons Anonymous

Carey M. Green Trust
Happy 20



$5,000 - $9,999

Marcy Amble Virginia and Bill Baeckler

Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Bewley

Harry Brown

Marlene and Carl Brugger

Carole and James Burns

David Crossman

Eleanor Davis

Veronica Dowling

Welling Fruehauf

Gaffney Family Foundation

Al and Teresa Geiss

Dan and Suzie George Debra Glendening


Henderson, Franklin, Starnes & Holt, P.A

Jessica Higdon

Liz Hodges

Stewart Johnson Rahul Kanwar

Marilynn Katatsky and Col. Richard Kaufmann

George and Sally King

Richard B. and Lynn M. Klein Foundation

Marilyn Lightner

Thomas and Sandi Moran

N Color Salon

Cynthia and Jeffrey O’Brien Susan Ostrowski

Henry and Sharon Prevot

John Rizzo

The ROS Foundation

Fred and Pamela Sasser

Alan and Donna Schneider

Aaron Schock

Mr. Jordan Delaney and Dr. Nick Schroeder

Jason Schwartz

Debra Turner Shearer

Jonathan Sonne

Elizabeth Stone

Rob Stone

Richard Talford

Jean Tipton

Quenby Tyler and Audrey’s of Naples

John and Carol Walter

The Wasie Foundation

Ruth Weber

Gail Webster-Patterson

Dr. Cyndi Yag-Howard and Dr. Corey Howard


$2,500 - $4,999

Letitia Accarrino Auto Spa Naples

Marguerite Bellinger

Benedict Family Fund

Betsy J. Bernard and Laurie J. Peter Erin and Dave Biggers

The Brookdale Foundation

Christina Brown

Stacey and Rob Bulloch

Virginia Cabai

The Phyllis E. & Donald G. Campbell Charitable Foundation

Edward Cawley and Kathryn Kensington

Ed and Sandi Cleary

Pamela Comer

Edward Corcoran Ana and Cary Cramer Amy and Richard D’Amico Dante DiSabato

David Doran

Bette Ellenbogen and Linda Greenwald

The Henry H. and Laurel K. Greer Foundation

David and Karen Ellis

Lynn and Dave Feenan

Jenna Buzzacco-Foerster & Jonathan Foerster

Gibbs Family Fund Nancy and Jim Gibson

Susan Gohl

Rufino Hernandez and Gregg Sari

Keegan and Florice Hodges Eileen and Nancy Hung JF Hydrocolloids

J.P. Morgan Private Bank

Kaleidoscope Floral

Kathy and Tighe King

Lux Boutique

The Luxury Bed Collection

Anthony Markel

The Matina Group, USB Private Wealth

Lowell Johnson and Diane McFadden

J. McLaughlin

Betty McManus

Bruce and Leslie McNair

Barbara Ann Mohajery

Glenna M. Moore and Stuart Koff

John and Annette Mullaney

Nane Jan LLC dba Sea Salt Naples

Naples StoneWorks Joe and Victoria Nishanian

Benefactors (cont.)

$2,500 - $4,999

Patina Collection

Prime Insurance Company Ray and Melody Ranelli Resolve Aircraft Management

Michelle Richards

Ernest C. & Constance B. Roessler Fund

Christine Hart and Tom Rogan Gwynva Salyer

Robin Schiller

Robert Schipp Debra Schulze

Estate of Harvey and Sarah Anne Shreve

Kurt Silsby Thomas and Greta Smythe Larry and Loyce Snyder

Subaru of America Inc

Sutton Family Foundation Gail and Norman Thomson Alice Wolf

John R. Wood Properties Woods Weidenmiller Michetti & Rudnick

Michael Wynn Stephen Zaborowski and Cynthia Hendrickx


$1,000 - $2,500

Linda Adamany James and Sandra Anderson Ingrid and Chef Fabrizio Aielli Brad Ament


Lynne Becker

Sarah Baeckler

Richard & Deborah Baldi Irene Ballands

John and June Ballew Dr. Robert Bard Carrie and Matt Basler

Kimberly Bellestri

John H. Berra Jr. D. Lacquaniti Bespoke

Nick Blauwiekel

Barbara Bliss

Boles and Priest Fund

Michael Bonevento

Dorothy Bowers

Jane Bowling

Richard Breithaupt

Jeff and Marjorie Burdick Jean Burke

Angels (cont.)

