[ARCHIVE] GE7 Manifesto: National Unionist Party

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The Governance of Britain “Over the past six months our party has been an integral part of the first minority coalition Government to last a full parliamentary term in British history . In this time, we have been working tirelessly to reverse the radical reforms of the successive communist and socialist governments suffered by this country and bring in measures to further the interests of British families, individuals, and society as a whole. Our successes include removing VAT on women's sanitary items, establishing local authority credit unions in every local authority in the country, increasing police funding by £4bn, reveresing cuts to the animal welfare agency, subsidising cooperatives to boost wages and workplace democracy, and making savings across the board to ensure that a surplus was delivered in the Financial Year 2021 for the first time in MHOC history. This follows on from our already established record of delivery - unmatched by any party as young as the NUP. Re-elect the National Unionist Party into Government and we will continue, determined to get the best deal for this country and our constituents.” Britboy3456 Deputy Prime Minister 1


Contents The Governance of Britain Foreword

1 3

The British Economy


Employment and Welfare Taxation and Business Transport, Housing and Infrastructure

7 8 11

Our Society


Culture & Constitution


The Environment


The Wider World


Health Education Police, Immigration & the Refugee Crisis Culture, Media and Sport Constitutional Affairs Justice

16 18 21 25 26 28

Energy and Climate Change Nature and Rural Affairs Animals and Agriculture

31 32 34

Brexit International Affairs, Trade and Development Defence


38 40 42


Foreword The past term has been a great success for the National Unionist Party. We have been at the heart of the government and have used our position to great effectiveness right throughout the term, from the NUP dealing with hackers at the start of the term, to the NUP being crucial in passing a budget to protect our nation and lower taxes at the end of the term. Our successes have come tumbling one after another: removing VAT on women’s sanitary items, increasing police funding, subsidising cooperatives to boost wages, ensuring residents of Britain can speak our language, and achieving a surplus for the first time in recent history. We have established a record of delivering on our promises and we do so quickly for the people of the United Kingdom. However, our country’s problems after years of left wing governance do not disappear overnight. Many issues are still rampant in this country: prostitution is everywhere, people kill themselves with drugs on a daily basis, infants die at the hands of abortion, terrorists are on our streets. It does not have to be this way. The NUP, and only the NUP, will fight against these issues. Elect an NUP government and we will reban prostitution, restrict abortion, reban previously illegal drugs, put more police on the streets, and tighten up our borders. We will save you from an economic left which wants to take more of your income than you get, and an economic right which wants to all but scrap public services. We will lower taxes and fix the budget. We will safeguard the British economy from EU regulation with a hard Brexit. We will protect your money and your culture. Your family and your health. Your borders and your Britain. This manifesto sets out a plan - and it is not a plan to shout from the sidelines, as previous right wing parties have done, but, as the title suggests, a proposal for the governance of Britain. The National Unionist Party has shown itself as a competent and serious party of government and this document is a detailed outline of what we wish to do should you, the British people, put your confidence in us to see the job through. It is a plan for not only a better Britain, with world class institutions and sensible governance, but a plan underpinned by some simple, oft-neglected conservative values: a recognition that securing Britain's future does not mean forgetting Britain's past, and that the best way to improve this country is to remember what this country stands for, and the values it was built upon. This general election, the only option for a safe Britain is the National Unionist Party. If you care about your life, and your country, vote National Unionist on September 7th. Britboy3456 Leader of the National Unionist Party




The British Economy It has become fashionable for this party to say it is 'not constrained by ideology' when it comes to the economy, but there is an argument that it is in fact more constrained by ideology than any other party. That ideology being: do what is best for Britain and the people of Britain. That is, our irreverence for ideological dogma allows us to take a step back and analyse what has a positive effect on the country, and then we implement those things as effectively as possible.

Another socialist government would add ÂŁ243bn to the national debt over the next five years. That's ÂŁ50 a week for every family in Britian.

That is the National Unionist Party approach to running the economy - a pragmatic approach one that we propose will work best for everyone in Britain, as is the entire intention and 'ideology' behind the policies.

to reduce the deficit in order to rescue jobs and businesses from the disastrous effects of such a monumental deficit. In fact, in the past budget, departments fronted by a National Unionist Party MP as Secretary of State saved ÂŁ47.25 billion, contributing to the first 2021 surplus in MHOC budget history. We will continue to make savings like this over the next term so that the deficit can be reduced more quickly, whilst there is still a kind global economy (fixing the roof while the sun is shining, if you will).

Most importantly we need to create an environment that allows economic success and not an environment of instability and uncertainty. The haphazard and cavalier implementation of radical changes in economic policy that we have seen from both the left and the Conservatives is good for neither stability nor certainty, and it is increasingly difficult for markets to operate in an environment where the rules could change almost instantly.

Our approach to taxation follows a similar pattern of 'we like good things and dislike bad things'. We will reduce taxation on positive economic activity and seek a higher level of taxation for activities that are generally undesirable for soceity or cause negative externalities economically. For example, in the Summer Budget, personal taxation was reduced and excise rates on tobacco were increased. We would go further and cut taxation on disposable profit and VAT, whilst increasing taxation on alcohol, gambling and greenhouse gases.

All policies proposed by the NUP, particularly economic policies, would be implement gradually and with caution, to ensure that they were having the intended effect. This would minimise instability and should create excellent economic conditions for British businesses to succeed in the global economy, reducing the problems ordinary people in this country face when businesses are suffering. Under successive left and far left Governments, we have seen taxation rise to excessive highs, hitting the poorest in society and hindering economic prosperity. Ironically, this has been accompanied with a hugely increased deficit and thus massive additions to the national debt. This kind of fiscal irresponsibility costs the taxpayer and the National Unionist Party will take steps

Our policy of reforming Basic Income into a Negative Income tax has saved millions of pounds, as well as incentivising work. To further incentivise work we will continue to implement our policies of low personal income taxation, by cutting income tax for people of every tax bracket.



The vision of the NUP when it comes to business is a system that balances allowing businesses to prosper, making our country more attractive to businesses (and therefore bringing more jobs to the country), whilst still producing a good outcome for workers. We have secured this aim by subsidising cooperatives and establishing credit unions. We propose to you, the British voter, that this approach - a pragmatic, effective and fair approach to the economy, alongside our policies which will be outlined in the following pages, is what makes the NUP the best party to handle the British economy.



