Elegant Island Living August 2022

Page 61


The Early Keepers F rom the date of the

members was typically

construction of the

unofficial, the wives of

St. Simons Lighthouse

keeper Isaac Peckham

until its conversion

(1883-1892) and Joseph

to electricity in 1953, eight light

Champagne (1892-1907) did

keepers faithfully maintained the

receive official recognition

light. These devoted caretakers

by the U.S. government.

of the tower’s beam lived with

Dora Peckham and Abbie

their families in the Victorian

Champagne were granted

keeper’s dwelling at the base of

the official designation as

the lighthouse.

Assistant Keepers.

The strenuous round-the-

Perhaps the best known of

clock nature of their duties

the keepers and their families

included lugging 3-gallon cans of

was Carl Olaf Svendsen who

kerosene to fuel the flame up the

served as the head keeper

129 steps that led to the top every

from 1907 to 1935. Born on

evening, as well as countless

his father’s ship in the harbor of

St. Simons Lighthouse. This was

return the salute by raising a flag.

other daily maintenance needs.

Cardiff, Wales in 1878, Svendsen

no unfamiliar task, as his father,

Helen said that her father made it

These tasks invariably required

spent his life by the sea before

mother, and brother all served

possible for the flag to be raised

the help of their family members.

arriving with his wife Annie and

as keepers at various times in

by Annie from the cottage, adding

While assistance from family

daughter Helen to care for the

lighthouses from South Carolina

that it was always her mother

to Florida. The

that returned the salute because

Svendsens added two

her father was constantly busy

more children, Carl

working. The family resided in

Jr. and Lucille, to their

the cottage and maintained the

family while residing

lighthouse until Carl’s death in

in the keeper’s cottage.

1935. The Svendsens were part of

Daughter Helen once

the celebration of the lighthouse’s

shared in an interview

50th birthday in 1922. Thanks to

that captains of ships

the steadfast care of light keepers

arriving in St. Simons

and their assistants in those early

Sound would salute

years, the lighthouse endured

the lighthouse with a

through winds and weather so this

whistle blast and her

occasion can now be celebrated

mother Annie would

once again a century later.

OPPOSITE PAGE: Orlando Poe, Engineer Secretary of the U.S. Lighthouse Board. ABOVE LEFT: Light Keeper Joseph Champagne (standing, far right) and his wife Assistant Keeper Abbie Champagne (seated, left) with unidentified gentlemen, c. 1900; TOP: Light Keeper Carl Olaf Svendsen with his wife Annie and their oldest children, Helen and Carl, Jr. AUGUST 2022


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