$1,000 - $2,500

Richard and Danis Byrd Mr. and Mrs. Caldroney

Anita Campbell

Gillian Campbell

Rosemary Capone

Carper Family Charitable Fund

CFA Society of Naples, Inc

Sandra Chesterton

Chicago Community Foundation

Coats Family Foundation

Pam and Terry Cole

Collins Family Gift Trust

Joanne and Shawn Connors

Joy Corapi

Dave and Sue Ann D’Antoni Charitable Fund

Shanna and Noel Davies

Dawn Del Duca

Michelle DeVincent

Robert Dilworth

Jeffrey and Rosemary Drake

Carol Dubnicki

Susan Earl

Lou Economos

Jeanine Eklund

Elephant Creative Co., LLC

Joan Erb

Ashley Evans

Emil Ewald Family Foundation Inc.

James & Katherine Federighi Ann & Robert Ferrell Charitable Fund

Richard Flando

Daniel Forcade

Richard Freda

Ann F. Fobes Fund

Jacquelyn Gandol

Alfons Gantzckow

Alice Gardner

Robert Gibson

Carol Gilman

Fred and Louise Goebel Charitable Foundation

Linda Goslee

Braylon Gregory

Andrew, Gina and Donna Gross

The Max and Jacki Guinn Family Fund

Gulfshore Life Media, LLC

Hallie Hau

Have Jewels Will Travel

Heidi Hedges

Leonard Henk

Lisa Hilbert



Angels (cont.)

$1,000 - $2,500

David Hill

Mary Ann Holt

House of Flyte

Charles Howard

Jill Huskey

Fern Jaffe

Mary Jarvis

Peter Javarinis

Sharon and Dennis Johnson Edward and Bonnie Kant Roy and Manisha Kapani

Harold and Nancy Kaplan Foundation

Gary and Mary Kauffman

Beverly Kawa Sandy and Thomas Kerfoot

Erika Kirwin

Janet Klagholz

Richard and Gina Klym Foundation

Iris Krempasky

Joyce Kreppel

Fred Krieger

Gwen Langley

William and Ruthann Laswick

Ronald Leavitt

Courtney & Nicholas Lehmann

Adina Logan

Love Service Stations, Inc.