Employment and Welfare There are arguably fewer things more important to a nation than the workforce which sustains it, and an integral part of protecting this workforce is a compassionate welfare system, which aims to get people back into work wherever and whenever possible. We believe that welfare should be a helping hand, and by creating a positive working environment, along with providing welfare which tides people over until they can find long-term employment, we will encourage Britain's working people to find employment which is safe and stable.

minimum wage to ÂŁ8.50 for people over 21, ÂŁ6.10 for people 18 to 20 and ÂŁ4.50 for people under the age of 18. This change will ensure that every working person in Britain can make ends meet, while not ham-stringing businesses with an unnecessarily high minimum wage. It is unreasonable, however, to suggest that the minimum wage should be equalised as this would discourage the employment of younger people and harm businesses who wish to employ students. Zero hour contracts, as reformed in B081, provide a positive way for businesses to take on short term employment, and encourage businesses to hire, which is a great benefit to Britain's young people. Many of the issues surrounding zero hours contracts were removed under B081, leaving most arguments against them antiquated. We will bring back reformed zero hours contracts, to the benefit of small and medium sized businesses, and Britain's young people.

The minimum wage has not been increased in three years. We will raise it to make it a living wage, so that nobody struggles to make ends meet.

The Summer Budget replaced Universal Basic Income, a system which cost the taxpayer excessive sums of money as well as disincentivising work, with a system of Negative Income Tax. We pledge to keep this system and oppose Basic Income, however support a strong safety net and so will also oppose any attempts to weaken the benefits of Negative Income Tax for the most disadvantaged.

The welfare system is intended to be a short term fix, not a long term dependence, and reliance on the system often negatively effects those who depend on welfare, and those around them, especially given that long-term employment provides a much more consistent and rewarding income. Therefore, to ensure that long-term unemployed people are still actively contributing to the community around them, and to provide those people with a rewarding form of work in the interim between jobs, we intend to introduce legislation to create community work schemes for the long term unemployed.

As a compassionate party, we believe it is vital that any country cares properly for its elderly and gives the needed support for less well-off pensioners - however when we are at present running a sizeable deficit, it is not sustainable to keep handing out money to people who don't need it. We will cut winter fuel allowance for wealthy pensioners who do not need it. This will save money and ensure that taxpayers' money can be spent more effectively.

No working person should be unable to make ends meet, and it is common sense that, as a result of this, the minimum wage should also match the living wage. We will raise the



Taxation and Business Under successive socialist governments, the people of this country have seen personal taxation rise to scandalous highs. The broad right coalition has given everyone in Britain a tax cut and, if re-elected, the National Unionist Party will further reduce tax rates for every section of society. The recognition that the state is far less effective than business people at creating success is also refreshing and allows us to encourage aspiration and create an economy where innovation and hard work is properly rewarded.

The Summer 2017 Budget cut taxes for everyone in Britain. The National Unionist Party will cut them further to create opportunity and incentivise aspiration.

This Government raised the personal allowance from £6,000 to £29,300 - which meant a very significant tax cut for millions of British families. The National Unionist Party will commit to retaining the personal allowance at this figure as we believe that families and hard working individuals should be able to keep as much of their money as possible and that hard work should be rewarded.

their profits would also encourage more investment, leading to more jobs. Our party has always been the party for families, and as such our tax plans include policies that will specifically benefit families in Britain. If in Government, we will push to scrap inheritance tax. It is not right that the Government should confiscate your property when you die - people should be entitled to leave all of what they have worked hard for, earnt, and paid tax on to their families.

As such, we would also reduce rates of personal taxation. The Budget cut taxes for everyone in society, but we believe that it did not go far enough. Taxes were excessively high under socialist governments and we think that people should be given more freedom to spend their money as they choose. If elected, we will cut the basic rate of taxation to 30%, the additional rate to 40% and the higher rate to 49%. The upper bounds will remain the same.

We would also reintroduce the married couples tax allowance (extended to civil partnerships) to bring back the benefits of lifelong monogamous commitment. This would mean a tax cut for millions of families across Britain, and has proven beneficial in past. The impersonal nature of our relationship with the banking sector has led us to economic misfortune and collapse. Blinded by our lust for wealth, we have lost sight of our fellow man, with unsustainable growth and avarice leading us astray. The NUP hope to lead us back to the right track by humanising debt, encouraging more rational and sustainable borrowing practices. Credit unions offer this humanisation by giving the community a stake in their bank, with a one-person-one-vote system regardless of their amount invested. We have already passed a bill to establish a Credit Union in every local

We want a Britain where big businesses can compete in the global economy, and small and medium businesses do not have to face an insurpassable tax burden. The National Unionist Party will scrap any tax on profits for businesses with less than £100,000 distributed profit, and lower the rate for £100,000-£1,000,000 and >£1,000,000 businesses to 10% and 12.5% respectively. This would make the UK a very attractive place for businesses and investors, bringing in more money and strengthening the economy. Allowing businesses to keep more of



authority, and will continue to encourage Credit Unions through a comprehensive subsidisation and regulation program, allowing a more cooperative economy to flourish.

regulation costs UK businesses ÂŁ600 million per week. Part of our plan for Brexit involves reducing this regulation and completely repealing silly and unnecessary regulation imposed by Brussels.

Apprenticeships are the best alternative to university for many young people and a National Unionist Party Government would encourage them. They are a symbiotic and mutually beneficial relationship by nature. An apprenticeship teaches young people the valuable skills that they need to develop aptitude for a trade or long-term career, while allowing businesses to train the workforce of the future in a way that benefits them. We want to encourage small businesses to hire apprentices so as to provide all these benefits ad to equip apprentices to achieve their aspirations. We would give SMEs ÂŁ2,000 for every apprentice they hire, which will lead to encouraging more children in the United Kingdom to take a practical educational path. The National Unionist Party would reduce the inclusive rate of VAT to 17.5% We will also reduce VAT on goods and services strongly linked to tourism - so as to encourage tourism which is very good for the economy and is culurally beneficial. European Union rules state that the UK can only lower Value Added Tax (VAT) below 15% on a handful of products and can charge 0% on an even smaller number of goods. Any other exemptions have to be approved by the EU. As we leave the EU, the National Unionist Party will make essential items that are not currently determined by the EU as such VAT exempt, and reduce VAT on other items that cannot be considered luxury. We have already passed a bill to make women's sanitary products VAT exempt, and have plans to extend that to other essential goods. The European Union also decided that member states must not charge VAT on the exchange of bitcoin (generally associated with illegal transactions). We beleive this should be taxed and will tax it at the inclusive rate of VAT. Furthermore, it is estimated that unnecessary EU





