[ARCHIVE] GE7 Manifesto: Labour

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A Britain for Everyone The Labour Party manifesto.


This General Election campaign has given me the pleasure of meeting people up and down the country. I've listened and learned so much from everyone that I have met about what they want from a government, what has disappointed them from this government, and what the Labour Party can offer everyone in this great country. All these experiences, all these conversations, have been brought together into this manifesto. It was clear to me people up and down the country have been let down by this government. Let down by their regressive budget, let down by their lack of support for the NHS, let down by the lack of leadership on leaving the European Union. Labour offers a different way of governing, a way that supports everyone. A way that puts people at the heart of government, a clear plan to create a greater Britain, with a great team to see this through. This government has redistributed wealth from the poorest to the richest, reversing the progress Labour government’s have made. They have begun a plan to cripple trade unions and they set about to support policies that will raise the price of essentials, including rent, food, and insurance, by 35%. The Labour Party gave all it had to stopping these damaging changes to working people in this country. The same cannot be said for the largest opposition party in the Radical Socialists. While not in Official Opposition the Labour Party provided the strongest opposition to the Conservatives in our passion to show that we are the government in waiting.

That is why we decided that every person in the United Kingdom should be offered the opportunity to vote for the Labour Party, we have no electoral pacts, because we truly believe we are the best party for the country and we have the plan to change the country for the better. We actually have a plan for the NHS, targeting preventative medicine and GP surgeries for areas of improvement. The Labour Party both created and saved the NHS and it breaks mine, and the Labour Party’s, heart to see it ignored by this government. It also is time that real action is taken to bring stability around leaving the European Union, we have for too long been left in limbo by this government. We must stay in the single market to protect jobs and living standards, while also using this opportunity to forge new ethical trade deals with the wider world. This will not be achieved by empty slogans and and posturing and it is time something more is offered. This election offers a clear choice between the Labour Party and the government, a choice of building an economy that works for everyone, saving the NHS, recusing trade unions. Or further crippling of the institutions that were founded to support working people. This is what this election is about; supporting working people. Don’t let the government hold Britain back. Let’s create a Britain for everyone.

akc8 Labour Party Leader


The Labour Party will never accept austerity. It’s that simple. We believe it does more harm than good, and that the way to build a truly world-class economy and generate economic growth is through investment, and not ideologically-driven spending cuts. Our aim is to build an economy that works for everyone - for businesses and individuals alike - and to create an economic climate that, even after leaving the EU, makes the United Kingdom an attractive place for the world to do business for companies big and small. While we may not be able to bring back the jobs of yesterday, we can create the jobs of tomorrow - we will set out an ambitious plan for modernisation, from providing funding to small businesses to get them started in the digital world, to using our De-Industrialisation Impact Fund to create high-quality modern jobs, to investing in superfast broadband, to supporting new ways of doing business such as mutualised companies and cooperatives. Together, we can build a stronger, more prosperous economy.

key idea

Establish a network of Regional Investment Banks

To support small-to-medium sized businesses, from helping them start up to facilitating their expansion, Labour will establish a network of Regional Investment Banks, supported by a centralised British Investment Bank. These regional banks will lend to small businesses, cooperatives, and projects that are in the public interest but that may have struggled to acquire funding from a private bank, while the centralised national bank will provide administration and direction to the smaller banks, as well as funding certain larger projects and supervising the Sovereign Wealth Fund that we will establish with a portion of our trade revenue. We will also investigate the viability of creating high-street banks in a similar model, to provide publicly-owned financial services like savings accounts, and will introduce Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) to return a portion of seigniorage profits back to the taxpayer instead of effectively subsidising the commercial banks effectively £23bn annually.

key idea

£30bn available for infrastructure projects

In line with our philosophy on investment, Labour will make a £30bn fund available for infrastructure projects, such as roads and rail networks - and unlike the Government this term, we will deliver the full amount, and not hold the rest to ransom. Part of this money will be spent on rolling out superfast broadband - by

The Labour Party Manifesto


2025, we aim to have 100% of the United Kingdom covered. The rest will be invested into road and rail improvements, and other important public works projects. A Labour government would also fully enact both the Migration Impact Fund and the De-Industrialisation Impact Fund that we introduced last term.

key idea

New OBR powers to ensure sustainable spending

While the Labour Party believes that investment drives the economy, and that making cuts to run a surplus every year is harmful, we recognise that government spending must be done responsibly. Therefore, we will never borrow in order to fund our day-to-day spending. In addition, the Office for Budget Responsibility will receive new powers to ensure that the spending we do in government is sustainable and in the best interest of the United Kingdom.

key idea

A clear plan on tax avoidance

Tax evasion is a major issue - it’s estimated that the UK loses at least £16bn in real income every year to tax evasion. To combat this, Labour will raise penalties on those who avoid paying tax, levying fines of up to 100% of the total amount of tax owed. We will also refuse to accept ‘sweetheart deals’, where the Government accepts a small payment on the amount of tax owed in exchange for writing off the rest. We believe that the best stance 09

A Britain for Everyone

on tax evasion is a tough one, and that the best way to reduce it is to make the cost of being caught outweigh the benefits.

key idea

Introduce a Credit Affordability Act

We will impose new restrictions on predatory payday lenders through a Credit Affordability Act. This act will limit people to one loan of up to £250 at a time and will mandate that payday lenders carry out affordability checks to make sure that the person borrowing the money will not be left in a spiral of debt - if the borrower will not be able to repay the loan, then the lender will not be allowed to issue it. We will also encourage low earning people to save money by paying 20p into their savings account for each pound they deposit each month, up to the first £20. This would be offered to anyone whose total household income is less than £20,000.

key idea

Updating employment laws for the changing

Zero-hours contracts will remain illegal under Labour - we believe that they are exploitative and unfit for purpose. However, we do recognise that the way in which people work, including the hours that they work, are changing, and that the Government must also change the way it approaches employment policy. Labour will therefore empower the Department for Work and Welfare to establish a commission to investigate people’s

The Labour Party Manifesto


changing work habits; the commission will then report back on how the way people work is changing, and what the Government can do to support both workers and businesses. In the meantime, we will make it so that the law treats workers as employees by default, affording them all the rights and protections that come with employee status, unless they are proven to be contractors.

key idea

Defending TULRA and the Companies Act

Labour will defend the Companies Act - we believe that repealing this legislation would be damaging to the workers of this country. We turned out in force to vote down an attempt to repeal it this term, and will do so again if a repeal is attempted next term. We will also continue to support trade unions, by opposing any attempt to impose restrictions upon them, and by encouraging workers to join trade unions, and would also scrap the shares-for-rights scheme.

key idea

Reintroduce zero-rate VAT and Corporation tax

Labour will scrap all of the Government’s proposed changes to VAT, and will reintroduce zero-rates on everyday products like food. We’ll also move away from the Government’s corporation tax plan, towards a model that is more similar to how it was previously, to ensure that corporations are always paying their fair share.