Jeanne Manuri

Charles Marshall

Andrea and Read McCaffrey

Thomas McGuire

Dawn McKenna Group

Dana Mcilwain

Meredith McLean & Ryszard Strycharz

Kathy Jo Mead

Michael Meguid and Jo-Ann Sanborn

Sue Ann Musselman Miller

Denise Murray

Cindy Myers

David Nassif

Michael and Beverly Neal

Laura Neese

Paul Northey

Park Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

Erin Peachin

David Perkins


PetVet Care Centers

Estate of Stanton Pikus

Michael Pint

Shelby Plamann

Steve and Jan Porterfield

Melissa Ix and Todd Potter

Nancy Potter

Raymond and Camille Priore

Procaccini Media LLC

Cheryl and Dennis Ramsey

Barry and Susan Regenstein

Caroline Ridgway

Thomas Ritchie

Jay Robinson

Cindy Rodgers

Debra Roth

Ruffgers Dog University

Marjon and George Ruffner

Thomas Darden St. Peter

Patti Salvagio James Satterly

Diane Scott Marilyn Scripps


Cynthia Shingler

Chris and Rochelle Shucart

Jane Silvestri

Leslie Silvestri-Snyder

Nancy Sineni

Vicky and David Smith

Dorothea A. Smith

James and Joan Snediker

Stephen Solarsh Ashley Spillane

Peter and Jill Stern

Mike Stone

Sanford and Charna Sugar

Harrison Tempest

Ronald and Jessica Tesarik

Andrea Thomas

The Carol Garvin Thompson Revocable Trust

Joseph Tilley

Jay Tompkins

Mary Traudt Giving Fund

Warren Vandervoort Family Fund

James & Michelle Vogel

Joan Waechter

Victoria Watts

Patrick Wenning Charitable Fund

Joshua White Carol Willenborg

Judy Woodward

Mindy and Bill Young


Patrons $500 - $999

Julie Achenbach

Jennifer Adams

Deidre and Paul Adkins

Agnoli, Barber & Brundage, Inc.

Beverly and Lee Ahrensdorf

Jackie Allen

Marlane Amelio-Skinner

Caprita Archer

Artful Exteriors

Paige Barakett Bain and Barkley Allayne Barnum

Michele Bazinet-Bossert BCR Construction & Development Marianne Beck

James Berger Caroline Berthet


Big Cypress Elementary School Kathleen Blackburn Danielle and Albert Bleggi Rick Block BMO Wealth Management Doris Briscoe

Paula Brothers Ron and Mary Burling Ruth Burnett

William Byrnes Cres and Mike Calabrese

John Cardillo

Melissa Carren

Kathleen Casey Sally Casey

Nicholas Chabraja Alan Chalmers

Anne Choquette

Sandra Christensen

Karen Christian Heather and Paul Christie John Clayton

Coco Lily

Norman Cohn Aceneth Cole

COMA of Florida, Inc. Community School of Naples

Leslie Connell

Nancy Contardi

Joan Costa

Kristen Coury

Kirstin Coverdale

Cheryl Coyle Jacqueline Creveling Martha Cucco

Gary and Kathleen Danler Kevin and Jayme Deardorff Janine DelaMerced Charlene T DeLuca, MD, PA