Transport, Housing and Infrastructure Our plan is one to help the economy grow and help Britain reach its full potential, but this can only be done when there is proper funding for that which keeps the economy functioning. The National Unionist Party will invest in infrastructure, supporting schemes to improve British transport so that prosperity can be shared right across the country. As well as this, we are deeply uncomfortable with the fact that so many people in our country are homeless or close to homelessness. Everyone should be able have the security of owning their own home, and NUP plans will aim to make this possible.

implementation of these will be done with careful consideration of costs and benefits, but in principle the National Unionist Party supports these projects as a way to create new wealth for all parts of the United Kindom. This party is one with a strong record on the environment with a promise of more work to be done. We will support alternatives to petrol and diesel cars through subsidies where feasible, including public transport and electric cars, investing ÂŁ500 million over the next five years in zero emission vehicles. We will also enforce strict noise limits on road vehicles in order to reduce noise pollution, which affects residents as well as the natural environment.

Heathrow expansion would create tens of thousands of additional local jobs and give a ÂŁ61bn boost to the UK economy over the next 60 years.

An ambitious vision for a country of opportunity includes the opportunity for everyone to be able to have the security of owning their own home a chance to start a new chapter and get on in life. This is why we will set a target of 300,000 affordable and social houses built each year, and support schemes such as Help to Buy (an initiative to bring down the cost of a deposit) and Right to Buy (a scheme to allow residents in social housing to own their home at a reduced cost). This will allow more people across Britain to get on the housing ladder and achieve the benefits that come with home ownership.

A quality rail service is vital if we are to ensure that growing prosperity in the country is shared across the country and does not just make a difference in London. We will invest more money in rail everywhere in the UK. This includes extending the London to Shrewsbury train to Gobowen, Wrexham and Chester, to try and bring more money to North Wales and the North West. Similar extensions of trains to and from major cities will be planned and funded. This principle also applies to larger scale transport projects - such as High Speed 2 and Heathrow Expansion. Government support for these projects will mean more money coming into the UK from abroad, and from London to further North. Not only this, but HS2 will create thousands of jobs right across the country, giving more people the security of work. An




Our Society This section, detailing the National Unionist Party proposals for 'our society', includes policies on health, education, police, immigration and the refugee crisis. At its core, our party is a conservative party, and conservatism in Britain is fundamentally compassionate. A compassionate party, our policies form a compassionate approach to each of these individual issues and to society as a whole.

are proponents of community policing, to make police more visible in the community. We will take steps to change policy guidelines to encourage patrols on foot wherever possible. With regards to immigration, people across Britain have legitimate concerns about the number of people coming into our country and the strenght of our public services to be able to handle it. There are also major concerns about how well people coming into our country integrate into society, and the disastrous effects of this not happening. Over the past term we introduced legislation to help immigrates integrate quickly and smoothly into society and become contributing members.

Compassion on the NHS, for example, what does that mean? It means ensuring everyone has access to quality healthcare. It means giving mental health equal priority to physical health. It means the bill written by our chairman to impose a tougher approach on abuse to NHS staff. It means making sure that our beloved health service does not go underfunded and can provide the world class healthcare that it is known for.

As we leave the European Union, we will look to cut migration in order to try and deal with some of the problems it inevitable causes. As with all our policies, we will implement any new approach with care to ensure that it is effective and does not cause great divisions or hatred.

What then, is compassion when it comes to education? Tha name National Unionist does not just mean the union between our four home nations, but a united society and, more to the point, the strong union that is the family. We want to empower families to make the best choices for their children. We want to reform the curriculum so that young people have the opportunity to learn practical and transferable skills. We want to focus on health in schools and education with nutritious school meals, increased mental health funding and making sure everyone who needs it has access to a special needs school. This is the meaning of compassion in education.

A final part of this section is our plan to deal with the refugee crisis in Syria. Whilst it may be argued that this policy would be better placed in the 'Wider World' section, we believe that how we handle a crisis like this is a reflection on our society, and also many approaches we could take in dealing with this issue would have a very substantial impact on people's lives in the UK. Our compassionate approach extends to the refugee crisis in Syria. If in Government we will always remember the effect that our actions will have on people's lives, and we will not be reckless with our policy but listen to international advice and take every step to do what is best for the people involved.

The police service has always been one of the most respected institutions in society, but we are seeing this attitude fade as people are increasingly become intimidate by police officers - whether that be due to the media or something else. This is not the sort of society we want and we would like to see trust and respect restored between the police and communites. As such, we

All in all our policy for society is doing what we believe is beneficial to people involved, out of a deep-rooted compassion unique to the National Unionist Party. As with the economy, we will implement policies slowly, to ensure that they



have the intended effect of improving lives for people, as it is people who elect us an people who we are accountable to. This is our vision for a strong and fair NHS, an education system that empowers parents and delivers the bet outcomes for students, a respected and trusted police force, a pragmatic immigration system, and a compassionate response to the refugee crisis.



Health Our NHS is something that almost everyone in the country desperately wants to see protected. It is something people will talk passionately about and something which must be protected by any Government. We are against parties playing politics with the NHS as this can damage the quality of healthcare. Instead, we will focus on retaining the NHS budget, and letting doctors and nurses get on with their jobs by reducing micromanagement from Whitehall.

investigations/reports into what further steps the Government could take to tackle this problem that causes so many health issues and costs the taxpayer so much. Under a NUP Government, mental health would be taken as seriously as physical health and that conditions would be given equal priority. It is vital that sufferers are treated with dignity and respect. Figures show that most mental health problems are not properly diagnosed or treated. We would instruct that all patients displaying any indications of poor mental health on admission to hospital would have both physical and mental health assessed - so that these issues can be properly targeted and addresssed.

One in every six adults in the UK suffers from a common mental health problem. We believe mental health deserves to be taken as seriously as physical health.