A Britain for Everyone

key idea Fix the budget so working people get a pay rise not a pay cut

A Labour government would start a review into our taxation system and the Negative Income Tax, to find out the best way to make the system provide the most benefit to the most people. We would explore a wide range of options, from returning it to how it was under the previous government, to more radical options like cutting the amount of NIT a person can claim and then using the savings to finance working tax credits. The guiding principle of this review, as stated, would be to make the system work as well as possible, and make people as well-off as possible - we would not simply leave people who need NIT worse off by taking it away while providing nothing in return. We will also reintroduce stamp duty on the wealthiest houses as part of our plan to reverse the government's tax cuts for the wealthy, as well as keeping our promise to raise the additional child benefit rate.

The Labour Party Manifesto


Home Aairs

A Labour Government would always put the safety and security of its fellow citizens first. Labour are not prepared to compromise the fire service, security service or police service in the name of deficit reduction. Labour’s stance on policing is tough but fair. We believe those who commit crimes should pay but in most circumstances given a chance to rehabilitate. We believe in protecting data and the privacy of the British public. We believe in creating a Britain safe for everyone to have a comfortable life.

key idea Guarantee neighbourhood policing in every community

A Labour Government will guarantee neighbourhood policing in every community in the country with a Local Policing Commitment for each local authority. Neighbourhood Policing helps develop trust, confidence and legitimacy which are of strategic long-term importance to the Police force and the community it protects. Necessary reforms need to be made in order to improve policing in the UK. The first is to involve local people in the hiring of local police commanders and the creation of neighbourhood policing plans. This will be done by creating police boards made up of representatives elected by and accountable to local authorities. We will also replace the IPCC with a new board that won’t be ill-equipped and underpowered like its previous incarnation. In order to secure a high quality police force in the future we will create a programme similar to ‘Teach First’ to recruit IT and economic graduates into policing.

key idea

Appoint a victim's Czar

The Labour Party will reform victims’ rights will the aim of establishing a full suite of rights for victims related to information about cases and their treatment by public bodies. This will include appointing a victim’s czar whose role shall be to improve the treatment of victims, including setting up support networks. The victim’s czar will also have the power to investigate situations in which a victim’s case has been mishandled by the authorities, and to suggest ways in which both individual authorities and the government can improve the way that victims are handled.

key idea

Create a National Refuge Fund

Regarding Labour’s tough but fair attitude on crime in government we will be promoting individual responsibility by introducing restorative justice for low-level crime, replacing ineffective cautions with payback orders, and requiring offenders to make good on damage caused where viable. Labour will establish a child protection unit operating in partnership with the Department for Education to provide leadership on issues like the mandatory reporting of abuse. Labour sees this as a serious measure in order to protect our children. After the passage of Bill 338, which strengthen the law to protect women and girls from violence, we will create a National Refuge Fund to finance the essential work refuges do for people in our country.

The Labour Party Manifesto


key idea

Support the Data Sovereignty Bill

A Labour Government will implement greater oversight of our intelligence agencies to protect our rights and our freedoms, including increased requirements for warrants along the lines of the Anderson review. As a result we will oppose any kind of legislation which enhances the state’s surveillance powers. We see legislation like the Snoopers Charter as a gross infringement by the government on people’s private life. Labour is also concerned about the storage of government data. We will continue to support the Data Sovereignty Bill which requires data held by the government on UK citizens to be exclusively stored on servers based in territories under the jurisdiction of the UK government unless a data-sharing agreement is valid with another location.

key idea

End indefinite detention

A Home Office priority in a Labour Government will be to end indefinite detention which is an expensive, ineffective and most importantly unjust mechanism. Instead we will limit detention to 28 days. Labour understands the importance of immigration to the economy and British society but also recognises the pressure immigration can cause on public services. Therefore we will respond to M234 and reinstate the Migrant Impact Fund by implementing a public services levy of £100 on all migrants coming


A Britain for Everyone

to the UK for more than 12 months, as an upfront contribution towards their use of public services. Migrants coming to the UK for more than 12 months will also have to register with their local authority enabling up to the date statistics to be used to allocate the Migrant Impact Fund accordingly. We also support the current drug legislation in the country, it is vital that we oer treatments to misusers of drugs as well as creating a safe environment to prevent deaths.

key idea

A review of housing arrangements for refugees

To combat the injustices in our immigration system we will in law distinguish between migrant labour and family attachment. We also do not believe that you and your partner should have to move abroad because your spouse does not meet the minimum income threshold of ÂŁ18,600. Labour will also honour its moral international commitment to refugees which shall also include a review of the dispersion and housing arrangements for refugees within the UK.

The Labour Party Manifesto


Foreign Aairs

At our core, Labour believes in a just, fair, and peaceful world. While the United Kingdom has voted to withdraw from the European Union, and while the democratic will of the voters must be respected, Labour will ensure the United Kingdom remains an active partner with our inescapable European neighbours by fighting to remain within the single market. Regardless of the EU, Labour remains committed to be an active member of global affairs through our crucial participation in the G7/G20, UN Security Council, and NATO. Beset by parties of the extreme left and on the right that would chose to bury their heads in the sand rather than take on the responsibility, only Labour recognises the unique opportunity, and responsibility, Britain has in fighting for a more peaceful and just globe. Labour believes globalisation is an unavoidable part of our daily lives and the way the world conducts its affairs, and we should embrace it, while equally ensuring that nobody is left behind as times change. While it has been responsible for some of humanity's greatest achievements and economic developments, it would be asinine to ignore the rise of sweatshops, job losses from factory closures, environmental degradation, an increasingly faceless and unaccountable global financial system, and labour rights abuses. Labour will push for trade that is not merely free trade, but fair trade for the many and not the few.

key idea

Organise a Universal Nuclear Disarmament Conference

The United Kingdom was one of the founding members of the United Nations; its ideals epitomized by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. That bold and dedicated spirit of cooperation and justice is one we shall take to heart every day in the Foreign Office. We believe that the UN is a fantastic vehicle for world change, which Labour would use to push for the Universal Nuclear Disarmament Conference agreed upon by the previous parliament. We will also continue to work towards the total adoption of the United Nations Sustainability Goals by the target deadline of 2030, as well as assisting other countries around the world in maintaining these goals. Whenever and wherever conflict rears it’s ugly head in the world, our first priority where possible will always be to attempt to resolve the issue peacefully, diplomatically, and without military conflict.

key idea

Believe in a peaceful two state solution

Labour remains committed, as we have been in the past, to global peace and security. Our goal in Israel and Palestine will be a peaceful two state solution, on the basis of peace, mutual recognition, human rights, sovereignty, and a lasting resolution to outstanding issues. As part of this, we will call on Israel to immediately cease the construction of new illegal settlements in the West Bank, and to withdraw from occupied areas of Palestinian

