Mio report

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Project MIO. Main building Renovation. TU/ Eindhoven. Architectural report.

Report: Architecture Project name:

Project group:

Energy neutral Main Building TU/e

Group 4

S. Boonstra R.P.J Van der Sande N. Stojmanovska E. Shulgina

Structural Design Building physics and services Architecture Architecture

0887359 0887304 0830433 0874727

Authors: N. Stojmanovska E. Shulgina






Mio Master project

Course no:




Preface MIO master project is held as a part of Master in Architecture course at TU/e Eindhoven. Project process was based on the principle of Integral design, where the team of four students from diīerent departments (Building physics and services, Structural Design and Architecture) were working together to Įnd opƟmal soluƟon for renovaƟon of the Main Building (Hoofdgebouw). The result of four month’s teamwork is a project, that uses combined knowledge to create comfortable and lively environment for students and university staī, as well as makes a main building an image of the whole campus of TU/e. We would like to thank our project tutors, who gave us valuable consultaƟon during the process of project development. First we would like to express our deepest thanks to docent of architecture, Ruurd Roorda, for the great help and advice during the design process. We would like to thank tutors for SD, BP, BS, for deep insight into corresponding disciplines for the whole project group.

Contents Report: Architecture Preface



Design task reinterpretaƟon


Design Concept. Integral Design 3 PosiƟon on masterplan


Space requirements


FuncƟonal zoning. Public and private


CirculaƟon 9 Space design high rise


AcousƟc Performance high rise External terrace



Materials study High rise 14 Fire safety. High rise


Form generaƟon Low rise 16 Space design Low rise


AcousƟc performance Low rise


Facade design. RelaƟonship to the concept Facade design. West Facade


Facade design. Energy saving. East Facade. South facade




Facade design. Energy generaƟng. South Facade 27



Design task reinterpretation The design process for Main Building renovaƟon project have started from analysis of start documentaƟon provided by the project leaders. IniƟal documentaƟon relevant to the project included: •

Programme of requirements

AmbiƟon document about the renovaƟon of the main building

Master-plan TU/e science park

• Cultural and historical exploraƟon document for main central high-rise building •

Technical drawings of the exisƟng building

AŌer studying the iniƟal documentaƟon and project presentaƟon we have outlined the following main goals that are to be pursued during the design:






Interdisciplinary communiczƟon

Emphasise the strong connecƟon with the landscape, as master-plan framework encourages the Idea of a building standing in the landscape.

Design for future modernisaƟon

PreservaƟon of the most signiĮcant historical features


• Main building that demonstrates the Image and IdenƟty of the TU/e campus, that according to the “Master-plan TU/e science park” document should respect and Įt into the context of the building environment seƩed in the Įrst two construcƟon phases. As well as showcase the main idea of green campus, sustainability, cost awareness, Ňexibility and readiness for the future according to the ambiƟon document


PUBLIC Public private relaƟonship within the building

Sustainable design that promotes healthy and welcoming working environment, encourages communicaƟon between departments and faculƟes

The substructure (low rise) of the building is to become a centre and connecƟon point inside the educaƟonal and research relaƟonships, as well as connect educaƟonal and research funcƟons to the outside, provide a glimpse into educaƟonal funcƟon for visitors and public.

• In the verƟcal relaƟonship ambiƟon document suggests to diminish the sense of communal idenƟty and increase inƟmacy level. • According to Master-plan TU/e science park bridges network is serving circulaƟon and socialisaƟon funcƟon throughout the university campus. Therefore it is important to keep and emphasise this funcƟon in the renovaƟon project


“Second ground” bridges network 2014

Design Concept. Integral Design Our concept ideas evolved on the basis of documentaƟon and requirements we studied requirements along with the iniƟal teamwork exercisers outcomes. In the morphological study each discipline specialist have outlined the aspects that were important for Main Building renovaƟon project and outlined several possible soluƟons. The result of that work was a joint table, where we could combine the diīerent soluƟons for perspecƟve development. AŌer the Morphological chart producƟon and assessment we have selected following design objecƟves:

Expansion of the green belt, that is the central pedestrian path of the campus that also carries social funcƟon on the area in front of the main building and onto the main building facade

ConnecƟon of the “green belt” to the “second ground” (bridge network) level and reinforcement of main building posiƟon on the bridge network level

Strong funcƟonal separaƟon according to the privacy and circulaƟon intensity level - where low rise is designed for intensive people Ňow and high rise for quite personalised work environment

Design of funcƟoning facade, that would protect from excessive energy gain and become a tool for energy generaƟon designed for possibility of future renovaƟon.

Refer to the context when forming stylisƟcs of the façades in order to achieve joint idenƟty of the TU/e campus


Position on masterplan

show carpark with dotted lines, estimate no of cars remove the green lines

4 4

Current posiƟon of the Main building in the master-plan makes it challenging to express the noƟon of the central building on the campus and the accesses to the building are not clear. Building is facing its narrow south facade to the main pedestrian route and has a car park and bicycle parking in front of it. The situaƟon and movement paƩerns on the campus have changed signiĮcantly sine 1960’s the car is no longer the prior mean of transportaƟon and people are mostly traveling by bicycle or by train on a longer distances.

• In order to emphasise the central posiƟon of the building on the master-plan we have decided to move the car park from the west side of the building to newly constructed underground parking, in order to preserve the parking space. We have made this decision because the west side of the building is the front sidem when approached from the city centre According to the TU/e master-plan buildings are not to have segregaƟon between façades, but in this case we consider certain segregaƟon necessary to create central posiƟon of the building. Main entrance is placed on the prolongaƟon of pedestrian route, when approached from the city centre. This route will bring visitor/ student or academic staī member directly to the level of “second ground”, from where one can travel throughout the campus by means of bridges network. Even though we are emphasising the main entrance on the west of the building, we are keeping South, North and East accesses arƟculated. On the north of the building the access to bicycle shed is placed and north entrance is designed for bicycle users mainly. New bicycle path is placed next to the existing traĸc road for safe cyclists access to the parking. Path is connected to the exisƟng bicycle routes in the campus. East entrance is preserved for Įre escape and services mainly as there is no possibility of direct circulaƟon between Main building and Meta forum on the ground level at the moment from that point. South facade entrance on the ground level is preserved and features ramp that ensures disability access and provides connecƟon with the meta forum on the ground level.

Traĸc rouƟng


Bicycle rouƟng

Strong disestablishment between pedestrian and cyclists routes ensures safety of traĸc. Cycling route intersects car traĸc only at one point if one wants to access bicycle shed, where the car traĸc turns into the underground car parking at 90 degree angle, and therefore car user is slowing down. That arrangement also provides safe access for cyclists.


Bicycle rouƟng

Space requirements

According to the project assignment requirements’, the renovated Main Building has to accommodate three university departments as well as the board of directors. Each department requires space for oĸces for the administraƟon, space for educaƟon and public oriented spaces. The area balance for the departments shows that the departments of Industrial Design and Industrial Engineering are the major departments in the building and have the most public funcƟons that can be shared between departments. The preliminary arrangement of the funcƟons in the exisƟng building and renovated low rise has proved the necessity of addiƟonal square meters. Therefore, an addiƟonal Ňoor was added.