Gender dysphoria is a condition that causes notable hardship for sufferers across Britain, and as such the NUP would incease funding in existing therapy programmes for people with gender dysphoria, as an attempt to end the culture of self-diagnosis and ensure that any decisions made will be the right decision for the individual and will not have any further negative impact on their mental health. Gender reassignment surgery must be limited to over 18s who have had sufficient counselling and completely consent.

A strong and free NHS benefits everyone in society and as such we pledge to reject any privatisation of the NHS and a complete commitment to keeping essential services free at the point of use. PFIs have been estimated to cost the NHS ÂŁ2bn a year and the National Unionist Party would stop all PFIs and completely end past ones.

The National Unionist Party firmly believes in the right to life for all people. This is why, if elected, we would impose a total ban on the abortion of unborn children. The only exceptions to this ban would be women who have been impregnated through rape and cases where the mother’s life is at risk.

One particularly important issue we wish to tackle is obesity, particularly childhood obesity. We will look at doing this by imposing a calorie dense food tax on restaurants. Calorie dense food would be defined as having more than a calorie per gram. The rate would be set at 14.5% on food and drink aimed at the wider public with a special Higher Rate of 20% on food and drink primarily consumed by children. We will commit the money raised from this scheme to susbidising healthy food, and funding



Education Every child in this country deserves the best start in life, delivered by a world class education system. The education of young people needs to be practical, accurate and effective, to equip young people and set them up for life. We want a system where parents are empowered to make the best choices for their children, and everyone has options when it comes to their child's education.

Less than a third of British students choose to go to university. We will install a new curriculum to reflect that, and strengthen the alternatives.

A party for the family, the heart of our education policy is empowering parents to choose the sort of education their child has. We understand that parents generally know what is best for their children, not the men in Whitehall, and support the existence of faith schools and free schools (where there is demand for them from local communities).

from things such as strokes. As such we will create a new ‘First Aid Diploma’ which will train children in basic first aid. All children will be required to have achieved one of these before they leave school. There should also be options to take this training further if the child wishes to.

There is also a great opportunity for social mobility in the establishment of more grammar schools. Before the grammar school system was reintroduced, top universities and jobs were far more dominated by private education than in the past. The National Unionist Party believes that every child should have easy access to a local grammar school, as this system will provide a step ladder for academically able children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

School meals and nutrition are incredibly important to the education and wellbeing of our children. Not only will improving the nutritional quality of the food help children do better at school, but it will also reduce obesity for years to come. We plan to increase the nutritional quality of food by mandating that all school-offered lunches/meal deals are to include at least two portions of fruit or vegetables. Schools will also be obliged to follow the ‘Eat Well Plate’ when distributing food stuffs.

An educational system which forces all young people towards university ignores the practical reality of both educational capability and the needs of the job market. The NUP will install a new national curriculum, which focuses on skills-based learning, and encouraging students to take routes such as apprenticeships and trade schools. Subjects such as languages will focus on giving children a practical knowledge, whilst also enriching young minds with the poetry, stories and anecdotes that can help to make Britain's youth well-rounded.

To try and combat mental health issues in schools we will implement a scheme where there is at least two full time mental health nurses operating in schools within every local authority, and at least one teacher trained in student welfare and mental health for every one hundred students in a primary or secondary school. We are committed to working for all children. As such we are calling for more money for special needs schools as they are overcrowded and in many cases too far away from the home of the parents. It is important that there are enough

We belive that every child should be trained to some extent in first aid. More qualified first aiders would help to reduce our yearly deaths



resources for these schools and that they are within a reasonable drive. We will also subsidise buses for these children so that their parents’ time isn’t completely used by driving to and from schools. Tuition fees are vital in maintaining the outstanding education provided by British universities and for that reason the National Unionist Party would maintain them, capped at £9,000. However we would subsidise degrees relating to science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM), to try and encourage people to go into those subjects, which will aid Britain's technological development. Fees for all EU students would be equalised with the rate for international students after we leave the EU.





Police, Immigration and the Refugee Crisis Immigration is a unique issue in Britain in that nobody can feel anything but empathy for those seeking to improve their lives, but at the same time there are legitimate concerns about space and public services that tend to be branded by the left as extremist. Our focus will be on cutting immigration to sustainable levels and ensuring immigrants properly integrate into society. We also believe in a police force that is respected and trusted, and our plans for policing will ensure this happens. On the refugee crisis in Syria, we want a compassionate but practical response that values the lives of those affected.

points system like this will ensure that we are only allowing in immigrants who will integrate smoothly and not cause disruption in their communities. It is vital that the British response to the refugee crisis cause by the Syrian Civil War is one that treats those effected with humanity. We believe, in accordance with international advice, that the safest place for refugees is in the safe coastal zone of Syria. We do not wish to encourage more people to make the dangerous and illegal journey to Europe that has seen so many innocent people killed, and it is clear that this is what an open borders policy when it comes to refugees will do.

European Union net migration rose by over 2,500%, from 7,000 to 184,000, between 2001 and 2015. We will cut total net migration to the 10,000s.

Instead, we will pledge to spend more money on camps in Tartus and Latakia, to help with reconstruction and expansion of those camps, and to continue to support humanitarian work in Syria.

It is the belief of the National Unionist Party that Police Officers should be present in communities and should get to know the people within them. As such, we support having police on more loose patrols in which they can interact with the community. More community police officers will improve public relations. We also propose changing police policy so that all patrols will be completed on foot wherever this is safe and possible. The aim of this policy will be to make the police officer seem less intimidating to people in the community. We will introduce a strict points system for immigrants with the goal of reducing net migration to under 100,000. Our priority has always been ensuring that immigrants can properly integrate into their communities, and a




Culture & Constitution If there’s one thing the National Unionist Party was built upon, it is the protection of a civilised and united Britain. Constitutional affairs form the very basis of our country and its culture and directly influence every decision made by the government. Our culture shapes the way that our citizens think, and our citizens make our country the country that it is. Bearing this in mind, preserving a healthy, united, British culture both for now and for future generations is the way to preserve our country, free from the perverse influences of secularism, prostitution, drugs and division which all parties but the NUP would thrust upon you, even the supposed “Conservative” Party.