LuAnn Derrickson Foundation

Marilynn Dessauer

Keehn Deutch

DGA Auto

Linda Donaldson

Robert Donnan

Cynthia and Peter Dreyfuss

Don Dunaway

Julie Dunham

Christina Dzioba

Mary Eberle

Curt Edwards

Gina Agnello & Patty Egan

Jackie Egberg

Laurie Elliott

Jim and Lionelle Elsesser

Thomas Englert

Ingrid Etzold

Catherine Falvey-Herzig

Laurie Farr

Geralyn Fill Michael Firth

Bethann Fitzgerald Florida House of Representatives Yves Fournier

Alan and Jodi Fox Tami Franco

Nancy Freehafer

Myra Friedman Family Foundation

Aimee Fritz

John Furanna

Mark & Mary Lou Gardner

Jennifer and Mike Gebeau

Ashley & Adam Gerry

Diane & Robert Godfrey

Dr. Steven M. and Laurie Raber Gottlieb

Mark and Esther Greaves

Joseph Grecky

Jon and Karen Greer

Gulf Coast International Properties

Carlos Gutierrez

Albert & Carol Haberer Charitable Foundation

Ellen Haffa

Annie & Dr. Kyle Hagstrom

Tim and Anita Hakin

Doug Handyside

Burt Hartington

Linda and Richard Hartman

Josee Hazelett

Robin Heaps

Lu Hedges

Marianne Hesse

Susan Goodwin and Samuel Hinchey

Dollie Hinton

Matthew Hood & Basia O’Donell

Carl Holst-Knudsen

Kim Houchin

Carolee Hoyle

William Hugonin


Jeff Hurst

Linda Hutchins

Oliver Huttner

Iron Ridge Insurance Services

Margaret Ives

W. Andrew and Lauran Jack Carol & Susan Jackson

Laura Jahnke

Dr. Cynthia M. Janssen

Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies

The John F. & Virginia K. Johnson

Family Fund

Peter Jones

Joseph & Joseph, LPA

Kathy and Terence Kelly

Shane Kelley

David and Leiza Kennedy

Kathryn Kensington

Alex and Irene Khowaylo

Melissa King

Dee Kirkbride

Linda Kjerulf

Fred Klaucke

Elaine Koch Real Estate Group

Kathryn Kohler-Ernst

Walter and Ellen Koziol

Ronald and Christine Krawczyk

Rebecca Krisko

Marilyn Krohn

John Krpan

Maureen Kurcz

La Femme Perfumery

Joyce Landis

William Langley

Thomas and Tara Lansen

Greg Lasch Plastering Inc

Raymond and Loralee Leboeuf

Lee County Board of County


Kerrin Lemay

Nicolas Leppo Tax Accounting

Lois Levy

Serge Lioutyi

Roxanne Little

Kristin and Doug Londal

Suzanne Lorch

Frank Lowery

William Mahoney

Jon Manderscheid

Edward Maran

Marissa Collections

Carolyn and John Marshall

Jason Mather

Susan and Robert Matthews

Jennifer McCurry

John and Carolyn McGillicuddy

Pat McMunn

McNamara Legal Services, PA

Phil Melton


Marilyn Merkel

Bruce Merry

Howard and Michelle Michelle

Lowell Momberg

Christina & Vincent Mona

Donald Monti

Audrey Moreland

Joanne Morrison

Michaeland Wendy Movsovich

Denise Mulcahy

Thomas Munz

The Myers Family Trust

Jolene and Mert Mynhier

Michelle Narins

Thelma Negley

Theo Neteler

Catherine Bordner and Nancy Nicoletti

Anne Nolan

Vickie Nolen Shirley Noorigian Meghan Notor-Wiseley

Omaha Community Foundation Nanci Orment

James and Maike O’Rourke

Sandra Orszaghova

Jessica Paletsky

Nico Paredes

Paul Perry Sharon and Annie Petrosino

Jean Pikus

Peter Rach

Borana Lacquaniti & David Rashty

Kenneth and Donna Rebar

Virginia Reinhold

Steven Renner

Charles Rogers

Lynda Rogers Miriam Ross

Gisela Rowley

Bill Roye

Marie and Mark Ruhe

Rosemarie Ryan

Amanda St. Clair

Jason Santiago

Wilna Schrader

Robert Schultheis

Liselotte Schwartz

Mariangie and Michael Sciore


Denise and Mark Seifried

Claudia and Sam Semaan

Sentry Insurance Advisors

Linda Shockley Michael Shrigley

Linda Sickels

The Skinner Group

Jeffrey Smith

Kay Sobolewski

Tracie Irby and Donna Solimene

Paul & Susan Sorrelle

Danielle Spiewak

William James Sprow III

Mr. William James Sprow III/Mary H. Van Lennep Fund

SS&C Technologies, Inc.

John Standish

Christine L. Standish Trust

Lisa Steffen

Sandi Stern

Sandra and Thomas Stiles

Todd and Jen Stone

Jeffrey and Judith Stoneberger Stout Family Foundation

The Striped Cabana

Supreme Auto Collision

Jenny Sutton

Lisa and Leonard Swirda Talent Resources

Stephen Taub

Frank Taylor Sandra Taylor Linda Tillman Richard Tomlinson

Jeffrey and Patricia Tottis Giving Fund Roz Travis

Valerie Trotman

Charles and Deborah Turner Judith Turner

Adriane and Scott Turow

Unique Sales & Marketing United Community Bank Foundation

Mario and Terry Valle

Joan Van Nest

The Village School of Naples, Inc. DBA

The Caring Place

Deidra Vingers

Melinda von Reis

Michael Waid

Debra Ward

Victoria Watts

Patricia Welch

James and Carolyn Welty David and Melinda Wermager Nancy and Jim Whiteman Tracey and Mike Widner

Michal Wiesler

Gail Wille

Frederick Wilson

The George and Donna Wilson Family Foundation, Inc.