The Labour Party Manifesto


territory. A Labour Government would establish running talks between Israel and Palestine, supervised by the international community, to bring conflict in this area of the world to an end. In addition, we will establish an enquiry into the situation in the Yemen, including but not limited to the involvement of Saudi Arabia in airstrikes on non-military personnel, to prevent any further violations of the laws of armed conflict or loss of civilian life.

key idea Establish a Commission for the Embargo of Foreign Arms Sales

We do not believe that the United Kingdom should sell human rights abusers weapons. It seems obvious, yet the UK has historically sold arms to countries like Saudi Arabia. We see this as running contrary to our duty to a fair and just world, so Labour will establish a completely transparent and permanent Commission for the Embargo of Foreign Arms Sales that shall be responsible for monitoring human rights situations of each country around the world, and shall recommend annually to parliament countries that should be added to an arms embargo blacklist for being a significant human rights abuser. In the pursuit of human rights across the world, the Government must take advantage of the UK's world-class soft power, foreign aid, and Anglosphere and Commonwealth ties to encourage the expansion of human rights for all, and that’s what we will do. key idea

Reopen the Doha Round of WTO negotiations


A Britain for Everyone

With regards to trade; human rights, environmental protection, and labour rights will be placed at the forefront of every trade deal we negotiate before the profit margins are even considered, as these are far more important than material gains. As part of this, we will sign no new trade deals with major human rights abusers, and will terminate any existing deals that fund those who breach the most basic of human rights - only countries that provide the basic rights that all humans are entitled to should be allowed to trade with the United Kingdom. In addition, we will attempt to reopen and conclude the Doha round of WTO negotiations, so we can finally resolve this blight on the WTO and sign a deal which will deliver a large dividend to many of the poorest communities in the world, as well as a substantial benefit to ourselves; a Labour Government would also push for an Environmental Goods Agreement at the WTO.

key idea

Defeating Daesh and combatting terrorism

Terrorism is abhorrent - violence against innocent people for the furthering of an agenda can never be justified, and we condemn terrorists and terrorist organisations who work to destabilise the world in the strongest possible terms, regardless of the form they take or the name they use. The most effective way to fight terrorism is not, however, vast programs of military intervention which come at enormous cost, both of money and of life. We believe that the best way to combat terrorist groups like Daesh is to work with our NATO allies to financially cripple them, as well as ensuring the strongest possible UN resolution is passed that targets asset freezing, travel bans, and arms embargos. There The Labour Party Manifesto


will also be a framework of financial sanctions that we will impose on countries that aid and abet Daesh or similar groups. Alongside bleeding terror groups financially, we will offer training to local security forces, such as the Iraqi forces that are fighting ISIS, to ensure that they are equipped to defend their countries. British special forces will be sent to key locations in Iraq to provide training in all areas including medical, equipment maintenance, manoeuvre support for bridging and crossing trenches and information operations. This combination of local government forces working in tandem with our financial members will deal with terror groups from all sides, allowing us to defeat them once and for all.

key idea

An international effort to combat tax avoidance

Even once we leave the EU, we will continue to work in close cooperation with the European Union and other bodies to ensure international agreements can be reached to tackle tax avoidance head on. As part of our plan to crack down on tax avoidance, a Labour government would require that British Overseas Territories fully disclose to authorities any individuals and corporations utilizing them for tax evasion and make public the details of those stashing £500,000 or more in total throughout every territory.

key idea

Diplomacy with North Korea


A Britain for Everyone

In the face of aggression from North Korea, we will maintain our clear and unwavering commitment to defend South Korea against any potential North Korean action. North Korea's nuclear ambitions are completely unacceptable and shall be rejected, while working with our American, Japanese, and South Korean allies to push for the reestablishment of the Six Party talks in the name of peace and stability of the region. We will press for North Korea’s nuclear disarmament, and will aim to return peace and stability to the region through diplomacy. We must always take a stand against injustice on the global stage - to that end, we will use negotiations, conferences, and other diplomatic opportunities, to take stands on globally important issues like internet censorship, currency manipulation, cyberattacks, and piracy, as well as reimposing sanctions on Russia until an international agreement can be made over Crimea, the Russian provoked violence in Ukraine has come to a halt, and the sovereignty and self-determination of Ukraine has been guaranteed.

The Labour Party Manifesto


Leaving the EU

Leaving the European Union presents one of the biggest political upheavals and changes in modern British history, and while the Labour Party campaigned to remain we ultimately lost and the will of the people must be respected. The government has offered no clarity, or stability on this matter however, the promised plan for a Britain outside the single market never came, and any details of leaving were always to be revealed after the forever delayed referendum. The leave campaign was won by ‘Left Leave’ and any future relationship with the EU must take heavy advice for the plan they laid out in the campaign. Their manifesto clearly states that we should remain in the EEA and that is what the Labour Party offers.

key idea

Ending uncertainty around Europe

The waiting around to leave the EU has gone on too long. That is why we are ready to begin the process to leave from day one of a Labour government. Leaving will be done in three phases. 1. Preparing Negotiations: We will look to create a clear national consensus on what the country wants out of leaving. Part of this will be talking to the devolved administrations so that all regions in the UK have a say on the matter.

2. Managing Negotiations: Working with the rest of the EU 27 to negotiate the best deal possible on the terms of the exit and the framework of the new relationship. 3. Implementing Leaving the EU: Transferring the needed EU law into UK law, and beginning our new international trade policy with the new opportunities outside the European Union.

key idea

In the single market; but out the customs union

Leaving the European Union must offer change, we cannot remain in all but name. But this is not an excuse to shrivel back into a little Britain mentality closing the border to both trade and people. It is vital to maintaining a strong economy that we remain in the single market. Any negotiations undertaken by the Labour Party will be conducted while keeping the four freedoms at the heart of the discussions. It was not immigration that caused people to vote leave, it was the concerns over democratic deficiency and the lack of global trade offered while inside the EU. Therefore the Labour Party will seek to leave the customs union. This will empower Britain to forge its own trade deals with the rest of the world, opening up new previously untapped potential for free trade to benefit workers around the world.

key idea

We must not become a tax haven

The Labour Party Manifesto


This government’s plan, because of the lack of details, can only be interpreted by their actions. The current path of becoming a tax haven on the coast of Europe must be ended as soon as possible. It is not fair on working people on Britain that due to this government’s isolationism they are paying the price with reduced basic incomes while the largest corporations are having their tax abolished. There is another way to leave the EU, by remaining in the single market and oering the businesses the strongest trading nation in the world.

key idea

Working with devolved administrations

Having strong dialogue with the devolved administrations and the Republic of Ireland is vital to ensuring that negotiations remain smooth. The Labour Party would accept no option that returns a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The hard-won peace process in Northern Ireland must be respected, and any talk of a hard border endangers this. We must also see no change in the status and sovereignty of Gibraltar, ensuring that its government can continue to create jobs and prosper.

key idea Aiming to negotiate membership of beneficial European Programs

The Labour Party will seek to maintain membership in the


A Britain for Everyone

European programs that offer benefits to the UK such as Euratom and the European Medicines Agency as well as negotiating to remain in the Erasmus scheme that benefits both British students as well as those in Europe. Such negotiations can be used to reduce the overall cost of the bill to leave the EU by negotiating to benefit for the schemes that we are currently paying for.

key idea

Keeping the highest standards of food quality

Certainty needs to quickly be brought to farmers waiting for announcements over the replacement of the Common Agricultural Policy. We will also protect farmers by ensuring that any post-EU trade deals prioritising that the highest standards in food quality is maintained so that they are not undercut by cheaper inferior products.

key idea Using leaving the EU as an opportunity to enhance rights

We must not use leaving the EU as an excuse to harm workers rights, equality law, and environmental protections. We must not lag behind our European neighbours on this and would put at the heart of any repeal bill the continuation and enhancements of these rights.