The most recent attempt to abolish the monarchy failed by only 14 votes, with some Labour, Lib Dem and even UKIP MPs voting 'Aye' or abstaining. drugs, and tightening up legal punishments throughout the justice system for violent criminals. Similarly, legalised prostitution is a serious threat to our culture and to the family unit in the United Kingdom. The National Unionist Party are the party to reverse the legalisation of prostitution, protecting, you, your family, and your children from such disgusting practises as the left want to thrust onto our society. The final basis of our culture is Christianity. Britain is not a secular country – it is a Christian one, built on hundreds of years of Christian culture, which has and does shape our views and society. Successive left governments have repeatedly gone directly against this. Non-NUP governments have secularised the country, removed marriage as a legal commitment, and all but destroyed the meaning of marriage at this point. Voters should consider whether they value a country of morals, or tradition, whether they assign any meaning to marriage. If they would like this country to continue its fall to perverse influences and godless anarchy, I’d suggest they don’t vote for the NUP. If they love their country, its culture, and its people, the NUP is the only choice.

Our vision for Britain’s culture is three-fold. Firstly, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is precisely what it says in the title. United. Recognising this, our own party has the same thing in its very name: unionism. We are a proud unionist party, and will always support the union between England and Scotland. Our country wishes to be together, as it realises that together we are stronger – this is why Scottish voters chose unity over division. The Greens would like to divide families and split apart communities with their nationalist Scottish government by holding a second referendum. The National Unionist Party will support the wishes of the people. We will maintain the United Kingdom. Even other supposed unionist parties such as the Scottish Labour Party, who should be vehemently opposing the Greens if their word was worth anything, are propping up this nationalist government. The NUP policy is clear – unionism. Full stop. Britain also prides itself in being a safe and civilised country. If there is one thing safety and civilisation do not go hand in hand with, it is legalised drugs. Previously illegal drugs are killing our citizens day by day, and making our country continually a worse place to live in. The NUP will reverse this trend, recriminalizing



Culture, Media and Sport The United Kingdom has so much to offer when it comes to culture, media and sport. Some of the world's greatest artists, musicians, sportspeople, actors, comedians and the like have been British. We have a modern culture that is testament to the innovation and aspiration of the British people, and an ancient culture that we should celebrate and be proud of. Our aims in Government would be to support both modern culture (where we believe it is beneficial and not societally damaging) as well as preserving and protecting traditional British culture.

These places of great history are at the age where it becomes a full time job trying to look after them. By abandoning them, we are not only condemning history to the scrap heap, but also limiting the time available for people to carry out their own private worship. Historical churches, and other places of worship, have significant positive externalities, and the NUP shall therefore negotiate subsidises for them in the future. The Advertising Standards Agency is not at present fit for purpose, focusing on things like 'gender roles' and often ignoring overt displays of violence and sexuality. A National Unionist Party government would seek to reconstitute the ASA so that it is more focused on these things and less so on racism and sexism.

Less than 19% of 5-15 year olds met weekly physical activity guidelines in 2012. We will expand compulsory sport in schools.

Whilst we respect freedom of religion in the UK, it must be voluntary amongst the people of the United Kingdom, and not forced upon us by other countries trying to spread their religion. We will put a total ban on foreign governments, foreign nationals and foreign organisations funding the building of mosques in the UK.

The NUP believe that it is our obligation as mothers and fathers to do what is best for our children, even if it may not fit with their immediate desires. As childhood obesity continues to rise, we must make every possible endeavour to teach children how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Sports are a fun, engaging way to get children consistently active during the day and teaches them how to make proper use of their bodies. The benefits of a sporting education cannot be overstated, and as such we must enshrine every child’s right to a robust and vigorous physical education. The NUP will push for the expansion of compulsory sport in schools, especially football and rugby. Religion of all varieties have played a massive role in this countries development and culture.



Constitutional Affairs The basis for the formation of the National Unionist Party was preservation of the tradition, identity and unwritten constitution against the destructive left wing and the increasingly liberal Conservatives and UKIP. Such things are the foundation of our society and epitomise the values that this country was built upon. Over the past three years we have seen attempts to do away with the monarchy, the House of Lords, the Union, as well as successful attempts to secularise the country and abolish marriage as a legal institution.

Over 55% of voters in Scotland chose unity over division. Unlike the Scottish Greens and their allies, we will not re-open the deep divisions of a referendum.

The National Unionist Party arose from a merge of the Crown National Party and the Kingdom Party. We are completely committed to keeping the monarchy, the most recognisable feature of Britain in many places across the world, and an institution that shapes the identity and heritage of our country. There is a wealth of history to the monarchy and it would be a real shame to allow the socialists to throw it all away.

The National Unionist Party is a unionist party which values the 310 year old union between England and Scotland. There are many benefits to Scotland being a member of the United Kingdom, not least stability - something we need at a time when the UK is preparing to leave the EU. We do not want to risk the precious union and are clear that we will oppose any attempt by the nationalist-led Scottish Government to hold a second referendum on independence.

Britain is a Christian country and it is a real shame that, in recent years, the Church of England has been vitriolically targeted by the left, who managed to sever all ties between Church and State. We wish to restore the significance of this precious institution by repealing secularisation and ensuring the Church's prestigious reputation and influence within the British state is maintained.

Similarly, we are concerned about attempts to deliver 'independence by accident', that is devolving more and more powers to the Scottish Parliament until it becomes an essentially independent parliament. To prevent this, we will pledge without exception to oppose any further powers being transferred to devolved assemblies and parliaments from Westminster. Whilst we recognise that these devolved assemblies are very popular and play a large role in securing the place in the Union of each constituent member (as well as being vital to peace in Northern Ireland), we are firmly unionist and do not wish to see a situation where devolution has gone too far.

We believe that marriage is foundational - an institution upon which society depends. In MHOC, marriage has been abolished as a legal institution. This puts at risk all of the benefits of a culture of monogamous lifelong commitment to the smooth running of society. The NUP will repeal the legislation that abolished marriage and restore marriage as a legally recognised commitment. We will return to the traditional definition of marriage as between one man and one woman, as we think this is most beneficial to society. All existing same sex marriages will be transferred to civil partnerships.