Board of directors 21%


Department of Industrial design

Department of InnovaƟve science


Area balance. Departements


Department of Industrial Engineering


Functional zoning. Public and private

The main idea behind the proposed arrangement is leaded by the stated requirement about increasing the level of inƟmacy within the verƟcal zoning. Therefore, in the verƟcal span the public funcƟons are placed on the main (zero) level and by that the Ňow of the people and the interacƟon between users from diīerent departments is increased. This zone is more inviƟng for the public and is represenƟng the social interacƟon in the building. Furthermore, the new arrangement of the low-rise accommodates the educaƟonal faciliƟes and through the close relaƟonship with the ground Ňoor level, the visibility and inviƟngness to the educaƟonal process is expanded. On the contrary, in the high rise the level of inƟmacy is raising with each Ňoor. It provides space for research study, academic staī cabinets and spacious open oĸces for the administraƟon. Only 1/3 of the mid Ňoors surface is used for cabinets and open oĸce arrangements.



During the analyƟcal process of how the building will be approached the surrounding pedestrian routes were taken into account. The main access route that goes from the train staƟon to the Meta Forum was used as direcƟon in creaƟng the main entrance in the new design. With this entrance users arrive at the bridge level in the building which is the main circulaƟon level through the whole campus. As secondary accesses are used the already exisƟng ones on the south and the north side. The idea is to increase the Ňow of the people on this level, therefore the ground Ňoor is approachable from three points and is public oriented. Furthermore, the communicaƟon cores from the old building are kept as an addiƟonal circulaƟon element connecƟng the levels through the whole building from the basement to the roof. The major communicaƟon between the exterior and the interior is the green terrace as an addiƟonal structure to the west façade. The circulaƟon through the façade is enabled by the main fast communicaƟonal core which connects the green hill with each Ňoor above. Furthermore, on the internal level, the circulaƟon between the terrace levels is achieved with two staircases posiƟoned on the north and south side.


Space design high rise The spaƟal design in the high rise is leaded by the principal of spaƟal integraƟon of the space. This means that spaƟal integraƟon is the key factor in developing the communicaƟon network within the workspace which will be clear and easily understandable by the users. This network allows the Įre escape routes to be easily approachable from the main levels but also from the middle levels on each Ňoor. Structurally the Ňoor plan is divided in three modules of 6200mm. Therefore the modules that are connected with the facades are used for the workspaces and middle module is leŌ for communicaƟon and interacƟon between them. The idea behind this organizaƟon is the improvement of the social performance of the building. Moving around in the circulaƟon system users should be constantly aware of the acƟviƟes that are taking place not only in the open oĸces on the west side but also in the closed oĸces that are placed on the east side of the building. In the spaƟal structure this corridor will be the focus of interacƟon which is just an open door away from the work spaces and it will reŇect the interacƟon between the educaƟonal and research society in the building. The proper formaƟon of these networks is very important aspect in designing the space because they foster an innovaƟve atmosphere. The Ňoor plans are developing with the two already exisƟng verƟcal communicaƟon and one new verƟcal communicaƟon which is added on the green terrace and which connects the levels with the green hill. The terrace expands verƟcally, therefore becomes an extension of the high rise levels. In the old plans there are two structural cores on the north and south side which were used as Įre escaping routs and quick verƟcal evacuaƟon. In the new building these cores are used for creaƟng module with service funcƟons. In this module are placed the toilets, pantries and the installaƟon rooms. Guided by the intenƟon to achieve spaƟal integraƟon and contemporary working space, we developed the idea of creaƟng an open and Ňexible working space with the possibility of changing and adjusting the same according to the needs. Therefore on the east side are posiƟoned the private oĸces which can have diīerent dimensions depending on the need. These oĸces are separated with parƟƟon walls which are composed of wooden acousƟc panels and therefore are creaƟng more isolate and inƟmate atmosphere. Each oĸce has an access to an open window which increases the comfort of the users. On the west side near to the west façade are posiƟoned the open oĸces workstaƟons which open the users view to the greenery of the terrace. These workstaƟons are designed to accommodate small teams depending on the demands and the same are created of wooden acousƟc parƟƟon walls with height of 1200 mm. These workstaƟons are open, Ňexible and easily approachable. In this way the design of the space gradually passes from private rooms, which are more inƟmate mainly for studying and working, towards the open terrace, which is gathering space for the whole Ňoor.