The Labour Party Manifesto



The most important role of any government is to protect its people and offer the peace of mind that everyone and their family is safe from a foreign aggressor. In a time of turbulent international relations with new terrorist threats in the Middle East as well as North Korea attempting to escalate tensions we must take the calm and diplomatic approach to international relations. key idea

Improving the nation's Cyber Security This government has let the country down on cyber security after the hacking of government servers earlier in this parliament, they claimed ‘if we wish to stay secure, long term changes must be made.’ Since that statement no progress has been made in improving our cyber security showing how the government only cares when it is affecting their polling. The Labour Party has a comprehensive plan to secure our country from this new form of warfare. We will introduce a cyber-security charter for companies working with Ministry of Defence and the Home Office, on top of setting up a National Cyber Security Centre that will work with GCHQ to provided advice and support for the public and private sector in how to avoid computer security threats.

key idea

The strongest record on defence

In the last Labour government a Labour minister completed the full strategic defence review to ensure that this country’s armed forces are equipped for future decades, it was one of the Labour Party’s proudest achievements of that government and cements our position as the best party on defence.

key idea

Create a Humanitarian Rapid Reaction Force

Our Armed Forces are in a unique position to use their skills and equipment to deliver UK aid around the world quickly and efficiently, and therefore the Labour Party will create a Humanitarian Rapid Reaction Force that would allow the UK to carry out humanitarian relief missions more quickly and efficiently. The conversation surrounding Britain’s nuclear deterrent is partisan and hostile which is not supportive of a healthy debate on the issue. The Labour party believes such an issue is beyond party politics and therefore will offer Labour MPs a free vote on the matter with no coalition we are a part of enforcing a whip on this issue. MPs should use their own conscience as well as that of their constituents when making such choice.

key idea

Believing in NATO

The Labour Party Manifesto


NATO is the foundation on which all defence in the United Kingdom is based around and attempts to take the UK out of this vital organisation will be met by fierce opposition by the Labour party. Leaving NATO would both damage the country’s security and our standing in the world. Labour would also meet NATO’s target of 2% of GDP to be spent on defence.

key idea

Defending Human Rights

The Labour Party supports humanitarian intervention when there is clear evidence of large scale organised human rights abuses and all other possible solutions have been exhausted, but would only do so with the consent of parliament. We must be wary of the long term consequences intervention can have but in occasions where it will save lives it must be on the table.

key idea

Supporting our veterans

To support our veterans a Labour government will create Veterans’ Register to make certain our veterans receive proper support on leaving the service, as well as rolling out the Homes Fit for Heroes program that will insulate the homes of disabled veterans for free.


A Britain for Everyone


Labour is the party of the NHS. We introduced it all the way back in 1948, and we stand by it today as one of Britain’s finest accomplishments. But our country’s health needs are different now than they were then, and we need a modern, well-adapted health service to deal with this. Labour believes that the best way to alleviate the strain that is placed on the NHS is through preventative medicine - by catching conditions earlier, we can treat them more easily, all while putting less of a burden on our hospitals.

key idea

GP services for everyone

A Labour Government will invest in GPs, making sure that anyone can see a doctor within 24 hours of requesting an appointment. We will also begin to make resources available to allow GPs to provide yearly checkups to all over-40s, to help people remain healthy throughout their lives.

key idea

Improving children’s health services

Getting a good, healthy start in life is essential for a child’s development, and we recognise this. Labour will put children’s health at the top of our agenda, with the aim being to make our children the healthiest in the world. To ensure that we’re meeting this goal, we will introduce a new Child Health Index to measure our

children's’ health against international standards of obesity, dental health, mental health, and under-fives health. We would also finance new SureStart centres, to ensure that there are enough outreach workers to visit every new mother in the country, and would also ensure that every school gets at least two visits a year from a health worker.

key idea

Increasing medical school places

Our NHS can’t run without a steady flow of well-trained doctors, nurses, and other healthcare specialists. Under Labour, plans would be devised to increase the number of places available at UK medical schools in all disciplines and specialisms. We have an untapped source of hopeful prospective doctors in this country, and we shouldn’t let their talent and enthusiasm go to waste.

key idea

A truly universal health service

Labour’s vision for the NHS is a service that provides for every health-related need - from quitting smoking to neurosurgery. Whatever you need the NHS for, it should be there for you. We will continue to support the rolling out of fully-provisioned dental care and optician’s services, as well as looking to provide newly developed treatments and procedures as soon as it is feasible to do so.

The Labour Party Manifesto


key idea

Public health campaigns

Public awareness is one of the strongest tools in preventative medicine. By educating people on health, we can take strain off the NHS, and make sure it’s working for the people who really need it. Labour would commission a series of leaflets covering basic health topics like ‘when to come to hospital’, ‘your prescribed medicines’ and ‘sexual health’, and make them easily available both online and in places such as doctor’s surgeries.

key idea

Better mental health

Mental health is very much the health issue of the day, and Labour will address it head-on. We will use advertising and awareness campaigns to start a national conversation about mental health, with the aim being to shatter the stigma around mental illness. We’ll support the incredible charities like the Samaritans that provide help for people when they are at their most vulnerable, and will ensure that help is available to those that need it by working to cut the time between being referred to a local mental health service by your GP and seeing a mental health professional.