The House of Lords is a pillar of stability, tradition and intellectualism, which is very helpful to the political process in the UK. It provides unmatchable wisdom and does not affect the ability of Parliament to make good



decisions. We believe the House of Lords should remain a strong institution and does not need to be changed. The Federalisation Bill that is being forced by the left is completely inadequate and proposes as drastic and unwanted constitutional change. People across Britain are not asking for more politicians to created, but more powers for their existing local representatives to be able to make a bigger difference to their lives. We will continue to oppose this dreadful bill and propose reverting to a system of local governance through unitary authorities. The National Unionist Party will repeal the Fixed Term Parliament Act 2011 as we do not believe such restrictions are necessary or beneficial. Governmentuld be able to act as they see best for the country, and imposing arbitrary fixed dates does not add anything of substance or use to the country. The decision of the most appropriate time for an election is best left to Parliament's discretion.



Justice Britain cannot consider itself a truly civilised country until a strong justice system is restored. We have seen all drugs legalised, with licensed shops being free to sell some very dangerous drugs. As well as this prostitution has been made totally legal. People across the country are all too aware of these decisions and see the effects they have on our communities. The National Unionist Party would be tougher on crime than the weak left whose policy was simply 'let the criminals get on with it'. We will ensure that the justice system is fair and ensures the best outcome for our communities.

Another problem in our local communities is that of prostitution - something else which was somehow legalised by the UK Parliament. The NUP would propose a total ban on prostitution and, if this is rejected by liberals in the Conservatives in the likely event that we don't win a majority, we will look at tackling street prostitution to at least take prostitution off our streets. It is a disgrace that people have to walk past people selling themselves when walking in towns and cities. We believe that, as a country, we are currently too weak when it comes to some of our most dangerous criminals. We will increase the sentences for terror, murder and rape, to ensure that prison acts as a proper deterrent and that the seriousness of the crime is retributed. It is not fair for families to see the person who has caused them so much pain released from prison after so few years.

The 10 years prior to the passage of the Drug Reform Bill saw drug use reduced by a third. The policy of prohibition worked and we will restore it.

Contrary to the arguments from our opposition, a situation where convicted prisoners have the right to vote is not a positive sign for our democracy. The fact is, if people are not willing to follow the laws of our country, then they should not be given a say in how those laws are made. We will remove the “right� of prisoners to vote. We will also raise the voting age to 18 as evidence does not suggest that under 18s are mature enough to make such a big decision.

The Drug Reform Act was a careless piece of legislation that has seen damaging effects across the country. It's created a situation where one can go to the supermarket and freely purchase and use LSD, an extremely harmful drug which has the potential to ruin lives. The truth is, the war on drugs was working and there was a clear reduction in drug use under the policy of prohibition - but the Green Party decided to throw all that away. That is why the NUP will take action to ban all drugs legalised by the Drug Reform Act, as well as banning drugs known as 'legal highs', which can often have a worse effect than the previously illegal drugs. We will also invest money in communities that have been effected by drug use, to help clean up these areas and help those who are suffering from addiction or other health problems.

Similarly, we will raise the age of consent for sexual activities to 18. This will protect young people from manipulation and abuse, as well as encouraging positive sexual relationships within committed relationships. It is our policy to repeal the ancient law of chancel repair liability, as at current it is thought to have an effect on house prices and can bring unwanted surprises to innocent families. We do not believe that this law is relevant any more and will propose a full repeal in Parliament.




Energy and Climate Change Climate Change is not something we can ignore. The direction this county is heading in is positive, but more needs to be done. Not by regulation, or a massivly interventionist approach, like the Greens want, but by working with communities and emissions producers to minimise our impact on the planet. Other parties make grand promises, but the NUP have a set of cold, hard policies which we will enact as soon as we can. Individually, little progress can be made, but together we can save the planet.

Microgeneration, where individual buildings generate thier own energy are attacked by some for being inefficient. This may be the case, but as a party that supports self - and community reliance, it makes sense to take power out of the hands of the big energy companies. By effectively adding millions of firms in competition, microgeneration will drive down the price of energy as a whole, and will be more environmentally sustainable in the long term. The NUP support increasing emission taxes based on the damage gases cause. This would more than make up for a decrease in climate change related regulations. Rather than dancing around the issue, such as previous governments have done, by enacting arbitary legislation and regulations, we will tax the negative externality directly. This simplifies rules, which is good for business, and encourages the innovation that is needed to solve the climate crisis in the long run.

97% of researchers believe global warming is happening and is probably due to human activity. We will take immediate action to reduce our fossil fuel use. Nuclear power is the favoured method of energy generation by the National Unionist Party. Fossil fuels are running out and are bad for the air, while renewables are often bad for wildlife and expensive. Nuclear power, while not ideal, is relativly clean and has a limited impact on the natural environment. Therefore, we will endeavour to build a new nuclear power plants in the next term. Climate change is a real issue, and one which the NUP have a strong record on, committing to having a real positive effect. Climate change is a global problem and so the best way of doing this is through diplomacy. We are fully commit to the Paris Agreement and will do what we can to bring down our emmissions as a part of international commitments. We will also use our influence on the world stage to put diplomatic pressure on other nations to ratify the treaty.



Nature and Rural Affairs Nature and the natural environment are perhaps even more important than climate change. While the effects of shinking icecaps may not be felt in this country for decades to come, people are dying today because of air pollution and depressing inner-cities. Similarly, those who live in rural communities face real discrimination in the quality of public services. The NUP promise to end this disparity.

Since 2005, there have only been 25 prosecutions relating to organised hunts, despite over 300 hunts being registered in England and Wales each year.

The Hunting Act is an illiberal piece of legislation which only serves to legitimise rural terrorism. It was introduced for purely political reasons, despite evidence showing it was against animal welfare, and attempts to make criminals out of some of our most upstanding members of society. A National Unionist Party government would ensure the hunting of mammals with dogs would once more be legal, correcting this historic wrong.

flood prevention. Concrete slabs running along riverbanks reduce biodiversity and are a massive eyesore. However, planting trees in the same places does the opposite, while still helping to reduce flooding. Other soft options, such as managed flooding and dredging should also be considered.

We beleive that local communities are those best placed to regulate their local environment. By involving key stakeholders, we are more likely to reach a good equilibrium between environmental protection and being fair on business. Rather than a top down approach, we advocate a parish council level of devolution for issues regarding tree-preservation and hedge maintenamce.

In addition to flood prevention, we support additional money being spent on coastal defences. Again, by utilising methods of soft engineering, we can protect people's homes and livlehoods without ruining our beautiful coastline. There are of course risks associated with buying land near the coast, but there should also be a reasonable assumption that the government will protect you from all types of threat.