Janis Wilson Window Wear Design

Rachel Galante/WINK News

Sandra Wood

Yamron Jewelers

Dawn Hoffman and Rebecca Yellen Donald and Katherine Zandstra Janett Zapparolli

Supporters $250-$499

John and Karen Abell

Rebecca Adams

Edith Adamson

AEO Inc.

Ann Agostini

Susan and David Aldrich

Nick Aldridge

Jeffrey Angelosante

Liz Appling

Janet Arnold

Arthrex, Inc.

Susan Astle

Maria Bachich

Fiona Baldwin

John & Audrey Bamberger Charitable Foundation

Randy Balluff

Sandra Baracaldo

Jim and Elle Barbo

Aaron Barnes

Susan Marie Barreiro LLC

Jill Baskin

Doris and Race Batcher

Tara and James Bates Sherry Batrus

BCR Construction & Development Arthur Beck

Jill Bell

Benedict Family Fund

Nancy Berens

Dwayne Bergmann

Laurie Berke

Mardelle Berman

Catherine Berry

Suzanne Bertman

Herbert Bias

Theresa Bill

Michael Bingaman

David Black

Nancy Blackburn

Nancy Bledsoe

Mark Block

Rick and Heather Block

John Bly

Christina and Anthony Bower

Gary Bowers

Thomas Bowman

Tori Breithaupt

Mitzi Brennan

Deborah Broderick

Marybeth Brooks

Alan and Susan Brown

Christopher Brown Hale and Josephine Brown

Barbara Brownson

Beth Bruner

Suzanne Buhl

Joan Bullard



Supporters (cont.) $250-$499

Ian Burchell

Geralyn Cannon


John Carberry

Leslie Carper

J. Kent Carter

Casa Perfect

Don Caudill

Channon Champ

Roger Cherton

Sharon Clark

Carol Cleary

Donna Cockerill

Peter M Coffey

Anita Colletti

Emily and Tom Comella

Joyce B. Comer Charitable Fund

Mary Lou and Don Connolly

Maria Coords

Kenneth and Lindsay Cornell

Costco Wholesale Corporation

Kevin and Denise Cowell

Christine Creamer

Thomas and Virginia Curtis

Bobbie and Jim Cusick

Mikki Williams and Curly Davis

Dean Davis

Sheila Davis

Audrey Day

Patrick Dearborn

Kathleen Debiak

Susan Deely

Sarah Demaree

Dermatology Specialists of Naples

Jane Dessecker

Ashley Dewji

Melinda Diamond

DiLauro & Company

Heather Doane

James Dodge

Joan Dolamore

Sandra Donatelli

Frederick Dorsey

Emily Driscoll

Dianne Dunn-Damico

Joe and Dee Durinzi

Yvonne Eaton

Eileen Ebin

Tamerson Escott

Etiquette By Evelyn

Dr. Jaclynn Faffer

Ryan Farber

Carol Farmer

Samuel and Laura Faust

Mitchell and Janet Fetterolf

Jen Feuerstein

First Republic Bank

Cynthia Fisher

Kathleen Fitzpatrick

Cheryl Flood

Danielle Fortunato

Christine Frank

Neal Frank

Gregg and Kathleen Francke

Karen Fredrickson

Ken & Tammy French Dana Frishkorn

Mary Froese

Jerry Fry

Thomas Fugard

Mary Jo and Joseph Fuimano

Karen and Duane Furan

Nicole Galliford

Michael Galloway

Richard Cacace & Mauro Gamba

Anthony Garvy

Bonnie and John Geraghty Get Out Of Town Travel

Lynne Gilbody

Carol Gilman

Tammy Ginevan

Patricia Girard

Salvatore Giso