The middle level in the high rise spans along the east façade of the building. The line with the closed oĸces from the main level is repeaƟng on the middle level likewise. A corridor separates the closed private rooms and the open oĸces workstaƟons which are extended on some points as a gallery above the open space below, giving the space more dynamism.


5.45 5.35










0.00 (f.f.l.-Typical floor)

Acoustic Performance high rise In the design for the high rise were used soluƟons which improved the acousƟc performance of the building. The method which is used controls the noise path between the source and the receiver by use of proper materials. Therefore, wooden and metal mesh acousƟc panels are used for opƟmally and elegantly dividing the space and at the same Ɵme for improving the acousƟc performance of the same. In the open oĸce space, a local treatment is used with integraƟng wood acousƟc panels in the workstaƟons. The furniture which is made of wood, contains the wood acousƟc panels on each desk with high of 1200 mm, the level of mouth speaking This combinaƟon of blocking and absorbing prevents the sound to travel from one space to another. The parƟƟon walls that separate the private rooms are also composed of wood acoustic panels that absorb the sound and creates more intimate atmosphere in the office. But also these partition walls are composed of glass windows which prevent this isolated area from disconnecting from the rest of the office level. The middle level is more private and isolated. It is composed


of private rooms and open oĸce workstaƟons. The sound barrier between the main level, which is more dynamic, and the middle level, which is more private, is achieved with usage of wooden acousƟc panels which separate the open oĸces on the middle level and metal mesh acousƟc panels for the design of the railing along the walking bridge. Cork is used for the Ňoor Įnishing due to the fact that cork has excellent acousƟc properƟes because it absorbs the ambient sound. This will keep the noise from transmiƫng down through the Ňoor or up through the ceiling.

External terrace The external green terrace represents an important role in the design of the whole building and especially in establishing an external connecƟon between the green hill and all the levels in the high rise. With the increase of the inƟmacy level of the funcƟons verƟcally, the green terrace enlarge the comfort of the users since the relaƟonship between inside and outside is reestablished on every Ňoor.


Materials study High rise

Building environment has eīect on the user from physical and psychological point of view. Therefore, simple and easily understandable space of the high rice allows use of diīerent materials which can improve building performances in order to create more comfortable environment for the users. For the main level a computer Ňoor is used with elastomeric foam insulaƟon. Closed cell insulaƟon material with built in resistance to the passage of water vapor. The closed cell insulaƟon material is resistant to bacteria and mould growth which contributes to the quality of the useful space creaƟng healthier environment. With careful selecƟon of the insulaƟon, the Ňoor becomes important part in minimizing the air polluƟon and noise polluƟon in the indoor space Linoleum is one of the most environmentally and friendly Ňooring materials which is made from natural and highly renewable resources. The same is used for ĮnalizaƟon of the main level Ňoor. It doesn’t require a signiĮcant amount of energy to be produced. At the same Ɵme the linoleum is light enough and can be easily transported without heavy CO2 emissions. It is also biodegradable and can be easily recycled into other construcƟon and Ňooring projects. With the new manufacturing processes linoleum is improved as a Ňooring


material and become resistant to scratches in the surfaces. It also has anƟ-staƟc and anƟ-microbial properƟes and is very simple for the installaƟon phase.. Cork is used for the Ňooring Įnish of the middle level. It is natural, renewable product. Cork’s impact of the environment is quite low, with almost zero waste from the manufacturing process. It is also biodegradable and will break down into the environment at the end of its life cycle. Cork is very soŌ material and these Ňoors can easily be damaged. The crock Ňoor is placed on the middle level because of the low frequency of people. For improving the acousƟc properƟes of the space and increasing the comfort of the users, two types of acousƟc panels were used. Wood acousƟc panels for the open oĸce low parƟƟons and for the high parƟƟons of the closed oĸce and perforated metal acousƟc panels incorporate in the railing system along the bridge on the middle level. The inĮll of the metal mesh acousƟc panel is composed of blend of recycled coƩon and cellulose Įbers (mostly post-consumer recycled newspaper). By converƟng the recycled material into cellulose Įbers the paper is kept out of the landĮlls where it has the potenƟal to pollute the environment. During the producƟon of the product, no waste is produced.