Research shows that greenery can reduce mental health issues, is good for the environment, and simply looks nice. Rather than a black and white policy regarding where homes can be built, such is the current situation in the Green Belt, the NUP want to ensure new developments have a high proportion of land dedicated to green spaces. This ensures homes can be built, while still ensuring people do not have to drive for hours to see a patch of grass.

Waiting for emergency services in a rural area can be a terrifying experience. Yet spending more can only have a limited affect, and it is impractical to send a vehicle out to the sticks when in reality the incident might not warrant such a response. As a party, the NUP also support the idea of a closely knit community, and thus we will ensure the establishment of a "Parish First Responders" scheme, where a designated individual in small villages will be trained to coordinate locals in the case of an emergency. Somebody has a heart attack? The Parish First Responder will assess the situlation and administer CPR. Sombody's house is on fire?

Increasing flood defence spending is one of those policies that is rather hard to object to. However, we want to change how this money is spent, by directing it towards softer methods of



The Parish First Responder will ensure everybody is safely out of the way and take whatever measures they can to prevent excess damage. As our country develops, being 'connected' is becoming just as essential as gas and electricity, but many rural areas within the United Kingdom are being left behind by slow, unreliable broadband services. The NUP will invest more into high speed broadband and our MPs will pressure companies to deliver better services for their constituents.



Animals and Agriculture The National Unionist Party are the party of agriculture. We alone aknowledge the role the sector has in environmental protection and our rural communities. We will do whatever we can to protect our farmers and land owners in postBrexit britain, and resist the temptation to regulate for every tiny issue, allowing farmers to do what they do best, and look after their livestock and crops. As we leave the European Union, this country will be taking back control of our laws - meaning that we can save farmers time and money by scrapping unnecessary Brussels-imposed rules and regulations.

Our vision for the British Agricultural Policy is much simplified; by devolving environmental based payments to parish and district councils, national payments can focus on our general land usage policy. The first move of an NUP EFRA Secretary would be to write a report detailing how this would practically work. The EU has left us with much redundant envionmental legislation. Whether it is in place because of misguided scientific principals, British standards are higher than EU standards, or the costs simply outweight the benefits, there is no excuse for pointless regulation. Much of it is of course required, but naturally a lot is not. The NUP will review and repeal all of it over the term, if we are elected in to power, to ensure there is no needless drag on our businesses' competititvity.

Up to 40% of fruit and veg grown in the UK is discarded due to appearance. We would ask hospitals and schools to buy these goods for a lower price. Estimates suggest that up to 40% of fruit and vegetables grown in the UK are discarded due to rejection from supermarkets and shops based on their appearance. 'Wonky' fruit and veg, while not desirable for many consumers, is nevertheless healthy and tasty. While the lack of demand lowers the price, there is essentially nothing wrong with it. Therefore, where possible, hospitals and other publically funded institutions, will be asked to buy these goods which would otherwise be destined for the tip, saving the taxpayer money and reducing waste. The NUP pledge to fully replace the Common Agricultural Policy. Although far from perfect, the scheme provided vital support for our farmers and land owners, and it is right that they receive similar payments in post-Brexit Britain.




The Wider World The only party united in favour of Brexit at the last election was the NUP. The only party united in favour of Brexit at this election is the NUP. We have a record of siding with the British electorate and fully supporting the decision to leave the European Union. We see a future outside of the EU, where this country can create trade deals with major economies that we were previously not even close to making arrangements with. We have always recognised the opportunities that leaving the EU will open up for us as a country and for that reason we are the best party to lead this country out of the EU and into the world.

The United Kingdom is the 5th largest economy, the 8th manufacturing economy and have the 9th strongest military. We are big enough to succeed on the world stage.

This party is focused on doing what is best for Britain and therefore the relevance of foreign affairs to our platform may be questioned. However, the opposite is true. It is unquestionably beneficial for the UK to remain a major player on the international stage and to retain our prestige abroad.

our military, particularly veterans. The way veterans are treated is a disgrace for any modern society, and we will make our ex-servicemen a priority in Government. Steps will also be taken to celebrate Britain's military prowess and not talk it down as has been done by unpatriotic socialists. We will introduce a new naval day as well as commissioning a new aircraft character.

We want Britain to be a leading figure in the world. To always do what is right, no matter the cost, as it has always done in the past. This is why we will continue to lead the way in condemning countries who commit atrocities and supporting the reality of those who are unfairly demonised.

Overall, an NUP Government will be a fresh reminder that Britain is not a small, pathetic island off Europe, but a major and important country, and one that can lead the way in a turbulant world.

The view of Britain as a capable country is reflected in our approach to Brexit. It is clear that the Single Market is not working for businesses, but we are told by the elites that we are simply not good enough to survive outside of it. That we need the EU to still make our laws as we are incapable. Historically, however, Britain shaped the direction in which the world moved, but this is forgotten by those who talk us down and call us incapable. Leaving the EU will allow to return to our rightful place on the world stage and to speak for ourselves, not be spoken for. We also want a new approach in how we handle



Brexit It has been over a year since Britain voted to leave the European Union, and we've seen very little progress made. The previous broad left Government ignored Brexit and the recent right wing Government has had to clean up the mess left by the left - a distraction from Brexit. The National Unionist Party was the only party united in favour of leaving the EU and as such we propose to you that we are best placed to carry out a Brexit plan that works for this country.

itself - with an ambitious vision for a Brexit where we leave the EU and can begin trading freely with the wider world. We are also fully committed to regaining control of our borders, and this will be a red line in the negotiations. Following this period will be the implementation of the arrangements agreed. This will involve incorporating all existing EU laws into UK law sorting them into three basic categories: needless or damaging laws that are repealed, laws to be amended, and laws that make sense which will be kept. We will make sure that this is a properly democratic process and that those most affected are included in this implementation. As a proBrexit party, it is important to us that Brexit works for everyone in the country and a truly democratic process is the best way to do this.

Only 25% of UK SMEs believe that the Single Market is good for jobs and living standards. We pledge to leave with no ifs, no buts and no confusion.

Along with the incorporation of EU law, we pledge to include all current EU spending in the UK Budget. We are a huge net contributor to the EU budget, and therefore we will be able to spend on these groups at least as much as they receive now, as well as getting rid of EU bureaucracy and saving money for UK taxpayers which can be reinvested elsewhere.