A Britain for Everyone


The Labour Party is committed to ensuring that each and every child is given a good education, regardless of where they live or how wealthy their family is. It is for this reason that we oppose the Conservatives’ dangerous plans to create new grammar schools that are shown to be economically divisive and unfair, with next to no real beneďŹ t associated with them. This is also the reason that we believe in the eventual integration of all grammar schools into the comprehensive system. This will be gradually done over a 10-15 year period to ensure that there is little to no disruption to children currently in the education system.

key idea

Promoting inclusivity in schools

The Labour Party is committed to providing further training to teachers to allow them to better accommodate special educational needs and disability (SEND) students, and we will promote inclusivity in schools to foster a better environment and decrease barriers in our classrooms. We will also put disability awareness on the primary school curriculum, alongside sex education, to foster tolerance and help children understand and celebrate the dierences that they have from a young age. This will be done in consultation with disability awareness groups and charities, to ensure that it is sensitive, informative and helpful.

key idea

Investing in school buildings

We will also ensure that schools are properly resourced – this means giving schools the resources that they need to rebuild buildings that have been left to rot and build new buildings that are built to last and inspire students. Due to its horrible nature and the massive health concerns it causes, we are also committed to the rapid removal of asbestos from school buildings. We also recognise the importance of high-quality equipment in schools - we’ll invest in books to stock libraries, computers in every classroom, and art and craft materials and equipment, to ensure that every secondary school is able to oer subjects like Design Technology.

key idea

A plan for struggling schools

We will encourage strong leadership across schools and promote the concept of struggling schools being given assistance by schools that are more successful. We will empower and encourage local authorities to step in and take a leading role when schools begin to fail so that issues are dealt with early before they become a major problem. key idea

Ensuring schools are democratically accountable

The Labour Party Manifesto


The Labour Party will ensure that all schools are democratically accountable, including appropriate controls to see that they serve the public interest and their local communities. This includes private schools who will be required to take a leading role in supporting the local area by offering facilities to be used by local comprehensive schools as well as encouraging a range of events between the two, from sporting competitions to debates.

key idea

Opposed to a one child fits all policy

The Labour Party will enable every child to find their own learning path through a wide choice of different courses and qualifications, including a mix of academic, practical, and vocational qualifications, that will be designed to cater for the specific needs of each child. We need to recognise that not one child is the same and only an individual approach can work as opposed to a one size fits all policy or a five sizes fits all policy. We’ll initiate a curriculum review to ensure that the material that is being taught is up to date and relevant, and will make sure that subjects such as gender identity and mental health are adequately covered by PSHE sessions; we’ll also make sure that schools are integrating digital skills into all subjects where appropriate, to equip students for the working world of today.

key idea

Cradle to grave education


A Britain for Everyone

The Labour Party believes in cradle to grave education from nursery and early years all the way through to adult education progress needs to be made. Therefore the Labour party will extend free childcare from 15 to 25 hours for working parents of three- and four-year-olds, and ensure all primary schools guarantee access to wraparound childcare from 8am to 6 pm through a new National Primary Childcare Service. We’ll also continue to fund free breakfasts and lunches for pupils, to ensure that every child gets the best possible start every single day.

key idea

Better further education

Tuition fees are a tried and failed experiment, so any attempts to reintroduce them would be met with fierce opposition from the Labour benches. Keeping university education free ensures that the UK will continue to produce the workforce that we need to keep growing. However, university isn’t for everyone - we believe that employer based training is the best way to meet our growing skills gap and will therefore support apprenticeships, setting a target of double the number of level 3 NVQs, to be completed by 2022. Apprenticeships, however, should not be an excuse for companies to use cheap labour to fill jobs. Apprenticeship providers will be carefully monitored, and will be required to dedicate at least 25 days per year of each apprenticeship to high-quality skills training for the apprentice.

The Labour Party Manifesto


Energy & Climate Change

The Labour Party truly cares about the environment and is deeply worried about climate change. While in government we oversaw radical reforms so that the UK does its part in ensuring that we do everything possible to reverse the eects of climate change. This government's claim that they operated the greenest government in history is embarrassing, and is nothing more than a poor attempt at spin. Funding for Green Buildings and Green Energy Projects was halved while no extra funding as given to the EEC, which Labour is committed to reversing. We will get the basics on the environment right by doing simple things like encouraging recycling and making it easier, whilst also stepping up our research on renewable energy sources to help us take that big leap forward into the future.

key idea

Staying in the internal energy market

Maintaining cheap reliable energy as we transfer to a low-carbon economy is vital and the previous Labour government's reforms to the energy sector were vital to achieve this. But as we go through the process of leaving the EU we will prioritise staying in the internal energy market, which helps balance the power grid and saves businesses and families money. We would also look to stay in Euratom which allows the trading of ďŹ ssile materials.

key idea

Founding a Green Investment Fund

A Green Investment Fund will be founded, overseen by our proposed National Investment Bank, so that private companies that wish to invest in low-carbon generation projects can do so with low interest loans so both public and private investment can work side by side. We will also reverse the cut to green energy projects in the budget. We will look to support tidal lagoon projects around the country to create jobs, investment as well as clean, cheap energy.

key idea

Introduce a new Clean Air Act

The Labour Party will stand in the way of any attempts to use leaving the European Union as a way of reducing our environmental protections, to double down on protections Labour will introduce a new Clean Air Act to tackle the amount of NO2 in the air in our cities. This will include targeted diesel scrappage schemes in cities and toxin taxes for large vehicles in cities; not only will this be good for the environment, it will also improve the health of everyone living in cities, as it’s estimated that hundreds of deaths per year are linked in some way to air pollution. key idea

End the use of fossil fuels by 2030

The Labour Party Manifesto


The Labour Party sets the target of 2030 to end the use of fossil fuels to generate energy in the UK, we will use emerging technologies such as carbon capture to help smooth this transition. While this occurs we support the use of nuclear power to provide a safe, low carbon form of energy which is reliable. At the same time, we will continue to support research into liquid fluoride thorium reactors and nuclear fusion, as alternative sources of power, and will direct the Green Investment Fund to support research into these and other innovative sources of power.

key idea

Energy-efficient building standards

Labour will tighten regulations on new buildings, to ensure that they comply with environmental guidelines. All newly-built houses will be required to be fitted with energy-efficient fixtures and fittings, solar panels on the roof, heat-efficient windows, and water systems that limit waste, such as systems that reuse greywater for flushing toilets, in addition to other requirements.


A Britain for Everyone


Labour believes that the government must develop a future-proof national strategy for transport. It needs a network that suits the needs of not only today but of our great-grandchildren as well. The UK needs to return to being a bold innovator, inventing the modern railway with the Darlington-Stockton line, patenting tarmac paving the way for modern roads shows that the we can progress. Labour’s transport policies focus around being sustainable for the future. Investment in our transport network now will reduce the cost for future generations to upgrade the network as it will be done less frequently thanks to the Labour Party’s when it is elected into government.

key idea Develop a major National Transport Strategy White Paper

Labour will develop a major National Transport Strategy white paper for the next fifty years to future-proof our transport network. The strategy will be designed in cooperation with all relevant stakeholders in order to evaluate it’s impact on people, businesses, and the environment. The UK’s transport network in the future will be safe, fast and environmentally friendly and these values shall be the core to the national transport strategy white paper. A major reform of public transport will be to mutualise Passenger and Regional Transport Boards to make them more accountable to the commuters and residents affected by their services. It’s been almost three years since Labour passed the Local Transport Act 2014 and Labour will fully involve communities by

requiring that elected representatives shall be placed on Passenger and Regional Transport Boards replacing vague, powerless sub-committees.

key idea

Support Crossrail 2

Labour fully supports Crossrail 2, increasing capacity and interconnectivity across London. Lord Adonis, Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission said “Crossrail 2 will keep London moving, we should get on with it right away”. Furthermore, the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry stated that in order for “the future London 'megacity' [to] function successfully” Crossrail 2 is needed. There is clear support from experts that Crossrail 2 should go ahead and a Labour Government will complete the project by 2033. Labour will also invest in the North by commissioning a report for an efficient, future-proof Crossrail for the North with the aim of starting construction as soon as possible. The Crossrail for the North will be interconnected with HS2 in order for the region to obtain further benefits from HS2. It is important that High Speed 2 extends nationwide connecting Glasgow, Edinburgh, Manchester and Leeds amongst others to the high speed network. The building of HS2 is key to sustaining the North’s growth in the future. In order to relieve congestion along the Brighton Main Line and surrounding areas Labour will commit to building BML2 for the South East providing much needed extra capacity in the region.