Diane Godfrey Nora Gomez-Dears

Dianne Gotschall

Judi Graham Sharon Green Brian and Julian Greenling

Lynn Grewe Jennifer Grieco Judy Griffith Gerald and Joan Guthier

Carol Haberkern

Ted Halpern

Molly Hamilton John Hancock Gail Hansen

Linda Hardee

Martin Harrison

Jacqueline Hartley

Jon Harts

Holly Hassinger

Dawn Hatcher

W. Richard Hazen

John and Susan Heard

Doug and Regina Heldreth Weber Hermann

Patricia Hermanson

Celeste Heymann

Nancy Hill Susan Hill Daniel Hirsch Gillian Hocking


Christian Horky Horse of a Different Color

Richard Hoskins

William Howey Erick Huerta Kirsten and Rolla Huff Hydrafacial I Am Joy Foundation

Stephanie Isban Margaret Jack Lois Jacobsen Keith Jacoby Jordan Jaffe Peter and Gloria Jennings Susanne and John Jodoin

Jennifer Jones Kristen and Steve Junker Dennis Kacy

James Keating

John Kechejian Anne and William Keesor Charles A. Kerwood III

Carol Keys Enid and Kent Keyser Abigail Klaus Heatherjoy Klein

Shirley Koepcke

Janet and Wolfgang Konefal Thomas and Cynthia Kramer Kevin & Kathleen Krenitsky Krusch and Pino Family Foundation Robert Kurasiewicz

Debby Kvam

Lori Labarca Mindy La Croix Murl and Sarah Landman Rensktje and Pieter Langebeeke

Leading Edge Benefit Advisors

Gordon Lee

Oliver Leine Wallie Lenchner

Litzy Lerma

Sandy Levine

Constance Linguanti

Suzana Ljikovic

Marena Loeffler

James Logan

Anita Lovse

Gail Lozelle

Paul Lozito

John Luther William and Eileen Lutz

Suzanne Magrane

Arlene Malatsky

Evelyn Maloney

Doug Marcinski

James Marino Caroline and Joseph Martino

Susan Master

David Matter

Brian May Kathleen McFadden

Peter McGrane

Kathleen McKeown

Brian McNamara

Jennifer McNamara

Thomas Merges

Johanna & Steven Merkel

Ellen Milan

Jeff and Peggy Miller

Joan Miller-Campbell

Diedre Milligan

Randall Mills

Raymond Mills

Millstein Foundation Inc

Marilyn Milsop

Frank Mollo

Randi Morein

Ray Morgovan

Bonnie Morley

Mandy Munnell

Denise Murphy

Michele Murphy

Lynda Murray

Nancy Myers

Diane Nagot

Richard Napier

Michelle Nicho

Marcia Nichols

William Norman

Mark and Mary O’Brien

Stacy O’Brien

Colin O’Higgins Karl Oleksiuk

Olivers Place

Sandra Oltmanns

Alicia ONeill

Louis Ostrow

Cathleen and Edward O’Sullivan

Richard and Dennis Owens David Packo

Janice Page

Su Parker

Robin Patron Carrie Pearson

Palmer Pekarek-Greer

Pelican Lake Property Owners Association

Albert Perrico

Pete and Sue Peterman Giving Fund

Kourosh Pezeshkan

Picone Financial Partners

Lisa and Ted Pierce

Pink Dog Frankie Grooming LLC

Timothy Popiel

Premier Distribution

Premier Sotheby’s International Realty

Linda Prete

Lisa and Ridk Proctor

Ryan Proctor

Vickie Pruter

Steven and Barbara Purcell


Supporters (cont.)