Introducing the green terrace in the design not only has beneĮts of the daily comfort of the users, but also has an important role in the Įre safety of the building. The high rise is considered as one Įre compartment. The escaping routes which are used in the new plan are the two staircases from the old plan and the terrace which brings the users directly in the safe zone out from the closed building. The terrace is spreading along the whole west façade, can accommodate a lot of people and also is

easily accessible for people with disabiliƟes. There are four escaping routes toward the open terrace. The distance between the escaping routs, according to regulaƟon, doesn’t exceed 35 meters. On the middle level the escaping routs are the staircase from the old plan which quickly evacuates people verƟcally to the ground Ňoor. There is quick connecƟon by staircases between the middle level and the main level close to the Įre escaping routs through staircase. The terrace as a safe zone has a verƟcal communicaƟon directly to the green hill and is equipped with safe landings and proper railing for quick evacuaƟon, especially for disabled people.

Fire safety. High rise


Form generation Low rise In the funcƟonal design of the building we have chosen to place educaƟonal and public oriented faciliƟes to the low rise secƟon of the building. That would create horizontal connecƟon with auditorium and meta forum, where similar funcƟonal spaces are located. Therefore our design was to minimize the travel distance throughout the university and , also minimise acƟve verƟcal traĸc within the building. Second decision that needed the re-design of the low rise volume was to improve the urban seƫng in front of the main building, whereas the car park from the west area of the building and make it a social space instead. Therefore the car park is to be relocated underground and area in front of the west facade becomes a part of the green social and pedestrian band of TU/e campus. Also we wanted to highlight the historical and cultural value of the building, make it clear in the facade design that this is a renovaƟon project, in order to show trace of the university history. We saw the ground level of the high-rise building as a characterisƟc feature, that demonstrates 1960’s brutalism in architecture. In its original seƫng ground Ňoor was a double height space lit by the natural light from the sides, we wanted to bring back that charismaƟc interior in the design. As well, we felt that it is important to make the columns more exposed on the exterior, that would emphasise the iniƟal idea of FloaƟng buildings by Van Embden. Where pylons on the rise were designed for suggesƟon of a ŇoaƟng superstructure. At the Įrst step of the design we have aimed for a mildly hill that is sloping in both south and north direcƟons and brings the user from the ground level to the level of structural table. During the design evaluaƟon we have realised that the slope will have to be steep in order to reach the table level and accommodate al the educaƟonal and public faciliƟes in the low rise secƟon. Moreover the locaƟon of car park on the underground level required the signiĮcant load to be placed on top of it in order to prevent the ground waters from pulling the building slab out of the ground. Therefore we have decided to split the shape into two parts one would be a mildly sloping hill that brings user to the bridge network level and the second is a bigger volume will accommodate car park and services on level - 1, whereas on level 0 and 1 auditoriums, classrooms and ateliers will be located. In order to ensure suĸcient daylight quality, safe Įre evacuaƟon and direct access to the outdoors in the work spaces we have split the volume in two by the staircase that runs to the roof level of the bigger low rise volume. The roof is designed as a green roof, and therefore provides recreaƟonal space for students and visitors.