The Labour Party Manifesto


key idea

Electrification of the North and South Wales main lines

Labour’s commitment to making our transport network sustainable for the future includes the roll-out of electrification on both the South and North Wales Main Lines as well as investigating the possibility of a direct rail link from North Wales to the North West's air hubs and major cities which parliament indicated support for by passing M230. Whilst in South Wales Labour plans to proceed with the South Wales Metro but amend plans made by the Secretary of State for Wales in his report "Improving transport links between North and South Wales”.

key idea

Ban petrol and diesel road vehicles by 2040

Labour wants to ensure that on longer journeys commuters can remain productive and entertained on their journey. There we will roll-out free Wi-Fi across the whole railway network. The UK may need a faster system than high speed railway and so a Labour Secretary of State for Transport will investigate trialing a Hyperloop system on a small-scale which local authorities in partnership with the private sector can compete for having the Hyperloop system. Labour is serious about reversing climate change and will ban petrol and diesel road vehicles by 2040 in order to reduce our emissions and combat the biggest environmental public health risk this will be coupled with adjusting fuel duties as a result of a changing fuel market. We will reintroduce


A Britain for Everyone

reintroduce road-safety targets which since being scrapped by the Conservatives have led the UK to lagging behind on road safety and as such the ETSC has recommended reintroducing quantitative sub-targets based on compliance indicators. We will give more powers to communities in order to protect bus routes of critical community value by introducing regulations to preserve transport links those that serve local schools, hospitals and isolated settlements in rural areas.

key idea

Begin the process of expanding the national cycle network

The success of the National Cycle Network means we can begin the steps towards expansion by requesting a report from the National Infrastructure Commission into the next stage of expanding the national cycle network. Labour supports building a third runway at Heathrow but construction must adhere to strict guidelines and ensure that it addresses noise issues, protects air quality, and meets the UK’s climate change obligations. As a result of the passage of M183 we support the shutting down of London City Airport and will work with relevant stakeholders to sustainably redevelop 500,000m2 of land in London.

The Labour Party Manifesto


Environment, Food & Rural Affairs

The issues of our farmers and rural populations are no less important than those of their urban counterparts. As the Common Agricultural Policy is phased out with our leaving of the European Union, the United Kingdom needs to ensure our farmers get the best possible transitional arrangement and ensuring that the vital funding is protected. This also provides a unique opportunity to look into ensuring the replacement can focus on reducing carbon emissions from farming as well as strengthening our rural communities.

key idea

Support the work of the ‘Blue New Deal’

Protecting our waters is also important, so the Labour Party will expand the ‘blue belt’ around the UK coast to protect fragile habitats in our waters, as well as allowing people to enjoy these areas by ensurung the right to roam is applied to UK coastlines. We will also support the work and aims of the ‘Blue New Deal’, in securing a sustainable future for our coastal areas and industries.

key idea

Defending the Hunting Act

The Labour Party proudly introduced the Hunting Act, ending a barbaric practise that had no place in the UK and will fight hard to ensure any right wing government does not attempt to repeal this legislation for the benefit

of elites. The Labour Party will ensure than the UK has some of the strongest animal rights legislation in the world making changes such as banning electric collars for dogs as well as banning snaring. We however, believe that any creation of a National Veterinary Service is a waste of taxpayer money and we shouldn't subsidise pet ownership.

key idea

Connecting rural areas

Connection to the internet is vital in the modern economy and for too long rural communities have been let down on this issue. Therefore, we have set the target to have universal super fast broadband connection by 2022, while also commissioning the National Infrastructure Commission to report on how to roll 300Mbps connections over the next decade. Investment is also needed in expanding 4G and later 5G more places than just large cities.

key idea

Supporting small fisheries

Leaving the EU creates great instability for British fisheries, therefore the Labour Party will seek to re-negotiate agreements on waters-sharing where it may benefit the UK, but does not seek to end all such agreements. A Labour-led government would aim to secure tariff-free access for British fish to the EU market, and match EU regulations as much as is necessary to The Labour Party Manifesto


minimise British fisheries’ difficulty in conducting this trade and fishing in EU waters. To help British fisheries adapt, we will match the EU fishing grants for British fisheries for a transitional period at least. Maintain an overall quota on British fisheries, but redistribute it so as to encourage and allow the regeneration of small British fisheries.

key idea

Supporting vital services in rural communities

In addition to our policy on transport, Labour will always oppose the closure of banks, post office branches, and other vital services in rural communities where there is a clear local need for the service, and if there isn’t another way for affected people to access the same service within a reasonable distance.


A Britain for Everyone


The idea of true justice that the Labour Party has fought over for decades now matters more than ever. With the 15th Government and the parties that formed it escalating their attempts to criminalise anonymity and protest, there is clearly work to be done to restore basic rights to UK citizens. Over the past term we have opposed attempts to legalise noxious weapons; the criminalisation of anonymity at protests; and legal requirements for psychologists' involvement in a woman's choice to abort, while we have supported abolishing copyright restrictions on public legal information; and making intentionally shining a laser at any moving vehicle a criminal offence. With your help, we can work for a fairer system, placing people in custody only when they pose a significant danger to other. We can ensure that rehabilitation is of higher priority than punishment. We can build a modern and fair justice system.

key idea

Toughen Regulations on solitary confinement

Labour will toughen regulations on solitary confinement - it should be a last resort, and the laws governing it must reflect that. This will include entirely excluding minors and those with mental illnesses from ever being placed in solitary, as such an action would be entirely inappropriate.

key idea

Roll out Young Adult Offending Teams

Youth Offending Teams have proven to be successful in helping young people who get into trouble with the law to take their lives in a different direction. With this in mind, we will look to roll out Young Adult Offending Teams, in the same model, to the 18-25 Age Group. The teams will work with young adults who have been arrested or are at risk of becoming caught in a cycle of crime, to help them make the choices necessary to set themselves up on a better path.

key idea

Offer a wider range of educational programs in prisons

Incarceration for the purpose of punishment doesn’t work - the best way to lower reoffending rates is to change towards a rehabilitative approach. Labour would legislate to provide a wider range of education and training opportunities in prisons, as well as supervised work placements for low-risk prisoners nearing the end of their sentences. Our aim is for a system that engages inmates, and helps them to learn new skills that they can then put to use once they have served their sentences.

key idea

Introduce a wider scheme of community sentences

The Labour Party Manifesto


Handing out costly custodial sentences to those who commit minor one-off offenses contributes to the overcrowding we are seeing in our prisons, so we would reform sentencing guidelines so that minor first-time offenses don't result in custodial sentences, especially for those unlikely to reoffend. Instead, Labour will introduce a scheme of community sentences, fines, and rehabilitative programs. We will also introduce a time limit to police pre-charge bail to prevent unnecessary distress put upon innocent people.

key idea

Move towards a system of chartered prisons

We would look to move towards a system of chartered prison officers, which will help keep our prisoners safer by, for example, preventing drugs and other contraband from being smuggled into our prisons through extra high-level training. Chartered officers will be deployed at individual prisons for longer, allowing them to build rapport with inmates, which will help to ease safety concerns.