Carolyn Quistberg

Vincent Raceina

Donna Radford

Dana Ragiel

Kathi and Larry Rambo

Sylvia Ramos

Margaret and Philip Reed

Jacqueline Ressa William and Carol Retterer

Cheryl Reynolds

Brent and Brenda Rice

Marguerite Rinaldi John Risk Richard Robertson

Helene Robin Caroline Rogers

Susana Rogers Hazel Romano

Ruffgers Dog University John Ruscito

Elizabeth Sanchez

Andrew, Marc, and Nico Sanchez

Laurel Sargert

Lisa Saxton

Miriam Scherer

Merry Schooley

Ilana Seligman

Tennille Sevigny

Candice Seward

William Shelly Nancy Shields

Melissa Showalter

Gail Sklar

Kathi Brown and Bob Skowronski

Jeff and Joanne Slepian

Brian Smith

Brian Smith

Laura Smith Leonard and Erika Smith

Thomas Snelling

Linda Sohn

Stacy and Mike Sokol

Lisset Solis

Kathleen Sparrow Marilyn Spong Susan Starkey

Cindy Stegemann

James Stevens

Jeffrey Strang Jim & Susan Sukeforth

John Swindells Ronald Tarantino Nancy Tarette

Dennis and Judy Tate

Jaime Theobald

Larry Thomas Suzanne Thomas

Heather and Mackenzie Thompson

Jett Thompson Jon Thoresen

Rebecca Totaro

Meryl Towarnicki

Jennifer Trammell Jerome Trembath Jeev Trika Harold Trimmer

Katherine Updegrove

William Vano

Paula Van Zuidam

Margaret Vickery

Kristen Victory

Laura Wack

Beth Walker-Fenton Jeannie and Daniel Wall Brian and Donna Walsh Mina Wang

John Ware

Waterside Shops

Martha and Gordon Watson Sarah Webb

Mary Weber

Theresa Weber

Michael and Nancy Wedel

Jordan Adair and Megan Wendling

Kathryn Wesler

Ted Wesolowski

Lisa Wetzelberger

Linda White

Josiah Willard Na-Ann Williams Lee Willis

Scott Wollaston

Wendy Wood

Helen Yost

Lynn Zakupowsky

Phyllis Zetzman

Sharon Zuccaro

John Allen & Victoria Zuluaga Nancy Zwiener

Humane Society Naples also sincerely thanks the many other donors in FY2022 who made contributions up to $250.

We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists. Please contact us immediately if you have a question, correction or concern at: 239-643-1555, ext. 41 or development@hsnaples.org

Thank you, again, for your commitment to and compassion for the animals.

Marley, just one of the senior dogs that was adopted in the past year.


FY22 figures reported here were compiled prior to completion of our formal audit, underway when this report went to press.  Final audited figures will be available upon request.  This past year was an outlier year for HSN’s finances. A combination of inflation, a competitive job market in our field, and the downturn in the market acted together to impact our bottom line. Thankfully

REVENUE Program services revenue $ 1,393,878 Development revenue $ 2,971,488 Other income $ 56, 366 Investment gains $ 656,232 TOTAL REVENUE $ 5,077,964 UNREALIZED LOSSES $ (1,760,357) EXPENSES Programs $ 6,197,900 General & Administrative $ 608,623 Fundraising & Marketing $
TOTAL EXPENSES $ 7,464,579 FINANCIAL POSITION Operating Assets $ 13,007,371 Investment Assets $ 9,837,724 Total Assets $ 22,845,095 Total Liabilities $ 1,904,623 Net Operating Assets $ 11,102,748 Net Investment Assets $ 9,835,224 Net Permanently Restricted Assets $ 2,500 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 22,845,095 83¢ of every $1 supported our programs and services for the EXPENSES PROGRAMS 83% 9% FUNDRAISING & MARKETING GENERAL & ADMINISTRATIVE 8% Tropicana 26
we have the resources to continue
lifesaving work even when outside influences are negative.



Saving lives! Between our lifesaving veterinary services, our surrender diversion services, our crisis boarding and our adoption program, we will save thousands of pets’ lives in the upcoming year. Not to mention the humans we save right along with their furry friends. There is no greater honor.