First design idea

Volume split in two

Bigger volume split by staircase



Space design Low rise

Low rise is designed as the combinaƟon of main public spaces and main educaƟonal spaces. The key factor in design was combinaƟon of proper segregaƟon of semi-public (educaƟonal) and public areas and accessibility of public faciliƟes and joint experience oriented faciliƟes by students and academic stuī. Low rise features deep Ňoors that are split in the middle by the exisƟng hall. The hall is redesigned back to is original state, the long bridge is removed, and only the bridge connecƟng Meta forum and Auditorium buildings is leŌ in place. On the ground level public faciliƟes such as canteen, Cafe, Bar, Public oriented Labs, exhibiƟon spaces, etc are adjacent to the hall and partly are posiƟoned in it (see page AR-02 of the annexes). On the Įrst Ňoor level (the second ground level) spaces are arranged around the connecƟng bridges. In the east wing Library, meeƟng rooms, Conference halls are located, this wing is oriented in its funcƟonal arrangement to the Meta forum, in order to make it easily accessible for shared use. The west wing funcƟons are oriented to the auditorium for the same reason, next to the connecƟon bridge we gave placed classrooms and auditoriums necessary for the departments. Spacers are also arranged according to the necessity of the daylight for parƟcular use. So study ateliers, library study spaces and laboratories are placed on the perimeter of the plan, whereas spaces that require no daylight due to short term use only (such as classrooms and auditoriums, VIP, Sound labs, are located in the depth of the plan or under the access hill. Due to the fact that the west wing of the low rise is completely redesigned we chose to increase the ceiling heights in that wing. That created level diīerence between the common funcƟons (auditoriums classrooms etc) and ateliers, department oriented labs, and at the same Ɵme kept the public funcƟons easily accessible from ateliers. Glass curtain walls on the interior allow insight into ateliers and classroom from the connecƟng bridge.



Acoustic performance Low rise

roof level 46392

Level 8 39500 Level 7 mid 36287 Level 7 32887 Level 6 mid 29533 Level 6 26340 Level 5 mid 23125 Level 5 20240 Level 4 mid 16724 Level 4 13524 Level 3 mid 10309 Level 3 7255

Low rise roof level 3505 Level 1 0 Level 0 -3180 Level -1 -6404









High level of acousƟc insulaƟon

AcousƟc performance of the low rise is designed to emphasise the diīerence between public and private areas and sound intensity diīerence in these areas. “Environmental diversity” is described as a diīerence in acousƟc performance of the space by Koen Steems and Mary Ann Steane in “Environmental diversity in architecture. Having realised that there is limited possibility of acousƟc measures in the exisƟng double hight hall on the ground level, and the design aimed








Low level of acousƟc insulaƟon




High level of acousƟc insulaƟon

for the transparency on the interior, we have made the diīerence in acousƟc level of the main hall, public spaces an environmental feature that would guide user within the building. So the vibrant environment of double hight volume of the main hall will stand for public interacƟon, while quite study spaces on the perimeter of the Ňoor encourage concentraƟon.


Facade design. Relationship to the concept Façade design was one of the most important parts of the project. Façade, serving the funcƟon of the face of the building, had to be designed with respect to the surrounding environment and within the requirements given in Master plan of TU/e. Also façade is to funcƟon as a Įlter of direct sunlight, let the diīused light deep into the plan and protect spaces inside from overheaƟng, as well as provide room for PV panel’s installaƟon to enable solar energy collecƟon. Façades are designed to demonstrate the central posiƟon of the main building and provide comfortable environment along with possibility of energy generaƟon , therefore they diīer to some extend from the general style of the buildings on the campus. Nevertheless the design of the facades have the surrounding environment considered


Low rise façades are designed with reference to the neighbouring buildings - Meta forum and Auditorium. The original roof levels are preserved in the design. Therefore west wing is designed to be more enclosed and features heavy concrete structure with grass surface on top. By the contrast the east wing façades are designed with glass mullion transom curtain wall system, that has fully operable VeneƟan blinds installed outside for solar protecƟon. Façades of the east wing are light and highly transparent, aluminium panel inserƟons are placed only at the slab levels and on the roof parapeth level. The peƩern of transparent and opaque elements is a reference to the grid og Meta forum facade.