An NUP Brexit Secretary would begin inform talks with the EU almost immediately after taking office. This is important as no rational government would trigger Article 50 without preliminary talks, and at the same time the more delayed the process is, the more money we are sending to Brussels and the more uncertain the future of the economy becomes. We will explore how the other EU countries and the Commission want to proceed.

A unionist party, the NUP will include all of the home nations and their respective leaders fully in the Brexit process, seeking to deliver a Brexit that is beneficial for each corner of the UK. We are opposed to a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland as this is something that will be damaging for jobs and communities on the border, and has dangerous implications for peace in Northern Ireland.

After the informal phase of talks is over, we will trigger Article 50 and began formally negotiating to change the legal system. This will involve fully regaining supremacy of UK law, leaving the European Court of Justice, European Convention on Human Rights and Single Market. We will seek to negotiate a new deal with the EU where existing free trade agreements remain (as they are mutually very beneficial), but the UK regains the ability to sign new trade deals for



International Affairs, Trade & Development As we leave the European Union, there is an opportunity to strengthen our relationships with the wider world and a fresh chance to improve both diplomatic relationships and sign new trade deals that will benefit the UK. The National Unionist Party vision is a Britain that takes the lead on foreign affairs, always doing what is right, a Government with a practical and cost-efficient approach to international development, and an open trading economy, which works in the interests of the British consumer.

The share of UK goods exports going to non-EU countires is the second highest in the EU. We will negotiate new free trade deals with non-EU countries.

We wish to reduce foreign aid and concentrate only on prioritising disaster relief and schemes which provide water and inoculation against preventable diseases (proposing trade not aid as a means to support developing countries). Too much money is wasted and it can be better targeted. Every year, the DfID scrambles to spend money in order to meet an arbitrary target which is neither pragmatic nor sensible. This harms any government who wish to produce an effective budget, which works in the best interests of the British people. While our problems with the homeless, with drugs, and with crime at home persist, the NUP will scrap the foreign aid target and spend money where it is genuinely needed. This will also serve to make the money go further as there will be genuine consideration as to where best to spend the money, as opposed to how best to meet the target.

and harassed by the Arab states. They have been criticised for their treatment of women, for their treatment of religious and ethnic minorities all by these same Arab dictatorships. Only in Israel can an ethnic minority run for Parliament. Only Israel is ranked as having positive women’s rights. Only Israel is a real democracy in the middle east. It is for all these reasons that we must stand with Israel and not legitimise Palestine. Denying the truth of the situation in Syria has damaged our standing in the region, in the long term, and has proven to be an inefficient strand of foreign policy for countries such as France and the United States of America. During the Syrian peace process, which seems imminent, it is important that the British government works with the Assad government to stop the flow of refugees and to rebuild a once great country. An NUP government would recognize the Assad government as the legitimate government of the Syrian Arab Republic, and work with them at the conclusion of the war to ensure that refugees are returned.

Zimbabwe, once one of Africa's most prosperous nation, has suffered under decades of despotic rule by Robert Mugabe and his government, who have systematically targeted both white farmers and Southern Ndebele citizens of the country during his tenure. The Mugabe administration is fraught with corruption, and any government which includes the NUP will condemn Mugabe and his government in no unclear terms, and strengthen sanctions on the country.

The United Kingdom is already the most open economy in Europe (besides Malta), and Brexit will open up so many new trading opportunities. At present, the EU still doesn't have a free trade agreement with major economies like China, India and the USA. Despite all the hype, there is no clear evidence that the Single Market has improved economic growth or even promoted

Time and time again, Israel has been persecuted



intra-EU trade. In fact, intra-EU trade has declined since 1999. After 40 years of membership, only around 6% of British companies export to the EU. These are all reasons why the NUP will be looking to negotiate free trade agreements with non-EU countries following our departure. Currently all free trade deals have to be signed off by the EU and, as such, require 27 other countries to agree to the terms. UK businesses will no longer be restricted in terms of trading because of any other country in Europe, and we will be able to sign agreements that work in our national interest. As a party, we support free trade as it is beneficial to the consumer and promotes a competitive economy. However, free trade can only happen when it is fair trade. If another country is deliberately not playing by the rules and this is having a visible negative impact on British industries, then we will impose a tariff or non-tariff barrier so as to prevent our economy from being harmed.



Defence Britain's military prowess has been talked down by the left, much of whom have supported complete abolishment of the armed forces. On the contrary, the NUP celebrates Britain's military and its history. We have a profound respect and admiration for those who fight for our country and will introduce policies to support veterans and strengthen Britain's military.

October to commemorate British victory at the Battle of Trafalgar. This day will be a national Bank Holiday to provide people with a day of celebration. Local areas, particularly areas associated in some way with the British Navy, will be encouraged to hold celebrations on this day. The NUP fully support the replacment of the trident nuclear missile system. A nuclear deterrence is not intended to be used in ordinary situations, but the threat must always be there to ensure our nation's defence, and global power. Multilateral disarmament is desirable, but unilateral is simply irresponsible. We will seek to ensure this replacment does not require the intervention of any forign power to launch, and is the safest ever produced.

Estimates suggest that up to 15,000 jobs may be lost if a new batch of Trident submarines are not commissioned. The NUP will replace Trident.

The way this country deals with veterans' issues is frankly shameful. While there are people who have been shot at and worse to protect our way of life living on the streets, not enough is being done. What does it say about us as a society when we can't even look after our warriors? We will give veterans priority for social housing, and bring in a requirment for local authorities to assess the impact on veterans living in their area of any new programs. We will also massively increase funding for veteran retraining and mental health programs, to ensure nobody gets left behind.

The British Navy was for centuries the envy of the world. Open and free seas are the key to our success as a trading nation, and the 2 Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers went some way towards regianing some of this prestige and power. However, the USA has 11, and asking them to bear the sole financial responsibility of NATOs navy is simply unfair. Therefore, we will commision a third aircraft carrier to ensure we can project british air power anywhere in the world, at any time. The NUP supports British membership of NATO to allow us to be involved in securing peace and protected by our allies. To honour our NATO commitment, we pledge to retaining current spending on defence, as a minimum, without any numerical jiggery pokery, such as was done with the previous budget. As a nation we can and should be proud of our Royal Navy and the navy that we once had. So we propose an annual Naval Day on the 21st of


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