A Britain for Everyone

International Development

Labour will never surrender its internationalist values in government. From lifting 3 million people out of poverty each year to helping to get 40 million more children into education, our party has a clear-cut track record of playing our part in offering progressive change across the world.

key idea

Spend 1% of GNI on international aid

We recognise the requirement for any future government to remain committed to these values and to the concept of international aid; so within the next Parliament, Labour will legislate to introduce a mandated 1% of GNI spending requirement on Official Development Assistance, ensuring all successive governments are held accountable by Parliament for the United Kingdom’s involvement in bettering the lives of people around the globe.

key idea

Restart the Civil Society Challenge fund

Building on our existing foundations in the DfID, we will work with our partners on strengthening national and regional democracy, including universal suffrage, human rights, fair trade and investment, development, and global health to ensure we use the full extent of our soft power to improve global conditions and build a better world - fulfilling our duty as a country of influence within

the global community. A Labour government will restart the Civil Society Challenge fund to support trade unions, women’s associations, and other civil society organisations - we believe these are some of the most effective forces when it comes to building foundations for human and workers’ rights in many areas where they are previously scarce.

key idea

Improving transparency in UK aid

The current Conservative Government has failed to improve transparency in the provisions of UK aid; in the absence of their work, Labour will institute a public register of owners, directors, major shareholders and beneficial owners for all company and trusts involved across the entire aid process. We’ll end the self-regulation of private departmental contractors by creating an accountable regulatory board and build a set of transparency guidelines for all recipient governments of our aid.

key idea

We will not discriminate on Commonwealth membership

Where the Conservatives would prefer to discriminate the countries we help with our resources - prioritising those in the Commonwealth over a nonsensical empirical fantasy - we’ll oppose and repeal all attempts to introduce this completely arbitrary requirement for these funds, and instead dedicate the aid budget to those who need it critically. Unlike the Government,

The Labour Party Manifesto


we believe that our overseas help is a result of our moral duty, not as part of an incessant nature to collect countries as a collectable item in their pockets of power.

key idea

Encouraging Co-operatives

As a party that supports the introduction of co-operative movements intensely, a Labour government will create a new program for co-operatives to provide support and build international capacity to found and maintain co-operatives and new organisations across the world - building on the successes seen in the United Kingdom. Development is often most successful when it is driven by those who it will benefit, and that’s what introducing co-operatives around the world would enable.

key idea

Supporting universal health care in other nations

We’ll build on the successes of our National Health Service by proving international support and encouragements to those countries that currently lack Universal Health Coverage, alongside helping them raise the necessary funding and infrastructure for a sustainable and long-lasting provider. Labour believes this will help us fulfil our responsibilities as the fifth richest country in the world to help raise living and healthcare standards in countries and regions that are currently so desperately lacking.


A Britain for Everyone

Culture, Media & Sports

The Labour party believes that culture, media, and sport all have a place in society to help us become more equal and together. This is why the Labour Party will encourage programs to introduce more women’s sports, and to get more women into sports we currently have as well. We will also expand the free BBC license program to university students, so they have access to all BBC channels without worrying how they are going to afford everything else on top of that.

key idea

Tackling touts

We will ensure that young people are able to easily remove any content they shared on the internet before they turned 18. This will keep children safe online and tackle online abuse of past actions. We will also outlaw the use of bots to bulk-buy and resell tickets at highly inflated prices online, and introduce heavy fines for these actions.

key idea

Create a fund to support community owned pubs

The Labour party believes that communities should be brought together, and we would pledge to do this in a number of ways. One of these would be to introduce a

fund to help people start community owned pubs with each other, to bring people together inside their communities, and make sure the feeling of togetherness is truly there. As well as oering a reduced rate of alcohol taxation in pubs aftering reversing the government's changes to it.

key idea

Expanding free swimming lessons for children

Labour also believes that everyone should have the opportunity to learn new skills and other things that will help them with their life. That is why we will expand free swimming lessons for children and students, to make sure that everyone can be taught how to swim, no matter how much money their parents make. We will also introduce programs for free instrument lessons, so that even the poorest in our society can put their heart and soul into becoming musically talented.

The Labour Party Manifesto


Home Nations, Communities, and Local Government

Labour’s plan for a better United Kingdom extends equally across the whole UK - no exceptions. Under Labour, Scotland Wales, and Northern Ireland would get their own Regional Investment Banks; they’d get superfast broadband rolled out to them by 2025; they’d benefit from our transport plan. But we also recognise the unique needs of the Home Nations. A Labour government would be sensitive to these needs as we move forward, and will be diligent in ensuring that those needs are met. Labour supports the United Kingdom, and that means more than just supporting England. It means supporting Wales, supporting Scotland, and supporting Northern Ireland in the best way that we can. Scottish Labour does this at Holyrood already, and Welsh Labour will soon be ready to do this for Wales as well. As part of this, we will always support the Scottish Parliament at Holyrood, the Welsh Senedd, and the Northern Irish Assembly. In Northern Ireland especially, we will always respect the Good Friday Agreement, and work according to it in the resolution of any Northern Irish issue.

key idea

Cut VAT on tourism to 10% A Labour Government would cut VAT on tourism to 10%, stimulating growth in areas regions of the UK that depend on tourism, from Stirling to Snowdonia. The Regional Investment Banks will also be encouraged to invest in interesting and innovative tourist attractions and services, like local museums or eco-hotels. Further

to this, our transport plans will make it easier for tourists to reach more remote destinations.

key idea Support the tax free status of essential air travel between the Scottish Islands

Labour supports the roll-out of electriďŹ cation of both the South and North Wales Main Lines as well as investigating the possibility of a direct rail link from North Wales to the North West's air hubs and major cities which parliament indicated support for by passing M230. We will also proceed with the South Wales Metro, and amend plans made by the Secretary of State for Wales in his report "Improving transport links between North and South Walesâ€?. In addition, we will continue to support the tax free status of the essential air travel links between the Scottish Islands and mainland Scotland, to ensure that even the most remote communities are properly connected.

key idea

Protecting green spaces

A Labour government would protect our green spaces, from city parks to national parks, by refusing to sanction any development that might cause them damage. We will also look to create new community green spaces in dense urban areas with limited access to gardens, like roof or courtyard communal gardens in blocks of ats.