roof level 46392

Level 8 39500 Level 7 mid 36287 Level 7 32887 Level 6 mid 29533 Level 6 26340 Level 5 mid 23125 Level 5 20240 Level 4 mid 16724 Level 4 13524 Level 3 mid 10309 Level 3 7255

Low rise roof level

Level 0 -3180


Facade design. West Facade


We have made the decision to make the west façade unique and strong feature of the Main building in order to emphasize the central social posiƟon of the building. Therefore along with energy generaƟon and protecƟon west façade obtained social meaning. We have achieved it by placing add on structure next to the exisƟng building that carries terraces with hanging gardens, irrigaƟon system and solar panels. Green terraces are bringing the ground level to every Ňoor of the high-rise and provide recreaƟonal zone for user. Also in combinaƟon of the hill of the low rise volume west façade becomes the prolongaƟon of pedestrian green band and emphasizes image of green campus. The paƩern created by intersecƟon of panels that are posiƟoned at 35 degree angle for beƩer performance and aƩached to the external face of the structure with slightly angled rows of plant pots is referencing the paƩern of the VerƟgo building façade. Solar collecƟon is ensured by placing Crystalline silicone cells on the perforated aluminium shading sluts. PerforaƟon allows some percent of the sunlight penetrate trough slats The inner thermally insulated façade is to be constructed out of triple glassing curtain glass system on the full Ňoor height. That would allow maximum indirect light penetraƟon and proper thermal insulaƟon. (see annex 1 page AR_15)

IrrigaƟon system

Solar energy collecƟon and Įlter


Facade design. Energy saving. East Facade. South facade South and east façades are also constructed in two layers. First, triple glassing and aluminium curtain wall system, is designed to preserve 1250mm grid of current façade, but misplaced in relaƟon to current situaƟon to be aƩached to the concrete structural elements. Second layer is sun control layer. East façade features 300 mm wide fully operable external blinds, which will provide the maximum sun protecƟon when needed and preserve the essence of transparency, allow the view out when there is no excessive sunlight. Aluminium panel inserƟons are designed as a part of east façade in order to prevent view from the outside below the table level. This is done to increase level of privacy and preserve Ɵdiness of the façade, as private cabinets are located along the east façade. The colour of the panels is chosen according to the colour paleƩe of exisƟng situaƟon and neighbouring buildings.


Facade design. Energy generating. South Facade

South facade is almost completely blocking the sunlight by means of aluminium panels with Crystalline cells inserƟons. Panels are posiƟoned for the opƟmisaƟon of solar collecƟon and cover while façades. We have chosen aluminium external shading with solar cells for all the building, so that the system of shading can be upgraded with newer solar collecƟon technologies, such as PV paint for metal, which is being researched at the moment by SBEC sustainability centre.4


References ͳǤ Twynstra Gudde, Sjoerd Memelink, Caroline de Vos, Jeroen Tazelaar, 2013, AmbiƟon Document about the renovaƟon of the main building, Eindhoven University of technology ʹǤ Een ontwerp van Masterplan atelier Bouwkunde: G. (Gijs) Adriaansens MSc ; M.A.H. (MarƟjn) Schlatmann MSc, W.H. (Wiebe) Strick MSc, M. (MarƟjn) Kruijf MSc; Met medewerking van: S.A. Holweg, P.J.P van Monƞort en studenten TU/e, Onder leiding van Prof. Dipl.-Ing. C. (ChrisƟan) Rapp, mei 2012, TU/e Science Park Masterplan, Uitgevoerd in opdracht van Dienst HuisvesƟng, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven ͵Ǥ 2004, Spon Press, Milton Park, Oxon, Environmental diversity in architecture, Edited by Koen and Mary Ann Steane ͶǤ hƩp://www.bdonline.co.uk/technical/sbec-sustainability-centre-Įnds-ways-to-push-the-envelope/5031384.arƟcle, accesed on 06.05.2014

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