Thanks to a generous contribution from Patty and Jay Baker, we’ll be doubling our Mobile Veterinary Clinic fleet from one to two, allowing us to bring critical veterinary care to even more of Collier County.

After what feels like endless renovation, we’ll be reopening our Oaks campus with a special focus on behavioral rehabilitation for one of our most vulnerable populations –dogs with behavioral challenges. These pups are at extreme risk of euthanasia in most other shelters around the state, and even the country, and we are proud to put our expert team to work helping them recover.

Based on the resounding success of the von Arx Adoption Center, we’re starting to plan a second satellite adoption and resource center, most likely in the eastern portion of Collier County where much growth is planned over the next decade. It likely won’t be open until late 2023 or 2024, but planning is underway.

Partnering with you! We have doubled down on assisting our devoted supporters with estate and legacy planning and it’s easier than ever (see our website for details). Not only can you create a legacy to ensure Humane Society Naples can keep doing its lifesaving work, but perhaps most importantly, we can help you design a plan that ensures your animals will be well loved and taken care of should the need ever arise.

Cats, cats, cats! We’re developing increased programming to better serve our neonatal kittens and our geriatric cats. These populations don’t do well in even the best possible shelter habitats, so we are piloting some home-like care environments.

Continuing to partner with as many under-resourced shelters in the state as we can, transferring in dogs and cats at immediate risk of euthanasia due to space.

We’re always working to grow our foster program. Our foster families allow us to save even more lives by multiplying our spaces available, thereby creating more room in the shelter for critical cases.

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Your gift is very much appreciated and may be tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. A copy of our latest financial report may be obtained by writing to Humane Society Naples, Attention: Development Department, 370 Airport Pulling Road N., Naples, FL 34104. Humane Society Naples has been formed to shelter animals in times of need, locate life-long homes and promote responsible pet ownership through education, legislation and sterilization. If you are a resident of the state of Florida, you may obtain financial information directly from the state agency: FLORIDA – A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLLFREE, 1-800-435-7352 (800-HELP-FLA) WITHIN THE STATE OR VISITING www.FloridaConsumerHelp. com. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. Florida Registration CH6487.


For 62 years, Humane Society Naples has worked to improve the lives of companion animals -- and the people who love them -- throughout Collier County. A fourstar charity with Charity Navigator, HSN is a no-kill rescue organization. We care for dogs and cats, puppies and kittens, and “smalls,” - rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, ferrets, and sometimes even hedgehogs -- needing a second chance at life. Each year, we help thousands of animals, families and individuals through programs ranging from pet adoption to veterinary services, emergency boarding to crisis pet food support.

We have three guiding principles that govern our animal care:

1. Treat and place more animals in homes faster

2. Keep already-adopted animals in their loving homes

3. Seek to transform “unadoptables” into pets who can enjoy a second chance at a life every pet deserves.

Yes, HSN is a shelter and adoption center. But we offer so much more. Our full-service veterinary clinic provides care to the furry members of thousands of families in our region. Our behavior team offers training for individuals and families hoping to keep more challenging pets in their loving homes. In addition to our main shelter adjacent to the Naples airport, our Oaks facility offers a special behavioral training program for traumatized or hard-to-manage animals plus emergency pet boarding assistance for people who need a safe place for their pets to stay when facing life’s harder challenges. Our satellite adoption center in North Naples is the first of many anticipated to serve areas in our community where population is booming. We provide a pet food pantry for families facing financial crises, a mobile veterinary clinic to serve areas in Collier County where with limited access to veterinary care, humane education programs both in schools and at community events, pet visits to senior and memory care facilities, and at every moment, we advocate for the animals of our community.


Sheltering animals in times of need, locating life-long homes and advocating for responsible pet ownership.

370 Airport-Pulling Road N. | Naples, FL 34104 239-643-1555 | hsnaples.org

At HSN, every life counts.
Jade Cookie Bun Bun Chip

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