The Labour Party Manifesto


key idea

Target brownfield sites for redevelopment

Brownfield sites - previously used but now abandoned land - will be a focus of our strategy for redevelopment. It’s pointless to claim more new land for our cities when there is already perfectly good land present that is going unused. We would start by conducting a national review to identify and classify brownfield sites, so we can target funding to sites that are ripe for redevelopment into housing or business space. As such, we will prioritise proposed developments which make use of brownfield land, and will ensure that they have access to sufficient funding, as well as providing at least £100m in extra funding for the regeneration of inner-city areas that have fallen into disrepair.

key idea

Avoiding forcing local people out with gentrification

We must also be careful to avoid gentrification, as has happened in some areas; pricing local people out of their own areas is wrong. With carefully targeted local funding, we can make sure that new developments and regeneration projects don’t force out local people, and don’t drive up costs of living to unsustainable levels.


A Britain for Everyone

key idea

All devolution must be supported in a referendum

Labour does not support federalisation - we believe that the dividing of England into various regional assemblies isn’t necessary, and could even be harmful for our communities. However, we are not opposed to more devolution, where there is a clear desire for it. If a devolution measure wins a majority of the vote via referendum, we will implement what was voted for. We also believe that the House of Lords still has a large role to play in our democratic system and will oppose any move to create a UK ‘senate’, we value that one chamber has complete power avoiding stalemates where mandates could clash. The Labour Party has worked to modernise the House of Lords by abolishing hereditary peers, and we will be working to increase the number of people’s peers.

The Labour Party Manifesto



Equality is at the cornerstone of Labour values, and of British values. Everyone, regardless of any and all factors, deserves to be treated with respect, and it’s our job to foster that atmosphere of tolerance that is so important in a modern nation. To show that we’re serious about this, Labour would immediately elevate Equalities back to a full Secretary-of-State level position.

key idea Draft legislation based upon the Charter of Fundamental Rights

It is essential that, during the process to Leave the EU, we ensure that all equality law is preserved and maintained, as to not slide backwards and regress. We’ll do this by drafting British legislation based upon the Charter of Fundamental Rights in areas we currently don’t have protected under our laws. During this process, we’ll deliver a mandate that secures our civil society in a manner which protects all marginalized communities in the process. The way in which we leave the European Union does not demand we lose valuable protection legislation.

key idea Maintain a relationship with the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

We will maintain a relationship with the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights connected either

through The Council of Europe, the United Nations, and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (human dimension). This way our equality law and frameworks can be reviewed, and recommendations can be made for systemic improvements based upon other models for anti discrimination. Non EU nations still hold relationships and advice as well as reporting is available nearly universally, so to compensate for lack of access to EU only equality programs we should do our best to maintain checks and balances in our laws.

key idea

Review the entry procedures for LGBT+ asylum seekers

A comprehensive review of entry procedures for LGBTQ+ asylum seekers will be conducted, and we will aim to set a quota for a minimum amount of refugees who wish to come to the UK because their gender identity/expression or sexuality is deemed as dangerous where they are from. Everyone staed at a immigration removal centres should be able to have readily available resources to identify and reprimand discrimination and abuse based upon the sexual orientation or gender identity/expression of the asylum seeker. Recognizing the complexity of LGBTQ+ asylum seekers, we should ďŹ nd alternatives to claim processing instead of detention.

key idea

Support initiatives for LGBT spaces of comfort

The Labour Party Manifesto


We will look to collaborate with the LGBT Consortium, and assist in the funding for new projects. They do great groundbreaking research and lead grassroots efforts in local communities better than the government ever could, so we would support these initiatives for LGBT spaces of comfort and culture and promote the vibrant public lifestyles in which people choose to live.

key idea

Close the loophole that shortchanges same sex couples

There exists an unjustifiably harmful loophole which shortchanges same sex couples because legal obligations for spousal pensions only go as far back as the recognitions of civil partnerships and not before, so Labour will extend full and equal pension rights to same sex couples before 2005. This loophole means employers are currently not legally bound to provide full pensions, which comes at a total cost against same sex couples of over £2.9 billion. We’d close that loophole and provide fair and equal benefits for pension schemes.

key idea

Introduce transferable maternity/paternity leave

Labour will introduce a transferable maternity/paternity leave where parents start off with an equivalent amount of total leave and may transfer the time off between themselves with no penalties. This way, gender does not hamper the ability for parents to spend time with their children, and accounts for more flexible


A Britain for Everyone

family structures and lifestyles. Family time is valuable, and a Labour government would protect access to seeing their children with no penalties to raising them and watching them grow at a vital young age.

key idea

Create a Crisis Centre Fund

Crisis Centres are a vital lifeline, a place where people who’ve suffered serious abuse can go for help, support, and care. We will create a Crisis Centre Fund, which would see increased government investment in the construction, renovation, and maintenance of crisis centres or sexual assault shelters across the United Kingdom. Along with this fund comes a plan to construct multiple male focused crisis centres based around the Södersjukhuset model to tackle the realities of male sexual victimization.

key idea

Protecting human rights

We must promote a progressive dialogue on anti discrimination and equality law, refusing to back down and weaken civil protections. We are unreservedly proud to stand as a party and movement that remains firm in providing universal justice for all of us in society, by protecting marginalized groups and communities who face undue discrimination. We will not only stand steadfast at home, but call for increased human rights protections abroad. The Labour Party Manifesto


key idea

Support the publishing of gender pay gaps

The fact that the pay gap still exists is one of the greatest failings of modern Britain. Labour will close the gender pay gap by requiring companies with over 250 employees to publish information on wages by gender and strengthening the law against maternity discrimination. Income disparities between men and women are caused by a number of factors, and intentional discrimination including discrepancies in bonus awarding and pay are to be investigated and reviewed.

key idea Make the Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) available on the NHS

We will empower the NHS to combat HIV infections by making Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) medically available through hospitals and sexual health centres. Time and time, this has lead to high levels of HIV prevention and with the full extension of coverage, we seek to protect communities from the virus. Sexual health is vital towards keeping British people safe and secured, to extend lives and save people.

key idea

Tackling LGBTQ+ bullying in schools


A Britain for Everyone

OFSTED and the Department of Education will be empowered to ensure inspectors and educators are trained to deal with tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying. Almost half of LGBTQ+ students still feel victimized with targeted bullying due to their sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression. SpeciďŹ cally this is over 60% of transgender students, which leads to sky high rates of transgender youth committing either self harm or suicide.

key idea

Updating the Equality Act To extend protections of those who don’t identify wholly as either male or female, amend sections of the Equality Act 2010 to protect intersex individuals under the protected characteristic of sex. Intersex protections in the United Kingdom currently lack ways to facilitate true equality and progress, and we in Labour stand strongly in support of our intersex community.

The Labour Party Manifesto


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